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Days of a Trump Administration would look like. And the republican nominee promised once in a lifetime change if hes elected november 8th. So with just over two weeks to go, will the plan he laid out help him close the polling gap with Hillary Clinton . Lets ask wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor dan henining and mary an stay that ogrady, bill mcgurn and kim strassel. Dan, new contract with america, closing argument. They advertised this for a couple days. What did you make of it . He calls it the contract with donald j. Trump and it was not a hail mary. There were 15 or 20 hail marys. Let me say this on his behalf, there is more change in that speech than Hillary Clinton will ever produce for the rest of her life. No question about it. There was a lot. And there was a lot of good things at the end on taxes, on energy, on regulation, specific proposals for tax reform, for reforming the energy system. But i think lets cut to the chase, he doesnt have much time left, and not many people actually saw that speech, but if he were to place ads in pennsylvania, florida, and ohio and North Carolina, then he could convey that message, but to do that hes got 35 million of cash on hand. Donald j. Trump is going to have to put 65 million of his own money in there. I looked after the speech at associated press. Do you know what their headline was . It was donald trump threatens to sue his women accusers. Are we accused . It had nothing to do with the ideas he was laying out for change. Its mind boggling why he would get that into the speech when he knows that thats what the press is going to lead with on the headline once he says it. As dan said there, were a lot of good ideas in there. This country does not want to vote for Hillary Clinton. The majority clearly dont. Theyre asking him to give them a reason. That was another lost opportunity, i think, because he talked about energy and, you know, he talked about obamacare. Those are all important, but he also put too much emphasis, in my opinion, on protectionism, and he talks about 4 growth. Youre not going to get it if you tear up nafta and call china a currency manipulator and damage our trading relationship. Okay. Bill, you know, in some ways microcosm, the speech a microcosm of the campaign. Right. It took 17 minutes for him to get to the substance. Right. I think some of the policies, as dan said, were fine but i think he has two problems, especially with the bringing up the women that hes going to sue them. One is the Chris Christie problem. I dont know if he knew about the bridge closures before that but the behavior of his aides sure sounds like him. Thats why its getting traction. I dont know whether donald trump groped these women, but it sounds like him based on his tape. So he has that problem. And instead of talking about suing them, if you had a moment like Hillary Clinton had today, shes shown saying i know there are some of you that have questions about me, and i want to earn your vote. Now, we can say its insincere but shes not very good at it and she did it better than mr. Trump today. Kim, lets turn to the substance today. I want to get some of the ideas he put on the table heres. You know, you follow energy for us and hes really talking about an enormous amount of opening up of energy developed in the United States, talking about a big tax cut. Talking about a really big Economics Program if he could actually get into the white house and implement it. Yeah. I mean, to be clear, i think this is important to note. There was nothing new here. Pretty much every idea that donald trump put in this speech is something his campaign has covered before. The idea was instead that theres a sense of urgency to it and that he is going to, indeed, be the change agent who gets these things done, but, yes, he had a very bold economic plan in terms of energy and exports, dramatic tax return, a regulatory proposal, that he would get rid of two regulations for any one that was proposed. He also had a big ethics part of it which was new restriktss on lobbyists. A new proposal for constitutional amendment for term limits, talking to people who feel there is gridlock and problems and favorite term in washington. School choice which feeds into some of the things hes talked about in cities. So this is about a bold agenda, but, you know, can you get through the noise . I dont know. Well, here is if i were recommending to the campaign how to behave, i would just take the latter part of that speech and i would just give that every day between now and the election. Just tell people this is the change i represent. This is what i will do for you. And get out of the noise. Stop talking about the women. Mary, he raised the point. He said we have to get through the noise of the campaign and then he introduces the noise. Well, what youre seeing there is his personality. Thats just Donald J Trump coming through, and he made the joke sort of the joke the other night at the Al Smith Dinner that, you know, when i used to be a democrat, and the fact of the matter is thats not that long ago, and i canthink at of these ideas arent deeply embedded in him. Hes shallow on a lot of this stuff. So when he goes to talk, he reverts to these sound bites. The problem that he has though to win is not his policies. He has plenty of policies. As kim said, theyre not new. He scored well when hes gone after clinton on the policies. The problem is a lot of people think hes a nut, that hes not stable, and thats what he has not when he brings up the women again and im going to im a billionaire, im going to sue you, it doesnt help that case. And, of course, Hillary Clintons whole strategy has been to disqualify him personally. She hasnt really gone after his ideas accept except in a more token fashion. Shes going into arizona, even hiring people in utah to take some of the red states away from trump. Trump has to change the national numbers. Otherwise he could get swamped in a lot of red states. Good point because she has a lot more resources than he has. He doesnt have as many resources as john mccain or mitt romney had and she has field workers in those states. There was one point missing in trumps speech was integrating this with the republican party. Hes relying on the republican infrastructure in those states, and if he could get them behind these ideas, might have a chance. Dan, thank you all. Still ahead, new accusations of pay to play at the Clinton Foundation as new wikileaks emails reveal a 12 million deal with the king of morocco. 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Donald trump friday accusing rival Hillary Clinton of engaging in pay to play for agreeing to speak at a 2015 Clinton Global Initiative summit in morocco in exchange for a 12 million pledge to the foundation from that countrys king. It was a speech she ultimately did not deliver, but it nevertheless caused headaches in the runup to her president ial campaign with close aide huma abedin telling advisers john podesta and robby mook in early 2015, quote, she mess, and she knows it, end quote. Kim, take us through this moroccan deal. Why should we be concerned . Yeah, that email you just saw flashed up there is huma abedin talking to advisers about whether or not Hillary Clinton can pull out of this because the campaign at this point very concerned about all the headlines about the foundation, and yet we find out that donation from the king of more rock rocco was contingent on her appearance. We have yet more evidence that the clintons were selling themselves or access to themselves in return for donations and this plays into a bigger theme of special benefits that were given to clinton donors, and its very concerning because the question is would she do that as president . I want to show i want to play an exchange at the debate between Moderator Chris Wallace and Hillary Clinton on the foundation. Secretary clinton, during your 2009 Senate Confirmation hearing, you promised to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest with your dealing with the Clinton Foundation while you were secretary of state, but emails show that donors got special access to you. Can you really say that you kept your pledge to that Senate Committee and why isnt what happened and what went on between you and the Clinton Foundation, why isnt it what mr. Trump calls pay to play . Well, everything i did as secretary of state was in furtherance of our countrys interests and our values. The state department has said that. I think thats been proven, but i am happy, in fact im thrilled, to talk about the Clinton Foundation because it is a worldrenowned charity. We should stipulate what the Moroccan Exchange referred to was after she had left the state department, was still running for president , but that was one big duck of a question on the Clinton Foundation, was it not, dan z dan . It was, unless she believes it. That is to say the clintons believe their personal interest absolutely conformed with the public interest. They see no separation whatsoever. This hearkens back to tammany hall. Remember george w. Plunkett, i seen my opportunities and i took it. Thats known as honest graft. Whatever is going on in the public, we get a piece of the action. Great phrase, honest graft. Is not a foundation that had a conflict of interest. This is a conflict of interest in which they built a foundation, worked with the state department and working with a lobbying foundation. I believe even doug band complained former president clinton didnt have to sign a conflict of interest agreement. After the debate secretary clinton said i read the draft and then i said, you know, im against it. We know from wikileaks that, of course, she had decided to oppose it before she had a chance to read any draft. Of course. I mean, the beauty of these wikileaks and of the fbi documents that have been released though they are from russia, apparently via russia, so they are violations of privacy. Of course, but we are seeing this double standard, this double talk that mrs. Clinton and her advisers had among themselves and then saying something entirely different to the public. You know, in that tape you played, she went on to say that she was so proud of what she has done in haiti with the Clinton Foundation, and, of course, as donald trump very accurately said, the haitians really dislike the clintons at this point because they feel like they came down there, and they used the earthquake as a way to basically do favors for their friends. Kim, i want to raise the issue of general james cartwrig cartwright, the general who has agreed to a guilty plea this week for lying to the fbi for having talked to two reporters about a top secret u. S. Operation. A lot of people, including donald trump, are raising a question of whether this is a double standard with Hillary Clinton and her handling of the emails. How do you see that . Yeah, of course its a double standard. I mean, this investigation the fbi did into him is the way the fbi investigates people in situations like that. They went after him on a National Security charge. In the end they got him on lying. You go back and look at the fbi interview notes with the get clinton team and you have several instances of aides saying things that are outright false and contradicting things in the record. If the fbi had wanted to go after them on a lying perjury charge, they could have done it very easily. They chose instead to close their eyes to the entire thing. She was treated with kid gloves and donald trump is making a good point. The fbi you would think when youre investigating a former senator, former first lady, secretary of state who is a president ial candidate, youd say were going to dot our is and cross our ts and do everything by the book. The difference between these investigations is that nothing the fbi did with mrs. Clinton was by the book whereas they went after the general this way. One of the interesting things is going to be is if Congress Puts these fbi agents on the stand under oath to talk about the investigation. One of the things that we dont know is all of the department of justice lawyers that made these deals. Theyre the ones that decide not to go to a grand jury, that make these immunity deals that allow cheryl mills to be the lawyer. We dont know who they are. This issue could dog her presidency if elected. When we come back, paul ryan hits the road. Hes an a 17state tour as he scrambles to shore up the Republican House majority. Our own joe regow joined him this week and hell join us next. I found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. And a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doctor. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. Or you can call 1800medicare. Medicare open enrollment. Youll never know unless you go. I did it. Cheryl mills to be the lawyer. Next. For over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about what people want. 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Well, theres 57 seats that are maybe somewhat competitive but its really a core of about 40 seats. If democrats take 30 of those, if they run the table, they would flip the house. Okay. And where are those seats . What kind of seats are they . Well, theyre primarily suburban. Think of counties around philadelphia, the denver suburbs. They tend to be middleclass, moderate, decided by a couple percentage points, College Educated. College educated Republican Voters are the ones that the republican candidate really needs to get in those seats. Right. And these are also the districts where donald trump is having the biggest problems winning over that bloc, those College Educated whites. So if you look at the republican field, when i hear the republican seats, what i haer is onethird of the seats are really protrump. Another third maybe more antitrump, the majority of the district, and then somewhere in between. Thats a hard field to navigate for some of these republicans. It is. And, i mean, paul ryan is really in a vise because he has all these competing constituencies and trying to hold everything together. What is his strategy now for doing that . So hes going on this sort of barnstorming tour. Hes trying to get a lot of local news cover coverage for these candidates, positive coverage. I was down with him in miami with carlos kubelow. They toured an english language learning school. And hes made education a real priority. Education, antipoverty. Ryan is also trying to promote this better way. This is his Solutions Oriented agenda for 2017. Hes saying to voters, here is what we want to do in congress. Here is what we want to do on health care, on the economy, on National Security. Hold us accountable for that. Here are specific ideas. The whole conference has agreed to this, right, left, and center. Yeah, its pretty remarkable the consensus that was formed came from the bottom up, organized organically. Everybody has their own piece and theyre really running on these positive ideas. Are these ideas breaking through in those districts because what the president ial campaign sucking up so much of the media attention, can they break through with specific ideas like this . Well, it gives them something to talk about thats not donald trump certainly. It hasnt broken through nationally at all. But thats not important for the house necessarily. But whats important is when paul ryan goes to the district and gets on the evening news with the congressman talking about education, criminal justice reform, you know, all these things, i think they might be having more tangible results down ballot in the districts. Now, when democrats took the house in 2006 they ran against iraq, the war, and corruption in congress. What are they running against this time . Theyre running against donald trump. Theyre trying to tie republicans to his medicine ball. But the interesting because in some of these districts he just isnt popular. Interesting contrast with 2006 is that rahm emanuel and Chuck Schumer picked moderate centrist democrats who fit their district. Thats what republicans are running this year. These are good fits for those districts. The democrats are really Bernie Sanders, elizabeth warren, so theyre not quite they dont have as much appeal really in these districts outside denver. Thats potentially a really big help to republicans who want to dominate the middle of the political debate. Yeah. I mean, these are the districts that make a majority, and i think theyre doing the best job they can. Whats your best estimate of how many seats republicans lose . Im going to go with 15 maybe. 15 . If its a big washout for donald trump. Its increasingly possible the house could flip, but i dont think thats likely. All right. Thank you, joe. Still ahead, its a central issue in the 2016 race, so what did we learn in this weeks debate about the candidates and the Supreme Court . whispers rocket cartels, militias, terrorist groups. They all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. Were going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. Were going to steal their money, sir . No, we are going to destroy it. Were going to finish this mission. Anything we find is ours. Do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks . I mean the rush, ive never felt anything like it. If we stay here were going to die. Then we die. The Supreme Court should represent all of us. Thats how i see the court and the kind of people that i would be looking to nominate to the court would be in the great tradition of standing up to the powerful, standing up on behalf of our rights as americans. The justices that im going to appoint will be prolife. They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment. They are great schol cases, and theyre people of tremendous respect. They will interpret the constitution the way the founders wanted it interpreted, and i believe thats very, very important. That was Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the debate this week on what theyre looking for in a Supreme Court justice. Its one of the most consequential issues in the 2016 race with the next president likely to shape the nations highest court for a generation. Were back with dan henning ger, Mary Anastasia ogrady, bill mcgurn, and kim stassel. Try to put in the philosophical difference as you see it. Its a basic philosophic difference between democrats and republicans, especially conservative republicans. On legal issues. On legal issues, well, on the court. We want judges our primary goal is not the outcome. Its what the law says to interpret the law and the left just they dont care. They just want the outcome. Donald trump short of got to this on abortion when he said he wanted prolife judges. Thats not quite what we want. We dont want the we dont want the Supreme Court legislated but he sort of corrected himself by saying probably if he got the judges he wanted it would be going back to states where it belongs. The abortion law would return to the states. I think thats it. The left has a lot easier time because theyre just worried about outcome. Mrs. Clinton put a few litmus tests there, and i think under a Clinton Presidency the difference is she would see the court as one arm of getting what she wants, especially stuff that couldnt get through congress anded Administrative State is the other. I want to ask you about the Second Amendment. Donald trump mentioned it explicitly. Chris wallace asked him, the heller case, it said the Second Amendment, you have an individual right to bear arms. Just not militias. The case did allow for some regulation but not a total ban. And she kind of said im for the Second Amendment but im against heller. You cant be both. You cant square that. And, you know, its been a long time objective of the democrats to basically overturn heller, and i think when shes looking for people on the court, she wants people who dont believe that americans have that fundamental right to bear arms. So thats a major issue in this campaign. Kim, did it have anything to do with toddlers, the d. C. V. Heller case as secretary clinton said. Toddlers keeping guns out of toddlers and. It was a complete canard. It was like somebody saying fatal attraction was about a woman who didnt like bunny rabbits. It wasnt what the case was about. It was about whether theres an individual right to bear arms as written in the constitution. Toddlers had nothing to do with it. She was trying to distract from the fact that, you know, shes on record in past saying she thought the court decided that case wrong. If she believes that, it means she does not believe there is an individual right to bear arms, and she doesnt really want that to become an issue in the campaign because there are a lot of people who vote on this issue. It was a 54 decision, dan. Because that decision did allow for some reasonable regulation, it was by justice scalia, the opinion, of gun, you could see a liberal court simply carve out and make that a hollow shell of a right biapproving restriction after restriction after restricti restriction. That raises the issue of what kind of justices either would appoint. And jump in his speech at gettysburg announced, if i take him at his word, that Justice Scalias widow has this weekend has planted an elect trump sign in her yard. We may assume donald trump will appoint jeer justice scalia. Hillary clinton will justices to the left of Sonia Sotomayor. This idea of standing up to the left of Sonia Sotomayor . Absolutely. Theres not a lot of space there. Shell find it. Shell find it. What about the First Amendment . Kim, let me go back to you on the First Amendment, Citizens United. You have written a book about the democratic attempts to restrict free speech. She said she wants to appoint justices as a litmus test basically to overturn Citizens United which allowed corporations and unions to contribute to political groups. What do you make of her promise to appoint justices that would overturn that . Shes not only said she would appoint justices and shes already been actively encouraging someone to bring a test case back up so that citizens can be overturned, shes running on a constitutional amendment to the u. S. Constitution to get rid of Citizens United, which is another way of putting the Government Back in charge of who can spend money and, therefore, speak in elections. This is another big threat, i think, to the country. Its very clear she and Bernie Sanders both, that they would use that to make sure their opponents were barred from taking part in politics. Quickly, mary, 20 judges that donald trump has said are on his list to appoint. Theres some people on the right who say, you know what . I dont know that we can trust him to do that because hes come to this issue late. Well, i think most of the electorate is going to say theres sort of a chance with donald trump and theres no chance with Hillary Clinton, so if youre voting on the court, i think you have to take that chance. If you have a republican senate, they would be able to steer oppose anybody who they didnt like as a nominee. All right. Still ahead, russian president Vladimir Putin taking center stage in the 2016 race. Just what is he up to and how should the next president respond . Well ask Paul Wolfowitz next. My friends think doing this at my age is scary. I say not if you protect yourself. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. 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All the networks are great now. Were talking within a 1 difference in reliability of each other. And, sprint saves you 50 pistpistest. Test. Test. Test. Switch your business to sprint and save 50 on most current verizon, at t and tmobile rates. Dont let a 1 difference cost you twice as much. Whoooo for people with hearing loss, visit sprintrelay. Com. From everything i see has no respect for this person. Well, thats because hed rather have a puppet as president. No puppet. No puppet. And its clear youre the puppet. Its pretty clear you wont admit no, youre the puppet. Russians have engaged in Cyber Attacks against the United States of america, that you encouraged espionage against our people, that you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, break up nato, do whatever he wants to do. Russian president Vladimir Putin playing a central role in the 2016 campaign as americas relationship with moscow continues to deteriorate. And amid russias air war in syria and suspected hacking of the u. S. Election comes yet another provocation. Earlier this month the kremlin deployed Nuclear Capable missiles to a russian ex clav bordering poland and lithuania. Paul wolfowitz was the deputy secretary of defense under president george w. Bush. Hes now a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise institute. Thanks a lot for coming in, paul. Good to be with you. So you followed russia and Vladimir Putin for some time. What do you think hes trying to accomplish with these provocatio provocations, middle east, eastern europe, and now in cyberspace . I do think there are two important things to understand about this man who sort of aspires to be the new czar of russia. Number one, his domestic position depends a great deal on his ability to flex his muscles. He became president by butchering the chechens and then won reelection part lly by invading georgia and i think this is part of securing his domestic base which is not that secure because russias economy is in trouble. Finish your point. The sec f second thing is someone used to say about the old soviet union, hes like a burglar going down the hallway and testing which doors are locked and going into ones which are not and weve given him too many opportunities to go in open doors. Hes responding to weakness. He will grab whatever opportunities he can as he tries to expand into a greater russia and reassert russian influence on his border, east and west and in the middle east. Well, and he also wants to win reelection and remain president of russia probably through 2024 which i guess will put him at the age of 72. Pretty ambitious. Take this issue of the hacking of emails which our Intelligence Community now says they believe was taken up at the highest levels of russia, which means Vladimir Putin. And we havent responded yet, although joe biden has said we will. Do you think the United States has to respond to that in some way . I think we have to. I think its very important. In fact, its important not just with respect to russian behavior but in general if bad actors, whether theyre states or individuals or groups, believe that they can attack us in this flagrant way without suffering any consequences, then well get much more of it. So i dont know what we will do in response, and we may never know if we have adequately responded, but the people who are doing it need to know that theyve paid a price, a serious price. But to your point there, the people who did it need to know if theyre paying a price, but if were trying to send a message around the world to others, dont do this, then the world really does need to know weve responded in some important way, no . Youre absolutely right. Yes, they do. And one way or another they need to learn. Would you go so far as to suggest, as some have, including a former admiral, suggesting what we need to do is perhaps consider hacks ourselves going on offensie and releasing some f the secrets of the kremlin operators, people who maybe they have foreign Bank Accounts, for example. Maybe they have emails of their own which would be embarrassing. Would you go so far as to subject that should be an option . I think their Bank Accounts are, frankly, one of the achilles heels of this regime and, yes, i do think if we have information about them, especially information about how money has been stolen from the russian people, its important to get it out. They deserve it. Thats interesting. Okay. So were going to have a new president , one or the other. Donald trump or Hillary Clinton. What would be your advice to the new president about how to address putin . Do we need really a new policy and what should it be . Look, i think you have to start by recognizing that the old policy that theyre inheriting is a bad one. Weve been going down the wrong course providing opportunities when we should have been closing them off. I think you also have to recognize that you cant reverse course overnight, be like trying to throw a car in reverse when its been going too fast down the highway. You need to pick your targets well. You need to act in a way at the beginning that convinces other people that have to be with you that, in fact, youre serious. So i think no question going after the Cyber Attacks would be one way of showing seriousness, but i think its important to also show seriousness against the kind of aggression the russians have been conducting, whether its in syria or ukraine or, as you pointed out, with this deployment of missiles on the border of two nato allies on the border of lithuania and poland. That means sending a message to the europeans, that were going to lead. Strengthening sanctions, i assume thats on the table. Im not persuaded the sanctions make a very big difference but there are sanctions that can be really painful especially for the plutocrat that is run the regime, that would be a good thing. If there are things we could do of a more positive way to bolster the ukrainian economy and bolster them diplomatically which has finally started to happen a little bit in the council of europe, that would be a very important piece of this also so that russia doesnt i think one of putins objectives in ukraine is to make sure that that country fails because its a very bad example for his own people. Its a country that expelled a plutocratic dictator and people went through his mansion and discovered how he had been stealing from them. Thats not something putin wants to see in russia. All right. But i also think an important place to start, frankly would be in syria where theres a humanitarian emergency the russians are causing and a strategic disaster theyre causing as well. Thank you, Paul Wolfowitz for coming in. Appreciate it. Thank you for being here. When we come back, as the battle for control of the senate goes down to the wire, a look at one of the race that is could make or break democratic hopes. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Turning now to the battle for the senate and a race that could determine which party is in control next year. In indiana former democratic senator evan bayh and republican todd young are in a tight race to replace dan coats. As the polls have narrowed, i n ad wars have heated up. After the economy crashed, indiana families were struggling. We turn to senator evan bayh to protect us from the washington insiders and wall street bankers who got us into that mess but instead of going to work for us, evan bayh went to work for them making millions as a big money influence peddler in d. C. And cashed in with the big banks. My opponent is attacking me as a lobbyist. Well, thats just a lie. But here is what is true. I have cut taxes. I have helped save 100,000 indiana auto jobs. I fought for welfare reform, pushed for a balanced budget. I have taken on the extremes of both parties and i always will to get things done. Wall street journalether toal writer Alicia Finley is just back from indiana where she has been following the race. Chuck schumer, who wants to be majority leader of the democrat democrats in the senate, he kind of handpicked evan bayh thinking this is going to be an easy one. Lots of money in his bank account, well known name in indiana. Hasnt turned out that way. Why . Evan bayh, the former twoterm governor as well as a former twoterm senator, he left in retired in 2011. Right soon after voting for obamacare. It was alleged he couldnt have won reelection. You think he would have lost . I think he likely would have lost. A lot of democratic incumbents, deciding 60th votes for obamacare, had trouble with standing reelections. But he i think they figured six years later, people forget. The bayh name is so prominent in indiana. But republicans are spending a lot of time trying to remind indiana voters of those votes. And its not just his votes. Hes running more against his challenge isnt so much todd young, the republican opponent, as his voting record. But its not just what he did in office. Its all the money now hes made since leaving office. You had a lot of stories come out that hes basically abandoned indiana. Hes maintained a small condo in indianapolis. Valued at 53,000, which is about as much property tax as the place he has in florida. Multimillion dollar house in washington and hasnt spent much time in indiana. Hes gone to washington and lobbied for these Big Companies that he wants regulated. And he responded to that in that ad. The other thing that struck me about that ad is hes running as a conservative. In some respects. Right. Saying i cut taxes. I look out for indiana interests. Nothing on his votes on health care and other things that were the obama agenda in 2009 and 10. Thats right. So hes running as a fiscal conservative. Someone with hoosier values because indiana is a more fiscally conservative state. And you see that in the fact that trump is leading hillary there. Which is interesting. This is the one state where you dont have the hillary surrogates coming out and campaigning for a senate candidate. Theyre staying out. Theyre staying out. You have not seen tim kaine there, you havent seen hillary, bill. What is bayhs explanation for his Obamacare Vote . Is he defending it or running away from it . Hes not. Hes running away from it and deflected it very capably. He said todd young wants to send us back to the days where women can be charged more for Health Care Just because theyre women. He wants to allow health inshurs not to stop coverage because you have a preexisting condition. Hes defending some of the good things of obamacare. Thats right, that we need to maintain the good parts and improve upon the law. What is young running on . Hes really young is running on we need to bring a more i wouldnt necessarily say probusiness, but we need to rein in the bureaucracy, one of his big talking points is the clean water act. So regulation. Regregulation. I visited a farm down there where the clean water rule allows the epa to regulate everything as small as a puddle, is a big onus, and farmers are complaining about that. Let me go back to dan. On indiana, donald trump is leading in that state, as alicia said, but not by as much as a republican normally would. The real clear politics average has him up by five points. Evan bayh is up by four points. Mitt romney carried the state be 11 points and george w. Bush, first by 15 and then 20. I think trump should be a lot farther ahead than he is if hes going to pull todd young across the finish line. What your call . Thats exactly right. Trump needs to pull todd young over the finish line and needs to pull over the working class votes. Thats exactly why bayh is hitting trade issue really hard. Do you think young can pull it out . I think he could. All right, thank you, alicia. We have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. Ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. announcer vo you can commute. man on radio . 40 no flags on the play cheering announcer vo or you can chest bump. Yo commute, we got serious game. Siriusxm. Road happy. Time now for our hits and misses of the week. Kim, start us off. So, this is a huge miss for the media, for its complete lack of professional standards. Theres a new report out from the center for Public Integrity saying in this election cycle, members of the media have given almost 400,000 dollars to the clinton and trump campaigns. 96 of it to Hillary Clinton. Most people out in america understand that the media is in the tank for democrats. But weve got to a point where theyre just openly broadcasting it. And they deserve all the criticism theyre getting for being in the tank. All right, kim, thanks. Bill . To president obama who seems to be in search of the metaphor for the Affordable Care act and why its so unaffordable. The latest one is thats its the starter home. Hes got this backwards. I had a starter home. When ryou get a starter home, yu fix it in and maybe a couple years into it, you sell it and move up. Under obamacare, your home life loses its kitchen and then they tell you, by the way, your mortgage is doubling. So bill clinton said more for less. Not a good analogy. All right, mary . Hit for senator richard burr, republican, North Carolina, who this week criticized a white house directive that instructs the u. S. Director of National Intelligence to cooperate with cuban intelligence counterparts. And senator bur said, i dont think as long as im chairman that the committee is going to be sharing intelligence in any intelligence relationship with cuba. I think thats a good idea since some of their favorite allies are iran, north korea, and russia. Dan . Well, ill miss to our good friend the federal government when we heard an nsa kraekter has been arrested for amassing 500 million pages of documents from the nsa. Some of them top military secrets. He did this over 20 years. You know, in the movies, you have tom cruise hanging from the ceiling on a wire to get any of this stuff. In reality, you could be Edward Snowden putting it on a flash drive, or this guy walking out to the building with the crown jewels. Who is protecting us . Its really astonishing. Thank you. Remember, if you have your own hit or miss, tweet to us. Thats it for this weeks show. Thanks to my panel. Thanks to all of you for watching. Hope to see you right here next week. And hello, everyone. Im arthel neville. Welcome to americas election headquarters. Im eric shawn. Hitting the homestretch of the 2016 election. Hillary clinton campaigning in North Carolina this sunday, while donald trump is visiting florida. Plus, tragedy on a california highway. Police now investigating the deadly collision of a tour bus with a tractor trailer. Well have a presser happening in this hour. Well bring it to you when it happens. Such a sad tragedy there. Meanwhile, in chicago, theyre celebrating, cubs fans, after a 71year

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