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America. Also, new and spectacular example of democrat hypocrisy with a surprise guest to break it down. Of course, 2020 roundup with Elizabeth Warren yesterday and Amy Klobuchar are today jumping in the race. With me tonight, former Bernie Sanders national staffer figaro, townhall columnist kira davis and turning vote usa founder charlie kirk. Charlie, i want to set this up by plane something in the president s state of the union speech because i was optimistic when i heard this clip youre about to see. To me, it was precisely written and seemed as if it was pointing towards the compromise of this committee of legislators can make out how to get the wall funded while taking into account everyones views. Interesting right up until today i was optimistic. Lets hear what he says on tuesday. President trump in the past, most of the people in this room voted for a wall but the proper wall never got built. I will get it built. This is a smart, strategic, seethrough steel barrier, not just a simple concrete wall. It will be deployed in the areas identified by the border agent is having the greatest need. Steve i thought that was significant and so precise. Seethrough, deployed where the experts wanted and look what happens. We were moving towards that deal but all the sounds coming out sounded good and then today the democrats moved the goalpost and added a new thing about limiting the number of beds i. C. E. Can use there by trying to influence how they do their job in terms of the number of people they arrest and deport. It feels like the democrats all along with interested. It feels as if theyve not been negotiating in good faith. My whole opinion is that they hate trump a lot more than they want what is best for america. It feels as if theyre driven into negotiations and driven conversations with grassroots anger to remove this president and make sure he only served one term. They are not coming to solve a problem and i wish the republicans would have solved this when they controlled the house of representatives and the senate but they did not. Unfortunately, both people in both parties that want open borders of the president is realizing this and has a once in a Generation Opportunity to secure the border for many reasons and youve done a great job of outlining it but it should be a moderate, political position considering how much is willing to give. Steve exactly. Moderate position, he compromised and moved in various ways and that looked like it was going well but even the number and discussion everyone was centering on this number of 2 billion with the Freedom Caucus apparently and said we can live with that but do you think that wouldve been lets say, they put this by the democrats do think that 2 billion figure people talking about something that you would support . Yeah, the Government Shutdown cost is six times that. As charlie pointed out, the republicans had two years to do this and i feel like not asking enough questions. What were you all doing this whole time and we were not even be in this mess but i think what we are facing here were coming up on 2020 and for all intensive purposes, trump was elected for this fall and if he gets this wall we get elected in 2020, no problem. The democrats know that and thats why even though theres good potential to have really big wins in these negotiations they are holding fast because they know that to give trump this wall, a, gives him 2020 and, b, walls work then they cant run on that. Steve you are both right about that and maybe i was a bit naive because i was hearing the moderates like john tester and the way he was talking about it, this would be good but your cynicism was justified and they did not want it. One other point. He said if he gets as well but lets say he doesnt get it from them but takes it instead of spending money thats out there as we hear about the emergency or whatever. He may have to do that and that will work. His supporters at this time are tired of the games and is safe to say its a big reason why he was elected in the first place since he works outside these games. What people want to see is just do it and people are frustrated with the conversation and something needs to get done. Steve that is certainly right but if we look at the whole process breaking down and the alternatives are basically some form of activation of emergency versus another Government Shutdown what you think you said you were cynical and i dont know why. Steve honestly, you cant look at any other weight. This is history. They did the same thing with barack obama and said you make sure this is the one term presidency. Im not sure what the confusion is now democrats are doing the same thing. The confusion would be at the democrats do not have the backbone they do now and over time they learn to trying to be moderate or play on both sides did not work. It did not work with the democratic allows an no question, thats why i left the Democrat Party, one either trump will do it and not worry about trying to play nice in the sandbox or he wont. Democrats will use it in order to go elected in 2020. You have to remember how far the president spent on this daca, dreamers and even entertaining the idea of permanent legal residency and this is stuff that [inaudible conversations] in the gesture and posture trying to make a deal for what is best for the country and bring both sides together. Steve im glad you said. Thats the saddest thing. A few weeks ago i said lets go for that big deal and vote for something more than a narrative and it disappeared. It looks like the democrats well, you are right. It feels like that revenge legislation. Its disheartening. Steve of course, its very sad because let trump build it and democrats run on tearing it down. Thats my position. Thats a fair association. [laughter] steve will be back talking next week. Couple quick other things, in a swamp watch a while back we exposed the facklers who recently became one of americas richest families by stoking the Opioid Crisis through their company, purdue pharma. Like many billionaires who make their money by causing misery they have tried to honor their reputation is sponsoring elitist causes like the Guggenheim Museum in new york. Lets hear it for these protesters led by photographe photographer who took over the guggenheim last night calling on the museum to cut its ties with these merchants of death. Good for them. And now, a programming note and a call for your involvement in a profamily campaign. Smart phones are exposing our children to disgusting and violent porn and other dangerous content. These devices are designed to be addictive and not safe and childrens hands. They are destroyed family life and the threat to our society. In my 2015, more human, i called for a total ban on smartphones for under 16. Just like we do for smoking and drinking. We are planning a heated debate on this soon but i want to know what you think. Tell us at coming up, how to be for the environment but against the loony left Green New Deal. T house, sweetie . Yeah, i thought doing some hibachi grilling would help take my mind off it all. Maybe you could relieve some stress by calling geico for help with our Homeowners Insurance. Geico helps with Homeowners Insurance . They sure do. And they could save us a bundle of money too. Im calling geico right now. Cell phone . Its ringing. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and condo insurance. Gebills back needed a afvacation from his vacation. An amusement park. So he stepped on the dr. Scholls kiosk. It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. So you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. When your flight gets in late, its never too early for coffee. Oh no no no. Your new boss seems cool, but she might not be sweatpants cool. Who is that ready this early . Its only 7 am. Somebody help me. Close call. Not quite ready to face the day . Thats why were here with free hot breakfast and a warm welcome. Book at hampton. Com for our price match guarantee. Hampton by hilton. Book at hampton. Com for unstopand its strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. Which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. Well almost anything. Leave no room behind with xfi pods. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Click or visit a retail store today. Steve last week we told you the Democratic Party had been taken over by the loony left and within days they proved it. There Green New Deal promising to eliminate the gas industry, coal industry and the oil industry, private health insurance, space expiration industry and even air travel. Putting over 1. 7 Million People out of work. Here is their strategy. Focus on the big idea, dont talk detail and you can see why. This was the academic behind the Green New Deal on friday. He denied the whole thing, nothing to see here, no mass job losses by limiting fossil fuels. Were talking carbon neutrality. Were talking that zero emissions and that doesnt mean theres never any burning of anything. Steve no, that is not what his own policy documents said. It commits to quote, meeting one 100 of the power demand in united clean, renewable and zero Emission Energy sources. Theyre also denying a wild policy that the Green New Deal promises a government paid a living wage to everyone including those unwilling to work. Why would we pay people who are quote, unwilling to work connect. We never would and aoc has never said anything like that. I think youre referring to a document that some doctor document that someone other than us has been circulating. Steve no, doctored by your cells. Here it is. In the document circulated by aoc and her team, government provided Economic Security are all who are quote, unwilling to work. The democrats try to deny this whole deal would be a massive expansion of government. I think one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what we are doing so its some massive government takeover but obviously what we are trying to do obviously, its not that. Steve yeah, exactly. Aoc, what could possibly have given anyone the idea that the Green New Deal is a massive Government Intervention. Are you prepared to put on the table that yes, actually, they are right and it requires massive Government Intervention . Yeah, it does. I have no problem saying that. [laughter] steve by the way, those two are literally hours apart. That, though is the central problem and it is massively centralizing, corey baker gave the game away when he compared it to the plate against nazi germany. The democrats wanted wartime comedy. Whats pathetic is when you criticize it they say you dont care about the apartment. No, i just dont think making decisions from washington dc about how every american lives, works to get around is a good idea. Hes a positive proenvironment plan. Be centralized energy, our reliance on massive systems spending [inaudible] not only hurts the environment but makes us vulnerable. Give divinities a chance to own and generate their own energy. Power to the people. Why should West Virginia go back like california . Most importantly, can we depoliticize environmentalism . And never a person who wants polluted air to bulldoze for us but i met plenty of people sick of the left staring at them for driving a normal car or having the temerity to question their latest stupid policy. By making conservation a hyper part of an issue and fusing it with extremist policy proposals, democrats alienate millions of working americans who love nature and want to protect it. I dont even know where to start with this. [laughter] look, i agree with you. No one out there that is want 30 air or we love bad environment but what we are talking about is handing over the power of your daytoday decisions to a massive, faceless bureaucracy. My experience and again, i had to keep going back to this but its why we have trump and i need to trademarked that. [laughter] i think he collected because people are sick of both parties not understanding what they are concerned about in the environment is important and im a big believer in being a good steward of your environment but the day today people and daytoday struggles of americans most people are not thinking about the environment. What they want are there taxes lowered and what they want are more access to education. They talked about with the party do in the black community and it is nothing basically. Its a lot of pandering during election season and then they go away. I can tell you that generally speaking the black committee, were not sitting around talking about environmental policy. We want our kids to go to college. We want to put food on the table and want to be Property Owners and want to be constructive, contributes incidents to society and these barriers that havent thrown up against us by the government and by other issues removed. That is what we want. This is another case of the Democrat Party being way, way, way out of touch with what the american citizen is worried about. Steve good critique. I want to ask you connect you know i want to jump in. [laughter] steve you already think but i want to look at one take. This is beyond bertie what he was going on about last time around. This is really going further back we got to keep getting more and more extreme. At the end of the discussion and aoc controls the Democrat Party. She said that the pie in the sky and agree dream is what you call it but im so glad you point that out. Im sick of talking about a great deal but where is the black new deal . At the end of the day to talk about if this will go through who will get the contract . result on this permanently in Oklahoma City of time we brought in the new environment and technology and solar wind and when it came to the community you get jobs and green jobs and it never happened. The Democrat Party failed at Small Business and the infinite will be in place for black americans and those born in this country, born and live in this country in addition to everyone else and im a black woman so i will push the black agenda and that is one part that is not being talked about. Thats where my issue comes with this i hate to keep bringing it up like you hate to keep it up [inaudible conversations] these people just meet them where they are. Steve charlie, assuming things wrong but the centralization here, i mean, i dont even know the constitution but what about the temperament and the decisions be made about every building in america will they run it from washington dc its not. They want power. They want to control the most amount of peoples lives as possible. They will try to do it by any means necessary. Its much more about hating the rich than helping the poor. They have contempt for those that have attained wealth in this country and they dont want a massively growing entrepreneurial undergrowth underbelly of america. As she put on her own website people unwilling to work. This is a victim centered welfare state proposal that will turn us into a mediocre, europeanstyle socialist country that will unfortunately destabilize the greatest country ever to exist and offers an opportunity for us conservatives, is populous, libertarians, to build solutions that are not centered in unattainable social bureaucratic centralized control. I decided to be in the unwilling to work camp. Steve by the way, they just did a trial of the universe where they were in finland and very bad people who got it and were very happy. [laughter] let squeeze in another topic. This is outrageous. The arabia is now threatening america over the investigation into the death of journalist jamaal khashoggi. Look at this ad posted on twitter from the Saudi Foreign minister. This is a quote. This is an outrage. Senator paul said at the best. If you want to look at the cheap exporter of terrorism on world look at saudi arabia in my own personal opinion, they never paid the price for their involvement in 911 which we still grieve to this day and i do not consider them to be this great ally that many people in dc have tried to contribute that narrative and this is another example. It is so grotesque and brazen. Steve threatening america. Steve and theres a leak that came out this week that some of the weapons been selling them are in the hands of al qaeda allies. This is grotesque and horrible and all americans should announce it. Steve very good. I agree. Coming up, race and america. My personal and provocative take on that. Dont go away. Its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Its the most wonderful life on earth. 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Relief and remission within reach. clapping every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. the United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, affordably and ontime. ringing the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. Steve the democrats race is in scandal is really focused on the other offensiveness of blackface. The blackface issue is literally and politically superficial. We need a deeper conversation. Ive always despised racism in one of the things was part of in my professional life as an Antiracism Campaign i have great back in the uk. Of this, im white even though i grew up in a workingclass family from hungary i never based dissemination but felt like an outsider. I have empathy for those with actual dissemination but when i moved here several years ago my attitude is race by state by that british experience of fighting current discrimination. Then i saw the depth of the anger and mistrust here and the intensity around identity and past oppression. Why are they still going on and whats it all about i thought. I tried to understand it and educated myself and ask questions. I read the history and that changed my attitude. Let me put it this way. A huge part of my political philosophy and my hatred of government control and authoritarianism comes from what the communist did to my family and hungry. That was nothing compared to slavery but i understand how anger about things that were done generations ago can shake someones belief today. Theres another perspective i want to bring to this, the populist perspective the popular them, positive is about putting power into peoples hands. Political power so the voices are heard and economic power so they can choose the life they want to lead. For a while i wanted to say what i think about race in america as an immigrant, outsider and as a believer positive populism. I know that what i say will be controversial but when you listen with an open mind. Race should not be a left, right issue but feels like that. Liberals can offend conservatives with strident identity politics. Conservatives can offend liberals and making race about character and only africanamericans try harder, work harder. Of course, character matters and behavior matters and family, most of all. But many of the barriers africanamericans face today are uniquely the result of his committed policy from slavery to jim crow to the new deal. The biggest is wealth inequality. The wealth of middleclass america is massively boosted by policies like the g. I. Bill which pay for College Education that spread homeownership. These excluded black americans by design. The federal government subsidize around 120 billion in home loans between 19341962 to the homeowners own corporation and 90 of those loans went to white families. Today around two thirds of middleclass wealth is held in homeownership. Not surprising, white families are disproportionately wealthier than black ones. How much wealthier . Eightysix times. According to the Census Bureau for every 100 the average white family has, the average black family has 7. 33. Its not just accumulated wealth but current earnings, too. At every level of income africanamericans earn less. The truth is selfevident and the persistent poverty and blocked opportunity of africanamericans is a structural and specific and the results of policy and practice in areas like housing, education, criminal justice and more. We will never, never, never achieve racial harmony in this country until we acknowledge these truths as the first step in a process of national reconciliation. I use all those words deliberately. The truth and Reconciliation Commission imposed in apartheid south africa, for step back, developed by both parties here passed by congress, championed by president trump. But now we need many more steps and we need a truth and reconciliation process here and it should explicitly consider dramatic action to close the wealth and opportunity gap. Not just a pledge to avoid discrimination but reparation for the quality of the past, not handing out checks but asset reparations, loans to buy homes and start businesses, Community Banking and Credit Unions to africanamericans to free them from the debt and predatory lenders. Of course, there are policies like School Choice and support for families that we should want for every american which can help African Americans even more but this wealth inequality, the direct result of pastors Commission Special attention. A truth and reconciliation process with due consideration of asset reparations is the only way to heal our racial divide. The republican party, the party of lincoln and now the party of trump, as it showed with the First Step Act can take the lead. I hope it does. Tell me what you think of that. We will see what our panel thanks after the break. Dont go away. Its time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. We live like no ones watching, laugh like theres no tomorrow. And welcome you. To do the same. The United States virgin islands. Each day justin at work. Walk. And after work. He does it all with dr. Scholls. Only dr. Scholls has massaging gel insoles that provide allday comfort. To keep him feeling more energized. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. The company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. 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Trump said he wants the wall and he doesnt care what you call it, barrier, slats, fence, there are black americans in this country and were not talking immigrants or haitians but nothing against them but black americans who were born in this country that want to see some type of preparation whether you call it redemption or reparations or whether you call it repair but the community for a very long time have suffered from a lack of resources but not talking feelgood stuff like the democratic candidate running. Wilson who said his love. Its not about love. Business proposition. Black americans were saying that if the democrat candidate in 2020 do not have a clear, black agenda of policy housing, transportation, healthcare, clearly specifically targeting africanamericans they will hold their vote. Its not about getting along and liking each other and whos wearing white folks and this is simply about unjust and so when you bring up these policies and talk about why theres such anger and frustration it is because as i said the times democrats have over 90 of the black vote and today even now every other subgroup has a policy or reflective of their need yet its great to say just come over and be a republican but the republicans have yet to put forth a black agenda as well. Its not just the democrats are bad because its not just people color or minorities not about urban violation lets clean it and cut out the beer and talk specifically about black people and you hear on the public side this policy will help but people but no, its no more minorities. Were talking black people who were born in this country that have received injustices not about passing out a check were standing in some line to buy jordans. Its undoing a system that has disenfranchised a group of people from hundreds of years. And that is why i totally agree with this idea of undoing a system that is created parodies and that is why i think one of the best reparations if we use that word is to work to get government out of black peoples lives as much as possible. This is the thing that made me switch from being a Democrat Voter to a conservative voter is that i saw its one thing to talk about what government will do for you and give you this and give you that but all these years later were still struggling and still the lowest in education and still the lost in marriage rates and family rates and we are still the black community is still suffering very specific and unique issues in the community and yet we are voting 90 democrat for all of these policies over and over again and at some point we have to say these things arent helping us. Take the handcuffs off and im not a silly republican but ive had people ask me what has the republic and party done for black people . Listen, i dont want any party to do anything for me. Take the handcuffs off and leave me the hell alone. Lets me and my family do for us. But when were constantly bein being we have to go through a government that has oppressed us from the moment the first black person set foot on the continent it makes no sense to me why i should keep voting for more government in my life. Steve i want to build on that notion of independence because thats what i was getting at. With asset reparations you dont want people to be dependent on the government to start the business and by that home and get to that point where you can be independent you got to have assets. Lets also talk things are happening today we have the lowest ever black unappointed rate under president trump. President trump courageously find prison reform. Steve really important. I agree with you. The prison system and criminal justice system. Black businesses are up five 100 since his inauguration and Small Business and meditation has had a huge initiative to revitalize and i like that word, revitalize, black run businesses not black specific. Let me correct you. In the gop tax plan theres something called the urban revitalization program. Right there. Urban. I said black. Can i can i finish [inaudible conversations] did not have a government grant and i was independent as a comp but at the end of the day there were no loan access and we did not have entrepreneurship at the end of the day i had no mentorship it is not urban charities and not about [inaudible conversations] sorry, im black so i have personal people who live in urban areas. Not good enough. So latino people are im just tired of playing with the Trump Administration has done. Steve i want to have a positive conversation. [inaudible conversations] steve i want to focus on positive answer. Precisely for the reason we have seen here. This is such for obvious reasons and incredibly heated topic and it seems to me that we are stuck in this country and absolutely stuck. What im trying to do here is in my small way put something out there to move it forward and move the conversation forward and specifically if theres one thing i would pick out for my said it is this need for some kind of organize process and i call it truth and reconciliation because they are so much mistrust and people have to put it out on the table. Im sorry, its obviously such steve im so sorry, but we have to go. Great debate. Thank you very much. More on that in the future but coming up, wait to you see this latest democratic hypocrisy and the surprise guest we have to talk about it. Dont go away. Onemillionth order. Millionth order. There goes our first big order. 44, 45, 46. How many of these did they order . Ooh, thats hot. You know, we could sell these. Nah. We dont bake. Opportunity. What we deliver by delivering. Need a change of scenery . Kayak searches hundreds of travel sites even our competitors so you can be confident youre getting the right flight at the best price. Kayak. Search one and done. Steve all right, weve had a truth and reconciliation moment from the table here. [laughter] not so much reconciliation but. Steve change of topic. Since the 1980s the biggest argument in economics with something called the curve neighbor Ronald Reagans Economic Advisor who proved that if you cut taxes you got more government revenue by boosting economic activity. For years democrats bitterly contested this is a but guess what happened in the California Assembly the other week . Cannibals legalization has not boosted the cannabis economy as they promised and now want tax cuts on the cannabis industry. Guess what they used to justify it . Yes, unbelievably the curve. They literally do that. Who better to break all this down the man himself, doctor who i spoke to earlier. Steve thank you for joining us. Before i start i want to state what it absolute honor and thrilled to have you here. Im studying economics in oxford in the late 1980s you are already a legend then and i can barely believe its really you. What a great topic. Here we are talking about marijuana and academic professor and youre in california and i can just see on the front lawn of ridgemont high doing a. Steve what you make of it . After all these years with something they really care about the democrats embrace the curv curve what you make of it . Hypocrisy knows no bounds whatsoever but its obviously true the curve works well and i wrote a book about five, six years ago on tobacco taxation theory and practice and the curve abounds all over and now they found it california its amazing and if you lowered the tax on cannabis you will get snack revenues coming up high because everyone will get the munchies and it is perfect. [laughter] steve in so, well, while we are here to get more serious i wanted to get your take on the broader questions of what is going on around the tax debate because if you like we are going right back to the way you came into it and were seen this very Strong Demand for high in punitive taxation coming from the left now but its response to something which a lot of people really feel which is the sense that you got growing inequality and quite high numbers of people agreeing with these high tax rates and what you think of that . Do think inequality is a real problem that we need to solve somehow . What would your approach be . Inequality is a real problem. We need to solve it but we dont solve it with higher taxes. The most unequal area with the soviet union social states thats where the government officials get all the wealth and everyone else is totally poor. Whenever you raise taxes on the rich you get lower tax revenues. It happened with harding and coolidge and kennedy and reagan and happened its amazing that this is a common sense there but whenever you try to redistribute income, steve, you lower total income. If you go to one of the present redistribution where everyone comes out exactly the same and if we tax all that we tax everyone who makes above the average wage, one 100 of the excess was of the night everyone blow up to the average income so everyone comes the equal i will guarantee that everyone comes out equal at zero. That is the problem with this inequality. You lower the top, dont raise the bottom. Our problem is poor people, not rich people and we need to help the poor get richer, not make the rich for. Steve there you go but i love it. Lets focus on that important priority. Set out the formal measures you would like to see implemented to lift people up exactly as you said. I did a candidates tech system of who was governor of california, gary jerry brown, i was his economist we did a broadbased black text and got rid of all federal taxes, all of them, got rid of income, corporate, Capital Gains tax, we got rid of medicare and medicaid tax and payroll tax and everything and had to flat rate taxes. One of Business Net Sales and one on personal adjusted gross income at 13 that was it and was much better than no for curve affect and jerry brown went from eighth and raced to the democratic primary to second. Would it be to clinton had not been for a faux pas of his but that is the right text to do. Steve left. What about business taxes . When i was working as a priority if you want to encourage job and Wealth Corporation sure enough, businesses dont pay taxes. People do. Businesses do collect taxes and do a very good job of it so i would have a flat tax, Business Net Sales and personal income with no deductions for exemptions and everyone pays the same tax rate. If you made ten times as much siding you will pay ten times as much in taxes. Thats the way it should and then you have a really efficient system and we double gdp in five years. Steve Elizabeth Warren yesterday, amy glover start today and is basil still making up his mind are 2020 round up after the break. Best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. the United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes bills back needed a afvacation from his vacation. An amusement park. So he stepped on the dr. Scholls kiosk. It recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. So you can move more. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. You asked for something groundbreaking. Something epic. So, we took all our engineering experience. A hundred yearsworth of learning from impossible projects all over the planet. The heart and soul of a cat. And found a way to fit it all. Right through that gate. This could be huge. ala m goes off wake up sweetie. Doctor dave. See ya. Heres your order. Hey. Applebees to go. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. You see clear skin. Cosentyx can help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. How sexy are these elbows . Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Dryer. All right minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar made this announcement today. I am running for every american. I am running for you. And i promise you this, as your president , i will look you in the eye. Anyway. We had ir Elizabeth Warren. I talk about this some rich guy screams class warfare, let me tell you the same rich guys have opinion waging class warfare for decades. Fights words, charlie . I have said it for years, this redistributed socialism is more about hating the rich than helping poor. Senator klobuchar picked worst day to talk about Global Warming in midst of a blizzard. President trump said not on message. It is the trumphating olim picks olympics, they will have a contest who hates trump the most, and who will get the most free stuff. That what it is. They will have to come up with policy more than just emotion. It is about policy. The best policy that moves america forward. These candidates, over 30 people they will have to have some distinction, they cant all be a progressive or the same page. Well see who is doing what, and their background better back it up. From Amy Klobuchar. She is really mean to her staff. She is like if you judge someone about how they are to people close, she is bullying and yelling, they hate her. She looks mean to me. Amy klobuchar . Whatever. I think she got into this raceway too early. She done really announce yesterday. She announced at Brett Kavanaugh hearings really. I think she is too early, and it will be calm versus the emotion trump hating olympics, that is the mistake hillary made, she ran on peoples emotions and feelings and people are sick of that. Dont dismiss her hes messag. Ththe populist message. Just quickly. What do you make of beto. He thinks he can be president. He is running. It would be nothing breather than. Of the american dental association. This is going to get really nasty really quick, they are going to play nice then all of a sudden a shot across the bow. Well watch. There are so many more to come. Yes. An explore torrey committee. We are not going to run out of material. Thank you for watching, join us next sunday. Next revolution will be coming up. Hello america, i am mark levin. This is lifeis, liberty and lev. Fred dryer. Gate to have you. How are you. I feel like i know you, i have watched you play football. You are a broadcaster, and a conservative. A grit combinati

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