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I didnt hear you impeach 45 thank you tucker oh, the ruling class loves it. Not surprised. Statements like this fit into a long pattern for Maxine Waters from cheering on race riots in los angeles 25 years ago to praising the fidel castro regime in cuba. Weve got some recent highlights from Maxine Waters, here are a few. Certainly the inauguration it a way of welcoming somebody into the presidency and honoring them, and respecting them. I dont honor him, i dont respect him, and i dont want to be involved with him. Im questioning the patriotism of all those republicans were allowing this president to sidem with putin. I believe that Jeff Sessions is very dangerous. De i think hes racist. This is a bunch of scumbags, thats what they are. Tucker mark steyn is a writer and a columnist and a connoisseur of this kind of stuff, and he joins us tonight. Mark, its great to see you in the studio. Good to be with you, and congratulations on the start of your second year. Tucker thank you very much. You are in washington, d. C. , the most democratic city in america. 91 for hillary. A lot of the democrats, some of them are, kind of smart and impressive at some of them are good people. Maxine waters is the least impressive by far, the most corrupt, the least knowledgeable, the most extreme, the shallowest. How did she wind up the folk hero . I dont get that because as you say, shes one of those obviously a Democratic Party politics is not yet quite as lucrative as it is in, say, zimbabwe, but shes one of those people who has been a fulltime Public Servant and has managed to do very nicely at it. Im not sure what other people get out of it. She is shouting impeach 45. Okay, you have to be a congressman to file articles of impeachment, thats you. Yo we cant do it, we can sing t along, but we cant actually do it. So go ahead, make my day. Tucker what scares me is if republicans on the hill continue to not deliver anything, it may be possible that they lose, maybe likely that they lose control of the house, at which point they said they will impeach the president , they probablye will. Then you have democrats in control. Does it worry you that these are not reasonable people . This is a group that considers Maxine Waters a hero. I think at some point people have to actually call their bluff, because the other guy, al green, is threatening impeachment to file articles of impeachment before christmas. I think someone else that they will do it before thanksgiving. I dont know if theres a Public Holiday between now and thanksgiving, but if there is, the incontinence holiday coming up between now and then, someone will file. Go ahead. S tucker the actually filed today, i believe. Thats exactly right. Its toothless, but i juste wonder how many people in the resistance have thought through, what does it mean if these people take control . Even if you dont like trump, you really want to put Maxine Waters in control . Exactly. The point here is you can only push things to extremes so far its a 50 50 nation, give or take, and a tiny number of people in a handful of states decide the National Elections and who controls the white house and who controls the legislature. If you push politics to the extreme at both ends, you actually make politics impossible. You make it impossible to have a functioning legislature, and you put yourself in a situation, as we see, where tiny Little Things like one senate seat or a couple of house seats actually render government totally nonfunctioning. The dysfunctionalism of the political process is what led to trump, so go ahead, make it more dysfunctional, see where it gets you. , tucker your critique of trump, if your complaint withh trump is hes emotionally incontinent, hes irresponsible, tweets too much, doesnt behave in a dignified way, they are r always saying that, i get it. Why wouldnt your response be to be the responsible person . Right. Tucker theyre doing the opposite the thing about it is they are not tweeting isnt grounds for impeachment. There is no tweeting amendment to the United States constitution saying that tweeting you would have to pass a tweeting t amendment, shed have to get twothirds of the state to signed on toto the tweeting amendment, and there might be grounds for a tweeting amendment. T it might be a great cause to say that if you run for National Office you have to give up your twittergr feed. It might be something maxine could get on board with, but as things stand, the fact that she is good at chants, doesnt lead to the end of the trump presidency. Tucker do you find it odd the leadership o of the democrac party, the party of the young, t is elderly, to put it mildly . Joe biden is now saying hes deeply considering running for president , which would be hilarious for him to do it again. N he ran 30 years ago, as you remember, in 88. He, upon inauguration, if he were elected, would be older than reagan was when he retired after two terms. How ironic that the young party is so old. Why is that . You are looking out at the wrongng way, tucker. I mentioned zimbabwe. Robert is 93 and they only put him under house arrest today. If you are biden or bernie or hillary or nancy pelosi or Elizabeth Warren you are thinking look at old bob, ive got another two decades before they put me under house arrest. As far as they look at it tucker by the mugabe standard they are just Getting Started . D . Right. And actually, taking this seriously, Bernie Sanders is an old, crazy guy, but he was a romance for the young, and the problem for me with these people is not that they are one of the things that makes politics dysfunctional, particularly in washington, is that everyone is mired in 1930s social programs that are actually irrelevant to every social indicator of the early 21st century. Who are the people likely to be most attached to those 1930s social programs . People who in kindergarten whene they were still fresh. Tucker that is a deep point. I wish we had more time to explore it. Thank you, mark steyn. Good to see you. Thanks a lot, tucker. I may move in here. Tucker [laughs] we would love that. Robert zimmerman is a Democratic National Committee Man and he joins us tonight. Thanks ford coming on. Good to be with you. Tucker before i ask about Maxine Waters and the future your party, let me ask about news we have from capitol hill tonight. Glenn kidd simpson, who runs fusion gps, who commissioned the dossier that undergirds a lot of this russia investigation, spent seven hours talking to the house yesterday and conceded, we are reporting, during thatat testimy that the dossier was comprised of rumors that he never really checked out. He never traced them to their sources, he never traveled to russia. There were things that he heard and threw them in the dossier, which was then disseminated throughout the media and the Democratic Party, often the same thing. Ss and became the basis for the insanity of the last year. Does that bother you that p rums are the core of this . Actually, tucker, what bothers me is your partisan spin. The reality is tucker im being serious. The only one who printed anything about that a dossier it was the election was mother jones. The other mediaa its the medias job to check out those reports. The reality here is the right wing is trying to spend that russia was trying to help tucker oh, really. Because i thought wait a second. Hold on, tucker. Here we go. Tucker let me correct a factual error. I dont mean in any way to contradict the Washington Post reporting, but didnt buzzfeed run the entire thing . The entire dossier . Not according to the Washington Post or to myre factcheckers. Tucker as a factual matter, as a news reader, i i read the whole thing presented as news by buzzfeed. The reality is that nothing was printed according to the Washington Post factchecker by the media, but heres the point tucker im not making that case. Im not saying trump lost the popular vote because of the dossier. Im saying that we have a russil investigation ongoing for the last year, and that the fbi took this dossier, they may have actually paid the source of the dossier, we dont know for sure. We we will find out. But we know that it spread maybe you should know before you tell everybody theck possibility. Tucker that has been reported, i dont know if its true or not. You have to stop going to breitbart for your news. Tucker heres the proof, robert. Slow down a little bit. Im fine. Tucker we know for a fact that the dossier is one of the reasons that there was a Justice Department investigation into russias meddling in the election in the first place. Im asking you a factual question, so put aside youre lunatic hat for a second and answer me straight. Does it bother you that the guy who wrote the dossier didnt check out any of the socalled facts in there . We dont know if youre reporting was accurate. Tucker it was in the hill yesterday. We do know that bob mueller, a war hero, a republican, and was appointed by the Deputy Attorney is running a very thorough and fair investigation. And the republican in congress is conducting an investigation based upon the facts. Before you start spinning your rumors and theories, listen to the professionals do the evaluation. Tucker i am not spending anything. This is information derived from the investigation you just referred to. Listen carefully. This is coming off the hill yesterday. Glenn simpson, head of this country, sat for seven hours and this is what he said. The investigation produced this set of facts in mind for the fifth time trying to get your response to the set of facts. Are you going to respond or not . Im not going to respond to ouur theories and gossip. Tucker its not a theory. Thats what he said i will leave the investigation to the professionals. The Republican Leaders in congress and the special counsel. Tucker i dont know if this is your native language, let me speak slowly. This is the in the investigation, this is what we just learned, and im hitting you with the facts that come from congressional investigators, republicans and democrats, and i want to know if you think this stuff is okay to turn into crap . Thats what they just found in the investigation. Tucker, i will try to use small words for you. The bottom line is you are repeating those reports that are not substantiated, as opposed to letting the investigators make the reports on what congress. Tucker wow. We are off into performance art. Let me ask you a political question, maybe you will do better withtu that. Maybe you will use the fax this time. Tucker im starting to have my doubts. Do you think that it is wise politics, the democrats did really well in the elections in virginia and new jersey, to lead with impeachment . The last time a party tried this was the Republican Party in 99, they impeached the president in 98 and in that Midterm Election they got pounded for doing it. Do you its smart for democrats to have their publicist, Maxine Waters, talking about impeachment . Is that a wise thing . Are you happy im not . Let me correct you on the facts, the last time the Republican Party led with us was when republican members of congress who advocated impeaching president obama over his birth certificate and Many Republican members of congress did that. Em you dont have the Democratic Party leading with tucker which republican member said . Congressman blake. Tucker that he ought to be impeached because of his birth certificate . Factchecking. Tucker 1 out of 435, i dont even remember, was there another one . Do i have to give you an exercise on how to use google . You can easily check the facts on your own, hopefully your viewers will too. And not accept your spin. Maxine waters is not leading the Democratic Party on this issue. Quite frankly, tucker articles of impeachment were filed today in the house. F are you aware of that . Are you paying attention to it . Im well aware of it. What it does tell me is that the republican investigations that are going on in the special counsel investigations demonstrate that they are giving her good material to work with. Tucker why dont you just answer a question straightforwardly . Just answer therd question. You had steve cohen from memphis just today today said, and filed it officially, president ought tod be impeached. Im not saying pelosi told him to say that, shes probably against it. But theres a movement, a b bunh of guys doing that, what you think of that . Is that smart politics . Dont give me a stupid hack answer, just give me real answer. Is that a good idea or not . Im giving you facts, tucker. Deal with it or not. The point simply is this because the fact that donald trump jr. And Jared Kushner and general flynn and so many others keep changing their stories because of the indictments, there is real discussion here about what the investigation will lead to. Right now, the democratic leadership is not advocating impeachment and in fact we have to let more facts come out. Tucker you just had it filed today, are you not going to say whether you think its a good idea or not . Re youre making me nervous, because i think theres a good chance democrats can take over the house in the next election, and if they are going to have people like you speaking for them and making their strategy, im actually really concerned. Why dont you just give me an adult answer and respond to the news today . Im not making it up, it just happened. I know what happened, but the reality is the Democratic Party is now moving towards impeachment. Members of congress aree advocating it and frankly the fact that the Trump Administration keeps getting caught in one lie after another gives good material for themm to talk about it. Tucker hes driven you guys crazy. Wow. You got to get some facts together, tucker. Tucker im serious. K you make me nervous. Thank you, robert. Roy moore and countless hollywood celebrities are being brought down by sexualie misconduct allegations. Weve seen this before, but the last time a famous person was accused of Sexual Harassment, 20 years ago, he was protected by many of the people making these allegations now. The feminist machine, one writer calls it. Of we will go through the details on that coming up next. Pressure relieving comfort, and our 90day, complete satisfaction trial, will make tossing and turning a thing of the past. Plus, during our veterans day Savings Event, save up to 500 on select Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. Tucker this roy moore story continues, hes the Alabama Senate candidate. Hes now refusing refusing to back down under rising condemnation from his own party. Just minutes ago, a report of more women coming forward with allegation against him. Trace gallagher is f here with e latest. Hi, tucker, the number is now seven women who have come forward to accuse Republican Senate candidate roy moore of Sexual Misconduct. One of them is Beverly Young nelson, who alleges roy moore attempted to rape her when she was 16. The woman also to tried to prove she had contact with moore back in 1977 by showing her yearbook that he allegedly signed. But moores attorney is now calling for a handwriting expert, watch. Right now, our attorney has sent a letter, or is sending a letter, to Gloria Allred demanding that the yearbook be released. We will send it to a neutral custodian, we will keep chain of custody, and our professional expert will examine it, and we will find out is it genuine, or is it a fraud . Gloria allred said her client will testify under oath. Meanwhile, ivanka trump appears to be firmly against roy moore, issuing a statementnt that reads theres a special place in hell to prey on children. I have yet to see a valid expiration i have no reason to doubt the victims accounts. Ivankas father apparently has a different take. The president dodged questions about whether he thinks moore should drop out of the race, that is despite a report in politico that says Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell called the president while he was overseas asking for help in pushing moore out. Mcconnell says if moore wins on december 12 and is sworn into the senate, he would face an immediate investigation by the Ethics Committee and could lead to expulsion. But roy moore is showing no sign of dropping out. L in fact, he appears to be digging in, including threatening legal action against Media Outlets that have published allegations of Sexual Misconduct. Roy moore is currently trailing in the polls by 12 points, a big drop since before the allegations, when he led the Democrat Doug Jones by nine points. Tucker. Tucker trace gallagher, out on the west coast, thanks. The rising condemnation of moore and numerous hollywood celebrities has many people asking where this outrage was 20 years ago. Bill clinton was the president then. Oule a ton of people hit him with Sexual Misconduct allegations. A lot of them seemed believable then and now. Clinton survived in a big way because democrats and feminists rallied to his defense. Juanita broaddrick was dismissed as bimbos and floozies and liari and right wingers, which they werent. Bill clinton was defended as a supporter. Especially of abortion. Christy setzer joins us tonight. You are not going to hear me say that only liberals are sexually harassed, or only conservatives, sin is a human problem. But the difference is, roy moore is accused of this stuff, i dont know the truth of it, but oknow a lot of republicans, including the president s daughter are attacking him, flat out attacking him. Some were defending him. When bill clinton got accused 20 years ago, in i think a much more credible way, much worse things, including forcible rape. He was defended in the New York Times by Gloria Steinem and the entire feminist establishment. That seems a meaningful difference to me, and i wonder if in retrospect that is regrettable. I do think it is regrettable. I think you look back at what happened 25 years ago with the hindsight that we have now, this National Collective moment that we are having where women are coming out of the woodwork to finally be able to tell their stories of being sexually w harassed, assaulted, even raped. I think that we would see his story and behavior towards women a lot differently than we did at the time. But again, we have this benefit of putting it in a different light. Tucker why . Im pretty old, so i remember it really well. That was 30 years after the feminist revolution. That was after we got, like, a two year long lecture about Sexual Harassment with anita hill and clarence thomas, were no physical contact was even alleged. People were exquisitely sensitive about it then. The no means no thing, i was in college. I remember it really well. Thats not what he got a pass. He got a pass because he vetoed abortion bills. It was also 25 years ago. I think there is a very bigg difference right now. You have Mitch Mcconnell coming out and saying i believe these women about roy moore. Thats not something you would have seen, i want to say, even a year ago, five years ago. If theres going to be a difference, i think its that there are still people who rally around these republicans who have committed multiple have been accused of multiple Sexual Assaults. Donald trump is the president , roy moore is still his partys o nominee. We look at a more contemporary example on the democratic side, lets say anthony weiner, hes in jail. Tucker ted kennedy, the lion of the senate, killed a woman and left her to drown in a car. No one disputes he was drunknk driving and went off the bridge, he never even reported it. When he died, it was only 2009, Huffington Post ran a story. Why ted kennedy what would she have thought of teds career . Answer, maybe she would feel it was worth it. That was 2009. Wrote that, talking about ann incident that was happening in the 60s. We are talking about these very, very different times. Tucker he killed a woman and served until 2009. T that fall. Matt, he got adulation from feminist because he was for abortion and they ignore the fact that he actually killed somebody. Tucker roy moore is on the ballot today in 2017. I think we can go back and talk about how people did bad things in o the past. Tucker my only point is and i said it last night on the show, i think there are peoplesa who are willing to makere excuss for moore for political reasons. I just think thats wrong. I think you shouldic assess this on the facts. Im accused of something, dont i dont want myy kids dealing with that, just answer the question. Im just saying, we have a decades long history of the left putting politics ahead of women and i dont wanti to have to pretend that is okay, because its not okay. Its not okay and its not okay when the right does it as well. I think we should be able to have an honest, adult conversation about the fact that right now Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault are pervasive in america, that women have been hurt by it for very long time and continue to be. And many men as well. Absolutely. An tucker why do we have anything in america named after ted kennedy . Really . Y . [laughs] tucker i dont know why. Harvey weinsteins name has been stripped out of the directors guild. S thats right. Tucker you kill someone, a woman who you are taking advantage of, do you get to have your name on things now . I think you are seeing men face very different consequences today than they did even five, ten, 15, 20 years ago for the same sorts of behavior. I think thats a great thing for women. I think that it is a hugely positive step that now women feel comfortable to say i expect better behavior from my politicians, from my boss, for my friends. And again, i think thats, something more democrats and republicans are certainly guilty of this behavior, and can come together and have an honest conversation. Tucker last question, you obviously im sure believe in duet process. This is not quite related but i keep thinking about it recently. Is it okay to anonymously accuse someone of a crime . Any crime . Is it fair for me to say you have been accused of bank robbery, im not going to say which bank is accusingcu yo . Are you talking specifically tucker you read these cases where people are accused anonymously of things right. Tucker and it just seems like thats not what justice is. Justice is getting to face your accuser and account for what you are accused of doing. That hasnt happened here. Its been what youve seen this in the last couple of months, is that okay with you . Im just wondering. I think you need to look at the reason why someone would accuse someone anonymously. It would probably be because they are afraid of the retribution that they might face in coming forward. Tucker i actually understand that, but why would a Media Company print the name of the accused, but not of the accuser before it has even gone to court . We dont know actually what happened, but we are basically declaring one person guilty and shielding the other from public view, why would we do that . Again, are we talking about roy moore . Ty tucker not talking about roy moore, but thats a lot of people to which this is happening. Is that okay with you . Ot you are a media person, so i think you know how these stories when they get to print theres a fairly extensive process by which reputable news organizations go through before they actually put something in print. Tucker [laughs] ive been doing this too long. The reputable ones are the most corrupt, ive seen it firsthand. Thank you for that. Thank you. Tucker attorney general Jeff Sessions has signaled that the uranium one deal could get its own special prosecutor. Democrats say all of this uranium one stuff is nonsense made up, its not a real story. Up next we will talk to someone who has been pretty impartial. Looked at it carefully. Stay tuned. Ohhhhhh, ou guess what i just got . Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. 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Hillarys reputation is being protected by the usualn defenders, they say that she has nothing to do with uranium one and it wouldnt matter if she was involved, but she wasnt involved in anyway, got it . Interesting question, what is the truth about it . Guy benson is an editor at townhall. Com, hes written a definitive explanation of the story, which seems fair to us and he joins us tonight. Thanks a lot for coming on. Congrats on one year, by the way. Tucker thanks a lot. I will concede, and i hope that ive always conceded every time we talked about it on the show that there is a lot that we dont know about this story and i hope that we havent overhyped it, but it does seem like there is a story at the bottom of it. Youve assessed it may be a little more coolly than i have, what have you found . Is this a real story . I think its a question that is interesting, because the story that is being told a lot by republicans, there is a former white house advisorot who is talking about this as if it was treasonous on behalf of mrs. Clinton. I think theres maybe a mythical side to this where people have a lot of misconceptions about especially the tail end of the uranium one story and mrs. Clintons involvement in that. And because this came up recently in a story in the hill about how the fbi had been investigating russias efforts on that whole front involvingbo the clintons a few weeks ago, republicans have i think seized on that to try and draw some sort of equivalency on the broader russian matter, and that has prompted a bunch of fact checks and i think some of these fact checks have been really solid and good, clearing up some of the laziness or deliberately wrong characterizations of what happened with uranium one. That all being said, there are elements of the entire saga which started back in 2005 that i dont think are threats to national security, certainly not treasonous, maybe not criminal, but at least stink to high heaven when it comes to the clintons and lots and lots of money flowing to theires foundation on behalf of people connected to uranium one who needed favors and got them. Tucker you made, i thought, really good point and its worth reminding our viewers of it, that the story wasnt concocted in the basement of the rnc or by breitbart, but this was originally broken by the New York Times and they detailed former president clintons trip to kazakhstan. Were all of this began. Its complicated and actually worth googling if youre watching at home. The bottom line i think is this. We know that uranium one hired the Podesta Group to lobby the Obama Administration onwe this. There was lobbying by this company on behalf of russian interests. Thats not really disputed. Youve got to sort of wonder why at the same time that money is flowing not just to the Clinton Foundation but to the clinton family. I cant connect every dot, but i dont think you can just dismiss that as, like, insane conspiracy theorizing, can you . No. The New York Times storyeo that you just referenced from 2015, there was also a New York Times story that revealed that bill clinton and his team, his entourage, at first had lied about a meeting that occurred at the clintons home in chappaqua with officials from kazakhstan, and on they were told actually therere is photo evidence that this occurred and they changed their story. That initial New York Times story was very extensive, very exhaustive, got into a lot of detail about this, including the former president going over there and striking this very lucrative deal with a man who ended up donating tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. So that i think, to make later on i should add, there was some jeopardy in one of these deals involving uranium one with the government of kazakhstan. There was a request for intervention from the u. S. Government and right away, the u. S. State department andd the embassy got involved and, wouldnt you know it, the issue got resolved. Hillary clinton was running the state department at that time. Tucker exactly. After lots of money hades exchanged hands. There are, to me, some questions about this that not just peopleh like me who are asking them. The New York Times and other journalists have been asking them for years, that look like influence peddling and money trading. That may not get up to the hyperpartisan level of hyperventilation that weve seen from some republicans about this saying oh, my gosh, Hillary Clinton sold out our nuclear program. Tucker let me ask you one question. You notice that the same people who are telling us the single greatest threat to the american is the russian government, the same people telling us that are now dismissing russian attempts to move uranium out of this country to other countries like no big deal. You are some kind of altright wacko if you think thats a big deal. Both of those things cant be true. It was more about the russian government controlling mining interests in the u. S. , not taking uranium out of the u. S. Into russia. Tucker thats true. But the u. S. Government they have taken dash has admitted they have taken it out of the country. To me, tucker, if were going to talk about the democrats and the russia situation, i think the more fertile ground, uranium one, an interesting thing to discover and talk about. To me its fusion gps. Tucker i know, i agree. Thats the piece of this puzzle that i think is the c mot strange, or we cut in the fewest answer so far with more and more coincidences popping up. I think thats the approach republicans should take. Tucker we tried at the beginning of the show with the democrat who started screeching at me. Thats where you know its obviously fertile ground. That tends to happen. Tucker [laughs] great to see you. Thanks. Tucker california wants to promote prolife activists against abortion. Does free speech exist anymore . Next. Ing, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. 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Save up to 500 instantly on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer today at tempurpedic. Com. Tucker that was fast. Just this monday night we tucker that was fast. Just this monday night we told about how the army was quietlyai planning to grant waivers so that individuals with a history of drug abuse, mental illness, selfmutilation, people who in some cases would not be allowed to buy firearms legally, wouldld still be allowed to enlist in the armed forces. Today, in an unprompted news conference, army leaders announced this new policy was dumped. Tuesday night, less than a, day after we covered it. Army chief of staff said that policy change was originally unauthorized. A little bit of good news from washington. Doesnt happen very often. In the state of california, there is a new law recently passed that requires antiabortion pregnancy centers, places that help women who are pregnant, set them up with help for adoption, its forcing these groups to provide information on how to get a state subsidized abortion. These are groups who think that abortion is evil. Tough, says california coming up to promote it anyway. Prolife groups sued and this week the Supreme Court announced it will hear the case in the near future. President and founder of the National Institute of family and life advocates, and he joins us tonight. Tom, thanks for coming on. Great honor to be here. Tucker i read the story and thought you dont even have to be opposed to abortion, you could be completely in favor of abortion and still have real concerns about a government c forcing people to say things they dont believe. Ov whats good for the goose is good for the gander. The issue before the court is can the government be empowered to force charitable, statebased nonprofit, for that matter in a group, to speak a message with which they c fundamentally disagree, and if they fail to comply, fine them, issue penalties, and even close them down, because thats what theyre trying to do in california. Tucker the freedom comprehensive care and transparency act. Totally orwellian name, there is no freedom in it. It would force prolife centers to literally advertise and tell people who come in there is a free abortion if you want one. It requires them to post a number to get the process started. This is before we were ever able to talk to them. Tucker whats the point of this . Why would the t california legislators here you have these prolife groups, they are not hurting anybody, so why would the state want to do this . Hassle them, force them to violate their beliefs . The far left, which is in control in california, is so in love with abortion, they cannot tolerate anybody with opposingn view, and they want to mandate that they support and speak and promote their statesponsored abortion agenda. Thats the bottom line. Po mp tucker could the california beef producers force Hindu Temples to serve hamburgers . That very well could be. How about the government forcing Alcoholics Anonymous to post signs advising their members where the local liquor store is . Tucker if anheuserbusch pays enough. Exactly. Tucker this is about anus industry trying to shut down its opponents. Its about a multimillion dollar industry, actually maybe a billiondollar industry, planned parenthood gets 500 million of federal funds, imposing their will on small, charitable, lifeaffirming agencies that have very little money, staffed primarily by volunteers. Shame on them, this is just bullying tactics tucker the whole safe, legal, and rare thing is no longer in operation. They are not even pretende,ing. The rare part. Its never safe. Theres one dead victim in every abortion. The case in philadelphia showed women die from abortions, too. Tucker i have to say that people you think would be staying up late protecting our freedom of speech, where are they in this . How can the aclu not weigh in on this . Thats interesting. The aclu supports freedom of speech for nazis, communists. They wont touch it for abortion because its a right to these people, rite to these people. Tucker they worship it like a god. Thank you, tom. T godspeed. If youre watchingg and people dont agree with their politics or your views on abortion, you dont have to because its not about that, its about the freedom to say what you think. Absolutely. , tucker thanks. Thank you. Tucker google might be the worlds most powerful company of course it is, its the most powerful in the history of the world in fact. T a state attorney general, not even from one of our biggest states, is taking them on directly, challenging them in court. Y hell describe to us why hes doing this, and what it mayy men for you, next. For you, next. Do you need the most trusted battery this holiday . Maybe not. screaming maybe you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. Maybe you could trust you wouldnt be replaced. Have your sleigh repossessed. And end up living in the middle of nowhere with the only friend you have left in the entire world. No or you could just trust duracell. Americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. Tucker google dominates the internet, the single Biggest Company on the internet, but more important, it entirelye shapes the way we understand the world itself, maybe the way understand ourselves. T the most powerful company in the history of the world. You dont want to mess with them and politicianse never do, they suck up, they sniff the throne, but not Missouri Attorney general josh hawley. Hes taking them on directly. Amazingly, his office Just Announced they are investigating google for possible violations of Consumer Protection and antitrust laws. He says google may be illegally collecting the personal information of residents in missouri and could be usingg preferencing, favored companies in its search results. The attorney general of the state of missouri joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Tucker why would you want to mess with the most powerful company in the history of the world . Somebody has to. Somebody has to stand up and ask what is it that google is doing . What of our personal information are they collecting . The truth is when you use ofof Google Search engine or google product, Google Flights or google mail or google shopping, they collect an enormous amount of personal, private, confidential data, and im worried they are not telling consumers exactly what it is they are collecting, and then they are selling that information to third parties, so i want the facts, i want to know what they are collecting from consumers. I want to know if they are telling us what they are collecting, and i want to know who they are selling it to. Tucker why dont we know the answers to those questions already . Because no one is asking. Its amazing to think that google, which has near monopoly power, monopoly power of the Search Engine n market, has not been thoroughly investigated before. The ftc gave them a slap on thee wrist under president obama back in 2012, but its time some he stepped up and said look, what are the facts exactly . What of our information are you taking, and what you doing with it . Because as you know, and this information age, our personal information, theres nothing more important for protecting our personal identity and the way we live our lives, so we have to find out. R tucker lets say googleou were omitting facts from its search, which is actually doing, that would shape the way we understand the world. You could make whole events disappear, couldnt you . One of the things we are concerned about, google may be altering its algorithms under its search in order to privilege its own websites or products. This is something we want to get to the bottom of. What is google doing, how was it using its search algorithm, isth it trying to benefit its own companies . They say the search results are based on relevance, but are they really . And then again, what of our personal information of the taking, and what are they doing with it . Tucker l so nobody in washington is asking thesepe questions, no one holding elected office. I think its a travesty, and my conclusion is not because they are afraid of google, everyone is afraid of google. You are running for senate in missouri. Are you worried about thee consequences of doing this to the Biggest Company in the world . I took an oath of office as attorney general of the state of missouri to protect the state of missouri and to be their advocate, and thats what im doing. Millions of missourians use of google every day, like millions of americans, and no company in the history of the world has collected more information, more personal information about individuals within google, so we need to know. Tucker people will be googling you, your name, to learn who you are and whether or not to support you. Google will control thatna information. And you are taking google to task on television, that doesnt worry you . Its worth the risk. Ki this is my job. My job is to enforce the law and protect the people of my state, and thats what we will do. Tucker i never say this to politicians, but im rooting for you. Thank you. Tucker thank you. We will be right back. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. 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Hosting a tv show, its been fun. Tune in every night at 8 00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. Dvr you can figure out how that works. Tomorrow we will figure out about justices attempt to crack down on thanks mercedes. We will ask a defender why sanctuary cities deserve your tax dollars as they defy theeil laws he voted for. If they can ignore that, what else can they ignore . Also get to the bottom of this tax bill, the republican tax bill. Theyve been talk about it for weeks. Is it a good plan . Its coming into crisper focus. We will get us another on that tomorrow might be able to settle it for us. Good night from washington, sean hannity up next, have a great night. Sean thanks tucker. Welcome to hannity. Judge roy moore writes an open letter to me after i demanded answers. We will share that with you. Three more accusers down in alabama. My response is coming up later in the show. Plus, democrats, liberals and the media, theyre finally now today having their day of reckoning when it comes to bill clinton and his wife hillary, and the many allegations of the Sexual Misconduct, the mistreatment of women. For decades these accusations, they have dodged and then dismissed and downplayed the left in this country, by the media in this country, and even worse, was accusers were smeared, slander, besmirched, including by Hillary Clinton w herself, and what is so inexcusable is that the democrats and the media for 30 years did nothing to stop this from happening to protect women

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