I thought she was all about transparency. And, we have some alarming new numbers about the crisis at our border, and it is an emergency, as the left wants us to focus on the fight of illegals, we will separate fact from fiction. But first, the resistance unmasked. Thats the focus of tonight angle. The democratic resistance is running at full tilt, making threats, launching investigations. Of 81 people and enterprises associated, some of them not even associated, with President Trump. Now naturally, the house judiciary chairman democrat jerry nadler is calling for the president s impeachment. Do you think the president obstructed justice . Yes, i do. Its very clear that the president obstructed justice. 1100 times he referred to the muller investigation as a witch hunt. He tried to protect flynn from being investigated by the fbi, he fired comey in order to stop the russian thing, as he told nbc news. Laura okay, hold on a second. So now giving ones opinion qualifies as obstruction of justice. I dont know what by their criminal law nadler studied, but my legal background says that is just ludicrous. Contrary to what nadler and company claim, none of this is about exercising their constitutional right to oversight of the executive branch. I want you to understand that. It is not about what it they say it is about. So document request who needs documents . Why hear testimony . They have already made up their minds. Mueller, by the way, has spent two years best to getting russias possible collusion in the 2016 election and it looks like it is come up with nothing. Hes issued indictments, called witnesses before the grand jurys, interviewed more than 40 people. Hes reviewed over a million documents, and even referred separate matters to the Southern District of new york to remember the democrats glowing words about mueller when he was appointed . This is an absolutely brilliant choice. There is no more respected figure in american Law Enforcement than bob mueller. I think the best thing that happened was to have Something Like mueller to come in. He is a pro. He is going to follow the facts where they lead. Laura okay, how odd, then. Why does nadler not trust him and his prosecutors, who have already by the way, i just found this out. Spent 25 million of the taxpayer money on this investigation. Why do they trust him to get to the bottom of the things . He was the greatest thing since sliced bread, even ty cobb said so. The way i see nadler, come on, going to almost entirely retail the ground that mueller has already passed over. But why is now theyre doing this, getting back to our theme of unmasking . For the sole purpose of creating a political spectacle. And to continue its right up until the last vote is counted in 2020. Remember, president nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice. Of president clinton was impeached work obstruction of justice. Why is he not moving forward with with the articles of impeachment against President Trump immediately . Impeachment is a long way down the road. We dont have the facts yet. What we are going to initiate proper investigation. We do not now have the evidence all sorted out and everything to do and impeachment. Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American Public that it ought to happen. Laura thats not in the constitution, either, but whatever. A separate question, isnt that what nadler has been trying to do with his recent impeachment media to her . Hes been trying to convince the public that there are a thousand reasons to impeach the presiden president , even if he cannot prove a single one. Meanwhile, the house ways and Means Committee chair, richard neal, is requesting the president s tax returns from the irs. Thats a shock. A pelosi spokesman said they will take all necessary steps, including litigation if necessary, to obtain them. What does that have to do with collusion . While, anyway, all of this sends a thrill up the leg of the media resistance, of course. Yesterday, the New York Times editorial page tantalized its readers by predicting a long and painful ordeal for the president and those close to him. Political investigations tend to be marathons rather than sprints. With this investigation, mr. Nadler is looking to make a case for impeachment there is so compelling it will have enough bipartisan support to survive the republicancontrolled senate. Barring bad, his investigation will serve to keep the heat on mr. Trump. Perhaps keep the Democratic Base at least somewhat placated as the next election a process. Aha at least they admit that this is an entirely politicallymotivated attack, meant to soften up the president for 2020, and dangle some red meat on a hook for their base. Now note the Wishful Thinking i love that line thinking of bipartisan support for impeachment. Hmmm, can you count that out completely . At a time when republicans should be bolstering the president s agenda on key issues, especially, i see on one at least they are undermining him. And leadership cant seem to hold it together. Hoping the president would not taking the National Emergency route. Once you decide to do that, i said i would support him, but i was hoping he wouldnt take that particular path. Laura that is a really bold statement. I was supporting of it but hoping he wouldnt take it meaning hes not going to insist that his members but the real pressure, as he could do, on his members to actually push look. With all due respect, it is probably Mitch Mcconnells fault that the president had to declare a National Emergency at all. He and paul ryan promised the president when he signed that ridiculous omnibus spending bill last year that they would get him the funding he needed for the wall. Before last year ended, no matter what happened in the election. But what happened . We predicted on the show, they didnt do it. Mitch mcconnell has done a masterful job of getting judges through the senate, phenomenon the court, Supreme Court stuff, all of it. He cant control how susan collins, lisa murkowski, how they vote. But he basically signaled to them that their vote against the president on this issue of the National Emergency was okay. My friends, congress specifically delegated to the president the authority to declare National Emergencies, they did it long ago in section 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies act. He cited this in his official declaration care the president did as is required. In the president has already invoked as National Emergency powers on three occasions, adding to the 28 earlier National Emergency measures that remain in effect today. This is an important point. Congress has never before moved to end a president emergency declaration. Until now. Now, even the New York Times front page today painted a grim picture of what is happening at the border. Heres a quote, a feverish teenager, a man with a head injury and bright red eyes, childrens with fevers, cough and cold, the customs and Border Patrol numbers of family units crossing the border was breathtaking. We have apprehended and encountered more families in just five months in five days than last years record total. Now 70 of all crossings are from these countries, and a full 62 of all crossings and encounters are vulnerable families and children. Weve had almost 2400 fraudulent claims. A families. Laura more on the dire situation of the border is going to be coming up later in the show, you dont want to miss it, it goes way beyond that. Theres a lot more on the New York Times piece that we are going to get into. And we will be naming names and unmasking the motives of those on the left and some on the right who are working to stop stronger enforcement at the southern border, which includes a physical barrier. The president must continue to stand firm on this issue and forge ahead, against the chamber of commerce republican who want an endless full of cheap labor s democrats who think they have an Endless Supply of new voters. As for the democratic impeachment squad, keep unmasking the real motives, you bet. If they cared about the constitution and the rule of law, they wouldnt have let the border get this out of control in the first place, and they would have demanded that Hillary Clinton and her protectorate paid for their wrongdoing. That is my daughter, dont you think . This is a political war. All of this that you are seeing around you, and it is meant to undo the president s successes and block his agenda for the next two years. If that is all it is about. This isnt just harassment of President Trump he said that today. Its harassment of the millions of americans who voted for his agenda and it is an abuse of the entire democratic process that the democrats claim to care so much about. And that is the angle. In joining me now with reaction, commerce him and jim jordan, Ranking Member of the House Oversight committee. Congressman, lets start on the border issue, then we will get back to what else is cooking. Were going to talk about this later, but this is a national travesty. The democrats will say, oh, its not bad at all on the border, interception of people are down, fewer people crossing paired what is the real truth . Just heard about the agents on the board, talking about the 70,000 this month alone crossing the border. What are we on, the fifth caravan . To we need a sixth caravan, seventh caravan, endless caravan, before we stayed as an emergency . The president s right, and some of the republicans were opposing the president , as you said in your opening, in your ingram angle, the same ones last year during congress, i didnt want to get it done when we had majority vote in the house and senate, looks like the senate is going to vote to overrule the president s order, but when the president vetoes it and it comes back for a veto, we can sustain the veto. Laura Mitch Mcconnell could have pushed this, could have demanded his members. We should have done it last congress. Laura they promised the president we are going to get the wall funding, isnt that always but cannot you dangle in front of someone . We will get it later, always a million reasons you shouldnt do what the voters elected you to do. Laura your advice to him in this moment, were going going to get into the impeachment squad, people, oh, we got him, the walls are closing around him, he got the issued, ivanka, jared, weird russians ive never named, theyre all named. What should the president do . Just keep doing his job. I had the lincoln day dinner, and the crowd was huge, they were so enthusiastically president fighting for what he told them i can people he would do. Whats interesting about the 81 letters mr. Nadler sent, what is interesting is who he didnt send them to. All of these people, 81 different entities come over 60 different people, but he didnt send it to the two most important glenn gibson and christopher steele. Glenn simpson was paid by the clemson to put the dossier together, he hired christopher steele, a foreigner, to write the dossier. All those people, but not the two that count the most. Look, they started the impeachment effort last week with michael cohen, and michael cohen, their first announced witness of the hundred 16th congress, going to prison in two months laura that is their ace in the hole. Live six times under oath. Laura bill barr has got to act on this. Im sorry, bill barr could act on this, could bill barr reopen investigation into mrs. Clinton . Should he . What he should do is tell us what john huber is doing, what Michael Horowitz is doing, what the fisa abuse they are supposed to be looking into, the whole idea you have the top people of the fbi, comey, mccabe, baker, strzok, page come all these people in the clinton investigation and launched and ran the trumprush investigation, theyve all been fired, that is where we need to look. Laura there is plenty of collusion here, but what about tony podesta . Why does he seem to be able to get away with so much activity with russia. We talked about this before, you been great on this, double standard. One set of rules for us regular folk laura i we have a new attorney general in pace. No one is looking to put scouts on the wall, but this is what we are going to be dealing with. On the other side, at least people should have a clear sense of what happened before this, correct . Go back and look at this fundamental fact, the Clinton Campaign paid the law firm who hired Glenn Simpson who hired a foreigner, christopher steele, talk to a couple of russians, never went to russia, put together this fake document called the dossier that the fbi used. That all these people used, strzok and page used, to go to a secret court to get a warrant to spy on the trump campaign. That is what launched it all. None of them are going to the guy that count the most Glenn Simpson and christopher steele. Laura that signed the fisa warrants, not revealing that Hillary Clinton paid for them, that sticks in my craw. We have comey saying one thing, strzok saying one thing this is why we need to look at this issue. Laura nobody pays, though this is what drives people crazy. We have a new attorney general who is a consummate professional. Would like to talk to him about this. Laura you are in process of talking about this . This is the rule of law. Equal treatment under the law, most import dead. Laura congressman, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Jerry nadler revealed Something Else during his media tour. That his impeachment investigation is basically just a popularity contest between the democrats and trump. You dont believe me . Watch what he says next about the American Public. Before you impeach someone, you have to persuade the American Public that it ought to happen. You have to persuade enough of the Opposition Party voters. Trump voters. Very high bar. Yeah, it is a very high bar. Youre not trying to reverse the results of the next last elect we might not get there. But what we have to do is protect the rule of law. Laura joining me now is ari fleischer, former White House Press secretary for bush 43 and fox news contributor. Also with me, pam bondi. Lets start with you. Why does nadlers pan planned revolve around persuading the American People. It sounds a lot like the 2020 election cycle. He said he obstructed justice, basically 1100 times, a breath earlier. So lets get the hearings underway. Lets get the vote underway, forget the hearings. You dont need the hearings. If you dont have the facts and you dont have the events, you just have a p. R. Campaign, and that is with the democrats are launching cared all of them. Look, it notches jerry nadler, you have the Judiciary Committee who said the president was on a crime spree before he was elected. The chairman of the oversight committee, elijah cummings, who said at the cohen hearing that there was proof the president committed a crime. The problem democrats have is you cant use words like that, crime spree, crime, obstruction, without unleashing impeachment that you cannot control. That is where this is headed in the democraticcontrolled house. Laura pam, cnns jeffrey toobin, who i know you guys are good buds, he was talking about how obama didnt have to deal with any of this because, lets watch. People in Barack Obamas white house didnt have to hire lawyers. Because there were no scandals. I dont think it is just the times, i think it is the president. This is a president was under investigation for good reason. Laura heres a list of some of the scandals, pam. Lets put them up on the screen. Fast and furious, of course, holder of guns, benghazi, irs targeting, clintons private email server, just to name a few. We have the green energy blowup, et cetera. So where are we here . It is utterly ridiculous, laura. Even in criminal court, your double jeopardy. When someone is charged with a crime. So here we have robert mueller, we know the report is about to come out. It is going to exonerate the president , and now theyre going to go after him again. All they are trying to do, they are try to drag the president and his family through the mud, while look at Jared Kushner look at what he has done. The democrats should embrace that. They should embrace, gareth fought to get the stamp act passed, everything a ivanka has done, look at the gdp, look at womens unemployment, look at minority laura you are acting like they care about that. This is a brutal political warfare. It is, they want to take him onto his knees. He laura it is not enough to say they are harassing me. This is going to be a Forward Campaign of historic speeches, he is doubling down on success. I think he has to double down on the border, asylum reform, all of the stuff. Okay, im serious about making this country even greater than it already is. And all you want to do is bring jerome corsi up to testify on capitol hill. My god. While the president is out there saving the world and he is. As far as the pointer, look at the guns. Democrats want to take guns out of the hands of lawabiding citizens. Yet they wont stem the flow across our border into the hands of gang members and drug dealers . Its unbelievable. Laura re, youve seen this before. We witness what impeachment did to the country before. I was just getting going on tv when this was happening, i started a show on another network the daily impeac