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Weinstein saga, because there is a now growing problem for the higher ups nbc whose news president once spent time as a writer and is now facing increasing scrutiny over the lengths gone to to keep Harvey Weinstein story under wraps while scores of women continued to be victimized. According to official reports from the huffington post, ronan farrow had his story quite well sourced and documented before nbc decided not to run it. Here is the rundown, the timeline. On january 17th, he had an aunt, witness, rose mcgowan. In march, he had the nypd where conversation. Also in march, they told him to stop reporting the story. In july, he went out with his own cameras, got eight more women to come forward. In july, nbc looked at it, invented it, said it was reportable, but in august, they said, hold on, first it has to be reviewed by nbc news chief, highly unusual for a journalist and a reporter story. In august, they said pull the plug, time to stop reporting on the story. Finally he took the story to the new yorker who reviewed it for two months, put it through their very tough scrutiny, and they decided to publish it. It should be pointed out that ronan farrow took on weinstein and company and nbc, two of the biggest names in the industry that he works in. Its not easy. Then youve got this. Time magazine out with this cover. Harvey weinstein, producer, predator, pariah. Hillary clinton also weighing in on this whole thing last night, attempting to make up, perhaps, for an early silence on the matter. Here she is. I was appalled. It was something that was just intolerable in every way. And, you know, like so many people who have come forward and spoken out, this is a different side of a person who i and many others have known in the past. Tucker martha so there. Joining me a columnist for the new york times, and a former Communications Director for Hillary Clintons campaign. Good to both of you with us tonight. You wrote a very strong piece arguing that Hillary Clinton has been inconsistent when it comes to her views on women. Well, yes, to put it mildly. You are looking at a woman who should be a major feminist icon for the country, could have been the first woman president. Obviously is not going to be. But it is a role model for generations of women at this point, and yet here she is saying that the Harvey Weinstein behavior should not be tolerate tolerated, but she is also a standard for tolerating it most of her early life and in public. George stephanopoulos book, he revealed that her approach was, when these things came up, the harassment issues, Sexual Harassment, accusations of assault, and she would swallow her pride, deal with it, and her plan was to go after the victims and to destroy them in her word. We are looking at a woman who has sent a message to my generation, even her own, that if there is something to get, you should tolerate it. I worked in the Clinton Campaign in 92. This isnt an approach where you deal with a generation of women like donna karen, the designer, who came out and said maybe these victims are asking for it because of the way they dress. We know that assault, rape, it is about humiliation. We have seen that with Harvey Weinstein. I think we are seeing women in hollywood, older women this is kind of a main point, martha, of my. Older women, and successful, who are established, who have financial stability, their health, and their ability for their career to continue to stand up for what is right. And a angelina jolie, helen mir, would have nothing to lose, and no one said anything, allowing this to continue. Martha do you want to respond to that . First of all, Hillary Clinton did make a very forceful statement on the several days after the story came out. She also, as you just played, gave a very straightforward interview with cnn, that will be airing on sunday. Im sure Going Forward shall have plenty more to say on this. Look, martha, weve got to take a step back here. Start putting politics into this and making this he put a statement out when he said it would detract from the fact that weve got to do something as a society to prohibit powerful men like this, who have used their positions and their roles to take advantage of young women. When we start getting into, you know, when did president obama put out a statement, we start to detract from the real issue at hand here. People have plenty of opinions on this topic, moving forward as a society should not be a democratic or republican issue. Weve got to get at the bottom of figuring out why i think everyone agrees that it shouldnt and i think it is felt that way to some extent. But when you look at this, tammy, obviously, it is easy once the ball starts unraveling for people to come out and say, you know, this is horrible behavior. What is tricky, whats hard, is to be the person who is sort of at the tip of the sphere, the one who has a lot to lose, the one who comes forward first. That is the kind of courage, i think, that you look for from some of these individuals while it was happening, not afterwards. Thats what we all have to really wake up to here, i think. At the same time, rose mccown, if we have a hero here. A young woman and actress whose career stalled. Mira sorvino, roseanne arquette, with if there is pushback privately, things can start. Angelina jolie said she knew, she was harassed herself. We know the women were discussing our smart, and its the women who really can have that power as feminists, weve moved women into positions of power. Its not insulting to ask them to use that. It is a necessity, especially for women who dont have the same resources. And the men. We cant expect men to lead the way, to some degree. Some might. But it is women finally who are in power that should be, and Hillary Clinton in particular is not the role model that we need, thats clear. Martha latest, thank you. Good to see you both tonight. I disagree with what she just said. Martha youre on the record. Thank you very much. Here is some new video of Harvey Weinstein outside his daughters house in california yesterday. Very animated. Reports he is now under investigation for Sexual Assault here in new york city and also in london. Heres what he had to say to the paparazzi. Im not doing okay. Youre not . Im not. Ive got to get help. You know what, we all make mistakes. Okay . Thanks, guys. Martha so that was back from tmc. Weinstein apparently had a clause in his contract that allowed for Sexual Harassment if you shelled out the money to make it go away. More on that. Harvey levin, executive producer of the new yorker. Tmz. Com. Let me let me explain it to. The Weinstein Company allows for Sexual Harassment under the contract it signed with Harvey Weinstein. Heres what we know. In october of 2015, Harvey Weinstein signed a new contract with them, and under the contract, it says that if Harvey Weinstein gets sued for Sexual Harassment or any other kind of misdeed in the company has to pay the judgment or a settlemen settlement, Harvey Weinstein can make everything good by doing two things. Number one, he has to pay the company back for what it paid the victim. Number two, harvey has to pay a fine, and the way the fine is structured, the first time he has to pay a settlement, the first time the company has to pay, harvey has to pay 250,000 fine. For the second judgment or settlement, he has to pay 500,000 settlement. For the third, at 750,000. For the fourth or any number thereafter, he has to pay a Million Dollars each time the company has to pay a settlement or judgment for any kind of Sexual Harassment. Martha how long did you say that has been in place . That agreement . Port two years. Martha essentially for the last two years, weinstein and company have been acknowledging that they absolutely know this is going on. Well, martha, when the contract was signed, a member of the board of directors has now said they knew about settlement settlements. He says, we assumed, assumed that they were consensual sexual relationships that they wanted to keep secret. Now, they can fire Harvey Weinstein for fraud, but there is no fraud when they make an assumption without even asking him. Then the issue is, how are they able to fire him . Because they just summarily did it. They didnt send him any kind of notice as to why. And the contract says he has a right to go into mediation and arbitration. So it looks to me, based on what i have seen, that he has a real case against the company for being wrongfully terminated and that a bigger issue is, the company the bigger issue is, the company structured a contract that essentially allows for Sexual Harassment if you are willing to pay a monetary price. Martha thats fascinating. Well see where that goes. He said today to the paparazzi lets play this quickly if we can. Ive always been loyal to you guys. Not like those [bleep] that treat you like [bleep]. Ive been the good guy. Martha trying to patch things up with the press, harvey. The irony to all of this is that he had just said that he wanted a Second Chance, but to get a Second Chance, he is going to need a lot of the stars who have now come out against him, hoping that theyll come back to them. But he pissed them all off because he said those were the youknowwhats, so he took a shot at them who we want a Second Chance for him as he the car. Martha harvey, great stuff. Good to see you tonight. Coming up next, the Las Vegas Massacre becoming a true myster mystery. 911 call, and the man seemed to have broken down. For 6 minutes, nothing happened. And then this criminal started shooting at these innocent people. Martha the timeline is in dispute of what happened that night, and it has authorities kind of scrambling to figure out the answers to those missing 6 minutes. A former nypd detective and fbi assistant director are here to take us inside the investigation. And an American Woman and her family freed tonight years after being kidnapped by the caliban. So why did they refuse to get on the plane that was bring them home . Im going to tell you the story that has american officials scratching their heads tonight. Also, this big moment this afternoon. General john kelly came out swinging at his First White House press briefing. Karl rove joins us with his tak take. 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That is huge because we know at 9 59, when Security Guard jesus compost was shot in the leg , he radio and are called security about the shooting, and seconds later, a Maintenance Worker radio this. Listen. Called the police, someone is firing a gun up here, someone is firing a rifle on the 32nd floor down the hallway. Read, call police. 6 minutes went by before police were notified that a gunman was holed up on the 32nd floor, but mgm, which owns mandalay, is disputing police saying beat 9 9 59 time was dry from a mandalay bay report manually created after the fact without the benefit of information we now have. We are now confident that this time stated in the report is not accurate. Mgm believes Stephen Paddock began firing at concertgoers within 40 seconds after jesus campos reported that shots were fired and that Police Officers and mandalay bay security immediately responded to the 32nd floor. Now the lawyer for someone injured at the concert who has filed a lawsuit against mgm and others says if police were not notified until after the shooting, that is a problem. Watch. A 911 call. In the whole chain of command seemed to have broken down here. Because for 6 minutes, nothing happened. And then this criminal started shooting at innocent people. Vegas metro police state even though jesus campos was shot after, he still prevented Stephen Paddock from fully implementing his plan, saying the fact that paddock had a gas mask in his room and explosive in his car suggest he may to continue his rampage on a different target. Meanwhile, 11 days, still no closer to a motive, and the fbi admits being a bit baffled. It martha . Martha trace, thank you so much. Here now with more, two people with years of experience. A former l. A. P. D. Detective and a Fox News Contributor and a former Deputy Assistant director of the fbis counterterrorism division. Welcome, gentleman. Could have both of you with us tonight. Let me start with you. When you hear that dispute over the timeclock here, what goes through your mind . Well, im sure hell agree with this. When youre working in a command post and the moment after something tragic like this has happened, all kinds of information is coming in. Like we saw in San Bernardino, one of the things going on right to make while you are trying to take care of people have been shot and hurt and are dying is, youre also trying to get any lead that is out there that might help you get to the people who are responsible quicker. We found in San Bernardino there was the question of a black van, and they trace the license plate, and within the hour, i think, they were out there by the address for this band. The point is, theres a lot of information that comes in. You are the person in charge of trying to filter through this. You got people around you, and the information you get in the timeline that starts coming together early on certainly is not going to be static and its not going to be what you end up with a few days later. I dont know exactly why this discrepancy exists. I do know there is an attorney thats talking about this. Were going to hear a lot of things in the next few days that are going to make it difficult for People Like Us to really know what all of the facts are. Im still confident that is all this comes together and get sorted out, as we read through it, it will make sense and all of these questions will be answered. Martha mark, we played it before. Call the police, this is from mr. Schuck, the Security Guard who was up there. Someone has fired the gun on the 32nd floor down the hallway. It is a very specific call that went out. According to the records that we have so far, at 9 59. Well, martha, youre correct. I agree with the director and everything he said. When you look at this, you have a nonprofessional emergencytype person that is handling Hotel Reservations or quite possibly a security desk is getting this call. Shots fired. Nobody said automatic weapons fire. Martha he said a rifle, someone appear has a rifle. So at 9 59, if everything is perfect and pure, the call goes out at exactly 10 00, by 10 17 you have a s. W. A. T. Team outside of the door who has already made contact with a wounded man, i think that is an outstanding response time, and before that, we have the six officers that came up the stairway at least partially. They were on the 31st floor, they heard the automatic weapons fire which was firing on the crowd. It stopped, they advanced and waited for the s. W. A. T. Team. They did everything right, and i think this missing 6 minutes might be because the hotel security, hotel personnel, the management, however, they kind of hesitated before they actually called the police. Martha but thats the problem, right . If mandalay bay waited until the large portion of the shooting began, thats not going to sit well with them. Thats the question. Either they hesitated for some reason to let the police know that there had been a shooting at the hotel or they let them know right away and there was 6 minutes which i know you said they went as quickly as they could but 6 minutes is a pretty decent chunk of time during which somebody, a Police Officer posted at the hotel, somebody near that property, could have made it up there. Let me Terry Turchie in here. Let me disagree with you on that. You have a man who has known automatic rifles in the room, already fired at one man who is wounded. Youre not can have your regular Patrol Officer attempted entry into a door in a very narrow space inside a hotel roo room. This is a s. W. A. T. Situation that they need to blow the door off and they need to have flash bangs and they need to have the possibility of actually not having an office or go down and kill the suspect. Martha all right, Terry Turchie, thank you. Mark fuhrman, good to see her both. Still ahead tonight. I have found that mr. Trump, does not lie, as a decisive, thoughtful guy, he takes information in from every avenue he can receive it. I restrict no one, by the way, from going into see him, rather than wednesdays and tuesdays, go in and help them collectively understand what he needs to understand to make these vital decisions. Martha general kelly pick them off one by one. So many of the questions that have been asked about him, speculated, rumored, and he sort of pick them off on the list. Karl rove joins us with his response to that next. And also to california where the massive wildfires keep burning tonight. Hundreds of people in that neighborhood are still missing. Dozens are dead as the death toll rises. We are alive on the ground, we will take you to napa county where there is a frantic search for survivors. A live report next. You might be missing to stasomething. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. It helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. Nourish your eyes to help keep them healthy. Ocuvite. Be good to your eyes. avo but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. Noninsulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. avo and for people with type 2 diabetes treating cardiovascular disease, victoza® is now approved to lower the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. avo victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Making some headway because the winds died down, they have been calls for some pretty strog winds, thankfully that did not happen. 3500 structures destroyed more than 200,000 acres burned. Firefighters done a pretty good job stopping here in the low grasslands where there wasnt any wind. As they made headway here, there are still quite a few battles including a life book, just north of the town of sonoma. The firefighters up into the mountains, so far it has not come down into the area of agua caliente. Also in sonoma county, a retention pond, they have been bringing helicopters in, many of these ponds used for agriculture now being used to fight fires. Already had a fire roared through there late sunday and into monday. Mike back here in southern napa county, martha, it has been quite a battle, a number of Evacuation Centers still full, people on the side of the valley joining them in their houses over there. Martha . Martha thank you so much, adam housley in napa valley tonight. President trump bypassing congress and doing what they wouldnt do and taking action on obamacare. Today he signed an executive order to try to reshape the Nations Health care system. This is promoting health care choice, and competition all across the United States. This is going to be something that millions and millions of people will be signing up for, and theyre going to be very happy. Martha so that action was taken this morning at the white house. Well see how it actually develops and how it comes into fruition, but the g. O. P. Is laser ring and now on tax reforms, feeling Like Health Care is off the plate for a few minutes. Speaker paul ryan says that time is ticking and that he does not want to turn into the grinch. Well be here till christmas if we have to. I dont care. Got to get this done. Martha here now, karl rove, former Senior Advisor to president george bush and eight Fox News Contributor. I want to start with this headline from the new york times. Foiled in congress, trump moves on his own to undermine obamacare. Your thoughts on that . I think it was incredibly biased, and it was joined by posts suggesting the president was undermining obamacare by taking these actions. First of all, whats the goal, martha . Is it to preserve a broken law that is in a broken condition, or is it to provide more insurance to people that is affordable . And what the president has done is said, we cant find an agreement upon how to fix the broken law, so im going to take actions that allow us to provide more insurance to more people, and today, he did three things, none of which are covered by the affordable act. He did three things. He told the department of labor, i want you to find a way to expand the ability for people to use Association Health plans. What that means is, if you are a fast food operator or a landscaper or a cattle operator, you can join with other people in your industry across state lines and provide insurance to all of your employees, to all the employees of those Small Businesses and get the same discounts. Martha a simple idea that has been around a long time, makes a lot of sense. There are limits to how much you can do there, but its a good step. Then short Term Insurance policies of that people can buy for a short period of time between jobs that can get insurance in the exchanges. Finally, Health Reimbursement arrangements, these are taxfree accounts that employers can set up to pay for copays and premiums for their employees. These are all things that will help more people get insurance. They wont solve the problem with the Affordable Care act, because it is broken, but it will help more people get insurance. Martha and he gives people options that may pull the legs out of the underpinning of obamacare. I think as you stand the president believes the unraveling on its own at that pace anyway, but this gives people more options. It was very interesting this afternoon, karl, not to witness when john kelly came out to the press briefing. Theres always a lot of discussion about the chaos and how john kelly is threatening to lock the door any minute. He walks out there and just sort of point by point went through a number of the things that have been written and said about him and about the white house. It was quite compelling. I want to play one of the sound bites. Played a couple already but heres one more that i want to get your thoughts on. The congress has been frustrating to him. One of his frustrations is you, all of you. Not all of you, but many of you. It is astounding to me how much is misreported. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are operating off of contacts, leaks, whatever you call them, but i would just offer you to the advice, i would say, you know, it, maybe develop some better sources. Martha [laughs] your thoughts, karl . I thought it was a tremendous performance. It showed humor, grace, killed a couple of rumors died. Im not leaving, the president is not going to fire me. At that one of the most interesting things he had to say was in one of his earlier clips where he said, im not giving people out of the oval office. Im just making sure that when we go in, we go in together. This was one of the most important things the president can be served by. It is really unhelpful to have people doing a oneoff, where they want to be one of the last the president s ear and making arguments that they dont have the intellectual courage to make in front of people that disagree with them. What general kelly is doing is to bring the president well by saying, im happy to have you Carry Forward to the president whatever it is you want to say, but youve got to be comfortable being in a room first you got to be prepared and you got to know your facts and forgot to send them to the president , and then youve got to be willing to stand up and make your argument in front of somebody who disagrees with you. And the president is better served when that kind of thing happens. This shows President Trump did a fantastic thing when he pulled kelly out of the department of Homeland Security and brought them to the west wing. This is exactly the kind of thing martha you hear so much from people that work in the west wing, how much faith they have in him, and i think it was reassuring to some extent, i would imagine, to the American People to watch and to understand that. Karl, thank you so much. Go ahead. The chief of staff should be the person who is out there. Hes clearly uncomfortable. But today was the right day and the right moment. Martha thanks so much, karl. Good to see you, as always. Coming up tonight, what is the special forces officer who was killed in action in afghanistan have to do with why this family, who was freed this morning from five years of captivity by the taliban, why they dont want to leave . We are going to explain the connection between those two pictures. General jack keane here to talk about the hostage release and what it says about President Trump and his relationship to pakistan right now. All of that with general keane. Plus, new controversy surrounding President Trumps response to puerto rico after it was by hurricane maria. Is the criticism being waged against him fair . That debate straight ahead. Setting updentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it better. Shes also in a rock band. Look at her shred. But when it comes to mortgages, shes less confident. 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Interesting back story here. Good evening, chase. Caitlan coleman was pregnant when she and her husband, josh boyle, were kidnapped by the haqqani, a terrorist group with ties to the taliban. Now the couple and their three children, all born in practice, captivity, are free, but josh boyle is refusing to board a plane fearing he will be arrested and sent to guantanamo bay. It turns out boyle was previously married to the sister of omar khadar, canadian who killed a u. S. Service member in 2002. Instead of coming back to the u. S. , the family wants to board a commercial flight back to canada. Apparently the details are still being worked out, but today the department of justice released a statement to cnn saying there are no charges pending against josh boyle, and the state Department Said the family was preto go wherever. Watch. The family obviously was in a very dire situation. You all have seen the videos of the family, and they were in distress. When i say coming home, it doesnt mean here, necessarily. You may recall the boyles appeared in a video last year begging the Obama Administration to negotiate their release, fearing they would be killed by the haqqani network. In the same video, Caitlan Coleman criticized both the afghan and american governments for failing to free them. The details on the operation that did freedom remain a bit mysterious. Pakistani forces say they conducted the operation based on u. S. Intelligence, but u. S. Officials tell fox news theyve been working on that for a while and were pressuring the pakistani government. The u. S. Insists no money changed hands and there was no quid pro quo. Martha quite a story. Trace, thank you so much. With more, general jack keane, a fox news military analyst. General keane, good to see you tonight. What do you make of that whole story . Something doesnt fit. I cant quite put my finger on it. Good news is, we got families out of captivity. There are three in captivity, we only can imagine with some of the medical conditions were surrounding all of that. So hopefully they will get home to canada, get him to the United States. Maybe that reassurance that the department of justice has given them will give them the impetus to come back to the United States where they want to come. Why anybody would want to be in afghanistan in a war zone martha hiking at seven months pregnant. Its hard to imagine. All right, that being said, the president has suggested over the past 48 hours that there is a better relationship now, and he didnt name it as pakistan at the time, had this improving relationship, doing something they would not have done in the past, and i want to play what he said back in august with regards to pakistan. Heres President Trump. The next the next step is to change and how we deal with pakistan. We can no longer be silent about pakistan safe haven for terrorist organizations, the taliban, and other groups that pose a threat to the region and beyond. Martha the president wanted to change the dynamic. Has he succeeded . We dont know, and is insufficient to be able to tell that, surely. For 13 years of this war, provide safe haven and sanctuary inside of pakistan, and by that i mean, their military trains, assists, provides intelligence, we are conducting, resources, that has been going on throughout the war. Hundreds of soldiers have been killed and wounded as a result of this pakistani activity. Two president s have tried to get them to shut it down. They have not. They have not shut this down yet, and that is going to be the only test. Certainly we welcome home this family, and congratulations to those involved. But until those sanctuaries are shut down and the killing of afghan soldiers, afghan civilians, and u. S. Soldiers stops as a result of it, then well know weve made a change. Martha quick thought on iran. The president expected to decertify the deal tomorrow. Just a quick thought on that, general . Going to decertify it, pass it to the congress, given 60 days to decide whether to impose sanctions or not. If they impose sanctions, the deal is dead, they dont impose sanctions. Give us some time for the congress, the white house and our allies to see if we can fix the deal. Fixing the deal is really hard, but they want to give it a try. Spoon general jack keane, always a pleasure good talking to you, martha. Martha john kelly defending the administrations hurricane response to puerto rico. Our country will stand with those american citizens in puerto rico until the job is done. Martha it comes after his boss set off a flurry of criticism for suggesting that feds response is not unlimited. Was he wrong though . Charles hurt and Juan Williams up next on that. Or weeks, even if youre healthy. 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Joining me now, Fox News Contributor and columnist charles hurt and Juan Williams, cohost of the five. Gentlemen, thanks for being here. One, is that wrong of the president s data cant stay forever . I think it is the wrong message, martha. The tone from the president of the United States has to be that any moment of crisis for americans, he understands, despite any reservations he may have about infrastructure and even the quality of the electric grid in puerto rico, that he understands this is a crisis and he is sensitive to people who are suffering and dying, and to suggest this is just a matter of, oh, youre blowing up a budget, which is a comment he made earlier, it seems insensitive. Martha charlie, what do you think . Wan is too decent to try to make political hay out of this, but the report at the white house was eager to try to make politics out of it and suggested donald trump was seeking to abandon puerto rico or Something Like that. It was a really funny exchange were general kelly looked at her and said, what tweet are you talking about when she said that trump wanted to abandon puerto rico. And she read the tweet to him and he said, talking about the military in the First Responders in pima who, from the moment they get there, they have to start working to try to extract themselves because their First Responders. They are there, they want to get out of the way so that the rebuilding can happen. Martha and the reality is that in any of these situations, they are never going to be there forever. One of the concerns for the fbi lets put this up the complaints they are hearing is for the mayors of local municipalities where People Associated with the offices are giving their political supporters special treatment, goods they are not giving to the people who need them. These are concerns that there is corruption going on, graft going on in the distribution and all these goods, juan. You hear these kind of stories coming out of every one of these crises, whether you are in houston or whether you are in miami. I remember going back to 05 and katrina, stories about looting and the like. But i dont think that is the heart and soul of this story, martha. Come back to what charlie was talking about a moment ago, i think it is about people saying the commitment of the federal government to stay until the needs of citizens who are in crisis are met. I think that is what the governor is talking about. Martha i get that and i understand the compassion side of it. But just put this out there. In the past year, the big debate was that puerto rico was going bankrupt. A huge debate on the hill, should we bail them out, should we bail them out. All kinds of problems with their infrastructure, their economic management. They are doing a lousy job of running things on the island. All of a sudden this happens. So those two things do go together to some extent, dont they, charlie . No doubt about it. The real cruelty here is what has been allowed to happen in puerto rico over the decades. Now were looking at a place that has ten times the per capita debt of the average per capita debt estates. And when you factor in the ability, considering peoples average salary there, their ability to pay off that debt, it becomes like 50 and 60 times as much. It is staggering. The real cruelty is having allowed puerto rico to get into that sort of situation and then to go around and have these reckless politicians talking about how we might bail them out or the rest of america might bail out puerto rico, which is not going to happen. And all it does is leads to further, more bad behavior, and it puts them in a horrible, horrible situation that they are in now. Charlie, would you say that to an American City like houston or new orleans or philly or miami . Saying, i dont like the way you been running the city, and therefore, when trouble hits, we are not going to be there to help your citizens . I dont that is what selfgovernance is. If you are the city of chicago, youre going to have to figure these things out. Martha gentlemen, thank you very much. Well be right back. Your crocheted purses have wonderful eyes. In the modern world, an app can help you find your Perfect Match. And with esurance, coverage counselor® can help you find great coverage thats a Perfect Match too. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. This is todd hardy. A fitness buff, youth baseball coachand lung cancer patient. The day i got the diagnosis, i was just shocked. The surgeon in dallas said i needed to have the top left lobe of my lung removed. I wanted to know what my other options were. And i found that at Cancer Treatment centers of america. 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Many powerful people knew what Harvey Weinstein was doing, and not only ignored his crimes but actively took his side agains

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