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Use a whip . Um. Um also tonight, 15yearold girl instructed in very appropriate ways by a planned parenthood courtroom. A parenthood counselor. A shocking undercover report with a strong viewer warning. Ahead. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Hi, im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. Obamacare and socialism. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. As you may have heard the federal court ruled yesterday that the feds cannot provide Health Insurance subsidies because the obamacare law prohibits it that ruling was almost immediately countered by another court. No question owe obama care is heading back to the Supreme Court because its so chaotic. Three quarters of the American Public may not, may not be covered by obama care because 36 states have refused to set up exchanges and according to the law, only the states can provide direct subsidies the federal government cannot. Now, the reason there is so much chaos surrounding the law is that our senators didnt each read it because they voted in 2010. Prevention, prevention, prevention. Its about diet, not diabetes. Its going to be. [ applause ] very, very exciting. But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. Certainly has been exciting. Mrs. Pelosi was derided for that comment. It was absolutely accurate. The pinheads in Congress Passed obamacare and didnt know what was in it. Even president obama didnt know what was in the bill. The not minute minutia president obama the Democratic Party want to put as much money into the hands of the poor and less affluent as they can, and the healthcare subsidies are a great way to do just that and, of course, the funds for those subsidies are taken from businesses and affluent americans who have the cash. Income redistribution is a hallmark of socialism and we, in america, are now moving in that direction. That has angered the Republican Party and many conservative americans who do not believe our capitalistic system was set up to provide cradle to grave entitlements. Republicans have not been able to convince the majority of americans that Income Redistribution is. Suffer economically if the entitlement culture expands and the case is simple. Businesses contract so there are fewer jobs. And the massive federal debt rye i rises diminishing the value of the dollar. Thats what entitlement culture and Income Redistribution bring. But, believe me, many americans, perhaps most, have no clue about what i just said. And enough of them on own free stuff so they continue to elect the proentitlement politicians. Therefore, obamacare is much more than providing medical assets to the poor. Its about capitalism vs. Socialism. Now because the law is so nebraska buoy columbus, the Supreme Court will once again get the chance to weigh in, perhaps this time dooming the law forever. And thats the memo. Now for the top story tonight, another view, joining us from chicago, Austan Goolsbee, former top Economic Advisor to president obama. So, mr. Goals buy, lets keep it as i remember so even i can understand it. Where am i going wrong . Well, look. I think in two ways. First, its not socialism vs. Capitalism. I think unless you think Social Security and medicare and the other entitlements that we have now are socialism. No. We pay into those. I dont. I s. We pay into those. Yes. And people pay into this. No, no, in obamacare, its a straight flat out purchase. Wait a minute, mr. Goolsbee, obamacare is a straight, flat out purchase of Health Insurance. All right . So were all forced to buy Health Insurance now. All of us in america or we get fined by the irs. All right . But it is not a subsidy that comes to everyone that we pay into like Social Security and medicare. It stands on its owns a the biggest Income Redistribution project in the history of the nation. You know that . See, i dont buy that measure Social Security is a bigger. No, we pay into Social Security. Everyone has to buy insurance. You still have to pay. We didnt until obamacare was passed. All this does is try to keep the price at the most people have to pay at 10 of their income. Thats the sense in which there is the redistribution you are describing. But thats the same sense in which it exists mr. Goolsbee, have you 40 million americans, all right . Going to get, if they can can get around this law which is so screwed up, i didnt believe it free or subsidized healthcare, all right . Social security you dont get unless you pay into it so you know the difference. Lets move the conversation along would you agree that the law is badly written . I think that its impossible to dispute that is ambiguity. You and me and we come out the socialization of this differently because i dont believe in Income Redistribution. I believe in safety nets. I certainly believe in those. But i dont believe it is fair or constitutional to take from those who have and give to those who have not. Which i believe you and other liberals do. How would you pay for the safety net . You pay for the safety net by taxation as you would pay for highway construction. Its the same kind of priority, all right . But, actively taking from the high wage earners and businesses and giving to those who dont have just as a way to balance income, i dont believe its constitutional. And i do not believe thats what this is doing. In this case everyone must buy their insurance. Except for 40 Million People get it free. You get some subsidy something up to 140,000 a year. Its a give away, you know it is. The Supreme Court, i think now when they get a second crack at it, they are going to say federal government cannot provide direct subsidies, has to come through the states and 36 states say hey i dont want any part of it i predict on this program right now thats whats going to happen. You are more of a constitutional scholar than i am. I dont know that much about it. Would you be willing to bet against me . I think i would be will to bet against you. Excellent. Conservatives are always talking about the original intent and its obvious that the original intent of this law was not to prevent the subsidies in the. That may be true but thats not what it says. Well there is ambiguity. No, there is not. Yeah. The states are to provide the subsidies, not the federal government. I read it. It it. Pelosi may not know it obama may not know it you may not know it but i saw it last word. The question is, it says many things in different places. In this case, i think we are going to see pressure thats going to make obamacare more popular if they try to shoot it down because the places where the subsidies exist, places that why cant we have that . It wont be hard to make obamacare more popular because here is brand new polling information do you approve of obamacare. Touche. 41 approve. A 4 dont. Its not going to be hard to make it more popular. I dont even think thats going to happen. Mr. Goolsbee, i like talking to you and i appreciate you coming on tonight. Thank you for having me. Next on the rundown, mr. Obama fundraising again. This is getting out of hand. Bob beckel says strong action against putin and iran might be war mongering. Beckel up ahead. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. White house insider segment tonight, president obama thumb his nose at his critics once again. Two weeks ago, president refused to go to the chaotic southern border, instead, he raised money in denver and Central Texas for the Democratic Party. This week, he is off again to the west coast. Raising more money for the Democratic Party. All kinds of controversies burn overseas. Now, all american taxpayers pay for all the president s fundraising trips. Which, in itself, is unfair. And i believe morally wrong. Joining us now from washington. Fox news chief White House Correspondent ed henry. We discussed this last week a little bit. I dont think the president cares what anybody thinks anybody about him. He doesnt have to run for office again. Going to raise as much money for the democratic machine as he can everyone else be damned. Am i wrong . Once again i think you may be right, bill. You might be surprised to learn that i believe that in all seriousness, i think, look, is he a lame duck, basically. And so he is carrying caring less and less about this criticism. Can you back that up because as you properly framed it, its not just about this week think the last three weeks. Last week a plane goes down and a few hours later is he in new york city continuing the fundraising. The week before the border crisis is blowing out of control. And he was in colorado and texas continued the fundraising. I pressed jon josh earnst about this yesterday in this particular week you have five work days, three out of five he is in seattle, san francisco, los angeles, raising money. Look, all president s raise money, you are the leader of the party, democrat or republican. Buff right now with all these Foreign Policy crisis and domestic ones, the fact of the matter is the optics are horrible for him and there is no way around that. The money that he raises, i think he is doing that because he doesnt want toless the senate in november, right . Total. I goes into Senatorial Campaign to try to fight off the republicans so he can retain the senate. Thats legal really what this is all about. Its not hillary clinton, right . Its not about 2016. Its about if he loses control of the senate come november, a president who most of his agenda has already stalled. Is he going to be done if he no longer push his agenda. Save his skin in november. Now, i believe, you dont have to comment on this because you are a reporter and im an analyst that all fundraising trips should be paid for by the party. The only thing that we, the taxpayer should pay is secret service protection. But, the cost of air force one, the cost of the hotel rooms, m ms, bottled water, bagels, everything should be picked up by the Democratic Party. I think cock should pass a law. Simply unfair for a president to spend the majority of his time he is he doing that now fundraising for his party while all americans pay. I want to get you, you get that law, get rosen and cammeron on it. Fair point. We should note that in a situation like this what they usually do is split some of the taxpayer costs. No split. Just the secret service. Thats it. Everything else and if its a republican, the Republican Party pays. Vacation. So we have done our crack research. It looks like president obama takes less vacation than president bush did, than president reagan did and president clinton took the least. Does that jive with what you know . It does. I think, look, when people hit the president over vacation time. Everybody is entitled to some vacation. You take it. I dont take it. I dont take much. You dont take a lot. You are usually in the chair. Thats why have you been number one for a long time. 18 years. I know somebody who plays golf with the president a lot and told me that look, this is four hours where he doesnt have anything. He doesnt have phone calls and people like me bugging him and thats his little sanctuary. So people bang on him for playing golf. Playing golf. Look, everybody is entitled to a little recreation. If a president didnt take any time off. No, we want. All human beings under stress to have a stress reliever. Does president obama try to raise money from the caddie . Thats a little jest. Has not been confirm that. Up to Marthas Vineyard again island off the coast of massachusetts. Going up there for a month. All of august . Not the whole month, two weeks as i recall sometimes they add a day or two on the back end of it i was in march thats vineyard a few years ago and shut it short because we had the situation in libya, also i think a hurricane headed towards Marthas Vineyard, things come up. Its not a month, about two weeks. Are you going again . Because thats the biggest boondoggle in the world. I wish i could get it. You are not going. I think the bean counters at fox would be going through my expense account so closely. So who is going . Wendell gorl going to be there. Oh, jeez. He is going to have a good time. People should know when you guys go up and cover the president ial vacation you are just running around. Thats not true. I get it, i know what it. You have your producers calling me all day for segments to work with you. Were not drinking fruity dr. Glinks put on your jacket and pocket hankie and bloviate. I will bring special pocket squares. Run wild. We know what it is. Ed henry, everybody. Directly ahead, war mongering, thats what some liberals who say americans who want strong actions overseas are doing. Beckel and i will debate it miller on president ial vacations and apathetic americans. Factor is coming right back. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. If youre trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. Xeljz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. 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Britain, closer to calling for stronger action but not france. It is selling putin two more ships. Despite the warmonger now in play in that debate. Here to explain the use of that word one of the cohost of the five bob beckel. So i heard you used the war mongering table when were shooting it out with watters how the plane site should be secured. First of all, define war monger to me. War mongering is something spoken by somebody who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Soft mark. Has never had any experience in Foreign Policy and could put us in a position to get into wars we dont need to be in. So war mongering is someone who doesnt understand the situation to use military force with the wrong strategy. Here is what i would hope would happen,ed that the u. N. Would send in troops to ukraine to secure the site they is the malaysian airliner. Would that be war mongering for troops to go in. Would not be. You need to secure this site but the United States. We shouldnt do it unilaterally. No we shouldnt do it unilaterally. It should be the u. N. The u. N. Would be a good force to do it. Who sells going to do it . Nobody else is going to do it the u. N. Will not do it either. The u. N. Will. It if it doesnt get secured too bad. Not worth us going in there and losing american troops. I dont disagree with that i wouldnt send troops in there i dont think so it would be war mongering to do it but foolish tactically. Putin, i would take much stronger action against putin. Cut off credit card receipts and United States could do that easily. Is that war mongering . No. Thats a different story. War monday gering is monger something europeans who should be doing sanctions are not doing them but aiding and abetting putin like the french. And they are cowards. Exactly as far as im concerned they are. They are not war mongers they are the opposite. Opposite. They are piece nics. My solution is provocative. So you put putin in a corner like that, he is a rat, right . Is he a rat but is he vastly overestimated. You may be right but you may be wrong. No, im not wrong recommendation he will warmonger. He has got nothing to war amonger. Big army and tanks. Send them across borders. Georgia got beat and now got some surrogates doing it in ukraine. Certainly war mongering in ukraine. Obviously doing that. Sure he is in the end, is he going to get ukraine . No. But, listen to my question. If im the president and i say, listen, vlad we are not going to take any more credit card receipts from russia. That destroys his infrastructure right there. He may say okay, bill. Because you did that, now im going to take over all of ukraine. Im going to send Russian Troops and tanks. In then there is a war. There. There is a war with who . You are not following, are you . Im following exactly what you are saying. You are suggesting the credit card receipts. Slower or what . Can i keep up with you. Most people cant, but i can. Heres the question that i will rephrase. Is that war mongering to put putin in an economic corner where he may lash back militarily . Absolutely not. Why . Thats not war mongering. War. If you decide you are going to cut off europeans. If they are willing to have the guts to do it, then thats not war mongering, thats choking this guy economically. Shooting war. At war with who . Who is he going to shoot . Rush sharks i hate to break this to you, has the capacity to overrun eastern europe. They could do it if they wanted. They could not. Sure. Poland is a member of nato. We gold in there at that point. That would be war mongering, if you attack a country that we have in a relationship. To protect. Then. I would be okay with it. He is not going to do that the worse thing that could have happened to him is had that malaysian airliner shot down. Worse thing that ever happened to him. Iran, would we be war mongering if we say to iran if you do not stop Nuclear Weapon development, israel are going to bomb you is that war mongering . Thats going to war for a good reason. Thats justified . Thats justified. All right, beckel, you are sounding kind of cogent. Thank you. Did you get a lot of sleet last sleep last night. Im just debating you. You like. This very much. You know why you like this . Why . Because people actually see you. I think they see me on the five. We are not that far behind you, oreilly. Thats all right. Different audience. You have always been number one i have got to give you credit for that it aint going to last forever. When i leave it wont. As long as im here. When you leave it wont. Heres the deal. If were not number one when i am here i start a war. Im going to warmonger and wag the dog. Megyn. I will invade the five. And turn on you beckel. We got you a few days. I was going on your door they wouldnt let me do it. They said you would be a pain in the ass about it. And you are babble bling now. Give beckel hand he made a little bit of sense today. Brand new bill oreilly. Com poll whats the biggest threat to the u. S. A. . Putin, iran, or the jihadists . Bill oreilly. Com poll. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Shocking report and a strong viewer warning. Planned parenthood operation in portland, oregon, advising a girl posing as a 15yearold about shocking things. An undercover camera captures it. Then, miller on president ial vacations and apathetic americans. Hope you stay tuned to those reports. Dont miss a step. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist can you fix it, dad . Yeah, i can fix that. dad i wanted a car that could handle anything. 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Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Bottom line, ask your doctor about linzess today. As you know planned parenthood gets taxpayer money usually towards grants. Some of the money goes to planned parenthood and one operation in portland, oregon has been selected for some kind of funding, we are not sure how much. The organization live action, a Prolife Group staged and i couldnt know cover sting at that planned Parenthood Office in oregon. And the results are shocking. A young woman posing as a 15yearold initiated a conversation about controversial sex practices. Once again. A strong viewer warning on this segment. What we are about to show you is ultra disturbing. Children should not see it roll the tape. Are you you are how old . 15. My boyfriend, we have been talking about trying out some new things like with sex. Sure. And we were fooling around the other day and he threw out that he wanted to try out some role play. Im wondering, is that normal, do people do that a lot . Yeah a lot of people and its very common to experiment with different things. Different positions. [ laughter ] here now the president of live action lila rose. We did not run the explicit stuff about bondage mass kiss stick stuff. You have it all on tape. Who was that woman . Was she a nurse . Who was that person . Its a planned parenthood nurse at the oregon facility. Is she a registered nurse. Rn. She says she is a nurse on the tape. Fourth facility underaged girls expose them and there are more to come, bill, showing planned parenthood and very destructive, dangerous sex counseling of who they think are underaged girls. This isnt just undercover footage. This was programming that they have. Totally inappropriate and i think any sane person would know that totally inappropriate conversation. Was it illegal . Thats a good question. I think that when you are telling kids or you are telling underaged girls to access sex shops which some of those tapes they have employees workers doing that very questionable. What do you mean by accessing these shops that have the telling, for example, some of the tapes of undercover in denver, undercover in indianapolis, the workers at plan the parenthood are telling who they think are underaged girls to practice said doe mass cism, bondage and violent practices to also access sex shops and porn web sites. There is a question of consent there. The other bigger question here too is some of these relationships can can be adult child relationships. Statutory rape. We have been investigating that for planned parenthood for years. Planned parenthood doesnt take it seriously. They dont report sexual abuse. Thats another dimension to this as a part of the larger problem. With 7 a Million Dollars allocated to this kind of education, all right, were not exactly sure this clinic, which i guess has closed down now, since you did this sting, did they close that office . So they have reworked it. So they send clients that used to go to this clinic. We called and now they are being referred to portland. So this was outside of portland. So did they close it down because of you, you embarrassed them . No. This just came out. So i think, you know. They just did it because of economic reasons . Possibly. I mean, money is going in from obamacare. People should know this through the prep program. There is 75 million allocated every year for teen sex education. Planned parenthood. Planned parenthood is receiving some of it. Already bragging about getting the money. States decisions to give it to them. Rockie mountains receiving money. Planned parenthood oregon receiving money. How the allocations are happening. You have to get into their books and everything else. No question that taxpayer money is being used to Fund Planned Parenthood under the guise of education this the kind of education they are giving 15yearold girls. Keep in i understand moo, they are getting over half a billion a year already from the government. People dont remember this enough. Over a billion dollars of their budget, over half of a billion. Comes from taxpayers. Off of taxpayers. He they are the biggest brgs chain killing 320,000 children in the womb every year. This is the practices and tips they are giving to underage the girls not just clinics but in School Systems and trying to create relationships in the community. People outraged rightly so, kick planned parenthood out. We dont want them influencing our kids. I want to give planned parenthood to come on the the program tomorrow to reply toes ms. Rose. We appreciate you coming on in. Thanks, bill. It will be miller time. Profootball controversy already. Then Martha Maccallum on chicago violence totally out of control. Those reports after these messages. My name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. Its progressive pain. First that feeling of numbness. Then hot pins. Almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. So my doctor prescribed lyrica. The pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. 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Even 10 miles away. They can see the light of a single candle. Look after them. With centrum silver. Multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. Now with a new easytoswallow coating. Thanks for staying with us, im bill oreilly in the miller time segment tonight. Lets get to the sage of Southern California joins us from santa barbara. We have got it a lot to talk about. I know you were listening to the obamacare debate with Austan Goolsbee upfront and you say . I love it when you do split screens with goolsbee or alan colmes or juan williams. And they are always acting quizzical like on the other side like what do you see it . Guys, companies crap right now. Can you think like its not crap. Its crap. So stop giving me the gulls buy he is like what is oreilly saying . We are saying its crap just so funny. Its so funny that juan is always going come on, its crap. Thats what he we are talking about john robert will pass this again too because is he crap lederhosen with him at a bieber concert. Drop that dime on him if he doesnt come through again. I disagree with you here. What do you mean, bill . Things are good right now. Its crap. Now, you went on vacation earlier this summer. The president is going up to Marthas Vineyard as we discussed with ed henry. President obama has taken viewer Vacation Days than Ronald Reagan or bush the younger and you say . I say he should take more. Listen, i got enough problems with barack obama. I dont have to start faking them. You know, it has nothing to do with the fact is he black. Him being black is the last its the only thing i still like. Its the rest are of it thats crap. You know, as far as taking Vacation Days, i read that he has taken 141, and bush took 378. Brother, you still have 230 to take. I dont care about any of that crap. Take more vacations. How about fundraising . You you know when people get on him for the fake sufficient is that bugs me when they say oh they spent that on the jet. They allfullien othe jet. Whats the used of having that creepy stuff unless you are on the big jet. I would live on that jet. Ran Warner Brothers they used to take the jet down to van boulevard. Stay on the jet. Last night we did a story about americans not knowing or caring about anything overseas. We got crazy putin, the irans with the nuke. We sent watters out and nobody knows anything. Why do you think they dont care . Because people are stupid. Come on o, billy. A lot of kids have been raised in a system where when you say the middle east they think you mean ohio, for gods sake. I mean, they are stupid enough now that they are wig to step up to it a mike with Jesse Watters and cop to being stupid. Now, thats really stupid. You would think they would run. If you are going to explain the arabs and the jews to him. You better tell him its like biggie and tupac, they dont get along over issues of respect. Come on, the world has gone nuts. Im looking for that rear middle seat and a Plastic Package choo to stay dry. You basically dont have any confidence in the american electorate to absorb the amount of information. When are we going to pretend that we are smart right now. We are smart but we are not wise. We dont use common sense anymore. I got a smart like goolsbee sitting there telling me things are good right now. Get out of here. All right. Tony dungy, you like him, right . A former nfl coach . Great guy. Nicest guy i ever met in football. He wouldnt have drafted michael sam, the gay Football Player out of missouri because, guys like me would make a big deal out of it on cable it v and he didnt want to be distracted. So thats what mr. Dungy said and you reply . Well, i guess in the name of inclusion now we have to destroy tony dujy. Michael sams is seventh round pick and he probably doesnt make the team although quite frankly i would put him on the ir because cut down day is going to be crazy. Turn it into a passion play if they cut the kid. I think the kid seems to be a bit of a pain. Once again with the president black and his with his homosexuality has nothing to do with it he has been on the cover of sports illustrated. Espn on draft day. He was going to do an oprah show all the while telling me wants to stay out of the radar. Hey, pal, you want to stay out of the radar. Be gay under the radar. Be under the gadar dont play it both ways. Tony dungy is a good guy. I like him and his books are good, too. All right, miller. Wait, billy, before we go. Yes. Im here, im gay, im illegal, and im going to try to cover im gay, im illegal, and the economy is great. There, im a made man. And you are black, you know. Im black, too. I forgot that and im an olderration woman too on wednesdays. There you go. Miller and i would like to thank everybody in the dakotas. See you this coming friday in rapid city. Just about sold out. Saturday in fargo about 100 tickets remain. See everybody in boston, filly, vegas, west virginia, details on bill oreilly. Com. On deck, Martha Maccallum will report on the continuing violence in chicago thats killing children. Right back. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. For all day relief. Start your engines [ male announcer ] thats why theres ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company . Thats enough time to record a memo. Idea for sales giveaway. Return a call. Sign a contract. Pick a tie. Take a break with mr. Duck. Practice up for the business trip. Fly to florida. Win an award. Close a deal. Hire an intern. And still have time to spare. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business. Built for business. Back of the book segment tonight, did you see that . While most americans are paying attention to the humanitarian crisis on the border, involving perhaps 100,000 children, kids in chicago continue to be gunned down in the streets. Last weekend five people shot dead, 42, 42 others wounded in the public square. Considering president obamas call for 3 billion more dollars to deal with the border, anger is in the air. I think what were see something an absolute disconnect on the part of political elites, you know, the financial elites have decided that they have an agenda which is to bring as many people into this country as possible. Meanwhile, we are spending millions and oftentimes billions of dollars sending money to central and south america to quell disturbances, to quell Gang Violence but not doing anything to care for the needs of u. S. Citizens born right here in this country. We are hearing that more and more. Here to explain the chicago connection to all of, this to a a tremendous amount of violence primarily in chicago and the black neighborhoods. Anything being done to stop it . They have made efforts. As you say theyve lost four people and one of them was an 11yearold child who was inside a house at a Sleepover Party and was killed by gunfire. This problem is out of control. An overwhelming sentiment youre hearing, bill, and that this woman expresses is what about our kids. And i think this president has missed an opportunity to act when it comes to africanamericans. And i think theyre becoming some of them are becoming disillusioned with the performance i dont blame president obama for chicago, i blame rahm emanuel and the mayor. Hes cut back the police force, done nothing to lift the gun ban. A lot of people attribute some of this violence to that. It goes back to jobs and education. Back to controlling the streets. If the city of chicago cant control the violence on the south side, youve been to chicago, right . Of course. Its not that big a place were talking about. Then the governor of illinois says im going to move the National Guard in and were going to patrol the streets of these neighborhoods. And were going to stop the 11yearolds from being murdered. But youve got the mayor, the police chief, you know what the police chief blames . He blames guns. Thats right. Guns are being used, but you have the toughest gun laws in the country and dont enforce them. And gotten worse since they put the gun ban in place. Obviously what theyre doing is not working. Also goes back to the issues of responsibility, fatherhood. Nobody wants to touch that. Nobody wants to talk abt, but who would have been better to talk about it and set a National Example than president obama . But he has done the brothers keepers initiatives. Im not blaming him for this. Theres a missed opportunity as the first black president of the United States in this arena. I think when we look back at his presidency, its going to be part of what these people look at his legacy. When not in the country of jordan i watch josat satellite tv because they have the show like the factor because it often gets out of control. Not like the factor. Roll tame. An onair brawl erupted when deciding to get more physical when talking to lawyers about the syrian civil war. This isnt the first time weve seen him get fired up. Two months ago he has a similar runin during another live debate. [ speaking in a Foreign Language ] now, ive never done that, have i . Doing the finger thing. I feel guilty. I think i might have incited it. My favorite is when they threw the bottle of water and chairs. This is solid here. But this man is a jordanian anchor talking to a guy who is prosyrian regime. He has every right to be angry at this guy. Jordans being overrun with refugees and are under a ton of pressure. You know what really happened here . What really happened here, bill . They saw the barney frank interview. And they wanted toula emulat it. All right. How smoking pot can ruin your life. The tip moments away. In new york state, were changing the way we do business, with startup ny. Weve created tax free zones throughout the state. And startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. Thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. No property tax. No business tax. And no sales tax. Which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. Its not just business as usual. See how new york can help your business grow, at startup. Ny. Gov add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. And well replace destroyed or stolen items with brandnew versions. We put members first. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side factor tip of the day, how smoking pot can ruin your life. But first, we want to enhance your life. Become a billoreilly. Com premium member. If you do get any one of my books free of charge. Plus dennis millers cd. That pays for your yearly membership, an unbelievable deal. Check it out and take the history quiz as well. Mr. Oreilly, regarding talking points, i think one of the reasons americans can be apathetic is we feel hopeless nothing seems to change. Change does come slowly in a republic, but voters paying attention is vital. Another in 1940 with hitler on the march the draft passed congress by just one vote. We almost did not have fighting capacity. People have always been unaware. Ramon, honduras. Mr. Oreilly, im ashamed at my countrys corruption but i also think the only difference between those kids at the border and your folks coming from ireland is the time line. Kids and folks are the same, country is not. Back when people came during the irish famine, there were no entitlements and america needed hard working immigrants to expand the infrastructure and settle the west. Now we have crowded urban areas drowning in debt and a Public School system under siege. We americans are basically a compassionate people. But we must have orderly immigration. We must have it. Jo anna, texas, born on the mexican border. I know theres never been border security. Im tired of the left saying we are a nation of immigrants, what we are seeing now is a welfare state. John, im frustrated by your failure to state the obvious, president obama intends to destroy this country. This is a factbased analysis program. That is a subjective opinion held by many, but not provable. When you hear me state something, you can take it to the bank. But i only state as fact what i can prove. And connie, orlando, florida, oreilly, you look spif fi in your blue jacket. Im not hitting on you, just stating the facts. Easy to do when you have freeman making jackets and skip doing the shirts. Connie, thanks a lot. Media noelted for the past three years, 2011, 12 and 13 weve had the best selling audio books in the world. Right now im recording killing patton out september 23rd. We appreciate media reporting that. Finally, factor tip of the day. The rollout of legalized pot in colorado is causing serious problems. One of those, folks on government assistance using that assistance to buy marijuana. At least 259 times in the past six months of legalization. Welfare people have accessed their money on machines located inside pot shops. Disgraceful off the chart. And the colorado politicians are responsible. However, the welfare people who use drugs are also responsible. Many americans who are receiving entitlements are addicts. And they use taxpayer money they get to feed their habits. Average drug test recipients are met with legal challenges. What it comes down to is this, some americans believe other americans should pay for their intoxicating agents. Thats terribly wrong. An abuse of taxpayer money. Factor tip of the day, if you choose to lead your life in a zoned out state, its up to you. But know that you are wasting the abilities god gave you. And you are mistreating your fellow citizens. Thats it for us tonight. Check out the fox news factor website. Wed like you to spout off anywhere in the world. Oreilly foxnews. Com. Word of the day, do not be puerile. I learned that in high school against my will. Again, thanks for high school watching us tonight. Miss megyn is next. Im bill oreilly. Please always remember the spin stops here. Were definitely looking out for you. Breaking tonight, the Obama Administration just pick a side in the israelipalestinian war, and was it the wrong one . Welcome to the kelly file, everyone. Im megyn kelly. The faa extended its ban to all flights to tel aviv for another 24 hours. A move hamas, which the United States says is a terrorist group, hailed as a great victory. The ban was suspended despite the fact theres no similar ban in place in flights over pakistan, yemen, not even one over ukraine where a commercial airliner was just shot down. Now texas gop senator ted cruz is insisting this is a de facto boycott of israel offered at the same time we are sending

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