0 how many are kboess ghosts in t machine? how many of them pay? we don't know. they're not saying. >> let me ask you this. in your power play column today you say this number, 2.1 million -- because they seem proud of it. >> right. >> you say this is a stunning admission of defeat. why is it? if they wanted 3 million, they have 2.1. 900,000 were the casualty of health care.gov being a failure which they say is running great now and those people come on board this the next few months, they think. >> you worked in the city long enough to know. whatever the number is at the end it's a towering achievement. if they went from 6 to 8 they would say it's fantastic. >> going in the right direction. >> making progress. but if you cause to be cancelled more than 6 million policies, touting the fact that you have >> what's your point? >> about 40% of these are subsidy eligible and should be buying policies this the exchanges. so the 2.1 million people who signed up, some significant portion are people who had cancelled policies. the bottom line is that less than 10% of the uninsured so far. i think we can be clear, have signed up for health insurance under obamacare. >> what are you seeing about the percentage of sick people versus healthy? >> we aren't going to know for sure for months. we know the people signing up are older in age which likely means sicker. it doesn't take einstein to figure out the first people through the door will be sick people desperate t for health insurance for years. if you've got less than 2 million people signing up, and it's less than 10% of the uninsured, obviously it will be a sick population. obamacare has proven they can set people up efficiently. between now and march 21 they have to prove healthy uninsured people want to buy this. that's the challenge. >> i don't know about efficiently. a lot of the viewers may take with that. i have to leaf it there. >> good seeing you. >> a hundred million people are in the path of a powerful winter storm as some of the worst conditions are expected to hit any time now. boy, it's getting snowy in new york city. we have new details on what happens next. plus, lots of questions about a video showing people ignoring and in some cases stepping right over a dying man. is this what it's come to -- our society? we'll investigate. and she was sent to prison for helping smuggle messages for one of the world's worst terrorists. a terrorist link to the first world trade center bombing who inspired the second. now she's been released early thanks to a request by the obama administration. how on earth did that happen? next. ♪ we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪ aflac! got 'em. ♪ yeah, he's clean, boss. now listen e, duck. i have an associate that met with, uh, an unfortunate accident. while he's been incapacitated, somebody's been paying him cash. now, is this your doing? aflac? now, if i met th some such accident, would aflac pay me? ♪ nice. this is your stop. [ male announcer ] find out what aflac can do for you and your family... aflac? [ male announcer ] ...at aflac.com.