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Redacted whereupon they would blame the white house for lack of transparency, told them to redo and send back in proper form. Lets bring in wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor Dan Henninger and columnist kim strassel, dan, what do you make of the president s decision to say, send it back and not declassify and renegotiate . Well, we have not seen the democrats memo, we dont know what was redacted, we have to assume that since they talked to fbi director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein about the content of the memo theres something substantive at the center of it. Mr. Wray and rosenstein had their own letter that they sent simultaneously to the democrats raising the questions and i have to say, paul, god knows what the American People are making of this right now. I mean, they must feel like they they were sucked in novel. You have one set of memos dueling with another set of memos. Go back to the beginning of this, this is ultimately about whether trump was colluding with the russians, from day one thats always been a shaky story and i always wondered how are they actually going to nail down and verify that collusion was taking place and the difficulty of that is being played right now in the memos. Paul kim, on the democratic memo ten pages and the democratic memo only four, just on its face and length the chances increase that you could get some compromising of sensitive material, but i have to say, my view is trump ought to not play this game of this memo, that memo, just get the original fisa application out in total. Let the American People see it and all four of them frankly, we know up three times, let them see it all. Look, and theyve had so much time to do this now and instead they just spent another five days letting democrats play this game. Theyve been in possession of this memo for that long and it was pretty clear from the start, my sources say that this was sent up to him in a way that did contain information that was going to put the white house all along in a position where they had to Say Something about redactions and then democrats could turn around and say, you got a double standard, youre hiding something, just get it out there, get the fisa application out there, finish unredacting the grassley referral letter that went out this week that has to do with Christopher Steele and some of the 302 forms, interviews that the fbi did with their sowrlses, let the American Public see what really happened. Paul all right, lets turn to that grassleyga ham letter, on the Christopher Steele dossier because there was pretty interesting information. As dan said all of this hinges on whether or not donald trump theres any evidence he colluded with russians. Paul right. The problem now increasingly is that entire case is falling apart in terms of the original evidence that was put forward which is, of course, this dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign and the dnc through an Research Firm and ultimately Christopher Steele and the grassley referral that was important this week it dismantled Christopher Steeles credibility, he was out talking to the press even though the fbi told him not to and undermining the fbi probe and potentially lied to the fbi about having done so. Paul all right, another thing thats interesting that we learned here and thats a couple of names from the clinton era have appeared, sidney blumenthal, longtime friends of Hillary Clinton and turns out, kim, that they may have played a role in getting some information to steele, tell us about that. Yeah, they didnt may have, it did happen. We now know that not only was the Clinton Campaign funding this dossier effort but it was providing information that went into the dossier, they came up with some reports, they funneled them to a middleman at the obama state department, a guy who worked for john kerry and he got them onto mr. Steele who incorporated them into his dossier, so this is another reason to wonder, look, if youre a super spy like Christopher Steele has been presented, do you does it not fail your sniff test to go out and start putting information from noted political operators into your resnearnlg. And yet james comey, former fbi director under whom all of this happened, well, we trusted steele because we knew him. With all of this complicated partisan and political ties and potential motivation makes the case even more to get it all out to see what they were looking at so that the American Public doesnt have to say, well, i trust this republican because im a republican, i trust republicans or vice versa, lets see who really is telling the truth. Yeah, ultimately, paul, there has to be an effort i hope Christopher Wray is doing to restore credibility while jim comey was the director of the fbi. Clearly there were significant errors of judgment made during comeyera and now we have to get past that and now the only way to do it is let it all hang out. Paul when we come back lawyers from President Trump reportedly advising him against sitting down with special Counsel Robert Mueller despite the potential legal and political fallout, so what should the president do . We will ask former white House Counsel boyden gray next. 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Well, i dont think you can duck everything to do with mueller and i dont think he should, but he should try to get a very constrained, well limited interview, better interrogatories but if it has to be in person he will are lawyers. The central problem really is theres no scope limit to what muellers investigating and therefore no limit to what he could ask and the lawyers have to get some sort of constrain on that otherwise you couldnt prepare the president , he couldnt prepare for it because you wouldnt know what you are being asked. Paul well, what about the idea that he should say, no, i dont have to, if he gets the narrow writ on the questions that you suggested . Well, then he you know, mueller could go to a grand jury and get a subpoena and then the grand jury without a lawyer at all and thats thats not good either. Thats worst. Paul right. Theres leverage that mueller has and lets hope he doesnt abuse it because there has to be some limit to what this destruction will cover. Paul but does that limit really ultimately stand on the good will or the forebearance on mueller because as you say he has leverage here, subpoena to grand jury which would make the president look bad politically if he didnt cooperate voluntarily, but ultimately its up to mueller and can the president s lawyer really insist on a set of written questions . I think they could and i think they could justifiably test muellers willingness to go to grand jury for broader unlimited inquiry and the public would react adversely to that. But theres willingness to cooperate and i think trump would lose that if he refused outright to even consider. Paul okay, when you say narrow the questions, mueller is as you know special counsel orders from Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney general, youre suggesting that the lawyers say, look, mr. Mueller, you ask us about the firing of jim comey, are you going to ask us about carter page, are you going to ask us about this or that and narrow to two, three or four things and maybe fewer and say, all right, we will answer those but we dont want this to be openended hour, twohour long session. Thats correct, thats what they should ask for and i think thats what they could get if they were precise and clear to the independent counsel staff that this will not look good in the public if they turn this, wanted this inquisition into everything in his life. Paul okay, let me ask you about Something Else base and the experience and you have seen the story with rob porter, white house aide alleged to have abused a couple of former wives, he resigned this week. He denies the facts as been presented by accusers. I want to talk to you about the process in by which the white house vets somebody like that on the staff. You get fbi reports in the white House Counsels office correct . Thats correct. Paul would probably include such information, what do you do then if youre the white House Counsel . Well, their judgment calls always and i think that theres no reason to expect the white House Counsel and the others in the white house to have rejected his being hired into this very important job which apparently has done extremely well. Just on the basis of a couple of allegations, the trouble is for any employee potential employee, staff member is the security clearance. Thats when going gets stuff. In this case looks like the going was tough and at some point the staff, the white house chief of staff has cut and say, im sorry, you cant they are not going to give you security clearance and you cant stay in this job. The president has the right to reverse a recommendation of security clearance but i dont think thats ever happened. It didnt happen when i was there. So the fbi actually makes recommendation and the white House Counsel neither chief of staff can overrule that only the president can . I think only the president can overrule that. Thats the practice. I dont think thats in a statute. Thats just the practice. Paul okay. But if you would get this kind of information, you would go first to the person who is accused and talk to him about it, right . Yeah. And then would you take it to chief of staff . Of course, the question of security clearance is going to bother everybody because he is dealing with, you know, classified material and that cannot, you know, go on indefinitely. Paul okay, all right. Boyden gray, thank you so much for being here. My pleasure. Paul when we come back another brief Government Shutdown ended as the president signs bipartisan bill but the democrats exact too high a price for the republican boost in military spending . 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The twoyear deal would lift defense spending by 80 billion in 2018 and another 85 billion in 2019 making good on a central Republican Campaign promise, but busting those spending caps for the military came at high price with democrats reaching 131 billion in domestic programs over the next two years. We are back with wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor Dan Henninger, Editorial Board member allysia finally u kate odell for her sins, lets go to good, bad and the ugly. Whats good in this. I think that the defense cap had to be broken because the damage to military due to su suquester caps, we have seen maintenance failures and personnel dont get training they need and overtime they are not ready for promotion, et cetera. Paul big victory for republicans in. I think so. It gave confidence to see jim mattis that the pentagon will earn the Publics Trust on how they spend because the Defense Department has been famous for spending defense money. Republicans did get discreet victory and represents everything the public doesnt like about obamacare. Paul this was the board that was set up to basically impose price controls within medicare and it was designed in a way by the obama central planners so that Congress Virtually had no say in stopping those cuts. Right, it was very insulated from political accountability and unelected bureaucrats and thats why people hated it. Paul Federal Reserve for budget cuts, Health Care Cuts in essence. Thats basically the end of the good. [laughter] there is a lot of bad, democrats got 20 billion for infrastructure, who know where is that would go, broadband, water projects, they got Community Health centers, additional four years of Childrens Health insurance, they got 6 billion for opioids which obviously this should be gop priority but its not clear exactly what the money will accomplish or how it will be spent and just a laundry list. Paul allysia, expand on that, what is this big burst of domestic spending mean . Well, the new baseline budget essentially and heaven forbid we enter another recession in another couple of years and the debt is going to explode even more. Right now we are heading to 1 trilliondollar deficit, thats about do you meaned but this will add another probably trillion dollars in debt, eventually theyll have to be reckoning. We have to look at entitlements which is twothirds of the budget. Paul the budget deal doesnt do anything like that. This focuses on essentially changing the terms of the 2001 budget deal that obama did with john boehner and so the domestic spending that kate talked about, these are all called transportation, health care and a whole variety of things, medicare, medicaid and Social Security off the table. Thats right. Thats mandatory expenditure too. Thats off the table. Paul all right. So dan, i mean, trillion dollar deficit last year the budget deficit was 660 billion, last fiscal year, we are heading to a trillion bucks. Right, conservatives in the house were threatening to shut down the government, senator rand paul did so temporarily for a while in the middle of the night, but what is the bottom theres a couple of bottom lines here literally, paul, you only have 51 seats in the senate, they lost that one in alabama and so they are not going to be able to pass a fiscalically austere bucket on their own and they will not get it through the house and republicans are looking at the fact that they have to reset in november when they run for election again, hold the house, hopefully if not lose the house and at least hold the 51 seats in the senate and thats based on whether congress cant perform. They passed the tax bill, they had the momentum, the democrats got blamed for the first shutdown and the question here was whether republicans will show they can execute. They were in a tough spot. Paul why did they have to accept that, kate, democrats had leverage because republicans dont have 60 senate seats. Thats true, you have to consider this and worthy alternative and the house is also rapidly losing support for the stopgap continuing resolution measures to kick the can and try to get a better deal, right, they did not have a lot of options and it makes us wonder if the senate should pass appropriation bills with 51 votes as as oppose to 60. Paul what was nancy pelosi up to, 8 hours, vote against the bill unless it includes legalization for dreamers, her own caucus, half of them abandoned her. Right. It really showed her as weak leader, undermined her leadership but i think she was actually trying to throw a bone to the leftlink of caucus and shes been under a lot of pressure and you have to consider that well if democrats do take the house in this next year, you know, she may challenge and show that she was standing up to donald trump. Paul so you think this was about her leadership next year and her ability right. Paul if they win the house. Well, i think it backfired. Paul because she couldnt maybe 70some odd democrats voted for it. Paul paul ryan did get the majority of his Republican Congress conference for the bill. Still a bumpy ride an wall street as volatility returns to the stock market. Whats behind the weeks swing . And is it the new normal . No matter how the markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Paul bumpy ride on wall street with the Dow Jones Industrial average xoirnsing biggest oneday point drop ever on monday followed by turbulent week of ups and down. President trump who touted the stock markets rise weighed in on the turmoil, in old days when good news was reported the stock market would go up. Today when good news is reported, the stock market goes down. Big mistake and we have so much good great news about the economy. We are back with Dan Henninger, kim strassel and james freeman. James, how worried should investors be about this correction . Well, i think the president is right that this was triggered by good news, the economy is doing well and people expect that and higher Interest Rates and therefore a threat people think obviously Interest Rates tend to be higher, we are getting back to a normal healthy economy, though, and if you separate the markets which i know were gut churning for a lot of people, the news of Global Economy is good and the news on corporate earnings is good. Paul mr. Sunshine, dan, are you a cloudy day . A reality check. You know, if youre donald trump naturally you think that the stock market while youre president should just go steady upward. Interest stay at 1 forever. Hes a real estate. They all love low rates. Those low rates, that 1 or less is kind of, i think, at the root of what is going on here. We had the suppression by central banks, Federal Reserve, European Central bank and bank of japan for eight years, constant suppression to drive assets into the stock market, and this was the greatest Monetary Policy experiment in the history of the world. It had to end and but trump has contribution, he did all of the deregulation, big tax cut, release the real economy which is taken off in the last couple of months and now you see the markets trying to get an alignment between the real economy and the sort of suppressed economy they were living for eight years and its going to be a rocky ride. Paul right, because you have normal market pricing, james, for bond prices for a change, so youve got the tenyear going on and suddenly more risk involved, thats what happens, but it means that if you have been pushing out assets to investor risk assets artificially so maybe as this unwinds you get investors going out. Trumps program on tax cuts and deregulation is the best way to try to transition back to a real economy and i would say if youre looking for things that are bubbles, i would look at european and japanese Government Debt more than u. S. Stock market but look, stocks have not been cheap and been getting a little cheaper lately but if you believe in the longterm the American Economy and its gotten easier to believe in that lately, then you probably you are probably not that concerned. Paul the president touting stocks and got in the state of the union and said look at 401 k and its fabulous. I have been looking at 401 k and its less than fabulous. I havent, im not doing it. [laughter] paul on the other hand, most americans dont really they dont invest in the to be market and one of the reasons i would argue donald trump got elected was because what the fed did, was it drove people into risk assets that rich people had, okay, so they benefited from the to be market more than the average American Worker did and the real economy is going to take a handoff and do better, then thats probably the thing we need to to have a better mood in the country and more people getting wealthier, not just the people at the top. Well, right, and look at why the market has all of these Interest Rate fears, its because the labor market has been tightening and wages have been guying going up. They are sucking up commodities and drives the prices. Those are the things that fed may Pay Attention to and may, indeed, result in higher Interest Rates. They need and President Trump, they need to be out talking about how they have helped inspire some of this recent uptick in terms the tax cuts and deregulation and Everything Else thats resulting in more jobs, higher wages and growth in the country pu. Paul all right, james, do you think theyre i mean, thats a great suggestion, the problem is we are talking about other things, the president is talking about other things, mueller, whatever the president tweets, parades on down pennsylvania avenue for the military . Well, i think theres a lot of good news in the private economy, if youre going to be word about Interest Rates and they have often been higher in history, i think maybe the politicians ought to be worrying a little more about them because t going to be harder to fund all of the stuff, they love to spend money on, if you get rates 3 or 1 on the tenyear treasury bond which easily could be. Paul if youre the fed, you have to start you cant sit down and say, we dont care, lets stay at 1 forever, you have to go up. Thats right. Ultimately although this is a different market than we are used to its more volatile, this is progress to move back to an economy not dominated by washington and the fed but by private decisionmaking. Paul all right, thank you all. Still ahead amid talks of olympic thaw, the u. S. Issues a new warning to north korea. The United States of america will soon unveil the toughest and most aggressive round of economic sanctions on north korea ever. The day after chemo might mean a trip back to the doctors office, just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. 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Paul Vice President mike pence in tokyo on way to olympics in south korea, u. S. Is set to unveil toughest sanctions yet amid what some are describing as olympic fall between pyongyang and seoul. The north sent a highlevel delegations that includes kim jong uns younger sister who extended an invitation saturday for south korean president moon jaein to attend talks in pyongyang setting stage for the first meeting of korean leaders in more than a decade. John bolton, former u. S. Ambassador to the united nations. Welcome, ambassador. Glad to be with you. Paul look, it looks to me like the last two, three weeks have been a propaganda windfall for north korea, would you agree . Absolutely. Theyve pulled an oldplay book out of desk drawer, they did this in 2000 olympics, the 2004 olympics and 2006 olympics, basically similar in policy to president moon, the current government in south korea and they are doing it again and they are getting the same reaction from the western media as they are from a lot of naive and gullible people in south korea. This olympics charade means absolutely nothing when it comes to north Koreas Nuclear and Ballistic Missile programs, tragically they are continuing their progress while people are ooing and awing about ice hockey playing together. They have a girl up and bandn korea. Look, we are just a normal country, okay, nothing to see here, we are not really isolated. Just treat us normally. And i think they are winning, john, i really do. They absolutely are. I tell you, it might be worst, my colleague has a great article in the current commentary magazine talking about how many times among other times, how many times south korea over the past 15 years has subsidized north korea under the mistaken view if they only give them enough money everything will work out. You have to ask the question, did president moon of south korea subsidize or provide other economic incentives if for North Koreans to do this. Im very worried the answer to that might be yes which means that with a little help from their friends kim jong un and his regime are actually empowered not just propaganda victory but have received economic benefit. Paul pawed did the u. S. , im talking about President Trump and the administration have any choice, however, except to basically go along with what moon of korea south korea wanted in this because, you know, they obviously have a huge stake in the olympics going well and you didnt want to have the u. S. Somehow interfere with that, what choice did the u. S. Have in policy matter . I dont think there was any choice. I put this down, again, to North Koreans propaganda skill. We have sent Vice President pence on a very difficult and sensitive mission to try and show unity with south korea, with japan, but also as he said, not to allow north korea to have a completely open field for their propaganda efforts and so i think hes got a difficult job but its important that we remind people that behind all of this blue smoke and mirrors, the nuclear and Ballistic Missile program are continuing. One of the things that the administration seems to be doing with Vice President pence as strategy is starting to put human rights on the table, that is how north korea treat its own people and visitors so Otto Warmbier the father of the man that North Koreans killed after prevented him from leaving the country, hes going to attend with mike pence, the president met this week with some human right activists and defectors from north korea at the white house. Thats a turn from the Obama Administration and, i think, also the george w. Bush administration which didnt like to talk about human rights in north korea. Well, i think the characteristics of the rogue sthaij we worry around the world not including iran along with north korea, they oppress their own people, they engage in International Terrorism and they pursue weapons of mass destruction, so i think that President Trump is well advised to find evidence he can to show how bad the regime is because not withstanding the president s announcement of even stricter sanctions, i dont think we have time for sanctions to work. I think we are down to hard choices. Let me say as alumnist of bush 43 administration, look at the last 13 years, tough new sanctions on north korea, what we have been i think to for 18 years that they are any tough new sanctions left to apply . Thats why i think we are close to the end of this road here, the president has a hard decision about whether to use military force or whether to iran Nuclear North Korea becoming a nuclear state. Paul i think they are slam sanctions on Chinese Companies that do business and other companies in asia that do business with north korea, your choice is this, you either keep doing business with north korea or you do business with us, you cant have it both ways, thats what i think this is going that may be. If we had done that 15 years ago that might make difference. Several times that north korea is months away from being able to target thermal Nuclear Weapons on cities in the United States, so do we have a year for the secondary sanctions effort to proceed, im not sure we do. We dont have five years or ten years, thats for sure. We are down to counting on our fingers and toes, im afraid, how close north korea may be. Paul we should look at twoweek poll day where everybody says pieces at hand and whether or not south korea goes along. And whether china pays attention, we have to understand that the United States will feel pain too, how are the new york banks going to warm up to that . Paul probably wont like it knowing a few new york bankers, okay, john, thank you very much, appreciate it. Thank you. Paul when we come back a spade of fatal accidents in recent months focusing renewed attention on amtrak. So whats behind the railroads woes and is it a problem that more federal funding can fix . Wheres frank . Its league night saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. 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We are back with Dan Henninger, kate finally and allysia finally, allysia, why are they having so many problems . Right now its debate. Were different causes, one appears to actually be caused by css, private operator that didnt change the signal. Paul controls the tracks. Right, most of the country others amtrak. Paul amtrak does. Does not have complete control. I think the issue here right now we are getting at is safety, improvements in safety cost money. Politicians want to build things, they want to expand service, they dont want to put money into safety and tradeoff, direct tradeoff. Paul theres not enough money to go around for everything . Yeah, i think this gets to especially into positive train track control, train conductors can be stopped if they are speeding but they also want upgrade and grade crossings that cost a lot of money. We need to do a costbenefit analysis here. Paul dan, we had after allysia wrote a pretty tough editorial of amtrak, we had whole entourage and ceo then resigned who came in to see us, but its a real difficult problem they talked about because so much of the infrastructure is really old. Yeah, it is, but you know that ceo was previously the ceo of one of the private train systems, very successful operator as well. Exactly, one of the things going on here is that we are dealing whether its air transportation which weve had fiascoes recently, jfk bags piled up everywhere, these are increasingly complex system and the private sector by in large has done a pretty good job dealing with complexity considering what amazon or fedex does, inventory control, the Public Sector is so behind the curb software or knowledge to deal with the complex systems that evitable results in these kinds of fiascoes and its not going to get better because people want transportation whether its tapes or airplanes to get from here to there and so the Public Sector is going to be pressured and we will see more of these kinds of mistakes. Paul 1 and a half trillion dollars, thats not all public money, they will try to use some public money to ledge the bond markets for private money. Is any of it of that going to happen . Well, thats a good question especially after a very expensive budget deal, do republicans want to spend a bunch more money, they will say thats some of the cost but we know how that works, spending and pretend savings will come in year nine and ten. Paul off after i retire the offsets dont happen. Encourage states to pick up some of the tab and, of course, its better when infrastructure is managed as locally as possible but theres pension costs and medicaid expansion, im not sure thats such a worthy project either. Paul well, and one of the problems, allysia is permitting, if you throw money at a project, can you get it done this decade or next decade because of all the rig bureaucratic rules you have to go through . Right, that involves the safety, every new grade crossing or barrier, you have to do Environmental Impact statement too and its addon cost. Paul is amtrak to be privatized, is that a real prospect at all . [laughter] paul but is that because of the politics or is that because its actually impossible to do . Well, i think its a little bit of both. Academy track is losing money. Passenger service is not profitable in this country and you cannot ride a train from new york to miami which is ones that crashed and make money. Northeast corridor from washington to boston privatize that. I dont think so the politicians dont want to do that because that helps fund the other lines and subsidies shift. Paul if you were the king and you could sit down and say, lets do a public railroad that makes money, it would be from boston to washington and thats it . Basically. Maybe highspeed service for boston to washington. The airlines wouldnt like that either. [laughter] great country or what . Boston to new york. Paul all right, we have to take one more break, when we come back hits and misses of the week. Im really into this car, but how do i know if im getting a good deal . 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Congratulations on a great performance this is a hit for working mothers. Decide paid family leave should be a federal entitlement run through Social Security. So just a reminder not to disrupt all of this success and generosity happening in the economy. This is a hit to American Innovation for their trials on a brain implant that works like a pacemaker. It increases memory for dementia patients or epilepsy patients. Up to 15 percent. It shows a lot of promise in terms of biomedicine innovation. That is really cool even for some of us to maybe do not have those afflictions down the road. I am doing another long line of misses to new york city. We know the police are not enforcing urinating in public. Drinking in public and now we going to have marijuana in public. That will have say as you pay your fair some jumping over the turnstile next year. What is next . Graffiti covered cars from the 1980s that would be pulling into the station. I would say in a couple of months. Probably right. Remember, if you have your own hit or miss tweet us. Thank you to all of you and to my panel. We will see you all next week. The president accusing democrats of playing politics with sensitive and classified information after he refused to declassify the parties memo yesterday and sent it back to the House Intelligence Committee for changes. The document drafted by congressman adam schiff was intended as a rebuttal to the gop memo written by devin nunes. Hello Everyone Welcome inside americas news headquarters. Good afternoon to you. Schiff and other democrats must limit the president for his decision accusing him of cr

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