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With the danger of being wiped out, and we have the capacity to do something about it, we will take action. That is our responsibility as americans. Thats a hallmark of american leadership. Thats who we are. Welcome to the journal editorial report. Im in this week for paul gigot. That was president obama thursday night announcing he has authorized air strikes in iraq against the terror group isis as well as humanitarian aid to help save some 40,000 iraqi civilians trapped on a mountain without food or water and facing almost certain death. The announcement comes as the islamic extremists make dramatic gain in Northern Iraq threatening the kurdish capital of erbil. Will the actions the United States is prepared to take be enough to divert a humanitarian and strategic disaster . Lets ask. Wall street journal columnist dan henninger, Brett Stevens and matt kaminski. Dan, to you first, too little too late from the president . Well, you know, stuart, recall back in april the president gave a talk in which he defined his Foreign Policy to singles and doubles and it adds up. Hes doing singles and doubles in Northern Iraq when he needs a grand slam home run. What they have done so far does not reflect the reality on the ground. The Islamic State in iraq is a heavily armed group of the most extreme islamic jihadists we have convict fronted so far. They have threatened baghdad. They are threatening kurdistan, the city of erbil, yazidis stuck on the mountain, christians being fought out of iraq. Why is no one fighting back . Because ice 0 is is heavily armed, often with American Equipment they have stolen both the iraqis and kurds will say, we will fight back if we get sustained u. S. Air cover to help us. And so far the president has not committed himself to an operation that would allow our allies, if we can call them that, to fight back against isis. And unless we do that, i think the situation there is going to continue to disintegrate. I think dan is being too generous to the president. This isnt singles and doubles. This is bunts and foul balls. Look, this is a president who came to office saying, am going to go after al qaeda. Im not going to fight these side wars against saddam hussein. Well, now you have al qaeda plus. Isis is you a group that broke away from al qaeda because it thought al qaeda was too moderate. They are now establishing a caliphate in Northern Iraq. They are armed with actually heavy armor. They have an army, not just a bunch of ragtag fighters. To suggest that the only reason that we should be intervening even in this minor way is the protection of americans or the protection of this religious group, thats fine enough. But the real reason we need to be going in there is because we cannot allow a caliphate to be established in the heart of the muslim world. Its a fundamental threat to american security. Explain to me the delay in taking any kind of action at all. Weve seen this coming at us. Why the delay . I think you saw in his statement thursday night. For the last five years weve hit al qaeda in yemen with drones. Obama had no problems in pakistan going after al qaeda there. He himself has an issue with iraq, and its really all about him its a very presidency. He didnt want to go into syria or iraq because he didnt want to do what george bush did. As he said in his speech, i was elected to end the war in iraq. Its a very juvenile behavior as commander in chief. Is it possible that the president has a real problem using American Military power . I think thats part of it. Hes reluck tants to do that. I think thats obviously part of it. But he has used it elsewhere. He used it even in libya very reluctantly. I think he has an iraq issue because that for him is back to 2007 how out of nowhere he got to the white house, stunning himself im sure. But americans, whats really fascinating, are said to be tired of war. But theyre also, as polls show, very tired of effectless commander in chief and very worried about the world going up in flames. You even hear it among Top Democrats, jim steinberg, deputy secretary of state in obama in his first term was quoted in the times just kind of aghast and bewildered by the president s statement thursday nights, the one that we just quoted. A lot of Top Democrats are talking about an administration thats just completely adrift. You hear it from guys like bra ginski, certainly no republican. Roger cohen, liberal columnist for the new york times, david ignatius, liberal columnist for the washington post. This is not simply a sense among the president s traditional critics or certainly this is a sense across the political spectrum that this is a president who doesnt know how to conduct Foreign Policy. Youve got to explain to me, why has the president been deathly silent on the issue of christians and the slaughter of christians, the ethnic cleansing of christians . Why not a word . The underlying reason i think has to be understood is that in 2011 barack obama placed a very risky bet. He pulled all u. S. Military support out of iraq, virtually took it down to zero, something the United States has never done at the end of a war. That left the iraqi army with no support, left us with no ears on the ground, no way to influence Prime Minister malaki. Barack obama has lost that bet. Iraq is now disintegrating. But to the extent he commits to helping them again, hes going to repudiate his own policy, and for the reasons matt was articulating about the obama persona, he is simply personally very reluctant to do that, come what may. Were talking about the anniversary of watergate, but really we should be talking about the anniversary of april 1975, the last helicopters tosa. This is a visible collapse of American Power just as devastating as that tragic pullback and will have consequences that are as series for the people in Northern Iraq as they did for the people of vietnam. Those, bret stevens, were sharpedged last words. When we come back, yes, it has indeed been 40 years since the resignation of president Richard Nixon. And americas trust in government is reaching watergateera lows. Whats behind this cynicism . Well talk about that next. Yeah. With nfl mobile on verizon. Yes get in there go, go, go, go, yes lets go, drew. The notsogood more would be them always watching you. Go for it, paul get open come on, paul lets go hustle what is that, chamomile tea . uh, lattes. You wanna take a nap . get the good more with nfl mobile, free with the more everything plan. Exclusively from verizon. Now get 50 off all new smartphones. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. 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Were switching Car Insurance. Why . Because these guys are the cheapest. Why . Good question. Because a cutrate price could mean cutrate protection. You should listen to this guy. With allstate you get great protection, a great price, plus an agent and safe drivers can save up to 45 . Call now and see how much you can save. Just a few more ways, allstate is changing Car Insurance for good. Call an allstate agent and get a quote now. Of. I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as president i must put the interests of america first. Therefore, i shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice president will be sworn in as president at that hour in this office. Richard nixon resigning the office of the presidency 40 years ago this week. The combination of a scandal that not only brought down an administration but shook america faith in government to its very core. And four decades later, that faith is once again being tested. With one recent he poll finding that just 19 of voters trust the federal government to do the right thing almost always or most of the time. Were back with dan henning g h Dorothy Rabinowitz joins the panel. Dorothy, america, 1974, the same america as 2014 . Oh, no. And of course we cannot blame this on Richard Nixon, but its a point from which we see the america of Richard Nixons time as the beginning of what we have now. There was then facing Richard Nixon a counterculture. You remember the counter culture, they dont want to read about dead white men in literature like shakespeare. Theyre out in the streets fighting against the government for the war, burning draft cards, essentially thinking of the United States as the enemy of all that is good and true. That was the siege moment. What was the counterculture is now the reigning culture. The central culture. Thats the difference. That is the difference. Now this is the norm. It is the norm to go into university, for example, and find out that every group has been separated into little victim studies classes instead of reading the great canon in literal tur, it is so normal. And in a sense, america which was once celebrated, for example, in its history, people went to school, the westward expansion is now a trail of blood, is now a trail different culture. Different culture. Dan, i want to read to the audience what you wrote in the wall street journal linking todays america and the irs scandal. Here 0s what you said. The irs tea party audit story isnt watergate. Its worse than watergate. The watergate breakin was the professionals of the party in power going after the professionals of the party out of power. The irs scandal is the party in power going after the most average americans imaginable. Well, the thing that hasnt changed, stuart, is that the politicians themselves havent changed. I mean, back then when Richard Nixon had the plumbers, they were attacking the Democratic National committees offices at watergate trying to find out what was in their files. The irs attacks were on groups of normal citizens. I mean, the Obama Administration clearly sicced the most fearful, powerful agency in government on people just doing politics out there. So to some extent its changed from simply bumper car fighting back in the 70s to total war now. And thats i think a much more ominous development. The irony is that, in neither case, was it really necessary. Richard nixon beat George Mcgovern in 1972 in an overwhelming landslide victory. It wasnt necessary for him to find out what the democrats were doing. As for attacking these tea party groups, the Obama Campaign had a welloiled machine using social media that was going to be very difficult to defeat in any of that. But they were so crazed with the idea that they had an organized opposition that they couldnt stand it and went after them. And that is the abuse that existed then and exists now. They thought what they were doing in the irs was entirely legitimate to keep president obama in power. They thought that was legitimate, to wield the machinery of government against the president s political opponents. I think thats what nixons plumbers thought. If you live in a bubble of your belief, yes, they did. If you study nixons plumbers, yes, we have to get this done. Some part of them said, you know, if i listen to this plan to break into headquarters, this government will come down. But they went ahead anyway. And thats the same as what is going on in obamas white house. You are profoundly disappointed, arent you . I look back at the history of the nixon era, and you see there the growth of everything that produced barack obama. The left tenured radical product of Harvard Law School with all of the assumptions i just outlined before about American Power, bad thing. American culture needs to be fixed. All of that was produced there. It has been an inexorable growth from that time. As i said, you are profoundly disappointed, dorothy. Well, ill tell you one thing. We should remember about Richard Nixon. For all of his status, you know, kevin spacey, you know, the Actor Kevin Spacey asked who did the most for the arts . He said, i know youll be surprised to learn that it was Richard Nixon who did the most for the arts. He doubled arts funding. He produced remember something called title 9, the thing that changed every girls professional athlete status . He made it possible for women to do all of this. But if i may say so, dorothy, those were the seeds that planted that grew up to the government that is the scale it is now. Yes. I think the governments incompetence is the reason the opinion in that opinion poll we cited have lost faith in washington because it simply doesnt perform anymore. Dan, dorothy, out of time. Thank you very much. When we come back, just in time for that august beach vacation, the Surgeon General declares the rising rate of skin cancer a Public Health crisis. So why are government regulators banning better sunscreens in america . Oven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Osteo biflex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints so you can keep doing what you love. Whatd you guys do today . The usual the usual [ male announcer ] osteo biflex, ready for action. When a pro at any 2014 pga tour event sinks a holeinone, quicken loans will pay your mortgage for an entire year. That is how its done. Truly amazing get in the holeinone sweepstakes. Enter today at pgatour. Com quickenloans and you could have your mortgage paid for an entire year. Well, if youre heading to the beach this weekend, listen up, please. The u. S. Surgeon general last week declare skin cancer a growing Public Health crisis with more cases diagnosed annually than breast, prostate, lung cancer combined. But thanks to regulators, youre almost certainly not getting the best Sun Protection out there. Yes, thats right. Despite huge scientific advances and dozens of superior products available almost everywhere else in the world, the food and Drug Administration hasnt approved a new sunscreen for use in america in a whopping 15 years. Wall street Journal Editorial Board member joy rago is here to tell us why. Why, go ahead, tell me. Well, weve seen a huge explosion in scientific knowledge in terms of what causes the mutations that lead to skin cancer and we have products to prevent block them, prevent them from being absorbed into the skin. The fda has safety concerns. They say the manufacturers of these sunscreens have to prove the negative, that they wont lead to longrun harm. They refuse to accept the world consensus that these are safe. Look, theyve been used everywhere around the world, in europe, in asia, south america, mexico. The u. S. Is the only country where you are legally barred from buying these superior technologies. All right, dan, why does the fda drag its feet like this in the face of obvious evidence that this is a beneficial product . Well, the fda has been regulating drugs like this since at least the mid1960s and the idea is that you have to proof to the fda to the nth degree that these things are safe. And they get to define whats safe. The problem is that their process, as simply as if i may use this word metastasized into a growth that smothers drug innovation in the United States. It takes between 2 billion and 5 billion to get a new drug approved in the u. S. Because of this process. While people may think, yes, we should ensure that drugs are safe, the process they are using ensures that new Innovative Products like this do not reach the American People in a timely way. Did you say 2 billion to 5 billion for a new pill, new drug, new treatment . Thats about what it is, yes, for sure. Ive got to come back to 0 that. Why . For all these years, i can go to europe, buy sunscreen, highly effective sunscreen, real good stuff, but i cant get the same product in america. And youve not told me why ive got to wait all this time to get a better product. Well, look, the fda has a culture of political control. They are the sort of masters of medical progresses. Well, is it deliberate, joe . Absolutely. You cant have that because we dont want you to. Protecting their regulatory status is more important to them than getting new products to the public. They think if they let something through and it turns out to be dangerous theyre going to get blamed. So their very risk averse and they need to protect, again, that culture of control. Thats why the fda exists, so the fda can continue to exist. With Something Like sunscreen . Isnt public pressure enough to say, come on, lift the flood gates, let us have it . The rational solution would be to monitor these products like sunscreen after they are released. I mean, sunscreen obviously is not a dangerous drug. If there were side effects that we had to worry about, you could determine that in a postmarketing regime. The fda wants all of that solved before the product is sold, which is why it becomes so expensive and so timeconsuming. Its not going to change, joe . I dont think so. Anytime soon, zero, not going to clang . Congress has passed bills that say you must approve these sunscreens, must come to a decision. I think the fda would rather reject them than let them onto ott market. We have to take one more break. When we come back, our hits and misses of the week. Its he time for our hit and miss es of the week. Bret, youre up first. This is a hit for the European Space agency, which just in the last few days has placed a satellite what they called a rosetta satellite within a very short distance of a comet and will be sending soon a probe to a comet. Its been on a journey of 4 billion miles over ten years to do some fundamental science. You know, we spend a lot of our time criticizing the europeans but this is a magnificent scientific accomplishment for all of humankind. It will bring back basic discoveries about the origins of our solar system, the galaxy and universe. I want to give a hit to the scientists who made this incredible fete happen. Matt . Stuart, here is a miss to the ncaa which this week said that the five richest conferences can basically play by their own rules, meaning the five athletic conferences. They can give higher xol 0 arships, provide health care and provides agents for the athletes. It this goes against everything the ncaa stands for. It also shows how corrupt our College Athletics have become. If our professional sports leagues want a Free Development want a development league, they should pay for it themselves the way that european soccer seems to and not count on our universities to do that. Joe . Well, stuart, you remember cash for clunkers, right . This is the 2009 stimulus that paid you to buy a new car as long as you destroyed your old one . Well, a new study this week suggests that the Program Actually subtracted as much as 4 billion from auto revenues because it encouraged people to buy smaller, cheaper cars than they otherwise would. This is a miss for the government. They cant even subsidize an industry without harming it. I knew there was something wronging with it. Thanks, everybody. Thats it for this weeks show. Thanks to my panel and for all of you for watching. Im stuart varney. You can catch me weekdays on the fox business network. Paul is back next week, and we hope to see you then. A fox news alert. President obama saying its going to take time to free thousands of religious refugees trapped in Northern Iraq. Militant muslims known as isis targeting christians and other minority faiths. As a result, american bombs falling in iraq for the first time in years. Hello, Everyone Welcome to americas news headquarters. Thanks for spending your saturday here with us. The president calls the air strikes a success and says food and water drops to desperate refugees are helping those on the run from isis. But he says its not a situation that is going to be solved overnight. Wendell goler is traveling with e

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