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Here is her answer. Im going to be very very honest with you. The south has not always been the friendliest place for africanamericans. Its been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader. Its not always been a good place for women to be able to present ourselves. Its more of apwj place. So weve had to work a little harder on that. But the people trust me, i believe. Really they do to trust me to do the right thing for the state. Louisiana governor bobby jindal immediately slammed those comments calling them remarkably divisive saying implied in her comments is the clear suggestion that president obama and his policies are unpopular in louisiana because of his ethnicity. That is a major insult by senator landrieu to the people of louisiana, and i flatly reject it. Of course the governor is a republican. This has the potential to not only impact senator landrieu but it may spill into other races. We have Team Coverage on the breaking news with fox news digital politics editor chris dyrwalt and sirius radio talk show host david webb. We begin with bill cassidy, landrieus republican challenger who joins us now by phone. Sir, thank you very much for being here. Your reaction to her comments stand by. Were trying to get him. Hold on. Can you hear me . Ive got you, sir. Your reaction to senator landrieus comments. Yeah. People in louisiana care deeply about our country. They are being bombarded by his regulations. They dont understand obama care, cant imagine why he wont approve keystone xl pipeline. When under our constitution we work through the political process to change directions were were doing exactly what were supposed to do. Go to the polls and vote out the senator who supports him 97 of the time and were racist. The i think the people in louisiana have been pretty long suffering. Were the ones suffering under obama care. So i disagree with the senator. I wish shed focus more on policies instead of insulting us. She suggests that theyre also sexist, saying this hasnt always been a good place for women to present ourselves. Its more of a conservative place so weve had to work on that. This is a woman whos been elected to the u. S. Senate by louisianans three times that row. Your thoughts on that piece of her comments. Shes filled electricive office statewide or local since she was age 23. Our governor prior to Governor Jindal was a womannan now again someone who is upset because people in louisiana are rejecting her support for the president , i. E. Rejecting the fact that he wont approve keystone, he forces obama care down our throats, hes trying to kill our jobs with regulation and were called racist. Were going up through the political process to make the change our constitution prescribes how you do it and were called racist. Megan, were doing what we should be doing. Shes doing what she shouldnt be. Do you think this has been a tight race and she has been credited by many for running a good race thats been in large part error free, at least her supporters say that. Do you believe this is a desperation play to inject racism and sexism into this race a few days before the election . Senator landrieu now represents washington, d. C. Thats probably what the people she goes to at cocktail parties believe. That my gosh, the only reason folks in louisiana wouldnt support the president is because theyre racist. Now, i would say we reject the president because his policies9 have been bad for our state and bad for the country. If she actually lived here, understood what people in louisiana thought, she would understand that. But instead she says what people in d. C. i6 tsay. I say the people in louisiana have been prettyn good. One another question. Yoon does she have a point in terms of the numbers . If you look at the white vote in louisiana, it was i believe 14 for president obama last president ial election. For senator john kerry it was gl 25 . The suggestion by some is that the white voters in the south and in louisiana didnt favor barack obama because of his race to. The extent she says that there has been a history of difficulty for africanamericans in the south, does she have a point . Megan, when barack obama pushed m÷afcapandtrade, that going to destroy louisianas economy. Potentially killing what, 15 to 25 of our petrochemical jobs. Was the average working person who was hurt, not the big oil companies. It was the4nbm and pop in her defense she mentioned that first. When chuck todd asked her why he has a hard time in louisiana she said number one his policies, that moratorium on offshore drilling. The second point she made was the sound bite that we played. Last word, i got to tell you. When people in louisiana look at obama care and his Regulatory Regime and him going after their jobs thats the reason they oppose him and oppose her. She supports him 97 of the time. Were not racist we just stil c have common sense. Bill cassidy, thanks for being here, sir. Joining me david webb, sirius radio talk show host. David . Her first point, megan. Can we go to that for a moment . She also presents a false argument because shes trying to set up the race narrative when she says a percentage for john kerry versus a percentage for barack obama. Thats me. Thats a01÷ point im trying to raise. Shes not here to defend herself so im trying to find a way to understand what she was saying. Okay. That percentage doesnt work. Because two different times, different issues in louisiana. When it comes to the point of tt narrative, this is a desperation play by someone who didnt expect a channllenger. Shes been elected to office, been in offers as bill cassidy said since she was 23 in some form. Others have held office. If race was a factor, look at . Ray nagin. Look at jefferson. Look at all the other politicians down there who are black and women in the south all across the south. Thisuiehc uq really what politicians do worse, especially democrats. That if you have nothing to run on, then you paint your opponents as someone to run away from. And weve seen this play out with others in the democratic field with kay hagan, with others all across the country. This is desperation by democrats who are going to lose the senate likely and they need the vote. The vote that is usually depressed in mid terms to come out and vote for democrats. As an africanamerican man, let me ask you what i asked bill cassidy. Is there any truth to what she said . I mean, if you just obviously by itself, africanamericans have had a difficult history in the south is a true statement of course. But she said it in response to the question about why president obama is doing poorly. Why does he have a hard time in louisiana . That was the question. And so shes tying his poll numbers, the fact that sheskd struggling in her race, to his race. No, there isnt really, megan, as i see it if you look at other parts of the country. Not in the south where the president has low approval ratings. You would have to apply her statements there and find them false. Ive lived in the south. I lived in texas eight years. Ive traveled extensively in the south. There is also a great cultural relationship. Yes, it was difficult way back in our history. But blacks and whites in the south have groan up together. Theyve played football together. Theyve gone to church together. They work together. And it is not whats presented as this divided population. Frankly, the south likeja  mu america is a mixed bag, a melting pot of americans, that live together and exist together. Rating in new hampshire, not a southern state, is 38 . David, thank you for being here. Joining me now with more our fox digital News Politics editor,zg david dyer, is this a huge6kzbr fumble or is this a minor misstep . Oh, this is a big old fumble right there. Look, Mary Landrieu is probably gator bait in this race, it woulden ha be hard to see given dire situation shes in electorally how shes ever going to get there. You could make an argument if theres a runoff there given nobody gets to 50 which is likely with the third candidate in the race that she and bill cassidy run again in december. There was a thought once upon a time she could get through. This probably closes that door. Let me suggest that the consequences of this gaffe will be felt far beyond this race where landrieu was already pretty heavily favored to eventually lose but will also touch races in georgia, arkansas and north carolina. Ho us that . Because if you think about what democrats are doing explicitly they are saying, were going out and talking about ferguson, institutional racism, trying to get the black vote out, doing everything they can. You have white candidates running in Southern States trying to get the black vote out doing everything they can. Michelle nunn in georgia has been quite coy about aggressive advertising going on in that state. Guess what shes going to get asked about tomorrow. Guess what kay hagan is going to get asked about in north carolina. Was this intentional . Shes talking to meet the press. Right. Was it intentional for her to inject racism and sexism into this race . Because theres got to be an understanding that for some e n ha stayed home who who are now thinking that she called them a racist or she called them a sexist are going to be motivated to go out to the voting polls on tuesday afternoon. I think youre looking at a politician whoa; dynastic family. Father, brother. In a very o has been privileged position for a long time. I think it is probably very hard for her to ascribe to herself or her party orjsxj views the failings. I think it is probably easier to ascribe those faults to others. Fallout on this is not done yet. Chris, thank you. 2h uq taking your thoughts on it right now. X]p send me a tweet megankelly. Follow us on facebook. Com the kellyfile. Tomorrow night we÷lx have a kel file special on the mid terms. Called the democrats last defense. Its at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. And then next tuesday, special election coverage anchored by yoursip83 truly along with bret baier host of special reports tuesday night. Starwalt will be there alongroi team of fox all stars beginning at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time right here on fox news. We also have breaking news on the showdown in the state of maine after the nurse who treated ebola patients breaks her quarantine intentionally and practically dares the authorities to come after her. Plus Charles Krauthammer is here on the president s ebola response. And then we are now hearing that roughly two dozen terror suspects recently released from gitmo are back on the battlefield and helping the el members of hcfj4isis. Well take a look at who will take responsibility for this just ahead. Dont go away. Theyre coming. What do i do . You need to catch the 4 10 huh . The Equipment Tracking system will get you to the loading dock. There should be a truck leaving now. I got it. Now jump off the bridge. What . In 3. 2. 1. Are you kidding me . Go. Right on time. Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Ameriprise asked people a simple question in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms . I sure hope so. With healthcare costs, who knows. Umm. Everyone has retirement questions. So ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. Now you and your ameripise advisor. Can get the real answers you need. Start building your confident retirement today. Breaking tonight the clash between Public Health and personal freedom reach as new level as a potential compromise between a nurse who treated ebola patients and state authorities falls apart. The governor of maine now warning he is ready to17eercise the full extent of his authority to keep the publicya÷ safe. A look at nurse casey hickoks home where tonight she continues to openly defy calls to her confinement over fears she could potentially expose americans to the often deadly ebola disease. She insists she is federal healthy. Earlier she practically dared authorities to come after her by taking a bike ride through her homet0 defying the quarantine with her boyfriend. Trace gallagher reports from our west coast news room. Trace . Megan, the governor of maine is willing to allow casey hickoks to go for runs or bike rides as she did today but u u to go to Public Places or within three feet of other people. Apparently thecj÷ deal was a n for hickok because negotiations fell apart. Now governor le page says he will use the full extent of his authority to protect the public. The Governors Office says the state has multiple options on 7 ert that authority but wouldnt list any of them. Hickok maintains the quarantine is unnecessary and counter productive. If shes detained she and her lawyers will immediately take the state to court. Today she clearly felt unbound. Listen. Theres no [ inaudible ] against going on a bike ride in my lh this morning we said we want to go for a. Gn bike ride. While hickok remains defiant shes simultaneously getting heat and support from the country. The National Reviews ian tuttle criticized her saying when it comes to a disease that,pkk÷ li fight your internal organs and pushes blood out your eyeballs better safe than sorry would seem a dictum to whichive would agree. The decision to quarantine casey hickok is up to the state of main but took a jab saying the decision should be based on science. Late today the boyfriend who went with hickok on that ride heard around the world came out to defendxrnin his girlfriend a ease concerns. Listen. We did not go into0 we did not go into the grocery store. We are not trying to get anyone sick. We dont believe that we can get anyone sick. He then turned around and went back inside the house because pizza was delivered and they had a visitor. Megan. Thanks, trace. Former federal prosecutor and National Review contributing editor. Ted, the boyfriend says that they are not endangering anybody. And nurt ,i said on camera earlier today that shes fighting for something bigger than herself and she is completely healthy. Therefore they get to defy the quarantine. Nobody gets to be a law unto themselves. And courts have routinely in this kind of a situation upheld medicallybased quarantines. Contrary to what the administration says, theres no stigma involved in it. Theres no unfair or undue deprivation of liberty. Thats what they say that were stigmatizing. She says that, too. Were stigmatizing they call them heroes who go over to west africa to help dyingw patientsbyvbn at risk to themse and were stigmatizing them by quarantine. The astronauts ofc j apollo were quarantined for 21 days when they get back from the moon. That wasnt to stigmatize them. It was because they were exp9b to microbes that required some analysis to see whether they could be a danger both to themselves and to anyone else they might run into. Quarantines in those kinds of weighses are routine. Do they have the ability to do it even when shes not what she keeps saying im not symptomatic. I dont have a fever. If i had the disease it would be one thing. They suspect i may have it despite the fact i have no symptoms of it. For example, the courts have upheld small pox quarantine where a woman was in a small poxinfested area. The government did not have evidence that she was actually exposed. She was simply in the area. She was not manifesting symptoms. The government has no higher interest than Public Safety, it is allowed to impose reasonable restrictions and a quarantine is one of them. Think about look. Conscription, mandatory ju juries. With confinement. Good to see you. Even ifru]rn casey is healt Charles Krauthammer says something is very wrong with the president s ebolanv is all about science. Hes next. And then two officers are an immigrant. When bill oreilly calls the california Governors Office they tell him its not clear whether governor jerry brown will attend the funeral. New fallout from that when we come back. Governor brown should be in the front pew of the funerals. Apologizing to the families of,0 the slain police erx because it is the sanctuary policies in california that attract illegal criminals. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. I still believe that im fighting for something much more than myself. I am completely healthy. You could hug 4dun you could shake my hand. There is no way they would give you ebola. That wasvofcx defiant nurse hickok. She and her boyfriend were riding around her hometown in maine today. My next guest is also from maine and is so concerned about the risk to Public Safety she has started an onlineyi have casey hickox do the quarantine time or lose her  l. Welcome. Thank you. Were you at all concern reassured by what she said . n at all. Because shes an r. N. She should be setting actually a positive example to society andourage collaboration between Health Care Providers and federal and state institutions. With her not complying shes encouraging other health care provide tors do the same thing. Do you think she wants the showdown . I feel like she has7c setting the stage for a showdown with Health Care Practitioners in picking and choosing what policies and procedures theyre going to follow and whether its convenient or not. She says im not symptomatic eb somebody whos notdidn symptoma. She looks at all those doctors in the white coats who were behind barack obama when he heln his presser yesterday who also just came back from treating ebola patients. She says why are those guys standing a couple feet away from the president , she and her supporterses. Theyre at the white house all is well. I have to stay in my house. Ash arbitrary who gets subjected to the quarantine state by state and who does not. Does she have a point . Actually i just think that because of all the uproar t seen from online and from everything that ive seen in the media, she should just do it. Its inevitable. This is something that you should do. You knew the risks and took the risks when you went over there. Why cant you do the same thing for us and take the risks when i think she believes that there was no quarantine there. Wasnt a mandatory quarantine order in place when she went. So she came back and got surprised by it. But she said yesterday i think am the one whos suffering. She thinks she is the one bein . Victimized here. She doesnt see herself as potentially victimizing the folks in maine. Your thoughts on that. My thoughts on that is that she just needs to hear our voices, hear our opinions. We dont hate her. We do not want ill will on her. We just want her to understand that we are very concerned. All we want her to do is just the 21 days. Just do the short 21 days just to reassure and just as a cautionary. Jamie, thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. All right. All the best to you. Up next Charles Krauthammer on the president s call to let science set the policy for public savfety and ebola. Plus8xc n new evidence the house helped isis by releasing some get toe detainees who are reportedly back on the battlefield. Wait until you hear how mamamama vo you are a business pro. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrfect. vo meeeow, business pro. Meeeow. Go national. Go like a pro. So im the one living and ive listened to the tips, the trends and haveyoutriedthis. Now, im ready for someone to listen to me. Welcome to fit2me. Com, your free customfit, Diabetes Support Program that actually listens to you. 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So i guess m message and im pretty sure this is a message that all the folks behind me including the ones with the white coats would confirm is that its critical that we remain focused on the facts andsy]x on the science. Earlier with Charles Krauthammer about it. Hes a Fox News Contributor and author of things that matter which is on the New York Times best seller list with over 1 million copyu9dz sold. And when i talked to him it was much colder in the studio. Charles, its all about the science which is code for dont quarantine returning patients. You know, iam 1 the way democrats they have this long history ofxv÷ claiming to be th party of science while republicans or anybody who opposes them are the party of obscureja.  and superstition. T change, this is nowuw settled science. They did that with embryonic stem cell research. If we already had that wed have a cure for alzheimers and paralysis. Its the same kind of theme. president , how is itr not have a quarantine for a civilian nurse but to have the department of defense, which the last i heard is a part of the [ a 21day quarantine for any soldier who serves in vx these zone countries . Does the virus actually decide whether its going to multiply and kill the patient on the basis of whether its a nurse whos a civilian or a soldier whos a member of the military . This is not science. This is policy. And i think the administrations advocating the wrong policy. In the meantime we have this nurse who basically says, just go6h me because i know better than you do. And i think youre being arbitrary. And im telling you im not a danger to the public. Your thoughts on her. Look, there is something of course arbitrary whenever you have a protocol. A protocol simply means if you meet criteria a, b and c youre going to be in quarantine. And yes, there will be exceptions. And there might be a case in which the risk is extremely low. But you have to have a policy like that or you dont have any Public Health system. You want to protect the public. We know that if you have a fever and that it incue baits for three weeks. She says i know i dont have it. She doesnt knoi have it. You wont know until the three weeks are up. And if theres even a chance, a very low chance of mm you shouldnt be out in the public. You shouldnt be risking the Public Health. And you cannot have individuals deciding, well, im an exception. Im not one whos got the virus, and thus i will exempt myself. You have to have the. S,t rules. It is a violation of civil liberties. Theres no question that a quarantine is essentially either house arrest or incarceration somewhere, in nice conditions. It doesnt have to be harsh conditions. But o9jnonetheless, yes, of cou it is. But we do that in epidemics. And we have done so since antiquity. Its been done 2s thousands of years to prevent contagions. And if you have individual patients declaring for themselves whether they are dangerous or not n youre head down a slippery path. Let me ask you about the federal governments, messaging on ebo. Weve had different sort of assertions on whether it would come here himself in selfquarantine. Where the heck is the guy . He wants nothing to do with this. I thought it was interesting yesterday how president obama used the Ebola Press Conference to make a point on which hes been hit in the past when he refused to say he believes in american exceptionalism or qualified it by saying i believe in it the same wait germans believe it exceptionalism. Here was his message on why we should get behind the science yesterday on ebola. Im a Firm Believer in american ex sensualism. You know w exceptionalism its because of folks like this. Its because we dont run an hide when theres a problem. He hasnt spent half a decade trying to undo the damage of his obvious rejection. You know that he doesnt really have that sense of american exceptionalism although he now repeatedly says of course he does. But this isnt a question of american exceptionalism. This is a question of simple, hardheaded Public Health policy. Do you have a quarantine . Do you try to protect the public . And yes, we understand that if theres going to be a quarantine there will be somewhat of a disincentive for somebody who wants to go over and treat these people in west africa. But think about this. How much of a disincentive is that . Compare the 21 days youre going to have to spend at home watching television, catching up on books, to the risk of catching ebola and dying a horrible death if you go over there in the first place. Anybody dedicated enough to do that, to take the time and to take risk, is somebody who i think in the same spirit ought to say, okay. Ill give it three weeks at home as a way to protect the public in my own country. Charles, thank you. Pleasure. Hot now. They turned up the heat. I just ripped the sleeves right off. Feel so much better. Breaking news tonight on a manhunt that left an entire state on edge for weeks. Plus after president obama promised to destroy and degrade the terror army known as isis, we today learn that some former gitmo prisoners are helping the group grow and get stronger. Mark teeson and former gitmo guard are here next. Your customers, our financing. Your aspirations, our analytics. Your goals, our technology. Introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Enagage with us. Nothinchocolate chip cookie. Rite nestle toll house made with real butter, eggs, and brown sugar for that scratch made taste. Well now you can bake as few or as many as you please. Frozen and ready to bake, new nestle toll house frozen cookie dough is made with wholesome ingredients like the original recipe and lets you bake just the batch you want. 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It says they whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. Crest 3d white whitestrips, the way to whiten. Use this collection together to whiten in just 1 day. Helps you find a whole range andof coverages. Ur price tool no one else gives you options like that. [voice echoing] no one at all no one at all no one. Wake up [gasp] oh you okay, buddy . I just had a dream that progressive had this thing called. The name your price tool. It isnt a dream, is it . Nope. Sorry you know that thing freaks me out. He can hear you. He didnt mean that, kevin. Kevin yes, he did keeping our competitors up at night. Now, thats progressive. Developing tonight, the terror army known at isis may be getting some help from some bad guys weve seen before. Administration sources telling fox news that a couple dozen former gitmo prisoners just released in the last couple of years are back on the battlefield helping isis. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has more. Reporter megan, u. S. Intelligence sources tell us as many as 24 guantanamo detainees have joined isis in syria, cementing fears that the u. S. Military is once again encountering militants taken off the battlefield and released from gitmo. We know that some of the detainees that have come out of guantanamo have gone back to the fight, the battlefield. Were aware of that. One example in april of this year, even ra him ben shakaran was reported killed while leading a known Jihadist Group in syria fighting president ba shur al assads forces. The called for a stop to release of detainees the u. S. Government must not release terrorist denamees at the same time we have committed u. S. Service members to fight isil. To continue to do so just as we have had to open a new front in the war on terror is unthinkable. There are now 149 prisoners held at guantanamo guantanamo. 80 will currently clear ford release. Former u. S. Ambassador to iraq from 2010 to 2012, james jeffrey, says he would not recommend releasing more get know detainees. These people are very ideologically and essentially religiously committed to their evil cause. It is very hard to sort out who are going to stay at home and who are going to return to the battlefield. In fact, one of the leadings now was followed by three mo moroccans released from Guantanamo Bay. Joining me mark teeson, Washington Post columnist and American Enterprise Institute Fellow and a form guard at Guantanamo Bay. What this administration is doing right now is effectively sending reinforcements to isis and al qaeda. This is a catch and release program out of Guantanamo Bay. When i was in Guantanamo Bay in 2004 and 2005, there were about 600. Theres only 150 there right now. President bush released a lot more detainees than president obama had. But he was releasing those that had been swept up on the battlefield. You saw a lower recidivism rate then. Were now seeing close to 30 of detainees leaving guantanamo day going to the battlefield. Those 20 or 30 are not just in their home countries. Theyve gone to syria. Theyre joined up with isis. Now theyve got the badge of courage from being from Guantanamo Bay. Jihadist up a stars and very well networked. I reviewed all the countries these guys i are from today. Every country in the middlee t middleeast. Releasing them now makes our job more difficult. What is the alternative, mark . President bush established gitmo. It was controversial from the start. He also let a bunch of these guys out. Now our current president has let a bunch of these guys out. And theyre doing what is very predictable, returning to the battlefield. Thats exactly right. I think in fairness to president obama, president bush let a lot of guantanamo detainees out, some considered to be lower risk but turned out to be very high risk. We have guantanamo detainees, former alumni or Guantanamo Bay who are in leadership positions in al qaeda in yemen in the taliban regime in afghanistan and taliban fighters against americans there and in libya as well. So what weve seen that is these people, especially the senior leaders, go back to the fight. So the question really is, why are they flocking to syria . Why are these guantanamo detainees flocking to syria . Why for that matter are thousands of jihadists from all over the world flocking to syria . Because isis is winning and we are losing. What this administration doesnt seem to understand is that the the biggest terrorist recruitment tool is not the existence of Guantanamo Bay, its the perception of american weakness. When isis can withstand u. S. Air force strikes and continue advancing in iraq, that is a per ception of weakness. That sends a signal to the jihadists of the world that were standing up to the great satan, were standing up to america and we can defeat them and they come flocking to fight. Pete when they go back after having served time at gitmo, does it enlarge their persona in some way . Of course it does. Theres a myth around Guantanamo Bay and what theyve survived and how theyve dealt with it. They are immediately shoot up the ranks. Theyve got that credibility. You asked the question, megan, what do you do about it . You try them in commission. You find those guilty that are guilty and you execute them. Thats what you do to an enemy thats trying to kill you. Thats the most humane thing to do. You know what the least humane thing to do is . Is to release them, allow them to go to syria and iraq and kill civilians, behead journalists and create even more instability. They say those being released are not the worst of the worst. We dont release zacharias mouzawi. We released five for a reported deserter, five of the worst of the worst. I wouldnt put it past this president to close Guantanamo Bay to wholesale them out. . The Bush Administration we released a guy who said he was a low level fighter wanted to go home to his family. He was assessed as being medium risk. He turned out to be the talibans top fighter leading the surge in 2001 personally responsible for massacres and the killing of american and coalition forces. Sometimes a guy who seems to be low level in guantanamo turns out to be very high level when he gets back to the battlefield. Now president is still determined to release or transfer the rest of these detainees because he wants gitmo closed, pete. Those who feel as the president does believe thought is inhumane to hold them there. Many are not being held on very serious charges and that we cant just hold them forever in a facility thats been the subject of so much criticism. Why not . Why cant we hold them forever . Having been there and when folks go there, they see a worldclass, humane facility where these guys get access to everything you. Know what theyre doing . Many of these guys that are the most radical . Theyre praying five times a day because we give them every observance. Theyre praying for the very caliphate are going back to fight for. We care for them in this facility. We should stand up for who we are and what were fighting for. I agreed with mitt romney, we should double Guantanamo Bay. Use it as a facility where people who try to kill our people are held and eventually tried and moved on if theres somewhere else to put them. Problem is the folks we traded that are supposed to be in qatar will likely find their way back to afghanistan, too. These home countries dont hold onto them. Quick question for you, mark, does this change in any way the question to close gitmo do you think . I think it makes it very hard for him to close guantanamo. Whats happening in syria makes it hard for him to close Guantanamo Bay. Keep in mind when congress restricted president obamas powers to close Guantanamo Bay it was the democratic senate. It was a vote of 906. If the democrats lose the senate on tuesday, i dont think theyre going to see closing guantanamo as the issue that brings them back to the majority. Theres not a lot of bipartisan consensus in washington but keeping guantanamo open seems to be one of the few issues. Interesting point. Guys, thank you. Good to see you both. Thanks, megan. Growing controversy about california policies following the murder of two shf deputies killed by an illegal immigrant who had been deported to mexico twice before. Bill oreilly, governor jerry brown and the new fallout from this one next. The factor called Governor Brown and asked him if he would be attending the funerals of the Slain Police Officers next week. The Governors Office says he doesnt know. He might not. He might not. 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His arrest and massive manhunt began seven weeks ago. One officer killed and the other wounded. Investigators say frein was motivated by what you calls an intense hatred for police. Residents in hawaii have lava moving and da property, continuing towards homes and on the main roads. Guard teams are patrolling neighborhoods affected by the flow. Hannity starts right now. Tuesday night, special election coverage. Me and brett baer. Hope youll be with us. And welcome to hannity and this is a fox news

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