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A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of Political Correctness in Campus Craziness and. The out set, this will come as a surprise to clinton defenders its a crime we ought to take seriously if anyone lies under oath. We believe in punishing crimes. And donald trump jr. Lied. Tucker i dont know that. I dont know if cohen is telling the truth. I dont know why cohen would hire trump in the first place. The Core Accusation that its immoral to meet with the russian source to get dirt on your opponent is what Hillary Clinton did. But its treason when trump does. Explain how that works. What the email to don jr. Said it is how the russian government hopes to aid your father. That was in the email. If that email had gone to barack obama or Hillary Clinton the same people in congress who spent 3 years investigating who wrote the Talking Points would have hearing after hearing. Congress needs to do its job and have a hearing. Tucker we know the russian government aided the Clinton Campaign by giving false information to christopher steele. We dont know that. Tucker they testified before congress that he did. Christopher steele was paid to get information. Tucker from the russians. Where do you think it came from . From where were he could get it from. He was not given direction tucker we dont know that. Hold on. You dont know that. We know for a fact he got overlight overweight. [overlapping talking]. Tucker thats not a big deal . This is a farce. I am sick of playing along with it. If there is perjury indict and see if you can convict. Stop pretending that meeting with a foreigner is a crime. I will show you a picture. This is Chuck Schumer, its your former boss. I cant see it. Tucker the question is i thought he was a loyal american. That was 2002. Tucker i thought he was a patriotic person. That was not in 2016. Tucker oh, really . It was cool for him to meet . They are doing secret energy deals together. I am not saying that Chuck Schumer should be in prison for treason. I am not saying that. You are smart enough to know what that is. [overlapping talking]. What has to happen is Congress Needs to have an investigation to know what went on. Tucker to get to the bottom of what Chuck Schumer was talking about. We could have the truth. What chuck was talking about. Do. That we want a hearing right now. [overlapping talking]. We want an investigation of what happened in 2016. Tucker okay. Should we have paid a Foreign National to get dirt from the russians, shouldnt we have a hearing about that . Or is that outside of the scope of the hearing because it would not help your party. This is all partisan crap. Lets get real. They already had numerous hearings about this the steele dossier but not what donald trump jr. Said to his dad. We know donald trump jr. Told his dad about that. Tucker really . How do you know that . Have you talked to them . [overlapping talking]. Tucker how often do you assert things as facts that you dont know as facts. You say we know something that we dont really know. Is that a tactic you use . I think its my own opinion. Let me clarify. Tucker so you have no idea but you are guessing. Okay. Donald trump jr. Would it would don sr. [overlapping talking]. He would probably tell him. Tucker based on your intimate of the trump family. This is getting too crazy for me. People should stop pretending this is real when its fake. We know its fake. We know that [laughing]. Chris, good to see you. Don joins us now. I am starting to conclude, dan, that we are actually complicit in this insanity by playing along with it. When someone paid money to a Foreign National to get dirt from the russians accuses someone else of colluding with the russians you should not take it seriously. Why we are adding to the craziness pretending this is real . I dont know. I like chris off the air a lot. He is a great guy, but we are all dumber. We may have lost 10 iqpoints. You noticed how he scrambled when you asked him a simple question. This is a complicated case. We are all adding to the madness. We cant figure out how in one case was the crime of the century a meeting between trumps kid and a couple of russians. One connected to the lawyers and another to fusion gps that the clintons hired. They show up and pass no information about actual russians or collusion. Thats the crime of the century. But actual russians who put together information according to their own dossier who passed it to the clinton team which was used, tucker, to spy on an American Citizen and take down a presidency, nothing to see here, folks. Ignore that but Pay Attention to this meeting. This is insane. I cant believe we are having this conversation. Tucker i should also note that we learned recently if you have any questions about what the government did spying on the private American Citizen, you dan, are unpatriotic for asking questions. Its wrong to question the official narrative, got it . This whole case is based on the dossier. Michael cohens tweet about the dossier. He called it a lie filled document. Their star witness calls it a lie filled document. Comey called it salacious and unverified. The head of the division investigating the case said it was in its infancy in verfavics. Verification. It sounds like a winner. This sounds like a great case. You knocked it out of the park. Tucker [laughing]. I dont want to be mean, but i cant imagine how you could wind up with Michael Cohen as your personal lawyer. Whoever is running the trump Hr Department needs to be fired. You would not hire Michael Cohen as your lawyer. Dan, great to see you. Yes, sir. Tucker one of the Biggest Tech Companies twitter was caught suppressing accounts of lawmakers whose politics the owners of twitter dont agree. Owners of twitter dont agree. One when i touch you like ths its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Electronic Dance Music Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your Rheumatologist Move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Dont let another morning go by without talking to your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. Dont let another morning go by without talking to in testing our performance line, we go to at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2018 is 300 and is 300 awd for these terms. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. When mit rocked our world. Ailed we called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They took care of everything a to z. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Intentional. This congressman was conservative shadow banned by twitter and filed a complaint against the company. Congressman. Thanks for coming on. First, you are certain this happened to you and it was intentional . Well, i am certain there were only 4 Members Of Congress who had their voices suppressed on twitter. That would be one hell of a coincidence. My suspicion if people were communicating a conservative message they were caught in twitters troll tap. I think thats illegal because it gives advantages to our political opponents and gives them access to a flat form we dont have. Platform we dont have. If they were a Billboard Company that would be illegal. Here its at autofillin function that was not available to me and nunes, meadows or jim jordan and its available to democrats. Tucker you believe the fec can remedy this . They can absolutely institute fiance against any company that makes a corporate donation. Here the donation is allowing democrats and people running against me to have access to element of the search feature i didnt have access to. Why . Twitter said it was my behavior that resulted in this. I dont know what behavior that is. Do we trust Tech Companies to just decide with no Trance Transparency to limit access. Tucker twitter is a small player. Its a Failing Company anyway. Google dominates tech. Its the portal through which almost all human information flows. If google with held information that would have a huge effect. Congress exists to make sure the pub interest is represented. I have not heard a member of congress say we will get to the bottom of this. Why not . Well, Members Of Congress dont understand the gravity of the issue. Now we have the targets drawn on our foreheads. You will see more engagement from the congress coming from. A libertarian might ask why should i not just leave twitter . Twitter and other social Media Companies use the federal government to get rid of lawsuits they dont want to defend against and use a provision that requires them to hold themselves out as a neutral public forum. Twitter and facebook cant say we are neutral and should not have respond to lawsuits but tell me our Behavior Results in suppress on their platform. Tucker google as the monopoly and so does facebook and they continually suppress information. Up next a law center is a Sham Group Dedicateed to shaming enemies of the left. The fbi is collaborating with them. The story we have broken. We will tell you what we found next. Youre headed down the highway because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. 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In 2012 they inspired a Shooting Attack on the Family Research counsel labelling them a hate group. Last month they paid 3. 3million dollars for falsie calling a foundation antimuslim extremist. We could go on. They lie. They are reckless and totally dishonest. With that in mind, it was shocking to discover as jaded as we are that the fbi has a long history of collaborating with the Southern Poverty Law Center. The fbi called them an established, Incredible Organization that monitors domestic terrorism. They were allowed to brief the fbi on alleged terrorist threats. The fbi refuses to describe their collaboration with this group. We received mindless boilerplate statements like this one. Quote, for many years the fbi engaged with various organizations. Such outreach is critical for the fbis mission and mindless pap that doesnt answer the question. Congressman gates of florida sent a letter to the fbi leader asking him to explain their relationship with this group. Tonight the doj gave us another statement. It said, quote the found er wassed founder and labeled as an extremist. He joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. It was partly from watching what they did to you that had us asking the question to what extent are they involved with the federal government . We discovered this. Tell our viewers your experience with them . Its curious and fascinating at the same time. I have been born and raised a muslim. I spent my teenage years with an organization seeking to enforce the law in muslim majority society. I got raddicalized and was a political prisoner in egypt and it was in jail i reformed and changed my views and decided to challenge extremism. They compiled a list what have they deemed as antimuslim extremist. The sheer oddity of placing a muslim on the list of antimuslim extremists led me to say i need justice. My entire life is defined about by struggle to find a place for muslims in the west that is at home in the west. It undermined by entires lifes work. I found it a step too far. Thats why i went to a lawyer and took action. Tucker scores of people like you, i think you are one of the most reasonable people on this subject of anyone i interviewed. Once this group defines you as an extremist that hurts your foundation. Its already hard enough for liberal muslim reformists to speak out against extremism. They are targeted and often killed. There was a similar list published and many were knocked off by jihadists. A close friend was murdered on the streets of amsterdam. The list was stabbed into his body and named someone as being next. Thats what we are up against. It placed me in grave danger and others in great danger. It also has material consequences. When they did what they did, the reason they produced these lists to convince the media and financial foundations not to give grants to these people or these organizations. It had that kind of material consequences for us as well. Thats why we could not lie back and take this. We had to take action. Tucker i am glad you the fact that our fbi is collaborating with this group is really scary. Thank you very much on your account. Congratulations on winning. Thank you. Tucker solid economic news. The biggest singe quarter gain in 4 years. America needs Good American growth to solve the problem of young people suffering under great debt burdens than their parents. They leave school with over 30,000 in loans to pay off. What do they get in exchange . Not much. We talked to this woman about the growing debt crisis. What are the effects of this on the country . In the Housing Market is delays the purchase of the first home for 7 years. That affects all of the economy because that person is not getting those additional 7 years of wealth accumulation. It affects the people selling their homeless. You are removing buyers from the equation. They have so much debt they cant buy a home. Tucker 1. 5trillion dollars is almost too big of a number to put in context. There are very few countries in the world with a gdp bigger than that. What would happen if baro bar start toad default . Thats bigger than everything we owe on the car loans. Credit card debt is less than a trillion. If they default who will be left holding the bag . A big challenge can you cant get through bankruptcy and remove this debt like you can with everything else. You wont pay your Credit Card Bill or mortgage or your home loan. You dont have a choice in bankruptcy to not pay student debt. Tucker i dont understand how that works. I wonder why Student Loan Debt is exemented from bankruptcy protections. How did they get a pass on that . You could end it in bankruptcy until 1995. When congress made it all but impossible. They did exclude their own offspring. If you are the child of a member of congress you can extinguish your student loan in bankruptcy court. Tucker for real . Yes. Tucker thats unbelievable. Was this a Lobby Operation Where Student Loan Lenders decided why would we want to face the risk of not getting our money back . The Student Loan Lender is the federal government. You cant compete with the federal government. You see what the results of that is. This is like what we saw with subprime housing. What you saw was the government saying more and more people ought to own owns. Homeless. They lowered the bar. That made the Housing Market shoot for the moon. They did the same thing here. With education. They want more people to get education. Thats good but the way they about doing it is to make loans more accessible like we did with homes. What happened . You have seen the price of that education has sky rocketed. For example, if you looked at from 1985 to today, where the cost of education has gone up 4 times that of just inflation in general, its not like wages have been keeping up with that. Tucker they have not. In 1971, the cost of a one year of education in college cost a little less than half of what the average guys makes in a year. Today its shy of 2 years worth. Tucker thats unbelievable. The quality of College Education has plummeted. The meaning of a degree has evaporated. This is a scam. Thanks a lot. One university is cracking down on the phrase as you know. This college says its offensive to students who may be confused. At t provides edgetoedge intelligence, covering virtually every part of your healthcare business. So that if she has a Heart Problem the staff needs to know, they will theyll drop everything can you take a look at her vitals . Share the data with other specialists yeah, im looking at them now. Theyll drop everything hey. Take care of this baby yeah, that procedure seems right. That one too. At t provides edge to edge intelligence. It can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. Thats the power of. When your patients tests come back. 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Tucker as you know, colleges are not a great place for diverse Points Of View or encouraging young people to be resilient. And british universities are nuttier than americans. Professors told by the Schools Diversity Network to avoid using the phrase as you know, because that could make some students feel inadequate. The liberal sherpa joins us tonight. Cathy, thanks for coming on. I am often confused which is why i am grateful here to have you here. This one more than most. I thought starting a sentence with as you know would be a selfesteem booster, suggesting you already know this. Its bad for selfesteem . You are causing selfdoubt because they i not know. I have selfdoubt and would not do as well other students who may know. I feel another student feels something i dont know and the Diversity Department found that students found this phrase to be offensive and dont do as well in the classes. As you know causes selfdoubt. Tucker as you know, the research has shown there is a direct connection with low selfesteem does selfdoubt. Isnt it a reflection of reality . If you already knew, what are you doing in college . Students are ignorant. Thats why they are in school to become learned, right . It doesnt make sense for a professor to say as you knnk in a classroom. You should not use unnecessary words or phrases to make your point. Using as you know is unnecessary. You are not communicating properly with your audience. They are urging the professors not to use this phrase. Tucker they are not urging it because they have a commitment to clear language. Yes. Tucker they can barely speak english. This is a Diversity Department urging this. Tucker everything i said times 5. Its more true. Dont you want to patronnize your students and make them feel they know nothing . You want to highlight their ignorance because it will add to their thirst for knowledge . Its doing the opposite. At the university the students say as you know is causing selfdoubt. No, we are not supposed to patronnize the students. We are supposed to fill them with confidence. There will be wonderful leaders in the future. We want a world like that. Tucker no, we have a lot of confident students. I interview them all the time. I would say we have too many confident students. Most students knownology, you should be insecure does silent as you learn. If a student is so undone by a professor saying as you know, you are not ready for college . Isnt it wonderful that students are speaking up and saying professors are speaking down to us and as a communicator its not making sense. They dont feel confident and they are telling the university we will feel more confident if this phrase is eliminated. They are urging the professors to get with this new program. Tucker join the revolution or be eaten. Do you want to live in a world where College Students are empowered to talk a lot, honestly . To speak up, yes. Tucker to give their opinions, speak up . Be heard, do you want to live in that world . I want to live in a better world. I like the world that changes with the times. I dont want to live in a world tucker i know you do. [laughing]. Thats why we love you. Thats why we are having you back on monday for a segment more confusing than this one. Thank you very much. The fbi is supposedly protecting americans from crime. The next guest says the fbis war on Civil Liberties made them you shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Paying too much for insurance that isnt the right fit . 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Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. My favorite role so far . Being a nonsmoker. No question about it. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Tucker well, we have a Public Service announcement. We didnt expect to bring this to you. Our crack control room spotted the creepy porn lawyer on cnn. They had the sound off. But it hurt our feelings. This is the fifth or 6th other tv network hes done. We asked him and he turns us down. Creepy porn lawyer, you always have a home on our program any time. We will clear the decks for you. Hope to see you toon. Soon. The fbi has been trusted with enormous power. They can break down your front door and put you in jail. They are supposed to use these powers to protect americans, but the fbi is abusing its power and deriving people of their Civil Liberties. Carter page was spied on for more than a year by the Obama Administration based on the assertions in the steele dossier that the fbi never bothered to verify. Mark penn was an advisor to bill clinton and joins us tonight. I have been instruct shocked by the reaction to this. A naval officer. Never charged with anything and spied on for a year. The normal chorus of civil libertarians are silent. Why . I find its incredible. People just used Talking Points before you could read the warrant. There was no probable cause. They scared a bunch of judges with stories about potential russ Russia Collusion and the steel dossier and he was on the pay rolls of the fbi, and the dnc and the Hillary Clinton campaign at the same time. Even when that was discovered, they continued to use this information indicating they had nothing else. The idea that a government can spy on political campaigns with no evidence is frightening and needs to be corrected with legislation immediately. Tucker so, the precedent this sets, we are living in in moment. Its hard for us to see a week ahead. Have you been in the white house and political campaigns. There will be another administration and one after that. What does this mean for them . Will any president be able to trust that the fbi is not spying on him or his campaign . I saw in 98 working with president clinton the stress and strain on the president and the white house that occur with these investigations. You can see the stress and strain. Everyone who participated in the compain. Everyone who is an associate of donald trump is being shaken down and investigated. This kind of thing is not compatible with an open democracy why we decide things by elections. We have to make changes here. You have to be afraid about the fbi, the cia. All of the intelligence agencies, what they could be doing. Not only when you are the president but running a campaign against the president. That sets this country apart is the peaceful transition of government. Tucker we are playing with very heavy duty things here. Quickly, do you think that in the next year or two there is an answer to restore confidence in these agencies . I think that for any warrants that involve americans and americans in political campaigns, a special judge and procedure so the highest bar is established. Its unbelievable we not moved to do that. Tucker i agree. Thank you very much. Maxine waters back in the news. Whatever you do to stay healthy. You might be missing something. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. It has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega3. Ocuvite. Be good to your eyes. Yeah im excited. Finally earned enough rewards points. So jealous. Yeah i cant wait to get that shaveice whats shaveice . Its like a hawaiian snowcone. Why not just say snowcone . I dont know, they call it shaveice. You fly to hawaii for this . Arthritis. 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Like these Peltor Electronic Earmuffs for under 60. And save 20 on all instock caldwell rests. Bass pro shops and cabelas. Your adventure starts here. Tucker Maxine Waters is one of the Trump Administration loudest and most persistent critics. Beloved on the left not for the clarity of her arguments. Maxine waters has no doubt about anything she says. She knows for a certainty she is right. How . Because god told her so. [inaudible]. God send you out to do something, you better do it. [inaudible]. Tucker there you have it. Maxine waters is not a political figure anymore. She is a theologian and fits in with the modern left. The point is not to convince voters. Its to burn witches. Its the story of the show every night exposing great details in ship of fools, stay cheer. [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem] [national anthem]

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