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United Airlines Taking a Public Relations beating over dragging a man off a plane. Tonight theres new information about this stunning case. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Im bill oreilly. Crimes against humanity. That is the subject of this talking points memo. It falls to america. To us to stop war crimes atrocities. Other country will not do that. Including china and russia. Its left to we the people and our elected representatives to decide who were going to save to gutwrenching decision. Millions of people have been murdereder all over the world. President trump missile attack on syria sent a new message to the world that the u. S. A. Is going to hold war criminals accountable. The previous president , barackle obama, would not do that. Instead using negotiations which failed. Weve eliminated syria declare chemical weapons program. Those are the result of diplomacy. Sustainedd diplomatic efforts no matter how frustrating or difficult they sometime appear will be required in the middle east. From yemen to syria to israel and palestinian. Bill syria did not eliminate itss chemical weapons program. Casting grave doubt whether iran will obey what obama made. Assad is a war criminal. He is. There are many other countries around the world in the same awful category. According to human right watch. North korea dictator allows Human Rights Violations including murder, rape, forced abortion on and on. Roughly 18 millionn people in north korea do not get enough food accordingng to unite u. N. Thatson not enough to attack te country. There is some sense responsibilities on thes part of a north Korean People themselves. Sometimes you have to fight for your life and right. United statesht cannot declare n north korea despite the atrocities. If the dictator continues to violate International Weapons laws, targeted military action can be taken with justification. Theres isis. Which j routinely rapes and kidnaps women, sells them to slavery, slaughtersnt christians and kills. Isis under attack by a coalition of nations headed by us. Theres no excuse for not wiping isis off the face of the earth. Lesser group boko hiram kills children, reuters now reporting that group may have murdered 15,000 people over the years. Its a muslim extremist group. It uses female and child suicide bombers, at least 44 children were killed in suicide attacks in 2015 alone. The world has not yet united against boko hiram. You can see that President Trump the leader of the free world, has his hands full. Eight years president obama expressed crimes against humanities. But theim problem is getting worse. Worldwide. Now its up to President Trump to see if he can control it. Thats a memo. Now top story. Join us from washington is peters. Am i making my administrations here . Youre on the right frac, bill track. Washington pundits sat up a false choice between pragmaticia politic and humanitarianism. Its not a clear cut. Were facing any individual talent have to find the right balance. We cannot be the worlds policeman. We have to be the world referee. Calling the fouls and imposing penalties when necessary. Nobody else can do it. Bill nobody else will do it. China can do it. Russia can do it. They have enough mil military mt to deal with war criminals like assad. They wont. They are the war criminals. You have to follow a couple of basic rules. One come conflict at a time. Im for concentrating on the issues of weapons of mass destruction syria. See where that goes. If we can make examples of assad, if there are penalties that reverbuates the other tyrants. Bill im not sewer about im not sureia about that. It looks to me that, i think the pentagon believes that too. General mattis had a press conference today. Were moving military asset into the north korean peninsula. It looks like this un, the leader, he maybe sane. Im not saying that with any hyperbole. He might be crazy enough to ignite a war. What happens . We shall see. Whether or not kim jon his generals will not tell it. Bill thats insane. He cants think he can stand up against the United States. There was a very little notice thing pip noticed it. Im proud that i noticed it. China sent back some north korea ships loaded with coal. China said were not going to buy this coal from you. Get out of here. Thats an important step if china initiates an economic embargo against north korea. There arent going to have any food when people starving, theyll turn againstar the military. Thats how it happens. Lets take boko hiram. Theres in tv cameras where these guys are. Why hasnt nato, western powers, united and gon into nigeria in aa multitask force to destroy this group that are killing so many children . Because theyre black. Lighterse the skin the more apte are to engage bill you think its a racial thing beyond that though, there are real problems. Nigeria has spent money on Foreign Forces except it was all stolen. Nigeria is most populace country in africa. Theyrey not doing their part. Bill granted. Its a war crime situation where children are being brutalized by this crew. They can knock this crew out quickly. Y. Yety, they dont. We have to divide these kind of conflicts. These war crime conflicts. Big one, the one u. S. Has to take the principle roles with allies behind it. Such as in syria. Isis were doing it right. Were not doing most of the fighting. Were having the locals on the ground do the slaughter house fighting. Were providing support, air power, artillery. Thats the smart way to do it. I think the way were acting now in iraq is syria is immoral. Make the locals shed the blood. Bill youre in supportive of thehe trump doctrine with the wy its going now. Its a world full of horror. We have to do it all the United States almost has to do all. I understand your frustration. We cannot dost it all. We have to be selective. We have to do it smart. Today when i listened to the press conference with secretary of defense jim mattis, he was inspiring, they were calm and confident men. I think we got a lot of damage to undo from the obama years. I think we can do it. Bill thank you very much. Next on the run down, how the antitrump press is treating the commander in chief now hee used u. S. Military power. Later united Airlines Taking a pounding on the force of Airline Passenger who had a valid tick. Lawsuits will be flying here. Bill how the antitrump media is analyzing the Syrian Military action. Join uss from miami is bernie goldberg. I havent seen anything. We used a clip last night where refugee in syria was talking about how he loves trump. On one of the 1 antitrump network. They played down the line reported whatt happened without snarkiness. Even more than that. Even donald trump usual critics got air time. What its worth, i support what he did in syria. Its important, i think to point out that if you question what he did and if you point out the inconsistencies of what he did, that is not trump bashing despite what his fans this. Thats called legitimate journalism. Bill its hard to criticize a president , wherever the president maybe, if theyre trying to stop babies from being gassed. Thats a pretty tough we had the libertarians on its impossible. Bill libertarians, their philosophy is, we dont intervene anywhere. Theyve been with us since 76. The other question though, if you going to criticize a president for what he said when he was a private citizen, thats not a valid criticism. Things change when youre the commander in chief. Its a lot easier to say this is my opinion. Then when youre in a position and elected position where you have all kinds of intel and all kinds of things that you dont have as a private citizen, things change. Not buying it. Let me tray to convince you. I wont. The difference between citizen trump and President Trump was enormous. In 2013 when Bashar Alassad launched a first major poison gas attack on his own people, donald trump was repeatedly against any action against syria. Thats when barack obama was president. What changed . It was a crime against humanity in 2013. It was a crime against humanity a week or so ago. Bill let me reply to that analysis. From my reading of the tweets, youre basing that on your tweet stuff . Yes. Bill its a tweet thing. Its not paper. Central point, we messed up iraq. We shouldnt have gotten in there. Sadaam was a war criminal. We removed him. That was the essential philosophy here toward his view of syria. But now what changed . Bill heres what changed. Now he has power to save the baby. Come on bill. Bill you think deeper aboutt it. When you have the power to stop an atrocity as opposed when you dont. Let me make clear. I am glad he was moved by those images and did what he did. I am thrilled that he did what he did. Heres legitimate commentary also. , not trump bashing. This is an impulsive man. Thats why he tweet the way he does. Thats why he responds to criticism the way he does. Now hes president. Not citizen trump. He watches television and he sees images, he wants to do something about it. Im thrilled he did. But acting impulsively is not a substitute for well thought out Foreign Policy. You done know what that Foreign Policy b here. Bill iit think youre bit unfair. It is clear donald trump coniferred with military people. They weighed in with their opinion that we can do x and y and this is likely to happen if we do. Thats i not impulse. Thats policy. Bill. Hes sitting at home with his twitter account in 2013 wait a second, in 2013, he sees this horrible crime against humanity. Poison gas against civilians. Bill got that. Instead of saying to barack obama you need to stop it, he doesnt do that. Fine with me. When hes president , he feels he needs to stop it. Come on bill. Bill you got a personal responsibility to stop it. Theres no law he has to be consistent. Theres no law that said he cant change his mind. It is night and day between the old donald trump and the new donald trump. Not much change in between. Bill the criticism i dont think its valid from a private citizen to a commander in chief. When youre p a person who can stop war crimes, you can do it. You can stop it. Whole different ball game than somebody when youre a privacy citizen, you can recommend that the person who does have power stop it. He didnt do that. Bill bernie goldberg. Horrifying story in idaho involving child refugees attacking a 5yearold girl. This is very disturbing. Why Airline Travel so difficult in this very rich country . Bill very disturbing story viewer warning. You might notst want to see this in in utah two refugee boys an african country andro one boy fm iraq have been charged with sexual assaulting 5yearold in twin falls. The boys ages 14, 10 and 7. Pleading guilty. They had been inn the u. S. A. For less than two years. It was kept secret by the court. This is obviously very troubling. It does not have anything to do with the general policy of resettling refugees in this country. Anyonege condemning an entire group because of a crime committed by children is being desperately unfair. The story made huge headlines in utah. Its not been covered nationally of that very reason. The press wanting to protect the refugee community. Joining us now is juan williams. I set this up fairly. We understand this can be used as a battering ram against the entire refugee population in america. That would be horribly wrong. The question then becomes, can you report the story on a national basis. Which has not been reported. Inas a responsible way . I think its clear to everybody its disturbing. The question becomes then, once you move beyond the local news value as you say, the folks out in idaho played this big. Then it becomes a matter of news value. To me if i was the editor of a big newspaper, National Newspaper, would n i think that illustrates something larger that would speak the people all over the country . As you said, it is unfair and wrong to suggest that the academics actions of these or action of folks in maryland where that rape occurred, somehow tell us something about the larger refugee issue. Bill would you cover it . I would cover it if it was in my community. Bill would you cover it lisa . Yes, i would cover it. I think theres broader conversations about both immigration and refugees in the country. More broadly. I think the media tends to side with the left on issues of immigration and refugee population. Just look at the way that theyve covered the Trump Administration. You look at just with the roundups or the deportations that President Trump enforced. All the stories, the headlines breaking up of families. Where were the headlines under president obama. Look at the issue of refugees as well. Look at the headlines of these sensationalizing what President Trump looking to do. Were talking about three or four months from countries that are either safe bill all three of know theres a political component. How do you cover the story if youre an editor of a National Newspaper or Cable News Program that goes everywhere . How do you cover the story . I think local stories that have a broader National Bill whats the angle. You got to give me an angle. They dong cover it all the time. I think the angle is weve been talking a lot as a country in the president has been focused or heightened focus on some of these issues. Thats the focus. Its talking about refugee population. Weree looking across bill its got to be sharply focused story. Juan wouldnt cover it. I will tell how i would cover it if i was a national editor. The i story i want to know these things. Supervision of these children accused im with you. Thatsha legit. Judge that bill thats a national story. Here will have these refugees. Theyre here less than two years. Whos supervising them. Where are they living . Why did they do this . What is the reaction from the people in charge of them. Leave the victim alone. The idaho judge and courts did a magnificent job protecting this little girl. Supervision of these children from cultures way away from our culture, what ises happening to them . Were they in this position to abuse this little girl . Thatss a big story, juan. These are valid stories. Im all with you up to this point. The reality is that the courts are also protecting the identities of the people. Bill they should. Of both the victim and the perpertrators of the crime. Theyre so under age. In youre asking me, i would say, bill oreilly got it bill i gave a legitimate angle. When you just heard from lisa, lisa politicized it and went immediately to President Trump. I dont think thats the issue here. I disagree with both of you. I think there are clearly issues with individuals coming to this country and other western countries that treat women very differently. Were seeing sexual assaults happen across the world with refugee population. Norway teaching refugees not to rape women. If you have individuals coming from countries that have issues with the treatment of women. Thatss is a legitimate story. These are children. It doesntn matter. Remember that situation in germany where you had the man bill the aspect of the story is valid. Even though they are children. Thats why i want to know whos supervising them. They have attackers of a 5yearold. Bill got to go. The factor, well update on the susan rice investigation which has been quiet. United airline craziness. Law and order team has been investigating. Hope to stay tune for those reports. A win for republicans in kansas. Republican winning the open senate seat. Special election was held to fill the seat vacated by senator mike pompeo who stepped down. Republicans have controlled both senate seats since the 1930s. Tensions rising tonight between u. S. And north korea. State media responding with a threat of a Nuclear Strike if provoked. The warning comes after the u. S. Redirected a Navy Strike Group including Aircraft Carrier toward the korean peninsula. President trump telling this morning on twitter the president issued a challenge to china about north korea. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is now in moscow. This is first visit to the nation since taking his post in the first by a cabinet member in the Trump Administration to visit russia. Tillerson is expected to urge Vladimir Putin to drop support for Bashar Alassad. Now back to the oreilly factor. Bill what is status of the susan rice investigation . Last week headlines made by the former National Security advisor to president obama when it was discovered she was involved in n. S. A. Wiretaps surveillance. She looked at the dispatches and unmasked some of the americans involved. Which is not usually done. Malia zimmerman and adam housley have been working the i story. They joinn us now from los angeles. Housley, where does the investigation as far as congress is concerned, stand right now . Members of the Intelligence Committee say the investigation is expanding now. Theysa looking into allegations where other americans, including politicians unmasked and have their information collected. Similar what they did with the trump team. Theyre not going ton record. They have easter break. Meantime, weveo been told the senate is looking at doing the same thing. They both tell me, members of both committees that the information they continue to requestt from intelligence agencies now for over a month has been very little given. The fbi has been very difficult. Were told they want to know aboutt the unmasking, how frequent was it. Who was doing it. Basically one said to me, theyll havee to turn everything over. This investigation is full blown. Bill do we know if the fbi comey was dancing around it when he was asked about it. Are they actively investigating the unmasking of americans caught on taps . Theres a big question about the fbis role in this. Theres concern in the house about just generally how the fbi is handling the case. We spoke with some members of the house Intelligence Committee and they are frustrated with the fbi. Not sure how much active role in terms of what the fbi is investigating. Bill do you know if the fbi is involved . Are they investigating it . Im told its a web. There a are multiple agencies involved. They have to go through the fbi. You have fisa to reverse targeting. Theres fbi element here. The fbi, and n. S. A. Bill the n. S. A. Will be the agency that turn over the logs to the senate and house Intelligence Committees. They are the ones that did the tapping. They are the ones that allegedly, susan rice and others asked to see what they had come up with. Then asked for americans to be unmasked. Ic isd. It the n. S. A. Thats not cooperating with the congressional committees . Its actually both. The n. S. A. And the fbi. We were told the fbi is much terms oficult in getting information. James comey has come back to the hill to be interviewed. Hes the fbi director. Hundreds questions they supposed to have answered havent been answered in the fbi said were preparing the information. We want to make sure its accurate. Its been four weeks. Bill explain the hundred questions. What are the hundred question. Who wrote the questions and where did they go . Sure, during the hope house hearing around march, third week. They had an open hearing on capitol hill. It was in the house Intelligence Committee and the house members asked james comey as well as rogers the n. S. A. Director, a hundred questions they did not answer. They couldnt answer it. They were supposed to go into closed session and actually answer these questions in private. Not if front of the media and the public. But that was never done. James comey has not come back to the hill. The hundred questions havent been answered. Bill youil would think adding to malia, we had people in both party questions the fbi actions here. The other agencies only getting little bits. Bill you got to y get the attorney general involved, jeff sessions. Hes comeys boss. We dont know folks dont know much about this. This is why im doing this segment. Big deal last week, lot of partisan stuff. Then boom, we dont know anything. If your investigation, adam, where are you . What are you looking at the . Remember, when this came out, you had the syria air strikes. Which took over the news cycle. Everything now made political. In our case, with our story, the idea is to get it right. Thats been our goal on this. Ive been doing this for 15 years. Our investigation to go through and get the information that we canet get. This is delicate information. Sensitive information. Lot of it is classified. Which were not allowed to see. These are individuals that have nothing to gain or everything to lose. Our number one priority is to get it right. Bill what pathet are you on . We have the exact same questions the committee have. What is being done here . Was it more than susan rice explainedor last year which didt seem to match. Were other people caught up in this . . Bill are you making progress . Absolutely. Because the sensitive nature some stories you can go right after it because theres no classified information. You gotec to find the people and get the information out of them. Bill its tough. Do you expect whistleblower to come forward . That wouldr break the case wide open. That would. When wexp talked with the house Intelligence Committee they said theyre hoping that some of the people who have talked with adam and i will come forward and mention what they told us. Sole of the things were working on. Weree investigating. Well tell the house Intelligence Committee. That would start to expand it. Bill you need some context. Its difficult. Theyre all in their jobs now. They have jobs in the intelligence industry. Bill remember the Trump Administration is sympathetic to this investigation. For political reasons, of course. Keep it p posted. When United Airlines debacle. Plenty of new information and legal implications. So, any interesting guys here tonight . No, not tonight. Maybe they were here and you missed them . Boom. Crossed paths with dave . He was here . How did you do this . I didnt do it. Match did it check out new missed connections on match. Start for free today bill law and order segment, big national story. A man forcibly removed from United Airlines flight. Which wasni overbooked. You seen the video plenty of times. For those few who arent up to speed. Well show you it to you once more. Oh my god. No. My god. What areat you doing . No, this is wrong. Oh my god. Look at what you doing to him. Oh my god bill here now law and order team, kimberly guilfoyle, eboni williams. Theres new information about the guy they dragged off today. You tell me. I appreciate you saying that prefacing the question. Theres new information that we learned about this mans background. Hes had not only convictions h he is a doctor, he had his license revoked. Bill he had beef with prescribing drugs. From a legal point of view, you got to assume this guy will sue United Airlines. Can you blame him . Bill no, hes an american citizen. In that lawsuit, the defense, does the defense have a right to raise his background as mitigating circumstance. Already united saying the guy was unruly. This is what they have the right to do. They havee the right to present eyewitnesses and testimony andac someone who saw it. Video tape or cell phone recording. They are not going to be able to justify bringing in anything about the mans background or prior felony convicts because convictions because its not relevant. Bill do you agree with that . Its overly prejudice. If he had prior convictions something violent or aggressive behavior, they knew about it, maybe you can make that argument. Bill you cant just smear him. Itsin improper character. Bill when you have a situation like this and to be fair to United Airlines, theyre in a bad position. Their ceo issued another statement. Bunch of statements. This one hes calling if horrific event. He deeply apologizes to the gay that wasze dragged out. Now hes apologizing to the guy. Nobody should be mistreat this way. But the damage is already done. Of course it is. Look how long it took to get to the apology. Here the issue, at no point did he distance himself from the chicago aviation. If im ceo united the officer who drug him off the plane bill he wasnt a united employee. I would distance myself from that. Ite would say thats not how weo business. Bill there were three guys dragging him off. There was a custom in uniform. One in plain clothes. Proper determination needs to be made. Theres a couple of causes of t action. You can to united, you improperly removed. Its harm would come to me that these individualsing ad in a way that was unreasonable. Didd not use reasonable force. Apparently when he was in the chair and trying to get him out the seat, he hit his face. Theyre dragging him out. Goodness gracious. Bill theyll settle with the guy. The guyld will walk away with maybe couple million bucks. This isnt playing well for united. Bill but again, i dont think United Airlines is to be demonized for this incident. I dont think this is their policy. No. It carries a liability. Well see. Bill theyre going to lose. Demonize you take it up to a thousand dollars and get the person off in a peaceful way. Bill we havent heard much about the refugee ban and super vetting and countries like yemen and iraq. Iraq is off the list now. Anyway, the trump order which was stopped again, but now its going to be heard by whom . The Fourth Circuit. Thats south carolina, North Carolina, west virginia, virginia and maryland. This maryland judge has struck the ban down again. Theyre hearing it in the full circuit. I practiced in that area, North Carolina for many years. Itsha going to be a different temperament. Its a more kind of conservative bill the judge we saw on screen, he struck down second ban. Bill he said its no good. They provide reasons. Now the federal Appeals Court hears this in may. May 8th. Bill how much would we have to wait before a decision is . I expect several months. Theyll probably do it fast. Ultimately it will go to the supremee court. Bill we expect theyll uphold the trumpl order. Theres a higher probability of success. The problem being upheld as constitutional by the Fourth Circuit in comparison to the ninth circuit. Bill would you both agree this is a more centered on the law court . Is 15 judges. I think that argument of National Security will play better in this court. Bill lets assume that trump order then gets reinstated. Then somebody else come out and challenge it againel and goes to Supreme Court. Who would that be . Who would have the standing to challenge it in the Supreme Court . They dont have to hear it. The president. Bill the president wins. Whos going to get to Supreme Court . Y somebody can make a file. Bill they dont have to tick it from take it from anybody. Thats going to be hard it find somebody. They can still make an application. Bill this is the big one on the day. This Fourth Circuit court and it starts in may this is one to watch. Bill thats your job. Why is American Airlines travel so bad. The boys are next. Bill for years the American Airlines industry has been changing. How customers fly. Many of the changes are not good. Here to give us some perspective is greg gutfeld and bernard mcguirk. Gutfeld when i was your age, all of those airlines, twa. You went to the plane and it was nice and food was good hospitality. Now, its change gutfeld. Were packed like shark teeth. Flying is not part of our evolutionary tool kit. 35,000 feet in the air. The pressure drops, air must expand to fill the space. This s is a huge problem for soe of a us. Bill the airlines cant do much about that. They serve you rice and strained fruit juice. Irc did my research. Im talkingt about a bill why has the service declined in the American Airlines . They need to make a profit. Lot ofey the people who fly take medication. Increasing risk of incidents because people handle medications differently. Bill stoned out of their minds. When somebody wakes them up, theyre a little disoriented. This happened to me. I haded issues. I worked them out with a number of authorities. Bill what are you thinking request of this is aes fun time today . No. Absolutely not. Hate flying. First of all, you have to comply with Law Enforcement officers. The guy was treated unfairly. I expect to be humiliated or delayed. Weve all done that. I one time its i tried to board. They said i was inappropriately dressed. Wearing tank top, flipflops and yoga pants. They made me change. Bill you have a picture of thatat mcguirk . It was terrible. Bill all of this about money. You guys know that. Used to be that the airlines didnt have to make money. Because it was supplemented by the federal government. Remember that . Lot of the other foreign carriers, emirates, the government runs them. Here now, we have to struggle for everything. Every peanut we have to struggle for. It weighs you down. There is hypocrisy in the complaints. People will say i will never fly this airline again. Until you do. Bill you have to. Theres not that many carriers. Its a pretty great deal to fly from one coast to the other for 500. 200 years ago, you were on a horse. You would die of scurvy. I dont trust those horses. Bill you say the service declined. Why . All because of economics. Its the economy. Another example i was in laboratory, 30,000 feet, severe turbulence all a sudden. Fivep minutes bouncing up and down. Worst partpa was walking back to the seat. I felt like i just crawled out a sewer. Its all about money. When you get down to finances. Its terrible. Thats not how i heard it happen. Bill im in the going to get anything decent out of you guys. I have to take the segment over. Whats happened is, they have packed the planes to the point where youre almost suffering. You want little t extra room, yu have to pay more. On the baggings, they charging you 50 a bag now. I check myself. That would be better. You and baggage. I love to see i can fit. He sat on my lap. Bill we dont wasnt to hear about the key west thing. Thats not a positive on your resumes. Si go to the website bill. Bill is there any hope . What would you do to fix it . I dont think theres hope. No hope. Theyre making the seats. Small for. Jetbluehe used to have wider seats. They were the last salvation of the airline. Now theyre caving into the sardines. Bill we dont voluntee ho beat up passengers and drag them off the plane. No seating, getting a beating. Bill [laughter]. Thats a new slogan. If you were in charge, gutfeld. Catapult. This is the new way. Catapult. Just get you hop in and send you over. Its fun and its fast. Its like this new tube. Back when you were in school, those things were nail and they shoot them through the tube. Ithats how i want to travel. Private jets billy. I know it. Bill gentlemen, i would say good job. But not tonight. You got a good 40 seconds out of this. Bill well to you who had a great tip. Moments away. Bill what to do on vacation. The first as you may know, all the money on billoreilly. Com on the website. Donated to charity. We have some brandnew mugs, you could get a gallon of liquid in there. As well as a Great Variety of gifts for anyone in your life. I love these mugs. Billoreilly. Com premium member and give everyone mugs free of charge including oldschool life in the same lane and killing the rising sun, also number one. We thank you all for that. Now the mail. I clearly said i shouldnt be laughing at my reaction was purely of the bizarre nature of the incident. By the way, as a juror, you have to listen to all of the evidence before you can do it. Right . Thats old school i agree. All right, one more time. A leading question is one where you want a certain answer. You set it up a certain way to get the answer. Asking an opinion is not suggesting an answer. I had no idea what he would say and i didnt care. I just wanted to be interesting. Thats great to hear. Thank you. Time. You had a nicee while, i am flattered. I appreciate it. Killing jesus now out in paperback. Great read for holy week. I hope you didnt to find safe place. Wow thank you, robert. Miller, me, and waters. Tickets are going fast and check it all out on billoreilly. Com. The greathe mothers or fathers day gift and we will link you write we to us if you so desirere. Heres the easy rule to follow. When deciding between using i i and me in a sentence. Take the other namesta out. You would be say sorry i. But i really appreciate your question and thanks for watching. Finally tonight factor tip of the day. Spring and easter time, last year i i booked a trip that shod be terrific, not going to tell you where it is what we have a contest at billoreilly. Com. Guess where bills going . And heres a factor tip of the day. If you could possibly take two, trips of the year, we all need and r. Planet and it dont run into horror on the road. That is a first night, please check out the fox news factor website which is different fromx billoreilly. Com. Scott out from theil factor anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Name and town if you have to apply. Do not be saturnine when writing to the factor. Thank you for watching us like, i am bill oreilly and please remember the spin stops here. We are definitely looking out for you. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. The battle to enforce american laws continues across the country in our largest city tonight. Just a few minutes well talk to a new York Attorney who was upset that the nypd reported illegal aliens including a sex offender to the feds. First up tonight, claims of then Trump Administration as a gang of russian operatives is starting to look sillier day by day. Russian diplomats say tonight the relations are at their worst since the cold war. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in moscow trying to get russia to abandon syrian president Bashar Alassad. He struggled however even to arrange a meeting with Vladimir Putin

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