Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 201

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20180730 23:00:00

A look at the day's latest news and headlines.
a local news station that investigators say her laptop show she was doing homework at her boyfriends house into the night possibly after her jog. and her boyfriend claims she sent him a snapchat picture the day she vanished that appeared to be inside. as of tonight police have not publicly named any suspects and are being very tight-lipped about details maintaining that releasing too much information will compromise the investigation where they won't comment on whether there were signs of forced entry or if investigators have obtained any information from her fitbit, which could reveal her exact gps location and heart rate the day she went missing. molly's boyfriend was 100 miles away working at a construction job in iowa. he claims he was one of the first to throw up red flags that she was missing. when she did not respond to one of his text messages and did not show up to work. >> she hadn't called in and he looked at my phone and i noticed that i had texted her good morning that morning and she hadn't opened it so i got a hold of all her friends and family.
>> police tell fox news they piece together a timeline of the day that molly went missing. they are confident with that timeline but have not released it to the public. molly's family and friends have helped police comb the area and are pleading for any tips or information. >> she is about to start her sophomore year at the university of iowa. she is probably about 5'2", brown hair, brown eyes. beautiful smile. we want our molly back. >> there was a man recently spotted taking pictures of female joggers in a neighboring county, but police say they have not connected that incident to this case and as you mentioned, sandra, there is a press conference tomorrow where we hopefully will learn much more detail about this troubling case. >> sandra: how authorities have said today that they anticipate additional sites will come into play with this investigation. any sign tonight that the search for molly is branching out? >> so far it looks like the scope has been limited to this immediate area of the county where she went missing.
and police that i spoke to today have not mentioned any more information about this house when she went missing but perhaps we will learn more about signs of forced entry or any type of dna or clues left behind at the boyfriends house. >> sandra: a lot of unknown details here. matt finn following that story for us. meanwhile, this exclusive forest, molly's dad wrapped tibbett. in our thoughts and prayers are with your family and with your daughter is the search continues. any new developments you can share with us tonight? >> nothing new to share. we are just going to have to rely on the authorities. they have a terrific team so we just have to put our faith in them. >> sandra: one was the last time you talked to molly? >> i talked to her sunday for about three hours. we talk regularly on the phone. i live in california. she was out earlier this year for my wedding so we just talked about she's going to the dominican republic for a weddin wedding.
her boyfriend's brother. she's getting back to school, books she's reading, just the usual stuff. >> sandra: she was wearing a fitbit when she was running, authorities have at least told us that much. what can you tell us tonight about how that is helping them track down her whereabouts and where she might have been last? >> i don't know. the authorities, as you said, are circumspect with all of the information so they are not sharing that sort of information with us as well. >> sandra: a lot of questions about what state the house she was staying in, her boyfriends house while he was off on this construction job and she was there dog sitting, as much as we've been told. something that has not been mentioned much, where the dogs they are? of the dogs been found? with a home when authorities arrived at the house? >> the dogs are at the house. i was just there yesterday and they are in perfect condition. >> sandra: interesting. so now they are waiting for new evidence that they may have new evidence in their possession, but are they sharing that with
the other part is the local community and there's a group that is creating all of the information, the yard signs, the posters, the banners, the pins that people -- the magnetic things that people are putting on trucks and cars. you can't go anywhere in iowa without seeing a picture of molly but the point is that we need to drive that information. if someone saw something and they may not even know that it's significant. so don't hesitate. have the courage to call that number. it's totally anonymous. the authorities have plenty of resources to sort through what's real and what isn't. so i talked to them again this morning, the authorities and they said the only reason we are doing these interviews and partnering with the media and we are really grateful to the media to help us get this story out and i can't tell you how grateful we are, but the point of all of this is that someone knows something and they need to call the authorities. >> sandra: finally, how are you doing tonight?
to consider a shutdown if we don't get proper border security. >> sandra: the president doubling down and betting congress will deliver on the hot-button issue before november, but will it backfire? and just ahead, it looks like mr. trump will not sit down with special counsel robert mueller, at least for now. andrew mccarthy, former u.s. attorney is coming up on the legal strategy. >> no sit down until we get until we get ironed out exactly what they want to do. right now i'm telling them no way. ♪ i'm gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we'll replace the full value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. >> sandra: we are just 100 days and counting now until the midterm elections and despite dire predictions from critics, candidates running on president trump platform are reaping the benefits. look at this g.o.p. primary race for governor in florida. about six weeks ago before the fox debates florida's agricultural commissioner had a 15-point lead on congressman ron to same thing. president trump endorsed desantis and putnam now finds himself with an 11-point deficit. the president set to rally in tampa tomorrow night. joining me now is ron desantis, republican candidate for florida government. good evening to you, how's it
going? >> we are doing really well. i think that week where we did get the trump tweet, then we had our fox news debate and of course i started finally advertising was really i think the inflection point in the race. we've done really well since that point and obviously with the president coming down tomorrow he's going to fill out an arena that has i don't know how many thousands of people. that's going to be a big, big deal and i think that will further our momentum and lead us to victory. >> sandra: what does all of this say about the way president trump and the influence he is going to have as we mentioned, less than 100 days out now until mid terms, what impact is he having on your party and these races? >> i think it's a big impact because he has brought new people to the republican party and so you have some of the old guard who have kind of been around the block. he energized new folks so i think those are the people we need to come out to support republican candidates up and
down the ballot. and he's really the catalyst for getting them to turn out. obviously in florida had a very strong following from the beginning. he had a record-setting performance in his primary buried down here obviously won florida for the electoral college and he has had good ratings in florida for most of his presidency, including now. so i think he really brings a lot to the table from just driving those courtroom supporters out to the polls. >> sandra: pam bondi, she's going to bat for your opponent. she went to bat for donald trump. here's the new ad where she is doing just that. watch. >> i fought hard to elect president trump and i'm supporting adam putnam for governor. ada will stand with president trump to get tough on illegal immigration, ban sanctuary cities and deport criminal illegal aliens. that's why florida law enforcement is standing with him. >> sandra: why is she not going to bat for you? >> she has been a friend of mine, she's done a good job.
obviously donald trump is made his choice so if i had the choice between those two endorsements i would choose the president any day of the week and twice on sunday. i also just disagree with the substance of the ad. the fact of the matter is putnam has supported things like the gang of eight amnesty that schumer and obama pushed. he voted against allowing troops on the southern border, the only republican in florida to do that and he's against e-verify, which we need in florida so you can stop elimination. there's actually a big divide between the two of us on that and i think the president took the measure of both candidates and thought i was the leader that florida needs. >> sandra: i want to get your reaction to a nancy pelosi addressing democrats saying our commitment to the economic well-being of working families has helped differentiate us from the damaging choices the republican congress has made to reward the wealthiest americans and large corporations at the expense of weakening america's access to affordable health care, your response to her? >> the economy is doing very well, much better than when she was speaker of the house.
i think we need to keep that momentum going. if she has her way, americans will be paying higher federal taxes. obviously she would increase bureaucracy and red tape, which would slow down the economy. so i think we should build off the success we've had rather than turn over the reins to pelosi. she had her chance in the american people rejected her program. it ain't going to be better the second time around. >> sandra: congressman, thank you for coming on the program tonight. >> thank you. >> sandra: one know, we did invite adam putnam to appear on "the story" tonight as well, but he was not available. here now, kayleigh mcenany, obama's former chief economist and professor at the university of chicago's school of business, thank you both for being here. what will the president's effect to be on midterm elections? >> i don't totally know. i think the congressman is right that in the republican primary it seems like nothing is better than getting the endorsement of
donald trump. he gives you his endorsement, you will get the nomination. but you are seeing now as we head into the general a lot of these battleground districts the republican incumbent does not want donald trump to come down there. they are not appearing at his rallies when he's coming to the state and i think that gives you a sense that may be independent voters and undecided voters the president is a very controversial figure. >> i don't think anything could be further from the case. our charwoman who is in charge of overseeing all these cases says we want trump at every district. to put on top of that our sister committee, the nrc c has said we want president trump in every district and they said even the really competitive ones and excited to meet the example of georgia six where karen handel beat john allsop despite the millions that poured in from hollywood. she didn't just beat him he was in president trump's name, she over performed by 24 points. we are using his name at every race. >> i think the democrats would
like him in every race also. we will figure out was right. >> look at 2016 worked out. >> look at how the special elections have worked out. >> sandra: let's throw this in here because the latest from president trump doubling down on the call to shut down the government over funding the border wall. watch. >> if we don't get border security after many, many years of talk within the united states, i would have no problem doing a shutdown. it's time we had proper border security. we are the the laughingstock oe world. we have the worst immigration laws anywhere in the world. >> sandra: austin? the president making his message very clear there. >> is a little over the top in his rhetoric. the thing is mexico was supposed to pay for the wall. now the president wants the american taxpayers to pay for the wall. republicans control the house,
the senate, the white house and the supreme court, so if they can't agree on a budget and they have to shut down the government, i think it's pretty clear -- >> sandra: could this call from the president, could this backfire on him? >> i don't think so. i think the people who it will backfire on will be the democrats. we will call the schumer shutdown. they thought it was a fantastic idea to shut down the federal government for daca recipients. it failed. the first one democrats got blamed for at least in the last few decades. democrats are quivering when they hear the word shutdown. they lost a lot when in the american people want a border wall. 60% want a barrier on the southern border. if the president is on the right side of the american people on this issue. >> sandra: historical precedent would say otherwise, austin. vehicle historical precedent would say otherwise to what? >> sandra: that the president would likely get blamed for a shutdown, doubling down on the call to do so. >> i think that history -- it's true that the democrats didn't come out that well from the last fight over that, but all the
previous ones, and i kind of think the precedent is if you call for a shutdown and you threaten a shutdown and then as a shutdown, people say that's the person who wanted the shutdown. we have never had a shutdown when the president was of the same party and controlled both houses of congress. >> this president has the keenest political instincts of any president in modern time. he knows what he's doing. he's pulling democrats to the table. he will win at the end of this. >> sandra: i will finish with this from the president. he tweeted out we must have border security, get rid of chain lottery. release century cities. protect ice and law-enforcement and of course keep building, but much faster the wall. great to have to be on the program tonight. thank you for being here. still ahead, the explosive details of alleged sexual misconduct by cbs ceo les moonves. will the network stand by him and let him keep his job? howard kurtz will join us on
that. plus, president trump's legal team coming out swinging it against the special counsel. former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy on the impact it could have on a potential trump-mueller sit down. >> i've been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. collusion is not a crime. ♪ no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? ♪ ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. and it works 24/7. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes
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>> sandra: president trump's legal team pushing back hard on the russia special counsel tonight as speculation grows around a potential sit down between president trump and robert mueller. peter doocy is live at the white house tonight with this story. peter. >> apparently the special counsel's office is leaving the president's lawyers hanging because rudy giuliani said today that the trauma team reached out to his guys ten days ago about possibly participating in an interview where there could be questions about alleged collusion, but not about alleged obstruction of justice and mayor giuliani says nobody from mueller's team of investigators ever got back to him. so he has now cooled on the idea of subjecting the commander-in-chief to illegally perilous sit down. >> no on a sit down until we get ironed out exactly what they want to do. and then the process is we have
five cocounsel senior people. we will advise the president. he decides. he's always been in favor of doing it. >> that's thick because the president argued this weekend there is no collusion, the robert mueller rigged witch hunt headed now by 17 increased from 13, including an obama white house including angry democrats was started by a fraudulent dossier paid for by croke and hillary. therefore the witch hunt is an illegal scam. so even though the president said earlier this month he would love to do an interview with the special counsel's office in his investigation and he could still change his mind at some point in the future, our colleague john roberts reports that soon there might be an official announcement that the president will not do an interview with mueller's team to talk about alleged collusion even though giuliani reiterated today in one of a series of interviews that he does not believe collusion is a crime. back to you. >> sandra: okay. peter doocy, thank you. here now, andy mccarthy,
former u.s. assistant attorney. he is also a fox news contributor. thank you for being here tonight. >> my pleasure. >> sandra: you just listen to that report with us. what we are thinking as you heard all that? >> i was thinking i could actually understand both positions. i think rudy is mounting an unconventional defense shall we call it, but the president is not going to be indicted. justice department procedures and guidance that has been in existence as the watergate era does not allow for a sitting president to be indicted. so the perils for president trump to the extent there is any has always been impeachment, which is a political process, not a legal one and what they are trying to do is take their case to the court of public opinion. he's not as worried as the normal defense lawyer would be worried about saying things that could be used against the client in court. and i think they're pretty confident that there is no criminal case. >> sandra: what exactly was giuliani defending her? multiple times today we put
together this montage of him defending collusion as not being a crime which the president has adamantly said there was no collusion. watch. >> i've been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. collusion is not a crime. >> i don't even know if that's a crime, colluding about russians. you start analyzing the crimes. the hacking is a crime. >> collusion is not a crime. the only crime here is hacking and it's ridiculous to think that the president hacked. >> from rudy standpoint that's actually correct. there's been a number of times in the investigation were rudy on the legal aspect of the defense of the president gives these sweeping denials, but what rudy is saying is correct, there is collusion, it's just concerted activity. you and i are colluding by having this conversation. the only thing prosecutors care about is conspiracy, which is an agreement by two or more people to commit a federal crime and the conspiracy that was the
rationale for this investigatio investigation, he's precisely right about that, if the hacking conspiracy and there hasn't been any evidence at least that we know of that ties either the president or anyone in the trauma campaign to that. so the reason this is relevant is a prosecutor should not get to interview the president. this would be an easy one if they were trying to interview a journalist. he would say there needs to be a serious crime and there needs to be some showing that the journalist is the only repositories, the only source of the information that the prosecutor has available. can't get it from anywhere else. you don't just get to interview the president because you think it would be interesting. you have to show -- >> sandra: they are leaving the president and his legal team hanging here, as peter doocy just reported. does this happen or not? >> i don't think -- i've never thought it should happen but as i said at the beginning, i can understand both sides because if i were mueller, if you are doing
what he's doing, i wouldn't give him the time of day. as a prosecutor you want to feel like you can have conversations with the defense lawyers and have a sort of exchange of information that isn't going to be played out in the media day by day. and that if i tell you something in a private conversation, i'm not going to watch on television. >> sandra: based on everything you and i just discussed, is it okay that the doj even lets this string along as it has? >> to me it's not. if they set from the beginning that there's a lot of stuff that we don't know, which is true enough. it really is up to the justice department. mueller answers to rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general. the justice department should be exercising control here to make sure that if mueller wants to have this interview, and it's perfectly understandable why he should want it, his job is to find out what happened and to get all the relevant informatio information, if the supervision at the justice department who has to come in and say you don't just get to interview the
president, you have to show there is a serious crime and you have to show that he's the only one who can give you the information that you need to make the case. and that's why rudy keeps saying there is no crime, because if there's no crime, what's the point of having a conversation? >> sandra: it has been fascinating to watch. great to have you on the show tonight. thank you for being here. still to come, president trump and the publisher of "the new york times" face-off over the details of a secret meeting. plus, meet the new socialists sweeping the nation. this washington state candidate for congress wants to be the next alexandria ocasio-cortez. is this the way forward for the democratic party? katie pavlich and has one saguaro take that on next. >> i'm for single-payer medicare for all. i'm for free education, and for abolishing eyes. i'm for investing in our infrastructure and i'm for getting us out of the nine to 11 military different occupations
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>> i'm here, this is what it's about. it medicare for all, tuition free public college. that is what i campaigned as. >> sandra: alexandria ocasio-cortez has become the new poster child for socialism after defeating a powerful democratic incumbent in in the new york primary last month and now like-minded candidates are hoping to pull off a repeat. sarah smith is running in washington's ninth district. the 30-year-old is backed by the same group that supported ocasio-cortez. hoping to upset and 11 term incumbent democrat in the primaries and shares the progress of that sounds a lot like b6's. >> we need bold, young, progressive leadership in congress. if working families are to get ahead we need a federal jobs guarantee. we can create millions of good paying union jobs by investing in our infrastructure and green energy and to make sure people have the skills they need, we
must make publish colleges. >> sandra: here now katie pavlich, news editor at and fox news contributed. former bernie sanders national national -- communications group, good to have both of you here tonight. katie, you don't have any thoughts on this, do you? >> not at all. >> sandra: i saw you tweeting away. socialism, it appears to be sweeping the nation. who is this latest rising star for the democrats, sarah smith? >> i'm not sure it sweeping the nation but i would say it's sweeping the left flank of the democratic party and it's interesting that bernie sanders has had more of an impact in getting women to run for office on that far left side of the aisle and hillary clinton did, but when it comes to this young woman and what she wants to offer her district and the country, we have to look at the map here and she's talking about free medicare for all, free health care, free tuition for anybody who wants to go to a school or public university. that all sounds really great but
if you go to an economics class in college you will learn that there's no such thing as a free lunch. you know that with your economic background. and the fact is even if we pass a medicare for all plan it would cost $3.2 trillion per year if everything went running smoothly and the federal government right now takes in about 3.4 or $3.7 trillion per year and it would completely eat up every single taxpayer dollar we have in this country, including if you are going to confiscate even more of the wealth that is earned through success in this country. >> sandra: which is why i was so interested to hear how ocasio-cortez would answer the question how do you pay for free health care for all to make here is how she responded. >> if people pay their fair share. for example, as warren buffett likes to say, if he paid as much as his secretary paid, 15%. if you paid a 15% tax rate, if corporations paid -- if we reverse the tax bill, but raised
our corporate tax rate to 28%, which is not even as high as it was before. if we do those two things and how close some of the loopholes, that's $2 trillion right there. that's $2 trillion in ten years. >> sandra: if that easy. >> let me first start off by saying i'm not a socialist. i worked with sanders because i believe somebody needed to push the envelope. my problem is anybody can say i'm just like such and such canada. that's just like me saying i'm just like lebron james and i can play the game as well as him. saying it and actually being that someone is something totally different and i tell candidates all the time, where they are going to lose is trying to copy and paste political platforms. cortez ran in the bronx. she believes with her constituents even though clearly she can't articulate it as well as i guess she showed, but when you look at candidates who are running in washington state, two different candidates, two
different agendas, you can't just say i'm just like bernie sanders, i'm just like cortez. it's actually poor campaigning and it's embarrassing to be quite honest. you need to be able to articulate your own ideas and explain those policies that you say you want to move forward. if not, they will find some people embarrassed and losing. winning primaries but losing. >> sandra: i have to wonder what democrats think about this message that seems to be spreading amongst their parties. this is the headline from "the huffington post." a piece by zach carter. here it is. relax, boomers, socialism is good now! >> socialism is not good now and it hurt a lot from bernie sanders on how the united states is one of the richest countries -- the richest country in the world and therefore we can pay for all these things but venezuela also used to be one of the richest countries in the world and democrats who are in the middle-of-the-road trying to hold onto those trump voters to switch from obama to trump our terrified to answer the question about whether they support socialism in the far left policies but the key question here is this.
cost of course is the number one issue we have to deal with and not a lot of people are doing that when they are talking about medicare for all and free college tuition, but the real question about medicare for all especially is whether it will make the lives of people better and when it comes to socialized medicine we have seen in states across the country, single payer has implemented, it has failed. in great britain people wait 100 days for essential surgeries and 750 people per month die waiting for services and as a result of that care. so the big question is will a huge expansion of government really actually make the lives of people better? and the answer is absolutely not, especially through these socialist programs. >> sandra: i will give final work to you on all of this. >> what i will say is as an employer i had to go out of business because of the first health care reform that didn't actually reform. me to just insure myself and my daughter cost $450 a month. they needs to be some option other than what we have now. i don't think we should get rid of the private sector completely but there does need to be a better public option for people
to buy. i think to allow those two things to compete, government to compete with private sector is a good thing. being able to beat total government defendant may not be the way to go. that something they need to be able to do the math on unexplained because we know majority of americans, even republicans and democrats they do sit in the center and we can't assume that just because someone is a burning supported they are a socialist because i worked for the man and i am not. but i do believe there should be they should provide better health care me and my child. >> sandra: the path forward for them and all of this. katie -- good to see you both on a monday night. quick programming note, sarah smith, the washington state congressional candidate running on the socialist platform will be right here on "the story" on wednesday night, so join us for that. and up next, the bombshell new report accusing a media titan of sexual misconduct. >> it underscores a huge problem at cbs. if this is the behavior coming
from the chairman of the company, it could be seen as a reflection of the general and overall culture at cbs. >> sandra: howard kurtz on the allegations and the fallout for cbs's moonves next. ♪ carrying flowers that signify why we want to end alzheimer's disease. but what if, one day, there was a white flower for alzheimer's first survivor? what if there were millions of them? join us for the alzheimer's association walk to end alzheimer's. register today at chicken! that's right, chicken?! candace-- new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch-- bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat... mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
>> sandra: developing tonight, cbs ceo moonves will remain on the job for now. the cbs news board of directors issued a statement it will seek outside counsel to investigate the bombshell allegations of sexual misconduct from six wome women. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live in los angeles with more on this. >> good evening. moonves is one of the most powerful man in media and he remains that tonight, albeit with an investigation of his conduct towards women now hanging over his head buried him in a brief statement after a board of directors meeting today cbs said it is in the process of selecting outside counsel to conduct an independent investigation. if no other action was taken on this matter at today's board meeting. cbs did not put a timeline on when that outside counsel might be in place or how long it expects the investigation to take, but the company did announce its postponing its annual stockholders meeting,
which had been scheduled for august 10th. the announcements follow sexual misconduct claims made by six women and published in the new yorker last week. some of the women also alleged moonves had deliberately damaged their careers after they refused his advances. moonves said in response to the allegations that he has made mistakes and recognized that "there were times decades ago when i may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances and he added but i always understood and respected and abided by the principle that no means no and i have never misused my position to harm or hinder anyone's career." moonves' wife julie chan, who hosts a show on her husband's network briefly addressed the story today. >> some of you may be aware of what's been going on in my life for the last two days. i issued the one and only statement i will ever make on this topic on twitter and i will
stand by that statement today, tomorrow, forever. >> in that twitter statement she's referring to, she described moonves as a loving father and devoted husband, a kind, decent and moral human being and said "i fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statements. cbs by the way says it will take "appropriate action once the allegations have been investigated and it has reviewed the findings." the company, by the way, paid moonves just shy of $70 million last year. >> sandra: jonathan hunt, thank you. howard kurtz host of media buzz and author of media madness, donald trump, the press and the war over the truth. good evening to you. will the network, will cbs standby moonves? >> for the moment obviously given that the board took no action today but have got to tell you these graphic allegations as documented by
ronan farrell of the new yorker were made against anybody below moonves' level, that person would at least have been suspended if not outright fired when "the washington post" in november published though sexual harassment allegations against charlie rose, he was gone before you could blink but of course moonves runs the company. >> sandra: we will see what happens there. new details continue to come in. the network is standing by him at least for now. meanwhile, i want to ask about the president and the publisher of "the new york times" in this face-off over details on the secret meeting. from firing off this tweet. a very good and interesting meeting. spent much time talking about the vast amounts of fake news being put out by the media and how that bakes news has morphed into an enemy of the people, sad. out of that meeting then the publisher of "the new york times" responded and he said this. i told the president directly that i thought his language was not just divisive, but increasingly dangerous. i told him that although the phrase fake news is untrue and
harmful, i am far more concerned about his labeling journalists the enemy of the people. instead i implored him to reconsider his broader attacks on journalism, which i believe are dangerous and harmful to our country. what did you make of that exchange? >> no longer so secret meeting. but when the president sort of tossed aside the -- he kind of opened the door for sulzberger, 37-year-old rookie publisher at the time to challenge him and now you have each side accusing the other essentially of risking people's lives because you have sulzberger saying enemy of the american people, fake news is increasing risks to journalists around the world and you have the president coming back with a tweet storm in which he called some journalists unpatriotic, which is akin to enemy of the people, for revealing the inner workings of government. kind of suggesting that national security secrets are being published unfairly. so what was intended i think as
a session to sit down and kind of clear the air, let both sides meant, has if anything poison the atmosphere even more. >> sandra: there was a moment i wanted to ask you about in the oval office today. a moment after the president was finishing up with the italian prime minister and reporters were firing off their questions as they do, and we know that there was a recent incident where someone was asked to not rejoin the group, the pool. jim acosta fired off questions and a staffer at the white house, this is the exchange, i will show it. >> why does rudy giuliani -- >> make your way out! let's go! >> mr. president -- >> move! let's go! >> sandra: and they were saying it's time to go up, jim acosta. what is the bigger picture here that we are seeing play out? >> it's no coincidence. i know people out there think it's absolutely rude for
journalists to be shouting at the president that way. it was another cnn correspondent who got punished by being disinvited from an event last week. if the white house trying to send a message her about being respectful, especially in the oval office and there's another world leader there. but the reason that journalists keep shouting those questions is that oftentimes president trump says -- will answer them. get out, get out, thank you very much. he will answer. when he stopped answering those questions the incident of the shouted questions will reseed a bit. >> sandra: the job of those journalists to ask those questions as well. thank you. >> good to see you. >> sandra: can i. more of "the story" coming up. ♪ what's the strongman? it's a pea-protein, gluten-free pâté. (whistles) it's a burrito filled with plants pretending to be meat. here we see the artist making an attempt to bare his soul.
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