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A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of Political Correctness in Campus Craziness and. Either you embrace the label and own it, or be like andrew cuomo and be off on the sidelines. Brian its like the Republican Party is getting the gift that keeps on giving. New yorks colleague kennedys effort teachout, she wants to abolish i. C. E. I. C. E. Has to be abolished and i say that as someone who is running for one of the top jobs in the country. I will prosecute i. C. E. For their criminal acts. Brian im embarrassed for her. Conservative lawmakers, officeholders and ordinary Trump Supporters continue to face harassment for those heeding the call of maxine waters. Because if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, and a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and if you create a crowd of. And you push back on them. And you tell them that they are A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of Political Correctness in Campus Craziness and. Phony baloney foundation that is some kind of racket forgetting like a sevenfigure psalms from leigh about saudi princes doing nothing. And that tented centrism and all the romance on the Democratic Party, you saw that with cynthia they are moving further and further left at an extraordinary rate. You have that woman on the left, now she has the rock star without without any legitimate substance. I cant remember if it is london or stalin, and the age of Identity Politics what matters is which side of that you are. Are you the approved designated group is that young lady is. In the ice dispute, the reason they dont like ice is because detains illegal immigrants. I thought the debate was through the drones or the wall. The debate is now for open, for all n. Again, that is like the old school democrats. Of course i believe in border enforcement, once we have the amnesty and we legalize these hardworkingg people. It gets frustrating to have to do that. It is much easier to get your inner open border side out. Their Identity Politics. They have headed with the the whole thing. They dont want to soldier any of that. They dont want to triangulate. At a certain level, they actually feel dirty from living with those accommodations. The last time around, if it had been a prenominated process Bernie Sanders would have won. That is where the party is. 31 trillion. You had to this woman from new york who is going to getm te seat that he had. She came out and said, we are going to get rid of that money to give to the military. That is the fascinating thing. If you look at generally socialist countries, the average european democracy, scandinavia or whatever. They play for their socialism. What you have here is actually an antisocialism. They think none of this money g means anything, so lets give more trillions. Mark will be Filling In For Tucker on wednesday, and until then i will see you then. Lets build that fence and keep you out. He is turned on me already. Not a socialist even though i work with him, i respect people who al who are consistent and no one is being inconsistent was part of his allure as President Trump. That is why it would been an interesting matchup because theyre so different in their philosophies. If you are someone who studies history in america you know that there is post be a big way for democrats. With these two policies in particular, doing everything they can to get rid of that wave. From what you see right now, do you pick up the 23 seats to gain the house . Despite of what we just went over . E it might be a wave in some areas, but it could also be a flood that could drown everyone out in 2,020. People have to Pay Attention in the primary. Like the cortes district, it might not work around the country. Thes majority are in the center and it is democrat key thinking that everyone is a socialist or everyone is all the way left, they are misinformed. I work with senator sanders it im not a socialist. If they keep trying to box everyone out and t actually geto the ideas and figure out what people really want and Pay Attention to the polls than we are going to be in trouble. Right now we know the economy is going to be in trouble, if you want people to keep that money dont raise health care costs. Im not saying pointed a finger at anyone, the party that understands health care and delivers Quality Health care at a probe to make affordable pri. I talk about it all the time. I have a Staffing Firm with 300 people, we went out of business because they were forcing temporary agencies to cover health care. It is still an issue that has not been resolved, we like to hear the word reform. It is not been completed. People such as myself, you are absolutely right. Something has to be done and if you can remove the partisan politics and have a real conversation on what does that mean for people like myself and small businesses, then we can be headed in the right direction. Throat two names that you hope will be frontrunners who will run for president . What i can tell you it just because i work with Senator Sanders Doesnt Mean that he will automatically get my vote. I am looking to start saying, lets get ten, 12 candidates. Pick a side, or step aside. What am looking to see is consistent candidates. Like today, Camilo Harris said she doesnt believe in Identity Politics. Democrats have been running on that for several decades. Right now, i am just confused. I am interested to see and who will all come out, all the front liners as well as some people we have not heard of. Not just anybody because they fitt what appears to be popular, but actually some real substance behind it as well. All right, youre going to have a crowded stage. It will be all about that after the midterms. Thank you so much. Thank you. The media is melting down over another president ial tweet. What sent them off this time . That would come of that story, next. The violence in berkeley, dramatic video coming your way. Wall street guy. Whats the hesitation . Eh, it just feels too complicated, you know . You know, at Td Ameritrade, we can walk you through your Options Trades step by step until youre comfortable. I could be up for that. Stepbystep options trading support from Td Ameritrade Keep It Comin love. If you keep on eating, well Keep It Comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. It is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo Doobidoo Scoobidoo doobidoo [ Goose Honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. A complete fabrication that i am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son donald had in the trump tower. Thisd was a meeting to cut information on an opponent. I did not know about it. The media responded as they do to most trump tweets. A melt down as they claimed this was a huge breakthrough to the russian occlusion story. Watch. President trump in a dramatic tweet, going back on previous denial. The purpose of his meeting with russia was to get information on hillary clinton. Carelessly on a saturday morning tweet does it. An admission of lying. It starts to fit the dictionary of collusion. Donald trump admitted they were all lying. What are the consequences of this . It is so weird to see so many negative stories on trump in thc morning. He said the same exact thing a year ago. From a practical standpoint. Most people wouldve taken that meeting. Its position research, or research into your opponent. Brian so wait a minute, he said it already . He told everyone about this at noon yesterday. Everyone ran with the story, we have to tell that paperboy that delivers a newspaper early. First off, how do you explain the hysteria . It is actually kind of difficult to explain. You heard george do monopolists say this. This is a dramatic new admissio admission, reversing the president s previous words. It simply wasnt. You can only argue that people forgot that a year ago, the president said the same thing. By the way, we played a little sound bite of President Trump saying that in july of last yea year. He was even more in saint, he said most politicians would have gone meeting like the onehe don jr. Intended in order to get info on an opponent. Brian by the way, it was in his emails when the story became public that she was being solicited. He set up this meeting with his promoter friends. These people want to meet you to talk about whatever they said, theyey set it up, it went nowhe. Everyone agreed. Trump finally admits he colluded, the New York Times and the Washington Post which are the tweet as a Significant Development on sunday. Brian, we should admit it would have been the president last year after those emails to deny that the meeting, the proposal was about turning over some sort of incriminating information about hillary clinton. It was right there in the email. Brian i get the sense that he will win out over his legal team and sit down with mueller. Is that what youre stories are saying . People that is still very unclear. He is hearing over and over oner the dangers of talking with mueller. Donald trump has been engaged in a lot of litigation in his career. This is not the first time that he sat down and been question. This idea that she would just fall apart if he faced questioning, it is not really an accurate one. He has had trouble with some of those in the past, so hopefully will realize he is not impervious. Brian great to see you, you had the story early and you stayed safe throughout the day. Goodod luck. Straight ahead, and he fell came back with violent demonstrations from portland to berkeley. That story, next. Welcome hi there. So, what do you look for in a vehicle . Sleek designs. Performance. He thats our truck its our truck and theyre our cars thats my chevy chevys the only brand to earn j. D. Power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs three years in a row. Awesome. Im proud. Its like a dynasty. Its impressive. I wok Harmonica Interrupts ld. And told people about geico. Harmonica Interrupts how they could save 15 or more by. Harmonica Interrupts . By just calling or going online to geico. Com. Harmonica Interrupts sighs and chuckles sorry, are you gonna. Harmonica Interrupts everytime. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. I should be in the shot now too. Try head and shoulders two in one. Brian President Trump has called out fake news, but now he is the preferred label for the Mainstream Media establishment, it is enemies of the people. Complaints on the label, he is doubling down on using it. Now the media is going back to calling trump a dictator. This is the type of behavior that happens and authoritarian societies. Leaders and their supporters are pushing down the media. Brian when he means fake news, he means news that is is not true. They think the news is being made up. Folks, it isis not. Trying to divide between good outlets and badut outlets. He does every time they give him a microphone. Tammy cruz is the president , tammy who is right . The president is right. Heres the issue, they took a poll on the importance of American Media and americans believe they have an Important Role in our democracy. Right . They are supposed be giving us the news and challenging power. Just by not doing their job, which they clearly have abandoned since President Trump. They have thrown their lot and within the political arena. They decided that they are going to help certain things along which is an abandonment of the American People in general. There is also a majority of people, 66 believes there is no real fare of unbiased news that they can rely on. Americans, at least there are otherr outlets. This has been an abandonment that has been incredibles the american industry. Whats fascinating, if trump was a dictator of those opinions would be heard on the news. It has turned into a selfish, inwardlooking entity. Almost like an infant that is not getting what it wants. Brian there are so many deranged people out there, i worried about them targeting the media. You did see on cspan, a color called in and said i will shoot brian, so is disturbing. It is. The problem with the entire dialogue is at the media, as opposed to doing their job and reporting the news for people that would take all the steam out of what President Trump would be saying, the same time, maybe he wouldnt be accusing them of being fake news. We do know, they have been hear heard. Attempted murders of 23 republicans. The attack of rand paul. Threats and individuals being arrested for threateningre the president. We know that the rhetoric has compel people to do crazy thing things. We all need to recognize that. Brian now, another topic. Over the weekend the president tweeted, lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television. He made lebron look smart. I like mike. The president was and suddenly labeled a racist, he has been happening to be calling white people dumb for years. Lindsey graham, mitt romney, dumb and the worst candidate. Mika presents key, dumb as a pile of rocks are you surprised people saw a race in this . Lebron announced that he needed to do more than sports. He is engaged in his community and that means talking about politics. He has in kitchen now. That is a reaction that is not against people of color, itra transcends race, i think lebron james is better than that. I think that Everybody Knows donald trump is incredibly transparent. He says all these things about all kinds of people on the fact is, donald trump is actually quite fair in the nature of who he is going to attack and trade based on the nature what they are doing as he reacts as what he sees. Brian i wish he wouldnt have done it. I wish he didnt do it personal tact. Don lemon is not dumb. Keep in mind, the president played golf this week with lindsey graham. A man he is insulted repeatedly took his phone number and read it to the hole world. One of the things that goes back to our first conversation, go after people on policy. Talk about the issues that affect our lives, the personal back and forth from the media to the president on the other way, it is not necessarily the most helpful thing. We need these policies. They help or labs directly. Brian last topic for you , we have proved that we can do goods. Demonstrations in portland and in berkeley. They got violent. Brian meanwhile Candace Owens wanted to have breakfast and they were harassed this morning at a philadelphia coffee shop. He got one man, they came flying in there and poured a drink on him while numerous activists screeched, no White Supremacy by the way, Candace Owens is black. I just saw tweeted, thanking the cops for stepping in at the right time. This could have been really ugly. It could have been. They smashed a car. Antifa. You are looking at white supremacist, ultrabright. People who are pretty much living in their parents basements. You are dealing with portland and berkeley, which has not had a very good history with confronting these things. Even recently in portland, the police and the mayor not acting when someone was blocking an ice office. Seem to prefer that these things get out of control. Obviously the American People see this,pl it is not good for liberals. It is not good for our dialogue. It is unacceptable. The Police Department has to have a bit more aggression. Brian this is going to get really ugly. We are watching this violent group. Candace owens for exactly example wants to have breakfast they just want to have breakfast in philadelphia where our country was founded, where the liberty bell sits. They have to take this type of abuse. The maxine waters, confront people. That was a message. It wasnt just about the administration. Few people have access to the administration members, but You Dot Have Access To Akin and your neighbor. Thats why when you have someone like maxine waters, any other representative leadership needs to step forward. They have to say, really, enough is enough. They can stop this by signaling that hillary can stop it. Paul ryan can. Mitch mcconnell. Across theco board, they can coe together a and say enough is enough if they really wanted to end. Brian of the will be on fox friends tomorrow to talk about thatri incident. It soared to keep your cool, you dont know how outofcontrol it will get. Who knows what will happen next. Thank you for watching. Youll be here tomorrow night. Tomorrow night, in that chair. Brian meanwhile straight ahead, tucker is back after the break to interview a congressman who is already running for president. But its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Enterprise car sales and youll take any tradein . Rom thats right great here you go. Well, it does need to be a vehicle. 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Ask your doctor about prolia. President nearly became the First National leader to be assassinated by a drone. Im not kidding. That is what the authorities are saying. After a drone apparently put overhead while he was delivering a speech that nobody was paying attention to. He certainly has no shortage of enemies. His countrys economy has completely disintegrated. He is violently cracked down on protesters. He is accused of rigging and election last may. Is it a convenient excuse for them to crack down . Meanwhile, as we said earlier the Democratic Party has been descending into chaos. They are becoming more and more extreme on race and immigration. At the same time, they are harassing or even physically attacking anyone he disagrees. Maybe there is another way though. Congressman john delaney is a congressman who represents airlines. He spent the last year on a president ial campaign and has published a book, the right answer. Tucker recently spoke with him. Heres what what he had to say. Tucker people are strongly in favor of reuniting the country. It is hard to find bipartisan consultants on anything right now. How would you do it . I think there are some areas, things like infrastructure, criminal justice reform. Jill with the Opioid Crisis. There are things in our debate that we kind of agree with each other on and there are things that we disagree with each other on. We never spent any time on the things that we agree with each other on. That is part of the problem. John in a way, our job is to do both. Spew and i agree with that absolutely and completely. Give us a reasserting list on some things that we agree on. John i think we agree that we should invest more on our infrastructure, we are falling behind on our competitors. We agree that we should reform our criminal justice system, we have looked at the data and it has been very unfair for a lot of our citizens. I think we agree that this Opioid Crisis is ravaging our country right now. There are things that we need to do. I think there is a pretty long list. We all should agree that technology is Training Everything in our country and it would be nice if we had a artificial strategy like many other countries do for how we coordinate the private sector and working together on some of these things. I think there is a lot of agreement with democrats and republicans that we need a new authorization for military forc force. We are relying on a 17yearold to take care of all these documents are on the wall. There are some things that have lot of Agreement Tucker but not in the congress . John their reasons for that. Problem. Ering is a big it creates districts that dont represent the American People. That is the core of the issue. That congress has broken in many ways. Our democracy is broken, not in terms of two people cast votes . Does the person with the most votes win . That clearly works. The representatives who Go To Washington Dont go there with the spirit of trying to find some sense of unity and common purpose that has always forms the cornerstone of the american experience. They go there and they fight and they put their own Political Parties ahead of the country. As a result, we dont do anything. There is a huge cost associated with not doing anything i think we paid a price for a long time. Tucker no question about that. One final personal question. You bet in congress for a couple of terms and you are leaving to run for president. If you could do it over again, would you . Did you like it . How awful was it . John i think it was terrific. A great privilege of my life to serve her congress. I think that this is a magnificent country even with the issues that we have today, we have the best hand at of any country in the world just have to play to little better. It is but an amazing experience, ive learned a lot. Ive metll some terrific colleagues. Have a very clear perspective on the leadership that we need, not only as president but i think that they are something deeper that we need in this country that is for the American People to have some responsibility associated with fixing our broken democracy and bringing us together. I would never have had that expectations if id not served. Tucker you are an optimist. I hopeou your party agrees with you. John, thank you. Im not sure they do. Why is agree just racism on the left being excused . That story will analyze next. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . What a thing that happened . Youre defending the times writer. Not only that brian, good to see by the way. Tucker and i didnt actually a quote sarah xiongs tweets. We are having a conversation about it. The only thing i can come up with is that on social media we are so divided. People are so angry about things that we are unable to have a conversation at somebody, whether on the left or right at this point was very angry that we were even having the conversation and people are petty. Somebody flagged it and instagram lacks the system to actually review what is being posted. They remove it. Ed they removed it. I found it really upsetting. It didnt make any sense when i saw that it was removed. Brian youre not the first one, but someone who is not necessarily a conservative Talk Show Host to take that down because you are talking about a topic that many conservatives found offensive. I think america found offensive. That was from a prior tweets and statements. What does that tell you on where we are headed . Again, i think it is problematic that we cant have a conversation. That by having the conversation. Theres definitely a legitimate concern when someone posts a hateful thing. Some of the messages i get about my jewish background are absolutely reprehensible and should be taken down and marked. If if you going to Vicious Attak or call for violence, there is no place for that. I agree with that. Platforms preserving those and protecting the edges, just toou have the conversation about something. Brian, you and i engage in debates. I think it is normal, i think it is healthy. We all grow when we grow and debate. Calling names in violence, not necessarily a good thing. Especially calling for violence, i reserve the rights for those plot forms to remove those. Brian is this an algorithm algorithm . Did this as a human being doing this . Overall, the platforms have to have algorithms for removing posts. They default to remove first and then only one like fox news reached out, did a human father hto review it. There is nothing wrong with this post. We are counting on algorithms first. Brian in this case you were talking about something, that got targeted. Thank you so much. Brian, good to see you. Brian sarah xiongs overt racism, is it a concern . She still has her job. Meanwhile, Daniela Greenbaum who had an article removed simply for defending Scarlett Johansson for acting as a transgender in a role as a movie. She is an actress. Danielle, do you see some of the Double Standards . I think the times to the right thing by defending her. Maybe they shouldnt have hired for the first place. If they hired her, i think good for standing up. There is such a Double Standard for who gets to say what. This woman says i was kidding, it was a satire. Ap art was responding to trolls and a trolllike fashion. The times and all of liberal twitter responded great, no problem. Where is that courtesy when you were a conservative . Brian doesnt happen. He decided to write to Scarlett Johansson, she can play this role. Why is there outrage. She is an actress s. She is not doing a documentary. You pointed that out and your employees reaction was . To take the piece down. After my college expressed outrage at what i have done. You were hired to give your opinion. Brian to take that down they added something else, they said they will be a committee if you will be posted in the future . E they wanted me to meet witha committee any time i wrote about them and that was culturally sensitive to make suree i wasnt going to ruffle to many others. Brian it was your reaction . To resign. Brian do you have any regrets . Its a little scary, police have my integrity. Brian what is this taught you from the store that i just read, candace own getting stopped . What has this whole process told you about that . What has been fascinating there been two camps of response from this womans tweet. Some people on the left said she was kidding, lets take that at face value. Some people said it doesnt matter if she was kidding, if you are antiwhite it is fine because she is agent american. She is a woman. She is high enough on the totem pole. My question is where is that courtesy . She gets accused of being islamophobic. How about the fact that she grew Principal Mia and was oppressed by muslims . Of course we are seeing this crazy Double Standard of who gets to talk about what, when, what it is excused. What excuses we make. Who we criticize. Brian scares that over the weekend, maybe its time we have to commit with regulation. Or we get that point . I dont even know if that will work butng that is what theyre talking about. I think we have s to have really clear lines, the only ont that i can see enforcing if you call for violence, remove it. Anything short of that, like at the marketplace of ideas clean it up. Brian didnt yell youre be fine. First statues were taken down, now some activists want to read in the state capital because it was named after a guy that defended slavery. That story from austin, texas, when we come back. Howd that go . He kept spelling my name with an i but its bryan with a y. yeah, since birth. That drives me crazy. Yes. Its on all your email. Yes. They should know this . Yeah. The guy was my brotherinlaw. Thats ridiculous. Well, i happen to know some people. Do they listen . What . Theyre amazing listeners. Nice. Guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. Stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com your hair is so soft start winning today. Did you use head and shoulders two in one . I did mom. Wanna try it . Yes. 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Everybody in the past who had opinions that today are unacceptable are going to have to go. Brian you can go back even a short time ago. A lot of political figures against samesex marriage. Now its hard to find many that are. People evolve, people get bette better. No one defends slavery but theres a lot to be proud of in our history and we should debate it, talk about it, go over it. Have to give credit to george b busch. Hes the only political figure i can see right now who stood up, the son of jeb. He said the nephew of the former president he says absolutely not, this will not be taken down. There would be no texas if it wasnt for steve austin, who took on the mantle of his father, moses austin who died before texas could become a state. But first it was its own nation. You cant deny that history. No, you cant. And we have to take our history, warts and all. One of the things we have to accept about American History is that its painful, its complicated and also the way we remember our history is complicated too. Lio the statues, the naming of things after a confederate general and leaders. Its all now a part of our history. Rather than tearing it down and trying to eradicate it and erase it, why dont we try to educate ourselves and our children about it . Why Dont We Add More Explanatory Plaques next to the statues instead of tearing them down so we understand better where we came from and where we are going instead of trying to erase the past and blot out the unpleasant parts . Brian 10second answer, is it a mission of people to make america americans embarrassed about their history, or is this just coincidence . This is part of a ploy to use history and public memory as a political weapon. Thats exactly what it is. Brian john daniel davidson, thank you so much. They do say its unlikely that it will change, but they are focused on the confederate statue. That is it for us for now, join me again tomorrow morning on fox friends and then of course you can check out my radio show, the Brian Kilmeade show from nine until noon and i hope you do that every single day. Good night from new york and also, sean hannity is next from wherever he chooses to be. Nn sean i got a question. Three hours this morning, then a three hour radio show, then you

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