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Annapolis. Expected to save a thousand jobs in indiana all before they are sworn in as our next leaders. It comes after weeks of negotiationes with the heating and air Conditioning Company carrier. Tonight they say incentives were key to keep it from moving operations south of the border, down to mexico. Carrier had long been in mr. Trumps cross hairs and made international headlines, not good ones, after announcing it was moving operations to mexico went viral. Here is a quick reminder of how that news went down with carrier workers. We feel the best way it stay competitive and protect the business for longterm is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterey, mexico. What a moment. In moments we will get reactiones from tw carrier employees. Then Shawn Mcduffie and austin gouls by. We begin tonight with peter ducy reporting from trump tower in new york city. Peter . Reporter and megyn, the president elect still has not been sworn in yet but he did manage to save about a thousand factory workers jobs by delivering on a Major Campaign promise. Mr. Trump had been threatening to make an example out of carrier, heating and air conditioning and Refrigeration Company for the last mine months or so because thats when they announce a plan it move all of their indianapolis operations to monterey, mexico where labor is cheaper. If they did that, candidate trump said would he slap a massive tax on any products the company tried to sell here in the states and initial negotiations became public on social media when trump tweeted last week im working hard even on thanksgiving trying to get carrier ac company to stay in the u. S. Indian. Making progress. Will know soon. Their reply at the time was this. Carrier has had discussions with Incoming Administration and we look forward to working together. Nothing to announce at this time. But its a week later and deal is done. So what was it . Carrier did say tonight incentives offers by the state were a big part of the reason they are staying. Wall street jush al reports that indiana governor turned Vice President elect mike pence was some of the give and taken a carrier new pence meant business because he had taken back some the incentives that he had given to carrier when they said they were moving south. They will join president elect donald trump when at the plant they figured out how to stay in indian. The whole point is to say thanks to the voters who put them in power but sounds like they may be hearing thanks themselves from these factory work aeers a well. Megyn. Sure does. Peter, thank you. Two carrier employees with more than three decades of service between them join me now. Paul roll steam leader who worked for the company for 17 years. Tj brea is an insulator for carrier and worked there for 14 years. Insulator, sorry. Tj. Paul, let me start with you. That moment we just watched, lets watch it again. You were in the room when they announced they were moving your job to mexico. Watch it again. And protect the business for longterm, is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterey, mexico. [ bleep ]. What was that moment like for you . It was just shocking. I couldnt believe they were going to leave when we had been so profitable for them. I just went numb. I couldnt just didnt know how to react to it. And i havent been able to watch that video completely understandable. Youre married. Youve got two children. How old are your kids . My son is 9 and my daughter is 13. This has reallife consequences for you. Were you concerned about being able to find another job . Yes, i was. Especially another job that payes with carrier pays. And i was worried about taking a pay cut by getting another job. That would mean i would have to sell my home to get a home somewhere else that i could afford with my lower income by changing jobs. How about you, tj . When you heard the news, what was your reaction, that they were going to move your job to mexico . I was completely devastated. You know, this was my only adult job ive ever had. Ive had this job since i was 18. To have this ripped way from me, no warning or no red signs, red flags that anything was going on with this company, that wouldnt tell us that there was any problems with this company, i was absolutely disgusted with the announcement and the way the announcement and told to shut up when we made a loud noise when we were told we were losing our jobs. It was heart breaking to see what was going on with myself and my coworkers that i care about. Evand you as well are marrie with two kids. Donald trump made this an issue on the campaign trail. When he said he was coming after carrier, did you guys support him . Were you Trump Supporters before november 8th . I was not a huge trump supporter. You know, i didnt really know how to take mr. Trump. But im glad that he actually lived up to a promise and stuck with it and and i will gladly give support to him and if i get the chance to shake his hand tomorrow for saving my job, ill gladly do that. How about you, paul . Then and now . I supported him the whole time. Even in the beginning when everyone said he wasnt serious about running as a candidate and going for the republican nomination, nobody thought would he get it. His own party was against him. When he got the candidacy to be the nominee for the republicans. Everybody still said he wasnt going to get the election. He did it. Three weeks after he gets elected, he makes announcement he had done what he said would he do with carrier. And when you heard the news yesterday, that your job, that you keep your job, how did that feel, paul . I was ecstatic. Shocked. Couldnt believe it. Seen it on facebook. How about you, tj . Same thing as paul said. I was shocked and still am to this day. Im still in shock and still seems surreal. I mean, this is unprecedented. And im glad, it seems like im part of history thats being made right now with a president being able to put his foot down and being able to save some american jobs. Great to see you guys, thank you both so much for being here. Thank you. How about that . Also with us tonight, mike duffey. And austin gouls by. He served as chief economist for president obamas economic review board. Austin is here to rain on this parade. Because i believe, based on what i heard from producers, you believe this is a form of corporate welfare that you think is cronyism. How is it keep their jobs. They are still shipping half of the zwrojobs to mexico. Im thrilled for them. This is not what donald trump promised to do. Donald trump said he was going to go negotiate with carrier. He was going to threaten them and get them to keep the jobs here. What happened here was not a negotiation. They paid them to stay there. And what i would like to know is how much did they pay them to keep those 1,000 jobs there. Well, reports are, the reports are that they will get carrier will get roughly 700,000 a year for a period of years in state tax incentives. So why is that bad . Because donald trump is saying they will have more growth under their policy . So Everybody Wins . It is 700,000 per job or 700,000 total per year . The report is per Fortune Magazine that company gets 700,000 a year for a period of years. Thats according to fortune. Okay. So my point is, thats a payment. And if Hillary Clinton did exactly that, if she went and got the state to give them 700,000 a year for however many years it was, to save 1,000 jobs, you know perfectly well that donald trump would have accused her of crony capitalism and making a payment to try to make herself look good. Congressman duffey, do you want to take that on . Cronyism is when the administration gives 500 million to issalenra for politil pay back. This is Donald Trump Holding down on a promise he made to americans. The naekt fighfact that he figh american men and women, i know christmas is coming, paul and tj have a job coming into christmas with their kids. When, megyn, have we had a president who said im willing to fight for you. Donald trump made the promise and now well president obama bailed out the Auto Industry and republicans didnt like that could be congressman. We dont know if donald trump had any bailout and we and mike pence might have offered tax incentives that states do all the time. The bottom line is 1,000 people still have their jobs and austin might not think thats a big deal but he is not losing his job. But for paul and tj and he is happy for tj and paul. I said im thrilled those people kept their jobs. He is being a little bit like the grinch. This is a great deal. It is not the grinch. If it is a great deal we verevee number. One of the oldest lessons of accounting nobody hides number thas are favorable. The fact that they will not tell you what is in the deal suggests that maybe the deal was not as favorable. But megyn, think of this. Well we will hear more about it, im sure. He is the Vice President elect, already saving 1,000 jobs. Tax reform, rolling back rules and regulations that are punishing american manufacturers, fixing the Affordable Care act and making Health Care Affordable for companies and families, that will help grow the econ mys aec and allow Companies Like carrier to keep their benefits. Lets not forget that carrier has a lot of defense contracts. Theyve got a lot of contracts with the government that they certainly dont want to lose if the government gets mad at them because they are moving jobs south of the border. Great to see you both, thank you. We are also seeing new fallout after president obama said it wasnt his policies or his party that were to blame for Election Results on november 8th. It was, all together now, fox news. Mark teason and larry core, next on why he went there and what it means. Plus, chip and joanna gains have one of the most popular show owns hgtv. But now are facing an ugly take. Apparently because is writer does not like where they go to church. Stier wa stirewalt and maripe reno are. Now saying there will be no charges in the Police Shooting of an armed man but also pointed out how many of the witnesses made things up. Things the media ran with and then there were protest including one in which a plan died. Back in moments on a busy night. After thorough review and given the totality of the circumstances and credible evidence in this case, it like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. 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Still, it isnt getting old for him apparently. Apparently according to him fox news is the leading reason the Democrat Party now holds a smaller congressional minority than any time since 1929. If this sounds familiar, it should. And howie kurtz explains why. For eight long years president obama often seems to have one network on his mind. If i watched fox news i wouldnt vote for me either. Right . Now he is taking a parting swipe at fox lamenting why White Working Class voters turned out for donald trump. He said part of it is fox news and every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country. Part of it is also democrats not working at a grass roots level. Obama did partially blame his own party but here is whats striking. The president has the worlds biggest bully pulpit but often portrays fox as all but drowning him out. First of all i have one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration. I mean, thats a pretty i assume youre talking about fox. Thats pretty big megaphone. That view promoted by anita dunn who once told me fox was a wing of the Republican Party made no distinction between the Networks News and opinion programming. Her boss often invoked fox in defending obama care. But you dont have to take my word for it. If youve talked to somebody who said well i dont know, i was watching fox news and they said this is horrible. Well good Affordable Health care might seem like a famed threat to the freedom of the American People on fox news, it turns out its working pretty well in the real world. Fox journalists would push back when they were excluded from a media blitz. These guy wes, everything is personal. They are the biggest bunch of cry babies i have dealt with in my 30 years in washington. His Justice Department battled the press seizing phone records from the ap and foxs chief washington correspondent james rosen in leak investigation answers even branding rosen a criminal coconspirator. Sometimes obama uses the chan toll argue that right and left prefer sympathetic outlets but lately his fox fixation seemed to fade. Mr. President , welcome back to fox news sunday. Good to be with us. Its been a while. Better late than ever. At times he used fox as a scapegoat. Now he is handing the reigns to trump who is way harsher towards the press and drawn far more Media Coverage than the outgoing president. Just in the past week trump attacked cnn and New York Times and as you know, he sometimes criticized fox as well. Megyn . Howie, thank you. Joining me now with more, mark peaceon, Fox News Contributor, former speechwriter for george w. Bush. Also larry corb, mr. President reagan. Thank you both. Oh, this is so tiring. So tiring. So president obama asked himself, why is it that fox news is on in all those bars and restaurants that completely ignores as just apparently lunatics who want to consume false propaganda all day. Maybe because it is the most trusted news source for more americans than any other aenl people actually are openminded and want to hear the issues discussed without a liberal bias. Mark teason, your thoughts . Absolutely. And the irony is that he complained to fox news to Rolling Stone magazine. The people behind the fake uva rape scandal. They were just found guilty of defamation in a federal court. So he went to Rolling Stone to complain about fox news journalism. Can i interrupt you here. Yeah. And while talking to Rolling Stone, ding of defamation at the moment thanks to that judgment. He said this, listen to what you said to Rolling Stone magazine without any hint of irony. Listen. If we are not serious about facts and whats true and whats not, then we have problems. Okay. So he said it a couple days before he talked to Rolling Stone. But apparently he forgot. He said the same thing. He said the same thing in Rolling Stone. Very similar thing. And look, you know, fact is, if he doesnt like fox newss coverage, theres really simple solution to that. Come on fox news. I mean, how many times did he sit down with you, megyn, for an interview on the kelly file . Zero, right . How many times did Hillary Clinton sit down with you for an interview . Zero. Than scary. Larry is here. It is okay. A safe space to do an interview. But he doesnt want to be asked tough questions. He wants to go to Rolling Stone and psycho fans out there who affirm him. And the irony is he explains were so segmented, conservatives only listen to conservatives and liberals only talk to liberals. You want to talk to conservatives, come on fox news. What about that, larry . Hillary clinton, they dodged the entire, the entire election. And i know why. Because they didnt want to quote legitmize fox news, some of her people. And i think she was scared to sit down with someone who would ask her hard questions. Why not speak to the country that watches fox news, loves fox news and trusts it. Dont forget, obama has been on Chris Wallace on bill oreilly. Maybe not on your show. But he has been on oh, please. He has been on he has been on fox. And i looked it up. I mean, he has, you know, he is up on the today show but not meet the press. So i think that he has and if you read the Rolling Stone interview, he mentioned fox once in 15 pages. Talking about all of the but he has been doing it for eight years. I understand that hes doing that. But the fact of the matter is, he blamed he gave fox for one reason out of three he blamed for the loss. He wasnt blaming fox for the loss. And in fact i agree with you. You ought to come on all of the networks. You have the largest viewership. When i come on here, i get more emails than all of the other networks ive been on. Not all of them favorable. But yes, you ought to do that. People watch. You got to get out and get to people. But he did say they werent getting their message. They didnt have a good ground game. And also people were why do you think they werent getting your message . Exactly. You were going on channels that nobody was watching. All right, i got go. I think that they didnt get the message because and i think is why nancy pelosi got challenged by congressman ryan because too much coastal elites and not enough for the, you know, the folk in the middle of the country. Who do watch fox. During the campaign i spoke to the world okay got to go. Okay. Thanks. Last word. Sure. So that interview with chris wall wallace, 28 will months since last fox interview. Hes been on fox nine times since elected president. On cnn twice as often. He is afraid to come on fox news. If you are going to complain youre losing the middle of the country if you dont come on the network that reached the middle of the country. There are coastal elet parties that have no people in the middle of the country. Talk to fox news if you want to reach them. He just wants to lament that middle of the country is watching him. Look how that worked out. Great to see you both. Thanks, megyn. Also tonight, speaking of the middle of the country, chip and joanna gaines, host of one of the most popular shows on hgtv out of waco, texas, are now under attack for a big media outlet for where they go to church and what is preached there. Chris stirewalt and dana perino are next on that. Plus in charlotte, North Carolina a Police Officer is cleared of wrongdoing. He wont be charged. He wont be charged. Now protesters are when a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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And you can save big on great gifts. Like sherpalined buffalo flannel shirts for under 20. Major controversy developing to night involving the texas couple who host the popular hgtv show fixer upper. They find themselves the target after critical article of a big time website and a writer that didnt love where this couple goes to church. The pieces of the website buzz feed under the headlined chip and joanna gainess church is firmly against samesex marriage. Trace gal ber ggallagher is livh how this all unfolded. Trace . They have a hit show. Bestselling authors and Texas Monthly magazine credits them with revitalizing the city of waco but now buzz feed has broken the news that fixer upper host clip ahip and joann gains attend a church where the pastor does not believe in same sex massachusetrriage. It seems he believes as a lot of christians do that marriage is between a man and woman. Todd stearns was asked if his church is antiguy. We are not only antigay, we are just pro helping people in their journey to find out who god is and who he has made them to be. We dont know how chip and joe gaines feel about samesex marriage because buzz feed published the story without getting an answer from them and heres buzz feeds reasoning. Quoting fixer upper has fans of all stripes, christians, feminists and lbgt viewers found something to love in the gainess, so in the absence of response from them or representatives it is worth looking at veer unmoving position pastor seeb ert and Antioch Church take on samesex marriage. So guilt by association. You will recall in 2014 the benam brothers add show on hgtv and when they came out against gay marriage the Lbgt Community protested, sponsors pulled ads and hgtv fired them. Even this time around buzz feed readers responded by calling the story a bit of a witch hunt. Megyn . Trace, thank you. Culture wars ignite is the democrats begin another new term with the house leader nancy pelosi what the minority leader today beating out challenger representative tim ryan. But after hemorrhaging control and recent election sets left missing the message. They are going after this family and reelecting nancy pelosi as theyre laider. What does it teal us . Chris stirewalt and dana perino are here to tell us. So stirewalt, is it popular to attack this Christian Family and elevate yet again nancy pelosi who lets face it her record of winning lately hasnt been so good. You know, in 2010 was a while ago and probably decency would have demanded that after failing to retake the House Majority she would have stepped aside and let somebody else, some other person, a new face, come forward to take over. But she doesnt and she continued to hold power. The reason she is able to hold power is that the Democratic Party as her challenger tim ryan from youngstown, ohio, the pride of the county, said, this is a coastal party. This is a party that is a concentrated in very liberal precincts in places like where nancy pelosi is from like San Francisco and new york and enclave answers when you look at county map and see how red the rest of the country is that they are in these places and that kind of thinking is what leads people to do things like, i dont know, attack people for what their pastor said at church in texas. And this family, dana, you know, they are very popular. They host their own tv show. She are not bothering anybody. They havent gone out there to the pulpit and said anything. They just attend a church that buzz feed decided to investigate. They are just questioning whether these folks are antigay and believe in this conversion therapy that pastor backed and so on. This was definitely an attempt at activist journalism that i think backfired on buzz feed. So they decided to go after them. This couple has four children. Live if waco. I spent a lot of time in waco. That right by crawford, texas. Thats where we stayed on the whole press corps stayed. I think waco is definitely benefitted from having this joyous couple. And david, writes a great funny piece in the federalist saying, this couple could ruin your marriage because they are so happy and delighted to work side by side that then buzz feed decides how do we get some clicks on our website. They wanted to try to trigger an outrage mob. We have all seen them. Megyn, you know the outrage mob very well on social media. But the election is over. So now they are trying to find other ways. They are trotting old ground to try to find something that will bring up controversy that will give them all the clicks they could ever wanton their website. I think it backfired on them this time around. Is this a future criticism, that we have web sites going into peoples churches saying what does your pastor say with which we the quote majority disagree . At the same time we have nancy pelosi standing up there trying it push her values on us and then president obama saying, i dont understand it. It must be fox newss fault. It must be. I personally blame megyn kelly. Look, you know who elses church says that same sex relations are a sin . Nancy pelosis. She catholic. Right. Roman Catholic Church is pretty unambiguous on that point. This is a weird space. And certainly we understand why people who are gay feel that they have a right to stand up and say why who stands with us and who stands against us. Thats fine. When you are getting into the business of going into the pulpit and asking what somebodys pastor said about Something Else, you dont have them on the record. You dont know anything about that. Its not like they said anything about it. They didnt express any agreement one way or the other. They had a microphone stuck in their face from buzz feed saying do you or dont you, do you or dont you . Wow. Apparently that is the point were at. And you tell me they want to know if theyve ever done this fixer upper thing for a gay or lesbian couple in waco. Assumes facts not in evidence. We dont know what the population is or if they ever requested a fixer upperer is sfris th service from this family. I way that buzz feed didnt realize is that election of donald trump seems to have done Something Else which is to allow people to say, stop. This is ridiculous. And to be able to say, i dont dont need to share my private thoughts with you about anything. And it has nothing to do with what i do which is make people really happy with new houses and a great town in middle america. Right. None of your bees wax would be the perfect oneliner. Great to see you both. Bye. You bet. So were also watching protesters gathering tonight in charlotte, North Carolina. After word that no charges will be brought against the Police Officer involved in the Police Shooting of an armed, an armed man. Kevin jackson and eric are next whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Shhh dog, dog, dog. Does your mouthg prescripoften feel dry . S, a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. Over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. Biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. And it keeps your mouth refreshed too. 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Breaking tonight youre looking at live pictures out of charlotte, North Carolina where earlier today a decision was made in an officerinvolved shooting that ignited days of violent protests. D. A. Announcing that officer vincent will not face charges in the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott. Despite the account from scotts wife heard on dramatic cell phone individual kro cvideo rep theyre husband does not have a weapon. Dont shoot him. Dont shoot him. He has no weapon. He has no weapon. Dont shoot him. Dont shoot him. Dont shoot him. He didnt do anything. He doesnt have a gun. He has a tbi. Hes not going to do anything to you guys. He just took his medicine. Dont let them break the windows. Come out out the car. Keith, dont do it. Keith, get out the car. Trace gallagher has more from our west coast newsroom. Trace . Megyn, the investigation into the shooting death of Keith Lamont Scott was handled by 63 agen agents totaling 2300 man hours and prosecutors voted unanimously that it was justified. Focal point on the case centered on whether keith scott had a gun. Here is the district attorney. Watch. There has been some speculation in the community regarding whether mr. Scott was armed. I would like to address those specific concerns. All of the credible and Available Evidence suggests that he was in fact armed. The d. A. Went on to say the colt semiautomatic was loaded, safety off and bullet in the chamber. Keith scotts fingerprints were on the gun along with his dna and man later admitted to police that illegally sold scott the same gun found at the scene. Nine civilian witnesses claimed to have seen the shooting. Three of them said keith scott was unarmed. It was determined all three did not see the shooting. A fourth witness told police she saw a white officer shoot keith scott. Officer vincent, black officer in plain clothes fired the shots. Another said she saw a book fall from scotts lap but later told police she never saw a book or gun. And scotts wife who could be seen on the cell phone video telling police not to shoot her husband said that four white officers fired their guns and that officers vincent was not involved. Mrs. Scott told police her husband had not had a weapon in nine months but Text Messages show a month before the shooting mrs. Scott was angry with her husband about his possession after firearm. Megyn . Trace, thank you. Joining me now, kevin jackson, conservative radio host and Fox News Contributor and eric guster, legal analyst. Eric, we have seen this time and time again. Ferguson, missouri. Hands up dont shoot. Turned up to be a lie. People put so much stock in the testimony. This woman tahisha williams, i saw the shooting, a white officers, not a black officer. H then she confessed to the police she did not see the shooting. Tracy mclane, it wasnt this black officer under fire for the shooting. She also told the police she didnt actually see the shooting. All this protest and so on based on false testimonials and you know, where does this officer go to get his reputation back . The protest is not only about false testimony. They lied. Thats clear. But what the d. A. Said was very important. First of all, North Carolina is an open carry state. Secondly, Keith Lamont Scott did not raise his weapon to the officer. You can have a gun but as long as you dont brandish it so the point where youre threaten heing an officer he cant be shot. Thats why a lot of people are upset. He had drugs too. Thats why they got interested in him. He had weed. Weed, megyn . Weed makes you hungry, not violent. Weed plus a gun plus a man who is acting paranoid and add psychiatric disorder that caused paranoia. That can make a cop feel a little hinky. You take it, kevin. I give eric a lot of credit for coming on here to defend the ip defensible. This is yet another one of those cases where eric has to speculate. He wasnt there. He doesnt know what the police were under. They are more well trained than he is. He is back seat driving. Thats what we have come to in america. No matter what happens, if a black person is shot, it has to fall under scrutiny. In this particular case, it wasnt the fact that a black guy shot him. Suddenly, no, four white guys. No one white guy. Because that would be a better narrative. How about just let cops do their jobs. They are under jut scrutiny from civilians and their own ranks. How about let justice take its course. We did it with Hillary Clinton. How about let it happen here. I saw that videotape of mr. Scotts wife, dont shoot him. They ran that on a loop. On some of our competitors channels. And left an impression that cops shot this guy down for no reason. A white cop shooting a black unarmed man. It is not true. A black cop shooting a black armed man who wasnt complying. A black cop shot a black man who was not threatening him according to what the d. A. Said. And to correct kevin under civil rights, im a civil rights lawyer. I practice in this realm. Im a municipal judge so i see these cases all the time. Just because he add gun, megyn, does not mean he is threatening an officer. And when he refuses to put it down after he is commanded ten times, it becomes a problem. Thats what the d. A. Concluded. If you dont threaten an officer they cant shoot you. The guy had it the gentleman had a loaded gun. Whether it was done or up, it doesnt matter. I would love for you to it does. It does. I have to leave it p is for privileges. O is for ordinarily i wouldnt. L is for layers of luxury. A is for alll the way back. R is for read my mind. And i. Cant see a thing. S. See you in the morning. Polaris, from united. When i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance today we took the kelly on thehe road to fort hood, tex to promote my new book settle for more. A terrorist attacked killing 13 and injuring another 32 people before he was stopped by two brave Police Officers. More than 30,000 soldiers and airmen who lived on this post have lost more than 400 soldier in the iraq war alone. They know about sacrifice. Despite this, they are not defined by tragedy. Theyre grit and resilience and humility. Watch. We are here in texas at the fine november 2009 fort hood memorial. Ill introduce you to two survivors of that fateful day. First i want to give you a look at the reception we got and the incredible men and women we met when we were at the Fort Hood Military post earlier today. Hi, megyn kelly. Thank you. Great to see you all. Thank you for your service. I know that everybody that serves the country in some capacity, whether youre a truck driver or a teacher, they count up the cost. And i thank god my family was able to support me when i cou counted up this cost. Im proud to do it. I do it to protect our nation and my family. Im happy to do what i do. Selfie. Very nice. Two people who survived the terrorist attack joined us at the memorial. Staff sergeant alonso lunford shot seven times, has had 10 surgeries was awarded the purple heart. And former Police Officer, kimberly munley. She exchanged fire with the terrorist. She was shot three times. One of the bullet went through her leg nearly killing her. You walk around here and see the fallen. Do you feel like one of the lucky ones . How do you feel . I would say lucky. I would feel as if i was blessed to fight for the ones that fought. Just headed for a president ial election. We have a president coming in, a new commander in chief with a very different outlook on the world and america than our last commander in chief. How does it make you feel . I dont want you to go political, but how do you feel about the Incoming Administration and where were going as a country . It gives us hope. It gives us inspiration to make things that have kind of fallen by the wayside and to make them better again. Hearing stories this week about the kids in the College Campuses who they cant even look at the flag. The flag is too distressing for them, and at least one college removed the flag. First they put it at half staff, now theyve removed it. I mean, how do you guys feel about that . Its zpdisgusting. Our youth is so disconnected. Its sick and insane how anyone can disturb or disrupt or terrorize the american flag. That is the reason why we are standing here today. So to all them, grow up. Because they dont know what suffering is like. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Our thanks to kimberly and alonso and all the good folks at fort hood for their service and their dignity. Well be right back. Share the wonder of christmas at Bass Pro Shops with a free picture with santa and big savings. Like savings of 50 on this sportsmans elite 30 digital electric smoker. Plus, visit basspro. Com for daily cyber week specials and free shipping. Oh caroline. So corporate put you up in a roadside motel. But with directv from at t, you can download then binge watch your dvrd shows from anywhere. That makes you more powerful than whatever it is you just stepped in. Or that friendly dumpster diver outside. I wouldnt sit there. Its your tv, take it with you. Now you can watch your dvr anywhere, at no extra cost, with directv from at t. Every day starts better with a healthy smile. 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President elect trump keeps a Campaign Promise by striking a deal with carrier to keep jobs here in the u. S. And Vice President elect governor mike pence heds to capitol hill to meet with republican leaders. Newt gingrich is here to react to it all. The president elects assertion about voter fraud had no basis in reality. And cnn takes shots at the president elect. We react to the liberal media bias. And

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