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A look at the days latest news and headlines. He was not aggressive or violent. Normal just like us. Martha we have a forensic profiler to shed light on what might have happened here. Dale, thank you for being here. How does someone with no prior escalate so quickly to this kind of behavior . First of all, we dont know what his behavior has been. It just means there has never been an investigation or arrest. Just because someone hasnt been you know this. Someone hasnt been arrested doesnt pine they havent been involved in bad behavior. Obviously from the evidence, it is clear he was stalking her at some point because the car was seen around the home where she was staying. So ultimately, you know, i think the evidence clearly shows he went to try to interact with her. As a young male would. From the behavior this was aggressive behavior. This was not normal flirtation. You are following her in a car. As you point out, that kind of thing would show up on laptops or any kind of Computer Equipment that he had. He said he blacked out. What do you make of that . Its the chris watts defense. Its convenient to black out when you talk about the actual action of the crime. I dont think that is true, obviously. Unless he has a medical condition and unless he was doing drugs or alcohol, that is not reality. It sounds like something a Defense Attorney would come up with, to black out. He knows all these details before and after the fact. Very detailed description. Martha absolutely. But he doesnt remember that specific thing. Cmon. Martha no. As you say he talks in horrific detail about putting what i would really ask the elected official in senate and congress and going all the way down to the city and state officials who are creating Sanctuary Policies. Look yourselves in the mirror. And ask you what would you be doing if your daughter or your son was killed in the way that Mollie Tibbetts was or any of the other, any of the other children and loved ones with the angel families. Look yourself in the face, in the mirror and ask yourself are you proud of the fact that you are creating the actual laws and the Sanctuary Policies that are protecting the criminals in our country. When was the last time you had a Fuse Conference and stood up for your fellow american citizen who was killed or harmed by an illegal alien . They are quick to have a Press Conference an talk about the children separated from the border but when was the last time you saw a politician stand up for an american citizen and have a Press Conference . When . Martha your point is very well taken. Very good question. Thank you very much. We always appreciate having you come and talk about your perspective on it. Its so powerful. We are sorry for what happened to your son. Thank you very much. Angel mom joining us tonight. Coming up next on the story All The Kings Horses and all the kings men. Bill bennett steps back, puts some perspective on this week. And on all the people in the trump circle who have turned on the president. Everything is wonderful. And then they get ten years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is. Or as high as you can go. Its almost ought to be outlawed. Its not fair. With uncontrolled moderatetosevere eczema, bring you the fall Hunting Classic, with huge savings on the latest gear. Plus you can earn up to 100 in club points when you pay with your Bass Pro Shops club or cabelas club credit card. A peaceful night sleep without only imagine. Frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . On the go and want to rent a movie . Showtime. Or buy the hottest shows. Even here . Weve got you covered. Now they are all yours. To take on the go. On any screen. Bingo alright and watch whatever you buy. Wherever you are. Head to xfinity. Com stream to start watching. Simple to rent, easy to buy, awesome to go. President trump ive had many friends involved in this stuff. Its called flipping. It almost ought to be illegal. You get ten years in jail. But if you say bad things about somebody, make up stories if you dont know, make up stories, they just make up lies. Martha President Trump talking about his former Attorney Michael Cohen potentially flipping on him in the wake of the plea deal with the federal prosecutors. Cohen is not the only one in what some are calling a collapse of loyalty around the president. David pecker, a longtime friend of the president , cooperating or has been in the past mostly on the Michael Cohen issue from what we know. That was the playboy Model Coverup with President Trump. Now reports that that Alan Weissenburg has been granted immunity in the cohen probe. Joining me now is jonathan swann. Thank you for being here. Its good to see you. Get a Quick Reaction from you on all of that. Then i want to ask about jeff sessions. What about the inner circle destruction . We have to distinguish between the cases. This week by any objective measure has been probably the president s worst week. You have his former lawyer who is facing prison, he is former Campaign Chairman who is going to go to prison. A man who has more accessibility to the finances than anyone, granted immunity. And David Becker Involveed in payments for one of the women to granted immunity. The thing that you dont get overhysterical or read much into it because we dont know if any of what anything other than what cohen said already, he implicated the president in a crime, Campaign Finance allegation but we dont know what wasselberg or pecka promised in return for the immunity and we dont know if its beyond cohen. I think yes, it is concerning but they dont know how concerned to be. We dont know what the people are revealing. Martha yeah. That is a great point. There was quite a bit of the hysteria, in some corners this week. There is so much the we dont know. If its limited to cohen and his financial dealings and the taxi company and the payoff, we already knew about the payoff. We heard about it on the tape from Michael Cohen. But whether or not it goes from there is something to wait and watch and see what happens. Jeff sessions, here is senator graham talking about the relationship between the president and the Attorney General of the department of justice, jeff sessions. Listen to this. You dont have to be dr. Phil to understand that the president and the Attorney General do not have a good working relationship. Every president deserves an Attorney General they have confidence in. Martha where do you think this is going, jonathan . This was an important Turning Point yesterday. Lindsey graham, i believe, a year ago was saying publicly there will be hell to pay, et cetera, if the president was to fire jeff sessions. Graham and Chuck Grassley both effectively gave the president A Public Green Light to fire jeff sessions. So now it seems a matter of time. Lindsey graham is cautioning the president to do it after the midterm because he thinks its politically disruptive beforehand but the president is now given leeway where he wasnt relieving it previously from the republicans on capitol hill. You write when they are together, they had a meeting together at the white house yesterday which must have been awkward, it doesnt come up . How does it happen . You would think so. The sessions people went in there, sessions went in thinking he was walking in a storm. But what happened, so, you had the morning of the president saying what he said about sessions in the having control. The justice department. Sessions put out an aggressive statement and walks in the oval office for meeting on criminal justice reform. They did not mention it. Not once. Not a passing remark. They stayed on topic and talk about the criminal justice reform. Martha you dont have to be dr. Phil to figure it out. He always has a good line. Thank you. Good to see you. Appreciate it. Martha now bill bennett no stranger on the inner works of the cabinet. He is former aide to president reagan. The New York Post has had always had front pages over trump over the years. Today, what is in the save that david has, head of the national inquirer. This is the week. What was your take on it . A lot of people are talking about this and they are tightening the screws. The noose is tightening around the president s neck and he is hanging by his neck already. People are declaring him out. He will impeached, removed. They are getting ahead of the story. I dont see the ground. A lot of these guys took a plea to save their skin and the livelihood and the families. And the disappointment on the part of the president but this is understandable. But the interesting question is not what the squeezees did, the people being squeezed but the squeezer. What is the crime . The crime is being donald trump. They are in search of a crime. The discussion with jonathan and so far in this one. So far its missing the word russia or collusion. You remember that . What happened to that . So lets go through thousands of documents to see if we can find something wrong. Bob novak said if you have the power of the District Attorney or the federal government going after you can to check every tax return well find something. We mortal and we make mistakes and accountants have different views of things. But the intensity of the scrutiny, the intensity of the focus by these people, i think its transparent. Martha you make a great point. Adam schiff and brennan, they are sure that there is russian collusion. Now we are in taxi medallions. This interesting because the one phrase that Michael Cohen had to say there was a connection between the hush money paid and in order to influence the 2016 campaign. That was prosecutors language. Without that, there is a tenuous string to hang stories on this week. That would be a thin string and a breakable string. And supposing that there is failure to disclose, as Alan Dershowitz pointed out. My former professor, many times on your shows. You know, he could give 100 million to Stormy Daniels and that wouldnt be a crime. Failure to a close shoe may be a problem disclose may be a problem. But what is the penalty . A civil fine. They are after something else. People need to look at this and look at it in comparison to what Hillary Clinton did. Martha we always look to you for the perspective and the big picture. We appreciate it. Thank you. Good to see you. The youre welcome, as always. You bet. Martha congressman Duncan Hunter trying to beat the rap on the Campaign Finance violations, some say by throwing his wife under the bus in the process. Well be right back. Do you offer 4. 95 online Equity Trades . Great question. See, for a full Service Brokerage like ours, thats tough to do. Schwab does it. Next question. Do you offer a Satisfaction Guarantee . A what now . A Satisfaction Guarantee. Like schwab does. Man scoffing what are you teaching these kids . 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Also it would be hard to run for office, in office as the military, not just as, but in the same way that the Military Service is tough on a couple. How do voters hear this . How do voters in Southern California hear all of this as it is playing out . Hunter is hugely advantaged. This is a heavy republican leaning district. His democratting opponent isnt exactly a great fit for the district. But when folks hear that and they hear a sitting congress pan talk about his wife in that way and they see it going on, it request not help reassure them that things are are going to be normal and be okay. Martha its interesting that he and chris colins are both under the scrutiny now. Both appear to be choosing to hang in there. Is that the wisest thing for their party to have them do . Whether or not its the wisest thing for their party, coming into this are the considerations of the individuals legal exposure. So once you give up your seat, right . Collins does not look like he is going to fight it through. It does not look like he will be able to hold on. Hunter is in a different situation. Its a different district. But the reality is, if you were to give up, if both were to say you know what . Im going to quit and focus on my defense and do these things, as soon as you give up the office you have lost a huge Bargaining Chip with prosecutors when it comes to making a deal. You lost your last shield and buckleer when it comes to the folks so they are loathe to give up the positions. Having to be a congressman and in hunters case having to run for office concurrently is a very, very tough straddle to pull off. Martha absolutely. I want to talk about the texas race which is getting interesting. Orourke versus ted cruz. Cultural flash point they are debating now. It started with moment that orourke had when he was meeting with the town hall environment. He was asked how he felt about the players kneeling. This is ted cruzs response and then you will hear the other response. I dont think i have seen a Great American brand do more damage to itself than the nfl. Can think of nothing more americans than to peacefully stand up or take a knee for your right, anytime, anywhere, anyplace. Martha what do you think about that, chris . I think probably people in taxy are ouchy because the cowboys are going to stink so much. Maybe that is why. I dont know. Orourke, if you listen to the whole thing its as good as any politician i heard. Not bill clinton or barack obama. I have not heard anybody who can articulate. In the beginning he talks about how he sees the Point Of View and how he emphasizes the question and how it hurts his heart. It was good. But the problem is, its texas. And in texas, no matter how good you are to talk about that, the preponderance of the electorate in texas where football is important and patriotism is important, that does not wash. That wont work. Cruz doesnt have to be supernaturally good Public Speaker or the charismatic person that orourke is. He just has to be on the issues. The race is tight, its still august. I would suppose as we squeeze the toothpaste out of this tube we will see that this is a redder hue than blue. Martha we will keep the tape. Thank you so much. You bet. Martha a Heavy Question here. Is the Catholic Church on the verge of a me too moment . The pressure on pope francis. I have nothing Againstca Thollism or the faithful. I stand against predators nothing against catholicism or the faithful. I stand against predators and for those who cover them up. Like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new Jumbo Snow Crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. But hurry in. cause crabfest ends september 2nd. Cohigher ad higher parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. Is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. 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Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And they know its expensive. Yeah. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Now, you might not believe any of this since this is a television commercial, but thats why theyre being so transparent. Anyways. This is the end of the commercial where i walk off into a very dramatic sunset to reveal the new esurance tagline so that youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. Martha Sexual Assault by priests and the effort to bury the stories of their accusers will be front and center this weekend as pope francis heads to ireland for what the church calls the world meeting of families. One of the big questions, obviously, for this event is it time for the Catholic Church to experience its own metoo moment . That is the topic of marks new oped and joins me with the Religion Analyst father jonathan morris. Thank you for being with us today. Mark, i want to start by playing for you a priest this week who spoke a reading to the parishioners that you mention in your editorial. Lets let everyone play the message from this priest this week in church. Because my sheep have become food for every wild beast, does says the lord god, i swear im coming against the shepherds. I will claim my sheep from them. I will save my sheep. Martha mark, why did you choose to include that in your work . I hope every bishop who covered up the abuse listened to that reading on wednesdays mass and trembled. And trembled. Because they are as guilty of the abuse as the priest who carry them out. The fact is the holy father wrote, frankly, a beautiful letter to the faithful this week in which he not only apologized for the abuses carried out by the Roman Catholic previouses but by the coverup by the bishops. He apologized it had taken so long to sanction them and said he would impose consequences. We need to impose consequences because the bishops, many of the bishops knew about the abuses. If you take for example, former Cardinal Theodore mccarrick. He not only abused two teenage boys he accused countless seminarians and young priests under his authority. He is the Harvey Weinstein of the Catholic Church. Who knew about it . One person who knew about it is san Diego Bishop Robert mcelroy who is rumored to be a possible successor for cardinal woerl in washington, d. C. In 2015 and 2016 he was approached by dr. Richard sipe a very well known expert on clergy abuse. And he presented him with evidence he had interviewed 12 seminarians and priests who had been abused or propositioned by cardinal mccarrick. He sent him a 13page letter to lay out the allegations. I spoke to the bishop spokesman this week and he said that all he got from him is goesgossip and not evidence. Its not gossip anymore. We know that the cardinal did these things a and that were overlooked. Same in Cardinal Omalley in boston. Hes shameful. They need to be held to account. Martha the investigation in pennsylvania honored the information and it was already in the archives in many cases of the parishes. If only they had taken the time and the attention to look. Father jonathan talk to me about the pope going to ireland this weekend. Ireland is a country obviously has been very, very catholic devout country over many, many, many years. But it has declined. They also just recently approved abortion in ireland, which was a Huge Development and change for that country. So what does the pope need to say and do, do you think, when he goes there . I dont think one person can say or do anything to make it go away. It i love that mark is giving out facts as a layperson who cares deeply about the role of the church in his life. And in this country and the world. He is quoting scripture. There is nothing that anyone, including the pope, can do. The beautiful leter that mark mentioned is a beautiful letter but there is no specifics of what needs to be done. You cant have one person on top telling people what should be done. I wish it was more specific. But now it leaves it in the hands of the by shop to do something and for the by shops are in innocent, to say to the others im sorry, you must go. There will be a big meeting in november. All the by shops in the united states. There has to be serious reckoning here. It has to come from the lay people and from priests, by shops. Shops. Bishops. Martha there is so much power in the popes position. Its i anno gous moment analogous moment but remember when the pope sat down with the person who shot him . And the message. If we could see pope francis do something symbolic but shows that the church is changing its heart on this issue to recognize the victim and the children who are leaders of the church in so many ways. Martha, he has done many of that. He is on his way to ireland. The vatican announced he will be meeting with the victims of the sexual abuse by clergy and children abused by clerics. Hard to even say it. Martha open or Behind Closed Doors . You cant do it openly because that is disrespectful to the victims. But vatican said he, he is meeting with them. The victims, survivors will be able to say whatever they want. That is new. Okay . They will be able to say whatever they want. Still, its not strong enough. I think the pope could say listen, Lets Talk About who needs to resign. If the bishops were raised to the level of a cardinal for example, we can bring them out. We dont have to wait for them to resign. They do not belong in the college of cardinals. Martha final thought. I have to go. Its not enough to meet with the victims. Its not must have to say nice words. Not must have to leave it. We shouldnt leave it to the bishops. They have been proven they cant police themselves or investigate themselves or we would havent had the pennsylvania report. Woerls resignation is on the popes desk and he needs to accept it. He needs the resignation from every bishop that covered it up. This cant be words. We are not going to accept more letters, more words, more apologies. We want action. These bishops have lost their credibility. The fact there are people not going to Church On Sunday because of this is tragedy and it is because of the bishops. They better read the Scripture Passage at the beginning. The pope needs to take away their shepherding. Martha thank you. I know you care about this issue as i do. Good to have you both here. Thank you. Dangerous Water Rescues are already underway on the big island hawaii. At this hour where Hurricane Lane is dumping record amounts of rain. 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And then theres our worldfamous onroad attraction. The 2018 glc. Lease the glc300 for just 459 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Martha Hurricane Lane tonight heading straight for the islands of hawaii. Now a category two storm. But it is still packing a punch. Torrential rain leaving some neighborhoods under waistdeep water. Some tourists and the pets had to be rescued from the flooded vacation homes. Fox news Senior Correspondent adam housley live on the ground for us. Good evening. The conditions are worsening by the minute. People are prepared. This is still packing a bunch. 30 miles from where i am on the big island, the mane island. They have been getting torrential rain now for 36 hours. On some parts around hilo the east side of the island. The wet side of the island normally and it has sucked the moisture out of the air as Hurricane Lane got closer to the island. Causing significant flooding. We are on the ocean and we dont know the storm surge. This is the life on the line with the business and success. A gamble for what is coming. Ill be prepared for the worse. They tested the sirens yesterday in case of a flash flood or a mudslide. Again, waiting for this supposed Massive Rainstorm to hit us. People have been preparing for a number of days. The preparation began before we got here. Fema says the storm is breaking down but dont let the guard down. This will be a marathon based event. We will see the torrential rain occur for 48 to 772 hour 48 to 72 hours. We hope the citizens are heeding warnings that the sate officials are putting out. A lot of tourists have stayed. Where im standing the conditions are expected to get worse and this is all supposed to be under water with the rough surf behind me. In the distance i can see the Bands Of Rain from the hurricane moving ashore to maui. Martha sometimes it has other things in store for the residents. Thank you so much. Its great to see you. Coming up tonight, Jennifer Garner takes eschanged because estranged husband to ben affleck for the third time. And Duncan Hunter accused of throwing his life under the bus in the wake of financial trouble. Its ladies night. Ladies have their say when we come back. Value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty the first survivor of alzis out there. Ase and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. You ready for this, junior . Yeah, i think i can handle it. No pressure. Thats just my favorite boat. Boom. laughs make summer go right with ford, americas bestselling brand. And get our best deal of the summer zero percent financing for sixty months on f150. 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Stand by your man give him two arms to cling to martha great song. Its so great. You get the idea. Jennifer garner who everybody is talking about this week standing by her estranged husband ben affleck despite the split three years ago. They are not officially divorced. They have three children together. This is a shot that was taken by paparazzi as she was handing him fast food in a bag. He is in the back. Before she dropped him off at rehab. They were at jack in the bock to makes sure he had something to eat before they head in there. What do we think about the devotion to her husband . Here tonight, joining me is elizabeth, lisa booth and capri. Thank you for being here, ladies. I think anybody looks at that picture and you feel for her. She is a mom. She obviously cares enough about her exhusband to want to be there for him in the middle of the crisis. Elizabeth, this is your specialty. You handle a lot of this stuff for the New York Post. Absolutely. That is right. Jennifer will do anything for her kids. She wants ben to be happy and healthy to be a father to her kids. Martha i was reading something today, editorial from a guy who went through a. A. And he said not everybody can go to the fancy rehab place in los angeles like ben affleck can. But everybody can go to a meeting. He talked about how he went to eight meetings i think he said before he stayed at one. Its a disease. I know she is doing it for the kids. If my husband, if i was married and my husband cheated on me with the nanny id send him some place else. Martha there is that detail. But i love generaler the garner. She seems so nice. I see the capital one commercials and i want to open an account. She doesnt speak down to the Trump Supporters even though she is a democrat. That is rare in hollywood. Refreshing. I like her. I want her to find some great guy. That is nice. Not a guy going to rehab. No the guy in the backseat. Every woman can relate in some way shape or form to Jennifer Garner. We have had all had ups and downs. I hear what you are saying. You want to kick somebody to the curb doing terrible things. He is a man child. But she is bringing the West Virginia values to bear if hollywood and trying to do right by both her i guess soon to be exhusband and her kids. I say just stay away from michael vartan. I said this earlier. Apparently she used to date the guy back in the day. I just saw never been kissed again. Is he married . I look that up. Oh, he used to date Jennifer Garner. Mcauliffe all these things. Keep him single. If you dont look at the Jennifer Garner of it all is ben afflecks career which could be on the line. The court of Public Perception he is going to rehab for the third time. This is batman. Familyfriendly franchise. She is trying to hold the whole family together and the careers to some extent. This is Duncan Hunter who i interviewed last night. Its gotten attention in terms of what he said about the indictment. 47 pages of Campaign Finance violations. They bought fast food and everything and charged it to the campaign. Here he is when i asked him about whose fault is really is. She was also the campaign manager, so whatever she did will be looked at, too. I didnt do it. I didnt spend money illegally. Martha ah i didnt do it. Check out my wife. She is the campaign manager. I mean, the guys body language, the way he presents himself. I know he is innocent until proven guilty. What kind of a wimp blames their wife . Number one. Number two, He Shouldnt Cross her, because if she does and they get divorced he cant benefit from the spousal immunity. They should have an united front. If he knows what is good for him. But he doesnt. He is a coward. He has biggest thing to fear than the indictment. His wife at home is probably like not cool. They were flying his kids bunny to washington, d. C. They have 30 tequila shot and a steak. That is a campaign party. I dont know if they have an agreement. Great interview. Thank you. He believes he is innocent. But he may have more to deal with, than the indictment. He says we did. And we messed up. We fessed up and he claims its political. But this is probably a worse version. If he is found guilty, that everybody in washington writes this stuff off and maybe it gets too far. See where they end up. Look at serena getting attention right now. The u. S. Open around the corner. Everybody remembers the cat suit she wore. That was at the roland garros. They are going to the french open and they dont want her to wear it. Its not approved clothing at the event. What do you say . I think the french need to wake up and realize its 2018. This reminds me of the Cannes Film Festival when they had a ban on shoes. You had to wear high heels. Kristen stewart revolted to take her shoes off. A rebel this is serena williams. Let her do what she wants to do. She nearly died in childbirth. She had blood clots and she said i am wearing pants because it helps with the blood circulation. Im sure its aerodynamic. I dont like the cat suit. I like everyone looks nice when they play tennis. Uncoordinated. I like to play tennis and it should be all white. If she wants to wear a white Stretchy Pantsuit that works with the skirt. Tennis attire gotten to a different realm now. She is killing it regardless. She won the french open three times. Highest earning female athlete. She is crushing it. Aerodynamic Cat Suit Outfit regardless. Martha these are so funny. The bad lip reading stuff. New one out with Sarah Huckabee sanders in the press room because its friday and the girls are here. Lets watch. I need a drink. Okay, idiots. Are you ready . I just cant stand the faces of you people. Those dead questioning eyes. The way you talk to me. I mean do you need to talk so evil . Do you need to look like a stuffed baked potato in that walmart shirt . Martha it goes on to this. And i got bugs. You got bugs . Youve got to leave. Are we sure it isnt real . I like this is what happened. I got in lip reading in the initial primary in 2012. The funniest. Google youtube. Martha we need a good laugh. Thank you, ladies

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