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Think that this is exactly what it is. Its an indictment of 12 russians, which is a very good development. It means they are making progress on the real rush investigation, nothing to do with collusion, theres nothing politicized about it. Its finding people who did try to interfere with our election and hopefully go after them. Brian the president is about to meet with Vladimir Putin and we know the Mueller Probe is getting more unpopular. Does not have anything to do with the fact that we got this Press Conference . Charles krauthammer used to say you can almost never be too cynical when it comes to things happening in washington but i hope not. This is important stuff. The indictment, what Rod Rosenstein laid out today reveals they did some very good alter the results of the election and there is still absolutely zero evidence of that whatsoever and it is bogging down our political process. Brian theres a big call among some leadership on the democratic side to not meet with Vladimir Putin. Would that be a good move . Why should he not meet with him . I cant figure out democrats for the life of me. They debate themselves all the time on issues. They have absolutely no problem, its about principles. When barack obama met with Human Representatives in cuba they had no issue with that but now we know donald trump has information he can confront putin with about russian members trying to infiltrate our election process and they want him to call up the meeting . Thats absurd. This is the perfect opportunity to hit putin on it. Brian do you agree theyre going to try again this midterm . Donald trump, the way he profiles if youre going to take away the credibility of his victory and say the russians help them and he worked with the russians thats going to strike at his corporate the minutes this Mueller Probe is complete, remove the personalities and the parties out of it i think were going to see some real progress. Weve got to get this probe done and get past the finger pointing, you agree . I want to get it done but i want to get it done right. Its in its infancy. The Clinton Whitewater probe lasted seven years, this probe has gone on the year and its produced dozens of indictments. I think its moving along rather swiftly. I dont think anyone in this country wants to think that president of the United States was engaged in a conspiracy with the russians. Its way down the rabbit hole and leads to questions and problems damaging to the republic. We want to know whats going on here. Do i think there may have been americans working with the russians on this . Probably. I dont know how they could have targeted the way they did without real knowledge of the system. That doesnt mean the president himself did it but it is a coincidence on the day the president asked the russians to find those emails, that was the day they attacked Hillary Clintons emails. I hope to god the president had nothing to do with it but i think this investigation needs to be given the latitude and the time and the patients to get it done right. Brian that just breaks to the president s credibility. No one was conspiring would ever go public in a Press Conference give me more things if they thought they were controlled. After trump won they were also fomenting the antitrump riots that Michael Moore went to they were run by russian box. 5,000 followers yesterday on twitter and i dont think 5,000 people broke up with me, they were fake. Its going to be very interesting moving forward, hopefully we can get past this and democrats and republicans can stop hating each other full time. I dont hate anybody and i dont think anybody should hate anybody because they disagree with them, thats why i come on this network to have real debate about real issues. But i want to know the truth. Brian thanks so much. It wasnt the only thing going on today in america. Former fbi lawyer lisa page appeared on capitol hill today to deliver testimony Behind Closed Doors to the Judiciary Committee the same people who were front and center with peter strzok . The testimony came one day after Peter Strzoks marathon ten hour hearing. Earlier she was in defiance of a subpoena so they worked out a deal and she showed up. Multiple republicans told us about her testimony saying she was more forthcoming than strzok. A lawmaker was in the room and tells us that she did bring new information to the committee. Topics included her texts and information about the rush of parole. She also made it clear, kind of a democrat, didnt like republicans thats not a crime. She talked about conversations that were not in the text. She is viewed by many as very credible, she gave new information that the committee did not have and they are probably going to reconvene in the afternoon on monday and that probably is at. The music is coming up theres only one thing i can do. Thats tease out. The president met with the queen today and more on that with a great john roberts if he is still up. Keep your fingers crossed. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Until her laptop crashed this morning. Her salon was booked for weeks, having it problems . Ask a Business Advisor how to get on demand tech support for as little as 15 a month. Right now, save 300 on our hp 2in1 Laptop Bundle at Office Depot Officemax so lionel, what does 24 5 mean to you . Rade well, it means i can trade after the market closes. Its true. So all. Evening long. Ooh, so close. Yes, but also all. Night through its entirety. Come on, all. The time from sunset to sunrise. Right. But you can trade. From, from. From darkness to light. Youre not gonna say it are you . Brian tonight President Trump in scotland right now at his golf club after a busy day in england. He met with the Prime Minister, there were an army of protesters and then he ended the day with the queen . John roberts wasnt invited in but he washed all of o it. How do you recap a day like this for the president . The one thing i can say is i started the day with my tie on and im finishing the dayay with you tonight with my tie still o on. The Press Conference that the president had with the british Prime Minister and the working meetings that they had at her country home its given to any Prime Minister it doesnt necessarily belong to her was a reset from what happened last night. This is the president arrived here, The Sun Tablet came out with an interview with they did with w him on wednesday, clearly this thing was timed which was looked at as the president pulling the political rug out from underneath theresa may. This thing really blew up because the president said whats called a soft brexit plan, it was likely that the United States wasnt going to be able to cut a trade deal with her. P it sound like president was being critical. The president insisted today that he was not beingri critical of her and the two of them actually are going to be able to work something out on trade. President trump the only thing i asked of teresa is that we make sure we can trade, that we dont have any restrictions. We want to trade with the u. K. In the u. K. Wants to trade with us. We are by far their biggest Trading Partner and we have a tremendous opportunity to double, triple, quadruple that. Theresa may insisted repeatedly when she takes britain out of the European Union in march of 2019, she will do so in a way that will allow britain to cut trade deals with the United States. Anotherla big issue is the upcoming summit with Vladimir Putin. President trump was notified of these pending indictments against these 12 russians, h clearly he wouldve been coming at the issueha today with the knowledge that was about the pop in the Press Conference. The president saying he will up the issue of meddling in the election with putin on monday. President trump will be talking about meddling and i will absolutely bring that up. I dont think there will be a perry mason, but you never know what happens. But i will absolutely firmly asked the question. Hopefully we will have a very Good Relationship with russia. Democrats were saying the president Shouldnt Meet With Putin at all, he should cancel the meeting because of the indictments. President trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until russia takes transparent steps to prove that they wont intervene in future elections. Gladhanding with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to ourur democracy. The building from the Press Conference outside, the president was shouted a question. Will you tell Vladimir Putin to stop meddling in the u. S. Elections . The answer coming back from the president , yes. Brian we know how Chuck Schumer is against the president doing something but how does the rest of the world feel for the most part especially coming off thee nato summit. How did they feel about the president meeting with Vladimir Putin . This was an interesting dichotomy that we saw in brussels. You have all of his critics back home saying dont meet with putin, they dont deserve a meeting. M. Meantime a lot of our nato allies were saying we have to talk to russia, a lot of us have to deal with russia, germany is going to be buying natural gas from them for god knows how long. There was a lot of support from Justin Trudeau and theresa may and she reiterated again to date she looks forward to the president sitting down with Vladimir Putin. They think that talking is better than not talking in the president can start to make some headway thats probably a good thing. I asked theta president is it possible to improve relations between the United States and russiahe with putin still in crimea . He said he thought it would be. I asked him what his plan was ta gett russia out of crimea. I dont know if he has a planet is in telling me or if he doesnt have a plan. Brian thanks so much, john roberts what a great job. Meanwhile there was no shortage of protesters against this president as he made his visit, for example. [chanting] [chanting] brian you got the idea . Thats what protests look like we dont do much of that the nuts country. In 2016 they r rated donald trup when he was a contender as one of the worlds ten greatest risks alongside jihadist terrorism. You were just a kid then, you Didnt Know He W was going to gt the nomination, you Didnt Know He Was going to win. He won, we are almost at your two were not in the midst of a series of Terror Attacks and we didnt reinvigorate the cold war, were you wrong . Its the gift that keeps on giving. The issue initially was about is trump a threat to the Global Economy . Brian you did read about terrorism. He had a whole host of issues regarding inflaming muslim opinion and so forth and a lot of that is coming with the protests in the u. K. And a backlash globally. Brian you do point out that President Bush in 2003 had the same sized protests when he went to visit tony blair. The thing about being the u. S. , everyone knows you and everyones got an opinion abouta you. You get a few more people coming out then at the portuguese Prime Minister popped by. He has taken some measures, the british tend to be quite they didnt like the withdrawing from the paris agreement. If there is a body of opinion against them but its not highly unusual. Brian when you look at his relationship with theresa may, they seem to have o bonded. They almost had each others back at the presser. Am i overstating it . He came in and he bulldozed in with his diplomacy and he undermined the whole exit plan but at the end of the day there holding hands. Brian theresa may is somewhat of a gray area, is she going to brexit . After meeting with President Trump she goes im leaving in march, im not the European Union, his close, she didnt say that last week. Shes trying to take the middle ground and thats a problem. In the middle Everyone Wants the extreme. Brian is he doing somewhat better than you would have thought d in 2016 when you projected a Trump Presidency . Its a cracking question. The economy is going great guns and will keep hoping for the best. Brian are you happy to bebe here . You have not stopped smiling. Im increasing my face value. Brian have a great weekend weekend. The left has been calling to abolish ice. Now republicans in congress are calling the democrats bluff, will vote on that. Why didnt they . Back on all three of those questions. Motorcycle revving or just a break from the office. These 69 oneway sale fares are ready to make your september and october a whole lot better. Book now at southwest. Com. Low fares. No hidden fees. Thats transfarency. Willy davis, who has alzheimers. I decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. The shirts were so easy to design on the site. The custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. Seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom tshirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. Youll even get free shipping. Get started today at customink. Com. Abolish ice but 42 are opposed. Among those familiar with what ice does the gap is bigger. 27 want ice abolished, 57 want to keepli it around. Its no surprise in Congress Democrats are backing off, republicans are calling their bluff. Okay, will vote on this and you have a bill . Lets vote onn it. It turns out if you put the bill forward its a trap, were going to vote no. Can you imagine Writing Legislation and voting against it because someone gives you an opportunity . Caesar whats going on, are these games being played in washington . What should we be talking about instead of abolishing ice . Democrats are playing a political gain,s republicans are also playing the politicalti ga. Many republicans who are vulnerable weather in miami or in california are going to be in a tough spot. Both parties are playing this game. What we should be talking about is why immigration is important . Why ice exists . Theres two operations. There is immigration and then Homeland Security investigators. Its taken away from our important job of investigating transnational gangs. Who wants to deport a day laborer working in your house . The real conversation is about Immigration Reform tour ensure that we are securing our borders but also providing support for immigrants. Brian what ice is doing is just enforcing the laws that are on the books. If youve been here for ten years and you skipped out on going through a hearing or going through theh Legal Process and ice comes across you, should they just walk away . Just as a State Trooper who lets thehe person driving 70 mis per hour per hour on a 60 Miles Per Hour road and lets him go and he pursues the one speeding 100 Miles Per Hour. Obviously the State Troopers cannot pursue everybody. Brian i will take the example of it further. If it turns out that person is in a car that didnt belong to them its going to be a problem. Going 10 miles over the speed limit may or may not give you a ticket, i got a ticket but i dont. Want to talk about mysel. Do you think if were trying to get to the bottom of Immigration Reform, do think its possibleor for them to do that . Does it make your job harder if youre making the bad guyss Law Enforcement . I think there are bad guys in Law Enforcement. Brian 60,000 to walk out with a kevlar vest ended philadelphia after being screamed at and spit on. We dont have an issue with Law Enforcement using resources to investigate Violent Crimes and keeping us safe. There is an issue went a Law Enforcement officer during ice or nypd or whatever Law Enforcement harasses a citizen because they think they are on documented based on the color of their skin. Theres an issue when i. C. E. Agents Sexually Molest Immigrants in detention. Brian do you think this is pervasive . Do you think they Arere Walkingp to people they think are hispanic and asking for their papers . Its happening across the country, u. S. Citizens havee ben deported. We want to wt make sure were keeping our nation safe but we want to have accountable immigrationen Law Enforcement. Brian i just spoke to the acting head who just retired and he says thats not true. Do you think Law Enforcement officers should or should not who overstayed their visas . Absolutely. I thinkty people should focus on Fighting Crime in their community and they should be building relationships to ensure that we are investigating Violent Crime . Brian is it a crime to overstay your visa . Its like getting a parking ticket. Brian should you be allowed to come here while other people go through the process, wait in line, do the paperwork, its fair to them . Its not fair for anyone. Its why we are here. Why have both parties not enacted Immigration Reform. Brian they got to start working this out. Good to see you. Seattle is in the grips of a homeless crisis and its become so desperate to Taxpayer Funds aree getting used to fly the homeless elsewhere. Fly them out of the state. Will it work . Will and im still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont Stop Taking Eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an Artificial Heart Valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. 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They have the fifth largest Homeless Population, can this work . I live in los angeles that has the highest Homeless Population so if it doesnt something we need to look at here in los angeles. Homelessness is multifaceted. There are many reasons why people are homeless and i dont think this is going to be a cure all but i think its a decent idea. Somethingg that happened ten years ago in spain. Immigrants that came were unemployed the country cannot afford to keep them. If they offer them tickets to leave spain and although over 20,000 rather than 80,000 that they wanted took the money, thats whats happening in seattle. These are people who arent taking shelters in homeless services, some of these people they are afraid could emit a crime. Some of these people are there because they were robbed. They lost a job, they want to get back to their family and this offers them an opportunity for reunification with their families and it helps seattle on that front. Brian whats really alarming, you must have seen this in los angeles is the violence. A lot of these men are getting violent. One arizona family who was touring seattle were attacked with a rope, they put a rope around his neck and started choking him and then they cleaned out the area around the seattle needle. I was fascinated by this. Third highest Homeless Population, this is what they estimate. A third of the homeless serious substance abusers, that goes back to fentanyl and Everything Else were dealing with. And a third cant handle the soaring Housing Costs that are cropping up in the cities that you are in and in places like seattle and San Francisco. That is a huge issue here in los angeles. Some people want to say if the liberals and democratic policies, this has been coming for the better part of a decade. We see especially since cities like San Francisco you have people from Silicon Valley buying up real estate and pushing up people who could afford these places. This is happening in the pacific northwest. That speaks to the multifaceted problem because you have Mental Illness you have drug abuse and you have lack of affordability. Lets talk about affordability because you have 13 million that ends up in seattle coming up to 500 beds for over 11,000 people it just doesnt cut it. This may sound crazy but it could be more costeffective and it could solve the problem that some of the financing legislation and certainly not enough beds for all of these people are going to help with. They had of a City Sanctioning Encampment where residents are allowed to use heroin. And needles until they pass out. I talked to people in los angeles who say theres a lot of young people that could get jobs mentally fit but are choosing not to participate in society. Have you seen that . I have to say and im going to south sound so judgmental, y kids are in the car we pick and choose who we give money to. There are times when i see somebody with a nice smartphone and nice sneakers and a souped up a they look healthy and forgive my judgment but i think you look healthy enough that you can get a job. Do i think there are people who are gaming the system . Absolutely and not just here in los angeles. Ld brian if i could paraphrase michael jordan, if you could come up to me and asked me for a dollar, you could also say welcome to mcdonalds. There is no job beneath you, get a job, get in the system do your best. If you can work, you have an obligation to work. Thanks so much. Its time for the final exam, can you believe its already friday . Y. Can you beat the News Professionals at remembering events from just this past week . Get the home game that i mailed to your house out, we play when we come back. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. We quizzed News Professionalsboo see who is serious about their job. We have a showdown of two fox cohosts they do their own shows because greg gutfeld refused to do a show, he has a show called The Greg Gutfeld Show and he has the got monologues that wie released. Go to amazon. Com and order 30 copies and get the exact same amount of copies. Brian dont give them ak break on the price. We have a problem, we do not lie to our audience. We were supposed to do an exam in which the first person hits the bus or get the light and they get a chance to talk but what happened . The lights are not working. Brian we could quit but if we were anything but great americans we would have quit. Bulgarians would have givene up. What if we decided to do. First hand up gets the question. If its high time we go to caitlin who was interning. Her entire career is based on this moment. Brian hopefully this is number one, lets start with number one. This weeks starbucks announced in an effort to go green, they will phase out what product from their stores . Straws. Brian is it straws . Starbucks plans to strap straws globally by the year 2020. This will eliminate them from starbuckss stores. Brian it is 10 dana leads greg. Lets move on to question two. During a recent trip to a texas protest which liberal mayor broke the law by illegally crossing into the border into mexico . Bill de blasio. Brian full name and title . Is it mayor Bill De Blasio . Brian trying to make my job more youre not alex trebek, get over yourself mayor Bill De Blasio tried to get in touch with his inner illegal alien. He illegally crossed into the United States. On he went over the u. S. Mexican border while protesting Family Separations so he allegedly violated both u. S. And mexican law. Brian you are right, can we check the score . 11. Scientists all over the world are racing to eradicate something called panama disease. Its a Fungal Infection that could soon make which fruit go extinctt . I dont know i was watching the strzok hearing. Brian grows on trees melons. Banana lovers, your fruit may be in danger. Scientistsbl scrambling to save the crop from a devastating fungus. Brian ed i blame caitlin, youre out. You are not getting credit for this semester. Dana thanks for showing great sportsmanship and wisdom. I was thinking about the melons for reasons. I cant stand when you walk by a tree and c get hit with a melon. I meant to say coconuts. Brian cited concerns about the environment, hawaii has been what popular beat him from speeches . Plastic beach balls sunscreen, speedos. Sunscreen, i was there when it w happened. Brian its about that time when we willl be Lathering Up Te sunscreen but hawaii is saying not so fast. Lawmakers their beliefs sunscreen containing two Chemicals Oxley Bend Zone are killing their coral reefs. Brian we are in sudden death, thisis has never been done before except for n lt week and the week prior. Final question again. Sit up straight. I didnt memorize the first three t words. This one could either be really tough or really easy. You may have noticed that there is a soccer tournament going on right now, its called the world cup. Which of 2 countries will face off in the this weekend . I think it was dana. Who was in the finals . France in croatia. Lets check the tape. Scores croatia beating england in extra time advancing to the final against france, a relief for their biggest fans who have missed out on path celebrations. There only can be one winner but i see two champs. You have other things to look forward to just not a victory parade. Im giving you the win. Best of luck on your show, whatever you do in the next job that you have. Brian continue being the wonderful person you are. Greg, i never liked you. Thats all for this weeks final exam, Pay Attention to the news each week and tune in Onee Thursdays to to see if you can beat the professionals. Back in a moment to wrap things up. Versatility of utility, with a range of suvs perfect for any adventure at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. For big savings during our summer sale like savings of 33 on select mens shorts and shirts. Save 25 on all instock towables. Plus bring the kids for free workshops and activities. Thanks for the ridealong, captain ive never been in one of these before, even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . Hawaii is the first state in the u. S. To have 100 Renewable Energy goal. Were a very small electric utility. But, if we dont make this move were going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaiis economy. Verizon provided us a solution using Smart Sensors on their network that lets us collect near Real Time Data on our power grid. colton this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our Renewable Energy goals. shelee if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. Thats the same things i want to do with you. Its an emotional thing to watch your child grow up and especially get behind the wheel. I want to keep you know, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. Hes Gonna Get Mine but im gonna get a new one. Oh yeah when its time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, theres truck month. Get 18 of msrp cash back on all silverado 1500 Crew Cab Lt Pickups when you finance with gm financial. Thats 9,000 on this silverado. Plus, during truck month make no Monthly Payments for 90 days. All right. We change gears now. Bye, dana and greg. Sasha baron cohen . You know that british actor . He has put politicians in the crosshairs with the latest comedy stunt. It may or may not be funny but it also could put him in jail. We have this story. What is going on with this guy . A lot of people are really upset about this because the comedians name is really synonymous with controversy. He rose to fame in the early 2000s dressed as borat and a ali g. He wrote in the early 2000s and pranked people dressed as infamous characters. But this week he made headlines again and some feel that the latest stunt is far from former. Sarah palin says that he duped her in to an interview for the upcoming showtime series called Who Is America by dressing up as a disabled military veteran. After traveling across the country for the interview, she quickly realized something was up. Part of this propaganda, that data he was showing me had something to do with sex changes and transgenderism. Then he brought up Chelsea Clinton and said that she was a recipient of the governmentfunded sex change. You know, it just got worse and worse and worse as the minutes went on. I said enough was enough and i took off my mic and i walked out. He appears to have responded to palin in a statement written under the name of one of his reported characters saying, quote, i did not say i was a war vet. I was in the service, not military. But united parcel. Palin is not his only victim. Former Vice President dick cheney, conservative radio host jim walsh, joe arpaio and roy moore were all targeted as well. Some are calling for a boycott of the show and are even saying he may have violated the stolen valor act of 2013. Showtime did not respond to our request for comment. Bigtime controversy here. In the letter he continues to rip sarah palin for being socalled offended. Why wouldnt you be . If someone says im in the service and come in a wheelchair, you dont say what branch of service . You dont have followup. And her son served. She has strong ties to the military and the reaction has been on both the left and the right. Especially if he did we dont know what he did. He says he was in the u. S. Postal service. I think he was joking there. If he did really dress up as a disabled veteran for profit, that is not good. That really crosses the line. A lot of people agree. Im surprised showtime hasnt said anything

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