Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 202

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20200907

around for that, going to be interesting. president trump and joe biden both out on the campaign trail today. a president trump saying the virus and the economy will have better news coming. potential on the vaccine timing and promising a sharp pickup. >> the vaccine will be very safe and very effective, and it will be delivered very soon. you can have a very big surprise coming up in 2021, we will create 10 million jobs at least in the first ten months. >> martha: joe biden reaching out to suburban voters as he continues to try -- despite declaring he would go down as one of the most progressive presidents in american history, listen to his message today. >> of the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it? only if we knew all of what went into it because so far, nothing he's told us has been true. this president is on track to be the only president in modern history to end up with fewer jobs at the end of his term then existed in america when he began his term. >> martha: that as the latest real clear politics national average shows joe biden is up by seven three weeks out from the first of three presidential debates that are sure to be quite consequential in this race and looking ahead tonight, new polling shows a majority of voters say they believe president trump will be the winner of those debates. at 47 to 41, so we will see if that bears out when we get to that at the end of this month. a lot to get to you on this labor day monday evening including an exclusive interview with former national security advisor john bolton whose denial of the reports that president trump disparage the u.s. military getting a lot of potential talking to him about that in just a little while. also tonight, karl rove joining me. former deputy chief of staff anna fox news contributor, happy labor day monday to you. let's start with this. thank you. a 30,000-foot look at this point, you have some interesting factors here, a third-party candidate who was going to change the margins here, a very slim number of voters who say that they are undecided at this point so what do you think people should be very focused on as they watch this tonight? >> we have 57 days, and i thought the new campaign manager for president trump said something that i suspect his counterpart would agree with them. matters who wins every single day because the movement in this race could be large but it could be significant. he's got a little bit of time on his hands now so he is now taking the real clear politics average and averaging it by weeks and this is an interesting thing you pointed out to me. the week of the republican convention, 39-41. the week before that, 50-42 so the race has tightened a little bit because what you're dealing with is not simply the average of the last several bowls, you are looking at the average of each day aggregated together during that week so the race has tightened a little bit and each side has placed a bet. each site has placed a bet. joe biden's bed is trumped botched covid, and i'm normal. i'm not him. you won't have to wake up in the morning and worry about my tweets. trump's is biden is weak starting with law and order. we are not finished seeing that biden's judgment is bad and is weak from the trump campaign and then his closing campaign, i'll do better at restarting the economy which interestingly enough he has had an advantage even in june in the real clear politics average, that was an issue that president trump still had the advantage on and we will see these two campaigns fight this out, each one of them tried to press its arguments but as we've seen the last couple of days to respond to events as president trump has had to do and responding to changing conditions. you notice nobody at the democratic convention mentioned law and order. no one talked about the violent protests wrecking portland but the last week, we've now seen vice president biden come out, senator harris come out. on sunday, they put val demings as a member of congress and is considered vice president put her on the program to say we democrats don't like violent protests either. >> martha: a couple of the areas, it is so interesting to me how slim the areas are that this vote can be eked out in one way or another and everybody of course is watching the african-american vote, the latino vote which has grown in certain states that are battleground states for example when you take a look at this, the president has his work cut out for him. arizona hispanic voters, biden 69, trump 23. north carolina black voters, biden 88, trumped 5%. but you can see that there is a clear effort and we sought at the convention and we will continue to see it in advertising and probably topics in these debates that the trump team is trying to shift those numbers a little bit. how do you think they're doing at that and how much would make a difference, how small of an amount can make a difference? >> this is what we are talking about when making a bet. what he is betting is that he could get those numbers among the latino and african-american communities back to where they were in january and february where he looked like he could take the 28 or 29% among latinos and the 8% among african-americans that he got in 2016 to 34, 33, 35, 36 among latinos and 13, 14, or 15 among african-americans particularly young african-american men and if he does that, that's a huge change because each one of those is a vote. out of the democratic column and into trump's column and if you won michigan by 11,000 votes over wisconsin by 22,000 or pennsylvania by 44,000 and you suddenly start to do going from eight to 13 or 14 among african-americans, you start to grow your margins and if you go from 28, 29, 34, 35 among latinos in a place like arizona, as a republican used in a much better chance of carrying it. >> martha: fascinating to watch the dynamic here. you talked about the fact that the states that don't start counting and verifying those mail-in ballots until election day and how long it might take them to count them and i looked at the list that you put out there, three states really stand out. they all don't begin the process of verifying and matching and seeing which ones they have to throw out for various reasons until election day and those are all battleground states. >> absolutely, and two out of the three except ballots that arrive after election day. both of those two things will combine to make a real problem. pennsylvania has tried to change, the secretary of state and democrat and republican legislature are talking about allowing them to begin to process and validate those mail-in ballots before election day but those are three critical states that could be a long time, several days before we get the results. >> martha: buckle your seat belt, going to be a bumpy night. so president trump says there has never been a greater champion of the united states military in response to a report that claimed that he spoke disparagingly about members of the military back in 2018 on a trip to france. a former national security advisor john bolton no big fan of president trump was on the trip in question and he says he did not hear those comments or anything resembling them, so we will talk to him about that and a couple of other things when we come back tonight. stay with us. all otc pain relievers including voltaren have one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu. tempur-pedic's mission truly transformative sleep. so, no more tossing and turning. because only tempur-pedic's proprietary material adapts and responds to your body- -so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. take advantage of our best offer of the year, with savings up to $500. you try to stay ahead of the but scrubbing still takes time. now there's powerwash dish spray it's the faster way to clean as you go just spray, wipe and rinse it cleans grease five times faster dawn powerwash. spray, wipe, rinse. >> martha: president trump pushing back aggressively against claims that he spoke disparagingly about the military during a 2018 visit. >> only an animal would say a thing like that. even john bolton said that was untrue. >> martha: form a security advisor john bolton as part of the room where it happened. what is your reaction to what the president had to say about this whole incident. >> the article itself is a mashup of all kinds of allegations, what he thinks of john mccain which i thought was largely accurate and what he happened to say in paris the day before armistice day, the 100th anniversary getting ready to go visit the french president and according to what that article said, made disparaging remarks about soldiers that people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon and that was simply false. i don't know who told the author that, but that was false and i recount that in my book the room where it happened and reaffirmed that in response to questions the next day. >> martha: you've heard the back and forth between reporters on this, jennifer griffin came on today and said she stands by her sources and said he were not in the room where it happened when this was discussed. what do you say to that? >> she's just flatly wrong. i can tell you exactly what it was. we are supposed to be having a 10:30 meeting to brief the president for his meeting with french president emmanuel macron at 11:00. the president was light which was frequently the case. i don't think the entire affair lasted more than ten or 15 minutes and the main issue was whether or not weather conditions permitted the president to go out to the cemetery. mike pompeo, myself, jamie mccourt, had this discussion, mostly john kelly and presenting logistical reasons why the trip couldn't take place and the president assented to the recommendation that he not go. after that meeting, that lasted until ten: 45. they were joined by the 21st ladies for lunch that lasted into the afternoon that the president went back to the embassy and had dinner that night for the heads of state who were attending. that was the schedule. >> martha: as i say, jennifer griffin stands by her story, perhaps another discussion that happened in another area that they were privy to and that is her reporting on this, but i guess the bigger question is, this question is the president's general attitude towards the military and what people see is very different from what they're hearing from this heritage, that the outbreak and violence supportive of him, with regard to standing by the kurds order drawing down troops in afghanistan is where the divide is and that's why they are putting out this message and putting his comments at a light that makes them look terrible. do you agree or disagree? >> i can't prove the negatives if you never said those things. the president has a habit of disparaging people. he ends up denigrating almost everybody that he comes in contact with whose last name is not drum. i would simply respond to what i thought the main point of the atlantic article that the critical point saturday morning when the decision was made not to go that he made the disparaging remarks and he did not. with respect to what people at the pentagon think and i think this is important, this afternoon, the president of the united states at the following, the top people at the pentagon aren't in love with him because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the plans and make everything else stay happy. apart from being incoherent, elizabeth warren really couldn't have said it better. >> martha: okay. we are going to have to leave it there. john bolton, thank you very much. good to have you with us. we will see you next time. >> glad to be with you. >> martha: president trump going all in on joe biden's evolving stance on china, why he is warning of biden presidency would not end well for america and the other side coming up next. >> of fighting wins, china will own this country and hopefully you're not going to be able to find that out. so when they got a little surprise... two!? 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>> it's going to be tough for the voters because we have joe biden now saying i'm for that too. i'll be tough on china. i condemn them, saying things he's never said before but he's actually saying them. the biden campaign is very smart about the pole. they see this figure of 9 out of 10 americans seeing china as a threat so he's got to say something tough on china but this "new york times" article is just beautiful and deserves a prize in my view. it's a really devastating joe biden's views on china and the history of being pro-china. >> martha: president trump has said many times on the campaign trail already that if you go back to joe biden's history, you see the groundwork that has been laid over bringing them with something he felt very strongly about, wanted to open the relationship with trade even further and this communist leadership would eventually bring them around pier that was the original thinking. that's not what has happened. >> as we called him in those days, even broke with his fellow democrats who were close to trade unions and were against china joining the wto and the favorable trade deals. so he stood out as a leader in the pro-china side. president reagan was also for cooperation with china, but joe biden distinguished himself for the problem he faces is the campaign is saying their ties come from china. that's the same thing as walking off with one and a half billion dollars of investment funds so this is also a problem for the biden campaign i would think. >> martha: i think you are right and i think we will hear a lot more about it coming into these debates. one of the questions that i look forward to hearing in these debates was how would you handle an increasingly aggressive china when it comes to taiwan? what would your stance be, how do you push back on encroaching on democratic principles and rights in hong kong? these are both questions that both of these men are going to have to answer and the american people will be listening because going to be the biggest issue we face. >> i agree with you and what president trump has on his side now is three and a half years of her record of taking china on for real in the trade deal and other areas, joe biden can claim to be as much of a hawk as trump is but doesn't have any record that shows that and that's with "the new york times" may have affected thing is a great deal with this powerful article tod today. >> martha: we are going to keep an eye on it and we will be watching what he says. ads on both sides trying to see they are tough and we recommend they read that "new york times" piece as you do as well. thank you, sir. always good to have you with us. joe biden now revealing whether he would get a covid-19 vaccine if it's available, the president hinted at an october surprise perhaps for the vaccine. he said he would get it. that's coming up. ♪ copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. do not use anoro if you have asthma. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma... prostate, bladder or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain... mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes or eye pain, while taking anoro. the most common side effects are sore throat, diarrhea, and pain in the arms and legs. ask your doctor about once-daily anoro to start treating your copd. we're here for you during this challenging time--and always. find support at >> let's just say there is a vaccine that is approved and distribute it before the election. would you get it? >> i would not trust donald trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. i will not take his word for it. he wants us to inject bleach. no, i will not take his word. >> martha: one day after that vice presidential nominee kamala harris, responded to the vaccine question himself today with this. >> of the president announced tomorrow what you have a vaccine, would you take it? only if it was completely transparent and other experts in the country could look at it. only if we knew all of what went into it because so far, nothing he's told us has been true. >> martha: joining me now, dr. scott atlas, special advisor to the president and senior fellow at stanford university's hoover institution. in dr. atlas, good evening, thank you for being here tonight. listening to kamala harris and listening to joe biden reaction to the possibility of what he called potential october surprise, a vaccine that might be ready, what do you make of what he had to say? >> again, i said it before but only in washington with the bad news have a very rapid accelerated development of a vaccine in a pandemic where 200,000 americans have died. only here but that be considered bad news. what's happening is again, it is really harmful to have a natural from being a political year, i don't know, but it's super harmful to have people instill more fear into americans when you are sitting here where the country is how i feel off the track here and there's a debate going on about safety with questions raised. let me explain how the vaccine is being developed. there is a safety board, a date he safdata safety that are onlyg to be looking at the data. it's a black box, no one in the government has any idea about the safety trials going on. incredibly rapid speed, this operation warp speed that they have put together, this in seven months after the additiona initl identification through phase three clinical trial, this is incredible news. i can say one thing, i'm going to take the vaccine. >> martha: so let me ask you this, this comes from a gentleman who is a former head of the office of foreign disaster and he weighed in on this, he said that the fact that they distribute before completing the trial, completing those phase three trials, people will be reluctant to take it, so explain your take on whether or not people should be concerned about the fact that the end of these trials has not been concluded. >> we have the safest fda in the world, there is no comparison. i would rather have a drug that is developed by the fda and improved by an fda clinical trial in the united states than from any other country. they were a zero question, no safety measures being cut, no cutting corners here at all. it's a matter of statistical power. will be determined to be effective if it has enough events that dictate the statistical proof that is necessary to get the vaccine. this is all nonsensical, i don't know if it's all politically driven, but this is something that is very harmful to the public. everyone should be very confident that there is nothing being shortchanged here in the development of this vaccine and if it comes and which it seems to be on track before the end of the year but no one can predict with any accuracy, we already are producing those so roughly 100 million plus available among this is before the end of the year and this is fantastic news. there is no need for someone in the public eye to be commenting and undermining the confidence of the american people. this is not a political issue of the development of a vaccine. there happens to be an election. they have nothing to do with this. >> martha: you been in the room now on this white house force and advisor to the president. have you ever at any time i heard him say anything about rushing this before election day wanting to get this out and available to people before election day? >> that's never been a subject of the task force at all. there is no way to even pressure this. the whole discussion has really been nonsensical. it's just a real shame here. i really feel it's harmful when public officials are injecting fear into people for no reason. >> martha: dr. scott atlas, thank you. we will see where this goes. so we are eight weeks out from election day and many voters are still deciding which candidate they will vote for come november. we will talk to some of those undecided voters from battleground states and hear what's on their mind coming up next. climate change is the fight of our generation. the biggest obstacle right now is that we're running out of time. amazon now has a goal to be net zero carbon by 2040. we don't really know exactly how we are going to get there. it's going to be pretty hard. but one way or another we're going to reduce our carbon footprint to net zero. i want my son to know that i tried my hardest to make things better for his generation. he's >> martha: eight weeks to o until election day. tomorrow marks the unofficial but this is when millions of americans really start to pay close attention to this race and start to decide what they're going to do when they vote in some states, still weighing their options could make the entire difference in this election and there are people like my next guest joining me now are three voters who chose president trump in 2016 but now say they are not sure. they are undecided at this point in the race. becky abbott is from wisconsin where joe biden is up on the real clear politics average by five, cheryl johnson is from iowa where president trump leads by less than 2 and is for michigan where it's up less than three points. i really want to thank all of you for coming in today on labor day and talking to me about this so let me start with you from michigan, very close last time around, made the difference in michigan so tell me a little bit about why you liked president trump the first time around but now you're on the fence. >> i like the messaging and i did not like the oppositions -- i didn't want to vote for hillary. couldn't vote for hillary. right now, i'm kind of in the middle with everything that's gone on, and i'm waiting for that october surprise, and that should shift my vote either way. >> martha: what do you think that might be? >> again, with everything that's going on, let's see what the durham report reveals, all of these allegations against trump. let's see what happens. i want to hear joe's platform but i want to hear his plan. >> martha: okay. cheryl, let me ask you because women tend to lean towards joe biden at least in the polls that we see right now, what's the biggest factor for you as you make up your mind between joe biden and donald trump? >> being a female farmer in iowa for the president to step up what his comments were in omaha last fall about increasing the renewable fuel standard, keeping at 15 billion and not at 13 billion would be a huge swing in interest, as farmers in the midwest have taken a hit and we are all about pulling for the team here, for the united states of america but if we could -- we took a hit with the tariff. we have taken a hit with the markets and then coronavirus, and we are looking for a little bit of a break and want to know that trump has got her back. >> martha: i hear you. becky, what about you? what's the most important thing to you as you try to make up your mind here? what matters? >> what matters to me as i am looking for a leader who will take charge and who will bring our country together. i'm looking for a message of unity and somebody who's going to work across the aisle in a bipartisan manner, not really saying this is what i can do for our country, but what we can do for our country and what can we do to work together to make our country better. >> martha: so to stay with you for a moment, you voted for president trump last time but what is it that now makes you question whether or not you might? what don't you like that makes you on the fence? >> i don't like that he has not worked in a bipartisan manner. i don't like the divisiveness and the name-calling that has our country completely polar opposite sides and even families and friends can't meet in the middle anymore because everybody has been told they should take aside and have differing opinions but still work together for the greater cause. >> martha: so did you watch the democratic convention and the republican convention? was that part of your process or did you not watch? >> i did watch. yes, i did. i can't say i watch them from beginning to end, but i watched the major parts. >> martha: so you watched both and that that have any impact on your vote or do you think the debates will matter more? what do you think? >> it did have -- i am swinging more to president trump because the big thing i heard from the democrats was the doom and gloom and the blame game where i heard an uplifting spirit from the republican side and getting back to a little bit of a faith-based country rather than this just want an unlawfulness. >> martha: interesting. cheryl, i know that farming in the issues that relate to farming are important to you. what about covid-19 and the handling of that? do you think president trump has done a good job or joe biden would have done a better job if he were in charge? >> there was no playbook written for that, it was a total surprise. i don't know if he necessarily had much has far as affecting us in the midwest and the flyover states. our packing plants got shut down and for us at the beginning of the food chain, that affected us immensely, and i think at the time, the best was done that we could do because people were getting sick and obviously -- i've got to say, i don't think that's necessarily a trump issue because you have to start with the township, then a county wide, then a state wide, and i think that was all up to your governors. we can't point the finger i think totally at president tru president trump. >> martha: okay. your husband is a police officer. how much impact does that have on your decision given everything that's been going on? >> it does. i worry about my husband and i love him very much for the work that he does. my kids look up to him for the work that he does. we support him and we support all police officers who do the right thing and of course treat everybody fairly and while i do support law and order, i do know we need someone that will look at both sides and work across both sides of the aisle. >> martha: okay. so iowa, michigan, three places we will see a lot of ads in the coming months and a lot of visits by the candidates so i hope you will all come back and let you know, i really appreciate you being here on this labor day. many thanks to you all. >> thank you for having us. >> martha: great to hear from them. coming up, president trump urging i ron to spare the life of this wrestler who now faces to death sentences in connection with an antigovernment protest. has spoken exclusively with her mother and her message to america is next. stay tuned. and turning. because only tempur-pedic's proprietary material adapts and responds to your body- -so you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. take advantage of our best offer of the year, with savings up to $500. and when you save up to 60%, let's play! you're always a winner. you got... up to 60% off your hotel! >>but isn't that the only one? 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and then they arrested another brother to put more pressure on them. so, that didn't work. so, that's why they forced them to do false confessions. it's very popular to do. they accused them of killing a security guard. it's totally alive. they are going to kill him. the iranian people are furious. they all believe that navid is innocent. >> martha: we have seen this before in the stories that you have covered where the members of the family, they are then in prison. this also happened in your family. it is an awful situation. it's getting a lot of attention and we hope that that will help. this is the president, dana white talking about this. >> he went to a peaceful protest in iran and he is going to be executed for that. the only thing i thought to do was to call and see if he could help this man. and he said, "let us look into it." i will talk to my administration and see if there is something we can do to save his life." >> martha: talk to me about the politics of this, whether or not the president could have influence on this iranian regime. >> it is very, very important for all politicians to speak up against this cruel verdict against navid afkarai and other political prisoners. i have to tell you, when you talk to the family, they asked everyone to help them. these people do not have any voice inside iran. they don't have anything. last year, the government in iran killed 1500 people. one of the fathers right now is in prison. so, you see, right now, a lot of people are calling not only the president of america. they are calling the leaders of the european countries to do something and take action. a lot of european governments have relations with iran. right now, they have to take action. otherwise the regime easily easily will kill these innocent people. i think iran is the only country that if you protest peacefully, then they are going to kill you and arrest your family members to keep them silent. so, this is a tipping point. if there were a western country, believe me, they are going to kill navid afkarai. >> martha: is there any indication that there is any movement on this before i let you go? >> there is. look, right now, the people in saudiiran, the young generationy are trying to bypass. they are on twitter. 12 million people use the hashtag #don' #don'tkillandexecuteprotesters >> martha: i encourage everyone to watch you on twitter. they can see the whole video and watch more on this case. thank you very much. it's always good to have you with us. that is it for tonight, monday september 7th. happy labor day, everybody. we'll see you back here on tuesday night. ♪ >> tucker: welcome. good evening. this is the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." happy labor day. it's the last weekend of summer. unfortunately, this is not a normal labor day. it hasn't been a normal summer. and many places, politicians still monitor and control the most intimate details of your life. where you eat, who you spend time with and where, how many relatives who invite to your wedding, whether or not you can hold your parent's hand on their deathbed. the pretext for these controls is the coronavirus. we never thought it would go out on this long. we were told we

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