Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20160726

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According to the uber liberal New York Times Donald Trumps keynote address last week was designed to terrify voters the irresponsible rhetoric of our president who has used the pulpit of the presidency that divide us by race and color has made america a more dangerous environment than, frankly, i have ever seen. The problems we face now, poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad, will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them in the first place. President obama does not buy mr. Trumps observations. He paints optimistic picture. Its also important for the American People to remember that our crime rate in this country is much lower than it was in the 80s or the 90s or when i first took office. That immigration rates are substantially lower than they were when Ronald Reagan was president. That as serious as these terrorist attacks are. The fact of the matter is that the American People are significantly more safe now than they were before all the work that we have done since 9 11. Talking points is in business to put forth the truth. So here it is. According to an average of polling by real clear politics, 69 of americans are unhappy with the direction of their country. Just 23 are pleased with the present condition of the u. S. A. That is a direct repudiation of president obamas point of view. Because, if were all safer as he says, and the economy is fine, why would the folks feel the country is on the wrong stack . Why . The perception problem is two fold. Americans believe that a stagnant economy is making it very difficult for workers to increase their salaries, and thats true. Majority of americans also believe that disorder disorder both at home and around the world is putting them in danger. Donald trump has cap at that pointized on those sentiments saying he will make things better. Hillary clinton seems to mostly support president obamas vision but does acknowledge the economic problem. I want an economy that gets back to raising incomes for everybody. Most americans havent had a raise. I want an economy that is going to help lift millions of people out poverty because given the Great Recession we have fallen back in the wrong direction. But the Great Recession was nearly nine years ago. I mean, come on. By this time American Economic engine should be roaring. Instead growth this year estimated to be below 2 . Thats dismal. Now, there are three new polls in the trump clinton race. Cnn has it 48 45 bounce. So he got a bounce according to cnn. Cbs has 44 43 a tie. And l. A. Times has 45 to 41 over clinton. If the election were held today he might very well win. However, to be fair, perhaps Hillary Clinton will get a bounce out of her convention this week. Now, back to the problems. Higher taxes and massive Income Redistribution will not stimulate the economy. So mrs. Clinton is going to have to deal with that and separate herself from the obama machine or run on the economy we have now. Many in the Democratic Party support open borders that means the consequences. Drug importation, illegal aliens, higher competition for will they not . It will be interesting to see if any democrat puts forth a specific solution to deal with ilLegal Immigration this week. On the foreign front obamas decision to pull all the troops out of iraq directly led to the rise in isis. Allowed the savages to expand their influence. Mr. Obamas failure to destroy Assads Air Force in syria, when he could have, after drawing that red line over poison gas has directly led to millions of refugees storming into europe that crisis has profoundly damaged the region and perhaps even stimulated Great Britain leaving the european union. President obamas failure to confront putin in russia has directly led to chaos in ukraine and eastern criewrp. The your honorrian unique deal has replaced the mullahs. Debacle. Chinese are expanding in seat asia. Afghanistan is a sanctuary not only for the taliban but also for isis terrorists who killed 80 people over the weekend in kabul. The list goes on. Back home, Race Relations are worse than at any time since the 1960s, in some areas police and young black men even fear for their lives. The far left has run wild under president obama selling a narrative that america is a bad country, an evil country. Dominated by white supremacy. Drug use is skyrocketing. Even as the Obama Administration puts forth that criminals who sell poison like heroin, meth, and cocaine are nonviolent. And deserve leniency. Political correctness destroying free speech. And giving power to the charlotte tons who are clagging the court system with frivolous lawsuits. Again, talking points could go on for hours. So donald trump may be terrifying voters with his rhetoric as a New York Times says, but his warnings are based in reality, are they not . Foreign and domestic terrorism is a contagion that is not being effectively confronted. Americans understand that all our lives have been changed. Its now routine, routine to see innocent people slaughtered in the streets. All of what i have just laid out in this talking points is in stone truth. No spin. And thea that truth has led to the rise of a strong man politician donald trump. The Democratic Convention this week will seek to counter mr. Trump. We will see if it succeeds. And thats the memo. Now for the top story tonight. Reaction, joining us for reaction Charles Krauthammer. Are you terrified like the New York Times is . No, not really. Any way i can selfmedicate if i have to. So thats not really an issue for me i think youre remuneration of the things have gone wrong in the world are true. Not better off. China, russia and iran going to go nuclear have strengthened and our al lines are very weak. I think all of that is very true. I think we do live in a new world, especially isis which had been down played by obama is now spreading everywhere and kills almost everywhere. On domestic issue i think its a little bit different there are, you cited many facts which are true. But one major fact is that the murder rate is about half of what it was 20, 25 years ago. It is historically low. So the idea that crime is rampant. Crime in the streets people r. A frayed is simply not reflection of relation. I do think the strength of trump and if you look at the polls that just came out in the last few days, where does he have the huge advantage in the demographic of white, working people who have no College Education . He has enormous advantage over hillary there. For that population, they live in a world of anxiety, wages shrinking, jobs going away. Its been cataloged by the social scientists Charles Murray a few years ago in a book called losing it. In describing that population, i think trump brilliantly reflects their anxieties and how they see the world. That population is not 69 of the country, and 69 of the country that includes liberal people. That includes democratic people. All different people. Thats enormous amount of people saying the country is on the wrong track. I submit to you bill, you know that the numbers on wrong track have been overwhelmingly negative for at least 15 years. Not that negative. Probably just as negative. That is about the lowest according to real clear, the lowest they have seen. Look, what im trying to get at, you can debate crime stats all day long, i dont disagree with you that street crime in america is down. But i will tell you this. That Hillary Clinton has to separate herself from the obama policy machine, particularly on economics, all right, where she will lose to trump. She will lose. If she runs on obama on what he has done. If she tries to justify the chaos overseas and the economy here, going to lose. She is not going to run on that. She has to stay close to him in running in the primaries. Its a dilemma every. Thats a big dilemma for her. It is. But Hubert Humphrey had that in 196. Look what happened to him . It happened to al gore in 2000. Look what happened to al it is always a challenge. Im not saying she has quote necessarily a winning hand. Im just saying there is nothing new about her challenge. I will till you this. If the world is so horrible as you describe it, why is it that obamas numbers is about 50 popularity. Because they like him as a person. George bush was in the low 30s at this point. You asked me and i will give you one. They like president obama as a person because he comes across as a wellmeaning man and the press loves him so he gets positive press almost everywhere and the low informational voter buys into that. But, in their gut, in our gut, people know its not going well. Now, do you believe that donald trump is what they call a strong man politician . That he is running on a authority, im going to clean it up my way. Do you believe he is a strong man . I think he is running as a strong man. Look at what he said in his speech. Only i can fix it. He said over and over again that he is the one. He will give you all kinds of promises i the bring back jobs. I will do this. I will wipe out isis without ever explaining how he is going to do that. Because he doesnt want isis to know. He wants to surprise them. Oh, come on, you believe that . [ laughter ] im here to disseminate opinion and information. I just told you what his answer was when i asked him that question four times. I wasnt asking him. I was asking you. And what you offered was a trump spin. Look, i think this if donald trump is elected president , he will go after isis a lot harder than president obama has. Do you disagree with that . You asked me about whether he joined strong man. You asked me whether trump would go after isis harder yes or no . I have absolutely no idea what he going to do. Come on, charles. Im not even sure he does to hear you spinning on his behalf. Im not spinning. Opinions cant be spined. We are both speculating on what a man would do. Look, i want to do know whether you believe that donald trump would go after terrorism, worldwide terrorism harder than obama and you say you dont know . I have absolutely no idea. Is he going to go after russia harder than anybody else. I dont know about russia. Is he going to be hard on russia and iran . What is he going to do on iran . You tell me. I think he would get a very, very hawkish pentagon and very hawkish secretary of defense and state. And do what . Dont know. Dont know. So you dont either . I dont know. And i dont know what Hillary Clinton is going to do because if she is buying in to president obamas view of oversees, is that what she is buying into . Is she going to do the same thing is he doing. Is she . Bill, you forgot your original question. No, i didnt. Is he rubbing as a strong man . I didnt forget it . The answer is yes. When a strong man runs he says trust me, im general, im a war hero, im a businessman. Right. I dont have to explain how im going to do it. Can i do it. I alone can do it. Thats what he said. Comes down to whether you Charles Krauthammer trust trump or trust Hillary Clinton. Who do you trust more . Well, its not a question of who i trust. Sure, it is they are both asking you to vote for them in nebulous ways. Trump doesnt spell it out and we dont know whether Hillary Clinton is going to do a third term of obama or not. Hillary clinton has put out a program you can he agree with it. What program . How is she going to you know as well as i do that trump is running on the promise im a successful in business. I will be successful as president. If you believe that you vote for him. If you are skeptical, then you have to have second thoughts. All right. Well, i appreciate the good debate, charles. Very lively. We just spent seven minutes for charles . It seemed like 20. Well, i keep having to remind you of what you said three minutes ago. Yeah, i know. Thats what holds us up. Umhuh, i know. Charles krauthammer, everybody. Next on the rundown, chaos within the Democratic Party today as the head of the dnc is fired. And later watters with the kids chasing the pokemon phantoms. Those reports after these messages she spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. 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Flo [ ghost voice ] oooo [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you Coverage Options to fit your budget. Tell me something i dont know oh ohhh she slimed me. Which i probably shouldve seen coming. [ laughs ] in the impact segment tonight, as the Democratic National Convention Opens this season, there evening there is still bitterness over the wikileaks. Still talking about hacker who got into the dnc email thread posting embarrassing emails on wikileaks. Apparently democratic big shots were hammering Bernie Sanders in appalling ways. For example, they attacked his religion. I am not an atheist but aside from all of that, i mean it is an outrage and sad that you would have people in important positions in the dnc trying to undermine my campaign. It goes without saying the function of the dnc is to represent all the candidates, to be fair and even minded. As the hacked email showed the dnc was not fair and the process was rigged against senator sanders. That falls on the shoulders of dnc Debbie Wassermanschultz congresswoman from florida. She has been removed as head of the dnc but showed up in florida this morning. [crowd booing] thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. [cheers and booing] joining us now with reaction Katie Pavlich in washington and mary ann marsh. Mary ann we are hearing ominous things about Bernie Sanders supporters not listening to the senator who is going to speak later on say look, we have to support Hillary Clinton. And you heard them booing wassermanschultz. How bad is the democratic mess . Well, in terms of Debbie Wassermanschultz and the Bernie Sanders supporters, its pretty bad. The fact is they booed Bernie Sanders earlier today. Bernie sanders speech tonight that is going to be given in a little while is designed to make the case for Hillary Clinton with Bernie Sanders supporters. I am not going to be surprised if Bernie Sanders supporters boo him tonight on the convention floor. Really . When he makes that speech. That should tell you everything. Now what we know is it wasnt sanders wasnt unwilling to get out of this race. He was unwilling to land the plane. He opened up pandoras box. He had no ability to control the supporters. We say this. Why arent you blaming the dnc establishment . Why are you blaming Bernie Sanders . We have who have a right to be mad. Mad i saw the protests all day, come on. If Hillary Clinton got jobbed like Bernie Sanders got jobbed . You wouldnt be angry and booing . Of course you would. Its not sanders supporters and there are a lot of nuts in the crew. Everybody knows that but they have a right to boo and be angry because the whole thing was rigged mary ann. The fact is, bill. Nothing the dnc did, except write stupid things in emails affected the outcome for Hillary Clinton. She won with over 300 pledged delegates. 300 votes. No effect on that. You dont know that for sure. Thats the facts. You are seeing the tip of this thing. Those are the facts. Here we are and we thought maybe the Democratic Convention would be boring. Maybe if the dnc had taken a page out of Hillary Clintons playbook and deleted et the emails before they were hacked, they wouldnt be in this situation, right . But overall this does have an effect on the general election in this way. This proves the d. In c was used as an arm and extension of the Hillary Clinton campaign. This proves the system has rigged. Guess what america is sick of, corruption, politicians and rigged systems. Who does that benefit . It benefits donald trump who has been talking about egg rigged systems for months now. Benefits him in the way that Bernie Sanders are angry. Many of them will vote for Hillary Clinton, but many of them wont. They are in the streets protesting saying that theyre going to possibly vote for donald trump. And that means it benefits him. All right, now, overall, mary ann, you got a convention in philadelphia that really has to counter as we laid out in the talking points in the polling says today a pretty significant bump for donald trump. So, with the Campaign Starting like this, with the Convention Starting in mass chaos, that becomes a little problematic, does it not . This is not mass chaos. I mean, the Republican Convention got off to a very rough start. Donald trump got about a 3 point bounce, which he should get the fact is Hillary Clinton will get that and maybe more. What really matters the last two weeks of august when we have cleared both conventions the polling has settled in and i think, frankly, they will be tied again. And i think thats how this election is going to go all the way through. The Republican Convention got off to a bad start. It did. Because of Melania Trump speech . Is that what you are referring to . No. There was discord on the floor. I was there i didnt see any discord. I just saw a bunch of white people having a good time thats all i saw. Trying to. Wasnt anything like this. All right, katie, go ahead. Look, Hillary Clintons number one issue not just with democrats but across the board something honest and trustworthy. This situation simply magnifies that. Its not her fault the dnc was in the tank for her, was it . But she Debbie Wassermanschultz within seconds after her resignation, Hillary Clinton is only enabling the corruption that took place at the dnc and thanking her for getting her the nomination. So Wasserman Schultz is working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, right . Yeah. Corruption. I wonder if she just has one private server. Or two . The fbi vindicated Hillary Clinton. The fbi will not vindicate the russians. They did not. Who handle the dnc. Thats the real story here. Where that leads there is. There is. When you find out where these emails went. I think thats going to be the real story. I dont even know what wikileaks is up until a few hours ago i thought it was some Amusement Park in florida. You are still trying to figure out with pokemon go. Newt gingrich on brit hume on how donald trump is campaigning this week trying to counter the Democratic Convention. And watters with insane phenomenon. This pokemon deal the urchins going wild. Up ahead. A leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. I learned that my ten times great grandmother is George Washingtons aunt. Within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, im related to george washington. This is my cousin george. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com marcopolo marco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. si . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. Si, sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. Ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo hot today in philly about 95 down there. In the 2016 segment. Today in virginia donald trump said this. I said there is no way that Bernie Sanders shows up to make a speech. There is no way that he can ever endorse crooked Hillary Clinton anymore, right . There is no way. And today i see him trying to make the case and his own people are out there booing. And joining us now from washington newt gingrich. First of all, mr. Speaker, do you have an official Campaign Title yet from the trump people. No. Look, im a volunteer i try to be helpful. I see. Hanging around wearing a trump hat and button and if anybody wants donuts they can flip a coin on who gets them. On occasion i give advice. Try to be helpful. Tell me about that though. Does he call you or do you call him or does man for the manafort. Paul manafort has done amazing amazing job moving it counsel the road where from where it was. He is open to ideas. Sometimes i call him. Sometimes he calls me. Do you have a Conference Call in the morning . Not that im on. Im not part of the official campaign. No. Im just somebody who knows trump pretty well and who knows a little bit about politics. Do they call you and say to you hey, get on the Oreilly Factor and tell them this oh, no, they would never do that they know that any phoniness on your show is death. They would never ask me to do anything that wasnt authentic. Do they ask to you go out and talk certain people about certain issues. They love to have me chatted about various things. A lot of it is pretty obvious. This is a choice thats very big. I do a lot of facebook live. I do a lot of twitter i communicate with a couple Million People that way. Its interesting to keep track whats going on both in the Democratic Party in the Republican Party. I thought this tim kaine selection was a good one. I like senator cain. I think he is an honest man. I didnt like he took some gratuity when he was a governor in virginia but the law let him do it. I didnt think that was good. But, by and large, he has had a pretty good career in politics. He looks like honest man. Am i wrong . No. I think he is as good a choice as Hillary Clinton could have made. He it fluent in spanish from his days as a missionary. Very strong in virginia. And i think he is pretty solid guy. Debate between cain and pence will be very interesting debate. Will anybody watch that debate . Anybody on earth going to watch pence vs. Cain . I mean, where are they going to hold that thing . Who knows . Smart but dry. Its fair to say you wont have the Reality Tv Show effect that you are going to have when its trump vs. Clinton. Greatest debate of all time. Did she pick kaine nailed down or coming from the left and wants to be a centrist. Three things. Couldnt go to the hard left for a candidate it would have been too much. Second, he does help in virginia. Third is he fluent in spanish. And at a time when apparently they concluded that they could not put a latino on the ticket for whatever reason, he is probably as good as you can get. He can be on univision, tell mind tell telemundo, et cetera, and make a good choice. I thought he was a good choice and i want you to comment on this. I dont believe that any endorsements from anybody are going to sway any voters. Its trust trump vs. Hillary. Thats it. You decide. Doesnt matter who likes him. Who else is going to votes for him. Thats it. Yeah. In the end you vote for the president ial nominee. Occasionally a Vice President ial candidate can hurt you. They very seldom except for maybe Linden Johnson in 1960 which is very unusual. They very seldom are significant assets. Both pence and kaine are going to do their job. Real gain as you saw thursday night in trumps speech which i thought was very effective and the polls indicate was very effective. Trump began to lay out a really big divide between where hillary is and where he is and i think the voters and the polls indicates that they sort of agree with trump. Did you hear my talking points memo . I did. Do you believe that trump is trying to terrify people in to voting for him . No i think the elite media is crazy. I think they are all. Crazy . They are in little enclaves and say oh, there is really no problem with crime. Tell that to the 3400 People Killed in chicago since obama was sworn in. And they dont cover that story. Right. Have you ever noticed that. Not really a problem with refugees. Tell that to the germans who again today for the fourth time this week had a refugee kill somebody. You know, you hk around, if you are a normal person and you dont have these blinders on from your cocktail drinking friends in the news media and you look at the real world, you dont have a good enough job, your friends are working two jobs just to make ends meet. You worry about the economy. You are not sure when your kid graduates he is going to get work. You are worried about crime in america. You are worried about terrorism overseas. And the liberals want to tell you everything is fine. Everything is good. And open borders will be swell for everybody because thats what they are pushing next. Final question. Is Hillary Clinton going to have to distance herself from Barack Obamas economic policies . Well, she is going to have to try do something. Here is a real crisis. If she cant get president obama and Michelle Obama to maximize black turnout in november, shes dead. I mean, if they conclude that she is not the real deal, so she cant get very far away from obama because she is desperate to have a very, very large black turnout. And if she does not get that this election is over and donald trump is president. Do you think obama is going to go on the road a lot and try to mobilize that support . I think he has a hard problem. We found in 2014 and 2015, he couldnt transfer his popularity. We found that in 2010. He just couldnt turn people out. They know she is not him. He doesnt like going on the road to those things and i dont think there is a deep affection for her but he hates trump so that might motivate him. He hates him. All right, mr. Speaker, we appreciate you checking in. Campaign headquarters and volunteering and all that. Good. And now lets go to brit hume who is in philly this evening and doing what, i dont know. Sitting here waiting to talk to you, bill. I know, i know. But you get paid so handsomely to do that. You told me in the break that 36 years have you been paid. 36 years in conventions. 40 years. First convention was 1976. Now, when you go to these conventions, do you see anything different than you saw back in the Hoover Administration or whatever it was when you started . Conventions used to be pretty tumultuous, sometimes back in the day they were the candidate would be undecided and then it would be, have to have a lot of ballots before they nominated a candidate. Thats been gong for years. Used to be platform fights. Fights in the platform. Sometimes fights over competing delegates that wanted to be seated. All of that stuff has been gone for a long time and conventions for quite a number of cycles, bill have simply been four day shows designed to showcase each partys nominee in the most favorable possible light. Thats what we are looking at here although this is getting a little interesting. Ted cruz turned that over though. You know, you have got to give ted a little credit. He turned that whole thing over. He did. And so far event have transformed this convention so far from a day that was supposed to emphasize the Democrats Party unity to doing just the opposite. Its possible to say after what we saw today, even possible, im not saying it will happen. Possible that the ticket could be booed on when they appear on the stage on thursday night. Depends how many sanders supporters get close enough. You know, they are a lot of sanders backers here in the hall, delegates, like 1800 to 1900 of them. Make an awful lot of noise as they showed today and we will see what happens. This division that you have been talking about in the wake of this wikileaks leak scandal. Its serious. These people believe that this nomination was stolen from their guy, Bernie Sanders. Yep. Fox news channel perceived in some liberal precincts as hot till. People nice to you in philly so far. These people dont watch fox news. They dont know me from a hat rack. They dont you, really . I ran into paul begala. He knows he. And i saw donna brazil last night in the hotel. I have always been friendly with her. She knows me. The regular folks . The regular folks . Those that i have seen that recognize me very nice. I heard that demi lovato that sang earlier she wanted you on teenage stage with her. Yes she did, you got that right. Lady gaga is down there. I got invite to do a lady gaga event. You ought to come down and go. Because i think my invitation obviously went to you. Yeah, i know. They must have thought you would come. You know, its interesting to compare lady gaga then to scott baio because thats who trump had you have seen any famous people George Clooney down there doing cartwheels . I havent seen him. He may be on the Party Circuit around town i havent seen him because im not on it its funny my invitation to these events keep getting lost in the mail somehow. I dont really get it. They just want me as a curiosity. Im like the guy i think they had a booth where i sit in the thing and they throw balls and try to dunk me in the water. I think thats what the lady gaga thing is all about. Guards would have to be on the lookout for pies. Thats right. Brit hume having fun in philly. When we come right back, how will the Democratic Party handle ilLegal Immigration at this convention . I will have is a special report. Watters with the pokemon craziness moments away if youre taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry . A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Rethink. Reimagine. Because right here, right now. Its time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crows feet. See what real results can really look like. So talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. 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Joining us now from philadelphia congressman Louise Guterres who spoke earlier this evening as well. So you are speaking on immigration. I want to know a few things. Do you believe in open borders . Do you favor open borders like they have in europe . Will, you and i have talked about this in the past. You know that i have introduced Immigration Reform bills and the first two chapters are securing our borders and making sure that people when they come to the United States they dont come with a coyote. They dont come illegally. They come with a visa. We want to make sure that we have a Legal Immigration system realm say one thing really quickly, absolutely not. But there are members of your party who do. And we spoke to a few of them, members of the Democratic Party who want open borders who dont want they want a society that has free flow in and out like europe. Now, when you say that you want to secure the border. See, now trump says im going to build a wall and then im going it put legions of people behind and thats how im going to secure it whats the Democratic Party vision on securing the border . What are they going to do . Here what happens we do, bill. As part of Immigration Reform, we take those that are here in the country and we give them a background check. If you havent committed a crime. I understand that but in order to get to the border, i think the first thing we need to do is use our resources smart, right . If we have millions of undocumented workers and have citizen children and working and abiding by the law and been here 10, 15, 20 years why not give them an opportunity . It doesnt have anything to do with securing the border. It does, it does, bill. In this sense, now we can take all of those massive resources that we use on this silly fantasy of picking them up so that we is k. Have more security. As part of it, bill, here is what i believe. I want to make this absolutely clear. I think that every American Company before they hire somebody should have make sure that that worker goes through a background check. Everify. That would be a big thing. Absolutely. You still havent told me. Absolutely. Im trying the third time, congressman. How do you secure the southern border . What do you do . Heres what you do. You make sure that in our Agricultural Industry and, bill, i have traveled to florida, i have traveled to georgia, i have traveled to california, you and i both know that there are millions of undocumented workers that work hard, sweat soil every day to put the food we eat on our table. Thats not a myth, thats a reality. Why dont we let them come with visas to this country so that then we dont have people using that border. I love you bill, i wouldnt be on this program. This is the fourth time. This is four. I saw last night i thought two things. Im going to give a speech at the convention on prime time and im going to be on the number one news cable you. Those are my two. I asked it three times. Now i will ask it a fourth time. How do you secure the border . What do you do . Are you going to move all the illegal aliens down there and wall them out . We can have preventing them other people from coming in . We allow people to come out of the shadows, bill, bill. That doesnt have anything to do with securing the border. It does. It does. Because heres can i just say one thing to you, bill . Yeah. There are 11 million undocumented workers. You keep talking about the border and securing the border. I want to secure lax. I want to secure kennedy. I want to secure. We can deal with that that overstay the visas. We can deal with that. But, but. 45 of the undocumented thats the way they came here. And we have to solve that problem. Totality. But you still have not told me how you are going to secure the border. I cant keep asking you the same question. Give me bill, give me a suggestion. Who, me . Give me a suggestion. If anybody overstayed their vits is a, they would be fined 10,000. Solves that problem. Okay. And i will tell you one thing, heres what i think. No, i dont like it for this reason. You dont like it. You dont want to solve it. 10 grand. You overstay your visa. 10 grand. You cant pay, you go to debtors prison. Bill, bill, we could solve the problem tomorrow because there are good men and women in the Republican Party that can work with good men and women. You cant solve it unless you put some type of secure the border plan and you havent. We have a secure look, bill, there are fewer people crossing that border than in the last 30 years. We have already doubled the enforcement on the border. Detaining hundreds of thousands of people down there. You know they are. What you are trying to deny is that there is insable thirst for the drugs that come across that border in the United States of america. Nothing we can do about that unless we punish the drug dealers and the cartel people. All right, congressman. Im glad you came on. If you do think of an answer sometime this week, let us know. And and we will put you back on. I gave you one, thank you, bill. All right, congressman. Watters on deck. The politics of pokemon. Was i nice . Was i nice . Come on. I like him personally like him. I was nice. Was i not . All right. Watters. Kids all over the country running wild. They are running all over the place with this pokemon thing. But some of them are putting themselves in danger. Watters is next. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. 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Back of the book segment tonight, watters word, all over the world, millions of children are playing pokemon go where they run around outside to track down computer images. Some of these kids are even walking into traffic, putting themselves at risk. So we sent watters to find out whats really happening here. What are you looking for . Pokemon. Pokemon . Yeah. Pokemon, right . Yeah. Millions of americans are addicted to pokemon go. Tiny cartoon creatures called pokemon are superimposed into reallife situations which you can see through your smartphone. Who are you looking for . Im looking for pikachu. What . How do you catch him . With poke balls. Lets clean it up. You watch your mouth. Do you feel like this is detrimental to your life . Yes. Is pokemon like gremlins . What . Is it like to catch a predator . I dont know what the hell youre talking about. Can pokemons bite . They cannot. Its like Virtual Reality. So its not real . No. What . They basically go through the walls and you how often do you play pokemon . Way too much. Way too much. Two and a half hours. Two and a half hours a day . 12 hours of my day. Probably 40, 50 hours already, and i started three days ago. So youre hunting species . Yes. I usually hunt pythons. Can snakes smell fear . No. Good. Youre hunting . Im hunting. Oh, okay. Maybe you should hunt for a job instead. Dont you think you should be hunting for girls instead of pokemon . Pokemon is more important. Pokemon before a girlfriend. They dont get this lifestyle is a choice. I think theres a pokemon two feet in front of me. Oh, please. Pokemon. Really . No. Come on. Oh, im sorry. Yeah, look elsewhere. Whats the most dangerous that youve done while youre been looking for become monday . Stop in the middle of the road and catch a pokemon. Have you ever tripped and fallen and hit your head . Yes. Mmhmm. I broke my shoe the other day, had to walk home barefoot. Pokemon injury . Yeah, it is. Ive seen people almost walk into traffic. De blasio . Why are you reading when you could be looking for pokemon . Tell me, where are you going . Can you help me find pokemon . No, i cant. No pokemon for you . No soup for you are you worried that youre not able to differentiate between reality and Virtual Reality . No. I mean whos the secretary of state . Uh anyone close . No. Stop playing pokemon. No more pokemon. No more pokemon. Im going to put it away, okay . Dont take my phone. All right. Thank you very much. Um, were getting close to this bird. Oh, theres two right there. Where . Right there. Right there in front of us. There it is there it is get him. Get him. Woo i caught my first pokemon. High five. No, it came out. What . It escaped. Catch and release, just like obama. Do you have any idea who i am . No. Im watters. Im jianna. And this is my world. Sometimes thats all one needs to know. All right. Watters joins me from philadelphia. Now, are there any pokemon players on the floor there at the convention . You know, if theyd caught pokemon here theyd release them because catch and release is the policy. Thats a good line. You know, al franken actually just mentioned your name. Hes speaking right now. Yeah . He said we have to fight against guys like bill oreilly. Right. So your names all over this place, bill. Al franken perhaps the most dishonest individual ive ever met in my entire life. So im glad he doesnt like me. Says a lot. Thats a compliment to me. Stuart smalley, yeah. Tomorrow, i dont know whether you heard my interview with congressman gutierrez on immigration. Did you hear it . It was great. Best interview youve ever done. So i want you to ask the people at the convention how they would solve the immigration problem, and well have that for you tomorrow. Im on it. Okay. Sounds good. All right, watters. Thank you very much. We appreciate it. Thank you. Factor tip of the day. Rewarding yourself in a moment. But first the mail is back. John, munnzy, pennsylvania, oreilly, you talk too much during the Gop Convention. I wanted to hear the speakers. Then why didnt you watch c span, john . They pay me to analyze the events of the day, and thats what i did. C span has all the speakers. Its right over there, you know . Ron smith, tulsa, obama. Senator cruz proclaims himself a christian but skipped the forgiveness lesson. Not fair to the senator, ron. In christian theology, forgiveness is based on repentance of actions. Christians arent required to automatically forgive. We dont forgive isis, do we . You got to ask for for giveness and repent. Heather, lynch burg, virginia. Mr. O, you are absolutely right about senator cruz. He should have recused himself from speaking at the convention if he wasnt going to endorse trump. John, lexington carolina. You spun cruzs amazing speech to fit your narrative. Any rational person can see that if trump wants to unite the Republican Party, he should apologize to cruz. Dont believe you understand what spin is, john. It is taking a fact, a truism, and using words to impeach that fact, alter that fact denying reality. Thats spin. I gave my opinion on the cruz speech. An opinion cant be spin. Brenda barnes, palm desert, california. Donald trump made the sale at the convention. Now its time to stop the trash talk and close the deal. Mark, napoleon, ohio. I sent Bernie Sanders a campaign donation. I believe the dnc needs to refund my money for rigging the process. Mitch, manchester, new hampshire. Mr. O, i am 14, and the factor has inspired me to get involved with politics. I volunteer six hours a week at my senators office. Good for you, mitch. Way to put your time to good use in the summer. Kathy, indiana. My billoreilly. Com premium membership came in very handy last week when i was on one of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior with no cable. I listened to your coverage of the Gop Convention on the podcast. Very good, kathy. Podcast available for all premium members. Now is a good time to sign up or reup on billoreilly. Com. You get any one of my books free of charge if you do that and 20 off all o excellent deal right now. Michael swenson, buford, georgia. Glued to legends lies on sunday nights. We are also mesmerized by actor joel king. Funny you should mention that. This coming sunday legends lies deals with washington as president. A great episode, and dont forget the legends lies book, which is currently again still in its top three. Legends lies the patriots, because its a complement to the tv show. It gives you a lot more in the book. A very happy anniversary to donald and el da harms in del mar, california. Beautiful place. Married 70 years. Whoa, way to go, guys. Finally tonight, the factor tip of the day. Many of us work hard and at times relief is needed. So i reward myself occasionally with stuff like coffee ice cream, lobster dinner, those little reeses candy things that should be outlawed. Food is a nice reward but you can splurge on tickets for a concert or a game, buy a dopey hat, that kind of stuff. Rewards are solid investments. You can look forward to them during a tough day. Plan them out. Put them on your calendar, but keep it legal. Factor tip of the day. That is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor website. Different from billoreilly. Com. Spout off about the factor if you would. Name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day. Do not be sar donnic when writing to the factor. One donald trump will be on the program tomorrow, tuesday. Lots of questions for mr. Trump in this postgop Convention Week and Democratic Convention. That should be a rollicking good time tomorrow on the factor. Thanks for watching us tonight. I am bill oreilly, and please remember that the spin stops here because were definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight, allout chaos at the Democratic National convention as yet another email scandal hits the clinton campaign, leads the democratics to ditch their party chair and prompts a series of angry protests, including right on the convention floor. Welcome to the kelly file, everyone. Im megyn kelly reporting on night one of the Democratic National convention here in philadelphia. This was supposed to be Hillary Clintons big week. Instead, it has so far been overshadowed by reports of leaked Democratic Party emails that appear to show officials plotting against the Bernie Sanders campaign. And sanders supporters are no happy about it. Tonight

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