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His thoughts on that, less who are the media and the political arsonist who fanned these claims . We are going to name names, yes, later in the show, but first, the false alert or a victim all edgy, that is the focus of tonights angle. After seeing your strong reaction to last nights show about how universities are breeding grounds for victimhood and manufactured anger, we thought it was important to expandex on this theme tonight d given todays development on a number of stories, this conversation, we are going to have on the the ingraham angle is more important than ever. This superintendent of the Chicago Police was visibly, understandably outraged by what his department and the community endured because of enJussie Smolletts fabricated hate crime when we discovered the motive, it made everybody mad. We had to invest valuable resources. What i want you all to understand is when yall put things out there, into the universe that is not accurate facts, it causes us to have to chase all of that stuff down. Those aredo resources and time spent that we will never get back. Laura thats all well and good, but poor Jussie Smollett. Making a boat load of money per year. B it looks like he was driven to this by his warped view of celebrity income inequality. This announcement today recognizes that the empire Actor Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career and lie. The stuntr was orchestrated by smollett because he wass dissatisified with his salary. Laura what drove smollett a supporting actor on the fox show empire to think this victim narrative that he was assaulted by maga hat wearing thugs would give him a pay raise . There has been a long line of celebrity victims. People known only for their selfproclaimed victimhood. There was Colin Kaepernick who claimed he was victimized by nfl owners who were keeping him from playing just because of his rsacticism. Believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything. Dont ask if your dreams are crazy. Ask if they are crazy enough. Laura he got a multi Million Dollars nike contract and a hefty nfl settlement. So you see . Victimhood pays. Then of course there was Christine Blasey ford who turned on the drama for the cameras. Even when her charges did not hold water she was invited by Sports Illustrated w to be awards presenter. I am honored to speak about a woman i admire so much. Rachael. I am in awe of you and i will always be inspired by you. Laura its obvious for anyone capable of objective thought, if you are a liberal and you have an outrageous claim that implicates conservative ore President Trump, you will probably get national attention. You will get highprofile interviews. You will be on magazine covers. And of course, you get a lot of money. O Christine Blasey ford made out like batman raking in over 800,000 m through a go fund me account for her security. For a trump hating minor celebrity like Jussie Smollett, the lesson was learned. Victim hood pays and often handsomely. Crying racism would be his claim to fame and fortune. It beats playing second fiddle to to raji p henson on a show whose ratings were goingea down. So he decided to write his own new role about a moral crusader warning the country about the dangerous of trump. The absurd details of this phoney attack confirm the worst of the left wingagainst trump. It looked like 1955 in birmingham. All over again. Like a bad spike lee film. Or something. Then when the fantasy came and policewn discovered the real truth, the pair of brothers buying supplies, the evidence was overwhelming that smollett committed fraud on america. So smolletts media cooperatives blamed conservatives. We are going to see conservative media play this up a bit. Sean hannity will eat Jussie Smolletts lunch every second. Tucker carlson will eat Jussie Smollett lunch and the president of the United States will eat his lunch. Laura unreal. Heads they win and tails we lose. Trump supporters are guilty no matter what. No matter how egregeous the underlying fraud. R todays democrats clinged to this narrative with a political death grip. After all, what do they have to do without it . How can they convince africanamericans that they are going to do better, be better off and have their wages lifted up better or they will have the neighborhoods safer and cartels willll be kept out of their neighborhood and gang members and ms13 will be out of their communities. Democrats will be better at trump creating jobs. The answer is they cant argue any of that because they have no substantive arguments. But they can and do sell victim hood. For that they had a lot of buyers. This is how kanye west put it in tweets. There was a time whether slavery was a trend and apparently that time is still upon us. Nowtl its a menitality. Then he wrote, selfvictimization is a disease. You bet it is. Because when any ofet us cling o victimhood, we giveaway our power. Our power to solve problems and to better ourselves the oldfashioned way. Its through hard work. Its important to understand the lefts strategy here. They will use fabricated tales a victimization to divert attention fromat other inconvenient truths. Now remember it was smollett crashed in and took the focus off the Virginia Governor wearing black face and fairfax was accused by two women of sexual abuse. A boy, that virginias story faded fast, didnt it . And the media jumped on the story of the whacked out coastguard lieutenant that wanted to murder democrats. This is now the second time that we know about from pipe bombs to yesterday, it is exactly what donald trump is encourageing. Words are cheap to him but they have costs elsewhere. We know the recent history of violence propelled in some part by the president s rhetoric. Laura this is so predictable, its almost boring. Notice when conservatives are truly victimized, physically attacked, which conservatives are targeted and shot for their political beliefs, like congressman steve scalise, the media has no time for that. Its as if it never happened. In fact, nancy pelosi admonished republicans against laying blame on democrats for that attack. I dont want to go into the president of the United States. In terms of the language he has used. When you l have all of the assaults made on Hillary Clinton for them to be so sanctimonuous. It doesnt use to be this way. Somewhere in the 90s, it was a politics of personal destruction going after the clintons. That is the provenance of it and what has continued laura conservatives didnt rush to connect the vermont senator to the shooting. Nor did they try to link smolletts criminal actions to his political heroes. Barack obama and maxine waters. To link them would be unfair and stupid. Many antitrump partisans in the media connect donald trump and his supporters to a story that was ludicrous from the get go. What he said happened to him fit in with a reality for a lot of people in this country since President Trump was inaugurated. You think about what just happened to Jussie Smollett in something, unfortunately we have racism germinating from the white house. Ra if you are in a position of power and you hate people and you want to cause suffering to them, what do you think will happen . People will be beaten on the streets. Laura the modern Democratic Movement has abandoned the optimism and idealism of john kennedy. Patrick jay moynahan now they pedal nonstop anger and resentment. So in a short decade, they have gone from hope and change to hate and rage. When 2020 comes around, i doubt the message of you are a victim will be lets be victorious. Thats the angle. Joining me now with reaction is gary mccarthy. A former Chicago Police superintendent and candidate for chicago mayor and kevin graham chicago the fraternal order of police president. Kevin, watching all of this play out, i have been dying to talk to you. How does it make you feel . Its unfortunate that we expended a large amount of resources in the Chicago Police department to try and uncover a hoax that was played on both the people in the city of chicago and on the Police Department for mr. Smollettsde personal gain. That is certainly unfortunate. What it says is that in this society, we can go out and make outrageous claims and have everybody swoon over this. He owes the city of chicago an apology and the Police Department an apology. He will facece his day in court. It wont be go well for him. Laura gary, this is what the current Chicago Police Department Superintendent said about the victims of actual crime. Lets watch. I just wish that the families of gun violence in this city got this much attention. Because thats who really deserves the amount of attention we are giving to this particular incident. Laura gary, a oneyearold shot, the day before idea. A high attrition in the police force. Unsolved murder rate. Your thoughts on what he said there . Yo well, first of all, i think we need to put this issue in perspective. This was a reckless act that thankfully nobody got hurt from. You have to hundred the history of chicago and the redlining in africanamerican neighbors and the anger that exists here and the racial polarization we have here. You put that together with the mcdonnell incident. W coming out of the Jason Van Dyck conviction. We have serious racial problems. This is akin to pouring gasoline on burned goals and hope they cant catch fire. He needs to be prosecuted. It is an assault on the city. The city should be filing a lawsuit to recoup the money we lost with the expense that the Plice Department put into it. Those same detectives getting their butts kicked in the press did an exceptional job and need to be complimented. Laura absolutely. We have to do a better job for holding kim fox for not being on the ground. She is the states attorney and rescued herself from this issue to go to the oscars. I mean, this is unacceptable behavior. Laura wait a second. Gary, did i hear what you said . That the state attorney i i think so thought she had some personnel connection to people surrounding thise case or familiarity whichi thought was odd. She had been on the case for a couple of weeks. Suddenly she was rescued. Ad recused how do you know about the oscars . Therere are pictures all over the place of her at parties at the oscars even as we speak. The bottom line is, she had an obligation to be here. She was elected to do her job. When he comes up with the biggest political football she will have as an africanamerican prosecutor, she fumbles it and runs away. Ut laura you are saying there was no reason for her recusal . That was all just a ruse to go to the oscars . Believe its a ruse. Its absolutely a ruse. Laura i cannot establish that. I dont want to do what people did in the early part of this case. Thats anwa interesting assumption. We will see whether thats true. All right, gentlemen, what would justice require in this case . Chicago pd superintendent had this suggestion. Eddie johnson. Absolutely justice would be an apology to this city that he smeared. Admitting what he did and then be man enough to offer what he should offer up in terms of all of the resources that were put into it. Laura well, kevin, smolletts legal team is not doing this. Tonight, they are doubling down and saying we witnessed an organized Law Enforcement spectacle. The presumption of innocence was of bedrock and justice was trampled on at the expense of mr smollett and aint no apology there. Did the cops get due process . No, and we have witnessed that they have gone after the police on many occasions when its unjust. Here there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that he did exactly what he said he did. He has gone out and said oh i was jumped. Quite frankly the evidence doesnt pan out that way. He need to fess up to what he did. He also needs to pay back the city and apologized because the detectives worked hard. Laura thank you very much. He iss not doing that. Its the police at fault here. Its outrageous. A lot of bad actors in the smollett affair and some still. Lets start with the politicians. We are going to name names here. They were the ugly attempts at pure political racial politicses from 2020 contenders. Gillibrand in a tweet from 3 p weeks back said its the latest of too many hate crimes against people of color. Kamala harris said this was was a modernday lynching. Cory booker used identical language. When the started to unravel, booker and harris demanded that we wait for the facts. H information is still coming out. And we will withhold into all the information comes out. Okay. So i will say this about that case. The facts are still unfolding. Laura then there are those who deletedld their initial tweets. Knowing that they wont be pressed by a compliant media. Like the house intel chair schiff. We pray for your speedy recovery, jesse he said we reject this act of hatred and bigotry. He lives in the cnn greenroom. The most powerfulect politiciann no luck so far from the firefighters. The most powerful politician in the Democratic Party nancy pelosi wrote in a since deleted tweet. The racist homophobic attack on smollett is an affront to our humanity. The media will protect you from ever having to explain this. Speaking the media reveled in in entire story and then revealed to have just chased another hoax, they still reached the wrong conclusions. Heres don lemon. In the court of public opinion, Jussie Smollett has lost. He lost the fight in the court of public opinion. Laura i dont know what that means. Of thats wrong. The work of the Chicago Police department is why he lost. Because there was hard evidence. They are actually defending their rush to judgment. This from van jones and keith. Yes, they are. A lot of people say, how could you believe this story from the very beginning this is a Jackie Robinson against homophobic in the back community and a beloved icon. Laura Jackie Robinson . What. Many other bad actors too numerous to name. In a broadcast relegated to just one hour the smollett case happened just one week after the Covington Catholic smear fell apart. If they could not learn their lessons in that moment, what chance do they have for the next hoax . . Coming up the prosecutor laid out the case against smollett. How can he build a defense . Alan dershowitz with the answer to that next. You. All of you. How you live, what you love. Thats what inspired us to create americas most advanced internet. Internet that puts you in charge. That protects whats important. It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Smollett wanted them to attack him and also stated he wanted the brothers to catch his attention by calling him [inaudible]. He wanted one to place a rope around his neck and pour gasoline on him and yell this is magaga country. Laura the cook counts Prosecutors Office laid out in detail smolletts wrongdoing. Giving all of the overwhelming evidence, does he have an evidence . We will ask harvard law professor alan dershowitz. He staged some of the most famous defenses in legal history. The o. J. Case and many others. He joins me now, okay, alan, what is smolletts defense here . Well, his defense is that nobody every gets prosecuted for making falls reports. Remember Tawana Brawley the people who defended her went free and went on to political and media careers. There are other instances. Who make false reports and they are never prosecuted. Look, we have to presume everybody innocent. If the facts are as the police sayhe they are, if payments were made and a plan was hatched to put a rope around the neck and a Police Report was filed, then we have the potential for a serious crime. I am surprised they charged him only with disturbing the peace. That doesnt sound like this is what happened here. So we have to wait and see laura even as a defense attorney, i was a criminal defense attorney too, should this matter here . To me given the toxicity of the charges and the heat that is on chicago and the race relations, we heard two well respected former superintendent chicago pd people from the Police Department. This is hot there. To say just probation and its not a big deal. That seems ridiculous. I agree. I agree with you. We have to look at the time text and the pressures on the city and in the end, i do think a case like this, if the evidence is overwhelming as it looks like it is, there will be some kind of a plea bargain. He will admit it and apologized and do community service. But i do think i agree. I think people who make false reports ought to go to jail. In the bible if you falsely accused someone, you get the penalty the person would have f gotten had the accusation been true. If these people attacked him in this racist way and put a noose around his neck, they would have gotten years in jail. If you follow the bible, this guy ought to get the same penalty that he falsely accused otherr people of getting. We dont know enough about the case. In the sense were these people going to take the rap or go to jail . Laura apparently 3500 is not enough. Jussie smollett has to pay more. They will sing like cannaries and they get an extra 500. Of i love that detail the Defense Attorneys are saying he is being framed and its unfair. And i want to play something from you from one of his attorneys. Mark geragos joined the team. He was on cnn and he is tipping their hand on the defense. Willns be and then your friend branson from l. A. Chimes in. Somebody tweeted yesterday or the day before and it made sense. This is a Police Department that has had some issues. I think there are issues with the Chicago Police department. As the general proposition, whether or not they are alleged to treat people color fairly. Whether or not they are capable of doing an investigation without any difficult issues arising. Laura now its the Chicago Police department is corrupt. So Jussie Smollett is innocent. Of i love that one too. Its more than corrupt. E the suggestion is they are racists. I dont know how that cuts. Look, i never condemn a defense attorney for trying to be creative and come up with any possible plausible defense. Thats what the 6th amendment to the constitution is about. Lets wait and not rush to judgment i want to hear all of the facts before i come to a conclusion. Laura thank you very much. You heard me talk on the angleh about how the democrats are clinging to this victim hood narrative. How did that impact the Africanamerican Community and the community at large . Joining me now can bruce, the executive director of the National Diversity coalition for tromp and henry davis founder of the the conservative urban project in d. C. For the celebration of black historyse month. Bruce, lets start with you. This isis wild. [laughter] we have Jussie Smollett makes 125,000 and the police make 48,000. Tt bruce, thats not enough money. Get guys to attack. You this plays into the same thing. We talked about this in the greenroom. How the left always tries to portray black folks like us to intimidate us. This is the biggest Voter Suppression in the land of the left. This is another example. Dont go over there. They are bad people. The disheartening part is we had issues in the past. We have come a long way. The president tonight, oh my god, he was so on fire President Trump, you were killing it tonight. He was so excited. Africanamerican history month. He was celebrated. Packed jam room. Screaming and loud. He was so happy about the lowest black unemployment and all of these great initiatives and here we go. All of this positive press and then here we go Jussie Smollett. Laura isnt that why they are selling this you are oppressed, you are a victim. Watch out for the guys with the red hat. Theyey are coming for you. Its the worst kind of scare tactic. They are doing it because things are getting better. First of all i dont understand why so many people hate black people or people that look like me,ma hate this president. This man has done more than any other president has done for people who look like me and him than ever. I wear the maga hat very far i go and walk around saint with go trump or cry tshirt on. [laughter] Jussie Smollett needs to sit down somewhere in his cell. Get some people putting money on his book. Fix him some ramen noodles and be a part of you know what [laughing]. Laura what is going on here . I have to share something with you. You are big Elizabeth Warren fans. T she changed the subject away from Jussie Smollett of how the will help the Africanamerican Community something trump apparently wont do. Lets watch. S its a full screen. Sheul said we must convert the dark history of slavery that has and government sanctions in the country that has had many consequences. Undermining the ability of black families to build wealth we need systematic, structural changes to address that she is talking about and desperation. Write a check. Shech is talking about the democrats. Thats what the democrats are doing. Thats why we as people that look like me and him are in the position that we are in is because of the democrats. I am trying to tell you right now, laura, donald trump is the most proand this is a quote from my friend pastor darryl scott, and i will be working with him and kareem. Laura you got that out fast. [laughter] donald trump is the most problack president we have ever seen in our lifetime. Laura they are petrified of donald trump. Yes taking even 5 of the black vote away. Kanye west said get off the plantation. Dont stay on the democrat plantation. Here we go again. Voter suppression. Throw the boogeyman in the room and intimidate us. Atio the end of the day presidet trump will be the champion for black america. That will build generational wealth like its never been done before. I am a 27 year Business Owner in atlanta. There are many of us across the country that want this opportunity. This president is the best president in history in history laura victimwood. What do you tell the africanamerican kid watching . Maybe a 20yearold watching. When they say you are a victim what do you say . Thats a lie. I ditto that. Exactly. That is a lie. The numbers dont lie. Dont get caught up on the emotions. For black americans. T dont get caught up in the emotions. Laura what about the shole country comments . Thats emotion. That doesnt pay bills. It just keeps this junk going. It has no substance in black america. President trump aint scared. He got that laura i need one of those shirts. [laughing]. Laura i am hanging out with them after the show. Right on, laura [laughing]. Laura i want to just do a show with you. Gentlemen, thank you. Baby. Nks laura that doesnt bother me when he says baby. It doesnt bother me at all but other people bring it. Would be offended. Violence on College Campuses. Getting out of control and coming up a debate victimhood. About does it begin in academia . Thats next. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Fasenra is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can lower oral steroid use. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Havent you missed enough . Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Laura attorneys for jussie attorneys for Jussie Smollett say that he is still a victim, but where does this cry for attention come from . And he summed it up perfectly in the National Review a couple of days ago because of mainstreaming of academic culture, we are now in a place where we place more value on a victim than being heroic, or kind, victim or Victim Groups high on sexuality point supposed to be coveted and believed unreservedly. But there is something more nefarious on College Campuses. Back in march 2016 the canada donald trump had to cancel a rally at the university of illinois because of violent protest and other threats. March 2017 conservative Charles Murray and his group were literally attacked at middlebury college, glad i didnt go there. A professor was injured and this week at the university of california berkeley a turning point recruiter was brutally attacked, we dont know what happened before this video, but it doesnt look good. [bleep] jesus christ. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] laura you can hear that and if youve ever been punched in the face you know how much that hurts. We reached out to a the universy and the police are investigating the incident and joining made the founder and the president of the group that was attacked and author of kansas battlefield and American University student and angelo could charo. E, im so sorry, charlie how often do these types of attacks happen . Far too often and this is one of the more brutal ones we have seen. The narrative in the media in the last couple of weeks before the facts came out with the smollett case with he is a victim and we cannot question it. This is a student that was assaulted in the Public Square because he was recruiting for a conservative turning point usaid chapter at uc berkeley which ironically was the original Free Speech Movement 30 or 40 years ago. So unfortunately College Campuses have not become safe places. Laura there isis a picture of him in the middle. How have they not found him yet and that is the guy he had attacked. They look like the same person actually. That was the guy that he attacked but there he is. Okay, anybody know this guy . Question or call the authorities because the university, the provost, the chancellor put out a statement this is unacceptable and we do not allow this. Angelo this is what donald trump jr. , when a liberal like jesse my cries wolf he ges sympathy and support with a tsunami of attention. When a student gets punished in the face it barely makes a ripple. Here is the thing with that, when this story came out with Jussie Smollett, the first impression, this was legitimate hate crime incident but the reality President Trump was taking office and hate crime has risen 17 the numbers from the fbi statistics so the reality while him with mr. Smollette may have fabricated this once incident, hate crime is on the rise. Laura angelo i think more agencies are now reporting hate crimes. That is why that number seems higher than previously because more input before those agencies were not reporting all into the National Database for hate crime but any hate crime is a problem and i agree with you. We are talking about the coverage and i mean from american universities, George Washington university, all Great Schools rate in this area. A conservative wearing make America Great hat on those campuses would be comeau would be kind of risking it. That is a fact. Would be risking it i know a lot of kidsit that go to georgetown, grade school, great people but they would be risking it, wouldnt they . I dont think that is true. I know it will with good kids. We have an incident where a student came through our cafeteria wearing a Confederate Flag hoodie. Hr no threats of follows. Didnt go to school there. Some students asked security if they could do something about it. Ld they didnt end up doing anything about it. This video which is horrifying if the attacker was making a make America Great hat, thats all we would be talking about. Right laura imagine if jussie into the narrative. Smollett was hit in the face by someone who was a conservative kid, a college republican. Angelo, you are a smart guy. I am trying to get angelo to be a conservative. I will win him over. He will lean to the left before we are done. He is too fun and smart. You know there is a double standard out there. You cant be saying College Campuses i are balanced. The double standard, the incident with Jussie Smollett when we believed it was an actual incident. You are talking about an attack against a marginalized group. Laura did you believe it . He is a person of color. Who the heck walks there at 2 i actually did believe it. A. M. . It was ludicrous. People of color said i didnt believe that for a second. People of color here. The toxic culture is from the president. His dark vision from america. Laura he was having a great time today. He at black history month. Was having a great time oversubscribed. People could not get in because 300 people, charlie . It was overpacked. I think democrats want to hold on to this domination of one group. I think their time sup. I think people are thinking for themselves. Thats a good thing. Super quick i have been doing this for 6 years. Its only liberals that try to kick me off of campuses. Visited hundreds of campuses. Its only liberals that try to kick me off campus. We never disinvite leftist speakers. They are afraid of other ideas. Laura angelo, i want you back. You can be whatever you want to be. Up next judge laura takes the bench. A group filed a lawsuit in chicago that could jeopardize construction of Barack Obamas president ial center. But who has the legal upperhand . That debate and my gavel next. Od sugar levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. Dont change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. Check insulin label each time you inject. Taking tzds with insulins like toujeo® may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Toujeo®, ask your doctor. Lets groove tonight. That can lead to death. All of you. How you live, what you love. Thats what inspired us to create americas most advanced internet. Internet that puts you in charge. That protects whats important. It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. All of you. How you live, what you love. Thats what inspired us to create americas most advanced internet. Internet that puts you in charge. That protects whats important. It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. Laura its time for the arbiter. Where 2 attorneys argue a case and i judge laura make the final ruling. Joining me are andrew and robin. Here are the rules. Each attorney will have 30 seconds to layout their case followed by a rebuttal. You both get to rebut the other. Now if the judge needs more information, each will have an additional 30 seconds to explain. I will ask questions. In the end i will make my ruling. It cannot be appealed. On the dockett the fight for former president obamas president ial library. This week a judge allowed a lawsuit to go forward. If successful it would prohibit the 20acre exhibit to be built near lake michigan. Andrew you are a chicago based attorney. 30 second for your opening. The court is in session. Andrew. Its real simple. Public land is for public purposes. We cant have a 500 million vanity project. Even for a former president and ftake land from the public and give it to a private person. We just cant do it. Its a bad division. Decision. What would people say when President Trump wanted 20 acres in central park and put his president ial library on it. Everybody would they thats insane. Laura robin . Just made it under the wire, andrew. Whether you agree with obamas politics or not, the law is clear. The city has the right to use public lands for whatever it wants including for the obama president ial center. There hasnt been this is obviously in the public good. The people of chicago are excited about it. As an africanamerican and a a former resident of chicago and a graduate of the university of Chicago Law School this is a good decision and something that will uplift the people of chicago including many, many folks. Laura my affinity and love for the university of Chicago Law School aside, andrew gets to rebutt you. Thats silly. Nobody is saying that president obama should not get the land. It should not be parkland. There are 160,000 acres of land inin chicago. 1 are public land. Put him on the 99 . Laura but this was transferred. There was land that was transferred to the city. 100 for 99 years. Thats a classic chicago sweetheart deal. Improper and could not go through. Laura this is from the chicago sun times. This was an editorial from two days ago. A small circle of Obama Associates at city hall and the university of chicago controlled the process of where and h how e center is to be built. It will eat up much more a cost that is unclear. The mayor has done his best to lock in Park District support for years to come. Long after he leaves office in may. Sound like a sweetheart inside deal. How is this not an inside job . You cant believe this. This has been open to pub public hearings and decided by the district and the city. There is no due process issue here. This is something the public has an opportunity to pine on and has been approved. Its notov a taking. This will remain parklands that belong to the city. It will be a fixed Term Agreement and the obama president ial center will usese that land. Laura every time the obamas are involved in a big financial thing, there is some inside deal or inside job. Love the university of chicago. Love the area. I think a lot of people love this project. They just dont want it here. Its subverting the law going through to the city instead of the normal process. Thats the way you got aroundth the legal issues. Thats given people pause. Thats it. Nobody has a problem with this project here in chicago. When you are selling this sort of land for 100 over a 99 year period. Its ridiculous. Laura time for a ruling. Its chicagos history. I am ruling for andrew. It has nothing to do with politics. Its the process that seems corrupt from the core to me. I dont like it. It stinks to high heaven. Stay there. Some celebrities still defending Jussie Smollett. Tonights last bite has the answers next. Time to get your free trial of fox nation, the streaming service that is the perfect complement to the fox news channel. It features exclusive shows from me and your favorite fox news personalities. Heres a preview of the shocking story of susan smith. Your mama loves you so much. We have gotten everything we can. We have no reason to believe anything other than what it is reported to be. I dont think people bought her tone of voice. Of they spoken to you about taking polygraphs . There was no question there were thousands of indicative these options. Susan smith that story was not truthful. Is at a big m is a big bad mistake . Absolutely but a lot of people have made some awful big bad mistakes, some people have killed people and are Walking Around free. Jussie smollett made a mistake but in his heart hes a truly good person. Sheryl lee ralph best known from dream girl, they will circle the wagons. Shannon bream and the fox news it 19 take it all from here. s attorneys are speaking out. Thank you so much. We begin with the fox news alert. Jussie smollett faces potential jail time as a prosecutor publicly lays out a sliver of evidence collected against him. He returns to the set of empire where he earns 100,000 an episode yet police say he staged a hoax about a bigoted attack because he was unhappy about his salary. Is new steam firing back tonight. We wil

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