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Live in washington with all this today. Rich, whats in the plan . Well, gretchen, in that final point is the biggest Sticking Point and when you look at what the communication can do after transferred to other countries, where do you move everybody else in the United States. Take a look that if at the attempts the administration has made since 2009. 245 detain knees. The population falling to 242 and last year at 97 and currently at 91. Taking the last 91 out should be a priority. Do it in a way that makes sure were safe e. How is that going to play out on capitol hill . Its moalreadied played out. Well review president obamas plan but he should know that the bipartisan will of congress has been expressed. They say they are only focussed right now on the congressional process and not answer as to whether an executive order is in the cards. Gretchen. Very interesting. Thank you. Meantime, were getting word another terrorist release from gitmo has returned to the battlefield. Police in spain have arrested four suspected members of a cell. One of the suspects is a former gitmo detain knee. Investigators say that jihadis was at gitmo two years before being returned to spain more than a decade ago. Another alert here with the president facing opposition in his quest to close gitmo and the pentagon answering them right now. You can see this is live. In the past republicans have put a stop to its plans and they could house to detain knees. Oklahoma senator is the chair of the Armed Services committee and joins me right now. Actually youre not the chair of that, are you . No, im not concerned about it. Nothings changed, gretchen in the last seven years hes been wanting to do that and now that hes back down to his legacy hes trying to think of some way he can coerce this into happening. Lets keep this mind we passed in the fiscal year 2016 the ndaa, National Defense authorizization act that number one says you cant transfer them to the United States between now and december 31st and cant close it before december 31st. December 31st, hes out of there. Lets dont let it get lost that James Clapper whose the big intelligence guy, chief here in the country says that the rate of those hes already released is 30 . In other words, 30 of those guys hes released are killing americans again. We just reported on that now that this guy in spain has now been picked up and has ties to the islamic state. So youre right about the rate. I want to just bring to your attention the legislative change that is in the president s plan. Heres what it says. The administration will work with congress to lift unnecessary prohibitions in the law. Number two, the administration considering requesting changes to the act of 2009 effecting future prosecutions. I mean, lets go back to the first point there. Hes going to work with the congress to lift prohibitions in the current law. You think anyones going to agree to that . No, he hasnt worked in congress with his own issue or worked with military to get their advice. Theres nothing he can bring up now. Remember taliban five. Those are the five worst most vicious terrorist in there at that time and theyre the ones that right after we passed the authorizization bill that said you cannot release someone without a 30 days notice. The president released five people without giving any notice. He willingly and frequently breaks the law but hes not going to be able to get by with this. Yet, as part of his legacy hes going to do everything he can. One of the argumen is that keeping gitmo open inflames the state to want to commit more terrorist attacks against the United States. Do you agree with that . Yeah. If you follow that through hes saying be nice to the terrorist. Come on. We know better than that. Senator james who i dont think is going to change his mind on this issue, thanks for your time. Hows your violin doing . Well, thank you. He asked me about my violin. Ill have to chat with him off camera about that. All right, senator, ill chat with you off camera about that. Thanks, sir. Like that. In the meantime, new testimony in the trial of the master mind of the 9 11 attacks at gitmo. His lawyer says his client suffered psychological trauma because their guards, get this, the guards were women. In a previous hearing they had an order but rejected testimony from additional witnesses. Now the defense wants to reconsider that decision. Time now for my take. We heard a lot from president obama today about wanting to close down gitmo. One thing we didnt hear is this. Bringing detain knees here is not a popular stance with republicans and democrats. Many issues are partisan on capitol hill. Turns out this one, not so much. In november 2015 senate voted 913 that made it illegal for the president to bring detain knees here. President s signed that bill because he knew there would be enough votes in congress to override a president ial veto. One other thing he did is executed another thing called a signing statement declaring a narrow provision of the law unconstitutional. This may be what the president tries to use as an excuse to defy congress and bring prisoners here under executive order. The president s actions could pin more responsibility on the democrats running for president than republicans. He offered no comment about bringing prisoners here. As of right now, no response at all from Hillary Clinton. What else is going on today . The nevada caucuses. Ted cruz holding a rally. Hes looking for support to prevent donald trump from earning three straight victory. Mike, is the pressure on marco rubio now to perform well in a state where he once lived when he was young . Gretchen, yes. Senator marco rubio told me he expects to do well here and notes his personal biography as someone whose spent six of his childhood years in nevada. Rubio continues piling up republican establishment endorsements and says he can be the g. O. P. Every time this race narrows, we pick up support. When that happens, well win. Rubio is saying he might not be some republicans first choice but he believes that the g. O. P. Voters are realizing he may be their best choice, gretchen. Okay. Lets talk about ted cruz for a moment. Whats he doing in the final hours before tonights caucus . We are at senator cruzs nevada headquarterers. Volunteers and staffers are burning up the phone lines trying to drive support and making sure they dont go ive been badly out spent. Ive spent five or six Million Dollars that reports compared the other day to 50. A lot of those adds used to beat me up. We have over 15,000 activities that you can book on our app to make sure your little animal, enjoys her first trip to the kingdom. Expedia, technology connecting you to what matters. Buses headed to minneapolis, my hometown area, sunday. Good news, none of the passengers hurt. Most of their belongings though bad news destroyed. Investigators are still looking into what caused the bus to go up in flames. More politics now. Establishment seems to finally be rallying around one candidate. Marco rubio receiving a slew of endorsements. Is it too little too late if they want to take on donald trump. President and founder and a former Clinton Campaign adviser and former chief of staff with communications of house majorities leader. Hes also a director of the Republican National committee. Long titles there, doug. Sorry about that. Good to have you guys on the real story. The establishment seems to be conservative. Is it too late for all the endorsements . I think the conservative credentials are without saying. Any candidate takes any endorsement they can. Aca hutchinsons. Lauren hatch in utah. If you can bring resources with you, certainly, rick santorum, that helps you move forward on primary day. Pund nts have been saying all along some of the republicans need to get out of the race so whats happening now can start to happen with regard to coalescing around one or two particular candidates. So if you have donald trump in his own lane and then you have ted cruz in the really conservative outsider lane and then you have marco rubio, could it be this is kood news for marco rubio . Yeah, possibly. I saw a study yesterday that showed that trump is getting exactly the same percentage of the vote at this point as mitt romney and john mccain did when they won their nomination. Hes gotten 50 more votes. Donald trump has been racking up more numbers. Hes got a lot of support and a formable candidate. Washington post said they think its almost impossible now given how well trump is doing next week to stop them. Trump seems to be in the drivers seat right now. Speaking of trump, new poll shows trump beating Ohio Governor john kasich in his own state of ohio. Trump leading kasich by five points. Still three weeks to go until the ohio primary. Another shows its tough to pull support from him. 78 of the people who support trump say their minds are made up. Thats higher than any of his republican rivals. Now, compare that to kasich suppo supporters. 48 might change. Now, doug, i know youre making news today because you have an interesting statement about whether or not trump if hes the nominee what hes going to do. I cant support him. I think hes dangerous for the Republican Party and the United States. I can also be realistic about what hes done with his campaign and how amazing his campaign has been. Very few were taking him seriously. Hes been able to dominate the conversation and put every other candidate on the defensive. If were going to beat donald trump, youre not going to do it by being an energizer bunny that outlast him. You have to do it by taking him down. None of that stuff has worked. We should realize in politics nothi nothing. Theres all these other military figures showing donald trump as a joke candidate. No one did that. You use to work for the ric. You dont like him. A tremendous amount of people do like him. By the way, getting information from watching tv, simon, i remember hearing that quiet a lot from president obama. Well, listen, i just want to be the first to invite doug to come join the democrats in the fall. Were happy to have you come on board. Listen, i said it earlier. Donald trump is the front runner. Rubio certainly is a very talented guy. I dont know that were thinking that far ahead. Our race is much more competitive than we thought it was going to be. Hillary had a big win on saturday. She looks like shes in the drivers seat on our side but we still got a race thats got to play out here before we can start looking to the general. Okay. I like it. Every single day theres something new and exciting. Nice to see the both of you today. Doug, simon, take care. Thanks so much. These words dishonest, liar, criminal, older. Those are just some of the first things that come to mind to describe these two candidates in a fascinating new poll. What else do they have to say . Plus what can we expect in the republican show down in sin city . Well ask someone whose there, michael mcdonald. Not the singer. Gosh, i love that singer though. The head of the Republican Party in nevada. That brings us to our question of the day. Whats your favorite thing to do in vegas . I know i asked yesterday. Keep it clean. Tweet me at Gretchen Carlson and use the hashtag the real story. Oh my gosh, i love this guy. Play it. [vet] two yearly physicals down. Martha and mildred are good to go. Heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. Or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but. I wouldnt have it any other way. Look at that, i had my best month ever. And earned a shiny new office upgrade. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Befoburning, the pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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During the 2012 race only 1. 9 of the voting eligible population participated in the g. O. P. Caucuses in nevada. Thats about 33,000 people a lot of the turnout in 2012 and less than a tenth in new hampshire. Time to bring in michael mcdonald. Chairman of the nevada Republican Party. Great to have you on the real story today. Whats the real story about nevada . Do you think youre going to see more people. Weve had bigger turnouts in the first three states. Will nevada also see a bigger tou turnout on the g. O. P. Side . Definitely. Our numbers say our preregistration tops 2012 numbers. Weve made it very easy this time. You can come vote and cast your ballot to be a delegate late. You dont have to hang out in iowa and bring your crock pot . We hope you do. We would love to see that. That would be great. All right. What issues are important to the g. O. P. In nevada . I think its more reflective of the entire population. Clearly, economy is a big thing on our side. Security because we are sitting on the lass vegas boulevard down here. Up north its land. Land issues. Overall, i think its the republicans this season. What was predicted beforehand was something totally different. Mitt romney at 55 . Do i have this correct . Is this a prediction . Mccain was third and it was totally different from what the polls said. Why is it so different to get accurate polling in nevada . Because its a caucus. The caucus itself is very difficult. Were still young to the process. Overall, nevada voters make up their mind at the last minute. By the way, are you a singer at all . Yes, i am. Not michael mcdonald, of course. Really . Youre going to breakout into im going to be there right now. Not yet. When i come back from new york, i will. Specifically for you. All right. Now i have two Michael Mcdonalds i like. Have a successful nevada caucus. Well check in again with you sometime soon. Thank you very much. Its an honor. Thanks. Wow. Didnt expect him to tell me he was a singer too. Check this out. Video from 1963 showing one of the president ial hopefuls getting arrested. Who is it . Well give you the real story on that. Plus what does senator pat roberts think of president obamas plan to close gitmo . This is what i think of the plan to send terrorist to the United States. He apparently doesnt like it. Were going to find out what the Democratic Candidates think about the plan. I know who the democratic nominee is going to be. It will be a devowed democratic socialist or someone under fbi investigation. They work fast ane chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Lots of vitamins a c, and, only 50 calories a serving. Good morning, indeed. V8. Veggies for all. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Bottom of the hour. Mitch mccolonel vowing to clock any Supreme Court nominee until after the election. This as the president narrows down his list of potential nominees to replace justice scalia. Meeting today to discuss the matter for the fist time and despite the hard line stance, theres republicans pulling away from the rank and file. Live on capitol hill for us, which senators had the biggest impact on the decision not to hold the hearing . The Judiciary Committee, c consensus was there should not be a hearing or vote among the republicans. Theyre getting a lot of credit for helping them make up their mind. They both spoke extensively in great detail why a republican president should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court. Now theyre using their words to say theyre worried because despite what the white house said the senator is right today to quote nowhere in the document do they have to give the m shl nominee a vote. That is very different than saying every nominee receives a vote. And theres not going to be a vote in the Judiciary Committee. Before today, the chairman, senator had been keeping the door open for a possible hearing on the nominee, the back door is now closed. President obama insists hell nominate someone to fill the vacancy by the late justice but it is completely unclear how far that nominee is going to get. Okay. So are there any republican who want to vote on an obama nominee . There is just one. He is not on the Judiciary Committee but he has a tough reelection coming up. Its illinois senator mark kirk. He says i recognize the decision to place before the senate a nominee for the Supreme Court and i look forward to president obama advancing a nominee for the senate to consider. Just the last few minutes white house applauded senator mark kurk by saying hes somebody here in the senate who actually appreciates the oath he took. Gretchen. Very interesting. Peter, thank you. Hillary clinton trying to hold on sanders in South Carolinas primary and ed henry live for us today in South Carolina. Ed, the candidates on board are president obamas gitmo plan . There could be a split. Theyre both going to be on the campus of South Carolina later tonight for a democratic town hall. Bernie sanders out with a statement saying he agrees with the president saying im encouraged to see the president is sending congress a plan to shut down the prison. As ive said for years the prison must be closed as quickly as possible. Others including my opponent have not always agreed with me and the statement goes on to say book in 2007 when they are both in the senate, sanders was one of three senators to say shut it down and bring the prisoners to u. S. Soil. Clinton voted against the opposite side on that measure. She later cosponsored legislation to close down gitmo but different details about where to send the prisoners. Today another statement from clinton. Lets talk about South Carolina. The African American vote will be key. Seems sanders is making gains now . Yes, he got a big endorsement from spike lee although james who is a popular African American congressman from the state who had already endorsed Hillary Clinton is saying that sanders never even bothered to ask him for his support. When bernie gets in the white house hell do the right thing. How can we be sure . Bernie was at the march on washington with dr. King. He never asked for an endorsement. I never considered giving one. You heard him mention in reference Bernie Sanders was arrested in 1963 in chicago as a College Student fighting for civil rights. Heres video of that. They have found a still image in their archives of that. Theres actual action. Theres been members of the black caucus saying sander is a johnny come lately. This is evidence he was actually acting back in the 60s. I have to say sanders himself has not been very aggressive on the campaign trail making that case himself, gretchen. Okay. All interesting, ed. See you later. All right. I want all of you to think of one word that comes to mind when i say this. Hillary clinton. Now the same thing for Bernie Sanders. You can only pick one word. The poll asking more than a thousand people for their gut reactions. Some of the most common answers were this. Dishonest or that they dislike her. Others use stronger words like criminal, crooked and thief. In the meantime, americans most often describes Bernie Sanders as a socialist and old along with a fresh face, honest, crazy or delusional. Guy, im not going to put you to the test and make you give me a wournd response but this is a fascinating study. Its just say anything and well write them down and group them. I would use one word to describe Hillary Clinton and thats as a rule unusual based on these numbers. Maybe not in the democratic primary. Between these numbers where it shows shes seen as dishonest and disliked and other numbers from a new poll this week showing that she is under water on personal favre rablt by 21 points and worse in some other crucial sub demographics, this is a president ial front runner who is absolutely beatable. Okay. Before i ask you to do the Bernie Sanders one word, lets take a look at the positive responses for hillary. Then they have neutral responses and these fall in that category of first woman president , outspoken, democrat nonelectable. The highest percentage was dishonest. Those also got 9 and 7 . Its dishonest, liar, not trustworthy, bad character, that grouping was far and away the number one cluster associated with Hillary Clinton. When you take the negative and positive numbers its upside down for her by about 14 points. The positives for Bernie Sanders, a favorable fresh face. Hops, caring good guy and then the neutral ones were socialist, 12 . Didnt know 8 and then you get to the negative one, not sure socialist should be neutral but anyway, crazy, unfavorable, communist, free stuff. Dislike him, not electable. Okay, guy, what was your word going to be . My word would be authentic. I think hes authentically wrong on almost everything but he has believed this stuff for a very, very long time. Hes open about it and tells the truth. I think thats sort of the big dichotomy within the democratic race. We have a woman known for her dishonesty running against a man whose viewed less electable by the democratic establishment that has much more e radical views and plans. Hes telling the truth and we know who he is and hes consistent. All right. I love this poll. Guy, good job. Thank you. Firefighters in new york city working to rescue two window washers. This has happened before on this screen. Two window washers are stranded on the side of the building in midtown manhattan. Thats where we are here in the studio. Rain is falling outside. Some snow earlier. Rescue efforts continue. The pair have been stuck there for about an hour now. The fdny has sent down ropes to secure the scaffolding and doing everything they can to pull him into safety. About a year ago or so they broke out a window to be able to pull those two guys into safety. That was a heroi rowing situati that went on. Midtown manhattan, the weather conditions are not spectacular and were going to keep an eye on this to make sure those two guys can get in safely. Another alert. Reports say there has been an explosion at the site and there were casualties. So far, one reported death. The dual fire station has been closed since 2013. Why would there suddenly be an explosion there . A bit of a mystery. Reaction already fierce over the president s plan to close gitmo. Heres what pat roberts thinks of it. Heres what i think of the plan to send terrorist to the United States. Hes not the only one not happy detainees could take up in their states. If a choice must be made, whats going to be the best alternative . Plus this plane comes crashing down after lightning or actually lighting on fire. We dont know what caused it but it was a Major Construction catastrophe. More on that when we return. Why are all these people so asleep, yet im so awake . Did you know your brain has two systems . One helps keep you awake the other helps you sleep. Science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. Ohh. Maybe thats whats preventing me from getting the sleep i need talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. Shepard smith on the fox news desk. When results start rolling in later today, its the second place spot that really matters the most. That according to the world news report editor. Well hear about the bitter fight between marco rubio and cruz. Who has the edge with just one week left until super tuesday . That coming up with Shepard Smith reporting. Back to the real story now. Congress bracing for a big fight after president obama announces his plan to shut down gitmo. 13 detention facilities are being considered in several states to house several prisoners and they will save 65 85 million. Theres no final decision. South carolina senator tim scott who is supporting senator marco rubio for president is my guest. Great to have you on the real story. I understand that this prison thats being looked at in our state of South Carolina has close proximity to abunch of little kids at an Elementary School and in a residential area. Whats up with that potential plan . You said it right. Were talking about literally less than a half a mile from the middle school. This facility, a medium security facility that would need hundreds of millions of dollars of upgrades to keep it safe. You cant keep it safe is what were telling the president. What he needs to do is abide by the laws of this country and the law is very clear and simple. You cannot transfer enemy combat nts to the location period. Much less one thats been a Bedroom Community right out side of charleston. What an awful idea. Heres the thing. The senate voted on this december 10th, 2015. It was part of the spending bill, right. Yes. Do you believe the president will try to do some sort of a signing statement, executive order, Something Like that to try and jam this thing through . It is one of our concerns. Heres what we realized. The president himself has his signature on this wall and looking for ways to sert this law in a way of passing what the city would do on the campaign trail. This is versing national committee. The choice could not be more clear than to keep the enemy combatants in guantonamo bay. 68 agree with you. They dont want to prids nosone coming to the United States. Ted cruz hitting another speed bump in his campaign firing his National Spokesman yesterday for posting misleading video. Doesnt everything come from the top . Im just asking. Im not sure. But senator cruz got rid of tyler. Does that change the way hes running this Political Campaign and do you believe it was coming from senator cruz . I cant look into his mind and tell you whats came out of it but ill tell you the will t incident is just that, the latest incident. This has been going on for the caucus and new hampshire. Theres a culture within the campaign that needs to be changed. Im not sure one person being fired this is way you change the culture. That has to be a message that comes from the top throughout the entire campaign. Senator tim scott, republican, South Carolina. He doesnt want that gitmo thing to happen. Well keep a close eye no, not at all. Thanks. Yes, maam. Coaches at one Southern University firing back against a federal lawsuit now, why they say the school is being unfairly portr portrayed. Youre not gonna watch it no, youre not gonna watch it we cant let you download on the goooooo youll just have to miss it yeah, youll just have to miss it we cant let you download. Uh, no thanks. I have x1 from xfinity so. Dont fall for directv. Xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. I used to like that song. Welcome back to the real story. Coaches at the university of tennessee now hitting back at a fer federal lawsuit alleging the schools culture allowed a Sexual Assault. The male and female coaches on their own decided to hold a News Conference contending the kur culture is strong despite this lawsuit made against student athletes accusing the university of creating a hostile environment and deliberate indifference to Sexual Assaults and failed to take corrective action saying the university gives more legal rights to suspects than victims. Five student athletes are accused of Sexual Assault including a basketball player and three former and one current football players. The suit even accused tennessee quarterback, peyton manning, of inappropriate behavior to a female trainer in the 90s. Manning denies the accusation. All this puts the Football Program and coach butch jones under close scrutiny why coach jones is fighting back saying we have great players in our Football Program and have a very good culture in place and why i say were going to defend our culture. Coaches of male and female athletes defended jones calling him a huge supporter of female and male athletic programs and they have more access to resources than ever before. I dont think everybody sitting up here feels like theres a five alarm situation sitting here. Were not doing anything differently now than weve done over the last 15 years as coaches. We always talk about culture and always educate. The university of tennessee has come under fire in the past for failing to disclose rape allegations against student athle athletes. Interesting development. Thank you. An unconventional president ial portrait, an an unveiling in the real smithsonian. Anne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol . Give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol . No thanks. For me. Its aleve. Im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. And 26 vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Take life in whyto learn, right . E . So you can get a good job and youre not working for peanuts. Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . While you guys are busy napping, peanuts are delivering 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients right to your mouth. You ever see a peanut take a day off . No. Peanuts dont even get casual khaki fridays. Because peanuts take their job seriously. So unless you want a life of skimming wifi off the neighbors, youll harness the hardworking power of the peanut. cheering crane collapse caught on camera in australia. The construction site before the arm swings down on itself dam e damaging cars below. No one injured thankfully. An electrical malfunction being blamed for that fire. Kevin spacey getting the president ial treatment. The smithsonian unveili ining h role on the house of cards in its fourth season. I asked whats your favorite thing to do when you go to vegas . Daniel says, hitting the blackjack table and then the buffet. Watching the fountains at the bellagio. Sometimes they have fireworks. Thanks for being part of the day today. Im gretchen. Heres shep. Its caucus day for the gop. Donald trump has been leading there but anything can happen come caucus time. Were watching the race for second place, ahead, how marco rubio and ted cruz are trying to position themselves as the man to take on trump. The new poll that shows ohios governor, john kasich, trailing in his own state. The app that may let Campaign Workers tell you exactly what you want to hear. Does it really have information on hundreds of millions of us . Plus, president obama on his new plan to close Guantanamo Bay for good. Where exactly would the detai e detainees go and would

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