Talk about the e. U. The e. U. Is not a very democratic institution. When you look at the majority of people in poland, in other parts of europe, they support these policies that the e. U. Elites themselves really deplore. Theres talk earlier this year of the e. U. Sanctioning the Czech Republic and poland and hungary for their immigration policy. Huge majorities in those countries favor restricting migrants. They dont want the country to be flooded with migrants the way germany has been. The e. U. Wants to punish them for that. When we talk about e. U. Or european elites, we arent really talk about people who care all that much what actual citizens of poland want. Or think. Tucker you see that here in this country on display every day. How long can fake democracy continue . Ethically seeing the repercussions, the backlash from
everything about his little puppet donald trump. Our president is walking into a room tomorrow morning in hamburg germany with a guy looking across to them like youre looking at me who knows everything, who knows every meeting that his people, mike flynn, jared kushner, anybody else. Who met with the president. He knows it all. If he had excitement in the hotel room in moscow, years ago, hes got those pictures, is looked at as a million times. He knows every thing about donald trump. Tucker you cant edit live television, but still. Back in reality, the question is which of the president be looking to gain from todays meeting with the russian leader. For that we turn to an actual expert on the subject, a russian speaker, Stephen Cohen is a professor at nyu, taught at princeton, also contribute an editor at the nation magazine. He joins us tonight. Professor, the first thing you notice is just how much the press is rooting for this
meeting between our president and the russian president to fail. Why . Why were they wanted to fail . Its kind of pornography, justice like theres no law against there is no american interest. As a historian, let me tell you the headline i would write instead. What we witnessed today in hamburg. Potentially historic new, anticold war partnership, begun by trump and putin, but meanwhile attempts to sabotage it escalate. He said it was an expert. I actually do have one expertis expertise. Ive seen a lot of summits as we call meetings between american and russian president s. The president even participated the first george bushs summit preparation, when he met with gorbachev and invited them
to the camp david. In that context, i think what we saw today was potentially the most faithful meeting between american and russian president since the war time. The reason is that the relationship with russia is so dangerous. And yet we have a president who might have been crippled by these russian attacks on him, and yet he was not. He was, i think, politically courageous. It went well, he did important things, and this will be astonishing to be said but i think today we witnessed pertinent stomach witnessed tonic president trunk i think it was a good day for everybody. Tucker how much of the attacks on russia from, how much do they really have to do with iran and russia is with iran and
syria . I think a lot. Youve got three major actors being demonized in america. One is putin. Second is trump. But then the leader of syria, president asada, is demonized here remember the main thing which you today, and i said this before, i thought the primary aspiration of trump should be an antiterrorism alliance, i thought that was vital, that is in fact, and they said as much, what they spent their time on today. They formed an alliance. That means that we will side for now with russia with assad. That will be assailed in washington because hes loath in washington, almost as much as trump and putin. Tucker but why is that . Can you put a finer point on
that, my frustration in this debate is that a lot of the players in it are not straightforward about what they are really for them what they are really against. Their agendas are closed. Why is assad the focus of so much anger in washington . I dont know. I try only to talk about things ive studied. What i do know is that when the Syrian Civil War began five, six years ago, there were a lot of dirty hands in that mix. Including american hands. Everybody was arming somebody. We have a monstrous war going on there with so many groups being armed by so many different states, but the thing about assad to me has always been, and maybe this is colloquial, but he has been the protector of the and christians, and the Nonjihadists Islamic Population in syria. At a time when the main threat there, the islamic state, isis, caps off the heads of these
people. It would seem to me that we should stick with assad until we defeat these people. Focus, if you will, before we end, something that both trump and putin said today, they said we are meeting, we have agreed, and we promise positive things to come. In other words, they have formed a political partnership. And now it goes forward, but it will be viciously attacked. And already has. If you look at the press today. Tucker mindless. Thank you for the common sense. Stephen cohen joining us. Thank you. Thank you. Tucker hamburg germany the latest city to be wrecked internationally violent leftwing protests. Up next, we will talk to some but says violence in the streets like which are watching now paints the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. He would know because he participated in it. And then marin county is one of the nations richest areas, one of the most liberal of course. So why is the county doing its best to stop the construction of Affordable Housing . A fascinating tale just ahead. Sh climbs 58,070 steps. Thats the height of mount everest. Because each day she chooses to take the stairs. At work, at home. Even on the escalator. That can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. Scholls orthotics clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. So keep on climbing, sarah. Youre killing it. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. I have to tell you something. Dad, one second i was driving and then the next. They just didnt stop and then. Im really sorry. I wrecked the subaru. I wrecked it. Youre ok. Thats all that matters. vo a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. When itrust the brandtburn, doctors trust. Nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day, all night protection. When it comes to heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call
for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. Tucker Marin County California is one of the richest places in the united states. Its pretty nice if you havent been been there. Sean penn lives there. He has a per capita income of more than 98,000. 77 of its residents voted for hillary last fall. All that money and all that progressive values youd think that people in marin would be willing to implement liberal policies, and usually they are as long as they dont inconvenience them personally. Consider Affordable Housing, and california subsidized housing is required everywhere, but marin doesnt want it. Mark levine is a Liberal Democrat who represents the county in the california states family. He is putting a proposal that would give marin county a special exemption from statewide Affordable Housing requirements, despite the fact that if there is any place on the planet that could use more Affordable Housing its suburban san francisco. Marin can probably all seems a little bit of that Diversity Thing they are always talking about. As of last census, the county is less than 3 black, which is what liberals call segregated. Theres no doubt that if you ask local residents they would have excellent reasons why marin county shouldnt have to follow the same reasons as
everybody else in the state of california. They say the need to preserve the countys charm or its historic character or they will vaguely note that Housing Projects bring Crime Problems. And maybe hurt schools. Keep in mind, they definitely are racist. They arent afraid of diversity, its not they voted for donald trump or something. Actually, to become highly honest we believe them. They probably arent racist. Most americans arent. But when you vote for the policies of enforced diversity for everybody else, would he tell the rest of america that they are bigots for not wanting a Housing Project next door or Somali Refugees flooding into their kids schools, you probably ought to follow the same rules yourself. They dont, because they never do. The second day of the g20 summit in hamburg germany sought even more violent protests which injured almost 200 Police Officers. Which is of course stated model for a lot of the protests we are watching pete how do they compare . First of all let me just say, i was involved in the Civil Rights Movement even in the mid50s when i was stationed in the military in the south, and i was the subject to Police Intimidation and for three years after i was discharged my heart would race when the Police Officer was behind me. But i also was a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement led demonstrations in west chester pennsylvania. I realize that what is happened over the past few years is that the Civil Rights Movement has morphed into a race grievance industry. Its also its hypocritical in that they are using race to justify the generation of iniquity. We demonstrated in the 60s, we did so for the purpose of
increasing inclusion for tweed and Tennis Traits we could have separate graduation ceremonies. We also demonstrated to change the climate. We were peaceful. We sought the support of the place. We also were disciplined, we made certain that we had the proper role models, such as rosa parks, someone of good character. The Civil Rights Movement of the 60s has now been hijacked by the left and has become a race grievance industry, and they are distorting it and really just destroying what we have created. Tucker so, mr. Woodson, when you having personally fought against segregation look around and see the left pushing to reinstate segregation as you just said, separate graduation ceremonies, separate dorms, separate parts of the cafeteria and colleges. What do you make of that . Is that beholding to you . First of all, its even worse than you are portraying it. When people have deeply held blades, these beliefs are challenged with facts and truth, what they have to do is create destructive myths. The myth is that the conditions that you see low income blacks are in today is somehow a legacy of slavery and jim crow and therefore what you are witnessing now is the legacy. That is just not true. In the past, blacks were in slavery but not of slavery. Blacks were in segregated, but they were not of it. Blacks were in poverty but not of poverty. In other words, from the time of slavery up until the 60s, even though we were facing these odd odds, were old people could walk in their communities without fearing for their grandchildren, we didnt have out of wedlock births, our Marriage Rates in the 1930s to 1940s was higher than the white marriage rate. But all of that changed in 1960
when we met this tsunami of liberal academics who said one of the things we have to do is to make welfare a right, and then reparations. We also disconnected work from income, and this was purposely done by the liberal academics at columbia university, and they said if we do this, it means that fathers will be irrelevant, Drug Addiction will go, School Dropouts will increase, and so what we are witnessing, what they could not accomplish, liberal policies of the 60s did. As a consequence we now have 70 of children are being born in singleparent households. But this did not happen during segregation. Urban renewal destroyed all of the commercial centers around the country, and so its just a
myth. And its a real crisis. Tucker must be so bitter for you to watch. Robert watson, thank you for the perspective. I appreciate. Thank you. Tucker President Trump the administration is besieged by an unprecedented number of leaks. It really is unprecedented. We kept track. Is it endangering the country . That conversation next. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. May be able to help. Introducing the new sleep number 360™ smart bed. The only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . Right now save on sleep number 360™ smart beds. Plus, its the lowest prices of the season with savings of 500 on our most popular p5 bed. Ends sunday. Wise man, im nervous about affecting my good credit score. I see youve planted an uncertainty tree. Chop that thing down. The clarity you seek. Lies within the creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise helps you protect your credit. And its completely free for everyone. Its free for everyone . Do hawks use the stars to navigate . I dont know. Aw, i thought you did. I dont know either. Either way its free for everyone. Cool. Whats in your wallet . How if guests book direct ater, choicehotels. Com and stay twice theyll get a 50 gift card . Summertime. Badda book. Badda boom. Got you a shirt . I kept the receipt. Book now at choicehotels. Com tucker the Trump Administrations had an unprecedented number of leaks in its First Six Months. Not a week goes by without the new york times, cnn, Washington Post touting a new store that relies on the revelations of unnamed sources. Some have been interesting and newsworthy, others have been false. A majority have been x granted. In your report by the tenant of Homeland Security confirms its not your imagination. This administration is averaging at least one link per day pertaining to National Security. Protecting the country has taken a backseat in the eyes of many bureaucrats to undermining the president they work for. To me, he joins us tonight. Mustafa, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Tucker them and make the obvious point, which is im not against all leaks. I have benefited from a lot, i think the public has a right to know more than it does. And sometimes they are useful. People dont like them, but tough. But some of these leaks out of
this administration are coming from Career Bureaucrats who shouldnt be divulging Sensitive Information which they have privy, have access. And also our leaked purely for the purpose of undermining a president they dont like. In so doing they hurt the country. How can you defend Something Like that . I think the leaks are dangerous. I think sometimes people that are making these leaks may not realize the consequences of it. Recently we saw a leak, from a young lady, reality tv, an odd name tv, she served in the military and was a contractor with the nsa. Likely shes going to go to jail for this. Leaks are dangerous and we have to be careful, but the issue that we are finding in this administration we are seeing more than ever is that when President Trump has to he has to get the respect of the people that are serving him in these agencies. You have to work harder at doing that. So far he hasnt done that. All the tweets, all the attacks,
they are giving a hard time to people that work in these agencies that are civil servants, many of them not very highly paid. And when he doesnt read the president ial briefs, instead he watches cable news shows, attacking people on twitter. Tucker as a factual matter, they are highly paid, federal bureaucrats make considerably more than their privatesector counterparts. So they are wellpaid. People serving in the fbi, they are not highly paid people. They could make a lot more money in the private sector. These are people who worked in the military, that dni, there are a lot of people who from give their life to protect our nation. Tucker yes there are. My father worked in the federal government, im not against federal employees. And mine worked for tucker and when he worked for president , you have two choices. You can either work to forward
his agenda which is your job, or you can resign. Would you take the same position if soldiers didnt respect the chairman of the joint chiefs and turned their guns against him . He would say no, you work for the military. You protect the country, you do what youre told. If you dont want to, you leave. Its not a matter of earning the respect. They are undermining National Security because they dont like him. I think you make a very important point. Theres a lot of leaks that are coming from within the white house that these are the pe