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Fire before he was, quote, taken down. Among the wounded, were told, a 2yearold and some other children. A horrific act among people of faith as they are celebrating life and faith. Ted Williams Joins us now from our washington, d. C. Bureau. He is a former homicide detective and criminal defense attorney. Ted, it just really strikes at the heart of what this country is about, at the american spirit, what we do, how we live our lives. And weve seen terrorist attacks in the past and we dont know what this is, we dont know if this is a domestic dispute, an act of hatred, a hate crime because of the religion or a potential terrorist attack, but it is a mass shooting that again has claimed more innocent american lives. Yeah. You know, eric, i have been at Mass Shootings at san bernardino, i was down at the pulse nightclub there in florida, and here we go again, unfortunately. And this is a rather soft target. Our viewers look at a church, normally theres an entrance and maybe theres some back doors and everything, but if you can visualize this, these individuals, these parishioners, they were contained in this church, and its not easy to get out of there. So they are really like sitting ducks in this church, unfortunately. And and one of the good things that weve learned here is that the shooter is down. Thats the first thing and to get the injured to treatment right away. Thats what Law Enforcement officers initially wanted to work on. Eric how do they start finding out the motivation of this . They clearly will start going through the background of who this is. They obviously would know if he has some identity on him in terms of the motivation of this horrendous act. One of the things that theyre definitely looking at here and talking to witnesses on the scene. Thats very important. Because some witness there on the scene may very well have recognized this individual, or if they dont have anies witnesses on the scene there any witnesses on the scene there, by now the feds, meaning the fbi or atf and other Law Enforcement agencies, and i would think that by now they may clearly have been able to identify the shooter. Now, at this stage quite naturally what theyre doing, if theyve been able to identify the shooter, is that they are moving to his residence if hes in that local community. So the big question that everyone has right now when you have these kind of Mass Shootings are what was the motive. And thats what theyre trying to determine at this stage. Arthel absolutely. And we have Texas Governor greg abbott tweeting our thanks to Law Enforcement for their response. And speaking of Law Enforcement, detective williams, you mentioned atf. We do know that the atf Houston Field Division as well as the san antonio atf officers are on scene. We have, again, reports of this shooter reloading multiple times which will, i ask you, what does that tell you about the type of weapon that he perhaps used . Well, he either had an automatic, perhaps, or semiautomatic weapon. The fact that he was reloading his gun, it tells that he intentionally went in there wanting to kill or to harm as many people as he could or many parishioners in that church. Ive seen these kinds of shootings before where someone has a motive and they have a beef against somebody in the church, a domestic incident, etc. Its too early on at this stage to try to determine what was the motive behind this, but i think that the Law Enforcement officers will early on know. One of the concerns, and we all are concerned about this in america now, are terrorists. We do not know if this is terroristrelated. It could very well be a domestic situation eric but, ted, excuse me for interrupting, wouldnt multiple, multiple reports of deaths, of multiple deaths in this church indicate that it may not be a domestic dispute, that it could be a hate crime or a terrorist attack as opposed to a gunman going after a former wife or this sort of thing . When you have multiple deaths reported during a Church Service. Well, when you have multiple deaths like this, youre trying to determine, of course, eric, the motivation of the individual who is the shooter, and its too early on because he may very well be a parishioner in that church who was thrown out of the church and im speculating, of course and at that stage went back in there and did a mass shooting all because of hatred. He could be someone that is mentally impaired. We know what happened down in carolina there eric in charleston with dylann roof. In charleston, carolina. So that person was motivated by race and hatred. We dont know at this stage, early stage, what the motivation is. It could be many, many things, eric. Eric youre looking at the First Baptist church of south sutherland, texas, where this horrible massacre occurred during the 11 30 in the morning central time Church Service by people of faith gathered together to celebrate life and god, and instead it has become the latest mass shooting tragedy in our country upon which weve been so afflicted the past few years. Just a horrendous scene as investigators start to go into the finish what the situation is. We have a quick interview with one of the witnesses. We got called in the middle of our service down there, down the road and immediately the people that were, my wife who is a nurse at the hospital, local hospital, went into action. We have a deputy that was in there that went into action along with other people. We got ready, and we just did what we do, we prayed. And, you know, the bible tells us that we overcome evil with good and evil doesnt overcome evil. Evil can only be overcome by good, and so we come together to do that immediately. Arthel a sunday morning american tradition, people of faith worshiping there in a small congregation in Sutherland Springs, texas, comes to an end when a lone shooter walks in, opens fire and shoots and murders people. Were back in a moment. Wheres gary . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. Goin up the country. Later, gary i have a motorcycle wonderful. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Eric we continue reporting on the tragedy in Sutherland Springs, texas, the church on the right the scene of multiple, multiple deaths when a suspect walked into that church and opened fire. So much he, we are told, kept on reloading. President trump, who is on his asian trip tweeting this, quote may god with the people of Sutherland Springs, texas. I ammon to having the situation from japan. Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeting our prayers are all with those harmed by this evil act, in the latest apparent mass shooting in our country. We do not know the identity of the suspect, we do not know his motivation whether this was, indeed, a terrorist attack, a hate crime based on religion or something unexplicable such as we saw in the Las Vegas Mass Shooting of several weeks ago. Ted davis is with us in the studio in washington d. C. Ted, your thoughts as we learn there are more and more apparent victims who have been killed in this type of attack. You know, you wonder just whats going on here in america people wake up on a sunday morning, they put on their sunday finery, and theyre going to praise their god. Theyre sitting there doing, in prayer, and all of a sudden a gunman walks into a church and just starts opening fire. And not only opening fire, but continuing to open fire. Or you its a very chilling and scary situation, eric, that these individuals were faced with. But i would have to believe that if its some member of the community, by now there should be some identification of that person. If the person is outside the community, then itll be a slightly more difficult for Law Enforcement to make an identification eric and what would that mean if the person was outside the community, that this was intentionally targeted as a terrorist attack . Oh, absolutely. I wont go as far to say a terrorist act, but anytime you go into a church or place of worship or soft target like this and open fire, it could very well be defined as a terrorist act, and it may not be international terrorism. It could very well be domestic in nature. But thats the scary thing. And when these things happen like this on a sunday like this, one of my greatest concerns as a former Law Enforcement officer is the copycats. We do realize that International Terrorists isis, for instance they are watching this, and they take a footprint from this kind of a situation, and that is what makes it so scary for us in america during these kinds of situations. Arthel ted williams, former d. C. Homicide detective, also criminal defense attorney. Stand by, if you would. I want to bring in now former Boston Police commissioner ed davis. Commissioner davis, i believe you said earlier that you were with San Antonio Police chief mcmanus. Based on what we just heard from detective williams saying that this perhaps could be the footprint for wannabe copycat artists, if you will. What sort of challenge does this present to people like chief mcmanus . Well, you know, chief mcmanus and the sheriff who was responsible for Sutherland Springs are facing the same kind of challenge that Police Across the country are facing. Youve got people who are on the fringe. Theyre either, they either have very Serious Mental Health issues, or they have become radicalized, they have a vendetta or some type of a wish to get even with people. And, quite frankly, its easy for them to get the equipment necessary to create havoc. Last week we saw, you know, the use of a rental truck in a big city, in downtown new york. The week before that, there was a sniper in a hotel raining shots down on a peaceful crowd of concertgoers. And this week now weve got a shooting in a church. Its too early to tell what this is. Its too early to tell exactly what motivated this. For the police, its about getting there quickly and stopping the individual from killing people. Its a very, very difficult thing to deal with. Then theres the rescue of the people who are there. So its playing itself out over and over and over again. The question is what can we, as a society, do to stop it. Arthel and as we know in this horrible situation, the weapon of choice is a gun. Some sort of a gun. What is this going to how will this impact what we report, what local Gun Shop Owners will have to report when folks are coming in to make purchases or to pawn guns, to get guns out of pawnshops . What has to happen now . You know, we have this saying in new york you see something, say something, but how does that command need to expand . Well, i think that every time one of these incidents happens there seems to be, there seems to be a process that we go through where people grieve, they send sympathy out to people, then theres a bit of a back and forth between people who are one way or another on the gun issue, and then eventually it fades into the background, and we move on, and then it happens again. So that cycle is going to repeat itself after this. The question is when will, when will someone come up with a solution to it. Thats really what were hoping for, and that kind of leadership is really necessary right now. Arthel commissioner davis, that is definitely a question that begs of answers as we cover this mass shooting, once again, on a sunday morning at a small church in Sutherland Springs, texas, just outside of san antonio. Multiple wounds, people injured and fatalities as well. We continue our coverage after this break. Stay right here on the Fox News Channel. Its devastating for us and for our community, but gods still in control. Eric it is a sunday, and we are sadly reporting on an affront against god and our humanity. Another apparent shooting, multiple people reports say killed as they were praying in church, attending the services this morning at 11 30 this south sutherland, texas, about 40 miles east of san antonio at that Church Service this morning. The president of the united states, whos in japan, tweeting may god be with the people of Sutherland Springs. Greg abbott, the governor, saying our prayers are with all those who have been harmed by what he calls this evil act. There you see the president s tweet as he is on his 12day, fivestop asian tour in japan. It is a horror unfolding at this hour. A suspect, we are told, is dead. We do not have a motivation. We publicly do not have the create of the identity of that suspect, but here are what some of the people within the last hour told reporters when they spoke. Lets listen. We got called in the middle of our service down there, down the road and immediately the people that were, my wife who is a nurse at the hospital, local hospital, went into action. We have a deputy that was in there that went into action along with other people. And then we just did what we do, we prayed. And, you know, the bible tells us that we overcome evil with good and not evil finish evil doesnt overcome evil. Evil can only be overcome by good, so we come together to do that immediately. So wrong. We leave our doors open, our cars are unlocked. My cars running with the keys in it right now. I mean, we dont lock our doors out here. But why there arent even words, are there . No, theres no words. Theres just this happens in new york, in big cities. No ones safe. My dads already taught me how to get the gun out of the safe and get em loaded. I mean, if it can happen here, guys, it can happen anywhere. Eric this happens in big cities like new york. We saw, of course, the radical islamic terrorist attack that occurred in new york city just a few days ago that killed several foreign visitors as well as two young americans, a 32yearold and a 23yearold. And that atrocity, weve seen this in las vegas, in charleston at the church in 2015 when dylann roof opened fire in a raciallymotivated act of hatred. We see something here again today, sadly, on this sunday. Fifty people in the church, reports of multiple people dead, others injured including children, and we are also told, according to reports, a 2yearold among the wounded. Arthel a place of worship should be a safe haven, but it has happened again in a tiny town of about 400 people. Southerland spring Sutherland Springs, texas, just southeast of san antonio. This church, the First Baptist church, was founded in 1926, making it a bedrock there in that community where you just heard one of the parishioners, one of the people in that community saying it should not happen here, we dont lock our doors, we know our neighbors, my keys are in my car right now as i sat inside of this church when this lone gunman walked in at about 11 30 a. M. Central time this sunday morning, walked in opening fire on some 50 parishioners there to worship on what should be a sacred sunday morning in america. We have former Boston Police commissioner ed davis on standby here. And, commissioner davis, just a moment ago we were talking about, i asked you how this changes the, complicates the puzzle for people like San Antonio Police chief mcmanus and the sheriff there in Sutherland Springs. When it comes to surveying, because the weapon of choice in this mass murder, this multiple shootings with fatalities, the weapon of choice was a gun. So when, what sort of how can we, how can we survey the gun shops, the pawnshops, the places where people get these weapons that turn into, you know, something that they use to commit mass murder . Well, there are millions of weapons on the street and millions manufactured every year, and theyre a durable product. They last for decades. So i dont know that i think that the best thing or the first thing that we can do in a situation like this is to somehow combine the records of people with Mental Health issues and the records of people who have firearms and make who are trying to get firearms and make sure that theres some review of that. I mean, it just makes sense that when you see this attack in las vegas and the attack since then, especially the School Shooting in connecticut, i mean, there really has to be some common sense things that we can do to tighten things up but still maintain, you know, the Second Amendment rights. So i think that those are the kind of conversations we should be having after an incident hike hike like this. But, you know, the other thing is who is the family of the shooter . Who was close to the shooter . Who, you know, theres always some people that have some inkling that something might be wrong, and i think that thats another component of what we have to Pay Attention to. Arthel indeed, it is another component. And that exactly is where i was trying to go, commissioner davis. I wasnt trying to approach the Second Amendment rights by any means at this point in this horrible story. I just was talking about that very thing; see something, say something. Talk to the people who, you know, might have seen this lone shooter in the days and weeks leading up to this mass murder once again here in a sacred place of worship, in a church on a sunday morning happening in Sutherland Springs, texas, southeast of san antonio. We have more details for you on this mass shooting in a moment. To help minimize blood sugar spikes. You can really feel it. Now with 30 less carbs and sugars. Glucerna. Booking a flight doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. 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Arthel it impacts us all, there one of the 50 parishioners at church this morning thinking that it was a normal sunday morning where you go to church, mass,1 3 1 30 3 1 30 mass, and then a lone shooter opens fire on the 50 parishioners inside of the church on this sunday morning, happening around 11 30 a. M. Central time in Sutherland Springs, texas, outside of san antonio. The Vice President pence just tweeting moments ago karen and i send prayers to victims and their families in texas. We grieve with you and stand with resolve against evil. Thank you to First Responders. And i want to bring in to the conversation again ted williams, former d. C. Homicide background, criminal defense attorney. Detective williams, i think you heard my conversation earlier with commissioner davis, former Boston Police commissioner, and we were talking he was talking about the idea of comparing Mental Health records with records of those looking to purchase firearms. I wanted to get your taken that, and then well talk about some other things that i spoke to the commissioner about. Well, you know, let me start off by saying im from small town america. I heard one of the persons interviewed said they anticipated not anticipated, but that these things never happen in their communities. Im from a small town to, lake charles, louisiana, and thats a neighboring state for texas there. And in these states, there are all sorts of individuals with guns. Guns are there, its a part of our everyday life. One of the tragedies is that we go into these incidents, theres this big gun debate one way or another about people with mental illness, we dont really know if there was a mentally ill person here, and then all of a sudden we leave the debate, and we wait for Something Else to happen. And that is the tragedy. I do agree with ed davis. If there are individuals out here who are mentally impaired or mentally ill, we should make it very difficult for them to not have guns. Now, that is not to take away from anybody who has Second Amendment rights to have a gun. So when you look at this small town here, you just cry for a small town where innocent people are going to worship, as you said, arthel, in the church and now some of these innocent people are going to have to bury some of the people that theyve been associated with in that church. Its a tragedy. Arthel its a tragedy happening in a small town of about 400 people. You mentioning, ted williams, that youre also from a small town, lake charles, louisiana. Im also from louisiana. There are places where you know your people, we know each others people. Yes. Arthel so one of the questions theyre going to be looking at, who is the family of this shooter. What will they be trying to find out in that regard . Well, number one, if the person is, the shooter is from the community, quite naturally theyre going to want to interview relatives if the person is from the community. And that is theyre going to want to try to find out if the person had a beef with somebody in the church, was there something that drew him to that church to carry out this mass shooting. And when i say him, we dont know whether its a he or a she at this stage. But we do know that if hes from that community, hes probably got relatives in that community. They will be able to tell us if he had some kind of or she had some kind of mental infirmity. Thats going to go a long ways. As you know, we just had the shooting out in las vegas, and we still til this moment dont know the motivation behind that shooting. And to bring some closure, youll never bring closure to an act of this nature. But to bring some closure, individuals are going to want to know what motivated this person, why would you go into a house of worship, a house of god on a sun day morning where little kids and their families are worshiping god and open fire in that have been you . And not only open fire, but then to reload and to continue to shoot people. What is the motivation. Thats going to be something thats significant and important here in this whole process. Eric ted, let me just point out the authorities do say it was a gunman, so they do believe its a man and not a woman. And as you point out, nikki haley, our u. N. Ambassador, said church is the most sacred of places. No words. Well, you know, eric, you and i i through the years have covered these shootings, and it doesnt get any easier. Its a tragedy. This gunman that we know that it was a gunman, why . Why would you do this . And so there are a lot of people in that community, theyre going to galvanize and coalesce around each other, and theyre going to be strong in that community. But what im concerned about, again, is not only this community, but communities all over our country where on sunday morning men and women dress their children, go into the church to worship their god, and then to have Something Like this to happen in one of the most say sacred of sacreddest places. Arthel it is, indeed, unthinkable. Senator ted cruz tweeting keeping all harmed in Sutherland Springs in our prayers and grateful for our First Responders on the scene. Were back after this break. Thae to find someone who will. Search for greatness. Search indeed. honking beeping were on to you, diabetes. Times up, insufficient prenatal care. And administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you too. 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Multiple people have been killed, others wounded including, among them a 2yearold today her when a gunman toddler when a gun match walked in during the 3 11 30 services. There are no words for this type of horrendous tragedy that has scar our country yet again in the wake of other shootings. It apparently has happened again. The gunman, police say, has been shot dead. There is no public identity of that gunman yet. We do not know a motive. We dont know if this is, indeed, a terrorist act, a hate crime against a religion, some type of domestic dispute. But multiple people dead would indicate some type of terrorist motivation whether it is international or domestic. Bryan llenas has been following with some of the latest from our newsroom. Bryan, what have you got . Reporter were getting more information about the victims. We now know that ten victims were transported to connolly Medical Center. They were transported this by ambulance. This hospital is 18 minutes southwest of Sutherland Springs. The hospital says that they had to air life one victim that arrived at that hospital to a hospital in san antonio. Weve called other hospitals, but we do know that connolly Medical Center is a level iv trauma hospital. Level iv is actually limited. Level i trauma hospital would be the hospital that could deal with the most severe of injuries. We know that connolly hospital Medical Center is the closest hospital to that baptist church, so it would make sense that many of the victims who could be transported by ambulance would go there. But in terms of the most severe of wounds, we know that the better hospitals to deal with that are two hospitals in san antonio. That would be the brook the San Antonio Military Center that is, actually, described as the armys premier medical institution. We know that they are a level i trauma center, and we also know that the other hospital would be University Hospital which is a level i or ii hospital in san antonio. Weve reached out to both hospitals, and theyve been able to give us no comment. The only hospital that has been able to speak to us right now is connolly Medical Center. Again, they have treated close to ten people. Gunshot wounds, one victim has had to be sent via air life to a san ten owe hospital. San antonio hospital. Other victims were transferred to other hospitals, i dont have a number as to how many, to other hospitals in san antonio. That is the latest in terms of the situation right now. With we know that those victims that arrived at condy medical connolly Medical Center arrived just after noontime. We know the shooting took place about 11 30. Eric you look at that church, its a rather small building, and as was noted earlier, the people in this type situation, horrible to say theyre just targets. Theyre not armed, theyre there in the mid old old to middle of a service. The gunman apparently had enough time to reload and continue his targeting of the victims there, reports say multiple people, multiple have been shot dead in this horrendous attack, and no word yet on the suspect or motive at this moment. Certainly, just another case of the sad, tragic news that weve had to endure as americans in the wake of these type of incidents. Arthel sad, tragic news indeed, eric. It has gripped us in the most horrific of ways. You have House Speaker paul ryan tweeting reports out of texas are devastating. The people of Sutherland Springs need our prayers right now. We have been reporting on this mass shooting on a sunday morning, a sacred morning in america. An especially sacred morning in tiny town, usa, there in Sutherland Springs, home to about 400 people. This church, First Baptist church, is a bedrom in that community bedrock in that community. Told members, im told, 267. It is where people, as we just heard one of the parishioners who was there when this lone gunman came in and opened fire at 3 1 30 a. M 11 30 a. M. Central time where one of the people said we dont even lock our doors. In fact, my keys are in my car right now. Multiple fatalities, multiple injuries happening in Sutherland Springs, texas. We are covering this breaking news story here on the Fox News Channel. We will continue to cover this. We have some Law Enforcement specialists standing by with where this investigation is now and where it will be heading in the weeks and months to come. Stay right here as we continue to report on this unfolding story here on the Fox News Channel as tragedy has struck the heart of america once again with a sunday morning shooting. A lone gunman who has now been killed by Law Enforcement, agents on the ground were not sure exactly how he died, but well have those details as we get them. Were going to take a break and were back shortly. Stay right here. 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Thats basically half the congregation praying this morning inside the building you see there on the right shot to death in broad daylight, in cold blood by a gunman who police say walked into that church during the Morning Service and started opening fire. He had so much time, he started to reload. Again, fox news confirming from 2024 people, according to the Wilson County commissioner, larry wiley, have been shot to death in the most sacred of places in america, a Church Service on a quiet sunday morning in texas. At least 20 more wounded. That means practically everybody in that church were either killed or wounded by a gunman who walked in this morning. The motive . Not known. The gunmans identity not publicly being released yet. Some type of terrible terrorist attack, whether it is domestic or international or a hate crime, has taken the lives of believers this morning, churchgoers during a Church Service as we have been reporting on. Arthel vincent hill is a former Nashville Police officer, and he joins us now. Vincent hill, as you hear this story, what youve heard so far, just tell me your thoughts. Well, arthel, i first want to send my thoughts and prayers to the families in Sutherland Springs, texas. My first initial thoughts is i dont believe this was some type of islamic terrorist attack. You look at the city of Sutherland Springs, its a very small town. Its not a target you would assume isis would go after. But right now investigators are working very hard to find out what the motive was behind this. Was it someone who used to go to the church, so investigators are working really hard to provide the family answers. Arthel and you have, as eric was just reporting, that we can confirm now that 2024 fatalities, 20 people wounded, 50 Church Members in that Church Service this morning unfortunately sat there with no place to go as this gunman walked in with the intent of killing people as we have eyewitness reports saying that he actually reloaded his gun multiple times. What does that tell you . Well, clearly, it was some type of semiautomatic or possibly automatic weapon. I mean, when youre talking 50 people, it could have been anything from a hand gun that holds 15 rounds and he reloaded that, or it could have been some type of rifle that is semiautomatic or automatic. So, clearly, this gunman had enough ammunition to cause a lot of destruction, clearly, that was his intent. Luckily, it was stopped. Arthel vincent, as we report this horrible tragedy happening in a sacred place, a place that should be sacred, a place of worship, and we i was talking to one of your colleagues, a former Boston Police commissioner earlier, mr. , commissioner ed davis saying that there are some common sense things that we can do to somehow avoid these types of tragedies from happening. When you hear that sort of a statement from commissioner davis, what sort of actions come to mind . Yeah, absolutely. I know the churches i usually attend have ushers at the door, right . So theyre greeting people at the door, and those you ushers e stationed there throughout the service. So, you know, having people at the door, having, you know, unfortunately when we look at a charleston, south carolina, and we look at what happened today, you know, maybe having security in the parking lot. Even though the church is not a megachurch where you typically see security this those situations, but unfortunately, those are things we may have to start doing, having someone at the door can, having security, things of that nature. Arthel which is just really horrible. It adds insult to injury, if you will. It is a place that we are supposed to find solace. It is a place that we are supposed to find peace. It is the place that we are supposed to be safe. You have a small town of all places of 400 people. You had one of the parishioners, pardon me, their Church Members there, the congregation catholic girl from new orleans, i beg your pardon, but the congregation there, a Church Member expressing complete shock and horror saying this is a place where we dont even lock our doors. Her car, which is now a part of a crime scene, was sitting there with the keys inside of the car. And unfortunately, as we watch this tragedy unfold and strike at the heart of america, you have copycat wannabes who might look at this and somehow get ideas. And i want to go to break momentarily, vincent hill, former Nashville Police officer. And when we come back, i would like you to talk to us about what is it that local Law Enforcement agents, agencies might be able to do to somehow circumvent Something Like this from happening again. Tragedy striking in the most sacred place in america at a small church on a sunday morning, congregation of 50. 2024 people now having lost their lives, being killed by a lone gunman, and and were back in a moment. Endless shrimp is here with flavors youll love. Like new savory grilled mediterranean shrimp. And new sweet and spicy Nashville Hot shrimp. Plus our classics like garlic shrimp scampi. Try as much as you want however you want em, but dont wait, it ends soon. 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But if i wasnt happy with my claim experience for any reason, theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . No. The claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Arthel this is a fox news alert. Police now saying 2024 people are dead after a shooting at a church in Sutherland Springs, texas. About 20 more people are wounded. This happened around 11 30 central time this sunday morning as Church Members gathered to worship at the First Baptist church of Sutherland Springs, texas. Thats about 30 miles southeast of san antonio. Police confirming the man who opened fire was shot and killed after deputies cornered him about five miles away in guadalupe county. Witnesses saying they saw the shooter reload multiple times during the course of the shooting, and the county commissioner says that he has heard that children were among those killed this morning. Again, that church located in a small town of about 400 residents, and neighbors say about 50 people usually attend the Church Service. Tributes now pouring in from state politicians, and President Trump who is traveling in tokyo right now. Eric the members of 50 or so that at least half the people in that church were either killed or severely wounded with report of 2024 of the churchgoers killed by that gunman this morning. As we said, among those who have been wounded, some children killed, a 2yearold, a toddler who was there, was also wounded. Just a horrific tragedy occurring on a sunday morning in the heartland of america in those sacred of places in our country. Meanwhile, the president is tweeting about this. It is six a. M. Local time in tokyo, the president gearing up, about to, for day two of his major trip across asia, and he has spoken out through his twitter about this tragedy. His trip also includes a stop at the u. S. Embassy in japan and crucial bilateral talks with Prime Minister shib sow abe later tonight specifically about north korea and trade. As for the first day of the president s trip, he did have dinner with the Prime Minister, and he also issued a Crystal Clear message to kim jong un. Quote do not underestimate u. S. Resolve. The president also telling us what we can expect in the coming days. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts is now with us live in tokyo with the or very latest with the very latest on the heels of this horrendous tragedy that is breaking here in the states in texas with this church shooting. Hello, john. Reporter eric, good day to you. Early monday morning here in japan, and the president has been up, i

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