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Individuals who chose to remain and cause violence. Martha so that was a sentiment that the president was criticized for. Today though he called for the nation to come together and in that statement, he named names. To anyone who acted criminally in this weekends racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered. Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. Including the kk, neo nazis, White Supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. As a candidate i promised to restore law and order to our country. And our federal Law Enforcement agencies are following through on that pledge. Martha a lot of developments on all sides on this tonight. Now the mother of the woman, heather hare who was killed by that white supremacist, who ran into her with his car on saturday, has thanked the president for these new condemnations saying this thank you, President Trump for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred. All of that as ground zero for these confrontations at university monuments looks like its about to heat up as well. The mayor of lexingto electionig kentucky does plan the removal of those statues. Powerful lineup tonight in new york. Joined by vincent hill. A fierce critic of the president and he was in the middle of the Charlottesville Protests when it got ugly there charles hurt has written about it today. Joins us tonight with his analysis. First lets go to Rick Leventhal who is just a few blocks away as i said at trump power where the president is set to arrive very shortly there are some protesters out there. How does it look out there tonight, rick. They are loud but so far wellbehaved, martha. We want to set the scene for you. We are in a designated press pen behind barricades on fifth avenue. You see some the demonstrators on the other side of the press pen blocking the sidewalk. Pretty difficult for any pedestrians to make their way up and down fifth avenue which is closed for several blocks here including the block in front of trump tower. I want to give you a look south down fifth avenue where can you see more demonstrators gathered on either side of the street metal barricades. Many Holding Signs and all chanting now for the past hour or two. They are letting some traffic through from this point south. But then if you look north, towards trump tower, you see a lot of officers in the street there. Most of them are carrying zip ties. There are dozens of members of the nypd Strategic Response group on scene here. They are clearly trying to protect the front of the tower where you can also see a row of sanitation trucks parked bump tore bumper to block access to trump tower and. Above, you can see members of the nypd on a terrace there keeping an eye on the crowd. We have been hearing the nypd warning some of the demonstrators on the street itself to keep moving because they dont want too large of a crowd gathered in front of trump tower. Martha, the nypd a couple of months ago estimated it would cost more than 300,000 a day for the city to secure trump tower and the perimeter whenever the president is in town. Thats similarly the same cost for the entire summer to secure the president in bedminster, new jersey. Again, the president is scheduled to arrive here not in a couple of hours from now but certainly hundreds if not more protesters have gathered here to wait for him, martha . Martha thats something else. Rick, thank you very much. We will be watching that throughout the evening. Here former Police Officer and host of beyond the badge podcast a Green Party Candidate for the new york city council. He was in charlottesville on saturday to protest the hate groups. And jonah. Thank you for being here. That is quite a scene gathered outside of trump tower this evening. Vincent hill, let me start with you. As the president arrives back home for the First Time Since the inauguration tonight, how do you think he is doing with the latest statement there. Well, martha, thanks for having me. I want to send my prayers to the family of the victims in charlottesville. Absolutely, of course, the Police Officers that lost their lives, trying to bring law and order there in charlottesville. Unfortunately, the president who on saturday condemned the actions of what was going on in charlesville is going to be met with exactly what everyone is in an uproar about. Hate, hate from the left. Thats what the president is going to be met with when he returns home. Martha in discussing the hate from the left, i thought it was very interesting. The president was roundly criticized for saying that the tension and the escalation was coming from both sides. When he made that initial statement on saturday. Today he called out those hateful by name. In terms of what we have seen and the hatred that exists from both of these groups on the left and on the right. Is that a fair statement and was the president wrong when he said that in the first place . Yes. He was wrong. It is not fair to equate the two groups with equal amounts of hate. One group hates muslims and jews and immigrants and people because of who they are. The other group is looking to fight for a world in which all people are respected no matter what type of person they are. You can label it as hate. They are not equal in any shape, form, or measure. I watched the video of what he did today its too little, too late. He emboldened groups. Came out against david dukes endorsement. He has yet to try to gut the support of these people. Martha one of the problems and, obviously, there was lots of life here in charlottesville that thankfully we have not seen in these other incidents. When you go back, look at things like the parade that was cancelled because there was a threat by groups, the antifew groups that they were going to drag republicans out of the parade. Congressman whose lives have been threatened and were told by these leftist groups that they were going to detail exactly how they were going to kill her. Look at Steve Scalise and what happened to him. So is it, you know, unfair i think these are such Fringe Groups on both sides of the political spectrum but, in order to get anywhere, dont we both need to recognize that both sides have gone in sane in these attacks. You need to get to the rot of the problem. You dont see antifa. You see setting up churches without provocation. In order to stop those groups need to start with the alt right. Charlie. I do agree with one thing. We should deal with these people that perpetrate any kind of violence whatsoever to the fullest extent of the law. Apply it fairly no matter what your skin color and quite frankly no matter what your views are about anything. If you break the law, you are going to get punished and get punished to the fullest extent of the law. What happened in charlottesville is senseless, unspeakable tragedy. It breaks my heart for virginia. The people of virginia are not like this. I dont think any of these people are really from virginia. But the thing that bothers me the most is in the aftermath, we have the stupidest debate afterward about when did donald trump take to dewitter or did he get to twitter fast enough and did he denounce every single group. Its just idiotic. We have obviously. Video, footage. We have real problems that we should be dealing with. And having stupid debates like this. I dont think it helps anything. If anything it, makes it worse. Important to know president responds to cheese because he carries a lot of influence. Martha vincent, what do you believe to those who say the president didnt come out in a very natural response and condemn these groups by name initially on saturday . I dont know what people wanted the president to do, right . Its no different from barack obama and Hillary Clinton not coming out and saying radical islamic terror when that is what it was. So now all of a sudden the left is in an uproar that the president didnt come out and name them by name. Martha the president criticized them for doing that. Thats part of the argument, vincent. Yes, absolutely. And its obvious that the president , the administration they thought that he made a mistake. Because if you just listen to his statement today, he clearly wanted to step back out there and make it very clear to cob ite condemn all the people. Its such a meaningless conversation about nonsense. Does anybody really think the president is racist . Very meaningless. Whats meaningless is the president doesnt respond to these issues and respond to these events. He carries a lot of influence and the length of time name names and refer to these hate groups really can embolden them. Martha if you look at the rhetoric on both these groups they say this is just beginning on antifa talk and antisupremacist side. They are escalating. This vincent, does the president need to do more in terms of meeting the moment with the rhetoric and speaking to these groups on both sides which he pointed out and got criticized for on saturday. It appears more and more that he is absolutely right that the escalation is desired to some extent on both sides here. Yeah. I think the president said that on saturday. He said it was on many sides. And the chief echos those sentiments. Martha yes, he did. On many sides. What we have right now is a lot of finger pointing but no one doing this. At this point, in this country, we need to hold hands. We need to have these conversations. Its easy for the media, the Mainstream Media to say that President Trump is a racist. But, yet, 20, 25 years ago when he was supporting Jesse Jackson and al sharpton and lacing their pockets with hundreds of thousands of dollars, no one was calling him a racist then. Now al sharpton is one of his biggest opponents, right . So if we are going to have these conversations, lets have open dialogue. Lets call it realistic and lets get to the root of the problem. Martha we are going to leave it there. Thank you, gentlemen. New word in to us tonight from the associated press. They are reporting that north Korean Leader kim jong un has been briefed on plans to attack the u. S. Territory of guam. This island is home to some 6,000 u. S. Troops. We have more on the breaking details on this tonight. Also ahead, the president condemning White Supremacists as we said in brand new comments. But some critics may never be satisfied with what he says on this. Watch. Can you explain why you did not condemn the statements by over the weekend . Martha his response to that Newt Gingrich joins us with his reaction. The president already tackling 2020. Brand new Trump Campaign ad that has everybody talking. The one word that karl rove the says the ad should have avoided. He is up straight ahead. Democrats obstructing. The media attacking our president. Career politicians standing in the way of success. Boost. Its about moving forward, not back. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Having mplaque psoriasise is not always easy. Its a longdistance run. And you have the determination to keep going. Humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. 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Sailin away on the crest of ea wave, its like magic rollin and ridin and slippin and slidin its magic and you, and your sweet desire you took me, higher and higher, baby its a livin thing its a terrible thing to lose introducing the all new volkswagen tiguan. The new king of the concrete jungle. Martha there it is the president as we speak boarding air force one. Is he heading home. He ha has not been attohis home to stay at trump tower since his inauguration. A lot of people thought he would come back pretty much every weekend. He would spend a lot of time there as it turns out he spent a lot of time at bedminster, new jersey. A big moment as you saw there is quite the crowd outside of trump tower this evening and enormous security presence that is wrapping around the building, sanitation trucks that are loaded down with sand. Literally forming a barricade all around trump tower. That is the corner across from trump tower where there are hundreds, i would say at least, people outside ready to greet him as he comes back. A little while before he boarded air force one. The president did respond via twitter just a little while ago. This is what he said. I made additional remarks on charlottesville and realized once again that the Fake News Media will never be fully satisfied. Truly bad people, exclamation point. Joining me now to respond towel of a this tonight Fox News Contributor and former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich. The author of understanding trump. Newt, good to see you tonight. Good to see you. Martha watching outside of trump tower and thinking about all that has transpired in the recent days and he hasnt been back home since then, whats your reflection on where we are with this tonight . Well, let me say in all honesty, i heard his comments on saturday, calista and i happened to be watching tv when he spoke. Neither of us thought they were particularly inappropriate or particularly weak. He came out against bigotry, against racism, against hatred. Against violence. He indicated it was unamerican. Clearly there was a hunger for him to use the specific phrases about White Supremacists and about the kkk and about nazis. And he came back today. He said every single thing that his critics on the left want. So now you have crowds saying well he didnt say it soon enough. I just want to suggest to you, there is an antitrump movement in this country that will never ever be satisfied as long as he is president. And at some point we have to understand his concern about violence on the left is real. Look at middle bury college. Look at the chancellor of the university of california berkeley who is putting in a 9,000 door to escape if the students occupy the office. Look at the people who called for shooting policemen. I mean, there are a lot of reasons to believe that we have a two sided violence problem not just a one sided violence problem. Martha why do we . I think the gap is real. People on the left have a radically different vision of americas future than traditional americans. There is a small element on the right which has been there for a long time which is genuinely crazy. Let me say as a historian, naziism was antichristian, totalitarian antisemitic evil. Any person tells you they are neo nazi is telling you they are signing up for evil. We have every right in the country to decide to do everything we can to make it impossible to have an effective antinazi Movement Movement in this country as well as a antiku klux Klan Movement which is focused against americans. Remember, its donald trump who last year in the campaign repudiated david duke. He repudiated the kkk. And in his inaugural, he said all of us bleed the same color and to be racist is to be unamerican. Martha let me ask you about these confederate statues. Because as we just reported the mayor in lexington is about to take one down of a confederate general. And where does that stop . At what point do you are you erasing history and not sort of understanding . The role that these people played and the times that they lived in . Condoleezza rice who had been secretary of state, National Security advisor brilliant woman. Africanamerican woman young girls killed in birmingham during the civil rights movement. She has real credibility. She made the point yesterday trying to erase parts of our memory is dangerous. Where does it stop . This whole effort on the left, they are going to have a run right now that is emotional, destructive and wrong. It is antiamerican. It is antiamerican history. And i can appreciate the anger that somebody who is africanamerican might feel about somebody who is a confederate. But let me suggest to you, there were 4,000 people shot in chicago last year. Not a single one of them is helped by focusing on symbolic issues that are total bologna. Where are you going to stop it . What if you werent sensitive enough to the holocaust, we should take down all the statues of Franklin Delano roosevelt. You could make an argument for that. Martha can you make argument for George Washington or thomas jefferson. They were slave owners. Martha absolutely. Thats my pointed. I think the point is we ought to be a country focusing on the future not a country frothing at the mouth about the past. It tells you something about the intellectual collapse of the left. All they have is this kind of rabid behavior. Of course mayors in towns that are largely black are going to pander to their audience go. Out and prove they are popular by doing something that meets the current demagogy needs. Thats all the worried about. Having demagoguery define your country is dangerous. Listen to the mob you have on the scene there thats not democracy. Thats not a free society. Thats a group of people behaving like a mob. Martha we will see. We are watching it tonight. Newt gingrich as always. Good to talk to you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Martha still ahead tonight. So when exactly did the Obama Administration first find out about the russians plan to meddle in our elections. Why didnt do that do more about it when they were given the information at the time. They are fired about it now. This just in to ap. Reports that kim jong un has been briefed military plans his country could use to strike the nearby islands of guam which is home to american air and naval bases and of great concern to all of us. Those breaking details up next on the story. Its just a burst pipe, i could fix it. laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just because of a claim. I totally couldve no switching to allstate is worth it. Istart at the new carfax. Comar. Show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. 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Martha back in fort wayne, indiana in may of 2016. Thats candidate trump promising to crack down on chinese trade practices. He has talked about it for decades. Really. Today President Trump took a step toward that goal signing a memo that could lead to the trade investigation of chinese practices. Some believe that the timing on this announcement was actually meant to put pressure on beijing to do more when it comes to north korea. Chief National Correspondent ed henry joins us live from washington from the white house. Good evening, ed. Martha, good to see you. President trump actually tweeted out this is a major reason why he interrupted his vacation, came back here to washington. Remember his vow during the campaign to stand up for american workers. This was a promise made, that is a promise kept tonight. As you say the president signing a memorandum ordering his u. S. Trade rep to look into whether there needs to be a full blown investigation into chinas theft of American Intellectual property which the Administration Says is going on and is costing u. S. Jobs. The president s critics have been warning he cannot afford to challenge chinese president xi right now because it could spark a messy trade war when we need the chinese as you noted to put pressure on north korea over its nuclear program. But the president insisted today he is pushing forward to save guard u. S. Copy rights, patents and trade marks to counter the fact that china forces u. S. Companies to give up technology and trade secrets to chinese joint ventures that then profit from american hard work. We will enforce the rules of fair and reciprocal trade that formed the foundation of responsible commerce. And we will protect forgotten americans who have been left behind by a global trade system that has failed to look and i mean look out for their interests. They have not been looking out at all. The Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has quick to dismiss this move charging it fits a pattern with the president of, quote, tough talk on china but weaker action than anyone could ever imagine. To make an announcement that they are going to decide whether to have an investigation on chinas welldocumented theft of our intellectual property is another signal to china its okay to keep stealing. That from the democrats except the president seemed to at least get the attention of the chinese. They announced today they will stop importing coal, iron ore and seafood. Other products as well from north korea. This is in line with those sanctions that passed before the United Nations a couple weeks back. But the fact that the chinese announced it today, the same time the president was moving forward is an interesting bit of timing, martha. Martha it sure is ed, thank you. We are also receiving reports tonight that north Korean Leader kim jong un it will be briefed on military plans to potentially strike the u. S. Territory of guam. Defense secretary james mattis warned earlier today what will happen if they dare to do that. Listen to this. If they fire at the United States, it could escalate into war very quickly, yes. Thats called war. If they shoot at us. If they do that then its game on. Martha here now retired brigadier jr. Anthony at a timtatta authorof besieged and e clinger fellow of northeast asia at the heritage foundation. He has also previously served as the cias Deputy Division chief for korea. All very well qualified with a lot of deep history in this area. General, let me start with you because i would like to get your reaction to what general mattis said there. What did you think . Mae, martha, general mattis, secretary mattis is saying in a very direct way if you shoot at us, expect consequences to come back at you in a nano second and we are prepared to do that. And what you are seeing the Trump Administration do is leverage all the elements of National Power. So, secretary mattis in charge of the department of defense is talking about the types of things that we can do. We have flown b. 1 bombers and all of that have you got today all the talk is about the trade deal and the economic back and forth between us and china. Thats leveraging our economic power. Martha right. Over the weekend we have been leveraging information power with all of our key leaders saying essentially the same thing that this is a red line that we should not cross. Martha so, you know, when you add all that up, bruce, let me ask you this it appears there is incremental progress that china is acting in a way that it hasnt before. That they are Going Forward with these bans against north korea. They also suggested that if north korea strikes first, and we retaliation reretaliate y might not block that they initially said they would. It looks like bellicose Strong Language on the military front and then the carrot and stick approach with the diplomacy seems to be nudging this process in the direction that the president has said he wanted to go. Yes or no . Well, each of the u. N. Security Council Resolutions is incrementally better than the previous one. And, therefore, each one is the best in history until the next one. So chinas announcement today is basically saying we will do what were required to do under the u. N. Security Council Resolutions. And historically what china has done is, you know, they usually implemented the resolution sanctions for about 1 to 4 months and then they tend to back away. Now on the trade thing, whether thats related to north korea or not. If its intended to pressure china, north korea, its very indirect very slow method. There is something that the u. S. Continues to pull its punches on which is enforcing u. S. Law upon chinese violater who are misusing the u. S. Financial system. If we were to do sanction dear sanctions thats much quicker much more director and wean away the banks from doing business with north korea. Martha great point. You feel there are financial sanctions that could be much more powerful and that is a string that could be pulled by the Trump Administration if they decide they want to take that next step. Lieutenant colonel brad taylor, your thoughts on the trade war here and whether or not north korea is starting to, you know, feel some heat from this and the language from general mattis. How do they respond to that, do you think . Honestly, i think that general mattis comments are getting a little bit overblown. If you fire a missile at u. S. Territory by definition you are going to war. Martha right. Thats essentially what he was saying. Right. The truth of the matter is north korea would be absolutely insane to attack guam. It would be like getting in a shouting match with a belligerent drunk and punching his girlfriend instead of him. We have enormous combat power a lot of it on oak that you what you, japan. Special forces battalion strike eagle there. If you really wanted to do a first rank take out oak that you what you not guam. By the time the missiles reach guam could have the birds in the air. Is he trying to turn this into a u. S. Vs. North korea. If he saw anything about north korea he has brought in japan. Really as i see it a word of words. You heard what i said you launch anything at us its game on. Martha general, what do you think the next move from north korea is . Well, you know, martha, i think this new administration philosophy doctrine of strategic accountability is going to hold north korea accountable. Strategic patience under the Obama Administration was really a do nothing reactive policy. And so the next move for north korea is to try to do something within the box that we have now painted them in. And if they get outside that box, they can expect immediate ramifications as brad just said. So north korea has been painted into a corner here. A lot of people were concerned that the president was painting himself into a corner where, very deliberately, this administration has leveraged the elements of National Power to get both bilaterally with russia, china and other nations, japan, south korea, and with collective security arrangements such as the u. N. To put pressure on north korea. Now, you know, the ball really is in north koreas court. They can back down and take the golden bridge out. That we have offered them. And thats what i think all of us hope will happen. Martha wow. Were going to be watching. Thank you very much, gentlemen. Great to see all of you tonight. Thanks for being on the story. So coming up next, a new threat from al qaeda as their propaganda zeros in on our nations transport system in chilling detail. That story coming up. Plus, the investigation into russias election interference is intensifying as you well know. And we are learning that some pretty significant details have arisen of exactly when the Obama Administration had a pretty good sense of what the russians were up to here. And last week it was chicago. Now san francisco, and the state of california lashing out at the feds over their crackdown on sanctuary cities. Judge Andrew Napolitano joins me in a moment to weigh in on those big stories tonight right after this on the story. From frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. I recently discovered that a good source of protein. Thats why theyre my goto snack while i get back in shape. That ones broken. 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And hurry in to enjoy our new crab melt part of our seafood lovers lunch for just 9. 99. Martha so the russia investigation is heating up on two fronts tonight. Special Counsel Robert Mueller is seeking to Interview White House officials in the probe including former chief of staff Reince Priebus is the word out there right now in hopes of flipping some of them to get them to turn whatever information they might have against others who may have been involved. So all of this comes as another report comes out. One that could easily fall through the cracks on a day like this. That is that the Obama Administration has some pretty specific warnings about russias actions, even earlier than previously known. Politico finding this, quote obama team was warned in 2014 about russian interference. Here now judge Andrew Napolitano be fox news Senior Analyst on all of this. I want to get to both topics. What do you make of this news about the obama awareness that the russians were trying to meddle . I think thats on bob muellers plate. He needs to know when the russian stuff started and that may very well mean that not is he going to interview current members of the west wing about what trump said and did with james comey but former members of the west wing. He might even go up to the former occupant of the oval office. Because we now have reason to believe that barack obama himself was told about this in 2014 and couldnt decide what to do. He wanted Hillary Clinton to get the nomination. He wanted her to be elected president but didnt want it to look like he was helping her. So he sort of sat on this. Martha in fact right before the election he said anyone who questions the integrity of the u. S. Election system is nuts. Its fool proof. No way anyone is interfering with. This then she loses and something kicks to high heaven. Kicking 450 socalled Russian Diplomats out of the United States because of what they did. That president obama and his team knew about for two years before the election. Bob mueller has a duty to examine that and the best way to examine it is the people who had that information and the people to whom the information was given who did nothing. Martha do we know that he is questioning any of them yet . We dont know that. Martha in terms of who is he questioning, we know there are subpoenas to speak to individuals in the west wing now. Yes. Martha whats he going after and how is it going . I believe is he concentrating on the jim domey version of his own firing and whether the president s behavior was appropriate in that or whether he interfered with the or attempted to interfere with the investigation of former Lieutenant General mike flynn for a corrupt purpose, which would be to protect himself. Martha even in jim comeys telling of it, did the president ask for loyalty pledge and all of that you said that there was no evidence of corrupt intent in james comeys description of it. There does not appear to be. Of course jim comey has been debriefed by the former people that used to work for him. Fbi agents that now work for bob mueller. Fbi agents have been speaking to people in the west wing. Now, when the fbi knocks on your door, if they dont have a warrant, you dont have to talk to them. So not everybody in the west wing is speaking to them. So some who have not spoken are being dragged before a grand jury. There have you no choice but to speak. Some who have spoken are being dragged before a grand jury. It seems as though he is trying to place a circle around the president of the United States which will reinforce the jim comey version of the how and when and why he was fired. Martha so the obstruction of justice is what you see in that current circle of interviews. There is also the other issue which has to deal doo with business dealings, Paul Manafort and all of that. Correct. Martha who do you think is most likely to flip as we say in. Whoever they kin diet first. If they indict Paul Manafort on some financial impropriety long before he even met donald trump and dangle that over donald his head and talk to us about the president and we will make this indictment shrink, thats the way the feds prosecute. Martha i promised something on sanctuary cities which we did talk about. Sarah, the a. G. In california is saying come get us. We will keep the doors open and you cannot deny us federal funds. Can they the u. S. Government. He has a good case. Because the funds they were receiving were budgeted in the obama years under the obama budget and did not have the Strings Attached you want the money you will cooperate with immigration enforcement. In the trump budget, once they past one, the stipulation will be there. You accept the money, you accept the strings. Martha thank you, judge. Good to be back with you. Martha good to be back with you too on this monday night. Where nothing is happening. Im looking out at the street and i can see the demonstrators. Martha waiting for President Trump to come around the corner. Thanks, martha. Martha key piece on u. S. Transportation. Details for this summer that you need to know. Also, a guest at the National Association of black journalists but instead was best o best of publd when she was there the Trump Campaign swinging into full gear for, yes, 2020 already. A new ad garnering quite a bit of attention tonight. We will show you the ad. See what you think at home and mr. Karl rove will weigh in on that. Also referred to as the architect behind george w. Bushs two president ial victories here with his take when we come back. When you switch to progressive. Winds stirring. Too treacherous for a selfie. 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Saying that they are, as a system, under protected. Also tonight, new fallout from omarosas chilly reception she got at black journalist annual convention. We have video with her sparring with the moderator as she discussed President Trump. Every single word or opinion. I will tell my story. Ask your question about what my brother. About my father. Martha very interesting. That organization has since sent a statement on her appearance saying in part candid and frank conversation with newsmakers we appreciate her coming to participate this year. So tonight reaction to a new campaign ad to President Trump donalpresident donald trumr 2020. Take a look. Democrats obstructing. Media, career politicians standing in the way of success. But President Trumps plan is working 1 million jobs created. More americans working than ever before. Unemployment lowest since 2001. The stock market alltime record highs. The Strongest Military in decades. The president s enemies dont want him to succeed. But americans are saying let President Trump do his job. Martha joining me now a man oaman who knows a thing or o about campaigns karl rove. Welcome back. Martha thank you. Good to be back. There have you a First Campaign ad of the 2020 Campaign Cycle from the president. How do you like it and is it too early . Well, its way early. If the purpose of the ad was to sort of reset the conversation a little bit, then it might be effective. If they are spending sort of like several tens of thousands of dollars rather than millions of dollars. It was oddly timed. If i were i would have said lets not release this sunday. Let charlottesville get behind it and give us a few days. Then the word enemies is not good. You have adversaries. You have opponents but to use the word enemies is over the top. Martha they like that word. The president likes to go after people as you have seen and he feels like, you know, the way he has done it works. And i think you hit the nail on the head when you said this is sort of their way of speaking their own story. And he feels quite clear live that his story doesnt get out there. In a fair way. So, maybe they are going to run campaign ads over the next several years. Yeah. The interesting thing though is this. Ads are 30 seconds. And they go. They come and they go. If the president has the biggest bully pulpit in the country. And these things that he is trying to do, whether its tax cuts or repeal and replace obamacare or infrastructure, cannot be explained effectively in 140 characters or even 140 words. This is where we should we are seeing the difficulty of not having a Communications Director who has a comprehensive plan to help the white house advance its agenda publicly by giving the president s gigantic mega phone a constant workout. So Television Ads will never substitute for effectively putting the president out. Think about it, how many speeches has he delivered where he laid out the case for tax reform . Zero. How many speeches has he given which he laid out his plan for repeal and replace . As opposed to just simply saying we need to get it done . Zero. Martha thats a valid point. Go to the white house website today and there is no fracture plan there. The president s mega phone needs to be better used and that can substitute for television. Martha exactly what you described is what he did on the campaign trail. When the numbers. Exactly right. Numbers got soft got out there and did policy speech after policy speech after policy speech. Maybe they have a plan to kick that in to september. This wouldnt necessarily be the moment when everybody is paying attention in that kind of way. But we may see that come september. I want to ask you about what you thought about today and the comments that he made that were more specific with regard to these White Supremacists groups which are clearly vial and reeked havoc in charlesville. What did you think . First of all, i could have done without the talk about the economy and selfcongratulations at the beginning. Set that aside. The statement was, i thought, very good. Love each other, show affection for each other. Unite in the condemnation of violence. I mean, he said rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that we as americans have. Racism is evil. I thought that was powerful. Those that cause it and he named them. It was the kkk and neo nazis and White Supremacists. Those are thugs and criminals he said. I thought it was powerful. Nation is founded on a truth that were all created equal. Equal before the law. Equal in front of the conversation. I wish this is the president that we had heard these words from the president saturday not on monday. Monday was okay. Saturday would have been a great moment for our country that would have brought us together when we needed to be brought together. Martha carl rove, good to see you as always. Thank you, martha. Martha how a picture from the past can be a lesson for all of us. Its your story when we come back. La quinta presents how to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. You for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you™. 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Martha so its august 14th and vj day was 72 years ago today marking the end of world war ii. I have been asking you to share your stories with me. And tonight one of our viewers john did just that he found this photo in the basement from a relative taken near oak now what you the days after the surrender. Reminds him of the bravery and character of the veterans who were his neighbors, his coaches, his teachers. He said while i did not fully appreciate them while we had them. I have come to recognize how lucky we were to have grown up with them. We agree. We want to hear your story, our favorite quote of the night. If its funny, historic or something worth thinking about like johns send it to me. Tweet me at Martha Maccallum using the the story. Good to be back with you tonight. See you back here tomorrow at 7 00. My friend Tucker Carlson is up next. Tucker good evening, welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Lunatic bent on murdering a crowd of people with his car. Everything that happened in charlesville over the weekend was awful. Maybe the feeling you got when you watched it that things were completely out of control. This is what chaos looks like. One man swing ago Confederate Flag like a club. His opponent trying to burn him with a homemade flame thrower. All of this happening on the city street in midday and no one trying to stop them. What country was this . Where were the authorities . What happened to the police . Is this

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