Booth. Theyll all be here with me for the hour. Good evening. Welcome to the next revolution. Im steve felton and this is positive populism. Not a particularly positive week in america. Before we get to our guest i want to go to israeli ambassador to the United States, hes in pittsburgh right now. Investor, i really appreciate you being there for us tonight. I just want to offer my condolences. Its not just about the people who welcome him directly effective but every jewish person will be feeling an element of pain and fear. I just would like your general thoughts on what we think. Is the worst intake medic attack in history and israel is the one and only jewish state that with the people of pittsburgh and the jewish communit community, i attended a group that brought faith leaders, muslims, christians, jews and they came together to say no to this type of hatred that claims 11 life mackey mentioned are coming together and thats wonderful to see. Unfortunately, even today we didnt see that happening across the board and we immediately had people out saying President Trump is in some way responsible for what happened. What is your reaction to that claim agree about President Trump . My first reaction is people should study history. It has been going on for many centuries about 25 centuries and President Trump is not responsible for the antisemitism that has existed really in the United States in an increase fashion of the past couple decades. In 2014 and 2015, i say that only because that was before President Trump came into offic office. I think thats a product of the rise of social media where you have a lot of purveyors of hate that can now go and reach out to other purveyors of hate and spread their poison. I have to tell you something else. Ive been following antisemitism and leaders statements against antisemitism. 20 or 25 years. I have never heard a statement the likes of which i heard yesterday from President Trumper he said those who are trying to destroy the jewish people, we will destroy them. Not only did i hear that, i heard it applauded by all of Trump Supporters at that rally. That should tell people this is the action of the extreme credit could be neonazis on the right or militant islam is on the left are all sorts of people in between. If antisemitism is not a the side of one political spectrum. In europe there are waves of antisemitism that have been going on for many, many years, attacks on jews in paris and brussels, and other places around the world. To pin this all at the foot at President Trump is wrong. I very much appreciate his strong condemnation of antisemitism okay. I think people across the political spectrum should stand together against the state, and they shouldnt just call out anti summit on the other side of the political aisle, they have to call them out on their own side of the put glial. I really appreciate that. Frankly i really appreciate what you said about the Trump Supporters because that point isnt often made and often they are lumped in. The president can take care of himself as we know, very well, but its the denigration of his supporters that i really cant stand pretty appreciate you making that point. Thank you very much for joining us. Just play the tape, and you will see those people on the trump rally applaud when the president said he was going to take on all these antisemites. I think thats very important and we appreciate very much what he said, and not just him, republicans and democrats alike have come out very forcefully against that and its very important to say no and to make all these anti summit on the left or right know there will be no sanction for their activities here in america. We greatly appreciate those words and please pass on our condolences to the community. Thank you for joining us. All right. Lets bring in our guest for the hour. Sarah palin. Former white house munication director and author of new book, anthony scare michi and Fox News Contributor lisa booth. Its nice to see lisa. Two i miss you guys. We will see you next week but i just wanted to get your general reactions. Its been a really tough week not just with the shooting but with the threatened packages, its been a tough week. I think its absolutely heartbreaking. I think it takes a specific kind of evil to attack and kill people in a place of worship. Its supposed to be a place of refuge from the rest of the world and i think it takes a special kind of person. Hes facing federal hate crime investigation, it said before he shot these four people he said all jews must die and i believe what the ambassador said they must be universally condemned whether at the david dukes of the world, they have to be condemned. There is no place in society, theres no place in america for that kind of hatred. My heart breaks for those families who lost loved ones and just praying for them as we all should. Two i think thats right. I think we also like that. Is so appalling, so unacceptable what we seen in this last week. So much of that hate that is targeted toward our Jewish Community is based on fear and envy because the enemies cant handle the fact that israel is so successful. Independent resilience, and thats the enemies problem that they just cant handle it. So the rest of us and theres more of us than there are of them, we had better stand up and stand strong in unity on behalf of our Jewish Community and our friends in israel and not put up with what we have just been two i totally agree. They may find association with any of this with President Trump just three particular spreads is an incredibly strong supporter of israel from a policy point of view and personally. Theres things i love in terms of her policy and forward thinking. What ive heard her speak about israel, i echo her comments about the protection of israel as a symbol of individual liberty. They have to protect the minority and the most vulnerable minorities. I gave this speech, do you think the Mainstream Media will give me credit for the speech or play this speech out there and of course they didnt and i apologize to you in the ambassador for telling it like it is, the president is a protector of the state of israel and protector of individual liberty and the jewish people and so we have to stand up and speak very loudly. By the way, i do appreciate you taking this show seriously enough that you get training from a master communicator beforehand. Some of them have just been nasty but hes the best media coach in civilization. We will get to some of that later. I as we touched on it earlier, the politics is here, its been hear from the very beginning after these secret events happened last week with the packages in the shooting and so on. The president is just out with the tweet engaging in some of that, hes laying blame as he often does on the Fake News Media and so on. He is responding to something that started within hours of the shooting taking place. I couldnt quite believe what tom stier said this morning about all this. His response to the tragedy was appropriate, but theres something much bigger than that going on which is the atmosphere that hes created and the Republican Party has created in terms of political violence. I think if you look across the political scene, what you see is routine systematic lawlessness and attempt to break norms in pursuit of victory at all costs. This is unbelievable. Hes talking about the president promoting violence. Lets just remind us of some democratic politicians and what theyve said in this area. You cannot be civil with a Political Party that wants to destroy what you stand for. If you see anyone from that cabinet in a restaurant or Department Store or gasoline store, you get out and you tell them they are not welcome. Please, dont just come here today and go home, go to the hill today, get up and please, get up in the face of some congresspeople. And then come about the politicians, and then you got your supporters the cultural leaders of the democratic party, and again, what have they been saying in the general category of political violence. Lets have a look at that. I have fought and thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. Whens the last time an actor assassinated the president. On top of that, you just go on and on. You got kathy griffin, shakespeare whether acting out. Just on and on it goes. Dog, great example. Horrific example, but just on and on it goes. They say the president is to blame for that culture. Thank the lord americans have awakened to that hypocrisy to the double standards that are viewed by so much of the Mainstream Media. I remember the first time i heard publicly president obama proclaimed that you were to bring a gun to a knife fight. President obama saying he couldnt wait to get out there and kick somebodys butt because they screwed up. I remember him with such insensitivity mocking children with special needs on latenight tv. Where was the outcry during any of that. The conservatives reach out and go out and vandalized and protest what was going on, we want to civilly change that discourse. Maturely, professionally, diplomatically change the debate in the country. We dont see any of that civility going on now. Its not just the words, in the action. To your point, don junior and his family and the president , susan collins, steve gleason, none of that led to accusations and this culture of violence. We were told there needs to be unity and was hardly mentioned that the fact that the shooter was a democrat, but looking specifically at the synagogue shooting, i think people forget and often dont talk about the fact that President Trumps daughter is jewish. His soninlaw is jewish. His grandchildren are jewish. I think he has a special place in his heart for the Jewish Community and you see that in his policy, moving the embassy to jerusalem, being the first sitting president to visit the western wall. Its also been reported that the shooter didnt like President Trump because he felt he wasnt an antisemite. All of this gets lost in the media when they have a narrative that theyre trying to drive and that narrative is always antitrust. Thats the only thing thats been consistent about the reporting, its all negative toward the president. It really is. Look, weve got to squeeze in a break. We will keep this discussion going straight back to you when we come back. Please dont go away. That work. That work. You need insurance. But its not really something you want to buy. Its not sexy. Or delicious. Or fun. But since you need both car and home insurance, why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10 . Which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like. Well, i dont know what youd wanna buy because im just a guy on your tv. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. Predictably the establishment is blaming President Trump and his supporters for climate of rage and hate. Lets be honest. A lot of americans have been angry for a long time. Im thinking particularly of africanamericans who struggle for genuine dignity and fairness and equality is a very long way from over. Im also thinking of working americans whose Economic Security has collapsed and opportunities have disappeared and social fabric is especially family and community has been ripped apart. Thats been going on since early 1970. Thats nearly half a century. In 2008 use of the elite bail themselves out while working people paid the price for their recklessness. Andrew saw a new tone into our politics. Others made clear they love america and loves americans, all americans. Reagan, bush, bill clinton, they werent haters. You got the sensei loved everybody but them with something new, a cultural elitism amen. Condescension and even contempt like this, and this we meant for the first time in my adult lifetime im really proud of my country. Paired remember from the. [inaudible] day, not you have an ally in the white house. This time they have an ally. Theres a small percentage of the american people, purulent people purulent people. And the queen of hate, the empress of divisiveness. You can put half the Trump Supporters in the basket of deplorable. I have never heard republicans talk about fellow americans like that. President trump have never talked about fellow americans like that. Yes hes used harsh language, but hes never talk like that about people of this country. Ever since 2008, working americans started to realize the people at the top, the politicians and the ceos in the tech geniuses in hollywood type really do look down their noses at them for how they live, what they eat and what they watch and that they go to church. Im part of the elite. I sit at their dinner tables and hear how they speak. Lets tell the truth. I want to Say Something directly to my friends in the elite. This is not just about trump. Its about you two. The waves show no compassion for the casualty of your ideas of globalization, centralization and uncontrolled immigration. Its devastated families and communities. And when they cry out for help, you call them deplorable the elites have jumped on a tweet from tom hanks today. He was in a pittsburgh neighborhood where this terrible shooting took place which happened to be the neighborhood mr. Rogers lived in tom hanks played him in a recent movie. He saw a sign of the window, love thy neighbor, no exceptions. Start practicing the tolerance you reach. Show some empathy and respect. Love thy neighbor, yes, even the ones who support President Trump and watch fox news. Tell me what you think of that at steve hilton next. everything you said is Crystal Clear and very true. This has happened before in our society. You can see the split in the 1900s that Teddy Roosevelt tried to close m President Trump is faced with the same. In my cell phone i had him listed as ted rose because you cant put donald trump. I feel he will pivot the middle class to rising standards. So for me what youre saying is 100 true. You cant look at your twitter feed because the more effective you are the more they come at you and the more they tried to demonize you. It seems to me, honestly one of the first times i saw this was when you were articulating that bluecollar voice. Im just proud of my bluecollar roots. Know that the work ethic thats been instilled in me and the people around me, that has built america and made america great. We have to ask ourselves, are weakening better in that arena of intolerance and violence . Were not getting any better. The only way the paradigm will shift is to realize this is an age old battle of good versus evil, light and truth versus darkness and lies. The dark has to flee when the light is switched on. People are asking what is that light. Go back to our founding fathers. Look to the good book. Our judeochristian principles on which we will build our country, working to write out our charters of liberty based on those principles. We will instill within our constitution those principles and dedicate to god this country. We have strayed so far from matter that is the light and the truth. We need to get back to that. Thats the only way peoples hearts and minds will change. Its not going to be this rhetoric fused on both sides fighting and tweeting it out amongst each other. Its deeper than that, its bigger than that. I think thats really true. Lisa, whats your take. I think people have to stop trying to score political points when something bad happens. There has to be universal condemnation we seek violence, particularly in the name of politics as we saw after the male farmer. Everyone condemned him. We shouldve seen not only saw republicans on the receiving end of Death Threats during the kavanaugh nominations. Your comment about Hillary Clinton and her disdain for Trump Supporters, i found that interesting. Why voters in states like michigan and pennsylvania that hadnt gone republican since reagan went for him. You saw how she felt about tens of millions of people in this country. Thats why President Trump resonated with those people particularly when he talk about the forgotten men and women. You can clearly see why people in those states went for President Trump. This contempt for fellow americans, you dont see that in any other direction like the top sneering at the working people. I think that happens a lot. Go back to our roots. Our parents wouldve never put up with us being intolerant and bullies. You have a problem when someone has a different opinion . You want to go beat the crab out of them . No. Individual liberty, respect, selfdetermination, Market Forces incentive eight Market Forces, driving your success. We have to go but we will be back in a second. I just want to leave this discussion, hanks is absolutely right, love thy neighbor, no exceptions. And, a giant change in politics and we will debate it, next at athene, we think its time for the financial world to stop acting the same old way. You need a partner that is willing to break free from conventional thinking. We are a different kind of financial company. We are athene, and we are driven to do more. Go. 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