Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20151205 : compa

FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor December 5, 2015

one of these individuals and other subjects of our investigation. >> i'm aware of the facebook posts you are mentioning and i saw the same thing you did. we don't know what's there yet. we are still continuing to look that that. why know it was a general time line when that post was made and yes there was a pledge of of allegiance. >> we are not aware of any further threats in the u.s. at this time. >> that means the san bernadino rampage is now the single deadly youest terror attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. fbi director james comey also came out today to comment on the investigation >> this is now a federal terrorism investigation led by the fbi. the reason for that is that the investigation so far has developed indications of radicalization by the killers and of the potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. so far we have no indication that these killers are part of an organized larger group or formed part of a cell. there is no indication they are part of a network. we know this is very unsettling for the people of the united states. but what we hope you will do is not let fear become disabling but instead try to channel it into an awareness of your surroundings, to get you to it a place where you are living your life but if you see something that doesn't make sense, you say something to somebody. >> joining us now with more from los angeles, as counter terrorism specialist aaron cohen. with me here in washington jim hanson. i want to talk about this from a counter terrorism perspective, which is both of your expertise. aaron, i think the biggest question for a lot of people is how a husband and wife, living this it n. a quiet american town could become so radicalize and enormous arsenal and apparently no one knew. you say this is what you would call a modified sleeper cell. explain that sir. >> well, it's -- modified sleeper cell is a term that i'm using to describe somebody who could potentially become radicalize. use the internet to connect with would be or radicals. they don't have to have crossed the threshold, chris and be at that place where they are ready to go commit an act of terror. when they do become radicalize like these two did. they travel overseas. they pick up that wife in saudi arabia. saudi arabia is known, chris, to have a very strong hard core islamic line when it comes to the way that they preach. you can tap into that cell and exploit that like we saw here. keep those weapons in their houses, how do you use tactical gear. put on that gear and then be able to fire those weapons and this is all being done on the internet through secure databases and blogs. >> i want to talk about the wife. one of the big developments today was the fact that tashfeen malik the wife of syed farook apparently pledged allegiance to isis and its leader abu be a daddy in the moments before the attack was launched. what do you make of reports which don't seem to be confirmed at this point that she may have radicalized? him? >> posting potentially while he is inside reconning the site of the massacre. she posts a message posting allegiance. they are basically saying we are in the jihad. we are part of the caliphate. we are part of the global jihad movement. i think that's not uncommon. you need to look at this. it's easy for people to understand the violent jihadi. heads get cut off o. people get slaughtered at holiday parties there is a larger civilization jihad that the muslim brother hood is perpetrating in america. they have a plan. they are using the muslim student associations that they formed. they are using mosques where they buy the land where they import the imams and front groups to go ahead and push that agenda. >> i want to pick up on that with you, jim. because you say that the mosques that farook attended, one of a couple that he attended the islamic center of riverside, have you raised questions about that and its ties to the brotherhood. what's your point? >> the muslim brotherhood through a number of front groups, one of which is the north american islamic trust has bought property and put in place most of the mosques in the united states. so they buy them. they set up front groups to go ahead and get them stawfd. they import the imams who do a lot of preaching and bring in traveling imams. this is an operation where they are setting it up to be able to preach i jihad and radical people under the cover of religious freedom in the united states. it's a cunning plan. >> aaron, i want to pick up on a question that i think has confused or a lot of people and i think it's one of reasons that it took us a couple of days to come to the conclusion it's terror and not work place violence. usually in a terror attack and correct me if i am wrong, you want to strike in the most public way and kind of place terrorize the largest number of people. under those circumstances why strike at a county department of public health christmas party where it was raise the possibility work place violence and not terror at all? >> my answer, chris why not? soft targets are soft for a reason. you go after what you can get. al qaeda is not going to be able to outdo itself and kill thousands of people that it killed using a plane as a tactical instrument to crash into aiding about. isis knows. this isis can tap into this resource again of dormant potentially radicalled or people who can be radicalized from dormant cells like he pointed out and attack anywhere they want. that's the problem. the reason, chris, why the fbi was very cautious in coming out but realized they had to say this was terrorism because the implications of the larger macrothreat we are facing if they don't look at it as terrorism means that we could potentially be look at a lot more terrorism. so the fbi got smart. and they went hey, let's start framing this thing the opposite way. a little more the way israel does it and start working backwards from here there are too many coincidences to not call this what it could be. i think that was a big move for the fbi. >> so are you suggesting and are running out of time here that this was political correctness or political pressure that they didn't want to call it terrorism because that has implications and also talks to the success or failure of the obama administration. >> absolutely. i think political correctness is the major security layer that does not exist right now in this country. in israel we don't have that luxury. for every minute we waste, an innocent person is going to get killed. i think that the political correctness is crushing our ability, chris, to be able to realistically insulate this population the way it needs to be so that these type of dormant attackers who can become razzed will strike again. they realized it and they got on camera and decided they had to make a move and get on record with this. so that because they knew that this was a much larger macroproblem here and, again, of the political correctness is definitely the problem. >> let me just bring in jim hanson for a final question. what do you make of the fact that farook and his wife, apparently, smashed their cell phones, destroyed some of their digital equipment, appeared to be trying to cover their tracks? that isn't always the way terrorists act? interesting what they might have been trying to cover up. specifically the fbi mentioned they were in contact with other folks. there may be an act of conspiracy. there may be other folks still involved. whether they were set to do attacks as well. i think they found out as hillary clinton may that you can't destroy all your digital records. i hope the fbi is doing an amazing forensic sweep. >> jim, aaron, thank you both. >> next on the o'reilly fact special with isis influence terrorism apparently here, is it time for president obama to do a 180 on his strategy to defeat the terror group? two top experts will give us their analysis moments away. centrum brings us the biggest news in multivitamin history. 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>> it's fundamental and it's one of these cases in which the words we use captures or limits our ability to think through a problem a state is a political entity that has a border. you can debate where it has. it has borders. when you speak of isis. we are speaking of a state in a political region. a caliphate makes claims. makes moral claims on muslims throughout the world. now obviously only a small minority of muslims think that this self-declared caliphate has a claim on them. but it means it's geographical expanse is basically universal. it's basically worldwide. that's one of the reasons we are seeing essentially self actualized isis groups popping up not only in europe, north africa, my gearia, afghanistan, pakistan and, of course, now most infamously in san bernadino, california. >> all right. let me bring in mr. woolsey here because bret is right and we is should properly think of isis now paris and other attacks it seems to be right as a global threat and not a regional threat. how does that effect the way we fight them? >> we have to fight them everywhere and take them out in their homeland, that's crucial. the homeland of the caliphate in syria and iraq. and they also have to be fought here and in paris and wherever they show up. we can't just kind of rock back and leave them alone. i think the caliphate in mohammed's time expanded very, very rapidly, within 100 years of his death it reached from france to today's pakistan. and that's what they want. they think they should rule everything that was once ruled by muslims. d right away. >> let's talk some specifics. the pentagon announced this week that they are going to add 200 special ops forces. special operators to raid in both iraq and in syria as opposed to zero. i suppose that's a good number. is it anywhere close to what you think need? >> special forces people are amazing but they are not so amazing that 200 can take over a whole country effectively. >> we have got a fight here. at the once said you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you. our president is not interested in war but war is very much interested in all of us. we have got to deal with that. >> well, so, the question, of course, is how we deal with that bret. do we put thousands of u.s. ground troops back on the ground in iraq and possibly in syria? >> i think you put at least several thousand. we have 3500 troops right now in iraq. although they are mostly on a training mission. i think you probably need something in the order of so thousand. but that's a tactical question. the important point is that you need to deal a tee siive psychological blow to isis. in 2001, bin laden said there are strong horses and there are weak horses and people are naturally attracted to the strong horse. and right now isis's great advantage is to to many jihadi minded muslims around the world it looks like the strong horse. insofar as the united states is fighting this kind of battle of containment, this battle at the edges and not winning the war it is only feeding that imagination. feeding that perception of isis being a group that has staying power. a strategy against isis has to begin with the united states destroying its cap tam in raqqa. taking back mostly and taking back ramadi and fallujah. does that -- you are not going to achieve this if you are going to fight a war on installment plan. >> let me bring in mr. woolsey for one final question. while the threat is growing quite remarkably the ns a's bulk collection of data ran out last sunday. edward snowden the person who released this information has blood on his hands how seriously does this hurt us particularly when you are talking about homegrown threats with the possibility that a fellow like farook is in touch with people. >> safety huge amount of data for clients. they can tell you what medium you ought to be using to bring a purchase to a client's attention it, when it ought to happen. what will let you buy something when you are in a store and encourage you to exactly at the right time. the u.s. government doesn't have anything like that. the commercial world is far ahead of what snowden -- where snowden has left us with respect it to beingably to manipulate data and understand how we might zero in on terrorist groups. >> mr. woolsey, bret, thank you both for joining us tonight. is the homegrown terror threat now a bigger danger than ever following the san bernadino massacre? new jersey governor and presidential candidate chris christie enters the no spin zone with hesitate plan to stop it that's next. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? in the campaign 2016 segment tonight, strong the homegrown terror threat. the issue took center stage in the presidential race this week following the san bernadino attack. do any of the candidates have real solutions to better protect the country? joining us now from jefferson, iowa, presidential candidate and new jersey governor chris christie. governor, during a speech to the republican jewish coalition this week, you said is that we are in the midst, your words, of the next world war. but talk to us in practical terms, specifically, what does that mean we should be doing differently? >> well, first off, chris, what we need to do is reverse the decision that was made this past summer regarding the nsa's ability to collect metadata. we have weakened our intelligence capability through that and we need to reverse that and we need to support our intelligence community and our law enforcement community to intervene and to give them the tools they need to be able to do that that's not just actual tools. it's also giving them the support and guidance that they need to be able to do that the right way. then we need to go and put together as i you have said before, a coalition of both nato allies and of arab allies to be able to fight isis. we need to disrupt their financial networks and oil flow. those are all things we did with al qaeda. aftermath of 2001 attack and we need to get back to that. >> i want to talk to you more specifically about the homeland. one of the things that you have been talking about is keeping all, all syrian refugees out of the country. as we saw in san bernadino, the threat from homegrown terrorists is more immediate threat than people coming into the country. if you were president and commander and chief today, what would do you to find out and to stop someone like syed farook who was american citizen? >> >> well, first thing, chris, is that no one else in this race has the experience that i do. in terms of having spent seven years in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 using the patriot act. using the fisa court. using the tools that are necessary to be able to intervene in both the fort dick six case and before attacks happened we were able to prosecute, convict and send to jail all of those terrorists and we would use those very same tools. we would make sure that we have a bolstered and strong patriot act. make sure that we are giving the resources that the fbi, other law enforcement, cia and nsa need to be able to intervene. the only way to deal with this problem at all, home, chris is, to get as much intelligence as possible, connect the dots and try to intervene beforehand. i want to be clear. it doesn't mean that you will be able to stop every attack. i want to take issue with one thing you said in your question. i don't think the attacks in san bernadino mean that the threat from within is worse than the threat from outside. intelligence and law enforcement one way to protect the homeland. >> there is a new poll that is howted, completed just before the san bernadino attacks. i want to put this up on the screen and discuss it with you. in the cnn national survey. donald trump now leads at 36%. you are running fifth at 4% and specifically on the issue of fighting isis, trump is at 46%. you are running sixth at 4%. my question is: what do you make of his streng

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