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Sean master built has the butter ball turkey fryer. It is safe. It cooks twice as fast. The best, juiciest, most delicious turkey youve ever had in your life. And ill even make one on the air before thanksgiving if youre in new york. Laura i think its lovely that you invited Michael Avenatti to come. Thats a gesture only you could have thought of. Its very generous. Sean he should have done this for kavanaugh. He didnt. But i believe it across the board. These principles you are a lawyer. You know this. Too important. Laura i agree. All right, ill be waiting for my turkey next week. I am Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington. An important and fun show for you. Stay with us. Drama continuing, i cant believe we are still saying this, and florida. The Rick Scott Campaign is now charging Broward County election official brenda snipes with intentionally missing todays deadline because the results shows he had more votes. The latest updates in moments. My angle is going to tackle the latest with the aforementioned Michael Avenatti, not just the latest felony Assault Charges he faces but the complicity the left and the media share. What could possibly be controversial about President Trump posthumously awarded Elvis Presley the medal of freedom. Well the Washington Post found a way. And wait until you hear how. What happens when a doctor and a millennial who does vaping take on the latest fda push for regulations on the ecigarette market . Thats a cantmiss debate later in the show. But first, breaking news out of florida tonight. Unprecedented statewide hand recount underway following a fiveday machine recount of the more than 8 million votes cast in last weeks election. The secretary of state there ordered hand recounts in the senate race between bill nelson and his challenger republican governor rick scott. This isnt just in broward and palm beach counties. The order gives canvassing boards in every single one of the Sunshine State 67 counties three days to pore over thousands of ballots rejected by machine. For more on whats next we go to foxs phil keating live in beautiful rivera beach in florida tonight. Phil . Reporter same two florida counties and new election issue once again. Palm beach county where we are, they missed the states recount deadline. The only 1 of 67 counties to do so. Broward county got their results in two minutes too late, meaning five long days of hard recount work down the electoral drain. The machine recount shall republican rick scott gaining in votes and his lead over the original results. Scott leads by. 15 . Hand counters will go through all the problematic ballots which had under votes and over votes to see if that changes anything. Also in the closely watched governors race, the recount results stayed almost exactly the same with Republican Former congressman ron desantis leading tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum by. 41 . Still close but avoiding a hand recount. While Broward County celebrated after midnight when it completed recounting the ballots, todays election staffers uploaded its results to the state at 3 02 p. M. They were due at 3 00 sharp. The original numbers will be the ones made official. Not everybody was happy down there in broward and in the words tonight of a staffer i worked my ass off for nothing. Palm beach county failed to make the recount deadline, period. I will explain it to say that i believe strongly that it wasnt not a human effort. It was mechanical. We are required to present a report of the secretary of state and thats what im going to report. Reporter because of that, senator nelson has now filed a new lawsuit late this afternoon against Palm Beach County and the state. He wants all of Palm Beach Countys ballots, the entirety of it, recounted by hand. This new hand count of these under and overvotes due to the secretary of state by sunday. Laura . Laura thank you. Todays order for recount, more evidence of potential dirty tricks by democrats in florida. First, the naples news reporting earlier that Florida Democrats plan to use altered forms to fix mail ballots across the state after the imposed deadline. These altered forms were reported to federal prosecutors so that they could review the potential election fraud. Second, after u. S. Chief judge mark walker ruled thursday that voters should have until saturday to correct signatures on ballots, a win for senator nelson, fox news learned that karen d. Walker, the wife of the judge had previously donated to senator bill nelsons campaign. Shouldnt that have led to recusal . Joining me is pete dunbar, an election lawyer in florida. Overseeing many recount efforts. And harmeet dhillon, an attorney and rnc committee woman. I want to get to the issue of judge walker in a moment. But, pete, what can you tell us about these seeming dirty tricks from the florida dems with regard to these altered forms . Its nice to be with you. Weve been hearing rumors about this for the last couple days. I think it is now taken the appropriate course of action so it will be looked into. Ive been in the Florida Political arena now for about five decades. This is the first time weve seen something quite like this or the allegations quite like this from either of the two state parties. It is a bit troubling. But it will be processed appropriately. Ill also say that after the governorelect was confirmed today after the machine recounts, the waters here in florida are calming a bit. Laura its about time. No reason they should continue happening and florida, frankly anywhere, with modern technology. This shouldnt be that difficult if you follow the rules from the beginning through the process. Harmeet, i want to play this. About this twominute supposed missing the deadline late deal. Lets watch. In Broward County, whats amazing is that they finished the count 2 minutes late. They submitted their results two minutes late so they will not be counted. In that case, i mean, a law is a law or do you let it in . I understand. Laura youre not going to let it in, harmeet, if its going to help the republicans. In this case it was almost an 800 vote advantage for the governor. So thats why i think theres suspicion about it being a potential missing of the deadline. Laura when you keep hearing the refrain republicans are saying voter fraud, no voter fraud at all. This is just a process. Youre raising a red flag for no reason. How should we speak about this given these irregularities that have been reported and people like brenda snipes has become the poster girl for this type of corruption. It is fraud. First of all, rick politely referred to the fact that the Democratic Party in conjunction with officials of the Democratic Party actually sent out altered forms to several thousand voters in Broward County. Statewide. They did socalled chasing effort but they only sent them to democratic registered voters. Their only interesting and corrected the signatures for democrats, not republicans. And unfortunately, this judge, who seems to have a conflict went ahead and extended that deadline. Thats organized. It wasnt oneoff. Isnt a mistake. Thousands of ballots, thousands of forms going out with false information deceiving voters about their right to correct their ballots. Laura pete, what im concerned about in the hand recount, this effort to discern the intent of the voter. If the ballot is rejected by the machine because it was either i guess it could be an under vote. No, there was something on the ballot that was wrong . You spill your coffee on it . I dont know what it is. If it is not read easily by the machine, the attempt to say well, if you voted for desantis, you would have voted for nelson or if you voted for the democrat agriculture commission, how odd that you didnt vote for nelson. This is the kind of thing people look at and say maybe people dont want to vote for these people. Maybe thats why they didnt vote. I think youre right and i think, heres what happens. They will look to examine but its possible for the machine to reject ballots that might have a smudge on them. If you mailed in your ballot and you happen to fold over one of those items and it may not be the races that are in the close contests, the machine will kick it out and it needs to be examined. Now the canvassing board process in florida is pretty balanced and i think fair. It consists of a circuit judge or a judge, the supervisor of elections, the county commissioner. Both sides are allowed to be there and be present while the decision is being made and if they want to object to it, they can. But heres the other interesting point for what its worth. If you look at the volume of the universe of ballots that are now narrowed and what remains an issue, candidly, its not going to change the results. Much like we saw on the governors race, i would tell you that the results that were given on election night, i think in the governors race after 8. 2 million votes, the recount showed there was a onevote differential, and by the way, that went to the governorelect. I think were going to find the same process to be true. While there is the issue for the legal ballots when its all said and done. Laura this is when im concerned about. Harmeet, last comment. The republicans always seem to be outflanked by lawyers on the ground. The democrats are always ready for this. Were going to do this. Rick scott has his own money and he has a lot of money in his campaign coffers. He was smart to take this right to the court. Some of these other races across the country, the republicans didnt take the same approach. I would agree. Weve been caught flatfooted in many races where lawyers on the ground and that kind of aggressive effort could have changed things. Unfortunately that didnt happen so i hope they learned a lesson for 2020. Were really going to need to do that and have lawyers in every race. Every congressional candidate needs a lawyer on speed dial. Laura the rules have to be applied across the board. If you dont fill in your ballot right, guess what, its not a vote that should count. Only legal votes count. If you cant follow the rules and figure out how to fill in a bubble, sorry, no one should have to hold the ballot to the light and figure out how you voted. Its crazy. And the rules have to apply evenly to both sides. Laura thank you, harmeet and peter. Another big race that still has not been called. Georgia governors race. Republican brian kemp has 55,000 vote lead on democrat Stacey Abrams, but she refuses to concede, claiming racism. And shes claiming voter fraud. Trace gallaghers live in our west coast newsroom with that story tonight that hes been following. Trace . The campaign of brian kemp and Stacey Abrams, federal judge issued what appears to be a split decision to the benefit of the Abrams Campaign, the judge ruled that absentee ballots need to be reviewed and the ones previously rejected because of incorrect birth dates must be recounted. To the benefit of the Kemp Campaign, to be clear, the Abrams Campaign isnt hoping to pick up enough absentee votes to win back the election. Instead they are trying to extend the election. They believe by getting a 17,759 votes, that would bring brian camp below 50 and force a runoff on december 4th. The Kemp Campaign calls it impossible saying, quote, after all the thee act ricks, the math remains the same. Abrams lost on brian kemp won. Election is over. In in case the math doesnt add up, the abrams camp is on to accusing brian kemp of wrongdoing. Saying as georgias secretary of state and chief of elections he essentially cheated. Watch. Unequivocally we believe brian kemp mismanaged this election to sway it in his favor. Though the campaign offered no evidence which has not stopped democrats outside of georgia from also using the s word. Heres ohio senator Sherrod Brown. If Stacey Abrams doesnt win in georgia, they stole it. Its clear. Its clear. Its clear but again no evidence. Hillary clinton and new jersey senator cory booker also say without evidence the election was not fair. By the way, the deadline for all vote counts in georgia is november 20. Expect more lawsuits to fly well before that. Laura . Laura maybe we should extend it through the new year. Lets go all the way to 2020. Lets never end it. Trace, thanks so much for that report. Our next guest just wrote a terrific piece titled the real reason Stacey Abrams wont concede. Joining us now is someone who knows more than most about georgia politics, he writes a lot about it. Founder of the resurgent, eric erickson. Eric. Its great to have you hear tonight. You heard the report from trace. Youve been following this race really closely. Why was this so ugly from the start . And then, how did it get and why is it at the place now where she is trying to force this recount. Theres no way shes going to get there. Whats going on really . You have to go back to 2014. Stacey abrams claimed she could get elected by doing registration drives. She failed. Shes got to explain to her donors and keep democrats agitated. She wants to run against senator david perdue in two years. By keeping democrats enflamed she thinks she can move into a runoff in december. The secretary of states race isnt a runoff but theres a key point. The secretary of state in georgia plays no role in the election other than making sure the ballots are uniform so we dont have florida style problems. The secretary of state role doesnt become effective until after the election is over. Kemp resigned before playing that role. Every problem the democrats have highlighted are actually local Elections Officials most of them and democratic counties. Laura from the beginning they have been trying to push the narrative. With oprah, and the big rollout with oprah that if you dont vote you are betraying your ancestors past. Number two, the idea that brian kemp was cleaning up the voter rolls which i believe by law he is obligated to do that he is actively trying to suppress minority voting. Respond to that. Right. And you know, to some degree theres a question of whether or not minority voters decided not to vote because the Abrams Campaign was telling them its not going to count anyway because kemp is going to steal it. The Kemp Campaign, the secretary of state is required by law in oddnumbered roles to clean voter rolls of voters who havent voted in seven years. Democrats saying that there was voters taken off the rolls this year. Thats true but the secretary of state in georgia is prohibited from removing people from the rolls in election years. Those were local officials who were removing voters who have either died, been convicted of a felony. Those are the only people removed from the rolls this year. Laura why is Sherrod Brown and Kamala Harris getting involved . Kamala harris is running for president in 2020. So this is part of that effort, clearly. By why is Sherrod Brown . Im not making that connection. December 4th theres going to be a secretary of state runoff and the democrats have a chance of winning it. So theyre trying to keep the democrats enflamed and impassioned. This all goes back to a democrat strategy after 2000 in florida where they decided that key to winning was to win secretaries of state races because they presided over voter rolls. Theyve been making claims about brian kemp. When really thats what the democrats want to do. They want to win the secretary of States Office in georgia thinking that will help the democrat in 2020. Laura her campaign mentioned the secretary of state role today. Lets watch. I would like to remind everybody that his last official act as secretary of state was using that body as a taxpayerfunded arm of his campaign and issuing a press release that said i am the victor. The next day he is standing saying hes governorelect. We reject that. Laura im happy to have that loop play morning, noon, and night. That would be really good for the Republican Party in georgia. But your response to her . The math doesnt add up for her. There are no more votes outstanding. All the counties have reviewed even the absentee ballots now and there there are no more votes. She fell 17,795 votes short of getting in a runoff, let alone a recount. The results arent there. She will never be governor of georgia. Laura this is about more identity politics, trying to register more people to vote leading all the way to 2020. Eric, terrific piece. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. You wont want to miss this. Tonights angle tackles the media and the democrats Michael Avenatti problem. The angle after this. Michael Avenatti when heartburn hits. Fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum. Smoothies. Only from tums laura avenattis assault on democrats credibility is the focus of tonights angle. Since trump entered his run for the presidency in 2016, democrats and their media sycophants have been on an absolute mission to not just defeat him but to destroy him. And all those around him as well. They are also blinded by their hatred of all things trump so much so that they have hitched their political wagons to a cast of radical unsavory characters that looks like a reunion of the suicide squad. Enter Michael Avenatti. A two bit tax cheat and celebrity attorney reborn as crusading lawyer to porn star trump accuser Stormy Daniels. The president trusted mr. Cohen as his fixer for years. He trusted him with his innermost secrets and i think that the chickens are about to come home to roost. Laura they are coming home to roost, all right. As a battering ram against donald trump and later his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, avenatti was elevated by the left. The media couldnt get enough of avenatti. He went from huckster hardcharging lawyer to nationwide brand. His face was suddenly plastered all over tv. This profile from vanity fair is my personal favorite. There he is, the race car driving lawyer with a shaved head and well defined cheekbones who launched a thousand heart eye emojis. I dont think i can continue. The piece goes on to address some salacious rumors about his tan. I dont fake bake. He does moisturize twice a day but shuns complicated skin treatments. At one point last spring he was getting 100 to 125 interview requests a day. He was soon a featured guest at glittery events as well. Like mtvs video music awards. Maybe they confused him with the rapper pitbull. I see the similarity. The political and entertainment media, they worked overtime to showcase all things avenatti. Thank you very much. Whats right is right. You saw this coming. You are putting a lot of chips on what was going to happen with Michael Cohen and what it would mean for your case but today your stack is a little higher. A little higher. Michael avenatti, thank you very much. Avenatti has been getting fed information thats more true than not. What hes doing on tv, thats his business and the people that put him on. We are going to bring in a key player from all of this, Michael Avenatti, he sees it differently. Laura curiously neither cuomo nor don lemon covered avenattis arrest last night by the lapd on Domestic Abuse charges. Huh, wonder why. Last night Anderson Cooper did cover Michael Avenattis postprison press conference. I appreciate it. Thank you. Michael avenatti released from custody. We are going to continue the follow story. Tonight, theres more breaking news this time in the russian investigation. Potentially a development as we wait for new moves from special calls for mueller. That is next. Laura wait, wait, wait, i missed it. It was a driveby mention. Move on to the next topic now. Go, go, go. From weinstein to sharpton to farrakhan and now avenatti, the democrats have the pattern of aligning themselves with seedy figures even if it means betraying the democrats espoused values that would have actually advanced their cause. The democrats are more than happy to sell out basic principles of decency and fairness in their efforts to take down trump and frankly anyone connected to him. At least avenatti was forthright in his intentions. I believe that our party, the Democratic Party, must be a party that fights fire with fire. So i say when they go low, we hit harder. Laura isnt that what the woman is saying, that is accusing him . The dems shouldve seen the flameout coming. A mile away. Tried to cheat his law partner, out of millions in fees. A guy who was evicted from his own offices who was willing to cast his lot with a sad figure like daniels. A guy who stooped even lower to peddle julie swetnicks defamatory claims against kavanaugh. Avenatti was an arrest waiting to happen. In fact, last month, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley made a criminal referral to both avenatti and swetnick for making false statements to congress. This was a guy that the left seriously considered as a president ial contender for 2020. For months, clinton alum Adam Parkhomenko has been shuttling the lawyer, avenatti from Democratic Party event to Democratic Party event all over the country in order to familiarize avenatti with the parole process of running for the presidency. The vermont Democratic Party actually canceled avenattis appearance this weekend following his arrest. Well, in a twist of fate, the man who urged us to believe the women making wild decadesold allegations against kavanaugh now has a change of perspective. I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. I have been an advocate for womens rights my entire career and im going to continue to be an advocate. Im not going to be intimidated from stopping what im doing. Laura i have a question. Can you advocate for womens rights behind bars . I guess they do have desks set up in prison. How will democrats and liberal women who embrace this wouldbe trump slayer react to this . Hes innocent until Proven Guilty and i said that last night. But will cnn give even a fraction of the air time to his accuser as they did to his clients . Dont hold your breath. Thats the angle. When we return, reaction to my angle and a further examination of why the media so desperately wanted avenatti to be their golden boy. Later, what happens when a millennial vaping fanatic faces off with a doctor warning against the practice . This cantmiss debate later in the show. This cant missed debate later in the i owe Michael Avenatti an apology. Ive been saying enough already. Ive seen you everywhere. What do you have left to say . I was wrong, brother. You have a lot to say. Democrats could learn something from you. You are messing with trump a lot more than they are. Laura why didnt we use that for the angle . Thats the best one ever. Back now to tonights angle, avenattis assault on democrats credibility. I laid out my case. Nd lets see what the panel thinks. Wisconsin congressman sean duffy and attorney scott bolden. Scott, lets start with you. Avenatti was all about the women. Youve got to believe the women. The women. What does she have to gain . What do these women have to gain after Christine Blasey ford got a million bucks from go fund me . What does she have to gain . I think she had a lot to gain. But what does she have to gain . He is their lawyer and hes advocating on their behalf. Hes articulate, telegenic and hes fighting. Laura heck of a right hook. Its a joke. Come on. No, because hes innocent until Proven Guilty. And with him and his clients, the women, hes got witnesses, a complaining witness and corroboration. Laura and a criminal referral. That is politically driven. The republican chair of the Judiciary Committee referred it. Thats not going anywhere. An affidavit she signed. Laura you think people should be able to accuse men with impunity . She was mistaken but youre going to have to take it a long way to prove she lied. Laura are we waiting for Michael Avenattis two witnesses he claimed saw Brett Kavanaugh put grain alcohol in a punch bowl. I have witnesses. The Senate Judiciary committee would get to the truth. Probably wouldve talk to them. Laura even you cant defend this avenatti character. At this point. Character . Hes a lawyer. Isnt it interesting. Saying that we need the constitution and innocent until Proven Guilty but for republicans, guilty until proven innocent. I dont believe that either, but i believe avenatti has clients who have made accusations against the president and they have corroboration and they are listening. Laura cant relitigate kavanaugh. I am talking about Stormy Daniels. Swetnick and others. What i mean is they never did get corroboration because the Committee Never laura if you are going to defend julie swetnick. Shes a nightmare. Completely outrageous and false and kavanaugh, two words, life tenure. Lets talk about this, though. Where does this go for the democrats . They always complain republicans are willing to sell their souls for trump and they believe these things they didnt used to believe and for trump, i always believed in his views on trade and immigration. It doesnt apply to me, but they say that. But what about this . This guy is a piece of work. I would take the allegations from yesterday off the table, just his other behavior and all the other stuff hes been through and done. I think the guy is a scumbag. The three of us are lawyers, he gives lawyers a bad name. Here you have a guy, attractive man, wellspoken and willing to be a pit bull against donald trump and you will have every liberal network put him on tv to bash the president. Take down the Supreme Court nominee. When this story comes out, i thought it was fascinating what you played. Cnn talking about this story and then back to robert mueller. Back to russia. Laura four seconds. We all have to admit that was just so obvious. Get off the story now. We have elevated him for months. Now we cant report this. These are iowa voters, guys, reacting to a possible Michael Avenatti run for the presidency and they seem pretty excited. Lets watch. Would you potentially vote for Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti . I probably would. After nat y. Avenatti. I would lean that way. Laura that was in august. I dont think they will be doing those interviews anytime soon. Maybe, maybe not but politics and elections are about who you like. And voters vote for who they like regardless of their policies. Hes an attractive candidate. He has no political background or record, dont get me wrong and im not sure he could make it to the democratic primaries with so many other democrats running. But its an interesting story. But i dont think it has a lot of depth. Laura would you ever fail to pay your law partner like millions of dollars that your judge ruled a 10 million verdict against avenatti cheating on his law partner. Would you ever vote for someone whos been accused of groping 20 women . Gop voted for donald trump. Hes accused of lying on his taxes. Not you, but the gop voted for him. So why not avenatti . Im not a big fan of avenatti. Donald trump had an agenda. Michael avenatti is only antitrump. And that was the message of the democrat party. Listen, this is all they run on. Im antitrump. This is a hard argument im making. Laura hold on. Its an antitrump movement. And thats why laura it worked for some of these house seats. Democrats took it for some of the house seats. Maybe they think they can win the presidency with it. I dont think youve heard the last of Michael Avenatti. I said innocent until Proven Guilty last night and you cant believe someone just because they made an accusation even though he didnt give that same courtesy to other folks. He was probably set up. Dont say laura marion berry line. One final thing. Alexandria ocasiocortez has said she cant afford an apartment in d. C. I dont know what the congressional salary is. 174,000. Laura she cant afford an apartment. Whats unique is when i ran for congress i had six kipds and i said i struggled to pay my bills and the left went wild. Struggling sean duffy. Now alexandria ocasiocortez says she cant afford an apartment. Poor workingclass girl from the bronx. The coverage is outrageous. Laura how many people had much money . You go to craigslist. You have to live with a bunch of people like everybody else. When you work for congress, its spengive. Expensive, if you you dont work and you have six kids and your wife is not working and i had six kids and she had fix pairs of shoes. Laura lets be honest because sean earned a lot of money with the thing you did. Lumberjack sports. You won a lot of big prize money. D. C. Is an expensive town. We have stories of congressmen and one senator sleeping their office. Because they couldnt afford two places. What i dont understand about the media is whats the angle in making a big deal out of your challenge or our challenge . What does that mean . Laura because the Median Income in the United States is 51,000 and thats with three kids. She hasnt started her job yet. Before you start the job. Mine was before i started the job as well and i cant afford a nice Little Flower like that either. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness laura its a version of i had to walk to school 5 miles. How many bathrooms did you have growing up . Two. Two. 11 kids. Laura i had one. One. 11 kids. Look how well youre doing now. Six people in the house and one bathroom and we all survived somehow. Thank you so much, and what could possibly be controversial about President Trump posthumously awarding Elvis Presley the medal of freedom . Wait till you see the message the Washington Post says it sends. Stay there. This ones ridiculous. The washt sends. The prison man was sad they began to wail you should have heard them that jail bird sing lets rock laura greatest music video ever. Elvis presley, an american icon, adored by millions, has been selected by President Trump to receive the president ial medal of freedom tomorrow. While most would view him as a well deserving recipient, the Washington Post apparently could not help but take a shot at the president. Writing, quote, a little nod to the good old days, back when black vision airs could invet rock n roll but only a white man could become the king . Ridiculous . How unhinged have actually become going after elvis. Joining me now set to discuss it, Horace Cooper and jonathan harris. Jonathan, i mean, elvis is just cool, okay . I didnt like the 1972 elvis as much but that elvis was cool. He embraced black music. He wasnt trying to hide black music. The Washington Post, really, this is what youre going out . Im not a huge fan of elvis. Might be a generational thing. But im not a huge fan, myself. I think the optics look weird. Of all the people you could have picked, youre going to pick someone who many people feel at least, to some extent or another appropriated black music because it wouldnt be embraced by black artists that it was raised by a southern White America because of a white artist was doing it. Essentially black music. Why would you pick someone like that in 2018 with all the Racial Division that hes caused and he inherited as much as he caused and pick someone like that . Why . Laura was elvis a racist . No, i dont think elvis was a racist but the optics of what he represented was racism. Laura why send the message . He said we will take the south said we will take black music as long as it was packaged in a white guy. They wouldnt take it from the people laura i think that was a fact of a changing american society. I think you could probably make the argument that without elvis, you wouldnt have had other musicians, down the road, al green or even some of the gospel singers who went back even preelvis and became more popular postelvis because of the rise of that type of music. I think a lot of people were brought in the spotlight who wouldnt have come into the spotlight without that kind of meteoric rise. Horace, i mean, do you i do think this is actually now comedic that we are talking about elvis and the fact that this sends a racist message. Is it another dog whistle, horace . The left has jumped the shark. Laura that saying has jumped the shark but thats okay. This individual was so accomplished, he sold albums that blacks, whites, browns, america enjoyed. America celebrated. He was americas hero. And absolutely, he ought to be and its a real shame that people would look at his achievements and say, we want to hold that back because we think this is somehow a secret dog whistle for a racist agenda. Laura if the president had picked Michael Jackson who was called the king of pop. I was thinking donald trump and Michael Jackson were very close. He could have picked Something Like that. Philanthropist, no racial controversy. Why didnt barack obama pick him . Laura why didnt obama pick Michael Jackson . Theres a question about that. Why are you picking elvis . Hes been dead for at least a couple minutes. Why are you picking elvis . Laura there were a lot of people who are legends. He was the most influential. I dont think anyone can argue, the most influential person of the time in american music. It was music that was threatening to the new generation obviously, people thought it was a threat. They didnt like it. They didnt like his moves. I think you can argue as a liberal that elvis was really what ushered in obviously the beatles, the rolling stones, all the way down to the who. Little richard. They loved elvis. Little richard loved elvis. I think you could talk to him today. Millions of americans go to graceland. Its a ridiculous laura have you ever been to graceland . I have never been. Id like to go. Lets all go together. We could film it. Come on. It would be my first time. To bring up him as a divider when he actually united americans with music. Okay. Laura im going to turn you into an elvis fan. Im going to turn you into an elvis fan. Youre going whos your favorite . Michael jackson. Laura i love Michael Jackson. Im going to turn you on to elvis. Youre going to like elvis. When i play you the old gospel elvis. You will love it. Nancy pelosi has been thrilled with one figure that may be not as uniting as elvis and this is al sharpton. Lets watch. Thank you for helping take back america. People all over the place are calling me, writing, thank you for saving america. I give those thanks to you. Thank you for saving america. Reverend sharpton, thank you for saving america. Laura i think she said that four times in one clip. She was at that National Action network legislative policy conference. Its a Civil Rights Organization founded by sharpton. Did al sharpton save america . I may have missed that memo. He saved america from racial harmony. No. I will say no. Hes done a lot theres a lot of things that hes done that are problematic. Problematic . You are a trump supporter. We are not going to get into that. Hes done a lot of things that are problematic. Nancy pelosi is referring to the fact that hes done a lot to take on racism. Stop racism by causing racism. Laura we are going to vaping. I wish you could stay for this segment. We have a millennial vaping fanatic facing off against a doctor warning against it. Find out whats going on, next. N the disturbing trajectory of use we are seeing in youth and the resulting path to addiction must end. Laura ecig usage has raised 80 among High Schoolers and as a result the fda wants regulations, specifically with regard to flavors varietals, that helped propel an explosion in use among the young. Here now, two folks on opposite sides of the issue. And you go by the name tommy smokes because of videos like this. First thing im going to try, sick juul trick. You cant overdose on juul, can you . Laura thats pretty cool. All right, tommy, tell me why these flavors ecigs shouldnt be regulated. Im 22 years old. Im using them legally and honestly they are cool. You rip them. There is nothing cooler than blowing a fat cloud like that. They call me the colossus of cloud. I just it helps my swag. It helps my drip. I love walking around. Its really good for getting chicks. I started about a year ago. Laura yeah. Whats your favorite i have a question, you use your cell phone quite a bit . Yeah. Laura why dont you rig it up to your phone so you wont have the actual calories burned by grabbing your phone so you can vape and check email and text of the same time. You have it right off the side. That will be your invention. Im giving it to you. Like this. Laura yeah, right. You dont have to keep switching devices. Humor aside, doctor, what should we know about the use of these ecigarettes . Vaping . Wildly popular. Parents dont really know their kids are doing it. Whats the big deal . Its not like a cigarette, right . Just as harmful as cigarettes. Smoking causes more deaths than alcohol, drugs, guns, Car Accidents combined. The nicotine in cigarettes and in vaping products such as juul, highly addictive. It can cause brain developmental abnormalities in kids. Concentration problems, memory problems, problems with decisionmaking, anxiety, depression. It really can have a significant toll on children and its really important that we educate parents and educate students to stay away from smoking. Laura the argument from the big lobbying organizations pushing vaping is that you dont get the tar in your lungs that you get from a regular cigarette. It doesnt matter. You are inhaling propylene glycol, formaldehyde, traces of metals and chemicals which can cause upper respiratory tract infections. Asthma flare ups. Copd. It can allow you to have trouble breathing, be on oxygen tanks and put some people in the emergency room. Tommy over there is gasping for air. Laura tommy, you dont seem to be bothered at all by formaldehyde or any of the things. You love it. Look at how tommy, look at how he looks. He looks fantastic. 10, 20 years from now hes going to have trouble breathing. May develop chronic bronchitis. Im here for you, tommy, if you ever decide you want to quit. Laura tommy, did you Smoke Cigarettes before . Was this your way to get off . No, no cigarettes. Cigarettes are bad for you. I would never do anything thats bad for your lungs. I just stick to juul. Laura have you heard of wet lungs . What that is. No. So what is that . Laura wet lungs, doctor, explain it to us. We are finding a lot of juul usurers developing this syndrome called wet lung. Also known as popcorn lung which can cause scarring and inflammation in your lungs. People who start off using vaping products, its considered a gateway drug and can lead people to actually start smoking real cigarettes. That is a concern. No, popcorn is delicious. Im not worried about that. Laura what flavor do you use . Mango is my goto but i will blow whatever. Whatevers put in front of me. Laura they are regulating it now. The flavors are gone. You should go full on menthol cigarettes. The man cant stop me. Thats the other thing, they are targeting cigarettes to children, mango, hawaiian punch. Laura thats the problem. Tuttifrutti and cotton candy. We are going to check in with tommy smokes in about six years and see how hes doing. This was a fun segment. Stay there. About six years and see how hes doing. This was a fun seg. Time for the last bite. First lady milania trump is spreading her be best initiative. Are we using that one . We love milania but we have to do this. Kamala harris. Are you familiar with the perception of how power and discretion being used to enforce the laws and you see any parallels . I do not see any parallels. She is talking about parallels to the kkk. Ice, kkk, take that to 2020. That is a winning message. That is alltime we have to night. Im discombobulated from the fading segment. Shannon bream and the fox news at night team. I cant believe vapor is coming from under the door. Any potentially incriminating evidence, thank you. Welcome to fox news at night. 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