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Trump got elected. Celebrities threatened to ban this country. Starting behaving like political. Political candidates so extreme they rejected them months before. News reporters became rigid propaganda. Beeshedes weirdest of all comedians lost their sense of humor. Here i samantha bee lecturing america about ivanka trump last night. You know, ivanka, thats a beautiful photo of you and your child. Let me just say one mother to another, do something about your dads immigration practices, you feckless believe. He listens to you. [cheers] put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to [bleep] stop it. Tucker dumb persons political h harang masquerading as comedy. Michael moore proclaimed what you just saw brilliant. He called samantha bee a truth teller. He thought bee was being, quote, generous. Tonight bee is receiving an award from the Television Academy for leveraging the dynamic power of television to inspire social change. Samantha belater apologized that on twitter assuming tweet apology. Temporary. She will likely be bragging about this at another Award Ceremony very soon. Meanwhile Kathy Griffin the single unhappiest person in this country used her appear and on a daytime show called the view to launch another political lecture when White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders responded to that griffin wrote a profane attack attacking Sarah Huckabee sanders, blah, blah, blah, blah f you, basically. Where did Kathy Griffin learn to talk like that . Maybe from u. S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of new york who is now regularly using the f word in her public appearances. Here is one. What about President Trump . Has he kept any of these promises . No. [bleep] no. [laughter] fundamentally, if we are not helping people, we should go [bleep] them. Tucker and she is not the quickest of u. S. Senators. But even so it says something broader about whats happening in the Democratic Party. The left is arguing that trump is radical. How have they responded . By becoming way more radical by coming completely off the edge. They say trump is vulgar. Okay. So now they shut profanity on television and at campaign events. Amazingly, trump has somehow convinced the Democratic Party to completely destroy itself. No one ever says that but it may be the biggest change he has brought to this country. Its fascinating. Radio show tammy bruce joins us tonight. She has been watching carefully. Unfortunately. Tucker its interesting. If you are making the case that trump is kind of out there and says things that are ill considered and is he profane. Thats all kind of true. Wouldnt your response be im the responsible one. Instead, they are out trumping trump by like xxx and they have gone so crazy they may not win the house back. Why are they doing that . Look, these women are making trump at this point look like sir gal had when it comes to his behavior. His third and fourth terms at this point have been pretty much secured after these displays. Tucker totally true. This is its in the new. Whats happened is because of their rage, that the curtain has been pulled back. They just dont care about hiding the nature of who they are. You didnt mention sally fields. Sally fields the actress, the flying nun, also defended the use of the cword and at the same time what she is saying is what they are trying to do is normalize the debasement of women in the name of being able to attack a woman with whom they disagree because they think she is conservative but, of course, the irony is ivanka is not a conservative. It is a meltdown but it is a reveal, also, i think, why someone like weinstein could survive so long in that world. Tucker thats right. When you are willing to reduce and have no principles when you refuse to stand up for whats right, because someone is a political opponent. That anything goes. So, the American People are seeing what this means. They are seeing that this is certainly not a framework not only of their values, but of a kind of an ugliness. Now, at the same time, look, people in media make mistakes. On the fly. That we know this. You genuinely can regret something and apologize. The problem with what samantha bee dynamic represents which is different from Roseanne Barr who is doing a tweet, it was scripted. It was clearly edited with an editing team. Then it was taped. Then it aired. Then it was put on social media and it was promoted and when those vile misogynistic words her producer was excited. Tucker she works for the same network that owns cnn. I have worked in newsrooms my whole life. I use vulgarity, i enjoy it i dont want to be a blue nose about it that one word that she used i dont know any man who uses that word because it is the one word that is actually degrading. Its the thing that feminists always telling us. That word really is. Why that word . It is fascinating. It reduces us to a vile terminology, to a part of our body. And to the ultimate debasement of who we are as women. This has transcends politics and party and Everything Else. This is about loathing and hate they have no ideas. They see the president is successful. We should all be happy that he is because the nature of what he has been able to accomplish. And, yet, because they dont know how to counter it, it returns into this, you know, ultimately, its the fraud of people like sneiderman or weinstein, the nature of this kind of attack, the misogyny was my first book in 2000 1, misogyny and sexism, homophobia, racism lives on the left. Again, its not about if you dont like something someone has said, we can all deal with that. Tucker right. We have all made mistakes. This is a concerted, scripted attitude and then for other women to support it and try to normalize it sally fields was well liked to some degree to try to normalize this debasement means they, at least, have gone off the rails. I get that people have, you know, disagreements with trump. But these people are scary. I mean, i dont think they should be anywhere near power. They are starting to really scare me. Im not just saying that i watch this stuff every day. Great to see you. Smart analysis as always. Thank you. The beauty of being a liberal political analyst in 2018 is, its really simple. No matter what the issue is, or the concern might be, its the safe bet that you tie it directly to trump. No matter what, hurricanes, higher gas prices. The ongoing war or famine. Even Roseanne Barrs twitter feed, all of them are about trump. Watch this as College Professor and professional shake down artist Michael Eric Dyson show us how its done. This is msnbc last night. We have a bigoted chief and racist in residence. Thats what it is. He has unleashed some of the most horrendous viewpoints, bigotries and racism in this country. He has legitimated them, validated them. He said look, its okay. Come out the closet. Come out and speak straightforwardly and tell the world what you believe. Tucker we lower our standards. Its unbelievable. I know we all hate trump. But so stupid. Not stupid is mark steyn who joins us tonight. What do you make of this . I feel like you know, i dont want to overstate and i dont want to be historicahysterical like they a. They are melting down it looks like to me. Yeah. I think thats whats going on, tucker. I mean, we live in a coarsened culture. And everybody has said that. I think one of the reasons why samantha bee, for example, used the cword is that the fword has been drained of its power. It was when i believe it was ken kinan who first said the f word on the tv in the bbc back in the 1960s, the irish playwright it h. Done it a couple years before. He was so drunk nobody understood that was the word. Ken kinan got the credit for it on the bbc. And that word has so lost its force in part because its now said routinely on family shows that they have had to move to samantha bee had to move to the cword. What i find interesting is that the crowd went deliriously wild about it. There is no joke there. There is no insight there. There is no particular point there. But the fact that she said the cword has the well, we really got our value for money. If we had been here 120 years ago. We would have wanted to see a trapeze artist or a tap dancer or irish tenor. Today we are happy to go in a theater and cheer deliriously when somebody says the cword. Thats actually something that if anyone digs that clip out in several decades, they will be interested to look at, i think. Tucker it is look like at old pictures from the revolution in China Children with little red books and saluting all this nonsense. How could a huge group of people go simultaneously insane . Its mass tis hair i cant. Its a human thing. What in the end is the effectiveness. Do normal people look on and say samantha bee has got to be Kathy Griffin two. Two of the unhappiest people in america i dont want anything they are selling. Or do they say wow, sign me up for whatever she has got . No, i think that you are trite detect a certain joylessness in it. I think there is also a logic though. We have two incot at that time tillable tracks. On the one hand have you this general coarsening f word, c word, f word. But on the other hand have you evermore protected classes of people. So you have people you cant say anything about because they are black, they are gay, they are muslim, they are transgender, whatever is next down the pike. Which meeption that its actually only people who are associated with trump or who are religious conservatives or who are whatever. Its a very nay row sliver of people can you unleash the blizzard much fnc words on. Thats the contradiction. As we have talked before b. Before, tucker, its actually killing comedy. The fantastic thing about this scholarship that it is a supposed comedy show. Its got writers as tammy was saying. Its pretaped. Its all carefully edited. But there actually isnt a joke in there under neath. There is just the word. Tucker i know it was only a couple years ago remind me why ntsb fired billy bush. He laughed at a joke that was less vulgar than this and he got fired and they destroyed his life because, why . Do you remember . I dont remember. Thats the injustice here. Roseanne who i dont think is any kind of conservative. I have never said that but roseanne has had 40 years of work vaporized over her tweet. And unlike samantha bee, she is actually funny and she was funny in a lefty way. She had lesbian kisses 30 years ago. But her lesbian kiss has been vaporized with Everything Else because she happen she is perceived as supporting trump. That double standard is ridiculous. Tucker its been scrubbed from digital. You cant its like the dukes of hazard, you cant find. Unbelievable. Mark steyn, thank you for chronicling this revolution with us. I appreciate it. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker last night we telling you about a series of blog posts apparently written by msnbc weekend anchor joy reid more than a decade ago. At the time reid was not the humorous progressive robot you know so well today. At the time her views on immigration were some where to the right of donald trump since Mass Immigration hurts poor people the most. Tonight we have a new set of antique joy reid blog post uncovered by buzzfeed. One toast entitled baghdad john strikes again. Reid shared an image of john mccains face super imposed onto the body of the Virginia Tech mass shooter. Couldnt do that today. Reid also promoted a 9 11 conspiracy documentary. She attacks congressman barney frank of massachusetts for the crime of being gay and she wrote a sir is aparticular call place about tony blairs son visiting bathhouses in the u. S. Spicy. Reid previously claimed her blog had been retroactively hacked by unseen somebod sabotes probably russian agents. It was is certainly a lie but definitely amiewtion. How will she explain well we are still awaiting new excuse from nbc news. As soon as they make one up, of course, we will be the first to tell you. Next up the president says his campaign was spied on. His enemies say no it wasnt. The media dont seem to care either way. What really happened . We will get the facts of this story once and for all next. Ce saved an average of 412. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Paying too much for insurance that isnt the right fit . Well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. 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Tucker well, a few weeks ago a number of leftist liberal Media Outlets including the Washington Times and the washington the k times and the washington post. Received tips from an fbi informant whoer is rip who surreptitiously gathered information. Fox news can also confirm it. It happened. Yet, remarkably, made those same Media Outlets are now claiming none of this is real or ever was real. It didnt happen. People with hair spray and artificial tans are nodding to the camera and telling you that right now. A couple of high profile republicans including congressman trey gowdy echoed that claim. There was no spying by the obama fbi on the Trump Campaign, they say. Anyone who claims otherwise is a propagandaist or a lunatic. Who are the propagandist here . What actually happened . We express a lot of opinions on this show tonight for a miniway we think its important to get to the facts of this case. Byron york has been covering this from the very beginning. The washington examiner. He joins us now. There are a lot of ways to interpret a fact check. Lets go through slowly so we can all understand it what we know. My understanding is that we know that the obama fbi had an informant attach. Speaking to people on the Trump Campaign and routeing back to the obama doj. Do we know that . We do know that we do know that from the reporting. We also know it from the testimony last year of glenn simpson. He was the guy who founded fusion gps. And who hired christopher steele, who actually was the form are spy to make the trump dossier. In his testimony to the senate. Tucker was the Trump Campaign aware of this . No. Tucker so there was someone working for intel Law Enforcement agency gathering information about the campaign without its knowledge and reporting back. According to simpson, it was someone who had essentially volunteered. He was not recruited to infiltrate the trump operation. But he volunteered. He was an fbi informant. And if you look at what he did, he tried to insinuate himself with some members of the Trump Campaign. Tucker why are anchors telling us, reporters and journalists telling us there was no spying on the Trump Campaign . Well, i think that, first of all, the informant part is just a fact. We need to know more about it. But it is a fact. Tucker the New York Times reported it. I read it . Absolutely. And so did the post and so did other people. But, there is a kind of a stupid semantic battle going on between spy and informant. And i think there is a couple of reasons for this. Perhaps, people who are in cia and those types, say well, this is not real spy trade craft. Its not that kind of spying. But, mostly, i think the reason is, President Trump, who is a master simple fire has used the word spy. And if he uses the word spy, then it must be rejected. Tucker nothing to do with trump. I that i seems like an appropriate word. Why is it not in its vernacular sense to gather information about the knowledge of the person from whom you are gathering it why is that not spying . That appears to be exactly what they were doing. The informant that we hear about most often approached carter page, sam clovis, george papadopoulos, these are figures in the Trump Campaign. Kind of very friendly approaches. Oh, we need to have coffee. I have read some of your stuff. Do you a great job. Lets talk. And then in the case of papadopoulos, at least reportedly was saying well, you know about the russians in these emails. Getting information out of that person. Tucker let me ask really quick because you are a journalist and you cover. This i keep hearing people say we know thats not true. Has other information arisen that i somehow missed that prove what you just said false . No. This is this actually happened. This is a big semantic fight people are having. Tucker they are lying. They are mischaracterizing this on purpose to hide something that happened for political reasons. I think the biggest reason is the president said this, they must try to knock it down. Tucker i thought i was going crazy watching this stuff. Thats a fact. Tucker byron york, thank you. Reporting to the Obama Justice department did secretly gather information on Trump Campaign officials but never told the Trump Campaign about that. All the usual geniuses demand that you not call this spying. Okay. What was it . Joining us now is julian epstein. Democrat on the house judiciary committee. So why is that not spying . Well, i agree with everything byron just said. I think you are getting caught up in a semantical thing. Tucker im not. The debate is getting caught up a spy, when people think of a spy, is a plant inside a campaign thats getting all kinds of information about the campaign operations. Thats not what happened here. By everybodys admission. By everybodys admission, what happened here is the use of an fbi confidential informant, which is Standard Operating Procedure in the fbi. Once the fbi has evidence that a Foreign Government is trying to coopt certain individuals who are who are part of a campaign. In this case papadopoulos and carter page. The fbi informant was simply trying to get, once carter page had flown to russia had bragged in emails. Im aware of all of this. He was spying on the campaign. This was an effort to for the fbi to investigate whether or not based on information they had already gotten whether there is validity. Tucker some people have been compromised. I get it. I understand. There are two levels. Lets just hit the first one. Thats spying on the campaign. You are saying it was justified. Im openminded. Im saying its very limited to particular individuals. Tucker it was spying. When i see individuals on television passing off this propaganda. It was spying. B, to the question of whether or not it was justified. If they really were concerned about this, that these two people attached to the campaign were in the employee some how far the russian government. Why didnt they tell the Trump Campaign. They did. Tucker they did . They didnt. Went to the Trump Campaign in july of 2016. Around warned them that they were looking at. Russians, no, no. That the russians were trying to infiltrate the campaigns. The Clinton Campaign and the Trump Campaign. Because you normally wouldnt. In the course of investigation, you wouldnt normally wouldnt go and tell other people that might get caught up in illegal activity that. Tucker you couldnt tell the candidate . So here you have the obama. No, not in an ongoing tucker the Obama Administration doing. This obama has come out against Donald Trumps candidacy. Yet, his fbi agents are conducting this spying. And, yet, they didnt tell why not tell trump . Do they believe he was working for putin . I mean, seriously. There is two reasons. You make it sound like obama is commanding the fbi. Tucker its his fbi. We dont know that actually. There is zero evidence of that i doubt byron would say there is any evidence of that. Tucker im merely saying they worked for the Obama Administration. We dont know the answer because all these media morons are telling us we dont have a right to act. Im an american, do i have a right. I want to know what this was about. I dont think there was any political involvement. Tucker we dont know that. There is no evidence of that. Tucker there is no evidence of anything we dont know what happened. The gang of 8 got a fair amount of information when they met with the Justice Department earlier in the week. Im sure if the loyalists had any information if theres what a political involvement in the decision to investigate, that that would be. Tucker god only knows. I dont trust any of these people. Im an american citizen and taxpayer. I have lived here all my life and i want to know what the hell this was about and i have a right know. You are saying you dont trust the fbi and the security agents. Why should i trust any of this. One administration spying on political opponents. We know that its been reported by people who hate trump. There is no debate about that. Why shouldnt i know the full context to it . Thats fair. I go back and agree with byron. This is a case in which the intelligence agencies got information in one case about papadopoulos bragging to a foreclosure diplomat that he had contact with the russians. Hold on, let me finish the point. Carter page gone to russia been under investigation for years who had tried to be recruited by russian spies in 2013. This is credible evidence by the Intelligence Agency that the russians. Tucker you are evading my question. Tell donald trump that we are spying on your campaign. We have talked to these guys surreptitiously why would you keep that from him . Why doesnt very a right to know that the information at that point is that the Trump Campaign was actively soliciting information you from the russians at least papadopoulos was and eventually carter page. Tucker there is no evidence that donald trump did. But no knowledge at the fbi how far up the campaign it does. Why would you inform the potential target of an investigation that theyre being targeted in counter intelligence. Tucker boy, if this were happening on the other side as god watches i would be honest enough to say whoa, whoa, whoa. If trump was doing this to Elizabeth Warren a year from now, i would be very worried about it. I think thats an honest point and let us finish on this point because i think we can find some common ground. I think the idea of an fbi ever going into a Political Campaign whether its clinton or trump is very disturbing and very, very. Tucker okay, good. The point we should agree on is the Inspector General ought to look at this and the Inspector General. Tucker like yesterday and stop whether it was kosher or wasnt kosher. Tucker i have got to go. We are out of time. Other person on Television Electric tier me there was no spying when there was spying you are lying. Its semantical discussion. Its the use of a confidential informant. Tucker thats another euphemism. Now they are barking at me we have got to go. Important decision. Tucker patrons in a bar in portland financed a reparation happy hour nothing for sins than cocktails. The activist who organized it joins us next. Ur new car . Youre better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With new car replacement, if your brand new car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. 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So, reparations happy hour is an event, a successful event that was put on my nonprofit brown hope. Find out more information on brown hope. Org. 40 black, brown and people who attended this event, we had over 150 white people donate. And this wasnt about alcohol. I have been sober for 27 years. So you can trust i was not putting on alcoholic event. We built community and we made a space to heal from the impact of racism. And i believe that you as a conservative can respect the fact that we have people voluntarily support this event and show that, yes, individuals can take action to heal from the impacts of racism. Tucker its a little at patronizing though no in the assumption all black people are poor and need the help the white people. And it it makes the white people feel virtuous like they are coming to the rescue and i dont know how it makes the black people feel. But it probably makes some of them feel patronized, i would think. Thank you, tucker. I saw your show about racism, roseanne bar we both agree that racism is real. We both agree that racism goes two base. And what we are Say Something that Racial Disparities, if you look at our country, the color of your skin is a predictor of how long you will live, what kind of economic level you will be in and other factors. And so what we are saying. Tucker cammeron, someone who is familiar with the numbers its not quite that simple. Broadly, maybe. African immigrants to this country have higher level income levels than poor white americans. Its not quite as. Black and white as you are suggesting. I guess thats part of the point im making. Not all black people are the same not all white people are the same. They have different attitudes and income levels. Yeah. Tucker this suggests you are you are suggesting certain color one category. Another color another category. That makes me uncomfortable. Why doesnt that make you uncomfortable. We are saying racism is real and Racial Disparity exists. We are calling on folks from a privileged demographic to pay into a solution and invest in the leadership of black, brown and Indigenous People we care about the facts. And the facts state that racial disparate exists and brown hope is offered solutions. Tucker let me ask you. Impacts racism. Tucker i think its a very clever deal you got going. Pay for my and everything will be fine. I am clever. Tucker you are entrepreneur in a hilarious way. Who would. Who would have thought a tiny event already happened on portland now im on fox news and now New York Times is covering it we elevated reparations. Tucker let me ask you this, would it make you uncomfortable if someone who made less than you did paid for your meal or your drinks because you were a different color . Would that make you feel uncomfortable . So what were looking at is the real wealth disparity in our country and we know that the wealth disparity between blacks and whites is around 10 to 1. So we know. Tucker no, thats not no, no, thats not speaking in general terms. I already gave you one of my counter facts is african immigrants make more than white americans on average. Are you comfortable talking about the realities of this country. Tucker general terms. That at this time particulars. You seem uncomfortable. Tucker im amused. But, let me ask you this. Me too. Tucker does it make you uncomfortable to generalize on the basis of race in the way that you are, despite the fact that you are making money from it, which again, as a capitalist i applaud. Its an amazing scam. Its not a scam. Tucker it. Even looking at the civil rights movement. We saw that Racial Disparities existed and be like oh, generally some people in the Civil Rights Era were doctors. Some people could vote. We have always had exceptionalism. In the general fact, look at the facts. The facts matter and we know that racial disparate. Tucker so empowerment is were working with our partners to invest in this work. We were successful. We were successful. Tucker send me a guilt offering and pay for my drinks. You are winning this game. You are the winner. I love that cammeron, its great to tell you. The majority of people who came we got 10 in cash from the folks. Hthey spent that money on gas and paid for rent for a friend its not about alcohol. We called it happy hour. Tucker you made money. Cammeron. Thats right. We elevated reparations. Tucker good job. Good job. Unfortunately we are out of time. You are capitalist i know that i thought i was a capitalist until i met you. Cammeron, great to see you. Executive at Purdue Pharma the company at the center of the Opioid Epidemic were lying it turns out when they said that they didnt know their drugs were being abused. They did know. We have details next. 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Tucker this story has not received enough attention. Tell us what Purdue Pharma knew. Remarkably, what they knew was that the drug was being abused. They had gotten special permission from the fda to promote this drug less prone to abuse. They took this claim they ran with it. They made claims that were not true. During that whole time, they were aware that people were abusing the drug. They had reports from their doctors. They had reports from Law Enforcement officials. And they sat on these reports. They made made no mention of them to regulators, to authorities, to lawmakers. And they just kept selling and selling and selling. Tucker so, looking back, i mean, this drug was shipped to some counties famously in kentucky and West Virginia in quantities that werent justifiable under any circumstances, legitimate circumstances you can imagine. It must have been obvious what was going on. They must have known. Why has no one been charged from this company . Well, in fact, the prosecutors that investigated this company want you had to charge them. They wanted to bring very serious charges against the executives. Our report and the material that is in pain killer is drawn from a Justice Department report in which prosecutors recommended charging three top executives of Purdue Pharma with serious felonies that would have sent them to prison. But they got stopped by top Justice Department officials who blocked these indictments. Tucker who are the officials who blocked those indictments . They were the top people in the Bush Administration who are running the Justice Department at that time. Tucker its absolutely unbelievable. It is unbelievable. Tucker do you think we passed a point where it would be impossible to charge the people partly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of americans for crimes . You know, they the statute of limitations probably run on these crimes. Its probably impossible to bring criminal charges. There are a lot of cities and states that are bringing civil charges, civil lawsuits against Purdue Pharma. I mean, i think the important thing is this we are now in the midst. And you have reported on it of a Great Public Health crisis. The only way to get out of it is to understand how it started. How does a story that pain killer tells. And we need to understand that story. We need to know who needs to be held to account. We cant treat Corporate Executives with kid gloves when these companies are flooding our country with millions and millions of pain pills. Tucker Life Expectancy for middle class americans just went down for the third year in a row two days ago. I appreciate your reporting. Thank you. Thank you, tucker. Tucker really valuable stuff. Up next, final exam. The question is can you beat our two professional news experts at remembering the news . Thats next. Nfident. Here, yogi. Thank you boo boo. Fortunately, theres Rocket Mortgage hmmm. Hey. By quicken loans. 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Com tucker time now for final exam we determine which ones of our fox news regulars has been paying attention to the news. You would assume all of them. We are about to find out. With us is griff jenkins. He has won a number of times in a row. Latest challenger kate pavlich. As you know, katie, your competitor has won four times in a row. Each time he has been wearing a sling for his injured arm which he destroyed on fox friends weekend. Now he is out of the sling. Which makes him even faster. Good luck to you. Thank you very much. First time we will see how it goes. Griff griff i need both arms to beat katie. Tucker she is very good. Hands on buzzers. I ask the questions. The first person who buzzes in gets to answer the question. You have to wait until i have completed the question before buzzing in. Each correct answer gets you one point. Each incorrect answer subtracts a point from your total, best of five wins. Are you ready . Ready. Tucker outstanding, question one. The president of the United States just told reporters is he considering a pardon not only for former illinois governor rod blog but also for which domestic goddess . Katie pavlich . Martha stewart. Tucker is it Martha Stewart . A pardon now for Martha Stewart. Stuart, youll remember, was convicted back in 2004 of obstructing justice and lying to the government about why she unlewded stock just before the price plummeted. The president says she, quote used to be one of my biggest fans. Tucker Martha Stewart not only a genius. Down hill from here. Tucker question two. Katie is in the lead. Multiple choice question. France, the country, just discovered its own version of spiderman. A man from mali, the country of mali scaled the front of an Apartment Building to save a toddler from falling off the balcony. That man has been offered that you job for reward for heroism is that job a high rise window washer a fireman or c a circus acrobat . Griff jenkins . Fireman. Tucker as we say in our country firefighter. Is it fireman. 22yearold being called a real life fireman, swinging one balcony to another reaching the child in less than 30 seconds. He has also been given a job as a fireman. Good for him. Tucker outstanding that was compelling. Very good im not up on the news 1 to 1. Question 3. In brock worth edge glammed this week citizens competed in unusual. Hurled themself down a steep hill. A race to catch a rolling piece of what type of food . Griff jenkins . Cheese. Tucker cheese . Cheese. Tucker to the tape we go. These people chase cheese down a hill. The cheese is rolling down at 70 miles per hour. There is the winner. And he didnt even win any money. He just won the cheese. He just got cheese. Well worth it. Tucker fox news reporter. I was a domestic reporter. I dont know about the international business. You were told there was no Foreign Policy on the exam. Cheated. So, 2 to 1. Question 4. In the age of email, the United States Postal Service is trying something new in order to attract business. This summer the Postal Service will introduce a scratch and sniff what . Postal service Katie Pavlich . Stamp. Tucker what else could it be . I dont know. Lets roll the tape. For the First Time Ever scratch and sniff stamps will be available. I just guessed. You can see delicious, smell sweet and delicious like summer. Smell it before it goes in the mail with all the other mail. Tucker that clip was from gma. Fox news can confirm it is a scratch and sniff stamp so you are right. Now we are 2 to 2. Sudden death. Griff jenkins always finds himself in this place and brings it right to the end. Here is the final question. Which tennessee United States senator was just booed by a hometown crowd when the president called out his name at a rally in nashville . Katie pavlich. Senator bob corker. Tucker senator bob corker. Hold on. This will decide the outcome of tonights final exam. Roll the tape, please. Senator bob corker. [crowd boos] tucker and the reign was ended. Katie pavlich i cannot believe you dethroned griff jenkins. Congratulations. I took the sling off. I was red i didnt knew i was against a fierce competitor. Tucker one of those paradoxes like on the beatitudes. You are not disabled, weaker. I should point out, too, a boy from tennessee beat from a gorgeous woman from arizona its just poetic justice. Tucker congratulations to you. Thank you some. Tucker you win our eric wemple mug. There is his picture. Can you drink your coffee from it. Tucker griff jenkins, good to see you. Cheers. Tucker have you back for the rounding of champions. Sounds good. Tucker fox news nextk week find out which journalists are for the job they are paid to do. They are paid to do. Well be right back. They are paid to do. Well be right back. Genius. Now, the next big thing is the Capital One Savor card. Good choice babe. Oh, wait, hold on. 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Ms. Blagojevich stood with him last month she came on this show to make his case. My husband is my husband is probably the own one serving sentence simply for asking for campaign contributions. Howman how many years did he get . He never took a tribe. He was an extreming liberal and 61 years old and has kids and they were keeping him behind bars until hes elderly help anyone. Were rooting for him. Thats it for us. Sean han ti hannity is here now. Welcome to hannity. Stay with us for the hour. Deep state is cracking before your eyes and according to new reports tonight the fired fbi deputy supplied a memo detailing the socalled concerns about President Trump and the firing of james comey. Well blow this out of the water and tell you how absurd this is and a stunning new revelation about the Deputy Attorney general Rob Rosenstein and the president and spy gate. Well have a brand new report detailing what are extreme measures the deep

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