To stop, nor should it stop. Laura we will see you tomorrow, i Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. Amy Coney Barretts friends and families speaking for the first time to our own Raymond Arroyo about the woman and the mother that they know and they respond to the anticatholic, antichristian smears being circulated by the media. Also dr. Scott atlas on why the schools should open and how he schooled the White House PressKoran Company beta, i know you didnt see that. And a man arrested on camera for Singing Church songs outside without a mask. Okay, both are here tonight. But first, the midwest big choice, thats the focus of tonights angle. Laura ready scenes playing out over the last 24 hours across the country show us once again we saw that diners at st. Pete florida at a restaurant out there, they were treated this way by blm thugs who dont believe you have a right to be happy, ever. [crowd noise] laura in seattle, an officer fell off his bike and then this happened. [crowd noise] laura imagine if that Police Officer didnt have his helmet on. And in portland, oregon, it wasnt bats. [crowd noise] laura but rather a molotov cocktail used by these animals against the police. And we all know this, two Police Officers were shot in louisville last night, the suspected shooter, Lorenzo Johnson age 26. There is his mug shot. He was charged on multiple counts but not for attempted murder. At least, not yet. Officer robinson debts roaches, an africanamerican, and still in the hospital tonight. He is expected to recover but major Aubrey Gregory who was shot in the hip, he just walked into the Department Roll Call thursday morning to a round of applause. Sean and i were talking about, thats the real america. And its awesome. Now, as we get closer to the election, it is interesting, is it not, to see things moving, may be moving with the events and moving with the recognition of whats been happening, and things usually do. Right, they type. Even though the polls dont always reflect whats happening on the ground. But on the betting market site, predicted. Org, President Trump is now favored to win 240 electoral votes. Now you look at the rcp approval trends for President Trump since june 30th, which might give you a sense of where headed. Back on june 30th he was upside down in his approval by 15 points. But after the summer of love, that number has been cut in ha half. In the new abc News Washington post poll has a protrump friend in florida where he is up four points and in arizona where his up up one point. The fox and the quinnipiac polls show that the ohio race is anyones call at this point. The group has michigan, plus one for trump, very close there. Lets keep this going now. If trump carries florida, North Carolina and arizona, along with the other states he is already expected to win, hell have more than 250 electoral votes. At that point, the only way for democrats to win would be to sweep pennsylvania and the midwest with mailin ballots. The democrats have gamed the south, believe me. They see this coming, which is why they are trying to delay the count in the midwest for as long as they can. So think about this. After being the punch line for liberal elites for years and years, the midwest finally has its moment in 2020. If youre from wisconsin and youre an independent but trumps tweets bug you, okay, i get it. But focus on what matters. Your family, their future, your and their safety, and prosperity. The 2019 economic numbers, weve gone through this, our irrefutable proof that trumps policies work. Yet liberal mayors and governors have done their darndest to screw it all up. Covid of course brings out the worst in the already underperforming politicians in the midwest poster boy for failure is illinois governor j. B. Pritzker. Of course to joe biden, illinois counts as a shining example of success. The liberal billionaire governor is a genius and chicagos mayor Lori Lightfoot . Shes a courageous trailblazer. Thats the democrats ideal midwest city, chicago. High taxes, pro pod, antigun, antibusiness. Heres how Adam Schuster describes that. In 1980, illinois has 4. 5 billion in unfunded pension debt and a perfect Credit Rating. Today, illinois has nearly 140 billion in unfunded pension debt and its Credit Rating is one notch above junk status. That debt now eats 31 of every 100 taxpayer dollars sent to the state. Now, illinois is so antibusiness that it ranks only above new york and california on chief executives magazines list of most antibusiness states. A fabulous place to live and start a business, why has its population been declining . Now for six years straight. And in chicago, if chicago is a place to be, why didnt the obama spend all their time in the other home and rarely visit there . Now the fact is, if you live in the midwest, and if you vote for biden, youre voting for the policies that ran illinois into the ground. If her from wisconsin, from iowa, or michigan, why would you want to follow illinois lead . Think of it this way, one party, the republicans, have already shown that they know how to help you. Trump really is just all about returning power to people, the American People, and that means respecting your freedom to live your life, raise her family, and yes, pursue your happiness. On the other hand, chicago style democrats, they are not up at night worrying about any of that. After all, why would they . Their supporters think that you are a bunch of racists who are destroying the planet. So more freedom for you means less control for them. They dont like that at all. Governor pritzker seems to relish wielding his expanded authority under covid. His state hospitals and i see yous are manageable levels, but he still wont let kids play sports. While parents might choose to send their children out onto the Playing Field, i can tell you that someone else who becomes ill because of that decision wouldnt call that your personal choice. I want our kids back on the Playing Field or on the ice as much as anyone, and we will get there when the doctors say its safe. Laura so if you live across the state in ohio, across state lines, or in indiana, guess what . Your kid can play football this fall, but not in illinois. But what his state lacks infield sports, it makes up for in street crime. In cook county, there have been 677 homicides so far this year. Thats 200 more murders and during the same reporting period last year. Overwhelmingly, the killings take place in chicago and most victims are black. But at least he has his priorities straight. Almost all states that have legalized have done so in a way that produced a multibilliondollar industry dominated by a handful of corporations. But illinois is attempting to produce a cannabis industry that actually looks like illinois. Laura hes worried about pot diversity. Oh, my god. Democrats want you to sacrifice your entire future in order to do what . Well, control your decisions and punish trump. And they are going to vice grip on they enrich their friends and of course fun there social justice projects. His puppet masters dont like midwest values. Consider the makeup of the Party Leadership today. Biden, harris from california, schumer from new york, pelosi from california, and aoc, from new york. Cne midwesterners and their . Neither do i. The midwesterners know that biden will bring back outsourcing, open the borders, cater to the aoc crowd and suck up to china. But if you vote for trump, youre going to send a message that even the swap cannot ignore. Which is the following. In america, the people come first, and thats the angle. Joining me now is ben shapiro, editor in chief of the daily wire and author of how to destroy america in three easy steps. You say that this election is no longer a referendum on President Trump, but on the left. Explain. Joe bidens entire campaign was rooted in the idea bulwark of moderation against the radical left and yet time and time again he has refused to condemn them. He did it a little bit when he was running against Bernie Sanders, the default not Bernie Sanders but now he will not condemn antifa, black lives matter and now he wont even answer some questions about whether to end a filibuster, ad states to the senate willynilly or pack the Supreme Court of the united states, which means he is tacitly promising transformational change. That means that moderate old joe, that is done. The question right now is how radical will the transformation be . Laura i think the implicit promise to america, not just moderation but all the senior scene scene playing out tonight in brooklyn, in louisville, across the country, seattle, portland, that all of that is going to magically go away because uncle joe gets back into the white house. Thats exactly right. Laura x plane with thats never going to happen. Its never going to happen because when you put your head out there for the radicals to chop it off, they are going to chop it off. The first people who leave the revolution are always the second people to the guillotine thats whats happening here with joe biden. Joe biden proclaims he is going to be some sort of gradual push into change but who are behind him are not looking for anything gradual. They see him as an obstacle to change or at the best may be some of facade they can push aside when the time is right. Hes made a bargain with the radicals in his own party and theyre going to eat him up. Laura is a story out in minnesota that began to get some traction today and it was very disturbing. And this was a home owner who woke up to find that their garage basically was on fire, had been burned down, they had a trump flag or poster up and had been burned and then biden 2020 graffiti and the nt for symbol, and this is minnesota nice. Theres a message being sent by the far left and i think people are beginning to see that arsonist behavior, looting, even murder, none of its off the table. The fact is, again, generic statements about violence and looting being bad are not going to cut it. We all know that at this were rightwingers performing this violence, joe biden will be out on the front lines for claimant right wing ideology was innately linked to violence and cruelty but as soon as [indiscernible] out there harassing people at restaurants or burning things down or perhaps shooting Police Officers as we saw in louisville last night, well then the movement that they are linked to, the broader ideological movement, he refuses to condemn. Its one thing to condemn generically violence and looting. I was told that when donald trump did that in charlottesville that was not enough, he had to specifically condemn one specific ideology, which by the way he absolutely did, actually. Now you have joe biden generically condemning violence in the media has declared it i guess were done here, theres nothing more to see. Laura one of the left us biggest media stars is reading the Current Situation as follows. The president now saying that the election will not be decided by the voters and he expects the Supreme Court, to which he is crying to appoint a new Justice White before the election, he expects that it will be the Supreme Court which handles the question of who the next president is and he expects that the conservative majority will throw out the ballots and then we wont have to worry about any transition of power. Laura the hyperbole notwithstanding, this is pretty standard now on the left. It is. The manufactured garbage for which they open saying that this election is going to be stolen by trump is going to be a coup, john podesta gaming out that it looks like if biden didnt accept the loss Hillary Clinton said there are no circumstances under which biden should accept the loss. Stacy abrams tried out as governor of gorge georgia and they have the temerity to turn around and said that is a threat to the institutions, that trump was going to generate some sort of constitutional crisis. I think its pretty clear that democrats are making way for an awful lot of chaos in the aftermath of the selection. Laura thank you so much tonight. Coming up, the covid you are not seeing, white house covid advisor dr. Scott atlas is here to expose the real truth. Plus an idaho man arrested for refusing to wear a mask at an Outdoor Church service. Guess he wasnt protesting hard enough. Hes here with me next exclusively. More than 90 of the population remains susceptible to coronavirus. Do you agree with that assessment . Yeah, i think that dr. Rex field misstated something there. Im going to answer your question if you let me finish. The data that he was talking about was his Surveillance Data that show that roughly 9 of the country has antibodies. But when you look at the cdc data statebystate, much of that data is old. Were we to believe . Youre supposed to believe the science and im telling of the science. Im telling you the science and thats the answer. And if you want to look up all the data, youre free to buried americans are looking for the best information. Im giving you the best information. Laura that was a perfect exchange. White house covid advisor dr. Scott atlas, joining me now. Thanks for joining us tonight. Why was it so important to correct that reporters line of questioning . Thanks for having become a laura. I emphasize with the American People have been hurt. A variety of sources, some of whom should know all the facts, but not Everybody Knows the data. But not everybody is handson with reading the data in the media is done a poor job of explaining allowing the data to be brought forward. Having said that, the facts are that people like me are reading as much as we can, we are trying to do the best we can because the truth is critical here. We are in a pandemic and its a bit of tragedy and 200,000 people have died. On the other hand, the truth the facts have evolved. This is not march. We know a lot about this disease, we know who to protect, we know who has high risk and we know who does not have high risk and when you get facts that are sort of partial truths, i think its very damaging. The American People are very afraid. No one wants to be afraid on the way to calm fear is to actually know the data and explain it very clearly and logically. Laura dr. Atlas, i know you read know mike referenced this in the exchange, there are other types of immunity that we have, we humans have, and one of them is t cell immunity, which could protect against this coronavirus. Could you explain that very quickly for us though people understand that . We dont currently test for t cell immunity but a lot of my medicine cabinet things we should be because that would allay a lot of fears. Theres basically two broad categories, one has to do with b cells and antibodies and the other is t cells and that was actually immunity that lasts longer. It turns out that Antibody Tests are done and we see how many people have antibodies but antibodies are transient. They only last for months usually and what we see here is we make an assessment of how many people have been exposed by doing the test. Theres a lot more than that population but is actually resistant to the infection because of either t cell response from this infection or a t cell immunity from a related similar virus. And this is very important because the statement that 90 of people are still susceptible would make me afraid if i was one of those 90 , but its actually untrue and when you look at all the data, whether its from sweden or singapore or la jolla or university of washington, all of the country and now we see from japan where most of the immunity for this virus is felt to be due to t cell immunity and it explains a lot, it explains a lot about perhaps why children were very, very low risk for this. It explains perhaps why people in asia didnt have as much of a problem because they had prior coronavirus, its really a story thats evolving here that we need to understand it because we are not all susceptible to the infection and we know now, it looks very likely, that at least three times that number of people with antibodies on testing have immunity and perhaps even more. It depends when you do the Antibody Test because as i said, its transient. If i can say go ahead. Laura we just have to move along. Want to put this up. We talk abut it briefly last night. This full screen that im about to put up is very important because youre right, theres still a lot of people afraid out there. Here are the survival rates for different age groups, the best estimate at present, these are government numbers. From ages 019, the survival rates, if you get the infection, is 99. 9 at 7 . Age is 2049, 99. 98. 5069, 99. 5 . Even if youre over 70 or older, survival rate is 94. 6 . This is not to say its still not a horrible tragedy. It is. It is a horrible tragedy. But those statistics, do they not indicate, dr. Atlas, that schools should be open, sports should be played, and weve got to get back to normal life here . People just dont even know these stats. Yes, this is a failure in my view of the Public Health officials who have not come forward with all the knowledge that we have buried it like i said, that weve learned. The disease is very, very low risk for children, its extremely low risk other than those few children that have some sort of an underlying condition. Its low risk for young adults like college students, extremely low risk in this data is known, its proven all over the world and they really help americans take the