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A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of Political Correctness in Campus Craziness and. The internet. Lets give people access lets give people rights and if we cant get that, lets make sure we know we defined facebook, youtube and twitter as publishers who are libel, as our fox news or the Wall Street Journal or anybody else for the content they put out. Tammy again, weve got to find a way to push back and one of the strengths we have here is that we are the content, there is a sense also that we are willingth to put up with anythig because our lives now are so intertwined with twitter, with facebook, social media in general. Its the new modern way to communicate and my concern, of course, is that we dont want them to go away and yet ironically they are private public companies, they are not p government. They can do what they please, but i think the power as an example, this conversation, being able to have a Point Of View and make sure everybody knows exactly Whats Going On because since we are the contact we can at least push back. Thank you so much for joining me today. Appreciate it. Great job. With got to find some way to be able to push back. The perfect person to speak with about this tonight. A civil rights attorney, she represents james to moore, who was fired by google for his personal views. She joins us now. Welcome aboard. Thanks, tammy, happy to be here. Tammy what you think of nigels proposal about Holdingol Social Media accountable as publishers to where they would be liable on issues like defamation, et cetera . I feel that that would be even more chilling because they are not the government obviously. They are not compelled by the First Amendment to not act or to protectt our rights. Whats your take on how conservatives can protect themselves and push back in this regard . Actually agree with my show. Sorry, tammy. Everybody, which twitter promises, facebook promises and youtube to a certain degree promises, although they dont pretend to do that anymore, they are violating the law and setting aside the First Amendment i agree with you this is not a First Amendment issue so much as breach of contract. Some of the other things that conservatives can do is that we need to have members of Congress Look at the communications and decency act issued, but we arty have some Government Regulations in place that can help us. We have the federal trade commission, we have a federal communicationsco commission. They can both take a hand and looking at the uneven Application Oflde The Rules tammy i get very nervous. Are not a libertarian, im not even a republican, but when we start seeing and i think regulations can be very good. Weve seen that when it comes to the environment, government does have a role, albeit a very limited one. When we Start Talking about governmentnt agencies deciding o has to be heard and what must be sensory elizabeths ads when the democrat, the incumbent is notd censored. That is, to me, virtually in kind contribution. If we cant have that in our system under our current laws. Im not saying new laws, im just saying by the current laws to the situation. Tammy great point. The other thing is that conservatives can fight back at the courts or as you say, the content, but im afraid its a little naive to say that. Unfortunately theyve had many years of American Consumers acting like sheep. They think that googles free, these things are free and now we are in chains. Tammy we have to wrap it up. We have to wrap it up now. I think this conversation is an indicator that things are changing and thank goodness for work like yours, i appreciate you joining us tonight. Thank you. My pleasure. Tammy we are keeping an eye on ohio, closely watched election. Republican Troy Balderson is running against Danny Oconnor for the 12th district seat. Polls close less than an hour ago. We will bring you the results of that race as soon as its called. And coming up, Rosie Odonnell back with another antitrump meltdown. Its something to behold, thats coming up next. Crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new Jumbo Snow Crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. But hurry in. Cause Crabfest will be gone in a snap. Essential for the cactus, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. 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It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Let your voice be heard. [cheers and applause] let the president know in no Uncertain Terms that we are alive, awake, and we are woke. They are not going away. The more people that show up here, eventually we will take over all of d. C. And he will have no choice but to resign. Tammy that was obviously Rosie Odonnellth protesting outside the white house. The president of course is in new jersey along with a group of broadway performers. The hostility between Rosie Odonnell and donald trump goes back more than a decade but recently rosie has been inspired to new heights of derangement. Yesterday she had a meltdown on msnbc. He should not be president and i dont believe that hes a legitimate president. I believe if it wasnt for russia he never would have won. Is a horrible, horrible human with no soul and he has a very serious mental disorder. There are so many psychiatrists were trying to get out, the duty to warn, they wrote a book. This guy is in no means mentally stable enough to run this country and he should be impeached and every congressman who hasnt filed those articles should lose their job. Tammy you dont have to wonder where shes stands. And she took her act to cnn and accused the president supporters, you guys, some of you, of being paid to attend his rallies. First of all, people are paid, you know that. People were paid since he went down the escalator. He pays people to show up at those rallies. But i dont know that thats why he gets Tens Of Thousands at the rallies. I think he captures a lot of r emotion. He doesnt get Tens Of Thousands. When did he get Tens Of Thousands . Tell me one. Not a template. I think they only had 9,000 seats and there were people outside but ive seen them. He gets big groups of people who come out. Tammy there you go. Gosh. Larrype oconnor, associate edir of the washington times. He joins us now. Isnt it a sign of the continued detachment from reality to say that donald trump is paying supporters in a way i want all democrats to think that because they really dont understand Whats Going On. Youve got a piece on this today. Whats your take on this return of hers and is very strange approach . I want to go one step further. I think that every republican running for election this november should play what we just saw on an endless wrote to mike lowe. Let Rosie Odonnell be the spokesperson for the Democratic National committee at this point. It really is a new level of derangement but thought a lot of the things that she sang are just patently offensive not just to trump supporters. Lets start with Mental Illness. Rosie has been public about hers own bout with depression. I dont know if youve known anyone with real legitimate Mental Illness. One thing you dont do is accuse somebody of having mental t illness when they dont or if they havent said that they do. Its offensive, he uses the idea of having Mental Illness as some sort of pejorative. Its obnoxious. She did the same thing with the president s son darren and suggested that the president s son had autism. Its so outofbounds. She is just a horrible, horrible human being and now shes rallying people in front of the white house. Its disconcerting. Tammy broadway especially. I live in new york. Broadway is an industry that relies on the tourism of middle america. Its average americans, for some its a bucket list issue, but traveling to new york is a fabulous, fun thing to do. Its their audience and it seems to me, some people who were there who were in hamilton, and the tickets are not cheap. If we are asking americans to spend a lot of money to see them perform and i love performers, i think theyre terrific, but everybodys got a right to be political, but doesnt this harm, considering the nature of what weve been experiencing in america, doesntt this harm beyond Rosie Odonnell, this kind of h activism, doesnt it harm both their industry and the Democrat Party in general . I used to work in thiscr enty before Andrew Breitbart discovered me and touch me out of obscurity, i used to work in the Management Business On Broadway and in los angeles. And i adore this industry, i adore the art form. But broadway means so far to the left they have fallen over and they cant get up. And i love the business but the fact is rosie was just saying to her fellow broadway performers there at the protest, make sure the president knows youre alive. He knows theyre alive but he alsoso knows that all of those people you are talking about are alive. The peopleu from Middle America who save all their pennies, they come to new york, they buy tickets to a broadway show and when they see with these performers think of them, what ethe industry thinks of them, they might go on a cruise next time. Tammy thank you so much. This is a point where at some stage americans coming together, finding and focusing on what we do have in common like better paychecks, raises, tax cuts, safer country. We all benefit from those things and maybe its time to start focusing on that. Thank you so much for joining me today. Y. Thank you. Tammy theres plenty of derangement to go around these days. Inin hollywood, Donald Trumps Hollywood Walk Of Fame star has become a consistent vandalism. Arget there is with a pickax. Rick wilson became so worked up about trump he began cursing and the channel had to kill his cdio feed. Theres a bigger number Trump Movement out there. Theres just a huge courage deficit in this country. Because of my past failures and of course it happens every day, we had to implement a 72nd delay. If so what you said will probably not make it out there. Tammy is probably the best way. Thats probably the best way to listen to rick wilson, silence. So when you do want to hear from, who i know well and i enjoyed her commentary, cathy areu. This shows liberal sure but when we say that with all kinds of appreciation. She w joins us now in studio. Kathy, how are you doing . Good, how are you . Good, how are you tammy youve seen everything weve seen. Youve heard larry. Odonnell, she gets some attention, shes a performer. She used to be a comedian. I dont laugh when i hear from her anymore. Not with these. Not with these lines. Tammy is this helpful for the Entertainment Industry and for liberals in general . Its been almost a year and a half, isnt it time to just say okay, lets find what we have in common, or is it all still too early . With Rosie Odonnell this war has been going on for 12 years. Its personal. Its really personal. When he was asked do you call women picks during the debate, he said only Rosie Odonnell. Its truly personal and then he became president. This person youve had a war with for 12 years becomes president so she is out there, she is not so funny anymore because she so angry. Ifny you go to carolyns, maybe shes hysterical. But Reality Stars are in congress. Now theres one in the white house. Soso entertainment politics is mixing. Tammy would you say though that when it comes to their business that donald trump is having a better time than Rosie Odonnell is or really anyone in hollywood at this point . Right now at the moment . Its the american way. They have the right to do this. And donald trump was out there. He had thehe apprentice but he s stillhe fighting with a birther movement. He juggled both. Tammy you know west just voted not that they have a vote, but they voted to demand the removal effectively of Donald Trumps star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. Do you think it should stay there . Do you think it should go . He paid for it just like everyone else. Tammy people might not know that. If theyey did not know that. Everyone p does. You buy the section. Its not like awarded to you and its free, everyone on the walk of fame pays foro it. So he paid for that star, he rightfully paid for it but if it is becoming a problem, if its dangerous and people are hurting one another over that star maybe they should be removed, maybe they should remove the people to prison. Exactly. Its not right. No one should vandalize anything like that. Thats his star. He earned it and he paid for it. Tammy youve got a really great attitude. Ea if you are not letting the circumstances which you dont like ruin your a life. Look, shes laughing. A liberal is laughing. We have great conversations that dont make us miserable. Wouldnt you say, or maybe you think it needs to continue, the current liberal attitude of all rage all the time, especially from hollywood. Do you think that that is worn out by now or do you think thats really the thing that liberals in hollywood should be doing, the continual perpetual outrage . I dont think its all of them. We cant say everyone. Thats the whole point. Im a liberal and im not losing my mind. I think just with the g. O. P. , both sides have extremes in both extremes are losing their minds. Tammy there you go, except for us. We are not. Thank you. Doing her best. Fabulous stuff. The black lives Matter Movement also has a new tactic. Why dont wedding crashing. We will show you an attack on a policeil officers wedding comig up next. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. For the 12th district seat. Polls closed about an hour or so we will bring the results of that race as soon as it is called. Fed up with Blocking Streets apparently at occupying College Campus buildings, black lives matter activist in california have a new tactic. One of the officers involved in a Shooting Death of stefan clark in sacramento, california, was recently married but on his wedding day he had to confront invading activists. I was just wondering ifnv you started planning her wedding before you kill Stephan Clark or after and how youve been sleeping since march 18th and i know this is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. He will not have that. Can you get out . We came here to drink wine and also ask you how youve been sleeping. Tammy Robert Pattillo is a civil rights attorney. He joins us now. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me, tammy. Fo tammy for most of us, weve seen that video. We understand the social argument about the need for it a lot of people talk about Prison Reform but therere needso be Justice Reform. We know that there are problems culturally that we have to deal with. This transcends a line in that we wonder what is it really going to accomplish . What is your Point Of View on this . Because this just seems not only is it not really going to accomplish anything on the issues that we are facing, but it really is a provocative dynamic that changes this into such a personal framework that people are going to turn away from what the real answers could be. What you say to that . Langston hughes once asked the question what happened to a dream deferred and this is what happens when legislation is not created that will address the needs of the people. For over a decade people have been arguing and fighting and marching for the idea of comprehensive criminal Justice Reform in america. When it was hands up, dont shoot, conservatives had anos issue. When it was taking an issue, conservatives had an issue, when it was i cant breathe, conservatives had an issue. What exactly is the protest that these individuals want people to have that will get them motivated on the issue of criminal Justice Reform . If we want the protesters to stop we need to have congressional leadership. Tammy the white house, ivanka trump and thewa president have bothed talked about the ned for Prison Reform or Justice Reform. Thats a discussion. Many black leaders and pastors have visited the president in the white house and they get attacked for talking with the president about policy and about moving forward with the issues. If we do have a problem, would you go and meet with the president . To have a problem with black activists and people at least within the black community who are Leadership Meeting with the president to deal with these issues directly instead of invading a private citizens wedding . Dont you think one would be more productive than the other . Absolutely. I agree with you completely. I applaud the pastors for meeting with President Trump. I would meet with the present all day any day. Frederick douglass met with Andrew Johnson in 1856, a former slave holder to work out issues. Ther only way to make progress s by meeting, talking and pushing through legislation. It was absolutely necessary. We need them to stop delaying the bill. We need less talk, more action. You are a civil rights p. Torney. This is about getting things done. But americans see on television this kind of action of people trying to ruin, as dimensioned, they knew, its like lets ruin this guys happiest day in his life. You realize that you are not Winning People this is not a way to win friends and influence people, that this conversation about things americans generally agree on, we are all affected by a Justice System thats unfair. But isnt this the kind of thing just keeps people distracted away from Real Solutions . You have to admit that. Unfortunately these are the things in america that get attention. There has been more attention on this story than there was with the 17 pastors meeting with President Trump last week to push Prison Reform. Tammy youve been talking to the Mainstream Media about that. Thats one of the issues. How is the media covering the president s work . And when its with the communities that the democrats normally lay claim to it doesnt get coverage. They dont want to talk about the president having success. Instead, and this is what you should be upset about, the media promoting things that make activist communities look bad and then they play into it. Isnt that something you should be speaking out against . If you look at the 1960s, ifif you look at the press clippings, they demonized the freedom writers. They demonized king as an outside agitator. Tammy whose they . Theres never an acceptable way to protest until something is done. I think congressional and president ial leadership on this issue all they want is something done. Tammy Martin Luther king jr. , and we know the coverage of that and it was powerful and it made the difference. When media wants to cover something properly they will. Inme this case i think we are al be taken for a ride but i love your position regarding the president and really having an influence on policy. In terrific seeing you. Thanks for joining us denigrated thank you, thank you so much for having me. Tammy tucker is back after the break, he will talk to a democrat who says his party has become far too obsessed with promoting abortion, thats coming up next. Saving on this saving on this saving in here. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com you made moonshine in a backwoods still. Smuggled booze and dodged the law. Even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. 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Do we deserve civil rights in this country . Do we get to decide what happens to our bodies . How many children we are going to have . Generations from now our children and grandchildren will wonder, what did we do, what did we do when they were trying to take away a womans right to control her own body. Everyone who cares about saving roe vs. Wade will make their voice heard. Right . Tammy michael ware directed Faith Outreach efforts for the Obama Campaign in 2012. He just wrote an article morning that democrats are entirely too focused on abortion, and he recently spoke to tucker about that article. Tucker what did you mean when you said that, that they are too focused on abortion . While there is a range of implications of cavanaugh filling this seat, or concerns from a democratic policy perspective from immigration to Voting Rights to Corporate Power and workers protection, and yet out of the gate it looks like the only thing the Supreme Court was going to roll on was abortion. And you saw a major activist and even some Democratic Leaders say that the preeminent focus was on roe v. Wade, which too many democratic voters and i think many americans, seems a bit off. Certainly if you are prochoice, you have a right to ask questions and Press Cavanaugh on that but it seems to be a bit out of perspective for me. That seems to be a theme though, i think there are plenty of people who think under certain circumstances, abortion ought to be legal. I imagine there are some circumstances where it ought to be allowed but not on board with abortions for selection or third trimester abortion. There ought to be common sense limits on it but thats not the position of the party anymore. The party has moved quite a bit on this issue but its been a relatively recent move. It used to be that Democratic Party throughout the party, people called for abortion to be safe, legal and rare. Barack obama called as president for the number of abortions to be reduced. We saw the Abortion Rate in this country to reach its alltime low. It wasnt too long ago that you had democrats that had a bit more of a humble approach to the issue of abortion. But something changed. In 2018, and instead of saying that abortion should be safe, legal and rare, but she actually and extended a case for lateterm abortion. We also saw in 2016 the Democratic Party platform for the first time and repeal of the Hyde Amendment which bans federal funding for abortion. These arent longstanding positions and they dont need to be positions the Party Carries forward. And the democrats are out of power in so many cases. Theres something tragic about it and a moral dimension to it no matter where you are in the spectrum. No matter where you are only section. Why not just admit that and say abortion doesnt make you happy, we dont want a lot of abortions but if you said that today i think it would be disqualified and the democratic primary. If thats true then barack obama would have to be disqualified. He called abortion a tragic issue and again, he spoke repeatedly to his desire to see abortions reduced, but it does there is an Activist Portion of the party that p frankly Democratic Victory seems to be secondary to them and as long as Party Leaders take the most unapologetic approach to this issue as possible and i think that we see in the for that. Weve seen the cost of that and President Trump being in the white house, wed seen the cost in someone like senator pat toomey representing pennsylvania instead of katie mcginty. And my hope is a democrat would be that the party would not take that approach in 2018. Tammy you can see tuckers full interview with michael on the Tucker Carlson tonight facebook page. Coming up now, that president s twitter feud with lebron james as liberals once again calling trump a racist. Candace owens joins us for that coming up next. 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You hear everybody talking about racism. We know racism exists and yet with this Constant Harangue on the president , a man who has clearly improved the Quality Of Life for africanamericans, the Unemployment Rate at historical rows, everyone having more money in their pockets, that really adds to personal freedom. What is your reaction to this kind of response to a president who actually said to a lot of people that they are dumb, white and black . How do you respond to all of this . Thats the exact key that you just said. The left has been operating under this very bizarre assumption that you cant critique a black person in this country unless it makes you automatically racist. Thats ridiculous, thats false. Im critiqued every day. Usually im called a [bleep] and referred to as a lot of racial slurs in my twitter feed because im a conservative black thinker. Maxine waters is not a smart person. The president insult a lot of people, definitely not looking at color when hes talking to someone and quite frankly the way that lebron conducted himself in that area and i dont want to take with him what he did, opening the school with an incredible feat that he did but don lemon got him in an interview. Don lemon was the smarter person in the room, as trump said. He knew what he was doing for cnn. He wanted lebron to Say Something but the president. They couldnt have cared less about the school opening. They were there to get that 52nd sound bite to get him to Say Something nasty about the president and that would be their new story. Unfortunately hes brilliant on the court, he does not how to operate politically. Tammy the media has abandoned its job of informing americans about a whole host of Amazing Things that are going on, including the issue of the jobs reports, the nature of what the tax cuts have done. This improves the Quality Of Lifes for everyone but you dont want to hear about that. They only want to hear about things if its negative about the president. At the same time, we are in a racialist dynamic where race issues are used politically and lebron james said and this is everyones right, sports is not enough for him. He wants to make a difference in the world. Thats why we are here. We want to do that as well. For him also to accuse the president of trying to divide us and using the nfl take a knee protest arent those protests The Dividing Line and isnt the president defending effectively the country against that kind of Racial Division . Thats exactly correct. It look, i would welcome a dialogue with lebron james. He is in this regard ignorant man. Im going to refer to him as a human. He knows very little about politics. Tammy thats the rhetoric everywhere within the black community, would you agree . The reason why they really hung onto this and why cnn wanted to get lebron james and they wanted him they essentially attacked him without him knowing it and they used him to get this out is because what was also released at the same time, the rasmussen poll, black support for donald trump has doubled since last year. The exact same time. The rhetoric. 29 . Tammy its a remarkable transition. Black people arent believing this anymore so they are saying what are we going to do . They go back to what they always do, they bring the black idol and say to the community this is racist and hope that we will be sleeping and we are going to believe it. But we arent anymore. Tammy hes a smart guy and i think perhaps may be the president should invite him to the white house. And they can have a conversation. If thats too much for Lebron James I would love to sit down with him and explain. Tammy he cares about the community and i think all of this is a distraction. Theres too much that we all have to do. Great job, nice talking to you. Thank you so much. Tammy and Nyu Professor tried to challenge Political Correctness at his school and found himself targeted by the left. Now he has a book about that experience. Hes coming up next. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. 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It is time now for campus craziness. At the University Of Minnesota administrators are launching an assault on free speech as they are considering a new policy that could expel any student or fire any Faculty Member who uses the socalled wrong pronouns for other people. Experts say the policy will likely be unconstitutional, but that may not stop the left. Michael p is a professor at new york university. After he questioned Himselfio Te Epidemic of Political Correctness on campus he wasam attacked by his own School Administration and later sued them for defamation. He now has a new book out. Professor joins us right now. Thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me. Tammy you of all people know the nature of whats happening. New york is a liberal city, nyu is the most liberal university. With that, you would think all kinds of things are taught and freethinking is taught in the encouraging of ideas, but with this dynamic of pronouns and Firing People who dont use the right words, et cetera, this is not so far from what youth wouldve expected. Absolutely. Whats happening there with the pronouns in minnesota is perfectly consistent with what ive documented in this book. I dont call them liberals, i call them the illiberal left. They are entirely in control of the University System throughout the country. Tammy we have to worry because once you get out of high school, this is for many people their First Experience of something beyond their hometown with larger ideas and it really has become a conditioning if you will. Its like a Conditioning Camp and thenni we wonder why someone like alexandria ocasiocortez, congressional candidate here, democratic socialist, majored in economics but doesnt understand how unemployment works. So we got people coming out of college who dont understand the facts of the business, but they know to hate conservatives. Rigorous disciplines have been replaced by indoctrination, by Social Justice, ideological indoctrination in which it is not about whether you learn scientific or even other theoretical types of thinking. It is rather that you imbibe the correct pablum on the regular basis. Its just a travesty. Tammy with the exception of a few universities this seems to be nationwide. Its not just nyu or other universities. How did it happen . N you were there, you are standing up against it. We know that your fellow professors have not supported you, that everyone is quiet because you know you can lose her career. Everything can be over. How are you faring at school and at work . Pickle im faring well just because i stand strong. They did move my office to the russian department, which is white interesting. Tammy thats pretty funny actually. They at least still have a sense of humor. Al where it came from is what i track in my book and it comes from a long lineage of thinking, most of it postmodern theory, but also maoist and soviets techniques and disciplinary ideas. Tammy thats whats so ironic care. American liberals, we stand against that. Even if you have an idea that people dont like then you can defeat it with a better idea. That conversation has to happen. That is now effectively being killed if its not already killed in the american University System. If you have an idea they deem discursive violence they call it they dont allow you to eveny voice it whatsoever. This allows with lack of trumped all my competition, it allows the most outlandish things to pass off as legitimate discours discourse. Tammy in your book that becomes the issue. What do parents do, what is the next step here . Ha are you suggesting something when it comes to defeating this or at least changing the tide . My final conclusion is that Social Justice ideology is effectively a religion and so what we have is a religion being proffered as if its neutral

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