0 to people and they say they took away our right to abortion. you can tell them the truth. that's not what today's decision did. they decided who gets to decide and the constitution is clear . it's the states all the time we have left this evening. thanks for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage, not your heartbeat troubled laura's next . we'll see on monday. i'm laura ingram and this is ingraham angle on a triumphant friday night from new york answered prayers. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle on january 22nd . nineteen seventy three almost fifty years ago, seven members of the supreme held that under the fourteenth amendment of our constitution the same constitute that americans and fought and died to protect elected officials could not protect the unborn from abortion. now ever since that time,l abortion has been a constitutional right now this is a painful and humiliating experience forov tens of millions ofe americans who love this country and who are ashamed to think that our constitution wouldst be used too justify abortion. >> butn the pro-life community never gave up on this country. we always believe that someday roe versus wade would be overturned and this blot on our history would be purged. and today was that day right around roe , the favorite probably the best day ofay american history in my life. so i'm going to over that way. wow. now look at all those young women and men celebrating life that is the future of america, the pro-life movement. but there are still some who consider abortion a holy sacramentrt and they're furious. they're tryings to intimidate the justices at their homes, the court. to defy they're desperate too inflame the nation as it was in themm summer of 2020 six . the legislature got rid of the five four majority that overturn roe and dobbs simply returns the issue of abortion to the states where it properly belongs. it will be legal in many states but illegal or highlys. restricted in others until the people decide differently. >> it's called the democratic process. ever heardocra of it? but people who should know better, of course they're engaged in what can only be described as pathetic and lame efforts to misstate and twist the ruling chief among them joe biden himself, who was three justices nine by one president donald trump were the court today's decision to upend the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country state laws banning abortion are automatically taking a effect today, jeopardizing the health of millionsardi of women, some without exceptions. so same as women can be punished for protecting their health care for principles of equality, libertyy ,dignity and the stability of the rule of law demand that roe should not have been overturned . with this decision, a conservative majority of the supremese court shows how extreme it is, how far removed they are from the majority of this country. this decision must not be the final word. >> well, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa ,whoa. wait a second. i thought court rulings wereet the law of the land jell o. is that out the window now? n okay, i like to keep up. i have to take notes there now this is just typical of people who know what they're doing is wrong and joe biden as a catholic should be ashamed ofam himself to use the word dignity to justify the old roe vs. wade ruling. perhaps the worst though was biden's attempt to conjur phony emotion. did you catch this moment he was invoking outlierer casest in order to whipic up political support for their lifeless party . it's a realization of an extreme ideology so extreme that women and girls were forced to bear their . >> child the child of consequence to it just stuns me . what a phony. i'm sorry if democrats thinkem that this is going to help them in november, they're going to be sorely mistaken. it's usually notkekeit's usual y political movement to be losing and americans b are seeing that the populist movement is winning and it's succeeding hispanics who are more pro-life than most democratsts, they're not going to turn away from the gop because they suddenly want more abortions and no one is going to n tolerate a terrible economy, wasteful war spending and an incompetent gerontocracynd just so more people can get more abortions. that is ludicrous. tions that isand notice the dif by the way, between the way wey react to losing at the court and the way they do now. pro-life forces lost fifty w years ago.as it was devastating to them buted they never stop believinger in america. never they still believed.. in the system and they worked within it to arrive at the ruling that happened today.o noww they elected pro-life republicans. they held countless prayer vigils.h they pushed for pro-life language in the rnc platform. they wrote op ed.th they held debates, they did campus outreach. they started crisis pregnancy centers, many of whicher are under attack. remember they conducted sidewalk ministriesmini. they were ridiculed for it. they hosted and attended the march for life for decades in rain in ice and snow and shine. and of course they elected donald trump who would put not one but three justices on the court and the majoritye, today. and let's not forget he was the very first sitting president to speak live, lett alone attend the march for life. >> unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the white house. >> every life brings love into this world. every child brings joy to a family. every person is worth protecting. and above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life born and unborn is made in a holy image of almighty god. heers anp >> now this isn't in the prompter. i'm just going to say this okay? hethat was the best speech i think he ever gave and he's given a lot off great speeches that was really special. meanwhile, the left, they lose one at a court and they're threatening to tear down the whole system. they want to take down the senate. they want to blow upll the electoral college and now the supreme court itself, c they hate our constitutional democracy. but this decision like the gunon decision yesterday, simply o follows the plain language of the constitution. remember, the second amendment t clearly provides forhe the righn to keep and bear arms and the left feel like no, it doesn't. meanwhile,an the constitution says nothing about abortion, but the left claims it is a constitutional right. constitutional rights can't be made up out of whole cloth. it's ludicrous, but that'sst what the court stupidly did in roe. the left cites the need for a living constitution. i love that talk about twisted a logic where a document must live and be protected forhi living while a preborn human being must have no right to life at all. very logical. now the as much as the establishment of big business media, they work to silence and demoralize the pro-life movementine. alll these years it didn't work. the pro-life movement was not left behind. it didn't fade away. its members didn't grow old and die out. instead it kept renewing itself and it grew stronger and younger year after year, decade after decade. it continued, of course, we still had a problem because too often republican presidents and you know who you are promised to appoint pro-lifeic justices but didn't keep their promises. >> justices o'connor, souterth and kennedy all voted with the judicial activists on these and related cases on abortion that had conservatives including yours truly, noto for george w. bush to pull b the nomination of harriet miersi back in 2005, she would haveo been another vote to uphold roe . >> thank goodness. wa we have sm alito on the court now. we always seem to be one or two votes short, didn't we, over all these years? but in twenty sixteen pro-life voters saw a chance toaw change the republican party andpa d the court for donald trump wasn't part of the gop establishment. he wasn't one off the politicians who had let us on for decades all lip service only to disappoint us at the end he promised to be different. he wasas a threat to the old guard. he promised to point pro-lifeir justices who would hold firm nom matter how many threats they received from the outside.. >> so gorsuch kavanaugh, amy coni barrett all voted the right way. many republicans doubted thoseou promises by president trump , but most of us decided to take our chance and in the end president trump kept this promise. >> mitch mcconnell and theas republicans in the senate, they kept their promises as well. d and today for the first time since nineteen seventy three , our constitution is free of the taint of abortion.ou nowrt this court, this decision solidifies president trump as one of the giants of americann history. for many americans, this is like the berlin wall coming down, something they hoped and prayed would happen. but in their gut they never thought it would really happen. all those who claim that trump would be bad for conservatism, they owe him an a apology tonight . if you're honest with yourself, you will apologize. he got more done in four years than the bushes did in a combined 12 . there are times when we all wonder whether it's worthwhile so much effort as we do in politics, gets tiring, gets depressed and getsy, demoralizing. we march, we pray, we donate, we speak. w we go on tv, we write, we v organize. we vote . t and many times you can't tell really if you're making much of a difference with things really? getting any better. i don't know what some days it's different, some days youe s win and some days you get toiv celebrate and give thanks that you were aliveer when our prayers were finally answered in the united statesht of america finally did the right thing. today is one of those days and that's all right. joining me now, carrie severino, judicial crisis network president robert dunn, partner at amersfoort. ks both are former supreme court clerk for my old boss justicere clarence thomas. and also with me is meghan wald, former clerk to justice alito and partner at cooper and kirk law firm. carrie, i want to start with you now. the court just handed an issue i mentioned in the constitution back to the electorate and the left wants america to believe that we're less democratic because the people of all 50 states will be able to determinel 5 for themselves how does that make them? there's o a whole lot of bizarre things that have been said about today's decision, but that's one of the top onessa and people who are saying, well, how could the court makeis a decision like they have pollso they cite they say, well, americans don't want to be pro-life. americans want to have access to abortion. i say, well, great, the court just gave you a decision that says you can make your own abortion laws. and sohi the idea that this is somehow going against the american people i heard alexander cortez's say this is a a victory, a victory for the, the minority being able to govern. i like women know it. itoe goes back to the elected democratically elected branches. so that isn't just handing the pro-life movement a win really. it's not the beginning ofe the and this is the end offif the beginning. this just as pro lifers noweow h have the opportunity to make their case and in in those branches and we will see what the results are. they're going took look differe all across the country. but they will be democratic. now,w, robert, we have heard a lot about precedentd today and how how the court destry affected precedent. but justice alitoin wrote in his opinion that this court has overruled important constitutional decisiont and without these decisions, american constitutional law as weti know it would be unrecognizable and this would be a different country overruling precedent is a serious matter. a step that should be taken lightly. robert, your response to this assertion that justices when they were nominated, the nominees lied during their confirmation hearings aboutat precedent? yeah, all of the justices t in their confirmation hearings made it clear that roe was a precedent. it had been followed, but its was on shaky ground. they made no bones about that and i think justice alitojo does an excellent job in his opinion of explainingb it. a every single member sitting member of the court has voted to overrule precedent and in fact, every member of the courtv for the last 50 years hasot votd to overrule precedent. he hastn this phenomenal footnoe that goes on for multiple pages where he lists all ofou the supreme court decisions in the last 50 , 60 years that have overruled constitutional precedent. and i think he makes i a compelling case that if there was ever a decisionti that satisfied all the conditions for being overruledis o this is it. and he makes the point it was egregiously wrong when it was decided under as an originalist matter, it has been totally unworkable and there are no reliance interests that , you know, essentially dictatets. that it must be cemented in stone forever. and as kerry put it very well, i think this is going to go back to the states my homeni state of californiaa is probabl going to joinof north korea and being one of the most liberal m places on earth to get abortions, places like texas. clo it'st going to be much more restrictive. but the point is the people are now going too be able to have the debate and have the argument that we just have not been able to have as as a policy for the last 50 years. and i think that's a positive development. and you know, biden was correcte on one thing. this isn't the last word on abortion. there's going to be a lotd more words. it's just that they're not going to be spoken bpokee by te justices. they're going to p be spoken by the people. well, the main thing, robert, is that is not a fundamentalt right enshrined in ourin constitution and that'sth the victory that wasat a lie in 1973. and as a result, there aref millions and millions and millions of babiess who never were born mean it was a lie and the lie has been corrected. now s the states are going to have to decide this for themselves. but that lie has been correct. e and in michigan, justice alito also wrote your old boss, we don't pretend to know how our political system, our society is going to respond to today's c decision overruling roe and casey. and even ifat we could foresee what would happen, we wouldow have no authority tole let that knowledge influence our decisionny do. il wee can only do our job well. that is the role of a supreme court justice. but today over and over againin we heard commentator on tvw who should know better what justices to be super s legislators, not supreme courtup justices a blur the line every time that's absolutely right. and i don't think enough can be said about the integrity ofs the justices who reached this decision today, including against some of the most vociferous and open campaigning for judges too act as legislators that we have ever seen in this country. and the reality is that abortion has never been right protected in the constitution and justice alito recognized that today. his decision explains just how flimsy and illegitimate the reasoning of roe was. it was premised on bad legal reasoning. it was premised on faulty history and it was premised on bad science that have been completely disproven by developments since roe was decided. and here's the thing. abortion advocates have neverde actually liked roe anyway. what they liked about roe is p that it delivered them a policyl victory that they wantedot and that they couldn't get for the entire country at the ballot box and they've been open about it. now even ruth bader ginsburg, she wasn't wildd about the reasoning either. and after hearing nancy pelosi and so many of the democrats over the last 18 months really slam the republicans fore tearing down our institutionsic not caring about process, obviously focused on january 6th , the election results, i was struck by something that speaker pelosi said today. >> what you don't like bussesse to get these justicess on the court which resulted this decision. doesme you respect the process m what they've come out with some of these justices? who came t before the senate said they respected precedent and privacy? no, i don't respect a process that criminalizes a woman's right to her reproductive freedom. carrie, it's not the law of the land. when they don't get the result,n they want the whole system. the process is broken. is that good foron our institution or our institutions? or the court itself? oh ,o no. and it's so funny becauseot the radicals out there are not even pretending anymore to care about the institution. they're saying blow up the court as an institutionut, e pack the court, destroy the justices, their people advocating for the government to refused and there alreadyad arey our governments are saying i won't enforce the laws in my own state attorney generalth stating this isin really outrageous. simply there's just simply saying, well, i refuse to even be involvedoose in this systemo and it is so funny then declaring this decision is illegitimate. wewe can't follow it wheni they just kind ofga give a lecture about stare decisis. it stari decisis for v. but not for me. antthey want everyone else to be locked into their bad, erroneous constitutional t precedent. but then when they get a decision they don't like it and they'll throw it out immediatelyia and say tear down the whole city to start over .im now, robert, the new york times in their piece about the rulingu summed up what justice kavanaugh said in his separate decision saying in addition to declaring that he thinks states can't bar residents from traveling to another state to obtain an abortion a, cavanaughs strongly suggested that he thinks the constitution requiresug abortion bans to a include an exception when necessary to save the life of the mother. robert, what would people think about that as a policy matter? was that was that unusual for a supreme court justice to t get into that level of detail or did they think that was the heat given on this particular issue? yeah, i think with justice cavnar you have to appreciate the fact that given the leak of this opinion that happened several months ago, he has personallyth been under ane immense amount of pressure. you know, he's had protesters f out in front of his house for l months. he had a lunatic who triedic toe assassinate him h just last wee. so i think he feels everything he does is going to be highly scrutinized and he's trying to to assuageng he can the public that the decision doesn't ban abortions nationwide. you go onhi twitter and you'll see a bunch of people that now think abortion isis legal nationwide, which is obviously not true . let them knowtoe. that the court isn't poised too dooo more than it has done, whih is essentially withdraw itself from the process. soro i read justice kavanagh's.s this is this is a manho is just he's sort of faced a with extreme pressure and he's trying to do everything he can to be clear e about what the court is and isn't doing. d and really alloing it's doing rt now is withdrawing itself from the process and that he's hanging on this. >> yeah, well, megan ,me the justice department is weighing in on supreme courtpr decisions, which is kind of unusual, right? i mean, they decided to weighe, in on the gun case now they decided to weigh in on the abortion case and basically throw sand at the whole thingid and say in a way they didn't think it was a legitimate or. correct ruling. isis that unusual? oh , i think it's highly i unusual and another example of what you said tonight , which is that they make all these appeals to process and everything is great as long as they're winning and as soon as they're losing, they're ready to burn it all down. and the reality is that this decision today was fundamentally democratic . it