Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190529 : compa

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190529

when you have a day and you just remember what they gave to us it's pretty unbelievable. such selflessness. it's unbelievable. >> laura: sean, you and i talked about this before, we are our kids' first educator in american history but they aren't they are learning to dislike our founding and founders for all the reasons we talk about in our shows. you know, we've got to put back -- push past this judging people on the 2019 standards from the 1700s. it's ridiculous. it was great. >> sean: those will create memories -- if the kids he their mom emotional and you explain all of those graves were about it really hits you when you see the magnitude of the heavy price for freedom. >> laura: it does and you've done so much for the veterans over the years, sean. thanks so much. have a good night. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. coming up, the left often digs up the worst partsgr of our nation's historical figures. could dr. martin luther king jr. be next for some of these people? i'll explain in a bit. and then obama alums sounding the alarm for over 2020 election models showing a trump victory. one of the president's pollsters is here to react. plus, banned, blocks, purges. social media taking on conservatives and free speech. one person fighting back with a brand-new platform.d joins us exclusively. a lot of you want to know what to do, and i'm going to give yoe an answer. another women's athletic championship claimed by ahl transgendered athlete. and now some women's liberation groups are fighting back. the fierce debate later on in the hour. but first, the globalists are rebuked again. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the elites have never accepted the fact that populist conservatives and economic nationalists around the globe are on the rise. here in the u.s., think about it. the deep state rose up against trump during and after the election by using informants fisa courts, surveillance powers, and a special counsel investigation two years $35 million, to try to oust him fromou office. in the end, we are going to find dout that the obama doj did a lt more to hurt america and some pathetic russian hackers ever could. ever since trump was elected the global establishment has suffered from wishful thinking syndrome. >> a huge blow to the wave of populism that helps seek donald trump into office. >> nationalism versus globalism. in this case, the growing tide ofk populism appears to have receded. >> no question this was a bigo blow to what's being called know nothing populism. >> you cannot look at this election in any other way but to see it a repudiation of trump. >> laura: how can so many people get paid it to be so consistently wrong? and they are supposed to be experts. of course, you might've heard over the weekend populist nationalist made stunning gains in the e.u. elections especially in britain. remember, three years ago, nigel farage of the ukip party forced a referendum where the voter chose to leave the european party, the so-called brexit. but ever since then, the established when parties have done sn, everything in their por to slow things down or just trying to thwart the will of the people altogether. two prime ministeret is later, e people still don't have their independence from their bureaucrats in brussels. six weeks ago, farage came out of retirement and founded the brexit party. in a stunning rebuke of the old labour and conservative parties it won nearly 32% of the vote and captured 29 seats in the european parliament, with the other parties basically obliterated.d. it was the worst national election for theresa may's conservative party ever. like the trump victory back in 2016, farage led an insurgent campaign and he stuck to his message. the u.k. wants out of the e.u. >> at the end of the day, it's about what bases want. i think either the conservative or liberal parties take us towards brexit or they are going to have to be replaced. it's as simple as that. >> laura: in france, marie le pen's national rally party beat out macron's pro e.u. centrist party, winning the most seats at the e.u. nationalists in italy also took the most seats.e all of europe, people are demanding their freedom from the international shackles put on by regulatorsm who don't know and can't respond to their people or their needs. while most are fine to have strong economic relationships with their member nations, the populists, the more economic nationalism among them still want to retain their language their borders, and theiris own unique and when you read "the new york times" though, or cnn, you listen to them, they always use the word "anti-immigrant" or "far right parties made the gain." almost invariably that distinction is false. again, the slime has been thrown at trump or salvini or le pen or viktor orban in hungary, and meant only two denigrates, not to advance an actual debate to improveat people's standard of living.. time after time, rather than listen to the people and use the moments that these moments as an opportunity to learn and change instead the global elites just running in other direction. i think of angela merkel, the woman responsible for europe's admission of 1 million plus refugees. let's face it, that has been a disaster from italy to sweden and everywhere in between. the german chancellor has she answered a reporter's question and that reporter was equally in denial. >> under your maybe 15 years of power, in some cases those dark old stevens have risen again. >> germany can and will not uncouple itself from the development we seek all over the world. we see this in germany as well but in germany obviously it always has to be seen in a certain context, the context i f our past which means we have to be that much more vigilant than others.te we have to tell our young people what history has brought over to others, and these horrors. >> laura: the horrors? well. in other words, if you voted for a populist or nationalist party you are essentially in some way empathizing with, what, hitler or hitler in waiting? it's ridiculous. italian deputy prime minister salvini had the perfect response. >> [speaking italian] >> laura: the elites are being rejected because they failed. they have been routed. the worst results are coming their way because they refuse to hear the voters. what trump have shown here at home? a strong muscular approach on trade, lower taxes, fewer regulations, and the foreign policy based imprudentad realis. it's all paying off. check out our economy compared to europe's. basically no comparison whatsoever. look at that. e.u., 1.5% gdp. u.s., 3.2% gdp. unemployment about, almost doubled in europe. translation? g trump's policies work. as the european model barely limps along. what if the european voters are restless. look at more big moves against the old guard to come. in 2020 and beyond, the fight has just begun. and that's the angle. who said the e.u. elections couldn't be fun quickly joined me now with the reaction is raheem chris hahn and editor of the transatlantic program for the center of a new american security. let's start with you. how is this not seen as a rebuke of the globalists? andrea, angela merkel did in that interview with isn't it a fact that the people unemployment through the roof and the consumer confidence is in the toilet, ours are going up. >> you're absolutely right to highlight that there has been a big backlash against the mainstream and politics of usual in europe, and this european election was no exception. we see the far right do exceptionally well but there's another part of the story too which is you saw a reaction on all sides of the political spectrum turn out with higher than it's been in decades. and it wasn't just the far right that did so well. it was the liberals, the greens and so i think more than focusing on the populists, this really was a story about politics in europe. >> it seems like when the populists do well, they do well but there's all this other things do well, they can do well because they've done well.el nigel farage comes out, six weeks ago he started his party this is unheard of. the reason i started the show with this -- people told me i shouldn't do it, i tell people to connect the dots so you understand the arc of history here. this same thing happened with the trump election. it was a rejection of the bushes, obamas, the clintons. not all of it, the whole thing. flatlining income. is that not the case in europe? people don't think it's worth but different people, different personalities, but the system is failing the middle class. >> this was a big stonking victory for everybody who does not like big government and everybody who wants to stop centralizing of power to brussels. they are into localism, they want more power to the people. this was a people's. election of the highest order. like you said, with six weeks farage sets history for the second time, the second time he has with a new political party a major national party. >> laura: they don't want to brexit. >> here's the thing. >> laura: the elites. >> the media is trying to spin it that this is somehow a victory for the left because the liberal democrats got some more votes as well. hello, the brexit party won and that won big. this means that whoever comes in to replace theresa may in britain has to take britain out of the european union or there will be hell to pay. >> laura: i'm hearing boris johnson, he's not liked by a lot of the trump coalition because he's been a never trumper. boris johnson is not the savior that a lot of people that he is. what about that. you've got to be in some trouble fort the conservative party. who do they have? >> this gets to the bottom that i know which is about the story of fragmentation. as you have all of these new parties popping up all over the political spectrum, power is being defused over more and more actors and it's getting increasingly hard for democracy to deliver. >> laura: parliamentary democracy is a different deal in europe. >> plurality of opinion is better. better than a two-party system where labor and the conservatives for the last hundreds of years tell people what to think andys you've only got two choices. now we have this ability to express our opinions but like you say, amnesty he's the continuity cameron and may >> laura: nigel farage was on tv tonight with tucker carlson our own tucker carlson. let's watch. >> they claim as a european union, they will deal with climate change. they claim that because they have open borders, this is the modern liberal approach of the future. what they don't tell you is that they are literally killing and destroying something. what the european union does come it crushes democracy, it takes decision-making powers away from all ordinary people c and gives it to unelected bureaucrats. >> i think what you're saying is right, there is a crisis of democracy. people are dissatisfied with politics as usual. >> laura: what i'm trying to say, andrea, thend elites -- thy promised us that they were the experts pray they are the elites, called the elites for the reason. they went all to the right schools, on the right think tanks. i mean can you go to think tanks, but they have residency they get ripped on their contracts. they are often wrong. and they promised the world to the people in europe. >> this is all true but i think the risk is with the polarization that we are seeing with a lot of these populist parties and candidates, we are moving out towards the end of the political spectrum and democracy is not going to deliver for everyday people. there is something -- this is a wake-up call i think for democracy that there is something broken in the middle but the populist rhetoric we are seeing in the polarization is not the way to fix it and in fact -- >> it's interesting to hear that. what i hear is that hungary once a hungarian culture, germany, a lot of germans want a german culture. the not want the past bad stuff but they want some german identity. that's not a bad thing. it's fun to go in europe. it's a different country different up and say, oh, it's all just one big sorry, but a lot of people rejecting that and also rejecting a million migrants. refugees. i do not think we can discount ehe effect that had even on the socialists in sweden. i've never seen anything like that ever seen in sweden. sweden is changing. >> i think the risk is if youny break it or knock it down, it's goingk to ultimately benefit soe of the u.s. adversaries like russia and china. when they looked out over the political spectrum and see the polarization and see the divisions, those are things that they are looking to amplify and sew discord in western democracy.he >> laura: restst is not causing -- >> china -- breaking of the european union hurts china. the european union's plan is to bring chinese money. they are hurting and china, just like donald trump's. >> laura: biden is out therere and is extremely popular among democrats. he has noted this most recently as last october. let's watch. >> stop this phony populism which is about, i have problems of because of that immigrant or that black guy. stop this naked nationalism which is making us clash >> laura: where the envy of the world. we are the most strongest in the developed world, no doubt aboute it but nevertheless, there were nationalism has terrible connotations in many circles. and merkel was tying it back to the national socialist party which is hitler. is that fair? >> ten years ago, he used to go on television saying we've got to close the border, ten years ago he went on television and talk about learning english for this man has said for years and years that america has problems with mass migration. not immigration, with mass migration. >> laura: i watch it on youtube over the weekend. >> now he goes and says this? is a complete false about populism. it's pro-democracy they want to be conservationist from a local level. >> laura: they have some interesting -- i think the greens and the populists can make some deals. back to this -- before i let you go, is it true that the mainstream parties have blown this? they should've got in the wake-up call in the first brexit. they should maybe give them something. i don't think they didn't. they are backe to square one they made even more inroads. >> there's something that's fundamentally broken, it should've been a wake-up call. the way we can fix it again is not by people sowing discord and creating divisions between people, we need leaders whoeo ae going to build consensus and lead us out of that and by not breaking things but by building others. >> the elites because of the division. it wasn't us that caused the division for that set up with the haves versus the have-nots. since the bill clinton's third way politics, tony blair, it's all that trajectory and its coming home to roost. they have to take him stcountable for what they did to our country. >> laura: we all play a role. the elites who make good decisions, i'm happy with that making good decisions, but then they are going to have a problem. when people vote for brexit they should get brexit. that's how it works. coming up, the legacies of many american heroes are under attack purge could actually affect a leftist, in some ways, icon that we respect all of us around the globe, martin luther king jr. stay there. we're the slowskys. we like drip coffee, layovers- -and waiting on hold. what we don't like is relying on fancy technology for help. snail mail! we were invited to a y2k party... uh, didn't that happen, like, 20 years ago? oh, look, karolyn, we've got a mathematician on our hands! check it out! now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. today's xfinity service. simple. easy. awesome. i'd rather not. >> laura: the war against american history threatens yet another one of our american heroes. martin luther king jr. king biographer david garrow reportedly discovered fbi documents that taint dr. king's personal life and, let's just say, a less than flattering because of the details of the renovations are still uncorroborated, we aren't going to list them here. but despite the unconfirmed particulars, the fact a debate over his legacy is troubling and speaks to a slippery slope, when american figures are examined in light of today's standards but we know people are flawed, but this is the latest example of i do not think you can discuss the greatness of a man's contributions because of a complicated or even flawed path. joining me now is dinesh d'souza, conservative commentator. in the #metoo era, mlk jr. still be a hero to the left if they willllo have any credibility? >> i would say given these latest elevations, these renovations are based on fbi tapes, and it's been known for a while that the fbi was taking martin luther king, but the content of those tapes were secret. the historian david garrow, for a historian from a well respected. in fact, a devotee of the civil rights movement, a source for these new bombshell allegation because they placed martin luther king's personal life but his personal views, and a very calamitous light. calamitous in view of the #metoo movement which has put a new spin on what's acceptable in public discourse. this is kind of why these allegations, even though they are all over the british press and the source is credible, they are getting no coverage in not a single made major media up they realize that martin luther king is not -- people don't just celebrate him for his antisegregation views or for his dream about wanting us to live in a country where we are judged by the content of our character, people treat king as a secular saint. schools are named after king. how can you actually have a school upholding a role model when the actual conduct, i mean this wasng not a matter of havig foibles or falling short, this was behavior which, if true goes way beyond that. >> laura: i want to get your reaction to something that rush limbaugh said today on his radio show about democrats' perception of mlk. let's watch. >> they think they've already successfully remade the image or message of dr. king that they have to abandon it or him. they've already turned him him and his memory into a message tailored for their modern-day beliefs. he was nowhere near what they have made him out to be. so there is no reason to cast them aside. >> laura: dinesh, do you believe that? they can't dispense with someone like mlk. i mean, that's a body blow with what they have today, right? >> when you think about it, the great black americans of our history, those people like frederick douglass, the runaway slave, ida b. wells who fought against religion, harriet tubman, booker t. washington all of these were republicans b conservatives, elevators of self-help of what douglass called the self made man from of the left hates them. the left doesn't want to teach them. the only guy they've been able to push to the front is martin luther king. he was the only guy that they in a sense can cling to. so if they lose king, they've lost their one claim to be a champion, you will, of kafrican-american rights. this is a very awkward situatioo for them. of course, the #metoo movement came from the left, this is not a right wing critique they can dismiss. >> laura: isn't it interesting that the media on the left is about transparency and we want to know more, it's important that the public knows more democracy dies in the darkness it's crickets on this. why are they clamoring for the tapes to be released earlier? >> look at the extreme discretion that you are exercising on the show. if these allegations have been made about reagan or georgehe washington thomas jefferson, look at the huge hubbub when it was alleged with somewhat questionable evidence that thomas jefferson was definitively involved in a relationship with a female slave sally hemmings and could've been a jefferson relative, but this has besmirched jefferson's character and the left was all over it. >> laura: dinesh, thank you so much. and now to a distressed message from an obama official and fellow democrats. former auto czar steve ratner that three of the prediction models show that trump will win in 2020. ray's fair bill his model combining incumbency and gdp growth, mark zandig, moody analytics chief, analyzed 12 models. he conducted electoral college one of the pollsters, jon mclaughlin. are these horse race polls that have many democrats beating trump, those are all the rage a couple of weeks ago.ho why are they wrong in these models more likely right? >> and a lot of those polls you are talking about that the media does, they are skewed toward the democrats. they poll adults, they do not poll likely voters. it's usually a few points skew in favor of the democrats. these predictive models are not polls. it's models what's going to happen with the economy, what's happening with unemployment from what's happening with inflation. the thing is a republican president to get reelected whether it was nixon, reagan george w. bush, they have two things going for them. strong security and also prosperity, a growing economy. this president's record has a growing economy, he's made america stronger. you can see -- by the way,co the are polls, the media hides numbers. cnn had a whole where 56% of their voters approve the job on the >> laura: john, all we hear from former republicans, and never trumpers who have made a lot ofma money being never trumpers, trump's base is shrinking because it's just a bunch of angry disgruntled white people, let's watch. >> i'm so surprised how many people at washington, they don't care. it's why i'm voting for him for they don't care what he does. >> a lot of people who say that they are white. it's a shrinking electorate for donald j. trump. >> laura: when you say it like this, it's more convincing john. >> terrible. this is the same stuff they ran with in 2016.. >> laura: they were wrong in 2016 and fabulously after they hung out with trump for years. >> the strategy was to bring out o voters in the heartland for 9 million more voters who came out in the election then they did in 2012 and they were trump voters and they turn the country around. what you got now is a president in position -- we have this job approval. once he's in 50%, he's in a realm where they cannot beat him for they have 23 deranged democrats running off the edge of the earth with preferring socialism over capitalism and they think they have a shot at winning. trump has a solid republican conservative base and now he's vagaining among independents moderates, he's building a coalition that can win, and that's with those models. none of them were republican figures, but there are those models, showing that we can win. >> laura: all right, john we've got to go. we will see what the african-american vote if you can get that up, five-point? that be catastrophic for the democrats. coming up, another woman's athletic championship won by a biological male! the debate next. it's powerful, fda-approved to relieve moderate pain, yet non-addictive and gentle on the body. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu. >> laura: we have an update to a story we've been following on "the ingraham angle." a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman just won and ncaa championship. bested collegiate athletes by more than a second in the 400-meter hurdles. first competed on the men's track team before switching to the woman's team. and congress recently passed the quality act which which missouri esack women's coach hartford says makes the playing field even more uneven. >> this should be called woman's inequality act. this has already been used to trample female athletics eliminate safe spaces for women. as a former track coach, i'm deeply committed to providing females and girls with a equal field. >> laura: joining me now is managing editor of "us sports," and emily gile at the heritage foundation. dawn, you disagree with the congresswoman. why? >> all transgender peoplee who identify as women are women. trans women are women. this is not trying to make a policy change. this is about discrimination. you are trying to legalize discrimination. i don't understand how that can be possibly something you support. >> laura: how does this translate as discrimination? i played three sports in high school, did pretty well. but obviously field hockey, we played an exhibition game against the boys, number one team in the state. but i think they beat us 8-1 emily. what's frustrating, they were a lot faster, a lot stronger, they could move the ball down the field. we were really good. frustrating. they were men. they were born biological men and playing as boys. it's about equality. trans athletes want quality emily. b it's a big deal. >> all human beings have dignities and be treated with respect. but sports should be based on fairness and fairness in sports should be based on physical realities. the physical reality is that men are stronger and faster than women, they have testosterone levels that are much higher than women. and so that's why we havewo separations in sports based on physical realities like age and sex. >> laura: last week we told you about mary gregory who was a transgender power lifter who had a lot of controversy after she shattered weight lifting records. a british rapper tweeted, i keep hearing how biological men don't have strength advantage over women in 2019, so watch me destroy the british women's deadly record without trying. as promised, this is the video. watch. yeah, he's 528 pounds and he lifts it without really trying. it's up and down. dawn, what your reaction to that. you cannot deny that the physical makeup of someone born a man, whether you've taken hormones or haven't taken hormones, you feel like you are a woman, your body is a different body. and your strength is not necessarily compromised by taking hormones just because of the actual physical structure of the body, the size of your lung or heart capacity, those are biological differences that really cannot be altered at all. by somees of the transitions tht people go through. >> i'm sorry to tell you, laura and actually does change. the runner you are talking about from new hampshire, she had competed as a male and was actually an outstanding athlete. after starting her medical transition, she and her coach both said that they noticed a drop h h in her performance. her testosterone levels dropped. testosterone also isn't the only predictor of how someone is going to perform. yes, there is a lung capacity yes, there's so much, but there is so much more about individual performance. she didn't win all of her races. mary gregory didn't win all of those lifts. it's about doing your best. >> laura: so are you saying a -- >> it's about doing your best. >> laura: if someone says they feel like the other gender that authey can compete, is that what they are saying? >> no, i'm not there that's not how it works. it's not about feelings but what it's about is identity. all right? if you say, born a man, no one is born a man. >> laura: if you haven't gone through -- if you haven't gone to the hormone treatment, but you feel as you identify as another, how is that fair to girls who competed their entire lives.oe >> that's why it would be the end of women and girls sports. it's if the equality act became law, it would add the category of gender identity and gender identity is completely based on a person's subjective perception. there is no requirement of any physical measurement of anything. it would be the end of girls sports. which is why she is absolutely correct it would erase women's sports. >> laura: trans games, a lot w people are advocating for that. but trans athletes do not want trans games. fascinating conversation. they want to perform where they want to perform, but a lot of girls and a lot w of feminists e up in arms about this and i think we are going to have an interesting debate going forward about how this ends up. i have no idea. what happens when right-leaning figures are repeatedly targeted even banned from social media sites? well, we have an alternative. up next, theed ceo of a new social media site that plans to change the game next. plans to plans to change the game with instant confirmation... i got it! what? what? l.a. bookers book apartments and vacation homes as easy as hotels. ridin' scooter! l.a. baby! l.a. baby! be a booker you're welcome. at play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tum tum tums >> laura: it isn't enough to highlight local bias among social media giants. there needs to be a way to fight back. an alternative. here's an incomplete list of recent steps taken. personality alex jones, milo yiannopoulos, and laura loomer are have been permanently banned by twitter. candace owens was banned for seven days by saying whites a premise he was not a big threat to america than stalinism. michelle malkin was suspended for opposing censorship. dan scamino, trump social media director, temporarily banned after his post were flagged by "an algorithm." one company is stepping into the breach. parlor is a twitter like platform that was launched last year. it's already attracted a number of powerful people, including senator mike lee and trump manager brad pascal. here's the ceo of parlor. john, is this going to be a twitter alternativelo that conservatives have been seeking? >> i don't like the idea ofti being an alternative. i think it should be more of a platform that social media should have been when it was originated. s the reality is they are more acting like publications rather than a community forum. that's generally what should be created, a community forum for people to discuss politics whatever they'd like. >> laura: no censoring. if someone says something neinciting violence, you will leave it up? >> see, actually against the law. anything that we get involved with has to have some sort of constitutional violation, some sort of supreme court premise. something that says, hey, that's really not all right. there has to be a premise for it, though. we do not want to get into the business of determining what is and is not allowed to be discussed. >> laura: what's your platform for making money here? is it, yououon know, using -- i looked through your privacy statement. i always do that, believe it or not. they gather information cookies, you can ask for your contacts to be shared. photos. >> most of that is boilerplate to be honest. >> laura: i read the boilerplate. i'm a lawyer. most people don't read it. that'sil how they get in troubl. but how do you make money on this. do you make money by partnerships, the information that you gather? >> right now, we are never goint to be selling any information so that's not really in our business model. what we want to do is recreate what markets should have been in a way where we are not targeting people, using their information. we want to provide them with an old-school approach to advertising, and that's what we'll eventually be doing. as well as influencer marketing. that's really important right now, influencers can convey the message better than individuals. >> laura: so someone who has a big media following, just like they have an instagram or you make money on instagram or youtube, you can make money may be -- is it parlor or -- >> it used to be parlay >> just call it parlor. >> that's exactly what happened. >> laura: good. i think that used to be smart. we are looking forward to see where this goes but i think michelle malkin and others are fascinated. i might sign up later in the night. >> that would be great. we've got a lot of people who are censored and a lot of people want to join a community without worrying -- >> laura: freedom! a new platform called parlor. thanks so much for coming up, an "ingraham angle" update, what happened to the moderate democrats who promised you the world? 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[ dogs howling ] seriously? embrace the mischief. say "get pets tickets" into your x1 voice remote to see it in theaters. >> laura: now a new "ingraham angle" series where address this series, where the voters tricked? we want to examine the records of those 28 democrats who won their midterms running as so-called "moderates." have they been upholding their pledge to the voters? tonight, we look at one congressman the former nfl player and obama administration alum unseated 11 term incumbent republican pete sessions. that was back in november, and he wone more by six points. on the promise he didn't care about party politics. >> i'm willing to work with anybody across any political i'll or political ideology if they'll w help me and bring what we need here in north texas. >> laura: how has that held up now that he's congressman placement despite running on being a moderate, he's only voted against pelosi and company 1.4% of the time. responded 36 bills including the controversial quality act that gives federal determination against people on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. in reality, as it plays out, it ends up hurting women and girls. then there is the american promise act of 2019. this bill cancelss and prohibits removal proceedings against illegals who cross as minors and provides such aliens with a path towards permanent residency status. oh, let's not forget the climate action now act, that requires the president to update and develop an annual plan to meet its nationally determined contribution under the paris agreement on climate change. >> hard at work eliminating texas energy jobs, carbon taxes and the green new deal higher prices for texas families. >> and while he did not sign on to aoc's new green deal, he supports some of the goals of that radical legislation. as voters, this is not, as we say, should be open to new ideas or across party lines to support candidates, it's important to know if a fraud was perpetrated on you and ask yourself if you want to be fooled again. and up next, my hope that the spirit of memorial day isn't confined to just the longg weekend. .. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today. >> laura: i wanted to say this for memorial day has passed but i hope our commitment to the military who died in service of >> no last night tonight but memorial day is past but a commitment to our military who died in service our country stay strong all year long. it was memorial day and weekend to remember not just because we enjoyed cookouts and swimming but we were teaching our children about the courageous and selfless sacrifices made by our service men. the 30th memorial day concert on the capitol grounds was a stirring and beautiful event and on sunday we went to mass and prayed for our nation's heroes and those left behind and yesterday we took a long walk through arlington national cemetery which if you have never been you must go. the enormity of the cost of war stretches out before you over the rolling beautiful ground. all the adults, all of us cried throughout the afternoon and late morning. from the moment the volunteers handed us roses to put on the graves that had no roses on them, the kids were doing their best to understand it all. i don't know if they did. i think they took in some but over time i think they will understand. that i hope they make the same trip someday with their own children. it is the least we can do, those of us who didn't serve in uniform. that all the time we have to make, check my podcast. i posted a new episode with nigel farage. shannon bream and the fox news at night team kick it off. >> we all could do more of that, you can't go wrong. >> have a great show. shannon: abortion is back in the center of the legal universe and the 2020 campaign, supreme court weighing in on abortion with the ruling still sending shockwaves tonight in 2020 candidates like kamala harris say they will do whatever it takes to stop states from passing pro-life laws. severe weather making its way across the midwest into new jersey and new york as reports of damage and injuries begin to pouring. officials say a large and dangerous tornado was spotted outside kansas city. we are tracking the storm have live, stick around. joe biden is back on the ca

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