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Voters as well. Tonight though we will speak to three women about that. A few hours ago we had we heard this from the first lady. We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness. We deserve a president with two results and not empty words and promises. The president of the United States, donald j. Trump. [cheers and applause] martha thats a first time weve seen Melania Trump at an actual rally over the course of this campaign. They played after that to go to North Carolina but that plan was scrapped due to weather that is spinning up of hurricanes laid out tonight through the east coast. The president did come back from a 33point jump in Economic Growth in q3 from july through september and that fueled some of his stops today. Its a move up, a big move up from a big move down during the covid economy. It is an increasingly tight race out there and florida is likely to be an early sign in the night of how things may go on tuesday. After that we may be watching pennsylvania for sure which many believe could be the state that picks the winner of the white house and the race ultimately. Today in real clear politics, Susan Crabtree writes, the Biting Campaign is paying a lot of attention to red states and democrats fear that if he loses pennsylvania and goes down in defeat he will have repeated heller clintons mental mistakes of trying to run the table. Heres president Trumps Campaign manager at bill stepian. I invite joe biden to expand his limited Campaign Travel on faith that he is not going to win in 2020. Martha and more on that in just a moment. And a look ahead, National Security advisor Robert Obrien will be joining us on the biggest threat that the president will face posts covid19, which many believe this china. We will talk about that with him. But we kick things off with the correspondent Jacqui Heinrich who is live on the ground in tampa with the Biden Campaign and covering that. Good evening, jackie. The final push for the states 29 electoral votes joe biden is trying to mobilize his reliable debates, rather than trying to flip voters in trump country. In a monmouth pullout today, shows joe biden has a razorthin lead over President Trump, 46 points with increased support among young people into growing gender gap. But heres where things get tricky. Biden leads by a huge margin among people of color but its tenpoint smaller. It showed biden with an even narrower lead among hispanics, just five points in that poll. That could all spell trouble because even though Hillary Clinton 162 of the hispanic vote she still lost. Ads have called biden a socialist and portrayed him alongside images of latin american dictators including fidel castro and the biden has long rebuffed claims that hes a puppet of the radical left, today he addressed those people who fled socialist countries for florida. If, in fact, he were ever coming back to the old days, he wouldnt be here because look what hes doing, ascending cubanamericans back. Hes sending venezuelas america back the dictatorship. Hes trying to send haitian americans back. Campaign has been ramping up, but facing a positive economic report today biden said not to be fooled by a k shaped recovery where things looked good for people at the top but look worse for things of the bottom. He said visits to food banks havent shook slow down and africanamericans and latinos still face double digit unemployment. Biden said today the contest is over if he wins florida and fewer than 20,000 votes have decided the winner in this state out of more than 51 million votes cast. Martha . Martha its incredible. Florida always pay such a big role. Lets bring in Susan Crabtree. Real clear politics and national correspondent. Good to talk to you tonight. Great to be with you more thought. Martha so you pose in this piece today that its possible that joe biden has spread himself too thin, hes going places like georgia and texas and has spent a fair amount of time in pennsylvania but maybe not in the right places or with the right intensity. Tell me about that. Its either a colossal mistake or a brilliant strategy to run the board up but it will really test his dependence on the polls this time and the reliance on the accuracy. They have gone in a week ahead of time with Hillary Clinton the last time around, thats about a 5 lead in the poll in pennsylvania in the keystone state. We have joe biden right now according to the real clear politics, as of 3. 8 lead but there is a newer pole, and others who are saying that he could even be ahead and its a much tighter race. This is a big test for joe bid joe biden, and he headed to a Chester County which was close to wilmington and it did in outing there monday, but it seemed a little bit of catchup and a little bit of trying to have a doover on the fracking issue and the oil issue that he kind of had a problem with during the debate last week. Martha lets play that sound bite because thats a big issue obviously in pennsylvania, western pennsylvania primarily in wisconsin and michigan to some extent. Speak to would you close on the oil industry . Might have a transition from the oil industry, yes. We are not getting rid of fossil fuels, we will get rid of the subsidies for fossil fuels but we are not getting rid of fossil fuels for a long time. Martha any take on the fix from joe biden, hes been trying to backtrack with voters, how big of an issue do you think it is in pennsylvania . Its a big issue. There are 600,000 jobs that have to do with the fracking industry, and i think that you would see it on the campaign trail, trump is heading this over and over again. I think its pennsylvania and the whole rust belt into ohio, we are going to see that it will play out to be at a a big issue, a winning issue for trump because hes hitting it time and time again in these final days. For, if biden has managed to overcome that problem, he has tried to, instead of change his alter his answer a little bit saying that he would stop fracking on federal land, there are so many times during the primaries where he came out so strongly against it. It was very hard and of course trump likes to remind voters about those times. Martha theres a franklin and marshall poll that came out today looking at pennsylvania and it talks about an important component of trumps 2016 victory coming from the massive vote advantage that he got in the county that he won. It says that biden currently holds the larger vote share in the county is that clinton won in 2016, then trump holds on the county is that he won. So it so much about turnout. What is your sense on turnout in pennsylvania . Well it looks like we are heading into this 5 advantage that biden has come has been consistent in a lot of the polls and not the outliers like the trafalgar group. Its a hardened opinion about these candidates and you have not very many undecided. So yes, thats what trump is playing on and you can see thats what hes barnstorming the state in the last two weeks. He had melania there, he has ted nugent tomorrow companies trying to to drum up his get out the vote operation and mobilize his space because in some places he had a 30 or 45 advantage. With biden showing these polls on the population centers, he has a bigger lead but thats the problem for trump. Martha it before i let you go, pennsylvania wont start counting until election day right, even though they have millions of votes already in or may be close to that. What is their process . And its different county to county . Yes. Patience is a virtue and it will be testing not motto in the days after election day. You have the Supreme Court declined to weigh in on that case. They could still change their minds on that but they were not going to expedite. They were going to let the Pennsylvania High Court decision stand. So the mailin ballots can be counted it, if they are received three days after election day, without a legible post mark. Now, you have all the counties in pennsylvania, they all approach this differently. They cant start until election day but many of them dont start until the day after election day. Its going to be a long road ahead and we have to be patient. Martha that is crazy. Oh, boy. Patience is a virtue. So we are looking out at least friday potentially for pennsylvania by that mark. Thank you susan. Interesting piece today in real clear, Susan Crabtree, great to have you with us tonight. So after covid is over and eventually it will be over, it is likely that other big issues will be confronting the next president , whoever it is come over the next four years. China believes that our country is in a terminal decline. National security advisor Robert Obrien on what he believes will face over the next four years when the story continues. Im hearing the most awful things, people shouting at me. Its ok. When you live with schizophrenia like us, it can feel like youre living in a different world. You should definitely talk to your doctor and ask about fanapt. Ok. Fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. In clinical trials, fanapt significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia compared to placebo. Cynthia, are you ok . I feel like everyones out to get me. 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While there are arguments for our allies for either u. S. President ial outcome, there are concerns that, for example, a Biden Victory could mean that japan will have to monitor closely any moves that downplayed the china threat. And that while some of the asia pacific rim might welcome the defeat of President Trump. There are wary of bidens ability to execute a tougher china policy. China is going to eat our lunch . Come on, man. They are not bad folks, folks. But they are competition for us. Each country is a threat to america. I think the biggest threat to america right now in terms of breaking up our security and our alliance is russia. Secondly i think the biggest competitor is china. Martha here now, u. S. National security advisor Robert Obrien. Good to have you with us mr. Obrien, thank you. Obviously work in the white house, you work with President Trump and i know that you think is china policy is sound. Given what we know, and we havent heard a whole lot about this during the campaign. How do you think china would perceive the difference between President Trump and a potential President Biden . We look at the last 40 years, especially the last eight years with a lead from behind Foreign Policy and strategic patience of Foreign Policy where america turned a blind eye to chinese unfair trade practices. It turned a blind eye to chinese intellectual property, theft of all of our great innovations. It turned a great blind eye to china hollowing out the american midwest and a manufacturing capability. You contrast that with President Trump who is the first president in my adult lifetime who recognize the threat from china who put tariffs on china and called china out for its intellectual property theft, and on the defense side who adopted Ronald Reagans peace through strength, and the president has rebuilt our military so that deters china so, its a very different i have no idea because of vice President Biden takes different positions on the campaign trail. All i can do is look at what we face when we came into office and what President Trump has done and its been pretty spectacular wha what the presidt has done with respect to china. Martha is a piece in the South China Morning Post that says over russiachinamilitary alliance. So some might argue that the much more aggressive stance towards china might drive those two adversaries of ours closer together. Is that something that concerns you and do you think it is a direct result of our more aggressive stance against china . Do you think of more conciliatory approach might have prevented those two from coming together . No. What we see is these two authoritarian regimes have been working together for many years and much of chinas Defense Industry came from russia. Russia has been supplying them for years and years. We will see a battle, we will see a divide in the world and a divide in the world wont be the old ussr divide to, you will now see a divide in the world between governments that believe in our values like brazil and india and europe and the u. K. And north america. Democracies, governments and countries that believe in the rule of law. On the other side you have countries like iran and russia and china getting closer together and those countries dont share our values. They are authoritarian, they spy on their own people, they abuse human rights and expand their territory through the use of force. We will see a difference in the coming years between the democracies and no one has strengthened our relationship with india, for example, between President Trump and Prime Minister modi or come with brazil where i was last week between president bolsonaro and President Trump. We are making tremendous headway as we confront the challenges that come from russia and china. Martha so there are indications that some of those countries are a bit nervous about having to shoulder more of the burden to stand up to china on their own, and a potential biden administration. But the biden platform on this says they would be better at bringing allies together against china and that they would be stronger on things like cracking down on the uighurs for example. Theres a new Senate Initiative between senator menendez and senator risch to be more forceful in calling that. It is at a fair criticism, has the Trump Administration been tough enough on human rights issues in china . First of all with the allies i dont think any country has done more to bring our allies together than the Trump Administration. Remember, while wei was running wild and they stole all of our ip from our own telecommunications companies, put them out of business and became the world leader. We have companies from brazil to the u. K. Saying no to walk away. Nato is spending 400 billion more and thats something that vice President Biden was never able to get. When it comes to the uighurs, this did not happen with the biden and Obama Administration previously. The First Administration to sanction Chinese Companies to use a uighurs label and sanction members of the Chinese Communist party for suppressing the uighurs. No other country has done it and no other administration estimates of President Trump is the only one who has gotten tough with china and at the uighurs. I cant imagine any other with respect to religious freedom in china. Martha Robert Obrien, thank you, always good to have you with us. Great to be with you, thank you. Martha is less we mentioned theres a ton of campaigning going on, joe biden is in florida tonight, i major battleground in this race and its a second drivein rally in that state today making his final case for the 29 electoral votes. Its a big basket that is offered by florida. President trump one not by the thinnest of margins as you see there back in 2016. Lets listen for a bit to the former Vice President in florida. Like donald trump says he wants to institute if he gets reelected, he says we will bankrupt Social Security by 2023. As my wife would say, google it, you would see what im telling you. You got that right pal, he said trumpets bankrupt. He probably is, he owes 400 million to somebody. Anyway, folks, we have to vote. We have to vote for our military families. Of all the things donald trump has said, nothing has bothered me worse than the way he has spoken to those who have served in uniform. He called them losers and suckers. My deceased son, beau biden, won the bronze star and other awards. He volunteered to go to iraq for a year and gave up his attorney general job to go with his unit. He wasnt a sucker or a loser, he was a patriot like all of you who served. Like your sons and your daughters. Your parents and your grandparents. We have to vote for their dignity. Respect they are due. We have to vote because donald trump fails to condemn white supremacy, we can deliver Racial Justice while hes trying to make it worse. Donald trump doesnt believe that systemic racism is a problem. We know they matter. And by the way, protesting is not burning or losing. These protesters, and that those names will not soon be forgott forgotten. Not by me, not by us, not by this country. His little daughter looked at me, shes only about seven years old and i knelt down to talk to her in the family. She looked at me and said, mr. Vice president. My daddy is changing the world. Well guess what. Inspiration coming from her daddy and what happened to come this wave of justice its about schools, housing, access to capital, good paying job, a minimum wage at a minimum of 15 an hour. Financial stability. So we can build wealth and pass up opportunities for generations like we did. Like so many middleclass families have in the past. But we have to vote to ensure the full promise of this country. We have to vote to meet the challenge of climate crisis, because you know in florida, it is a crisis. We have all seen the impact more than most. Devastating hurricanes that lay waste to all communities, the economics toll is astounding and it grows every year. But the human toll is worse. Lost lives, lost homes and Small Businesses shattered. First responders put at risk from the west coast burning, the middle part of the country flooding. Donald trump when he thinks Climate Change, he says hoax. Well guess what. Speaking of hoaxes remember what he said about the is increasing violent hurricanes and the frequency . He actually said may be we should detonate a nuclear bomb over the atlantic. By the way, the same state, the biggest problem we had during the revolutionary war is we didnt have enough airports. Whoa. I tell you what. Look, his answers to families in puerto rico struggling through Hurricane Maria was, what did he do . Toss rolls of paper towels at them. He doesnt have any real answers. We know we can do something about it while combating Climate Change means jobs. We can unleash American Ingenuity and manufacturing and build a stronger and climate resistant nation. We can change the path we are all in. We have to act now. At the time is running out and this country cant afford four more years of trump who thinks hes only responsible for the people who voted for him. I dont see the presidency that way. I see i run as a proud democrat but guess what, its starting to rain so i will shorten this all for you. In 2008 and 2012, you place your trust in barack obama and me. Each day we were in office we worked for you to come up the entire country. It was never about red states or blue states it was always about the United States of america. I was reminded of that last month when i visited gettysburg. Folks, when i went to gettysburg to make that speech, Abraham Lincoln said a house divided cannot stand. I was reminded of that earlier this week. Martha all right. We seem to have lost the signal there. Heard from the former Vice President that it was raining out there and that he was planning on cutting it a little bit short in tampa, florida, tonight. Jacqui heinrich is also standing by covering this for us tonight. We have three women voters who are watching this this evening and they voted for President Trump in 2016. We are going to speak with them about how they feel about their boat right now and what is guiding their decision, right after this. Stay with us. Over money, over our planet, and over takeout. Lets remember this time when so many struggled to feel secure, and build a future where everyone can. Because when the world seems like its standing still. Thats the perfect time for us to change it. How to ensure your vote counts. Because of covid19 president ial election,. Polling locations. Confusion is high. fisherman vo how do i register to vote . working mom vo i think im already registered. Hmm . Hmm . Hmm woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . man on porch vo lemme check. woman vo thank you man vo thank you grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do martha weve heard a lot about the women vote, big gender gap we are seeing in the polls and the three women you are about to meet all voted for now President Trump back in 2016. A poll out today shows President Trumps trailing joe biden by nine points among the category of white women. Thats a national number, but we see similar numbers, some of them bigger than that in places across the country. In 2016, President Trump one over more white women voters then Hillary Clinton did and she was running to be the first woman in the white house. Those were really shocking numbers on Election Night back in 2016. So what are women thinking about the stomach the way they will vote now . Lauren from fairfax, virginia, is a writer and wrote an interesting piece on this. Shes here tonight. Jessica freeman is a loan processor from rock market, georgia, and katie morris is a bank manager from grand rapids, michigan. Great to have all of you with us tonight, thank you so much for being here. Lauren, let me start with you. You wrote a piece, we hear so much about the suburban moms, it reminds me of the security moms and the soccer moms and this time around, the moms of this country are a big part of whats going to maybe swing this election in the end of. You say, lauren, you are not really in sync with a lot of your neighbors. Tell us about that . Good evening, martha. Im not here to tell anyone how to vote but for me its never been about personality, its always been about policies. I think barack obama had a fabulous personality but i didnt agree with a lot of his policies. President trump has done more in the last three and a half then joe biden has done in the last 47 years. Take today for example. We got some great economic news, jobs are coming back and joe biden has signaled that he is willing to shut down the country again if need be. That means online schooling continues for our kids. In our county in fairfax the teachers unions are pushing the School Boards to continue online schooling into the fall of 2021. The cdc has said that since School Closures have happened, suicides are up among kids, death from drug use is up. When you look at it through that lens its a nobrainer. Donald trump is a clear choice for me. Martha katie, i said know you said you voted for donald trump the first time around, whats your reaction to what you just heard from lauren . First of all, thank you martha for having me on your show. I voted for trump in 2016 looking for a fresh start and i dont think thats what we got at all. I think we got somebody that has completely torn our country apart. If you were to look back at reagan or any of the bushes, clinton or obama, never has our country been more divided and angry and sad. If you ask me if im better off, im not. We have a pandemic that is going on that hes not standing up for andy, getting our kids back in the classroom. They are back in the cluster because our teachers and educators are working hard to come not because of donald trump. You can talk about the economy all you want and the great news that came out today but if you compare quarter two to quarter three those are not apple it to apple numbers. There is a lot of work to be done and joe biden is going to unite this country. I dont like aoc and i dont like acb, but im a moderate and im going to be in the middle and im going to vote for somebody that will bring diverse ideas to the table and work with every beds to get the job done. Martha jessica, what do you think . I typically dont vote for personality either, but in this case, donald trump, he is destroying the country. He is dividing us in such a way that its going to be hard to recover. You know, ive heard from both sides because i have family and friends on both sides. One side is afraid that if trump wins it will be a civil war. The other side is afraid that if biden wins there will be a civil war. And its not blacks against whites. Its not cops against citizens, its democrats against republicans. And that we have never been here before. In this country. Martha jessica, let me ask you something, why did you vote for trump in 2016 . Why was that your choice then . I voted for donald trump in 2016 because i believe we needed industry and manufacturing back in this country. I believed in the bluecollar worker and that was my hope. I know so many people that dont have a College Education and they need a way to support their families and retire and benefit. And i so was desiring that for our nation. And i dont see martha okay, i hear you. So katie and then lauren, what kind of economy would you expect under joe biden . Hes going to talk about raising taxes, he thinks that that is a good thing for the economy. What do you think thats going to look like . Katie . As far as what i think its going to look like, the economy wont come back until the pandemic is under control or Small Business owners arent able to fully reopen or operate. Martha are you concerned that he might shut the economy down again . It doesnt concern me because i think we are resilient as of an american people. But uniting together we are not uniting together as a country. Nobody is working together, its coming together and fighting this virus and moving past. We will be stronger because of it, our beliefs and some sort of assent so we can come and Work Together and im hoping for unity under joe biden. Martha okay, lauren, final thought . Based on what youve heard here. Joe biden had 47 years to get something done and hes gotten absently nothing done. If you look at Public Safety right now, he cant even say the words law order. Donald trump has gotten the endorsement of Police Organizations throughout the country, endorsements that historically they havent endorsed anyone and if they do its always been a democrat because they know that he is the one that has their back right now. Look at all the rioting and looting going on . Joe biden donald trump is in there. The rioting and looting is because of donald trump in america. And all of these democrat cities because they wont put a stop to it. Thats the problem right now. No, thats wrong. Martha i know we could talk all night and i appreciate all of you being with us. Jessica, katie, lauren. Hang in there. We will talk again soon i hope, good to have you all. We will be back. Thank you. So as President Trump battles for a bigger slice also of the black vote, and l. A. Times reporter says that black male voters are drawn to his toxic masculinity. Vernon jones and Richard Fowler debate that one, next. Stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large theres surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. Hisamitsu. Ancestry, with documents, with photographs, i get to define myself through the scores of people who lead to me. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com martha there is a battle to bring more black voters over to the g. O. P. President trump has taught at the economic gains for black and hispanic voters precovid as well as his work with the First Step Act but an oped in the l. A. Times argues the appeal is about something else. Writer aaron logan says black male support for President Trump is about toxic masculinity. She cites Georgia State representative vernon jones, a democrat who is a big trump supporter now, and the piece reads in part, vernon jones sees a continuance of trumps fiscal policies as a way for black america to pursue financial uplift. He believes trumps ability to swim against the grain is a sign of strength. Justice blackmun have always had to be strong. When jones told me that trump is a strong man and a mans man, i felt erased as a black woman. These traits can quickly devolve into toxic masculinity. Vernon jones the aforementioned joins me now. Hes a democratic Georgia State representative and a Trump Campaign surrogate and Richard Fowler, senior follow. Thank you very much for being here tonight. Vernon, how did you take what she wrote about you there, what your take away . I take it this way. First of all when women are attracted to women voters there is no issue about women femininity. Its women support women. Why cant if that reporter had not been thinking as a female and i just wrote the story it would not have been an issue. But shes a female and she took it personal. She doesnt take it personal if she talked to a female who supported, her. So she had written and said, this is how i feel and this is the information, then it would be fine. And thats a problem. Donald trump appeals to africanamerican men, why . Because joe biden destroyed an entire generation of black men through mass incarceration. Stripped from their families, their mothers, their wives and sisters and brothers and many black died in jail because of those long sentences where they never got a chance to reunite with their family. And look how many do the president s First Step Act but that hes released from jail because of what joe biden data . So black men, we had up hard time. Without a challenge. As a matter of fact, Hillary Clinton called a simple predators. Joe biden also called us predators and said we were what, a danger to his mother in her neighborhood. So lets be clear about this. Trump has actually done something for black men that nobody else ever has it in recent times as president. Martha and let me get richards reaction to that piece and what vernon just had to say. Richard a question mark thanks for having me. I think the representatives right to some extent. What made donald trump popular was joe bidens vote on the crime bill. If you take a look at the numbers which i have done, what they found is this. Voters who have already voted to come 91 of them have voted for joe biden and only 4 have voted for donald trump. The reason being is because in the home stretch, because of peer to peer persuasion, black men having conversations with black men, theyve been able to move many of these men one supporting weve also seen the barack obama effect. In the last two weeks barack obama hit the campaign trail with the direct of the number so that black men thanks to barack obama and thanks to the work of the bite and campaign seem to be moving to the left and are shown now with their votes. Dont get me wrong, i do think we have to have a conversation about the impact the crime bill has had on black communities but i think people are also looking at the impact that donald trump and his rhetoric has had on black communities. They view that as more impactful in their vote than they do on the crime bill vote. Martha i just wanted to make sure that barack obama and joe biden will join forces on saturday. Heres whats interesting. Joe biden nor barack obama did anything for black men. And they had eight years in office. White people speak up not true. Now you talk, i allowed you to talk. Thats misinformation. Heres a fact. Joe biden and barack obama had eight years to fix the crime bill. They had two years of majority, as a matter of fact 60 members in the senate which was wet, filibuster proof. Did they do anything for Prison Reform . No, not anything. Obama meant a lot to white people but he didnt do a thing for black people. Martha im going to give you ten seconds richard, because i want to be fair but i have to go, im getting wrapped. Whats your strongest threebet point before we go . Number one, they worked for number two barack obama tried to get criminal reform, criminal Justice Reform done and sadly republicans in congress are the ones that blocked barack obama from getting it done. Martha all right, we have to leave it there. The fact of the matter is, it was President Trump who did ultimately get it done. Voters can digest that and they will make their decision on tuesday night. Thanks vernon jones and Richard Fowler for being here tonight. Coming up, President Trumps North Carolina rally was postponed tonight due to weather but elsewhere there is a trump pride event going on. Members of the Lgbtq Community turned out to show their support tonight and we will talk to them after this. On a formula only found in preservision. If it were my vision, id ask my doctor about preservision. Its the most studied eye vitamin brand. If it were my vision, id look into preservision. Only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the nei to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. I have amd. It is my vision so my plan includes preservision. We knew that this was really, really bad. We had ample forewarning. But we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. Completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. There were things that could have been done. A lot of people have died needlessly, and theres nothing more frustrating than feeling like youre fighting against someone who should have your back. We are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Okay, so, magnificent mile for me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Until i realized. Something was missing. Me. You okay, sis . My symptoms were keeping me. From really being there for my sisters. So i talked to my doctor and learned. Thats us. Humira is for people who still have. Symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. The majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief in as little as 4 weeks. And many achieved remission that can last. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma,. Have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you. And them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Martha lgbtqs conservatives rallying for President Trump of the battleground state of michigan tonight and advocating for the president s support of the community. In 2016 those who identify as, bisexual or transgender voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton by a margin of 77 according to the fox news examples. My next guest spoke at tonights event. Bill white is a national cochair of the trump pride coalition. Bill, good to see you tonight, thanks for being here. Hi martha, how are you . Martha im doing well, thank you. So tell us, obviously its a small section of lgbtq voters who vote conservative. Tell us why you are at there tonight and whats happening at the event and why you support President Trump . Thank you so much my thought, we are so excited here in michigan and im standing in front of so many wonderful michiganders who are tired of whats going on in your beautiful state. They want to retain the leadership of President Donald Trump for four more years and i want to make a prediction that they think and i think the president is going to bring Michigan Home for the presidency for four more years. [cheers and applause] martha michigan, obviously the polls are not going his way at this point so what gives you that sense on the ground there tonight . What are you seeing there that maybe others are not . I think there is an organic sense here that number one, we are not trusting the polls. We have a great ground game here in michigan and the president has been here. The people of michigan believe in his promises made, promises kept. His love of our military, Building Back our economy and his handling of the covid. I can tell you from being here tonight that the folks behind us are tired of the current leaderships approach, so they want to get back to work safely and provide for their families and build back the company under President Trump. Martha obviously President Trump appointed the first to gain Ambassador Grenell to germany. But they may look at you bill and say why would you support President Trump . I think 80 of the vote is expected to go to joe biden among lgbtq individuals so, why do you support him . One of the reasons why i support him as ive known him over 25 years and they know his character and how much he loves our country. I also i see this with his appointment of ric grenell, it wasnt just supporting the, when rick was appointed the first ambassador, Kamala Harris did not even work with him. Its very important to know that the president is prolgbt. Martha i have to go. The story is ending for tonight, october 29. See you tomorrow night everybody. Is it a musical tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. I spent a lot of this day on the phone with ups trying to find out what happened to a package we overnighted on monday. We got some answers but we are missing others. But first the big picture with an reporting on for some time. Is been obvious for decades that the biden family has gotten rich from selling influence abroad. Joe biden held a series of highlevel jobs in the u. S. Government, center and Vice President. Based on that fact and that fact alone bidens son and brother approached

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