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Do . Steve breaking tonight the Vice President of the rising walked out on the nfl. Evening everyone and welcome to the next revolution. Im steve and this is the home of positive populism. Another sunday and another clash between pro Football Players and the trump and ministration. Vice president mike pence abruptly left todays called 49 game with several 40 niner players to any during the National Anthem. Honestly, good for mike pence. As i said here last week there is no question that there are Important Reasons to be concerned about and to protest against Racial Injustice in america but can we just keep our unifying National Symbols out of it . Or should i say symbols that are supposed to be unifying like our flag and ancestors. The grip of all this and the politicalization of absolutely everything it really undermines the nations culture and that is not just some vague thing that has no impact in the real world it does have an impact. It affects our ability to come together to solve real problems whether that is fighting terrorism, fighting Crime Fighting for better jobs and higher incomes. All of that is so much easier if we can have a respectful conversation as americans who may disagree. It is that much harder if the symbols of america become the symbols of division instead of unity. There is a direct connection between the nfl protest and nothing getting done in washington. It is all part of the same destructive polarization. You know what this is about, this whole thing . Its not about race, not about criminal justice, not about anything specific anymore. Its about something way bigger and frankly, way more corporal. Its like so much else in america these days, its about elitism and the meat looking down their snooty noses and working americans and staring at them. Look at them with their flags and their patriotism in the religion and Country Music and yes, there guns. We will get to that later in the show. Look at those in the word were searching for is deplorables. That is what those nfl players and their billionaire bosses who indulge them are really sane. Later in the show we will expose the corruption and hypocrisy in the swamp watch but for now, lets make one more plea to the disdainful elites in football, in the media in Silicon Valley and hollywood in washington dc and in the Democratic Party but in the republican establishment, too. For the sake of our countrys future and justice for working americans could you stop being so bigoted, so narrowminded, so unbelievably condescending toward the half of the country that doesnt live like you . That is the next resolution we need. Now, lets bring our panel to debate these matters. President of the peoples house project, crystal ball. Editor and publisher of the online political journal, chris bosco. In the political analyst, amy holmes. Amy, lets start with what happened today. What do you think of the Vice President looking out today . I agree with you, steve. It was the right thing to do particularly when we know his bosses view of the situation. I dont think Vice President had a choice but getting back to your monologue and some of the points you made i agree that there is this steadiness and sneering in a snobbery at symbols of american patriotism and it makes me so sad and particularly in the nfl contact the people dont remember that one of the most beautiful heart wrenching tearjerking renditions of the National Anthem was sung by Whitney Houston at the super bowl in 1991 and it was a rallying moment and a moment for americans to have americas black princess bringing us together and we seem to have forgotten that. Some of these players werent even born when she sang the National Anthem but we need to get back to that. Steve i think i very much agree with that but crystal, before we figure out how to get back to it what changed in what you think lies behind this clear cultural change going on . One thing i would say is that i disagree with your interpretation of what the players are doing themselves in kneeling during the National Anthem. Lets be clear, this was an intentionally provocative act but actually look at things quite differently so in the same way that for many people who are struggling in america and if you look down upon in they see their communities crumbling and struggle with drug addiction and houses that are decaying and no opportunity for themselves and their children and in the same way that a vote for President Trump was in a lot of ways a cry for help i see that in the same intentional provocative gesture from these nfl players who are staying that the root of this was look at my communities and look at the fact that we are dying in that we are struggling and we cant get anyone to Pay Attention and address the problem. I see a lot more in common between the trump supporter and the nfl player then. Steve lets just get our terms right. First were going to see her later in the show maybe not the player but certainly the people that the player might be speaking for. The players themselves are suffering from but lets remember where they came from. Steve right, but to that point and then given that and i have acknowledge that here many times. Every time we talk about this ive made a similar point that there are real injustices that have gone on for a long time but isnt there a better place in way to make the protest that would actually bring more people together to actually solve the problem . You make it is certainly possible. As i said, this is an intentionally provocative act and i think that good people can disagree whether this is the right way to go and call attention to this problem but the bottom line is that other methods that have been used havent solved the problem. The other thing i would say and i would point out here is that i think the Vice President also made a very political statement here. He went to this game intentionally and he knew what he was doing and this was likely something he intended in advance so the nfl players are the only ones making a political point on the field today. Steve chris, your journal and the name speaks for itself as a patriotism underline that but what you see this going on and what is your reaction to. My reaction is, i guess, i go back to something i saw the Dallas Cowboys due to weeks ago. He went out with his players and they stood and they lock the rams and they nil and after the game they asked him why did you do that in said we wanted to be together and we wanted to show ourselves as unified and do something together that shows our Community Spirit and i thought jerry, you dont have a sense of self reference or selfknowledge or irony to you because thats what the answer is. That is why we all stand for the anthem and put our hands over the anthem. That is the sense of community in the sense of unity so you denigrated the country and then try to create some other sense of community that didnt need to be created in the first place. Lets not forget, though, what sparked this latest expanded wave which was the president of the United States calling black athletes who were kneeling as obese so i think it makes sense that jerry jones felt that his players were under attack and there was a need to show [inaudible conversations] but theres another side to that. When the kneeling started with mr. Kapnick there were few players that were kneeling and we only saw this wave as a result to President Trump. Im not sure, right, i thought it was inappropriate and i disagree with that but i dont think the current protest was deliberate acts of publication actually have much to do with the criminal justice problem, lack males being targeted by cops. It seems to be a big middle finger to the president of the United States. Steve i think that is right and that is what is so sad about it. Do you see any prospect for moving on . While the other half will submit say about this and readings are going down. Resumes and reports that 34 of adult americans say they are less likely to follow football because of these so when it hits the nfl in the pocketbook in the wallet i think youll see change. I just want to clarify if the nfl couldve come up with a way to try and ruin their business and ruin the cause that they were supposedly trying to stand apart, they did it. I think that they have popped what i call the Sports Bubble is something i wrote a week ago that the bloom is off the rose here and people are starting to see these athletes for who they are. Steve way too easy with coming up later in the show. We will add to that. Im really excited about the story. I think what we will go to next is some of the social media comments that have come in from the audience. Oh sorry, will do that later. I got that in the wrong order because on the heels of the Vice President s abrupt exit from todays game we are going to as i just mentioned, throw a flag on the swamp of the nfl. You wont believe the shady dealings of [inaudible]. Its a storm watch you cant miss tonight. Plus, what is the Artificial Intelligence mean to you and working americans. Next, the horrible tragedy in las vegas has given the elitist the license to lecture. The license to lecture. The sad state of the gun debat hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yep. Good night. With accident forgiveness, your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. Get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only 34. 90 more per month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Five left for the as i do i got home and looked at your tweets about the show and are playing as usual. Then i noticed mandalay bay on the side of the screen and i started to see some of those early videos with that for noise of gunfire. I went to bed shocked that still with no idea of the scale of what had happened. Of course, during the week weve all been learning more, not just about the crime in the criminal but the victims and the heroes of all kinds help save lives. Its been incredibly emotional week and there is one emotion that i didnt need and that is anger at our politicians and to be honest that started right away when i saw Hillary Clinton talking about taking on the nra and later today when democrat congressman and would be president ial candidate seth staged prophetic selfindulgent hatred, divisive protest, refusing to observe a minute of silence for the victims. Its the elites wants to know why they are not getting anywhere with their guncontrol message, look no further than the attitude of people like clinton and holton. This quote from Dan Hettinger in the wall street journal sums up for me here it is crystal, whatever your views on the gun issue, lets and i dont know your views but lets assume tha. Prime ministerthat. Steve this in any response is aggressive and its an elitist response and not understanding the country and it doesnt help their argument and here. This is what i would say after a crisis like that to really go to what can we do and in terms of the world we are the worst in terms of Mass Shootings and what happens on average every day so if youre not going to talk about it the day of mastering very much time to talk about it. To your point, i think democrats have no credibility with rural voters and even though when you look on the polling in his seat 90 with background checks and other commonsense measures but that democrat support there is condescension coming from parts of the Democratic Party there is no trust from rural voters to say we will not go too far and that this talk about guns isnt an attack on me but an attempt to solve a problem. There is no trust there. Joe from West Virginia who pushed for the gun control legislation and he is still the most Popular Democratic politician in the state because his credibility with rural voters and they didnt see that as attack on their culture but thought this was something someone trying to solve a problem. I think theres a credibilit cry and its exacerbated by Hillary Clintons comments. Steve at the same time president obama and i dont think we have michelle and i are praying for the victims and we are praying for this senseless tragedy. It makes the point that its another census tragedy but its the way hes going about it. Its not so much on the actual. I thought president obamas treat was spot on and that was the best thing that you could possibly say it was totally appropriate and if you compare sidebyside what Hillary Clinton said she said can we put politics aside and can we oppose the nra . [laughter] okay, this goes to effect what you were talking about, steve, if you dont subscribe to the leftwing, progressive catechism you are a nonperson. That is not political but youre just wrong and we dont have right to talk has to. That is what Hillary Clinton was demonstrating in that tweets and thats what we saw from some of these other congressmen in people who want to jump out there in the lycee people are dead and i can score political points this and it turns people off, as it should. [inaudible conversations] i think its a genuine desire to solve a problem. [inaudible conversations] steve but you wont get there with and you wont get there when the democratic candidate talks about people clinging to their guns in their bible in not liking people who dont look like them which we remember president obama said back in 2008. Steve he has gone back and said he regrets that. But that is a flipping and thats what you really think about us and when Hillary Clinton takes something and part of the reason she doesnt have credibility is because she doesnt know what she is talking about. When she says can you imagine if there had been a silencer well, as people know about guns that. Steve you got to the heart of it but we have to move on. The bigger point is not about silencers or bump stops but it reveals what we really think of you and thats what they perceive in this whole debate and thats why it never before. Anyway, well get back to that another time. Right away on the show storm watch will expose the secret of the National Football league. Did you know that your tax dollars are paying for their billiondollar stadiums patrick next, the ai revolution could mean inequality for human workers in the future. We i will come back everyone. We talked about the end of a protest in guns and here is another sign of elitism in america. The economic side. Reagan speech writer brilliantly captured my work in america still be abandoned by the elitist. Heres a quote from it. In a moment, one of the worlds top thinkers on technology and its effect in society joins us to talk Artificial Intelligence. Here is anita vogel overview of the debates. Its currently clear. Were used to asking our phone for directions to where were going and if you want the news, just ask alaska. How is it happening . Its called Artificial Intelligence, ai for short and its already a part of our everyday life. Humans have created it so is artificial in that sense but its not biologic but it also autonomous and that the intelligence because it can do things on his own and make its own decision. Ai expert says with more and more algorithms to work with ai just keeps getting smarter. Oftentimes humans dont know it so we may be taking it for dealing with another human impact for dealing with a machine. Ai is a fundamental risk to the existence of human existen existence. This could result in widespread unemployment. According to a brandnew research for nearly two thirds of americans expect to struggle to find work in a world that could be filled with robots but surprisingly only 30 believe their own job is at risk. When asked what job people believe are most at risk, fast food and Insurance Brokers top the list just last week the Los Angeles Economic Development Council held a forum on how to train employers and employees to adapt to a new world. Artificial intelligence will not manage itself. It will not serve itself. Humans will still be needed to program, to create programs, to prepare, to manage, to protect these systems. And the university of Southern California a new institute to study Artificial Intelligence has a student delving into the good it can do to address issues like security, health and homelessness. In los angeles with the homeless shelters here we use ai algorithms in order to spread information about hiv by figuring out the peer leaders and messengers to spread information more quickly. Still the debate over the pros and cons over ai will continue. Experts in the field they were so many big issues facing our world wide wouldnt we just ask a robot for help. We havent solve these problems as human beings so perhaps ai can help us about these problems. For the next revolution, and you know vogel, fox news. Steve thanks, anita. For joined now by author of [inaudible] its a brilliant book about everything to do with technology and there is so much to talk about with him. This particular question of ai and the economy and jobs and id love to focus on that. There is a story out there that robots are coming and they will destroy jobs on a scale that we havent seen. What is your take . Im sick and tired of hearing that robots will take our jobs. He will only do that if that is what we tell them to do. A lot of what we have to think about is how are we telling them that and why are we telling them and what do we do about it. Steve lets just take some of those examples. Examples of manufacturing jobs that people worry will be displaced. What is the argument there and how can we tell the robots to operate in a way that doesnt destroy those jobs. The thing were wrong about robots is we think of this object as the robot and the robot is the system and we are actually living inside the future ai. The strongest face of it is not actually sites like google and facebook but our Financial Markets. What you have to understand is these are vast Digital Systems that actually shape Human Society and we see it with facebook and we understand that facebook was saying that we will give you that we are engaging and they didnt mean to create hyper partisanship and take news that the algorithms were game in our Financial Markets are just like that. We came up we optimize for his stock price and that means get rid of people and their cost to be eliminated right so how do we change that and what can we see changed . Theres a lot of policy interventions but the first thing we have to realize is that we believe in the divine right of capital today as we once believed in the divine right of kings. We have to stop believing that. Steve by uuppercaseletter mean the shareholders and the owners rather than the workers. Thats right. We believe that all the fruits of productivity, it belongs to the owners of companies in that they dont need to be shared by society and that they dont need to be shared by the workers. Therefore, get rid of the workers. Steve do you think thats a police or an accidental byproduct of the Way Technology has changed the economy . You have to understand that look around, i always look at this great quote from Larry Summers and he refuses the efficient market hypothesis by saying there are idiots, look around and i say, look, when we say had the wall street. [inaudible conversations] there is work to be done. Look around and the question we have to ask ourselves is what is it about the Economic System in the political system we have created that keeps us from doing the work of making a better society. We have to understand that all of these systems and we ultimately bake in these instructions and we dont quite understand what we are asking for. Steve just to finish that points before i bring in the panel, are you arguing that the point about in the way to make sure that these technological advances benefit everyone and not just the rich is actually not so much in the technology but the fundamentals of the way we organize capitalism and politics. I agree with that and i read something just today and chris, i want you to jump in on this because last time we were around this table and we have this passionate debate about jobs and i wanted to bring you and something today that was since 1972 the average american wage in those 44 years has fallen by 2 in real terms. It is sunny and we talked about the technology of the future will displace workers but its already happening. And close with congressman tim ryan who represents ohio and it used to be a great steel town and it still a great town but the steel mills had 20000 workers they are, middleclass jobs, union jobs and a great expense to taxpayers in using Political Capital they brought a still mill, billiondollar steel mill back to the same site making more steel than the ever dead but 20000 workers its 400. This reality is here and i think what is so interesting about what tim is saying is that you have to make sure that in this future which can be amazing because working in a steel mill is a dignified job but it is a hard job. Call minor wants to send his son into the minds so it can be great if you have more leisure and if you dont have to do those dangerous and dirty jobs but we have to make sure that it is not only this small crust of people who are benefiting from those technological innovations. Steve krystal, you have probably put on the side of the political argument that gets and appreciates the particular donald trump contribution to this argument, to elevate the tradition of working people who have been affected. What is your take . Thats right. Technology is coming and its been displacing workers and someone invented the lever and the wheel and that is fine. We want to encourage that and we need to innovate or china will eclipse us as a World Economic and political and military power. That is necessary but the question is what we do . The first thing we have to do is say who is we and poor americans that means the United States and that means the American Government needs to do and 11 hand we continue to innovate technologically but on the other hand we need to set up policies that make sure that we are looking to develop a community and a strong middleclass that encourages social mobility. That is absolutely essential. Steve it sounds to me like youre saying that wont happen without some pretty fundamental assault on the whole structure of the weight the its organized. This goes to the heart of the subject of the show. We have a set of tired, old prescriptions for how we will deal with this. We need taxes to be lower. I look at that and i say that is just beating the problem because in fact, all of the proceeds go to the people who are gaining already from the system as it is. The democrats say we need to lower taxes and i say no, we just need to understand what to tax and what are the things and its this concept they call that [inaudible] tax where you tax the negative externalities and the next but it seems to me that your argument is with adam smith and the invisible hand and the system in a capitalist system that does drive innovation, lowering cost and lowering labor costs and i am confused. It seems like jobs have been lost by automation. You just walk into a cbs where you have to bring up your own things and there is in a cashier there anymore. Steve there is interesting work work on their been more jobs created in warehousing and delivery in the past few decades that are lost in retail. Those jobs actually pay better and its interesting i have this amazing experience at amazon that understanding how many more people they are hiring because they are telling their robots to do and theyre putting 45000 robots into their warehouses and they added 250,000 people because they said we will use those robots to do more and we will try to deliver faster and they didnt say we will just use those robots to cut cost. Goes back to the central idea that we are giving our economy the wrong instructions when we say cut cost, optimize the capital, ignore people. Steve but this is the central debate in the economy which is who benefits from the big changes that are happening. We dont have time. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it and everyone should get your book, brilliant book. Thank you very much. Coming up next, the ball is americas favorite sport but when the game ends and the sale on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . And right now queen sleep number beds start at just 699. Save 200. With free Home Delivery on select beds only during our fall sale. Ends monday. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Another sunday and another bunch of pro ballplayers feeling during the National Anthem. We figure its time that they get this one want treatment. It is a swamp full of line loveliest. The National Football league is tonight to watch. Call for nfl owners to fire players is far from his first and he even bid to own teams in the past and why wouldnt he . Owning a profile team is a total cash cow especially when you can send a bill for your biggest expense to taxpayers who struggle to afford a seat even in the nosebleed section where they pay more than 10 for a beer. Shockingly, one study found that 70 of the capital cost of the nfl stadiums are being paid not by owners but taxpayers. Seahawks owner cofounder of microsoft along with bill gates one of the worlds richest men he got Washington State residents to pay 390 million500 milliondollar cost for his stadium. That is why hes one of the worlds richest men he gets taxpayers to subsidize his hobbies. Just like Minnesota Vikings owner the state legislator handed over 506 million from taxpayers towards his new stadium even though the state was facing a billiondollar budget deficit. Then there is new orleans which is one of the countrys highest poverty rates and that did not stop the saints owner from taking a cool billion and thats a cool billion in taxpayer money to build his stadium. These subsidies dwarfed the rental fee the teams play and basically our gifts to owners. Get this straight. We help pay for billionaires fancy stadiums and then they keep almost all the profits from tickets, parking, beer and hot dogs. They charge an average of 85 for a non premium seat. Another 30 for parking. Want to take your family afford to watch the cowboys play the packers . Youre looking at 450. Good luck with that when half of American Workers are earned less than 850 a week especially if the state posters your taxes to help poor billionaire owners with their costs. Louisiana governor likes to play himself as a frugal, costcutting conservative spends a 6 million a year inducing payments to the saints just to convince the team not to move. Im sure you would like an inducement payment to literally do nothing. In fact, politicians are so generous with your money that the saints are one of 12 teams that have actually turned a profit on stadium subsidies alone. Yes, they received more money than it cost to build their facilities. How the hell does that work . Only in the Public Sector but it gets worse. Until just two years ago the nfl was considered to be a nonprofit meaning it did not have to pay taxes on its massive earnings. This wally commissioner Roger Goodell was a cool 40 million a year making him the highest paid nonprofit executive in the country. Finally after bad publicity they gave up that technician but only after saying [inaudible] the tax burden that was shifted onto you. A large portion of the leagues revenue come from setting forth rights for a total of 4 billion. They negotiate as one entity on behalf of of 32 teams in the federal government gives the nfl an antitrust waiver protecting it from the type of lawsuits that might microsoft based in the 90s. Being a monopoly has let them cut a lucrative deal with directv. The only way you can watch every game is to work out a 70 a month. Some of the critics are coming on the government leak antitrust exemption. They are able to keep their sweetheart treatment because the nfl spent nearly twice as much on lobbying as the other three Sports Leagues combined. They are the only Sports League with fulltime lobbying organization in the dc swamp. They set up shop in the new york office six bucks from the white house. They share space with the leagues carpal swampy law firm and you might remember from the previous so much for the connection to eric holder in his soft start on white collar crime. All of that lobbying cant help the Public Relations crisis that the nfl is outpacing. When players kneel and supposedly protest in justice dont forget a disturbing number of them are criminals themselves. The website nfl arrest. Com tracks all their runins with the law and leaves those we know about. Since 211,218 arrest of nfl players for drunk driving, 100 for drugs, 98 for Domestic Violence and 74 for assault. In fact, Dallas Cowboys owner jerry jones has had so much trouble with his players crimes that he has hired an excop as the teams fixer to make their arrest problems quickly go away. According to wells the troubling stats are noble. He says that for every incident that generates a negative headlight ten are handled without the publics knowledge. How reassuring . Even after the horrible ray rice pro football is still prioritizing victories over the victims of the players bad behavior. During this years draft at least half a dozen players who have been accused of physical or Sexual Assault were welcomed into the league with open arms. That includes jacksonville wide receiver jd westbrook who was twice arrested on domestic charges. Although donald trump never managed to buy in an apple team with the league experiencing a Public Relations crisis and now the ratings that plummet it may well be the president has the last laugh. The populist revolution in spain outrage over Police Violence during the independence and spain heading for a breakup and what does it mean for america. Heres to the heroes americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. Steve the populist revolution is regrowing around the world. This week we saw dramatic scenes in spain as catalonia the most prosperous parts of the country which includes the city of barcelona held a referendum on independence. The National Government in madrid said it was illegal and try to stop it with incredible totality. They sent in our police as you can see there and pulled voters out of polling places by their hair. They let an old lady bleeding in the face. The king of spain and that qualifies as being a member of the elite described the independence vote as a quote in admissible disloyalty and just today the spanish Prime Minister said we are going to stop independence from happening. In my experience, lecturing people who want their own independence is not the best tactic as we saw with brexit but what is going on here and is there any lessons for us here in america. Chris, what youre seeing is an uprising of people and we dont want to be told what to do anymore. That is right. We see this all over the place and this is the biggest tory right now that no one is talking about. This is about part and parcel but what we have seen with donald trump election and brexit and going back to the independent vote of scotland. People are looking at the government and say there has got to be a better way. The 20th century is getting bigger and maybe the 21st century and theyre getting smaller. People are looking for accountability, transparency, community and this is another evidence of that. Steve we dont have too much time but is that agenda and is that a policy agenda that you see happening from the Trump Administration . I think that we are just at the beginning of a new talk about the next revolution and that is the next revolution is happening throughout the rest of the world and will see more of it more as it becomes a more robust policy. I do see more and more with the Trump Administration already with their efforts to deregulate and try to make. Steve i agree with that but i would add that pushing decisions down to the states while. Steve were built on the state right, were seen with the doj is doing in terms of civil Rights Enforcement and will pull back on the centralization that we saw during the Obama Administration but i would like to add that in fact it was our Founding Fathers who had wonderful insight that government closer to the people is better. It doesnt mean that its not corrupt as your monologue pointed out with the football teams getting these stadiums but closer to the people makes it more answerable. Steve krystal, can the left get behind the notion of decentralization for. Things to trump they are much more behind the idea of federalism and decentralization than ever before because we see in a visceral way the dangers of an authoritarian government. In some areas deregulation yes, but in others you see President Trump wanting to use and wanting to bludgeon cities and estates in terms of their Immigration Enforcement and rather than allowing local launceston to determine how best it can keep their Community Safe so you do see an authoritarian impulse there which i think all of these uprisings around the world and all white politics it goes back to the politics that we go back to earlier about this massive tradition happening in the economy and people are not sure what the future is going to look like. Steve and they want to make their own decisions. Those of us who believe in this and you have to be intellectually consistent about it and when the decentralization of power needs to decisions that we dont agree with you have to say well, that is the way it works. That is a way its right. There is a reason that the constitution says any power that is not specifically given to the federal government they are delegated to the states and to the people. People want close government because its more accountable, more transparent, more responsive to the actual needs and that means you dont always get what you want. Like you saw with the Obama Administration where he wasnt getting wanted legislatively he said i have a phone and a pen and acting and an authoritarian. [inaudible conversations] steve we have to go now but i steve we have to go now but i love what you say. Hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yep. Good night. With accident forgiveness, your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Tonights show seems to have gotten fired up. Here some things events a notch social media. Theres always hard once to say. So ladies the first time of your lets i thoroughly enjoyed the show. My favorite thought was the provocative monologue. Thats what we have time for tonight. Week y y y y y y y y y y y y y . Arthel yes. They looked great. Nfl costumes . President trump is going to town on twitter escalating and issuing an warning to north korea. This is the fox report. Present trump writing this about pyongyang. Quote, president s and their ministration have been talking to north korea for 25 years. Massive amounts of money paid have not work. Agreements violated before the ink was dry making fools of u. S. Negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work. Thats not the only to be getting attention, the president skirtedou

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