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Victims of these horrific allegations. If now left wondering did anyone really care about their cries for help . The New York Times piece citing washington lawyer deborah katz says there is a danger in this environment that unsophisticated individuals who have been abused by powerful people could be exploited by groups taking part as or by lawyers seeking a moment in the limelight. At one of the political operatives whose name is at the center of the story, david brock. If the founder of media matters. He famously declared war on fox news and launched a campaign because he got dirt on the people who worked here both on camera and off. According to the times, brock and his fellow operatives are at it again, funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to womens rights attorney lisa bloom, who in turn pushed more female victims into the spotlight to accuse donald trump of sexual assault. Here now is the man behind the expose, New York Times reporter kenneth. Kenneth, walk us through your reporting on this and what you learned. We found, sandra, that in the week before the election there had been a press conference that lisa bloom scheduled at which she was promising that a woman would come forward in detail explosive allegations against donald trump. When that fell through she said that number of major democratic donors reached out to her and offered help, financial help we are talking about to see what they could do to bring this woman back to the table and get her to go public with her allegation. She did not come forward, lisa bloom said she wouldnt come forward but lisa bloom told these donors that she had several other women with whom she was working who also had allegations against donald trump who might be convinced to come forward if there was funding provided. She said for their safety, possibly even a safe house, relocation services. Several of these donors did end up writing checks, at least 700,000 we found including 200,000 from a group associated with david brock, 500,000 from susie tompkins, a major donor in san francisco, cofounded the esprit clothing line, very close to Hillary Clinton. They provided this money. Ultimately those women with whom lisa bloom was working did not come forward and she refunded some, but not all of the money. Sandra i know when you you follow the money trail. Were you able to determine exactly how much money was used to go after these victims for political gain . No, we werent. Theres no real disclosure on this. In fact, interestingly david brocks group that wrote the 200,000 check to the law firm, american bridge 21st century, it filed recently filed its tax return, public tax return for 2016. It did not include this 200,000 payment in there, im not exactly sure why. They may be some legal reasons why it was able to to avoid disclosing that, but it just goes to show how difficult this money can be to be traced because its money being paid to either private individuals or to law firms in this case that have no disclosure requirement, so we dont know how much of this is going on. We did find out in a reporting, sandra, that in fact lisa blooms mother, another wellknown womens rights attorney gloria allred, who has brought her fair share of Sexual Harassment allegations is currently raising money for another lawsuit against donald trump, a defamation lawsuit by a woman who was on the apprentice who accuse donald trump of sexually harassing her. Thats yet another example we found of an effort to raise money to bring forward and support these allegations. Sandra in your reporting, examples of the left going after the right using these victims. But this is something that you are reporting also revealed is seen on the right as well. Thats right. Mike, the wellknown trump backer who has a big and sort of controversial social Media Presence offered publicly 10,000 for any woman who came forward with details of her actual documents showing a settlement by a member of congress. He did not specify a democratic member of congress, a member of congress who had settled Sexual Harassment. In fact, he did end up getting the Sexual Harassment settlement that ended up bringing down john conyers, representative john conyers, democrat from michigan. Until then, the longestserving member, democrat in the house of representatives. He told me that he was surprised. He actually offered him and brought him a confidential settlement money in exchange for it and the person turned it down. Just because money is being offered, it doesnt necessarily mean that people are coming forward. Sandra an excellent point. Something else that has stood out to me in a reporting is the title of your peace in New York Times itself. Partisans wielding money begin seeking to exploit harassment claims. Do you think that we are just at the beginning of this . I think we could become a sandra. Certainly david brock has already promised that he will start a fund explicitly to try to bring forward allegations against republican politicians, so he is saying he wants to do more of this despite the backlash that he has gotten, the controversy around his effort with lisa bloom in the runup to the 2016 president ial election. Sandra thank you for your reporting on that. Pleasure. Sandra here with more, katie pavlich. News editor for townhall. Com. Tammy bruce is a columnist for the Washington Times in a radio talk show host. Mo elleithee is a former dnc spokesman. If all are fox news contributors and two of the ladies are upset with me tonigh tonight. We will get to you next, but i will start with you katie because the lawyer that uses in his piece, she says that this can be a very dangerous environment and his reporting is showing hundreds of thousands of dollars chasing down these victims. It can be a very dangerous situation if you have a powerful man going after a woman who feels like she doesnt have any say in her work environment. She may feel like she needs some of those protections. If you follow money trail here, all of the things that are being accused, the allegations that are brought up are questioned and what this does is it gives powerful men who have done bad things a way out they can look at it and say they are being paid to come all this money is coming through, this is only about politics and therefore we shouldnt believe any of them. The other side of this is when you offer this amount of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars for these types of stories, you really have to be careful about going through every single one to set the validity of it. If that doesnt mean youre discounting the claim, however you need evidencebased claims to meet the allegations to be proven without any doubt because innocent peoples lives can also be ruined as a result of this. A partisan political operatives have a lot to gain if they can take down a candidate for powerful seat in the senate as a result of these actions. You wonder if this is going to dilute that Metoo Movement that wed seen. Even that has moved it into activism as opposed to a search for justice. Weve also heard the idea that all women should be immediately believed. Im a feminist, work within the feminist movement. All women should be taken seriously and we should have the opportunity to make our case and thats what women ask for. We ask for an environment where we can make that case. We want to process ourselves and a framework of due process that takes us seriously and allows allegations that we are making to be dealt with properly because otherwise as we are seeing here, when you put the politics into it, and this is classic for the left. They move through victimhood. They sought work as an example with the roy moore case and once that worked i knew they would move this through the nation. But also look at those victims. They were in the media almost every day and now we dont hear from them, we dont know their situation. Sandra its a great point how little you are hearing about this. We are leading off the show tonight with this, but you are not seeing this at the top of many hours today or this week. And then theres this former Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager who has now been accused of detecting a staffer who sexually harassed women. Theres proof, wikileaks released an email, top clinton aide cornered women, protected by Campaign Manager. According to accusations that were discovered in a 2015 email. Theres a lot here. I agree with almost everything that katie was saying that there are two sides to this and that youve got to take these women seriously, youve got to go through this process and that a lot of times these women who are being victimized by powerful men feel no other recourse and so they may need some assistance. I also agree, however, that there is the risk of this becoming hyperpartisan and being overly politicized. When groups are out there singling out potential bad actors of a single party, thats a problem. If you are in this for justice, be in it for justice. We have seen this on both sides. Remember the paula jones case against bill clinton was financed by a conservative group. Ken vogel talked about Michael Serna veg out there. Offering money for evidence against particular members of congress, them will make mainly focused on democrats. If you are in is for justice, be in it for justice, dont be in it for political gain. I would just add that weve been having this conversation for months now about the solution to these problems. How does the private sector handle Sexual Harassment and assault versus the Public Sector on capitol hill. At the bottom line is you actually cant get to any kind of accountability or change when it comes to this issue if it so politicized and my fear is that we are already there and because of all the money that is involved and the power involved we cant take the politics out of it. Then theres the fear for the victims, the women who want to come forward, need to come forward and you wonder are they going to somehow now have to prove that they are not one of the ones being paid . I think if you are coming up a few weeks before an election. If youve been solicited to come forward with a story, if you are being paid for an allegation, or to make the allegation even though it looks like its something you may need, thats going to be a factor. At the same time, lets remember where this started. Back when bill clinton said this is private, it doesnt matter, you hired me to do a job, that framework that was in politics said our behavior doesnt really matter, you dont need to worry about that. This clearly is changing but it is about politics of control and humiliation and for those who use it politically to just deal with certain political opponents, we got to make sure this conversation continues and unfortunately, we do have to look at them with some cynicism depending on the timing and the nature of whats happening and then we can still find a way to the truth. Sandra you are hearing the conversation here. Tammy, mo, katie, thank you. Heres one of the stories you have heard all day, steve bannon has turned on President Trump, suggesting members of his campaign committed treason. Up next, a side of the story you will not hear from steve bannon from inside the trim campaign. And President Trump didnt hesitate when it came to calling out iran for abusing its own people, but what about one of ours . Coming up, the son of an american who went missing there more than a decade ago with a message for the white house and his fathers captor. This is an american citizen and there should be outrage around the world and theyve been getting away with it and this is unbelievable that its been this long and that im still coming out here and having to plead to get action. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. We know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace i think furious, disgusted would probably certainly fit when you make such an outrageous claim and completely false claims against the president. His administration and his family. Sandra strong words from White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders today describing the president s reaction to explosive allegations from none other than his former chief strategist steve bannon. Has his once trusted confidant turned into a traitor . In a moment, a side of the story you will not hear from steve bannon. But first, Trace Gallagher live in our west coast newsroom without todays feud went down. Interesting day, trace. Very, sandra. At the white house wasted no time distancing itself from steve bannon and the comments he reportedly made to author Michael Wolff for his upcoming book fire and fury inside the trump white house. In the book bannon describes a 2015 meeting between a russian lawyer, donald jr. Jared kushner and then Campaign Chair Paul Manafort as being treasonous and unpatriotic. Going on to say the three senior guys in the campaign but it was a good idea to meet with a Foreign Government inside trump tower in the Conference Room on the 25th floor with no lawyers, they didnt have any lawyers. Bannon added this, they are going to crack don jr. Like an egg on national tv. He said he also believed the russians were taken to meet donald trump after the meeting. The white house says the book is filled with false and misleading accounts and the president released a four paragraph statement that reads in part steve bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency. When he was fired he not only lost his job, he lost his mind. Now that he is on his own stevens learning that winning isnt as easy as they make it look. Steve had very little to do with our historic victory. The statement makes it clear that President Trump is now at war with one of his closest political allies, who was still reportedly advising the president well after he left the white house. Even Sarah Sanders acknowledged the two men spoke last month. But sanders argues the president can believe bannon lost his mind and still talk to him. Watch. The president continue to have conversations with him, often ask for by mr. Bannon. At the president spoke with him, but that doesnt mean that he cant hold that position. Donald trump jr. Also responded today tweeting steve had the honor of working in the white house and serving the country. Unfortunately he squandered that privilege and turn that opportunity into a nightmare of backstabbing, harassing, leaking, lying and undermining the president. Steve is not a strategist, he is an opportunist. Steve bannons allies were also reportedly caught off guard by the release of the explosive excerpts from the book, but steve bannon himself has not yet commented on either the book or the president s response. Sandra Trace Gallagher, thank you. Here now, Michael Cavuto with a Term Campaign Senior Advisor until june of 2016 and that timing is important because he then left two months before bannon, then came on board. Important to get your thoughts tonight on what you have heard. Is what you have heard today true . I will tell you, i really question anything michael wolf writes. I think this book will be dissected and parts of it will go into the true bucket, parts of it will go into the false bucket like anything that he writes. But the president believes what was written about steve bannon. I think about what other people were quoted as saying in that book and thats what matters here. I was really disheartened to hear about this. I stand with donald trump 150 . He has the right and the duty and fact to put together a white house that he trusts in the white house that he believes can implement his agenda. I believe hes entering into 2018 with that kind of team, but for those of us who view Donald Trumps agenda as something that we really want to push for this year, its a difficult day. Sandra the president did not waste any time slamming right back saying bannon lost his mind. It was a four paragraph takedown. Just ours, by the way, after we saw this, the president said bannon had nothing to do with me or my presidency. Is that true . I will tell you i will leave it to the president to define what brought him to where he is. I know that when i was there up until the convention or before the convention, steve was still outside the campaign, so was Kellyanne Conway and some of the other folks who came in and took this to the end game in november. The president put together a team with Cory Lewandowski the five musketeers that took him almost to the convention and then brought in manafort and gates and others to make sure that the convention went his way and he came away with a nomination and Stephen Kelly an end others help the president all the way to election day. Its a pretty broad and Diverse Group and i wasnt there to see what steve did, but from what i consider from here forward, i dont really have concerns about the base. I dont have concerns about the agenda. At the is therefore donald trump, but for donald trump alone. I think Stephen Bannon knows that too. But i like to see allies working together and both of these men think alike and are on the same page. Sandra you were with the president during the primary, much of the general election. You were there for a big chunk of that time. Lastly tonight, i wanted to bring up all the speculation around mitt romney possibly senator mitt romney and remind folks of a few things that mitt romney, some choice words that he had to say in the past about donald trump and get your thoughts. Listen. His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make the world less safe. He has any of the temperament of the judgment to be president. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. Hes playing the members of the American Public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. Sandra so i will ask you, will he support President Trumps policies . We saw donald trump and mitt romney come together in the transition phase and i believe that continued to speak. Im not a fan of mitt romney. If the things he said about the president were deeply offensive to me, but if the president can get the compromise with mitt romney he can compromise with pretty much anyone. I think mitt romney would be a reliable vote on fiscal conservative issues and i hope the people of utah to know what they are doing. Sandra we will see where that all goes. Theres a lot of indications and a lot of fingers pointing to the likely possibility that this may happen. Michael cavuto, thanks for coming on, good to get your thoughts and perspective, sir. Thank you. Sandra the founders of the firm behind the anticrime dossier, fusion gps, now say they are the real victims in all of this. Bill browder, once targeted by fusion gps himself isnt shedding any tears. He is here to tell you what they wont when we come back. Fisher investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. 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They go on to say they are extremely proud of their work to have done so is our right under the first amendment. Here now, bill browder, no stranger to fusion gps. He once found himself in their cross hairs while lobbying for a piece of legislation, the firm was hired to block. We thank you for being here tonight. Youve read through this, obviously and you say they left out some very important facts. The most important fact that they left out is that while they were doing the trump dossier, they were also being paid by russian government interests to try to overturn sanctions legislation, which i had been very instrumental in getting past, which put sanctions on russia government officials. They were working for the russian government interests at the same time as they were effectively trying to connect trump with russia, which they did not mention in this dossier in the article they wrote in the New York Times. And it was very disingenuous for them to be saying we are such victims, and at the same time they were out effectively trying to victimize me, my lawyer who was killed in trying to overturn an important piece of human rights legislation. Sandra when you point out that, and the piece does talk about that, and you often talk about the russian narrative, you say that they also leave on another important fact, that some of the journalists that were paid. This is probably the most troubling part of their whole story, which is that as they were being grilled and subpoenaed by various committee committees, one very Important Court document came out, came out of the d. C. District court and it basically said and it showed that they were paying journalists. And i know for a fact that there were a bunch of journalists who were acting inappropriately and not journalistically when they were trying to smear me and sergey meg nitschke and repeal the act. Im wondering where those journalists paid by Glenn Simpson to try to write false stories about sergei . I dont know the answer to that question but i do know that evidence exists that they were paying journalists and so we would like to know the answer to that question. Sandra Something Else that simpson complains about in this piece is congress not releasing the transcripts. I saw you tweeting about this today because you took issue with that because they were invited to give open testimony, you remind all of us and they didnt show up. In the end of july of last year i was invited to the Senate Judiciary committee to give testimony about fusion gps and Glenn Simpsons role in trying to overturn the act and the other person invited, one of the other people invited was Glenn Simpson and as the days approached the testimony he refused to show up. He refused to show up and at the very last minute they subpoenaed him and then he and his lawyers went into big negotiations and agreed to do it privately. If he so worried about having all the stuff out in public, why was he so worried about showing up in an open testimony as i did . It makes no sense. Sandra really interesting to get your initial reaction to that piece today. Very thankful that you came on with us tonight. Thank you for being here. Thank you. Sandra the handling of the trump russia investigation and the clinton email investigation have forced questions about the doj and the fbi and their ability to investigate themselves. On who does that job fall . Here now its florida congressman matt gates, leading the charge for congress to take over because all of this, congressman just looks like a mess. It truly does. Of the fusion gps oped is as unreliable as the fusion gps dossier for more than five months now weve had 20 members of the house Judiciary Committee calling for a Second Special counsel to evaluate the nexus between the dnc, the clinton foundation, fusion gps and russians, the very russians who told lies to undermine the president of the United States both before and after his election. We will get to the bottom of this and the fact that we are turning up the heat on our investigation is likely one reason why Glenn Simpson wanted to tell his side of the story in the newspaper. Now we are ready for him to tell his side of the story in open hearings in congress. Sandra i got to tell you, we hear you and we know your ambition and we know that you are going after this, but at this point it feels to the American People like is anybody going to be held accountable . Is anything going to actually, this . Is a totally fair question in the number one thing that can hasten accountability in this system is an attorney general who will step up and do his job and unfortunately we dont really know whether the attorney general is in charge on issues that relate to fusion gps and their collusion with others to undermine donald trump. The attorney generals recusal may or may not cover that issue because it has some ties to Hillary Clinton and the dnc. We would like to see the attorney general renounce that recusal, appoint a special counsel and really deliver the facts of the American People. Im skeptical that just closeddoor meetings with members of congress will really give us the transparency we need to really expose the scandal. Sandra unconvinced, congressman at the end of these days we are all left with more questions than answers. We can get those answers if we have open, sworn testimony. I always believe that sunshine is the best disinfectant and thats why we need to get these folks under oath before congress. We also need the fbi to tell us what role they had. Its troubling to me the christopher wray, the director of the fbi would not tell us whether there was taxpayer money used to reimburse Glenn Simpson. If that is something we all have a right to know. Sandra congressman, youve been passionate about this from the beginning. We continue to hear from you and we will continue to watch where this goes. We thank you for coming on. Thank you. Sandra thank you. President trump did not hesitate when it came to calling out iran for abusing his own people. But what about one of ours . Still ahead, we have an exclusive interview, the son of an american who went missing their more than a decade ago. His powerful message for the white house and his fathers captors. And north korea issuing new threats against america, but many in the media are more worried about President Trump going after kim jong un about the size of his button. Lieutenant colonel Michael Waltz says everyone is missing the point. He is here live, next. This is the craziest trumped wheat ever but it is certainly among the most dangerous if not the most dangerous. Do what i did. Ask your doctor about humira. Its proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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It will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that i too have a Nuclear Button but it is a much bigger and more powerful one in his and my button works. Those comments not sitting well with some in the media. If this were the leader of germany or china or brazil, what would we say . How would we cover these tweets . We would say these are the messages from a person who is not well. Hes being cavalier in a way that makes him seem demented and deranged, basically saying my Nuclear Button is bigger than you know your Nuclear Button accomplishes nothing and demonstrates the kind of emotional immaturity that you would expect of a 5yearold. Trump needs to be medicated and hospitalized. At this point or he is going to just kill all of us. Sandra just some of the medias reaction today. Here note Lieutenant Colonel michael walts. Former green barre commander and fox news contributor. Colonel, i will ask you to weigh in, what were your thoughts when you saw that we . Im just dropped by the inconsistency in the criticism here. You cant have it both ways. On the one hand many critics are saying that kim jong un is a rational actor, susan rice wrote an oped and said we can live in a world where he has a nuclear arsenal. He will abide by mutually assured destruction. And then on the other hand is an absolute madman thats going to be provoked to world war iii via tweet. Which is if there . I think the Current Administration has been consistent in that he is irrational, we cant trust him to have a nuclear icbm. Were not not going to risk an American City and that if he attains this program it will mean his destruction. This rhetoric, the strong rhetoric, which is untraditional sandra let me take this point with all due respect, let me jump in on that. Let me just push back there and say why not issue a statement . Why a tweet . Why not a formal statement from the white house as far as a strategy, an approach to taking on north korea and its leader . I think weve had statements, we had press conferences from nikki haley. Without a number of statements from both general mattis and tillerson come a bit of a Good Cop Bad Cop where we will obtain against the north korean regime but tillerson sing the door is still open for you to do nucearized with talks. Prime minister abe has said the time for talks for the sake of talks is over and then i think this president has an unconventional style where he wants to make both the kim regime and importantly the chinese, understand that their calculus has to change, that the same old same old wont work anymore and the United States will not stand for a nucearized north korea. Im hearing from you that you see the president s strategy as effective as far as what you have seen so far and as far as the rhetoric is concerned i think you are okay with this kind of talk. To be clear, i think the last 40 years of traditional diplomacy have been ineffective. The North Koreans have used it to buy time to build a very Capable Program now that is capable of striking the world and that they will sell to the highest bidder around the world, including the iranians. I think the time to try something new, the trump administration, to your point, has put forward a policy of maximum pressure and abandons strategic patients. And then we do have this unconventional rhetoric kind of standing up to the kim regime from the commanderinchief as part of that strategy. Sandra i think those tweets, they come out and it takes some time, people look at them and there is such varied reactions, but obviously you have more credibility than any of those in the media to comment on that and we thank you for your perspective on that tonight. Sandra at the end of the date we are running out of time here. The policy is that we are not going to stand for him to have a Nuclear Weapon and i think thats right. We are not going to bet an American City. We have to pull everything, all the stops out to try to get them to change their thinking into a band of program. Sandra thank you for coming on. President trump showings no patience for the brutal leadership in iran, cracking down on its own people. Protesting in the streets. But what about one of our people . And have been held here for three and a half years. Sandra the son of retired fbi agent Robert Levinson, who disappeared in iran more than a decade ago here with a plea for the president and a powerful message for his fathers captors. When heartburn hits. Fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. sum sandra developing tonight, a top iranian general declaring victory against the biggest enter vision protest in almost a decade. The violent clashes leaving more than 20 dead and one American Family knows firsthand how brutal the oppressive government can be there. A former agent bob levinson went missing in iran nearly 11 years ago. In moment, his son dan levinson is here for a plea for the president. First Trace Gallagher in our west coast newsroom. Disappeared while on assignment for the u. S. Government in iran in 2007. Three weeks after he went missing, Iranian State he reportedly acknowledged that he had been taken into custody by Iranian Security forces, but was expected to be released shortly. A decade later iran now denies knowing where he is, or having anything to do with his disappearance. If Robert Levinson is still being held by iran, which u. S. Investigators believe he is, he would be the longest held u. S. Civilians by a Foreign Government. The levinson family received a proof of life video in 2010 showing a very thin Robert Levinson pleading for help to get home. But since then, nothing. And the family felt devastated by the Obama White House when levinson was not part of the january 2016 iranian prisoners swap that freed several other americans. The family claims they werent even told a prisoner swap was in the works until they saw it on television. Im very disappointed. I feel extremely betrayed by them. They have done nothing to get in touch with me. Last year the wife and children of Robert Levinson filed a lawsuit under the foreign sovereign immunities act for injuries suffered by each of them as a result of irans unlawful acts of hostagetaking. In the family contends that for more than ten years the iranian government has been allowed to dodge and weave every time it was asked to come clean about what happened to bob and send them home. The family has also created a website looking for leads into his disappearance and though it has attracted a number of responses, so far it has not led to any significant information. Sandra. Sandra thanks, trey spirit here now for an exclusive interview, dan levinson, bob levinson son. Thanks for being here tonight. Seeing your mother there speaking, i know its incredibly difficult and here we are ten years later. How was your family doing . We just keep pressing on. We will keep fighting until hes home with us. Were just taking it one day at a time. Figuring out new ways to impress our administration and the iranian government to Work Together to get him home. Sandra i know its been incredibly difficult and her youngest brother doug was only 13 years old when your father went missing. Whats your message for President Trump tonight . He has the opportunity to do something that the previous two u. S. President s werent able to do, bring home the longest held hostage in american history. Hes a dealmaker. This will require ideal. They need to get to the table with the iranians and its going to take sticks. They released a statement back in july with very strongly worded language and we appreciate that, but we need followup. We need them to be pressuring the iranians and talking to them at every opportunity. Sandra what are you hearing from them . I know this is something you take on every single day. What is the correspondence been . We are trying to meet with them as much as possible. We go to washington whenever theres an opportunity to meet with toplevel officials. They are working on the case. We would like to be hearing more from them and making sure that its a top priority for the administration. They have said that in the past, but we need action more than just words. Sandra now here more than a decade later your family is suing to try and get answers and to trying get him home. What is your family doing now . That is one of the ways we are keeping the pressure on the iranian government. They have to know were not going to go away. We are going keep pushing them and we will stay a thorn in their sides until hes home. We know that the supreme leader, can snap his fingers and say spend bob levinson home and he would be on the next flight out of there. We will keep pressuring them. I went over to iran two years ago. We went to a previous trip and we will go back over if need be, but we are just going to stop and give up and decide that its over. Sandra what has your family spots been as you see now a second week of these violent protests over a thousand arrests, more than 20 deaths there. Protesting this brutal regime that you have firsthand knowledge of and experience wit with . I know that this doesnt impact my dads case whatsoever. We are just an average American Family. We dont get involved with domestic politics of iran. We are watching every thing closely. We are always following events in iran and we are seeing looking for new opportunities to keep the pressure on them. Sandra do believe that they know exactly where your father is . Absolutely. They arrested my dad. At this as a Foreign Government that has taken an american citizen hostage. They have been misleading and not coming forward with the truth for over a decade now, and we know exactly that he was arrested. The u. N. Itself found after conducting their own investigation that my dad was being arbitrarily detained and that he should be released immediately. Everybody knows if the iranians took them. We just need to resolve and get them to send him home now. Sandra trace just reported your family put together a website to try to bring in leads. Has anything come from that . We get leads, but a lot of times its people who are looking for money or just trying to take advantage. Its been unfortunate. It hasnt really produced anything of substance. But we are going to keep pressing and we are always checking any time someone contacts us with information. 5 million reward out there. Any iranian who comes forward with information to getting right at home, thats a lot of money. We keep trying to publicize that and make sure its known over there. Sandra you got your message out tonight, and we thank you for coming on and all our best to your family. Thank you for having me and thank you for keeping the story in the news. Sandra all the best. We will be right back. At ally, we created a savings account with a great rate. But if thats not enough, our app helps monitor your spending too. And if thats not enough to help you save, we could start a carpool. Look at this traffic. Dont worry. Ok, if thats not enough well start a trainpool. Oh i have a meeting in five minutes. And if thats still not enough. I got it. Well just create a shortcut. Well do anything, seriously anything to help you save. Ally. Do it right. Talking 4th quarter . Yes. I tabut with my back paines, i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. 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A lot of people talking about trump and north korea tonight. A lot of you fired up about potential senator mitt romney. A lot of good ones on that as well. Thank you so much for joining us and if you didnt get enough of me today, i will see it first thing tomorrow morning on americas newsroom as well as outnumbered. If both at 9 00 a. M. And 12 noon, and i will be back here tomorrow night at 7 00 p. M. Pleasure to join you and now heres Tucker Carlson. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. The president of the United States wound up in a very public brawl today with a man who was once one of his closest advisors, steve bannon was a senior figure in the 2016 trump effort, and for the first governments of the administration until august, he was one of the top staffers in the white house. Now he appears to be at odds with his former boss, to put it mildly. In an upcoming book, bannon is quoted as saying that a meeting between the Trump Campaign and its officials and the russian lawyer back in 2015 may have been treason and unpatriotic. The president responded almost immediately with t s

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