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It be a police officer, a School Security officer or a civilian who is carrying a concealed weapon, the shooter engages, shoots back and forth or commits suicide. Either way, the shooting of innocents stops. Its upsetting to read these documents knowing what actually happened that day. And it shows a failure byea Broward County Sheriffs Department either to properly train its officers or, in the case of maybe the current officer the officer who had to resign in disgrace, obviously he ignored the training if indeed he followed it. Tucker so this wasnt some hidden thing. This wasnt esoteric. This was in the training manual. I think thats relevant because sheriff israel in the days after the shooting went to the cnn guncontrol rally and sat on s the stage and blamed armed citizens, blamed the middle of the country basically for what happened and never mentioned the failures of his deputy, but he mustve known that this was the protocol. Wouldnt he have known that . Thats right. And you know, other deputies arrived and they didnt go into the building as quickly as they should have either. A [chanting] tucker that was not the cnn anchor. That was his rhythm challenged brother. Senator Bernie Sanders participated as well, by the wa way. Here demanding we have the courage to take down the nra,e to pass common sense gun safety legislation, the vast majority of what the American People wan want. Tucker Sanders And Cuomo attended these rallies, but they didnt go alone. They were escorted by bodyguards paid by you who went to protect them. Those bodyguards were armed of course with guns. Bodyguards allowed to carry ten rounds in their magazines. If you want to protect yourself in the same way in new york, standard Law Enforcement issued. Tucker hold on. Im not bragging but i do actually know about thiss. K a glock mag has more than ten. They have magazines bigger than you are allowed. We are paying their bodyguards. Okay, they are not allowed in new york. They are allowed in vermont. All Law Enforcement, they dont limit their rounds and magazines, why would they do that . Thats insane but they are asking that we do it. How does that work . I kind of agree and disagree. First off, Andrew Cuomos k bodyguards should be stuck with the same limits that we are calling for, which is a ten round magazine. Other than special teams for Law Enforcement like s. W. A. T. Teams and whatnot, they all have very special circumstances that they would have greater round magazines at their disposal. But the average Law Enforcement officer should be carrying a ten round magazine just like we would call for anybody else. Tucker but why . Do you think theyll do something wrong with it . Im not arguing to disarm the police, im arguing to let people have the same protection that their rulers and, politicians have. T why would you want to in effect lower the effectiveness of a bodyguard . E what is the circumstance where youre going to need more than a ten round magazine . A lot of my friends who are deeply into firearms, larger than ten round magazines have a higher Percentage Rate of jamming. You are hurting the opportunity of the Law Enforcement officer to do their job properly. Tucker they are kind of experts on this question. I think your average cop knows a lot more about what makes an effective firearm then your average cable news host. Lets let them decide. Can we just agree that politicians shouldnt be allowed to set one standard for themselves above the standard they require of Everyone Else . Bodyguards, i dont agree with you on local Law Enforcement. Local Law Enforcement is dealing with issues that requires them to have things like bearcats. Weve seen then use them very successfully in the number of situations around the country. Local Law Enforcement requires that the state have an opportunity to warm trickle arm more like the military than your average. Citizen. Tucker can we simplify it . I wonder if we can get the brady people and the bloomberg people on board. No politician can vote for any piece of Gun Control Legislation that he or she would not apply to him or herself. Im all for that 100 . I totally agree with you on that point. Politicians should have to abide by what theyey are imposing on e rest of us. I separate the police differently. Tucker thats probably a fair point. Really quickly, i what is the power of pacific . Its Life Insurance and Retirement Solutions to help you reach your goals. Its having the confidence to create the future thats most meaningful to you. Its protection for generations of families, and 150 years of strength and stability. And when youre able to harness all of that, thats the power of pacific. Ask a Financial Advisor about pacific life. Come to my window ohh crawl inside wait by the light of the moon applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Tucker the fbis Office Of Professional Responsibility has recommended that former Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe be fired from the bureau for serious misconduct. According to news reports, the recommendation comes because mccabe authorized disclosing information to reporters, leaking illegally, and then lied to investigators about it when they asked. Mccabe has already announced his retirement which is set to take effect on sunday. If he is fired before then, hehe could lose some of the benefits hes due from the federall government tax dollars. Joe digenova is a former u. S. Attorney from the District Of Columbia and he joins us tonight. Joe, thanks for coming on. I want to clear the air on this specific question. Im not an expert. Im watching that lady in the afternoons over at msnbc scream about how this is immoral to punish this guy. Has he done something worth punishment . Hes done a number of things worth punishment, including careening through Obstruction Of Justice from the beginning of the trump campaign, doingng everything he could to exonerate Hillary Clinton in the email server case corruptly. And then if hillary didnt win the presidency, to figure out a way to falsely claim that donald trump had committed a crime. Even though thats not what hes being fired for, thatsla certainly ultimately what should he be assigned responsibility for. He should be fired. He should have been fired a long time ago, and if he loses some of his benefits, thats good for the country. Its the least that can be done to him. Tucker what are the consequences of having highlevel Law Enforcement officers who have the power of life and death over the rest off us lying . Caught lying . What does that mean for us . It means that the system of equal justice has been rent asunder by the conduct of james comey, americas best known dirty cop, Andrew Mccabe and others, including Senior Obama Administration Justice Department officials. This is a moment in history that has sullied the reputation of the fbi and the Department Of Justice and deservedly so. Every one of these people should be put in a Wanted Poster at a post office, even though they may never be arrested. What they have done to the department and the fbi is undermine the confidence of the American People in federal Law Enforcement. It is disgraceful, and it all stems from their animus towardss President Trump. It is despicable. Tucker so the media are supposed to be watchdogs, even vigilant against the abuse of power. This would be a profound abuse of power if true. Why are they Making Excuses for it, do you think . A theyre Making Excuses for ih because they, like Comey And Mccabe and senior obama doj people, hate donald trump. And they believe that anything, including violating every known standard of federal Law Enforcement, is justified to either keep him from office or,t if elected, take him out of office. It is one of the worst moments in the history of american law e enforcement. T. And the shame is on comey and everybody associated with it. Tucker so as a procedural matter, if an fbi official e is caught lying to internal investigators, to their ig or whatever department within the bureau did the investigation, isnt that just prima facie cause for firing right there . It is, and its also a violation of the false statement federal statute, and its a crime. Tucker huh, cause its a crime for you or me to lie to the fbi, correct . It is indeed, and its a crime for mr. Mccabe to do so. Tucker so mike flynn c has seen his life destroyed because he lied to the fbi, supposedly. He pled to it. Mccabe lies to the fbi and whats her name over at msnbc screams about how he might be punished for it. Unbelievable. The people in the media have given up on being objective or caring about anything than hating trump. Shame on them. He tucker yeah, i mean, the rule of law is kind of bigger than trump i would say. Anyway, joe, thank you. Great to see you. My pleasure. F speak to a group of immigrants in this country is suing the Trump Administration. They claim they cant be deported because it would be racist. An aclu attorney supporting them joins us next. Thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Feet go here. You know what goes here. And your approval rating. Goes here. Test drive the ztrak z540r at your john deere dealer and learn why its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Nothing runs like a deere. Save 250 dollars when you test drive and buy a john deere residential z540r ztrak mower. I am robert gray. Now back to Tucker Carlson tonight. Tucker in the last year, and this is a recently new thing, the american left has united behind a new theory of citizenship in the United States. Anyone from around the world can come here for any reason. And once theyre here, they never have to leave no matter what the original justification for being here is. And if you disagree, you are a bigot. The u. S. Has a designation called Temporary Protected Status for immigrants from certain countries. We have this because we are kind country. We try to help. The status is supposed to be a shortterm measure, letting people remain in the u. S. If w their country suffers a calamity like a natural disaster, earthquake, flood, whatever. This program has been around for a long time, and it has been badly abused. El salvador, for example, received tps in 2001 after a series of earthquakes. It still has it today. Onethird of all salvadorans on the globe now live in the United States. Honduran immigrants have enjoyed temporary status since 1998. Haitians have had it since 2010. The Trump Administration has said jeez, this is supposed to be temporary. Lets make it temporary and let the status of some countries expire. In response, the left is revealing what they really think about temporary. They were actually permanent all along. With support of the aclu, several immigrants are suing the Trump Administration, saying they cant be deported. They claim that the president has described some countries as terrible places to live, therefore he is a bigot. Never mind the entire justification for letting immigrants come here in the first place is that their countries were terrible places to live. S hmm. The only thing that matters is this single principle to the left anybody can live in the u. S. And they should never be forced to leave ever. We think thats the principle, but to explain it to us, Ahilan Arulananthan is the legal director of the aclu of southern california, and he joins us tonight. Ahilan, thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me, tucker. Tucker so theres an obvious internal contradiction here, which im sure youve pondered before, which is these plaintiffs whom youre representing are saying it was bigoted of the president to describe certain countries as hellholes, crappy places to live. And yet the justification for n their being here anyway and not returning is that those countries are exactly what President Trump said they were. So how does it work . I dont think thats quite how we see it, tucker. I think the government can create a temporary program for people to stay 6, 12, even 18t months. These are countries where people have been lawfully residing here under this u. S. Program for almost 20 years. In some cases, more than 20 years. All were saying is that when the government wants to change the program and take away their status, tear apart their families, their u. S. Citizen children who are in high school they have to have a very good reason to do that. And they dont have a very good reason here. Tucker may i just say that hold on. Isnt the reason itself inherent in the program . It was temporary. This Wasnt Permanent Resettlement of people who wanted a better standard of living. Weve done that for a lot of people. But this specific program was to say your country is a disaster. You can come here until its better. Onethird of all salvadorans on planet earth now live in the United States. So theres been a massive resettlement here. Why is it unfair to hold them to the standards we agreed on in the first place . Well, two things, tucker. First, its not a question of whether or not you can have a good reason to terminate it. The question is, did the government have such a reason here . Ot so we know that there was a bipartisan proposal, republicans and democrats, that proposed to the president granting permanent residence to these people because they have lived here for so long. And he rejected that in this meeting where he made this comment i dont know if im allowed to say this. That they were from [bleep] countries. Tucker hold on. Thats not relevant actually because none of that became law. So he had a conversation with someone. It didnt go through the congress. No Executive Orders were issued. So its not really material to the statutes on the book now which describe a temporary program and youre saying that it cant be temporary because why . It definitely can be temporary, tucker. Our point is that once its happened for a long time and some of our plaintiffs are not just immigrants, right . Theres, like, the 14yearold High School Student born and raised in northern california, whos studying government, whos studying the constitution, and who knows that the Due Process Clause protects persons and not just citizens. Tu she now has to either leave the only country that shes ever known to go live with her parents in el salvador or her family has to broken apart. Theres 100,000 other children tucker well, can i just i mean, look. Youre not going to surprise mee with stories about people suffering because a lot of. People are suffering, including millions of american citizens. And i feel sorry for all of them, immigrant and american alike. Thats not really the question. The question is whats the best for the country . But the question also unresolved which you have not yet answered is, are they saying either that it was racist to describe their home countries as terrible places . Or are they saying that theirac home countries are terrible places and thats why they cant go back. You cant really say both, can you . No, i think the position in the lawsuit, and certainly if you look at the designation that supports this is that the justifications for granting Temporary Protected Status to people from el salvador and haiti and sudan and nicaragua remain in place today. The countries continue to be tucker no, no, no. But about so trumps comments, the ones that were reported, and we dont really know exactly what he said. But im willing to believe he said that, because its true, by the way. A lot of these countries are hellholes. Are you taking issue with that . Are you saying that its wrong to call haiti a hellhole, but no one here from haiti can be returned to haiti because its a hellhole . I mean, will you just engage with that core thing . No. Right, yeah, no, tucker. R. What the president has reported to have said is that we dont want people from these shole countries, and so it was an expression of animus against them. Its not the only statement. I mean, the president has made many statements about, you know, everyone from haiti has aids. I dont want to go through them all. Tucker well, i dont know. I mean, onethird of okay, but who cares . Why is that relevant . Look, will you just engage with this fact . Onethird of all salvadorans in the world live in the United States, so its not like we have special animus toward salvadorans. A third of their entire population lives here. Its kind of hard to argue that we are racist against salvadorans, isnt it . No, no, its not about thet fact in fact, america as ans whole is not racist against we have a long history of people from china after tiananmen square, from hungary back in the 50s and 60s after the problems there. People obviously from Central America as well that we have allowed, welcomed to this country because of the problems that are existing in those countries. Tucker but 20 years is not temporary. Exactly, exactly. Exactly, tucker, and if the government had ended this program, as they did tucker [laughs] for example, with the ebola tucker if we hadnt been so nice, we wouldnt be punished for it. Hef wait, you just perfectly crystalized the whole problem with our country and Western Civilization itself. If we hadnt been so nice, we wouldnt be under attack now. We are being sued because we made the mistake of being kind to immigrants, thats what youre arguing. No, i think weve sued because when the government wants to tear a set of families apart were talking about american children, schoolaged children, it has to have very good reasons for doing that. Tucker but wait. We dont think the government has shown tucker okay, if theyre not shole countries, then its not so terrible to go home. Right, i get it. Im sure theyre nice. I just i think these are fair questions. We are out of time, ahilan, but thank you for coming on and explaining that. I appreciate it. The friendly skies are not so friendly for dogs. Dogs are dying on airlines. Not enough people care. We do care. Well investigate that next. Hom. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Get outta my dreams get into my car get into my car get outta. Applebees to go. Order online and get 10 off 30. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. 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Youre not going to get only one car in your lifetime. But you are going to get only one body. And only one mind. And that body and mind feels terrific right now but it has to last you a lifetime. Tucker dogs are dying on commercial airlines. United airlines is apologizing after a Flight Attendant forcedt a woman to put her dog into an overhead bin and the dog suffocated there and died. Meanwhile another family had its dog shipped to japan by mistake. Its not clear if this is a problem particular to United Airlines, but the most recent statistics, they are responsible for three fourths of all dog deaths. Mark steyn is an author and columnist and dog lover. R. Cheryl is a former Flight Attendant and an anchor for fox business. Cheryl, you were a Flight Attendant, can you imagine yourself telling a patron, agi customer to put a dog and an overhead bin . Never in a million years would a Flight Attendant knowingly put anything living or breathing in an overhead bin. You just dont do that. That is absolutely not what is happening. I do believe the Flightth Attendant did not hear that they were saying it was a dog. I dont think this Flight Attendant knew they were puttint a dog into an overhead bin. There is no circulation, there is no air in this overhead bin and i also dont think the flight crew heard the dog barking, even though passengers say that they did. Tucker i wonder why no one stood up and freed the dog, but thats a completely fair point. What does this tell us about air travel or dogs or American Society . One of the lessons is that air travel is one of the most controlled environments in any free society. Take for example what cheryl said, it might well be true that the Flight Attendant did not hear what the passenger was saying, that there was a dog in the carrier. And it might be true the Flight Attendant didnt hear any barking. Then again you havehe to think would you not hear the guy goin going, allahu akbar, not hearing the sound of him striking the match as he attempts to light his shoes. We have turned air travel into the most controlled environment in a free country. Ol a result, and i Dont Absolving the Flight Attendant quite as thoroughly as cheryl does, but i think whats really disturbing here is the behavior of all the passengers, including the dog owners. No passenger i say this i get so annoyed about the story. I have a dog who is very sick and has required specialized treatment. In montreal and down in someplace in pennsylvania. The thought that if i carelessly made the mistake of flying to philadelphia, this could have happened to my beloved dog. It terrifies me. If you hear a dog in a compartment, you dont recorded on your cell phone. You dont tell a reporter afterwards that you heard barking. You stand up like a freeborn citizen and you liberate that animal. And you risk being fined by the faa. Wait a minute. Interference with a flight crew is a federal offense. The fbi will be there at the end of the flight. Tucker let me ask you this and you may be entirely right, but you lived this and worked on an airline, do you really thinkd of a dog barks in the middle of a flight, someone stood up and said liberate a dog, the fbi would arrest that person . Of course not. What im saying is the passengers are afraid. You are afraid of being arrested, you are afraid of ending up on video. Look what happened with united and the doctor last year who was dragged off the plane. They also are responsible for the death of a pet rabbit. T. They have a horrible record with animals. 18 deaths last year of the 24 that were a reported in the entire industry were on United Airlines planes. Again, passengers are afraid because even the civil penaltiee could go up to 250,000. I think this mother and daughter were scared to say anything. I think the passengers were as well. A thats why we have to end this. We are training human beings. We are training freeborn citizens to behave like domestic pets. Docile and spayed because were frightened that if we point out there is a dog in the overhead bin, then will be dragged off in manacles. At a certain point, this is the post 9 11 environment. As a result of which, we still let in guys who runs on people on the new york bike path and blow up Christmas Parties inle o san bernardino, but we shuffle shoeless like animals, if you see someone without shoes in public, its an animal. We have turned ourselves into. Animals in this post9 11 environment. Tucker thats so true. Cheryl, really quickly, how does an airline send a dog to japan . United criticized someone today because they got two docs dogs mixed up. It happened on the tarmac at denver when the dogs were taken off the plane. That dog went to japan and set of going to kansas city. That dog is being flown first class to United States by united. Their record is not good. Tucker think you both. That was great. Time for final exam. Have you been paying attention to all the news this week . Pit yourself against our experts to find out. Thats coming up next. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Tucker time now for the most intense part of the show. We picked two news experts. Ed henry, a perennial champion. He has won three matchups and a roll. He is onethird of the way of matching Shannon Bream from last year. His challenger this week is Lauren Blanchard. Thanks for putting me in my place. Tucker shannon is the platonic ideal. Here are the rules, i will explain to you. I ask the questions. The first one to buzz in gets to answer. Ai you have to wait until i finish the question if you lose a point, are you ready . Question one. President trump was in california this week to look at some border wall prototypes. The president said the top of the wall needs to have a certain Design Feature to keep out aggressive climbers. Pr kind of design does he want . A, the need to be around,un b, need to have barbed wire, or c, needs to be covered in spikes . He wants the top of it to be round. Tucker not with broken wine bottles. Okay, we go to the tape to see if you have been paying attention. The round piece you see appear, the larger it is, the better it is. Its very hard to get over the top. Its really a deterrent from getting over the top. Who would think . Who would think . Getting over the topop is easy. These are professional mountain climbers. Tucker Lauren Blanchard got that right. She did a piece on this. Tucker question two, Hillary Clinton was in india this week and shes still pretty upset about the election results. She told an audience that she was well on her way to winning over all the white women, but she lost them because of the shady dealings of one man. Who was that man . Was it russian president vladimir putin, former president barack obama, former fbi director jim comey . Ed henry . Comey. Tucker here is what she said in india. I was on the way to winning white women until former director of the fbi, jim comey,u dropped that very illadvisedd letter on october 28th. Were being told shes going to jail. O you dont want to vote for her. Its terrible, you can vote for that. Tucker honestly, it was either the trilateral commission or vladimir putin. 1 of 70 different things. Tucker you picked the right one. Question three, despite countless violently lyrics and past gun charges, which rapper blasted American Gun Owners anyway at a Sunday Award Show . Lauren blanchard. Eminem. Le tucker hes got gun charges, but he attacked gun owners. Lets find out. Tucker im not buying his new album now, but youre right. The Hypocrisy Alarm just went offf. Its 21. Question four, Amazon Thee Company claiming its latest victim, which iconic brickandmortar chain is now closing all of its stores because theyre making no money . Lauren blanchard . S toys r us. Theyre closing or selling off all of their u. S. Stores. Tucker i dont believe you, but lets check the tape. Is it toys r us . Toys r us, if you have a gift card, use it immediately because once the store closes down, that is usually it. Toys r us informed employees yesterday it would be closingy p all of its nearly 800 stores in the United States. Tucker we hear a lot about the blue wave. You are a blue wave. Michigan graduate. Lab results show after a year in space, astronaut scott kelly is no longer identical to his twin brother,ti mark. There is a major biological difference between the two of them, what is that difference . Lauren . Their dna is now different. It is right. Tucker their dna cant be different. One of them is 2 inches taller now. Nasa scientists found that his dna had been altered when he came back down to earth. At 7 of scott kellys genes did not return to normal after returning to earth two years ago. The identical twins are no longer completely identical. Speak to give its any consolation, she would have whipped me. You kept your dignity in the face of that onslaught. You are the new winner and you get our eric wemple mug im on one side, hes facing waterloo on the other. Drink coffee with it with pridee knowing you are the winner. Its great to see you. W i know youll be back. I couldnt keep up. Tucker that is it for final exam this week. Take Pay Attention to the news l week and tune in on thursday to see if you can win. Oya is with e through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So, that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Supposed to talk this way. I didnt think anyone wanted to live in a country where youre judged exclusively on factors you cant control. N how did we get here . Thats a good question, because i thought the get was the p Colorblind Society that people were based on the content of their character not the color of their skin. I guess thats not the case when it comes to the left. This woman who t said they met l their diversity goals, i understand shes a white female. Does that mean shes willing to step down for a Better Qualified woman of color . Its never the case. The people implementing this are almost if my experience exclusively white or put themselfel in that same category that wont give up their overpaid lowwork jobs to help anyone else. I think its misleading to say this is just like huff po is the joke obviously or the left that is discredited. This is like universal and corporate america. Securely academia. I dont want to get into an american Airline Plane or delta Airline Plane and have a company that chose their pilot as opposed to racial diversity as opposed to a disproportionately large number of the students that Benefit From Lower Standards drop out. Youre hurting the very people youre trying to help. Why dont we improve k12 so kids in the inner city graduate and could read, write and compute at grade level. Democratic Party Opposes vouchers b that have been proven to being a better way than the mandated schools theyre going to. Tucker the less time we tucker the less time we matter like underperforming schools that actually are hurting people of color by the way but no onene seems to care anymore. Why is that . Iff philadelphia, tucker, 40 of the teachers that have School Aged Kids have them in private schools as opposed to 10 nationwide. Thats the equivalent of opening up a restaurant and putting up a sign saying Come Onut In But Dot eat the food. Tucker so this is only about making the ruling class feel good about itself. That seems to be the case otherwise this chloe woman who got a Sociology Degree from princeton by the way which is hilariously meaningless shed be quitting if she really cared. I. Guess. Really if the democrats really cared about black a people, thed be talking about the large number of black kids that are raised without fathers. Its about 73 now. In 1970, number was 25 . The question, whats caused it to be at tripling of the percentage of black kids who o were born outside of wedlock. The answer in my opinion, tucker, welfare state. What weve done is incentivized women to marry the government and allowed men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility. Werend not having a National Conversation about that. Tucker i agree with that completely. Larry elder. Hope to see you more often on the show. Its always great. Anytime. Anytime. Tucker tune in every night

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