Democrats outrageous hypocrisy about Brett Kavanaugh. First, the new yorker dropping a bombshell report within the past hour about a second woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct decades to get. His 53yearold Debra Ramirez her said kavanaugh exposed himself to her and thrust himself towards her when both were students at Yale University in the mid 1980s. Now, both white house and kavanaugh issued statements within the hour on the new allegation. Cap nursing quote, this alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know this did not happen and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. He looks forward to testifying this week. The white house responded saying quote, this 35yearold claim is the latest in a coordinated Smear Campaign by the democrats designed to tear down a good man. The statement says the claim is denied by all who are said to be present at the party includ incg the latest accuser. The white house stands firmly behind judge kavanaugh. Thats not all. Michael evan nardi, Stormy Daniels lawyer, he says he now has a client who has quote credible information regarding judge kavanaugh and his friend, mark judged. Information he promises to make public tomorrow. All this is both kavanaugh and Christine Bossi ford are set to testify this thursday and capitol hill. In a moment will bring in these but first, chad his life for us in washington, d. C. Chad, just until a few minutes ago we thought we had a clear timetable with the hearing agreed to on thursday, the accuser doctor for testifying. How does this new allegation change the timetable . Nobody quite knows. You can almost imagine at a ski resort about to start an avalanche coming down the hill. That could be a problem for Brett Kavanaugh senators on both sides of the aisle interpret these allegations is credible and they need to hear from other witnesses. We thought we had the hearing set up for thursday, probably the biggest hearing on capitol hill for a generation. But, theres an old saying on capitol hill, nothingness agreed to until everything is agreed to. If you start to have other republican senators saying we have questions that are not quite sure, you cannot change congressional physics. You either have the votes or you dont. The vote drop down is 51 republicans 49 democrats. If they lose anybody on the republican side starts to be game over. You can imagine this work it sticky for Brett Kavanaugh, and for that matter republican senators are going to raise questions about the latest allegations in the hearing on thursday. Thats the problem for Brett Kavanaugh. The objects are bad. What is past is prologue. In mid july there is a nominee seconds away from a confirmation vote, ryan bounce for the ninth Circuit Court of appeals and rich mcconnell ripped it off the floor the republican senator said he could not vote for this nominee because of racist writings and views he had that were controversy all in college. They pulled the nomination off the floor. That was it for ryan because they didnt have the votes. If they dont have the votes you cant do anything. What about the question of the fbi investigation . Im interested in the timetable as it relates to the last possible moment this vote could be held and still get judge kavanaugh confirmed before the midterm elections. How much time is there . You have five weeks. There some on the republican side that says this would be great. The string it out and get it closer to the midterms. Might be tough for the democrats who are from red states, Heidi Heitkamp of north dakota, West Virginia and indiana its either put their money where their mouth is and vote for Brett Kavanaugh. You could see it backfiring on republicans because democrats might be making the charges against kavanaugh and they need to make a persuasive case with suburban female voters. It could back fire. This laid out based on what we know right now. If you are to have a hearing on thursday, the earliest he could have a Committee Vote would be friday. Then it would be up to Mitch Mcconnell if he would want to run the procedural traps on this over the weekend or wait till next week. A confirmation vote if he rented over the weekend a confirmation vote will come about next wednesday, they might want to take more time with it say weve had this confirmation hearing and we have other questions, we cant forge ahead on friday. He could drag it out a couple more weeks and thats why site ryan bounce. Looks like he was on the verge of confirmation and they withdrew it. Steve people want this to be done quickly but there still a number of weeks before the midterms. Thank you so much for that. Joining me now is jason j fitz, author of the deep state. How an army of destroyed the trump agenda. Candace owens in fox news legal analyst and author of the bestseller, the russia hoax, the scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame donald trump. What we make of this . Nobody knows the truth of what happened until the accuser and the accused have an opportunity to speak publicly about it. The legal landscape is littered with false accusations. He had the uba rape case, we just dont know. She may well be telling the truth. We dont know. We have a new accuser pgh under advice and consent of the constitution, its whatever the senate wants it to be. Every salacious story coming out after the hearing was closed, he had been out there since july and now this new salacious thing thats unfair without evidence. Read through the article and time again it says could have maybe happened. This is the Deborah Ramirez pgh i think its infuriating. Im thinking its despicable behavior in typical leftist tactic to stall. Theyre constantly trying to stop the administration from having wins. First they create mass hysteria by saying if this person is elected or selected or confirmed theyre going to dial back human rights. If that fails they moved to number two which is racism. They accuse the other candidate of being racist which we have seen of cory booker moment. And now its the me to witchhunt going on for way too long. It makes due process go away and they assume because race and Sexual Assault is a sensitive topic they can throw around baseless allegations. I dont believe either of these women. I think its the left pulling out racist tactics. You called it a witch hunt. And you dont believe them and i think what that shows is the interesting fact of confirmation bias. You believe the evidence you want to believe. I want to be fair about this. And please weigh in. But theres a couple of red flags on either side even before tonight news. Its a detail but it could be important. One thing weve heard a lot last week was, lets learn from the anita hill process. Lets not have unqualified senators asked questions, lets get professionals who understand these things. And that would not be the senators. Then when you get to the legal team, doctor ford herself went for precisely the opposite. They are insisting it is republican senators, that tells you something about what its about. The fbi perhaps will get involved now that there are additional accusers coming out. Hes gone through six fbi investigations. They talked your Kindergarten Teacher and every neighbor you have ever had. They talk to your classmates and friends and relatives. None of this has come up. In six different fbi investigations of Brett Kavanaugh over 25 years. All of a sudden these people are speaking out with accusations, they should be heard respectfully and consider come i find it curious and suspicious that he was nominated on july 9 and here we are at the end of september and all of a sudden these people are coming forward. I been thinking that we still have a lot of time to get this done if thats what your goal is. Why not give them the investigation so they cant hold that against it pgh thats the way congress works. We did plenty of investigation, congress did them, not the fbi. Thats just not how it works. Theyre there to do background and learn what they can. But, the advice and consent isnt from the executive branch. Click solely from the senate. What if it happened the First Bush Administration happened in relation to anita hill. They did do an fbi check in the white house could request that do one more background check in light of the accusations. Chad was brilliant in laying this out theres time to do it i dont see the rush frankly. It seems to me they want the spectacle and they describe it rather than what the republicans offered which is a female attorney handling the questioning. They rejected that and that tells you something about the motivation. From start to finish this is been a giant spectacle. Telling you conservatives have to stand together and vote the midterms. Theyre going to do this by any means necessary to stop the confirmation. Think about what they have done are ready. What his wife and children are going through. Im confident the me too movement has become a political weapon and it belongs to the left because conservatives would never do this. Were going to look at the politics and hypocrisy a little bit. We have really good stuff for that later in the show. She think at the end of this time its not provable is it . There is not a prosecutor in this country that would take these cases to court. Its not a criminal investigation. But there is little to no evidence. You want to hear from this and they have bent over backwards and adjusting the rules of the senate to accommodate her. Private do we do it in california or washington, d. C. But you dont come into the negotiation and start to say this is who can ask questions and who cant. Im fairly familiar with the statute of limitations and there is none with Sexual Assault. However a case that is 35 with 36 years old in which the accuser doesnt remember all the people were there, how she got there how she got home, where it happened, the house that occurred and shes not even sure of the time, that is an unprovable case no prosecutor in their right mind would take their case. They all demand a full fbi investigation after slipping out of amnesia 35 years ago. What if they decide to come out to the story to the Washington Post or those who have been in cahoots of trying to stop the administration. All of this reeks to me. I believe its completely dishonest. I think its something about the trauma means that you dont want to talk about it at the time. It could explain the delays. Whats interesting is now you have this news tonight and then another one tomorrow thanks to all michael, one of the arguments prior to that was that this is so out of character for Brett Kavanaugh. Look at his whole life unblemished. Seems like thats what theyre trying to chip away at with the stories. But in the ford situation the witnesses who were there have issued letters to the Senate Committee saying they dont have any recollection of it. So the witnesses there are none except for the accuser. The senate is going to have to go through this. She doesnt remember the year or the place cant tell you who is there. Steve in the statements from the white house has a strong statement tonight and use that word, smear. Feels like theres an anger there. Because they have lived it. Its what happened during trumps election campaign. In this case the latest revelation, theres nobody to corroborate it. Its always something that jurors consider. This is a political exercise i realize but, we do borrow some principles from the law. While thats a foundation of democracy is presumption of innocence. When you listen to people like senator jello brand of new york who stood in front of the cameras and pronounce that the accuser was telling the truth and she believed her without ever talking to the accuser, jello brand mustve slept through the class on presumption of innocence. Shes an embarrassment to the legal professor. Steve will be seeing more of her later on. I leave that with you. We are going to keep on this. Still to come, special swamp watch on kavanaughs hypocrisy. 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There are 11 republicans and ten democrats on the committee and have all said no matter what, they will all vote no. On the republican side the one that simply is jeff flake. Jeff has wanted to hear the person out. That spread and people have said yes Mitch Mcconnell has been one that says lets plow through this. I what about the end. I think so much depends on Lisa Murkowski and jeff flake. They all have reservations. Flakes leaving, perfect name for him by the way. Then you have to look at other democrats who are in red states of her reelection. People like joe mansion, chomp one in West Virginia have to look at those people as well. You could lose if Susan Collins and dana joe mansion. I know youre very suspicious about the way this is coming out. I think the republicans need to break through the barrier. They should have a strong show of support for breck cap and i get him confirmed. Im optimistic he will be conference. He is going to be right of Clarence Thomas when he does. He has seen leftism up close and personal. Can you see Susan Collins and Mitch Mcconnell plowing through this . If he comes out with someone, the credibility will continue to die. Is it just a coincidence that these all happen to be democrats . That the attorney for ms. Ford just happens to be a mouthpiece of the Resistance Movement . Do we think thats a coincidence . The democrats probably want to keep their distance from the creepy porn lawyer because, that guy so toxic, just generally speaking. Merely looking at him. I think they copyrighted that phrase. The democrats have standards. Hes the one guy they dont want to be aligned with. Im dying to ask you on the other massive news over the weekend which is Rod Rosenstein story, what you make of that . It underscores the argument in my book that their people at the fbi and department of justice who sought to sabotage the president on false claims to drive him from the presidency. This is more evidence. Initially it was the fbi but rosenstein later signed on to the pfizer warrant without proper evidence. Ever since he has been suppressing the evidence of his wrongful conduct by withholding documents sought by, and drink congress. Rosenstein should go. While there is an investigation into whether he was trying to solicit people to undertake the 25th amendment wiretapped the president. That needs to be investigated. Steve i agree. I was interested with people say there is a split with a fox or sean and hannity saying calm down, dont fire him now, other saying he should go now. The case has been corrupted by Rod Rosenstein it steve should he be fired now or wait . Lets have him step aside in place with someone who can be fair, mutual and objective. In the meantime he should appear under oath and answer questions. This meeting that happened there six or seven people involved. We need to know everybodys name so congress can do a transcribed interview and i agree, Rod Rosenstein should recuse himself. Theyre investigating what happened with the pfizer abuse. He signed his name on it. How can he oversee it . This he said it as a joke. Is not a joke, but look were not surprised. We know its going on there trying to harm an assault this president from the inside out. I dont think he should take a strong stance here only because luke was happening. People eyes are being awoken. Weve all set it from the beginning. In many