Versus extreme radical, even more radical, radical versus radical, and no such thing as a moderate in the democratic party. But rush will join us on tomorrows show. Thats all the time we have left. Let your heart not be troubled. Laura is next. See you tomorrow night. Laura seven others hit the stage and they hit each other over Medicare For All, open borders, race, and a lot more. In moments, we are going to talk to Reince Priebus, dennis kucinich, brian york, and dan bongino among others. Last night we told you the real meaning behind bernies flailing arms, John Delaneys cool and that grin, and what do the
candidates unknowingly reveal tonight quick to are bodily which expert is back. Shell be with us to tie it all together. We go live to detroit where Shannon Bream is here with one on the Ground Reaction you cant miss about tonights debate. Shannon . A lot of interviews here in detroit, laura, and we saw a lot of what we saw last night, ideological split on big things primarily health care. Again, candidates going back and forth whether private insurance should be done away with altogether, along with caution from some saying you will scare off americans who will never vote for a candidate who is proposing Something Like that as they went back and forth after each other, senator cory booker said, listen, im worried the person enjoying us fighting each other this much is the man sitting in the white house. Here is senator booker. The person enjoying this debate most right now is dying donald trump trying to take away American Health care. Again tonight we are playing into republican hands who have a very different view and trying to divide us against each other. Again, that is what debates are about. Of course there were plenty of infighting between democrats tonight. Former Vice President expected to take a lot of heat from senator Kamala Harris pair that has happened along with senator senator booker. And another interesting dustup was between congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris. Went after her heart on her record as the Attorney General in california and about where she shouldve done things that matched up differently and the promises she made, harris fired back at her pretty well too. Multiple fights here, thats what debates are about. By the way, Congressman Gabbert is going to be our live guest as we continue to live from detroi detroit. Laura rock star panel tonight, weve got Reince Priebus, former white house chief of staff. Byron york, washington examiner, fox news contributor. And dennis kucinich, former democratic congressman and former 2008 candidate. Harvey dillon is with us, trump Advisory Board member. What are President Trump and his allies thinking tonight watching what happened in this Second Democratic debate . As i was watching it, i thought they were to go statements to make their President Trump very clearly because, number one, democrats are debating throwing off 200 Million People off private insurance. They are trashing barack obama, talking about Medicare For All, another 32 trillion. The second winner is joe biden because one thing i learned in 2016 is when it was all trump all the time come on the matter good, bad, in the middle, trump always won in that battle. All about joe biden, constantly attacking him, it was all about biden. Plus 20 going into the debate. If anything he was helped by the debate and ultimately it was a good night for him and a great night for the president. Laura byron, what stood out when i watch the thing is my goodness, if barack obama showed up on stage, he would be one of the more conservative people on that stage. They would have to attack him standing right there. This was amazing to see, the party of doom and gloom, pretty much everyone was doom and gloom instead of biden who said, elect me and we are going to do obama 3. 0. Hes always been the candidate of restoration. There are candidates of transformation, hes the candidate of restoration. Watching this, if you are a democrat and you truly think the house is on fire, we are in a big emergency because of donald trump, the debate started out with 40 minutes of arcane discussion of health care in which they did discuss whether or not to take away peoples private insurance, came to no particular conclusion, and
nobody gave that sentence of emergency that the Democratic Base is feeling for they werent seeing it in their candidates. Laura dennis kucinich, you argued a lot of these issues in the past that you have to take on the big dogs in your party in order to be a transformational candidate. But tonight, it was in awe the thing to watch because, again, barack obama a two term president , extremely popular. Global superstar, but pretty much all of them were hitting obama without necessarily saying it. Obamacare, trade deals, they did it last night too. Biden is there saying it, that was the party of hope and change. There is a couple of things here. First of all, we have to acknowledge that some of the deficiencies of the Obama Administration created the opening of donald trump. As far as health care, there is a real divide among democrats on health care and there has been for decades. In 2000, i went to the democratic Platforms Committee to present Medicare For All and it was shot down by the gore campaign. And the support for medicare or for all is growing. You wouldnt know it by tonights debate, you would know it from yesterdays with bernie sanders. Laura we had the laning for john delaney the only one with business experience other than andrew yang. I ran two Health Care Companies medicare pays 80 for what doctors need to cover their costs. Medicare for all will crater whatever its going to crater, which is medicare but weve got kamala and they are mixing it up in the beginning over this Medicare For All conversation. Its hard to follow for most people who dont know the issues for this is how it went down. Vice president bidens campaign called your plan a have it every which way approach and its part of the
confusing patter down the pattern of equivocating your health care stands. Hes probably confuse hes not listening. You should get something good in ten years, you should wonder why it takes ten years but it will require middleclass taxes to go up, not down. The cost of doing nothing is far too expensive. Laura did joe biden win that exchange . I think he pointed out that Kamala Harris is all over the place. He couldve pointed out that bernies plan eliminates private health care altogether. He just came out and set it and owned it. Kamala harris a problem as i wrote in a Wall Street Journal oped issue flipflopped on every single issue. She wants to have it every single way. Every 30 minutes of discussion and her having five times the airtime of the other candidates, she still wouldnt say how much its going to cost and what it really accomplishes bit i do think biden did a better job in
that exchange then Kamala Harris. I would have to agree and that senator harris has been all over the map. Her proposal on the socalled Medicare For All really isnt. It looks like a duck, but it quacks like an Insurance Compan company. Laura okay. By written, the most upsetting blow to harris, again, who was built up much like beto orourke was built up, buttigieg was built up, that it was harris, shes been built up for weeks and weeks and weeks, this was another moment for her to shine. This was the most devastating blow to her. Watch. She put over 1500 people in jail for Marijuana Violations and laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. Evidence that wouldve freed an innocent man from death row until the courts force her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use have them as cheap labor in the state of
california. There is no excuse for that and the people who suffered under uranus prosecutor, you owe them an apology. Laura she answered no, thats not true, but i do not know who is going to factcheck Kamala Harris. That might work in the general for a Kamala Harris. Shes tough on crime. In this primary in this temperature, does that work . It doesnt work. You cant have it both ways. Also, these candidates that are not Kamala Harris and not joe biden, they are preparing, preparing for these attacks. Tulsi gabbard went they are ready to attack Kamala Harris because shes in the second position. These other candidates are on the attack. Here is one thing that reminds me of 2016, the difference between 2016 and now. The one thing democrats are getting right the rest of the field is they are all attacking biden. All trying to take him down but its not going to work right now but they are all attacking him. 2016, the republican candidates
did not attack donald trump. They were afraid to attack donald trump. They only attacked each other, not each other out of the game and trump was standing there and afraid to go after him. They are not afraid to go after joe biden. They know that if they dont knock him down a couple of notches within the next two months, things will be very difficult bit i also think the dnc is on the brink of losing complete control over this primary. Laura explain this to us. Important point that Everybody Needs to listen to what Reince Priebus telmex is saying. Once the field starts to narrow, it takes nothing if cnn wants to do a debate every single night with seven of these candidates, they can get three times a viewership. If you are 1 in iowa, we are all 1 in iowa, lara is at 30 . Laura exactly. Why would we not have a debate every night on cnn, the three of us, to catch up . The reason the dnc needs to get control is these 19, 18, 15
candidates are going to go on their own, go rogue, and this is about to break loose. I think you are seeing this start. Laura byron, interesting. I like the injury, Palace Intrigue at the dnc. This is the last time youll see most of these candidates on stage in the debate. The rules change the next time. You have to have to qualify for the debate at least 2 in the polls, either nationally or in the number of staples. Right now, six or Seven Members b1 lets get some telmex be one who would you think are not going to make it . The ones who stay in are the top four, bernie, biden, harris. Warren, booker may be, buttigieg. Thats about it. The rest of them are going away. Laura your point is that they can still pop up on cnn. Whats to stop ten of these candidates if they get knocked out . Whats to stop those ten from doing a debate on cnn . They have not tied to debate calendar to the nomination process. Laura i get what you are saying. They have not tied it to the rule of the nomination. Its a freeforall. Laura dennis kucinich, you and i talked about this before the show began. I keep thinking about the guys they could be guys or gals, who are master campaigners. Barack obama, bill clinton, donald trump, george w. Bush. Thats not because they won, but they were phenomenal Retail Politicians. Who on that stage tonight, other than biden, has that kind of common touch . Can be a little selfdeprecating. Can the slur his words every now and then. I do not think anyone cares about that. Who comes close to a Retail Politician with some pizzazz . I didnt see it. I try to look at it as an analyst. I did not see that kind of obama trump go get it. I didnt see it. Its still early. Laura marianne williamson, may be. It still early in the campaign. And you cant speak elected to some of the office these people hold without having some skill at retail. I would not write anybody off right now. Although its true a president ial debate can determine if someones going to be visible to the American People, there is still a lot of movement. Again, tonight you picked it up. Tulsi gabbard, for example. That exchange she had with b1 it shows her vulnerability. Kamala harris vulnerability. If you cant answer Tulsi Gabbard i like Tulsi Gabbard. You think you are going to go
toetotoe with trump . A prosecutor is good on offense and shes good on offense. But senator harris didnt do well on defense. Laura democrats have a new phrase. We cant answer or dont want to answer this question. Watch. Stopped using republican Talking Points in order to talk with each other about how to best provide health care. Your question is a republican Talking Point we cannot keep with republican Talking Points on this. Youve got to stop. Open borders is a right wing Talking Point. Laura thats a cute trick, isnt it . Its lame when you hear it again and again. What they do not like is the republican reality outside that room. The reality that donald trump has been the best president ever for Criminal Justice reform, which is something,
africanamerican jobs, rising tide for all americans, for everything in our economy. They do not like those facts. They are painting and conjuring a picture of this Dystopian America where the seas are rising, we are shivering in the huddles and cages in the streets. I do not think its working. Its very fake. Laura, you are pointing to this. Most of these candidates are totally fake. Kirsten gillibrand, thanks for playing. Go into ohio and explain whiteness to white women . What is that . Its crazy. I think you are right, biden is the only one authentic but hes got his own problems. I actually think he improved from the last debate. Laura this is a nightmare for harris tonight. We havent even gotten to the trade stuff, what happened on immigration. Castro embarrassed himself on immigration. To that point how biden
positions himself, i think he rose above all of this. He was up there defending obamacare. All the rest of the people are trashing obamacare. Not a great place to be either with the American People. Laura its fairly popular. Its better than Green New Deal and Medicare For All. Heres the issue you hit on. The problem democrats have, all these positions come in Green New Deal, Medicare For All, reparations, job security, mandatory paid vacation, how does that play out in pittsburgh, milwaukee, columbus, cleveland, what do those people think of those positions . It doesnt work. You are talking about, i think cory booker said something about the Paris Claimant Accords being childs play. Laura a nobrainer. President trump said it well when he said we are about pittsburgh, not paris. Trump wins that argument every single day. They can have their debate as byron opened up. They can have this esoteric debate. But in the end, its the positions of this president that is going to help them win in the midwest and these positions are going to kill the Democrat Party. Laura spew environ, and a ly we are talking about laura trillions and trillions of dollars, anybody who wants to come in when you boil it all day down, unless youre a murderer, but if you show up you are going to stay. We will die in 12 years. Climate change, rising seas, flint, michigan, segregation in the 70s, relitigating busing. This seems like a total disconnect what you will, dennis kucinich, talking about your whole life. Rents previous from the midwest, the rust belt is where this election will be won or lost in my view. Last night was a more
progressive crowd in immigration for the last debate they all raised their hands and said they were in favor of d decriminalizing illegal borde. Last dont like tonight you had joe biden saying that its illegal to cross the border illegally. He is not in the majority. All of this is going to be on the record so they all came out and say we are in favor of effective open borders. They can try to change that when the general election comes around that weve already seen it. Laura later on, well talk about how De Blasio Three Times tried to take out joe biden on the issue of immigration. He went three times to bite at the apple of deportation which again, dennis, i know you are more progressive than some of these midwest centrist democrats, but you still have to put together that electoral math. How do you put the electoral math together when its basically open borders, and less
spending, guaranteed incomes, reparations, Green New Deal, Medicare For All. Laura i would presented in a different package but i would say Medicare For All mandatory. I think they can win on that. I also think you can win on jobs and wages. Laura 99 of amer