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Decontaminating her apartment and her car as neighbors grow more concerned. The nurse contracted ebola from this man, thomas duncan, the liberian who died in dallas last week. She is the first person to contract the deadly virus here on u. S. Soil. But the cdc warns this may not be the last case at this dallas hospital. I feel awful that a Health Care Worker became inaffected in the care of an ebola patient. She was there trying to help the first patient survive. We need to consider the possibility that there could be additional cases, particularly among the Health Care Workers who cared for the index patient when he was so ill. Live for us in dallas, any update now on this nurse . Reporter cher caring for her in isolation, her family is asking for privacy and the hospital will not confirm her name. We did just hear dr. Tom friedman, the director of the cdc, stepped back from the statement earlier this woman contracting the ebola virus was the result of a breach of protocol. He said in no way was he trying to blame her but as he warned, there are realities to the situation. If this one individual was infected and we dont know how within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well. Reporter dr. Freiden said they have to start to rethink the way they address ebola infection control. How are they addressing it . Reporter from the perspective here in dallas, they have Infectious Disease investigators on the ground and what they are doing is interviewing anyone who came into contact with these two patients. Then from there, they are going to broaden out and they are creating what they are calling a map of potential exposures. That is not to say that they think there is a large number of Health Care Workers or people in general who have been exposed. As dr. Freiden explains, they are casting a wide net, then will narrow from there additionally, they are calling on hospitals around the nation to think ebola, especially when treating patients who have traveled here or traveled through nations inside western africa. Thats what they are calling on hospitals to do tilt. Everybody really has to pay attention, basically a what dr. Freiden says. Ask the right questions initially. Alicia akuhn nah, thanks so much. Only four hospitals in the United States are actually equipped with the socalled special biocontainment units. Two of them have successfully isolate and treated ebola patients which begs the question, what went wrong in dallas . At the same time, the cdc says the ebola virus cannot spread by air, but our next guest today says that may not be the case. David sanders is a top ebola virologist and professor of biological sciences at purdue university. Doctor, great to have you here. Great to be here. Why do you believe that ebola could be transmitted via the air . There are two basic points, the first is that a very closely related virus called ebola reston is known to spread between animals by an airborne move, thats what all the evidence suggests. The second point is the result of our own research that shows that ebola zaire enters human lung cells from the airway side. So, it has the inherent capacity to enter the lung from the airway. Now, im not saying that theres any evidence that the current spread is due to anything but bodily fluid contact, but we have to consider the possible that it can enter through an airway route. And the longer that the epidemic goes on in africa, the greater the chance of that happening. Because the virus movers . The virus does mutate, morph, thats correct. Okay. So, what are we to make of this nurse who is now infected . Reports say that she was not one of the 48 that actually had the direct contact with this patient or one that they were actually monitoring. Right. So, they initially said there was a breach in protocol, but how would they even know that . I think that may have been poor wordinging on the behalf of the cdc. The point is that having the protective equipment isthe cdc. The point is that having the protective equipment is simply not enough. Of the cdc. The point is that having the protective equipment is simply not enough. We know groups that doctors beyond borders have been successfully treating patients. We also know that in the past, when there were have been previously epidemics, able to be suppressed and western physicians werent having trouble. So the training can occur. I really think that we should be focusing the training on a smaller number of hospitals. The idea exactly. That brings me to my next question, because we are looking at texas now, where another patient has got opinion the disease, whereas at emery, and innebraska, where they have these biocontainment unit, which are quite owe will be a borat. Yes. That at least until now, nobody has become sick. So, should we have patients, if we have more and the cdc warned today we might, should they be transferred to the biocontainment units . Initially, thats probably the appropriate response. I would say that we need to have more Regional Centers designated places, medical centers, maybe associated with the universities, where people have extensive experience with Infectious Diseases and we should focus on training those people at a very high level. It is not good enough to train people in all the hospitals all over the country, you know, 75 of the way there. We have to have people who are 100 trained because using the equipment is not always that simple. Okay. One of the doctors here at fox is calling for the head of the cdc to possibly step down. Would you agree with that . And number two do you believe the cdc is telling the American People the whole story . I think they are generally telling the whole story. I dont call for the head of the cdc to stop down. One of the things we have to reck nirkz the cdc, in fact, doesnt really have coercive power over telling people, hospital what is they have to do, right . Each we have state authorities, we have local authorities, we dont really have a federal authority that tells people what we need to do in a health crisis. So, i think they are have been missteps. Theres been missteps both at the local level and at the level of the cdc, but i dont think that its very difficult, you no he . I really we have to feel for this hospital worker, you know, who is trying her best. Of course. You know, being but theres human error and we are learning in the process. The most important point is we have to learn from our mistakes. We are gonna make mistakes, we have to learn from them. Especially dealing with a deadly disease like ebola . Absolutely. Dr. David sanders, thank you for your time and expertise. The World Health Organization describing the Ebola Outbreak as the most severe acute Health Emergency in modern times. West africa at the center of it all with four countries reporting cases. Liberia seeing the highest number of case and the most deaths. As the crisis trickles to the other couldnt nents, the w. H. O. Says fear is disrupting economies and societies around the world but adds the virus can be stopped. We are living in a highly connected world with movement of people between countries and not come as a surprise that some countries may have one or two imported cases and we are seeing now in the u. S. , but in countries that have good health system, we do not expect to see, you know, the kind of situation as we are seeing in guinea, liberia or sierra leone. Director general Margaret Chan that you just heard says fear has spread around the globe much fast they were the virus actually itself. Moving on to politics now, a growing number of top strategists, including democrats, now saying that president obama needs to give his administration a fresh set of eyes. And that means shake up his staff. President obamas former defense secretary, leon panetta, is among those saying that that would be a good idea. Listen to him explain why. I always think its a good idea to bring new life into the white house. The problem with the white house is, as you mentioned, is isolation. You isolate the president from a broad range of views. Karl is a former White House Deputy chief of staff under president george w. Bush and a fox news contributor. Karl, we go. From the isolation discussion about ebola to the isolation discussion of the president sitting in the oval office. Is it time for a shakeup . Well, i think its been time for a shakeup for some while. Look, theres specific criticisms of the president S National Security staff. Some of which is probably justified. Are they strong enough, are they thinking ahead, are they looking over the corner of the globe rather than just sort of focuses on the here and now . Theres also been criticism of the president for not having politically savvy staff, which i frankly disagree w i think the problem is too much politics. This is a white house staff that seems overly concerned with the latest poll, latest focus group. As a result is not willing to go into the president and say, mr. President , with all due respect, youre not looking so good, we need to do something different. Some analysts have said that when David Plouffe and David Axelrod left, that they were the guys that could speak frankly to the president and when they were gone that meant that nobody else, you know, everyone just turned into a yes person. The question, were they able to speak to the president candidly about the politics of his actions or were they able to speak candidly to him about the policies in which he was involved in . I think theres an important distinction. Yes, you do need to have somebody on the white house staff who can say, mr. President , politically, this is a bad maneuver. More importantly, you need to have people who say to the president , mr. President this is the wrong policy for america. The problem i think with this president , think about it, who is the most highly visible, most well known person on the white house staff, valerie jarrett, whose policy expertise is nearly nonexistent. I think this president is isolated, surrounded by people who are sort of alluded to by secretary panetta, basically sick copayments. Chief of Dennis Mcdonough, a lot of people thought he would be sort of the guy who would put the bridge together between capitol hill and the white house again, but it really hasnt happened. So, somebody like that Dennis Mcdonough go . Dennis mcdonough is a longtime hill aide, knows how to make it work. This goes to the heart of the problem. The problem is not necessarily only the president s staff, it may be primarily the president. The president has tonight person who is reaching out to capitol hill. It has to be the president who says, well, we are going to have ten members of the house and senate over tonight and gonna smoke cigars on the truman balcony and have a Little Dinner Party and invite 20 couples from capitol hill and take them upstairs and show them the lincoln bedroom and let them get pictures sitting on the bed that Queen Elizabeth you may laugh, but this is really, really important to developing im agreeing with you. Im thinking none of this has happened. If the president doesnt have a relationship with people in his own party, let alone republicans whom he is, you know, at certain points declared are unamerican and, you know, saying all kinds of ugly things about you can change mcdonough, unless the president changes behavior, its not gonna matter much. Mcdonough is a relative newcomer to the white house. Evidence he has not been able to bring about the change to the president s behavior. Karl rove, great analysis. Thank you, sir. Time now for my take. Changes can often at times be hard, especially change with people closest to us, whether they be advisers shall staffers or friends. When somebody suspect cutting it at their job, its easier to let them go if you dont really know them that well, right . So, president obama making any changes within his administration wont necessarily be easy, but probably necessary. Its never good to surround yourself with only yes people, people who tell you only what they think you want to hear, especially when youre running the free world. So, even though im not a politician, i do cover this stuff on a daily basis and to me exit seems any changes the president may end up making wont really change much of anything at all unless he decides to change his inner, inner circle, the people who right now have his ear, seemingly a lot, and maybe too much. Coming up on the real story, the head of the cdc saying that the First American to contract ebola on u. S. Soil got it from a clear breach in protocol. Really . How authorities tracking down the diseases path and figure out try to figure out what went wrong. And talk about immersing yourself in your work, a couple of professors taking their studies underwater almost three months and we are going to talk to them in their underwater lab live, under the sea. Love the real scratch made taste of warm nestle toll house cookies . Well with new nestle toll house frozen cookie dough, you can bake as few or as many as you please. Whenever your sweet tooth comes calling, theyre frozen and ready to bake. Find them in the frozen aisle. Bake some loveā„¢. A hi. Ty . Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . My nutritional standards are high. Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. Twist my lid thats three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. And zero fat hmmmm. You bring a lot to the party yay new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. In delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit. Welcome back to the real story now. We are awaiting a News Conference just announced. This is going to come out of nebraska any moment now, where the nursing director at one of the hospitals treating a u. S. Ebola patient is about to speak out about the conditions that nurses face while caring for patients diagnosed with the virus. This comes as some in the Health Industry accuse the director of the cdc of playing blame game when he said a protocol breach resulted in a dallas nurses infection. Tom freiden has since apologized but critics say most u. S. Hospitals do not seem prepared to deal with the deadly virus. Dr. Nina radcliffe is a practicing physician and anesthesiologist and she is my guest. So, i guess he did the right turn of events where he came back out, the cdc head, and said that he apologized for making seem as if he was blaming the nurse when, in fact, she was almost risk her life to take care of this patient, was she not . Absolutely. In this sense, Health Care Professionals are on the front line, especially the nurses. We need to make sure there is no blame in. This i want to point out that the term breach is something used in public health. It is not a blame term but it is something that sounds as if its a blame term. So, as far as educating our medical people across the country, do you think enough is going on to make sure that they are asking all the right questions . Well, wither doing what we have universal precautions, everybody has to understand universal precautions to be able to prevent contamination with bodily fluids. We do yearly training for this. But with ebola, with the amount of fear, we need to take it up a notch. We need to continue it. And if the nurses are saying, hey with we need more help, i think it is our call and our answer to do it i know some of the hospitals, at least around the new york city area, they were sort of doing dry runs, sending in actors to give sort of the signs and symptoms of ebola and see if they got asked the right questions. Do you think that any hospital anywhere across the United States is prepared for such a patient to walk in . I think we need to be prepared. If we werent prepared, we need to get there we saw what happened in texas. If we are not prepared, we are going to have a problem at hand. Think all hands on deck, especially the emergency personnel, the ones who come in First Contact with them. Needs to be ebola until proven otherwise august travel history combined with having a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, the headache, need to have an abundance of caution, how we are going to stop this in its tracks. So, what should each specific hospital do . I mean, you work at a hospital, you are an anesthesiologist, what should each hospital do to make sure that the right training is happening . Well, we first, of all, have to educate. This isnt something that they need to learn from hearing on the news. We need to actually have meetings, conferences, training specifically for that. What are the signs . What are the symptoms, especially when combined with the travel history . And if it is the case, it has to be an abundance of precaution. We need to isolate this patient. We need to contact the centers for disease control, both at the federal level as well as the state level. We need to get all hands on deck. We need to make sure we stop that. Okay, dr. Nina radcliffe, thank you very much for your thoughts. This News Conference is going to happen about ten minutes from now. We will show it to you live, it is going to be coming out of that Nebraska Center currently treat egg an ebola patient and the head of the nursing staff there will be giving us details. Dont no he exactly what its going to be b we will bring it to you live. Meantime, sounds like a great idea a camera to monitor what happens when your pricey car gets driven off by a valet, but now, some states say that cool feature breaks the law. We will explain. And nope, thats not a shark. Its doggy dressed up for halloween, so that brings us to our question of the day, do you dress up your pet for halloween . We want your pictures. If you do, tweet me at, gretchen carlson, use the the real story and we may feature your pet, coming up at the end of the show. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. And even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Welcome. Backed to real story. Gm tweaking the nanny cam feature in its corvettes. The system acts as a baby monitor, switching on the camera and microphone when the car is put into valet mode and recording video, audio and even driving data, but theres a bit of a glitch because it turns out the technology could break the law in 11 states that you see on your screen, where they require twoparty consent before any recording happens. Joining me from our sister network, Fox Business Networks charles pain, host of making money with charles pain. All right. So you buy this new vet, right, you think this is such a cool little system. I can catch somebody if they are going to do something to my car, i send it out to be parked. No, it might not work in 11 states. Well it is a cool system, right, cause its happened to me. Someone driving my car at one point, a garage i was parking it in wall street, i love the idea. Youre right. Here is crazy thing. The nanny cams you buy at home, stuffed animals, legal in 50 states but the audio parts not in 13 states. So, someone at gm might have found this but then again, we are talking about a company, if its monday, theres a gm recall, right . So, what are they going to do to be able to rectify this for people who bought the corvette . I think getting rid of the audio part, the ability to do audio recordings and they may even be able to do it state by state, although someone buys a car and drives to one of the states its not legal, so there is something of a bind, pro belie have to go without the audio part right now. The cameras pretty good. The driving data is pretty good, although we have got some serious issues coming up, because the ability of what cars can do right now and over the next couple of years are mind boggling things that will inflynn edge on somebodys rights. Okay. So the problem with this device in the corvette is not the camera and not the fact that it locks the Entertainment System and some of your other compartments in the car, the microphone aspect of it. The nanny cam itself, stuffed toys and all this stuff, legal in every single state, the audio, considered wiretapping in some states so they are saying its illegal. Some states got to get court consent. Interesting, can you cosign this before you steal anything out of my car and take it for a joyride, maybe may say know, a little tough. Did say if you do get concept, they can you can still use it . Sure. Sure. Hey, you go to a parking garage, five people there one guy says i will sign it his buddy drives it, a tough thing. I love the idea but kind of weird, wasnt gm, say, golly, how de did they miss it . A great idea how far they have coming. The vets, sweet rides . Would you look great in anything. Come on. I couldnt even fit in some of these things that is the problem with me. Would you look great in it. For me, like a skate, a roller skate. But they are beautiful cars. Look at the interior. Im going to take that thing, nanny cam or not. Charles, thanks so much. See you on your show. Absolutely. Later. Thanks. Dont miss Charles Payne on fox business network. If youre not sure where to find it in your area, logon to fox business. Com channel finder. Coming up to than show, president obama set to get briefed in about 30 minutes on the u. S. Response to ebola after a nurse contracts a deadly virus while treating a patient who has since died in texas and other Health Workers who treated that ebola patient in dallas now said to be at risk and under cop stand surveillance. Plus, does anybody like clowns . Some folks dressed up as creepy clowns are putting one neighborhood on edge. What exactly they are doing and where. We have had reports also of these clowns associated or carrying machetes, baseball bats, those types of things depends on the circumstances, it can be frightening. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Fox news alert right now, because brand new developments on the Ebola Outbreak and we are live at the white house as the president gets ready nor an update now on the administrations response and the preparedness of our nations hospitals. This after a nurse in texas became the first person to contract the killer virus in the United States. Chief white house correspondent, ed henry, live with this part of the story. So ed, is the administration scrambling to react to this latest ebola case . Well, gretchen in some ways, they are, remember, it was only a few weeks ago, the president was down in atlanta at the cdc headquarters and publicly said its highly unlikely there be any ebola cases in the United States. Theres obviously now been at least two that we are aware of and so credibility is on the line for the administration. The president yesterday did a call with his hhs secretary, silvia burr well, in the oval office to get an update on the situation with the nurse you mentioned. Now we are told the next few minutes, the president , top of the hour, going to be getting another briefing here on columbus day. Media will be let in briefly to get some pictures of that. Clearly, the administration trying to put these pictures out there to show the president ease on top of it, as they say it is unlikely we will have an outbreak, as you know, still a lot of scepticism, gretchen. Awaiting a News Conference coming out of that biocontainment center in nebraska and bring that to you when it happens. All right, ed, moving on to isis, sounds like the nations top general is keeping the door open to american Ground Troops . What do you know about that . Interesting. General martin dempsey, you remember, testified to that effect in Senate Testimony a few weeks ago. A lot of back and forth about that. In the last 24 hour, you have seen republican john mccain say the air strikes alone are not working and we may need Ground Troops and on abc this week, it was interesting, because general dempsey said when pressed on whether it would be more effective to have Ground Troops spotting, looking for areas inside syria, air strikes could be more effective, heres what he said. There will be circumstances when the answer to that question will likely be yes. But i havent encountered one right now. He is not advocating it, did you ben, still leaving the door open to u. S. Ground troops, something the president has been trying to close the door on and in fact, hiS National Security adviser susan rice, yesterday, said this air campaign is off to a strong start. They are still pushing a very rosie view, gretchen. Ed henry live at the white house. Thank you, sir. You know that music, right . It means we are just 22 days from the crucial midterm elections and with so many different races coming down to the wire, which party will ultimately win control of the senate . The experts. S differ to some degree so the New York Times gives republicans a 65 chance of taking the senate majority. That compared to a 57. 8 chance for nate silvers forecasting model at 538 politics. But the Washington Post election lab seems to be going allin on a gop takeover, giving republicans a whopping 94 chance. Joining me now, dan ber steep, president of gotham ghost writers and david avella, president of gopac. Dan, that last figure has to make democrats nervous. Think a lot of things are making democrats nervous, primarily the numbers president obamas Approval Rating a major dragging on the party, a number of these candidates running in purple or red states, really determine the outcome of this election. To some degree though, my reaction to all this is, a, whos surprised . The party out of power in the sixyear twoterm president tends to pick up seats, often a lot of seats and secondly, who cares . The balance of power, even with the Senate Taking control of the republicans taking control of the senate will not have a demonstrable effect on the stalemate in washington. Well, maybe youll feel better about this next poll im going to show, david might not. Washington post says this, chance democratic candidate will win in New Hampshire and north carolina. New hampshire, 99 chance. North carolina, 97 chance. So, that he is at flip side of it, david. It is the flip side. Let me say that Jody Aaronson and i gave 6 million reasons they should be excited, astounding, jaw dropping fundraising success, underscores two things. One shall the intense that republican candidates across the country are seeing, which are going to be very helpful to them. Two, particularly in iowa, alaska, louisiana, seeing double digit premium increases in their health care, that might not be happening all over the country, eat fects of obamacare are still happening and they will impact this election. We could look at that as being a deciding impact issue in those three state, all gonna determine senate majority. You smoke two of the state, im going to throw it back to dan, walks post where republicans are likely to win, arkansas, 93 , alaska, 92 , and louisiana, 90 . That is not good news for the incumbent down there i think a lot of these races are going to be a lot closer than this 90 certainty, many respects, such low turnout elections. Why . Because in the midterms historically, people vote less. I think particularly now the biggest vote is going to be for none of the above. More than twothirds of voters will stay home on this election day in large part because they dont like either party. Sol deg gray, hits on davids point where republicans have a slight edge, they are more motivated, negative energy, anger toward the president , thats going to give them a slight look at enthusiasm polls, the republicans are leading. No question, keep in mind, as baseball tills us, no runs are scored with runners just on base. You have to cross home plate. Yes, you do. That said, certainly, wither in a good position, with to have stay strong because harry reid is going to pull out every stop he can. If that means voter fraud, he will do it. If that means saying what ever he needs to, he will do it and in these next 22 days, republicans need to stay prepared. L i guess dap would say the same thing. In arkansas, very interesting test of president clintons enduring power there campaigning heavily for mark pryor and that race is very close. See how much he can help him get over the finish line. A couple weeks away, see who ends up being right. Dan, david, thank you. Time to check in with Shepard Smith live from the fox news deck. He is back. Hi, shep. Hi, gretchen. Word that the Islamic State terrorists are fighting even closer to the baghdad airport. You can see the airport here in our graphic, the abu ghraib prison. Not exactly sure exactly where this is happening but know its about 15 miles away from the capital. To show you how serious the situation, the military reports now it has ordered an apache helicopt helicopter, a series to hold isis back, riskier than sending in bombers, we know isis can shoot down helicopters. How effective were the air strikes really in protecting the airport . And what would happen if isis took chrome of this main gateway for u. S. Troops and supplies . Thats top of the hour on Shepard Smith reporting. We will see you then. Thanks a lot, shep. His belongings were burned by texas officials to stop the potential spread of ebola. And they planned to send the ashes to a landfill in louisiana. But hold on. That states attorney general says no in my backyard. So, does he have a case . We will ask a former prosecutor. And two nascar drivers going at it at a race this weekend. The dramatic video and who was involved, coming up next. And take a look at this. The viral mugshot of our new England Patriots fan who tattooed his skull to look like tom bradys helmet. All right. But i bet he cant throw like brady. cot q. . ni. Fa. Fat lpco. Time to check out what americas clicking on today. Police in bakersfield, california, responding to calls about some creepy clown sightings. They say someone is direction up in the scary outfit and terrorizing people in the neighborhood. A huge brawl breaking out at nascar race over the weekend. Brad keselowski and matt kenseth going at it after crossing the finish line at the charlotte motor speedway. The drivers blaming each other for starting the fight. All right. Check out this mugshot from florida, going viral. Shows a 46yearold suspect from st. Petersburg who was arrested for possession of synthetic marijuana showing off a skull tattoo resembling the helmet of new England Patriots quarterback, tom brady. Back to ebola now. The attorney general of louisiana now trying to stop the ashes of an ebola victims belongings from being brought to a landfill in his state. The ashes include the insip rated remains of several items like linen and bedding taken from the apartment of thomas eric duncan, who died from the virus last week. In a statement, Louisiana Attorney general Buddy Caldwell says, there are too many unknowns at this point and it is absurd to transport potentially hazardous ebola waste across state lines. This situation situation is certainly unprecedented and we want to approach it with the utmost caution. We just cant afford to take any risks when it comes to this deadly virus. Doug burns is a former federal prosecutor around he is my guest right now. Does the attorney general in louisiana have a case . He is going tore a temporary restraining order which in simple english is an injunction, we wants to block the waste from being moved. What he has to show legally is that there will be irreparable harm if the waste is moved and likely to win ultimately in court. Now to answer your question, its a medical question, way more than its a legal question. In other words, youre going to need experts to say, like, for example, gretchen, the cdc said, wait a minute, incinerated waste is not normally, notice the word normally, a means for necessarily transmitting this. It comes from blood, urine, bodily fluids. However, i dont blame the attorney general at all. And i endorse what he is doing for the simple reason that we have all seen that he is there a been unpreparedness. Mistakes made, he basically is stepping forward and saying i dont want another mistake made. I think the court will grant a temporary restraining order pending a more formal hearing. So, we are assuming that this waste is sitting somewhere in texas right now. Yeah, a very good point right now. And you think that theres some sort of agreement or contract that texas can dispose its waste in louisiana . I was talking to my colleague friends, they have interstate agreements were states transmit garbage and waste to other states that have landfill. Very common to break this down into simple english. Assume texas has an agreement with louisiana, that agreement says louisiana can take the position that particular waste is hazardous, medically hazardous and thats whats going on here. Now, we dont know for sure, but because there are so many question marks, again, the attorney general may have a good point here, but what about if they bury this stuff, even if it is incinerated ready in a landfill, cant it get into the water supply . A fantastic point. Again, im not an environmental expert, a scientist or a physician, im a lawyer. But the reality is those are precisely the type of concerns that everybody has. The other thing thats interesting is that the material has to be proper insip rated, lets assume for the sake of argument some has been incinerated but a portion wasnt properly insip rated and that poses a threat. So as you pointed out, gretchen a lot of unanswered questions, i think a judge is going to be inclined to grant it now it wont only be the incinerated remains of duncans stuff, cause now, we have other ebola patients. Exactly. So, exactly, not to be a broken record, so many unknowns, so many situations that, for example, hospitals, medical workers, airport workers, they dont know what to do, how to react. So, heres yet another example. The attorney general saying, wait a minute, i dont want on my watch this material coming into our state and then god knorr bid theres a massive problem. So, thats where he is coming from it makes sense. Doug burns. Thanks for trying to break it all down for us. My pleasure. The fox news alert right now because we are monitoring that press conference that we have been telling you about it is now under way at the nebraska medical center. You can see on your screen. U. S. Journalist infected with ebola undergoing treatment there the head of that hospitals nursing and biocontainment unit now speaking out about the conditions that nurses face while treating patients diagnosed with the virus. We will update you with any headline coming out of there, as you recall, because its a biocontainment unit, its different. It operates differently all around than the hospital in texas does, specifically because it is a biocontainment unit and we had the physician who was treating that patient on our show last week and he told us about all the different protocol that they go through, even with regard to getting rid of waste, which i was just discussing with doug burns is totally different at this particular hospital. So, at right now, she is having a press conference, in light of the fact that a nurse has contracted ebola in dallas at that facility. We will bring you any pertinent news that comes to you the of this when it becomes available. Coming up on the show, a prankster tries to ruin dinner for patrons seat old. A restaurants patio. Two professors. Planning to take higher learning, you could say to new depths. Join us to explain how and why they are going to live underwith a you are for more than two months there they are. And guess what, im going to speak to them live while they are underwater. Right back. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to the real story. Police in new york city releasing Surveillance Video of a man who threw a smoke grenade into a crowded restaurant. Watch as he crawls out from inside a subway great and tosses it toward this diapers before quickly disappearing. What a nut. This happening at a popular spot in the west village neighborhood friday night. A waiter able to grab the smoke bomb and quickly throw it out to the sidewalk, luckily nobody hurt. So, two professors are set to dive into a world record attempt. They will spend 73 days in the ocean in hopes of breaking the record for underwater habitationment but awaying a page in hit isnt the only thing driving these two. Joining me now, underwater, jessica fain and Bruce Cantrell at rowen state community college. Professors, great to have you, and speck if you you live while youre under the sea. Hi, gretchen. Thank you for having us. So, explain to me why you want to live under there for so many days . Well, the main mission is an educational mission, where our big goal is to reach out, settle for what trying to rekindle the spark in science and technology, particularly marine science and what better place to do it than a live broadcast from one of the neatest places on the planet. Jess car i know youre going to be conducting classes for the next 73 days. How will students be able to see this . Can anyone watch . Yes. Our live broadcast is free to anybody. Dont have to have any logon, just go to log on at 1 00, and you can watch it live. If cant watch it at 1 00, you can watch the archive individualey. The two of you are expert scuba diverrers. Explain the living quarters down there. Give me a tour. Well, the total is 600 square feet. Theres 300 square feet in the middle, which is the wet room. Not habitable space, where the shower is, where you enter and leave your gear. If you can imagine that square on each side of it theres a tube, literally, eight feet wide and 20 feet long. Were sitting in one of those now, which is one end of the common area directly down from us. A small galley with a little refrigerator and microwave. We cross the wet room into the other tube, its cut in half so we have two eightbyten bedrooms. Sounds like a new york city apartment. Maybe a little a little bigger. I want to show this picture of you guys ordering pizza and having it delivered. Thats not the regular pizza guy bringing it down to you, is it . No. The regular pizza guy brings it topside and then they put it in dry boxes and swim it down to us. Are. So what else have you ordered so far besides pizza . We have a couple of sponsors who are giving us food a couple times a week, which has been great. And then our topside support goes out and gets food and brings it back. We have a chef coming down once a week to bring a gourmet meal. So we have had at bit of everything. One of the perks for living underwater for 73 days. So the two of you are not coming up until december 15th. I hope you inspire so many young people across the country to think about science and technology as something they might be interested in, and i really appreciate you speaking to me live today. Its been fascinating, jessica and bruce, all the best. Thank you, gretchen. Thank you. Thats coolisnt it . Id like to watch one those of classes. I think im going to, coming up. Time to go live now to the white house where the president is minutes away from a scheduled update on the response to the ebola case in the United States. Plus, how did this happen . And the connection it all has to me . Details on the grilled owls next. Dont worry, its okay. vo rush hour around here starts at 6 30 a. M. On the nose. But for me, it starts with the opening bell. And the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. announcer at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. Thats why weve built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. Want to change the world . Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. Think up new ways to produce energy. Be an engineer. Solve problems the world needs solved. What are you waiting for . Changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring americas future engineers. Energy lives here. I was mystified about the next story. What does it have to me . A bizarre site near my home town an owl stuck in a car grille. Man hit the owl as it swoop ode down to catch his prey. He tried to free him but the guy bit him. He called the police. They covered the owl with a towel and pulled him free. The leaves are changing. Halloween is coming. People getting their costumes ready. Some of you like to dress up your pets, this is amys albino pekingese, scooter. Paulas dog barry in the spirit, and margie is glad it coincides with football season. Heres a look at her steelers dog. Thank you for writing and being part of the realnb store. Im gretchen and heres shep. As u. S. Forces hit islamic militants from the skies, questions about where turkey stands in this fight. Will the turks actually let our military use their bases . Well take you live to the syriaturkey border for a look at what is happening on the ground. The risks and arrest of ebola after a Healthcare Worker comes down with the disease in dallas. Officials say theyre monitoring dozens more people who may have had contact with that staffer. Burt the head of the cdc insisting the worker got sick because of a breach in safety procedures. Another bounce house disaster. A gust of wind sending an inflatable ride over a fence with two young boys inside. Lets get to it

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