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Sean its misinformation and its fake news. We all know that, every minute, every second, every hour every day, every year. If we are not the destroytrump media. Thank you for being with us, let not your heart be troubled. Graham, big show. Laura hannity, you know what i was thinking . We should do our own Public Service announcement and we can film it and it would be fun. If you have tds lasting longer than five hours consult a physician. Trump derangement syndrome, right . Sean whatever you say is right. I didnt hear half of what you said. Laura tds. If you have it longer than five hours you should see a physicia physician. I never understood that commercial with the two tabs. Isnt that defeating the point, the two tubs . You are totally behind me today. I dont think you can keep up. Sean is not that im behind you, i cant really hear you. Laura hannity cant hear me, so why are we even talking . Im just going to do hand puppets. Sean you keep talking, im going to nod my head yes. Yes, laura. Laura good evening, welcome to washington, im laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. We have a huge shell lined up for you tonight. President trumps legal team firing back at special counsel bob muellers terms for that president ial interview. Boy, oh, boy. Trump attorney jay sekulow. He does join us with exclusive details and Mainstream Media breathlessly declaring last nights Election Results are a total wipeout for the president. But they may very soon regret that one. Plus, the Ninth Circuits runaway judges are added again with yet another attempt to dismantle our nations Justice System. We will tell you all about it, but first, the lefts effort to remake america, thats the focus of tonights angle. Every once in a while, leftists will slip up and tell us what they really think about america. In a recent interview, new yorks new Social Estate grown grapes that older democrats in congress arent doing more to support a new crop of progressive candidates. A lot of these folks were in their political heyday in the third way 90s politics. I think that politically this uppermiddleclass is probably more moderate, but that uppermiddleclass doesnt exist anymore in america. Their heyday was in the 90s when people tell my kids had like furbis and soccer moms had like two vans and stuff. Thats not america anymore laura thats not america anymore. She said like seven times. Five times in two sentences, Something Like that. I was almost running out of fingers. As if she knows all of america from her loft in queens. Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level. Ruled in favor of his Cities Sanctuary Status . A Sanctuary City yes laura oh, my gosh, what an embarrassment. At this point i would hope the voters in philadelphia would see the light and send mayor james kenney packing. Hes a disgrace. If only such heartbreaking stories were isolated events, they are not. Last weekend in Colorado Springs a Police Officer was critically injured. He was shot by an iraqi refugee allowed into the u. S. Under president obama. He had been ordered deported after a Felony Trespassing Probation Violation only to be released by a judge who cited changes in the law. It was beyond tragic. A predator but sent her daughter with him anyway because the mother was promised ultimately later on a job. Who are these people . Really smart. Mother of the year award there. Who is going to make the argument that this horror, abused and brutalized girl wouldnt have been safer in u. S. Detention than with a rapist . And On My Radio Show today i received this call from travis from nevada who told his own personal law at the hands, again of an illegal alien. My brother in april was killed by an illegal alien while he and his son and his girlfriend were out on a planned bike ride. Son is nine years old and doing 60 miles an hour on a side street and hit him on his bicycle. The District Attorney said he this is a sure way over time to remake and reshape america. This is exactly what socialists like ocasiocortez want. Eventually diluting and overwhelming your vote with the votes of others who arent, lets face it, too big on adam smith and the federalist papers. As for those minivandriving women from the 1990s, well, news flash, alexandria, most of them are still alive and they vote. And ive met him i bet most of them dont like the lawlessness at the border and the crime it brings into our country. I have to believe that most american women are smarter than to fall into the socialism open borders trap. Its clear that we need a reset on the entire issue of immigration. Illegal and legal. Its time that the president gives a formal address to the nation, preferably one from the oval office. He should lay out his agenda and the cost to the nation of not pursuing it. As he said before, meritbased, Legal Immigration is fantastic, but what we have now is a complete farce and we are all paying for it, some, as you saw with those examples, more than others. The president can be so persuasive, so give us the whole truth, mr. President , the good, the bad, and yes, the uncomfortable. This is a National Emergency and he must demand that congress act now. There is something slipping away in this country and its not about race or ethnicity. Its what was once a common understanding by both parties that american citizenship is a privilege and one that at a minimum requires respect for the rule of law and loyalty to our constitution. And thats the angle. Joining us now with reaction, im so happy she is with us on set, judge pirro, host of justice right here on fnc and author of the huge best seller liars, leakers and liberals the case against the antitrump conspiracy. Along with immigration attorney francisco hernandez. Its great to see both of you. Judge, i think this is a national crisis. We are at a crisis point in this country on this issue and i think you could make the argument that america is changing. It is changing. Its right. Shes absolutely right. You listen to her and you say what planet is she from . Just to talk about ocasiocortez herself, this is a young woman who actually grew up in westchester county, went to school in West Chancery company, one of the affluent suburbs in the country. But more importantly when you talk about the emergency, obama started this. When obama said that he was going to change the demographics of this country by allowing refugees opening up the border we believe that we will have leverage when we win in november. And why thats important, because it gives leverage to every family, to every mom who courageously brought her child across the desert to escape death, rape, Gang Violence and arrest. Laura francisco, do you think the democrats or any politicians, take democrats thats below say there that they should be advocating on behalf of people who are actively trying to break our laws saying if you vote for me we will give leverage to them . Ive never heard of anything like that. Ive heard a lot but i havent heard anything like that before. Im not here to defend pelosi or President Trump or obama or president bush. This is all a big myth and you stated just a few minutes ago its time to push the reset button. But by planting a seed of truth in harvesting and orchid of decedent like the judge just did, what you are doing is you are scaring everybody into thinking that the sky is falling. If we immigration reform. You and i have argued from different perspectives for the same thing for years, mrs. Ingram. Laura you can call me laura. Francisco, i adore you. Francisco and i dont agree on everything. You can call me laura. Im just laura. I will try but we are in texas, texas manners. Laura this is happening under President Trump because i think they know the kind of have us with this Catch And Release thing. So just in the yuma sector of arizona, i know you know where that is, we all do. 120 in yuma, arizona, of unaccompanied minors, 4,500 unaccompanied minors, seven years ago that figure was 98 families and 222 unaccompanied minors. And if thats not a crisis i dont know what is. So what changed . Just about six months ago President Trump was telling us on national tv that the immigration issue, ilLegal Immigration was down records, that the problem was in essence salt and when he Couldnt Get Congress to act on daca. We can keep on chasing our tails like we have been for about 20 or 22 years, or we can get down and do something about it. Laura, you and i have plenty of Common Ground and we just cant scare the population into paralysis by indecision, which is what we have. Let me ask you a question, when you say you cant scare the population, heres the bottom line. If you want asylum you go to a port of entry, you ask for asylum. If you want to come to america and you get in line like everybody else. What is wrong with that . Nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. Laura we are not doing that. Except there is no line. Laura yes there is there is no line for these people to come here. Laura contrary to what the ninth Circuit Court of appeals is getting at, we will get to this later on, you dont have an international right to come to america. I dont know where people get this idea that you have some universal, some type of Global Constitutional Right to come into the country or get in the line. You dont have the right. We get to determine who comes in this country. What we need to allow people to come here. Lets just make the requirement requirements. How about you follow the law . There is no log right now. Illegals are not a protected clan. Laura they will be if ocasiocortez gets it. They are not a protected class. Why did they keep crossing the border . Laura we know why. They are fleeing corrupt governments. Then, under asylum. Swear allegiance to the country. You and i have agreed on that before, the asylum laws they pass a law. If i could, i would. Laura i think that there are corrupt governments all over the globe. Thats hundreds of millions of people who would want to come into the United States. If you open up the Cradle Fear Dome a credible fear, Social Status to everyone who fears crime, which is what a lot of people like ocasiocortez want to do, thats what she wants to do, open it up to include anyone who lives in fear. You better get ready for hundreds of millions of people to get in the line you want to create. Thats the problem. Then we wouldnt be here. Do we even know how many are here . It you just set of millions. You are talking about the law. Lets change it. It lets sit down at the table. Why dont you just follow the law . Laura the president needs to address this from the oval and they should become a flash point now, not after the midterms. This is a critical issue for the country and it is the number one issue on the last ball that was done. It was even higher than the economy, which is unbelievable. Fantastic conversation, its always great to see you, francisco. Thank you so much grated thank you, laura. Laura the president s legal Team Delivers the response to bob mueller and the request for a president ial interview. Jay sekulow joins us with the new details next. Laura its one of the big looming questions of the russia probe, will President Trump sit down for an interview with bob mueller . The president s legal team gave its highly anticipated response to the special counsel today. Fox news chief National Correspondent ed henry joins us now with details. Good to see you, the president s legal team tonight seems to be sending to cochlear messages to the special counsel. They are willing to work with him on a potential interview with the president but they believe it is basically put up or shut up time in terms of bringing this probe to some kind of a conclusion as part of a deal to get testimony from the president. Rudy giuliani declaring this a short time ago with sean hannit sean hannity, that this is muellers last best chance to get a oneonone with the president and pushing for the special counsel to wrap this up by september 1st. That may seem like a stretch at this point but the fact is earlier this year mueller privately indicated that the bulk of his work might be done by the summer, so it would not unfairly overshadow the midterm elections. Way back in april the Washington Post Reporting Mueller indicating to the president s legal team he would release a report on obstruction by june or july. That said, the deadline clearly came and went. If the at the time was that mueller wanted an interview with the president before concluding that part of the probe but even if he subpoenas the president to testify, as you heard from the former Deputy Independent Counsel Sol Wisenberg last night it would take mueller a long time to try to enforce the subpoena and theres no guarantee he will win before the Supreme Court. If theres a reason bob mueller has put up with this dance for so long and i think a lot of people dont understand it. Mueller does not have the right to even litigate executive privilege. If the first thing President Trump is going to say is im your boss, you cant even be in court. He probably cant win if he goes to court. The president s attorneys obviously know that. Thats why mueller seems to have preferred to try to get a voluntary interview. Its also one of the reasons why the lawyers continued today to try to take a hard line in narrowing the focus of the potential questions from mueller dealing with obstruction and other matters because they have consistently said the president has vast Executive Power to hire and fire officials like former fbi director james comey. Laura thanks so much. Joining us exclusively now with reaction is jay sekulow. An attorney for President Trumps legal team. Thanks for being with us tonight. Hey, laura. Laura where are we now on this exactly . You gave your response, you are waiting for a response. How long do you anticipate the response taken from muellers team . I dont give dates. This is an investigation that at the outset has been corrupt. Theres no question about that. It continues every single day there seems to be a new revelation. So im not going to give a date. I think it needs to end very soon and it needs to end very soon because the nature of whats taking place here is a like euro and thats being kind. When i say irregular, look at how this started. It starts with the dossier from a foreign spy basically, Christopher Steele. He was an Intelligence Officer from great britain. He puts together this dossier on behalf of who . Fusion gps and the dnc. Okay. Another interesting fact and now we are getting a lot more information on that. Bruce ohr twice is working for fusion gps with Christopher Steele putting together this dossier. Thats how this investigation commenced. So as you know in the law there is the doctrine of the fruit of the poisonous tree and i think anything Going Forward here has to keep all of that in context and in mind before we agree to do anything. And right now the fact is, and ive said this and rudy has said it and other lawyers that have commented have said it. If you lined up 100 lawyers, there are 100 who will say dont sit for an interview and theres a reason for that. Not just the Perjury Issue but the fact that you would ask questions potential of the president regarding article two powers, you are a constitutional lawyer. The answer to that is no. Laura they want more information, more documents. That would be a big fight. Daniel goldman, former assistant u. S. Attorney in the Southern District commented on the concern that he says your team has about putting the president under question. Lets watch. They are absolutely right to be concerned that if the president were to go into an interview with incredibly wellprepared prosecutors who have not just the president s tweets and his own statements, but as Rudy Giuliani correctly pointed out, millions of documents, testimony from dozens of witnesses. They know the back story much better than any of us sitting here know it. And when they question donald trump he would lie within the first 30 seconds. Laura thats being repeated. Can i respond to his statement . Let me tell you something, where do you think the special counsel received the millions of documents and the witness interviews . Because this president , unlike others, has decided that he would be completely transparent in the process. Laura you dont know everything they have. Obviously. Of course not. Laura thats one of the pitfalls. I wouldnt put my client in this position to walk into a perjury trap with obstruction of justice, but why would you even give them a narrow opening on obstruction . Is it because some lawyers are saying you know they will say no . Because they are not going to want to be limited in their questioning on the obstruction angle, whatever perverse angle they have. Ive said this, ive been saying this for a year, i will say it again. My thoughts in my view of the constitution is they dont have the right to ask any of these questions. Thats supported not only by case law in the d. C. Circuit but also by the structure of the constitution itself. I can assure you this tonight, this legal team is not walking this president to a perjury trap, its not going to happen. If theres any type of energy. Whether its written or otherwise it will be the appropriate type of response. We are not letting the president walk into a perjury trap. This investigation from its outset, who would allow that in light of everything that has transpired and continues to transpire . Im not going to disclose the contents. You just dont like you understand im not going to disclose, but needless to say we didnt accept their offer. Laura do you think its possible to get a fair two hours of questioning knowing what you know now with the new revelations about the makeup of the Justice Department, bruce ohr, the new revelations about Christopher Steele, do you think you could get two or three hours of reasonable but tough questions from the special counsel . Heres my response to that. Im not inclined to believe at this point in the nature and scope for this investigation is that there is such a thing as a fair shake. Thats not to say that something couldnt be arranged, but i can tell you this, my inclination on speaking here as a lawyer to the president , i can also speak for our legal team. Go back to the perjury trap. It is not going to happen. Thus, the question is, could they structure a series of questions that the president should answer under article two of the constitution and i think the hurtle on that is very high for them and they havent established it at this point. Laura if you are debriefed or a legal team, emmet flood, has this artie been briefed in the event that this does go to court . Youve known me for a long time. I dont just deal with a plan a to plan b. So the issue, which you are pointing to, if there was an issuance of a subpoena, a serious question and i do not think the Justice Department has the authority in this case and would authorize it because bob mueller is not an independent counsel, he cant do that himself. Are we ready to go to court if we had to . You bet. Do i think we are going to have to . I dont think so. If we do what we will do it. You have to protect this president , but the presidency. Thats whats at stake here. Could you imagine every u. S. Attorney that had an issue with the president of the United States could issue a subpoena for that president to testify . The founders knew that wouldnt work and thats why they structured three branches of government and separation of powers. Laura thanks so much for joining us today. We appreciate it. And in a somewhat related to her and we have breaking reporting, i just refer to it, some nefarious ties between the british spy Christopher Steele, fusion gpss Glenn Simpson and the Justice Department, that official bruce ohr. Byron will update us on all of these important developments, stay there. At bayer, our roots run deep. So chances are, youve seen us around the house. Or. Around the yard. On the shelf. Or even. Out in the field. Your mom knew she could always count on us. And your grandma did too. Because for over 150 years, weve been right by your side. Advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. So, from all of us at bayer. Thank you for trusting in us. Then. And now. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. 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We are trying to find out about the origins of the dossier, long search and what we found out through some new emails that have been released is that the dossiers author, Christopher Steele, the former british spy was in touch with an official at the Justice Department, bruce ohr a lot earlier than we thought. If they were exchanging emails in january of 2016. And what was interesting here is that steele was writing to bruce ohr at the Justice Department and he was talking about a Russian Oligarch and he had been involved with Paul Manafort and the 2000s. Laura hes suing. He doesnt think what happened to manaforts fair. They both claim the other one was stealing from the other. His visa was revoked because of suspicion that he was involved in organized russian crime. Laura the details were never clarinet either. It appears that Christopher Steele when his writing these emails is kind of lobbying for him saying he wants to come back to the United States for a meeting and it looks like its going to get a visa and thats a really good thing because we are hearing hes not really a tool of the kremlin. It was like he was lobbying on his behalf. Your thinking what in the world is going on here . And then these conversations kind of morphed at midyear 2016 into a dossier conversation. Laura are you saying you think only dara pasta has something to do with the dossie dossier . Maybe he can have two conversations going on. If its entirely possible. When mark warner, the democratic leader on the into the Senate Intelligence committee wanted to get in touch with Christopher Steele he went to the publicist excuse me, the lobbyist who worked for both. Its an odd situation. Then, at midyear 2016, Christopher Steele says to bruce ohr. We need to talk. We need to talk about some other business but i specifically want to discuss with you informally and separately and it concerns our favorite Business Tycoon and now most people who have read this believe thats donald trump because thats just a few days before Christopher Steele actually tells the fbi, gives them the first installment of his dossier, that famous Moscow Hotel Room scene. Laura sodas that get us further down the road to determining the original providence of the dossier, who contributed to it . It gets us further down the road to who in the Justice Department and government knew about it. Laura we still dont know the details of that, which is unbelievable after all this time. They dont want anyone to know the details. Even if you are in congress and have subpoena power. Laura theres a reason they wont give us information. Fascinating stuff, thank you so much for that report tonight. Also tonight, winning win isnt really a win. All five candidates President Trump endorsed won. It was closer than expected, no doubt. Ohios 12th District has immediate tongues wagging. Republicans are scared tonight, theres no question about that. Democrats i think are no heavy favorites to take control of the house. I think the question is really they have a night like this like they did in ohio, they could win 4060 seats. However this ultimately turns out i think its safe to say tonight that democrats should begin having a conversation about who they want to be speaker of the house. Laura oh, my goodness. Its time to pick speaker already. There are some troubling signs for the g. O. P. But have they learned nothing, these analysts, from 2016 . Ari fleischer is a former Press Secretary for president bush. Doug schoen is a democratic strategist. Great to have all of you on. Lets start with you, ari. It is amazing. Chuck todd was out there today saying this could be like 50 seats for the democrats in the house. I have no idea whats going to happen, but thats quite a leap from the events of last night. I think there are two things we know. Nine special elections, eight of them the democrats fell short. Eight brides who didnt quite make it to the altar. But there is a fact and you have to be realistic as a republican, the Voter Turnout is high on the democratic side. In ohio, just looking at the numbers, previous president ial year, 2016, the democrat who ran got 112,000 votes. Last night the democratic candidate Danny Oconnor got 100,000. 90 of the previous president ial turnout showed up in the special. On the republican side, only 40 showed up in the special. The democrats have a lot of Voter Enthusiasm that is turning out against donald trump, and thats a fact. Laura dug, another story of course, the socialists were pretty much rejected in the midwest. Ocasiocortez, she thought she artie had the magic wand and she was running around endorsing people and getting the nod to people and most of those folks lost. Thats good news for the democrats. Because we really do not want these leftwing socialist candidates running as the party standardbearer. If we dont need ocasiocortez making endorsements, and the woe her candidates do the better we do. I would add to what ari said, i agree with him, the suburbs are a huge huge problem for the republicans and in Washington State there are three seats now in play that arguably werent in play before yesterday. Im not going to go as far and say its 5060 seats, but as a betting man and a prudent democrat who tries to be objective, i think the democrats are oddson favorites to win the house and probably get 30, 35 seats if i had to bet as of today. But much can change. That is certainly politics. Laura ari, if you had to give the president some advice for some of the more important republicans on the National Level who will be out campaigning, what would it be on focus, On The Issues that you should focus on . I have my own theory here but im curious about yours. Lets put doomsday in context first. Republicans will gain seats in the senate. They will probably pick up 13 seats in the senate. For all the headwinds in the south theres Countervailing Headwinds in the senate. Tone it down a notch or three so hes not always picking these fights that said a lot of were suburban women that theres something morally suspect about donald trump. Turn it down just enough. I think that he could energize the base without antagonizing a lot of the socalled moderates that republicans still have to count on to win. That to me is the key. But i will also add one other thing. Special elections are a breed apart. 21 special elections when president obama ran and each of those democrats underperformed obamas numbers by 7. 9 points. Under President Trump republicans are underperforming by 8. 5 points. Laura hes popular in that district. Peace, prosperity, happy warrior, there is this investigation going on in all the intrigue that youve done all this investigation on, but trump the campaigner, happy warrior, cracking jokes, the country is coming back, roaring manufacturing. I think women like that message. They dont mind the tough guy, but they want The Pursuit Of Happiness part i think. Theres no doubt it works with his base and what ari was saying is if trumka just round out a few of the sharp edges, it doesnt happen. Laura hes not going to do that. Hes not going to do it but there is a question. We know republican strategists who are trying to keep the house are looking at some of these suburban districts. If they are worried about the president s job Approval Rating among people who may be voted for barack obama and switched over to donald trump, maybe they are not fully on. Laura maybe they should start passing more of his legislation and protect the country from what we can talk about early on. Fantastic conversation, thank you so much. And as a mexican killed on mexican soil by the u. S. Patrol agent protected by the u. S. Constitution . The ninth Circuit Court of appeals just rolled yes. We are going to ask a border agent what he thinks thats going to do to morale and whether that will deter agents from actually doing their job next. To lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. Tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. woman wed been counting down to his retirement. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his High Blood Sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for low blood sugar. 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I think we might have a picture of him, he wrote the majority opinion. A George Hw Appointee to the court. He said the decision to allow noncitizens to sue, theres the judge, will not deter border agents in their duty because you dont have a right or a duty to shoot someone through the fence for doing nothing because he had to accept the facts as they were as determined by the District Court so he allows the suit to go forward. What effect might this have humanity you know this deal on agents in the field . You look at the case itself and understand that the decision was based on they are bound to look at just the allegations that were done in the civil complaints and they have to assume that those allegations are true. If you look at it that way, you understand more or less why his decision was made. Ive read the majority of those pages and i can tell you that this individual was not just a teenager that was walking and strolling through the sidewalk headed home. We are talking about a criminal. Thats who it was. Ive seen the video. Theyve shown the video, Lonnie Schwartz went to court, the jury said that he was not guilty of murder and now they are just beating a dead horse and they want to go after him and they want to make sure if somebody has got to be guilty. At the reality is, where are the guilty people . Its the drug dealers that are on the mexican side. If the drug dealers that were bringing drugs into our country. Thats where they need to look for guilt. Laura but they are retrying the border agent. They are retrying the border agent for i guess its manslaughter. Art, i want to go to you on this. Theres a Circuit Split and im trying to be the log he care but the fifth Circuit Court of appeals ruled no, you do not as a noncitizen have a constitutional right to bring action in Federal Court against a federal agent. You can imagine where this is going to go, noncitizens are going to be able to sue for denial of, i dont know, a sightly status, refugee status, h1b visa. If you have a right to sue in Federal Court in this kind of theory, i think anything goes. This is obviously going to go to the Supreme Court. Your take on this as you know the facts to be . Theres plainly a Circuit Split between the fifth circuit and the Ninth Circuit as you say. The Ninth Circuit erred and recognized and applied right of action for damages for alleged constitutional violations by a Border Patrol agent for a number of reasons. First and foremost of which is that it interferes with the political branchs jurisdiction of not only the national security, but also the Foreign Relations of the United States. In addition, the court has acted where the congress has refused to act, To Grant Damages to aliens injured by federal agents abroad. Quite frankly, this cant stand it if it stands in this case, very strong, very straightforward and quite frankly correct. Laura i want to read part of the dissent by george smith, appointed by george w. Bush in 2006. He wrote by Creating An Extraterritorial meaning you qualified immunity is breached, the majority veers into uncharted territory, ignores Supreme Court law and upsets separation of powers between the judiciary and the political branches of government. That is what art just referred to. And there you go. Its a separation of powers point and also citing Supreme Court precedent on this. Judge kleinfeld said this was a Fourth Amendment this is a Fourth Amendment claim. You are depriving someone its a seizure claim, art, and the fact of this case will be disputed when the suit goes forward, but again, i think this opens up federal agents, Border Patrol agents, i. C. E. Agents to a world of hurt and trouble in Federal Court if this kind of action is deemed to be able to go forward and the Supreme Court doesnt do the right thing. This is how ridiculous this case is. Its something thats being pushed here in the Tucson Sector. At the Tucson Sector is responsible for close to 50 of all the drugs that are seized in the country and with this message is doing to these agents is its telling them that its okay to be a smuggler, its okay to attack our federal agents and you have a way to sue us if we defend ourselves. Thats the reality of what this case is being pushed out. Laura judge kleinfeld just dismissed that in the majority. He said holding them liable for the constitutional violation would not meaning we deter Border Patrol agents from performing their duty because hes a big expert i guess in Border Patrol duties. Its ridiculous. Thanks so much, guys. I would like to know what Academy Class to graduate in the Border Patrol . Laura the ninth Circuit Court of appeals of judicial activism branch. Thats what he focused on. Thanks so much. In the left loves to claim is the champion of innercity communities and Prison Reform, so why is the reality proving to be just the opposite . Coming up. Bass pro shops and cabelas bring you the fall hunting classic with huge savings. Like this Cuddeback Black Flash game camera for only 75. And these keen mens waterproof hiking boots for under 90. Claim. Instead of offering reform, they offer rhetoric, poisonous rhetoric like this from Elizabeth Warren last friday. Sorry, the hard truth about our criminal Justice System, its racist from front to back. That will move the debate forward, fantastic. She doesnt want Prison Reform, she wants the whole thing reexamined back to who gets arrested, when they get arrested, how they get arrested because the whole thing is obviously corrupt and racist at its core. And remember back in may when President Trump and house republicans, remember when they were pushing for Prison Reform . Senate democrats actually sunk it just to avoid giving the president a win. You have to ask yourself now, who is really serious about Fixing Problems in communities . The democrats have essentially taken for granted for years. Joining me now civil rights attorney brian watkins. Its great to have you on. Michelle was going to be here to debate here but her Satellite Feed went down so lucky you, you have me. Lucky me. Laura i think the president is really committed to this idea of Prison Reform and they are going to i think ill tackle that as well. Lets go back and listen to what the president said on the subject earlier this year. Twothirds of the 650,000 people released from prison each year are arrested again within three years. We can help break this vicious cycle through job training, very important, job training. Mentoring and drug addiction treatment. We will be very tough on crime but we will provide a letter of opportunity for the future. Laura brian, then we get the pushback from the democrats, you probably saw it, trumps push for Prison Reform faces opposition from democrats. Whats going on here . I thought the democrats were the ones who really cared . They do. And we would be supportive if prompted actually what he says hes going to do with putting reform and put job programs in there and help educate a lot of the kids in the inner city so they dont have to see a prison cell. That would be great, but the problem is theres rhetoric on both sides. Donald trump talks a lot but he has yet to do anything about it. Laura for president form of microform you have to have democrats in Congress Actually agree to work with him on this. Hes not going to be able to hes not going to be able to wave a magic wand and get this done on his own. This is a congressional push. They talked about this for years. Now you have a president who actually wants to do it. They brought in faith leaders, they are bringing in folks from the Business Community and they want to get this done. So are you saying that democrats with this president despite what Elizabeth Warren is saying, that they will actually work with people like jared kushner, who is also spearheading this effort . Will they do it . Hopefully. Its what Elizabeth Warren was saying, theres racism in the criminal Justice System. Step one is recognizing that fact, that there is in fact racism in the criminal Justice System. Laura is black on black crime for instance right now in chicago a bigger problem for the community than just the racism that you claim is in the criminal Justice System . Its both. Both are problems. I understand the problems in chicago. The number one way to stop gun violence in chicago is to stop pulling the trigger of a gun. He wont have any shootings if you do that, i understand that but theres a bigger systematic problem we also have to address and we dont recognize that theres racism in the criminal Justice System. Laura you can do criminal reform and have the other conversation. We are going to have you back with michelle in a longer conversation. I get it all the time. Have you lost weight . Of course i have ever since i started renting from national. Because national lets me lose the wait at the counter. And choose any car in the aisle. And i dont wait when i return, thanks to drop go. At national, i can lose the wait. And keep it off. Looking good, patrick. I know. vo go national. Go like a pro. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist

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