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And say if you are in our country illegally, a single crime is too many. Talk about adding outrage to insults. Already breaking our laws, and then committing crimes. And there are an awful lot of crimes committed by people here illegally, and by noncitizens more broadly. The u. S. Sentencing Commission Says 44 of all federal inmates are noncitizens. Thats a huge number. Why wouldnt we be upset by that . Yeah, so, that federal data is only for federal prisoners, as you probably know. Tucker thats right. Federal prisoners account for fewer than 10 of all prisoners in the United States, and thats not representative of other crimes. Ill give you an example in 2016, almost 18,000 Homicide Convictions in the United States, but only 85 through the federal court because they simply dont prosecute homicide. So if you want to take a look nationwide at convictions and incarcerations of people by Immigration Status, thats a much better way to do it. Tucker well, you cant. No. It would be. Hold on, it would be. It would be, but we dont have those data. The most comprehensive data we have are from the federal nativeborn americans in 2016. Tucker i understand that, and im glad, but, hold on. Murder is not the only crime. So you had 71,000 Americans Die Last Year of drug ods. The majority of opiates, heroin, come through mexico. So, mexican drug trafficking, conducted largely by people here illegally, is not a small thing at all and results in a lot of deaths. Theyre not counted as homicides, but they are, in effect, homicides. To listen to you, its like we dont have a right to be worried about that. There are people who are dying as a result of prohibition. They absolutely do, but a lot of those problems are as a result of prohibition, just like people who died from Alcohol Poisoning during the prohibition in the 1930s. Tucker actually, they are dying because of the drug ods. Actually, alex, people still die of cirrhosis and alcohol is legal. If you get so libertarian that you get demented so are you in favor of prohibition . Tucker okay, im not in favor of prohibition. Im merely pointing out that these drugs come from mexico, and we have a right to be upset. Are you bothered by the fact that this guy used a fake federal i. D. For a number of years . Of course. Tucker okay, but why is it that apologists for illegal immigration like yourself gloss over that . If i use a fake i. D. If i show up and im hired under another name and a fake Social Security number, i go to jail for that. But its totally cool when illegals do it because why . Because they work for the companies that give you money . Is that why . What is the answer . No, tucker. The problem is a lot of bad federal laws incentivize Identity Theft. Tucker so its the laws fault. If you have to have a piece of paper in order to get a job in this country, then people are going to steal those pieces of paper in order to get it. Its going to create a black market. Tucker oh, so were blaming the law. This goes back to the prohibition point. If you make illegal what people want, theyre going to forge these documents in order to get what they want. Tucker okay, so if you want to reduce crime, make things legal. But youre not really answering my question, which is why should i live in a country where, as a citizen, i am gravely and profoundly punished for Identity Theft, but over 10 million illegals are not . And people like you dont think they should be . But i am punished for that. If i were to use someone elses identity have you committed Identity Theft . Tucker i certainly havent, because i would be punished for it. And i dont want to a lot of people are punished for Identity Theft, native and immigrants. What are you talking about . Tucker more than 10 Million People are living and working in this country using fake federal identification. They are not punished for that. You dont think they should be punished for it. I would be punished if i did it. Do you see the Double Standard . You defend the rights of people who arent even citizens, and actual citizens like me would go to jail for it. Do you see why that might grate on us a little bit . I dont think that nativeborn americans or foreignborn people should have to prove and ask the government for permission by showing a piece of paper to get a job. Tucker how about flying on an airplane . Thats not what this country is about, asking for permission and showing a Government Piece of paper. Tucker slow down, how about flying on an airplane . How about operating a Motor Vehicle . Those require State Government ids. Should we get rid of drivers licenses, too . Well, some ids are necessary to protect people if youre going to harm somebody. Tucker oh, sure. Oh, okay. How does me working at a Movie Theater or working at a Nursery Damage other people like that . Tucker but its cool when illegals use fake drivers licenses. Okay. Im not sure about drivers licenses, but when it comes why do i have to ask permission from the federal government to get a job, tucker . Why do you want me to do that . Where does it say that in the constitution that i have to do that . Tucker why to drive a car . Thats on the state level, tucker. Tucker im not going to argue with you about ids. Im just saying, theres one standard for people here illegally, they have champions like you, and American Citizens dont. And thats annoying to normal people. Thats all im saying. Tucker, every law you want to use to punish Illegal Immigrants is going to be used against nativeborn americans, too. I have to fill out these stupid forms whenever i get a job because nativists want me to, to prove that im legally eligible to work in the United States. If everify isnt effective, my job tucker were out of time. Right. Alex, thanks. Instead of protecting america from potentially dangerous Illegal Immigrants one of the Illegal Immigrants one of the lefts top political priorities is abolishing ice, the agency of course tasked with removal of dangerous immigrants violating our laws from this country. Ice is never welcome here and as a candidate for ag i feel like its really important to speak out to abolish ice. We should protect families that need our help and that is not what ice is doing today and thats why i believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works. Abolish ice abolish ice tucker a lot of concern for the families of illegal aliens. Not much concern for the family of mollie tibbetts. Former Acting Director of ice joins us tonight. Thank you very much for coming on. Lets just get to the practical part. There is a way of building on the left. I think its possible, probably likely that democrats take the house of representatives. It will be a move to abolish ice. What would happen if that were successful . The president s right, it equals open borders. If you enter this country illegally and happen to get by the Border Patrol no one is looking for you. If you get arrested by the Border Patrol and get released because you are waiting to see a judge and you dont show up in court or you show up in court and get an order of removal and Dont Leave Mike over half a million that currently exist in this country, no one is looking for you. If you get a visa to come visit and you dont leave, no one is looking for you. The president s right, abolishing ice equals open borders. Tries predators will be at arrested. Less children will be safe from Child Predators . Tucker lets say you work for ice, and you did of course, you ran it. You are a federal Law Enforcement agent and you turn on the television and elected officials are calling you racist, theyre comparing you to the nazis, saying your job should be eliminated because you are criminal. Whats that like . Its insulting. They are pointing a finger. They are vilifying them for enforcing laws that congress enacted. Im a Native New Yorker and im disgusted by the governor of new york. Ive done more for the safety and security of New York State by arresting 5,000 criminal aliens off the street in new york. They also concentrated criminals, but you cant come into our jail. Its a ridiculous argument. But they are not going to bully ice for not doing our jobs. I had protesters at my house two weeks after i retire. They are not going to shut me up. Im going to keep fighting this fight and we will prove to the American People that ice is a very Important Agency that does a lot of important i said last year prevented 8,000 people from getting a visa to come to this country that had derogatory information to harm this country. Ice arrested drug traffickers, gone traffickers, drugs. They saved almost 1,000 children from Child Predators. Ice is an agency full of patriots that protect this nation. Tucker i think normal people understand that. Thanks very much for coming on. Youre welcome, thank you. Tucker the left doesnt want a debate over statues. They dont want a democratic process to decide what happens to controversial statues, and said they sent the mob. So in North Carolina they got their way, the used violence. We will discuss the growing threat of leftist mob violence to our democracy next. Experience the Great Lengths we go to in testing our performance line. At the lexus golden opportunity sales event. 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They make a strong case for that. It doesnt matter. What you just saw it as barbaric and its an attack on democracy itself. Polls consistently show that americans believe the monuments should be left standing. Rather than change their minds, and you can make an argument, the left doesnt want to do that. It uses the mob to get its way and they keep doing it until the law stands up to them, which it these days really does. Bob woodsons president and founder of the Woodson Center and offer of the triumphs of joseph and he joins us tonight. Thanks for joining us. Please to be here, tucker. S tucker i assume you are not a supporter of Confederate Statues . But tell me what you think when you watch that video. I am outraged that as a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement we fought to fulfill the dream of america. It we supported our founding values and our principles and we also didnt destroy anything In The Name Of justice. For those people out there who are supposed to be heirs of that legacy, they are a fraud. I am against taking those statures down. To remember something that doesnt mean that you are celebrating it. The jewish people brought the Holocaust Museum because they said its important to remember it. As a christian, we remember the cross not because it celebratesi roman oppression. Because it is victory over death that we celebrate,ma resurrecti. It is important to apply your own narrative to the symbols but i think what is being done there is an outrage and these are anarchists. They are not freedom fighters. And those of us in the Civil Rights Movement should speak out against this outrage. Tucker so you are sayingt that having the statue up is not a celebration of the confederacy. Its a way for the rest of us to remember what it was in the triumph over it by thecy United States. Thats right. Its also being just misused byw members of the left to really j denigrate the values of this nation. Thats what it is. And they are using race, but what it does also is deflect attention away from the more Critical Issues that we are facing, particularly in black america where we have more blacks killed in one year than were killed in 70 years lynched in 70 years. Between 18731950, 4,000 blacks were lynched brutally but 6,000 blacks were killed in one year. If taking a confederate statute down does nothing towards saving a life in chicago but we are talking about statues and not the realities that are confronting thousands of people who are losing their lives today. Ea thats where we ought to be putting our time and attention. L tucker exactly. And none of these people care at all. Pu thank you very much. Its an honor to have you tonight. Thank you. Tucker a lot happened today with Michael Cohen. We will discuss the guilty plea of president trumps personal attorney and what it means. 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Tucker if i had asked you 20 years ago, do you think thatt you would be leading the charge to remove a president from office over his sex life, you20 probably wouldnt have thought you would find yourself here. But let me ask you this if you are approached by someone who says give me money or i will embarrass you, isnt that extortion . It is extortion and i have no problem with the president s sex life. I think only melania should have a problem with it, if she does. But what the president is being accused of is directing Michael Cohen to commit a federal election crime, which is a felony. If that is true, this is Something Congress should investigate. Tucker it may or may notot be a federal election crime. It may or may not be a felony. Most are civil offenses, as you know. Lets get back to the core event here. Stormy daniels apparently sent to donald trump through his attorney, give me money or i will embarrass you. You just conceded that is extortion. If that happened to you, i think you would consider it extortion. I know i would if it happened to me. Why do we not consider it extortion in this case . Why are we celebrating her lawyer, celebrating her . You just said it was extortion. Shouldnt someone get on this . I dont know that Stormywy Daniels said give me money or i will tell. I think Stormy Daniels said i will tell, and the president said wait, let me give you money so you dont tell, which is what happened with catherine mcdougall, and which may have happened with others, and i think we are going to find out. We wont wait, stop for one second here. So you are saying what we already know, which is she took money in order to remain silent, which means that if she hadnt taken money she talked anyway of course, but the application trump doesnt like to spend money on anything, as you know. A the cheapest man in the world. She didnt stay quiet very tucker but the deal was extortion. Im not defending this. I dont think the president is telling the truth about it. I think it probably did have a relationship with her. But it stillll extortion. So why are we excusing that . Its a sincere question. Tucker, its extortion if she asked him for the money. Its not extortion if he offere her the money. Lets be clear here. In the president of the United States the crime is not extortion, the crime is directing someone to commit a crime. And who knows what else we are going to find out. Tucker let me just ask you, the idea here, and its a stupid idea i would say, is that this was a Campaign Contribution and so the implication is it had come out that trump had a relationship with a porn star. Ca people would have been totally shocked and wouldnt have voted for him because that just doesnt sound like the donald trump they knew. Thats ridiculous, actually. This wasnt a Campaign Contribution. This was hush money paid to a porn star and thats what it is. Its not a crime, its embarrassing. Honestly. According to what we heard in Court Yesterday, according to what we heard in Court Yesterday, the president was concerned that this and other things would come out and he directed Michael Cohen to commit a Campaign Finance violation. That is different than collecting a little bit too much money. He himself directed tucker i got it. I read the newspapers. I watch all the other channels. How was it a Campaign Finance violation . Speak slowly so i can understand. How was this a Campaign Donation . This is a payment to a former girlfriend. How was that a Campaign Donation . Anything gained of value in a campaign is a Campaign Donation. That is very clear in Campaign Finance law. Information and particularly giving money to somebody. Giving money to somebody for something of value is over the limit. Tucker no its not. It is. Tucker what you just said is factually untrue. If i run for office let me finish my sentence. If i run for office i do not relinquish my right to make money. If i mow your lawn and im running for the senate and you pay me for that, thats not a Campaign Contribution. Nn not all money a candidate takes is it a Campaign Contribution. How is a payment to an old girlfriend a Campaign Contribution . Its not. How . 15 seconds, explain it. Michael cohen paid that money to avoid the embarrassment the last stage of the campaign. At the direction of the candidate if thats true. And if that happens that is a o Campaign Finance violation. And it is particularly egregious if the candidate himself directed it. Tucker but of course he directed it. I dont care what they say, of course he did. Hes a married man with kids. T he still slept with a porn star. Hes guilty of doing what like 50 people i know have done. Hes done something awful and you pay the person off. Its incredibly common, as you know. He was a candidate that he still has a wife and kids. I was at a Campaign Contribution . Its not. Its an effort to keep your girlfriend from talking. There is a lawyer who went in federal Court Yesterday and swore an oath that it was for the campaign. That is what the president is dealing with and thats what congress should be investigating right now. Tucker they should impeach him then. Congress should do its job and get to the bottom of it. Tucker we already got to the bottom of it he paid off his girlfriend and he got caught thats the bottom of it t it so dumb i can even deal withw it. I dont think its the bottom, i think its just the c surface. Tucker theres more, theres more. He paid off his girlfriend, there is no more. South africans government based on their stand dont like skin color. Does our Government Care . They applaud it. The state Department Just released an unbelievable statement and we will share that with you next. It is going to make you mad. It should make you mad. Like this Cuddeback Black Flash game camera for only 75. And these keen mens waterproof hiking boots for under 90. 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We are going to quote it for you at length. Here it is. We are aware of these reports and have been following this i issue very closely for some time. South africa is a strongep democracy with resilientnt institutions, including a free press and an independent judiciary. South africans are grappling with the difficult issue of land reform through an open process including public hearings, broadbased consultations, and active Civil Society engagement. President Ramaphosa Has pledged that the Land Reform Process will follow the Rule Of Law Anda its implementation will not adversely affect Economic Growth, Agricultural Production, or food security. The State Department does not mention that by following the rule of law he has changed the countrys constitution to make it possible to steal land from people because they are the wrong skin color. In other words, nothing to seeit here, says mike pompeos State Department. Its totally okay for South Africans to steal property for racist reasons because there are a strong democracy and held public hearings. Criminals take note, startt rubbing state Department Employees on the way to work, by their logic they will be okay with it because its democracy. Marian tupy spent a lot of time studying that country in the region. Now looks at the center for global liberty and prosperity. We talked with him about this recently. Heres our conversation. Tucker i thought the whole point of the new Southre Africa and the reason the rest of usve were excited to see it in 1994, take shape is because it rejected racial discrimination, and get the government is now embracing it, or am i missing something . No. In a free and Civilized Society we dont take peoples stuff on the basis of the color of their skin. It was wrong when it took place in the apartheid. It is wrong now, and it be a tragedy if south africa were to repeat the same mistakes it did in the past. Tucker so there are really two levels here, first is the more level and you and i are in agreement that its always wrong to punish people for what they look like, but second is the effect that it will have. We saw something similar to this happen in neighboring zimbabwe. What happened when land was seized there on the basis of skin color . 18 years ago the governing party of zimbabwe was threatened with electoral loss and in order to shore up its support amongst the electorate it decided to expropriate the farmers of zimbabwe. What that led to, aside from horrific violence, was a total economic collapse of the country. Half a century of Economic Growth was wiped out in zimbabwe was wiped out because of this particular policy. The country experienced hyperinflation had to abandon its currency. The countrys Unemployment Rate was roughly 90 . Life expectancy plummeted. Child mortality increased. And, of course, the Agricultural Production has collapsed and hunger ensued. Tucker so the western media, particularly the media of the United States has resolutely ignored this. It didnt just happen today. At this has been unfolding over a period ofn years. The Trump Administration has not weighed in on this. How should the u. S. Administration respond to this Human Rights Tragedy that we are watching unfold . The first thing that needs to be made clear is to denounce the policy. T the Administration Needs to make it very clear that it is both immoral because it targets a specific group of people, and i thought we were beyond that, and secondly, that it could be economically destructive. We need to make it very clear where we stand. Secondly, the south african government needs to be aware that the law, the african growth and opportunity act, under which south africa trades with the United States, requires the president of the United States to expel countries that do not respect Property Rights and due process. So the south african government needs to be aware that if it changes the constitution and it legalizes what is essentially theft of private property, it will be kicked out of agoa andga further negative economic consequences will ensue. Tucker why would former president barack obama just several weeks ago publicly praise and racist, why would he do that . A lot of people hope that ramaphosa is playing some sort of a threedimensional chess. That he is just trying to appease the far left of histh Political Party and the far left in the country, but ultimately he doesnt really believe in what he explicitly says he believes. Ramaphosa has said that by expropriating the farmland, the privately owned farm land in south africa hes going to create The Garden Of Eden in south africa. Hes going to turn south africa into hell, just like zimbabwe is a complete catastrophe. If so barack obama should pick up the phone, call Cyril Ramaphosa and tell him that if he wants to continue to enjoy the good press hes been having, he needs to reverse policy that he has set and behave in accordance with normal rules that define and characterize free countries. Tucker i wish he had said that in public when he had the chance. But of course he didnt, being a coward. Thank you for your deep knowledge on the subject. I appreciate it. My pleasure. Tucker so thats a tragedy. You just heard that. Keep in mind our State Department right now supports racebased land seizures. We hope the policy changes. We will be Keeping Abreast of it obviously. Ahead we have no information on the illegal immigrant suspected of murdering mollie tibbetts. We will have it for you after the break. 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Like these for only 2 or less i am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Beginning. Today riveras employees at a farm not far from here retracted their initial statement and now say that they did not use the federal everify system to screen rivera, and that he is not the man they thought he was. Also, today A Federal Immigration Official telling fox news that rivera never submitted a daca request and has no record of any Immigration Status in this country. Earlier today Cristhian Rivera was led into the courthouse in prison garb and shackles. I was able to ask him if he killed mollie tibbetts, and he did not respond and remained stonefaced. In court, his defense requested the media be banned today arguing the case has become too political. Even the president has commented on the case. The judge denied the request to ban the media today. Representatives from the Mexican Consulate were in the courtroom and they tell fox news afterward they felt rivera was treated fairly. Tonight rivera is being held on 5 million bond. Tucker . Tucker matt finn for us tonight. Thank you. All summer they have blasted the administration for temporarily separating immigrant families at the border. Unimaginably they have ripped children away from their parents. It is inhumane, it is cruel. When you take children away and separate families you are doing the complete opposite of the values of this nation. Those children should be with their moms and their dads. Pl does the president think of children as accessories and not central to the purpose of Family Sanctity in our country . Hi tucker okay, the left says its deeply opposed to splitting up families, so where the even more horrified watching an American Citizen permanently separated from her family by an illegal alien . On cnn senator Elizabeth Warren provided a very clear answer, no. If the real problem, she said, his Family Separations of illegal aliens. Watch. Im so sorry for the family here and i know this is hard not only for the family, but for the people in her community, people throughout iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an Immigration System that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. Tucker where real problems are. Mary mendoza is the mother of Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza who was killed by an illegal immigrant and she joins us tonight. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, tucker. Tucker when you hear a politician say someone died and thats sad, but the real problem is how we treat people trying to sneak in illegally, whats your response to that . I was disgusted by senator Elizabeth Warren, and what i want to say to her is stop lying to the American People. If you dont care what is happening to the victims of illegal alien crime. Because if you did he would be standing up for us and you wouls be doing something about it. We have pleaded with these politicians to do something to protect American Citizens and they are ramping up their protection of illegal alien criminals. And i just want to say, there are so many victims, tucker, and when you think of courtney in texas and her husband and two children were killed in the illegal alien got two years. When you of Sanders Cohan and carlos wolf in maryland were killed on the side of the road, 140 for each of the men he killed and thats the only punishment he got. Is this what an American Life is worth . To our politicians and fellow americans who dont understand the disgusting narrative that is happening in our country . And this has become political because its the very politicians who were elected into office who are not doing ap dang thing about this and they are ignoring the American People crying for help and they are stepping over dead american bodies in their rush to protect illegal alien criminals. Tucker i dont think youre overstating that. He i agree with everything you said and im really sad about it and im sad that you felt of the sting of these insane policies. Thank you very much for joining us. I want to say that my heart goes out to the Tibbetts Familyy and god bless them and i know what they are experiencing tonight and im heartbroken. Tucker its unimaginable. Thank you very much. Em thank you. Tucker one School District says, keep in mind is at revolution going on so you will be shocked by this, students can wear basically whatever they want because dress codes are sexist. Any dress code of any kind. Cathy areu will lead us through the mass of sexism and dress codes next. 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If theres no dress code if dress codes are inherently sexist, then why are we allowed to tell kids to wear anything at all . W the girls felt that they were being objectified with the dress code. G thats what they were saying at this particular School District. They were saying the shorts were too short, that that was a concern. That they were being told that the uniforms would cover their a body parts because their body parts are distracting, that a females body is distracting. Legs are legs. Why would a girls legs be more distracting than a boys leg . So by removing the tucker i dont know if thats a sincere question or not but let me just take it to the next stage and asked why Shouldnt Girls be allowed to come to school topless . Exactly. Why are boys allowed on track teams allowed to run topless and women are not allowed to be topless . In europe women are topless and its no problem because women are not as objectified as they are in this puritan country of ours. Tucker obviously youve never been to europe if you are saying that. The opposite is true, but whatever. Because in europe the women are topless on the beaches, butc not here. Here its considered illegal. Tucker but not typically in the classrooms. Not in the classroom setting. Not at starbucks, but inas commercials. You would find people topless ia commercials, Shampoo Commercials in europe. Because its normal and its nom distracting. A womans body is not only an object, its not just sexual. Tucker try that in Downtown Rome and then call me, get back to me and tell me how that works for you. If there is no dress code, would you have a problem with kids coming to school, anglo kids, in a sombrero or a kimono . Ng or a in seal fur inuit outfit . Would that is Cultural Appropriation the one exception . If it distracts from education, they are not allowing it. If it doesnt distract, they are allowing it. Its a democracy actually. Tucker just to be clear schools are not democracies, they are authoritariant institutes. Topless, okay, sombrero, not okay. Right . Whos to say that parts of the body are okay and parts are

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