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Surprise. Excellent. Sean you do know, but you forgot. All right. Laura talk to you later. Good evening from washington, im laura ingraham, this is the ingraham angle. Welcome back on a very busy monday. An increasingly violent strain of the radical left lashing out over the past few days. We are going to show you some of the shocking videos involving a marine Recruiting Station and a lot more, plus, an unbelievable story. Its a heartbreaker and infuriating out of new mexico involving a Child Abduction Ring and radical muslim extremists. Yes, in the United States of america. Unbelievable. A story you will not want to mess later in this hour, but first, bullets and blame. Another weekend in chicago. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Chicago just recorded its deadliest weekend of the year with 66 shots and 12 killed in just a 63 hour period, including a boy riding his bike and a 14yearold and 217yearold girls just standing on the sidewalk. We have a heavy heart. Our souls are burdened. What happened this weekend did not happen in every neighborhood in chicago, but it is unacceptable to happen in any neighborhood of chicago. Laura so far this year, 1785 have been shot in chicago and 318 killed. Believe it or not, shootings are actually down 30 from 2017 and murders are down 25 , but still those figures are well above what chicago experienced earlier in the decade. In 2011 when democratic mayor rahm emanuel was elected, there were 436 murders in chicago. By 2016 that number had ballooned to 771, a 77 increase and while 2017 was down from the high watermark it still saw a devastating 650 slain. As you might imagine there is enormous political pressure now on rahm emanuel to offer solutions to this heartbreaking cycle. Its about time. With that election just months away, he responded today sounding more like home sold in an obama liberal. Can talk about the weather come up with the weather didnt pull the trigger. You can talk about jobs, and they count, but in parts of the city where there arent drops, people did not pull the trigger. There are too many guns on the street, too many people with criminal records on the street and there is a shortage of values about what is right and what is wrong. What is acceptable, what is condoned and what is condemned. Laura i cant believe im saying this, but on that, hes right. Of course policing and Economic Opportunity matter. They matter quite a bit, but are those the factors that are definitive . Of course not. In 2017, the victims of homicide in chicago were 76 africanamerican. A disproportionate number of the assailants arrested were also black, primarily male. So whats the cause . If you ask a leftist or the intellectuals who dominate our universities, they will blame crime on institutional racism or maybe poverty, but as Economist Tom Soul wrote just a few years ago after the ferguson riots, you cannot take any people of any color and exempt them from the requirements of civilization without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large. Murder rates of among black males were going down, repeat, down during the much lamented 1950s while it went up after the much celebrated 1960s, reaching levels more than double what they had been before. Most black children were raised in twoparent families prior to the 1960s, but today the great majority of black children are raised in one parent families. To put it a little bit more specifically, in 1950, 70 of black children lived in singleparent households. At that point, black Labor Participation rates exceeded that of whites. But today, 70 of black children live in one parent households and that number is pretty much reversed. Moms do their best of course and they are heroic, but especially in dangerous areas, boys without fathers or male role models often get hooked in with really bad people. Remember this video from baltimore, a mother urging her child very aggressively during the freddie gray riots. [inaudible] laura thats actually a mothers love. Maybe she used a fourletter word but she could have saved his life that day. Remember barack obama as My Brothers Keeper initiative. It was launched in 2014 and it started out as a way to assist at risk boys mostly of color. In the first year he raised 300 million in corporate donations to help get young men jobs through mentoring and other work fairs, work projects. No real measure yet of the programs real impact, but to the extent that it stresses hard work and personal Laura Ingraham shines a spotlight on everyday Americans and examines how their lives are affected by politics at the federal, state and local level. Didnt do the trick, great idea. I dont doubt that young People Living in englewood of the West Garfield Park neighborhood of chicago can feel really hopeless and even distrustful against the police, but the real problem isnt aggressive policing, the real problem are gangs with memberships that have become generational. Young boys without fathers or any male role models, anyone who cares about them who is a male are too often sucked into the cults of criminality. Rudy giuliani, the former mayor of new york who knows a thing or two about cleaning up the city thinks its time to show the man the door tweeting chicago murders are direct results of one Party Democratic world for decades. Policing, genius, he can do for chicago what i did for new york city. He was one of the architects, it slashed homicide over 70 , tens of thousands of lives saved. If its true that citizens most affected seem to be growing very weary of the manuals political dance. Rahm emanuel, first of all, is a con man. His whole job is to keep black folks divided. He doesnt care about anybody but the people in his neighborhood and his family. Laura obamas protege, its been building for many reasons. The schools, the crime now and remember how proud he was about this. Chicago was a Sanctuary City before anybody knew what Sanctuary City meant. This ordinance that we are defending is consistent with that value system. And not only gives honor and import to our past, actually shines a bright light to the future that we have together as a city. Laura thats not going over so well on the south side. False and its a slanderous and defamatory charge meant to deflect attention from liberals own abject failures in leading urban america. Trumps booming economy is benefiting africanamericans and latinos and allamericans who wish to better themselves. The one thing we do know, racial hucksters do not have the answers to prevent another weekend just like we saw in chicago. Thats the angle. Gianno caldwell, fox news political analyst and chicago native who conducted those illuminating interviews you just saw with the chicago resident. Illinois state rep sean ford and peter, a former Chicago Police sergeant. Great to have all of you with us. I just want to say to you first, i think what you did was so important in talking to the people who live in the most dangerous parts of chicago. You didnt go up to the fancy neighborhoods, you went to where the people are, so congratulations and thank you for doing that report. It was really important. Give me the sense from what you experience, and you experienced a lot growing up, you are from the area. Are they blaming any one group of people or are they looking for solutions at this point . Today i come with a very heavy heart and a special message for every chicagoan. Rahm emanuel as we know has been in office since 2011 and since 2011 he has failed. Hes failed to keep us safe, hes failed to keep our family safe, our friends and even outoftown visitors. My family has perfectly been impacted by the violence in chicago. During memorial day last year my Little Brother was in the car with two of his friends went to a man walked up and shot the car 25 times. My Little Brother thankfully lived with his best friend, bloodied in his arms, died. Considering rahm emanuel has been mayor since 2011 and murders have gone up, what weve seen is a mass genocide in the streets of chicago. The only Silver Lining i see to a solution in terms of reading this outside of President Trump coming in is the fact that weve got an election coming up in the city of chicago and several short months and with that being the case, every chicagoan needs to get out and vote and vote rahm emanuel out of office. It certainly true he didnt pull the trigger. I get there, but his policies his inaction rather has enabled those that pulled the trigger. You know that because the murders have gone up since hes been there. Laura i want to go to representative ford at this point and read for you something that was written a few years ago. This is a piece that was just written today, excuse me, the american thinker. The title of it is its time to hold democrats responsible for chicagos violence. The citys famed violence is all the result of gangs and democrats being in bed with each other. One hand washing the other. Democratic politicians sidle up to gang leaders for votes and use their thugs as substitutes for their political organizations. They muscle voters to the polls for the democrats and anyone who rebels gets a beating. The left benefits so it gives the gangs what they want. Thats Monica Showalter quoting Glenn Reynolds piece from 2012. Your thoughts on that given the bloodshed that we have seen, representative ford, over the last several years, even with a modest decline in the last year or so . I have to say that chicago is worse than the days of al capone. Its the bloodiest city in america and i have to say that democrats have to step up. Im a democrat and im saying that democrats must step up. All of the democrats, all of my colleagues must step up and put politics aside. Ideas to this current situation. I think its beyond tragic. I think you are brave as a democrat for speaking out. Thats courageous. Laura i know youve artie gotten blowback and i want to hear from former Police Officer in chicago who tell us the way things are on the streets for the police, oftentimes demonize demonized. But he was not allowed to come to chicago, an american city. That was outrageous. That told me a lot about chicago back in march of 2016. Less than a year less than a year ago i lost my cousin On The West Side of chicago with his girlfriend in the car. I never told him that and i havent told anyone publicly, but they lost their lives in a car with some type of driveby On The West Side of chicago to leave to kids without parents. Laura sergeant unfortunately, its a horrific story after horrific story after heartbreak after parent losing a child. Peter. Give us your insight please. Mr. Ford saying the democrats should step up. They should step out. The problem is we have a democrat sheriff, we have a democrat states attorney, kim fox. We have a cook county president that is a democrat. And what theyre doing is reducing bonds, people getting out that commit crimes with guns and they are given no bond. They are left to walk out. A man walks out after doing an armed carjacking. Two days later he does a carjacking again. Now they want to put him on a monitor. You cant do this. The policeman, they get in the car, they work for eight and a half, nine hours. They get no breaks, they get nothing. Marchers, al sharpton. He rented an apartment, he never was here. Rahm emanuel. He promised he is going to hire 1,000 policeman at seven years later he hasnt hired the policeman. You have marchers that march down lake shore drive. If you have marchers that march down they didnt close expressways in ferguson. The ministers and the false prophets and everything that we have in this city unfortunately it comes down to one thing, its black young man killing black young men in these two gentlemen talking about my father was murdered by a gang banger in 1969. A 15yearold kid went into a store and shot him so he could pay for the the gun that he uso kill him. Im on both sides of the fence. Ive been a victim of it and now i fought against it. You are you hit it with your opening monologue, just perfect. Democrats are doing nothing and i dont care a nonpartisan person running for mayor, you get somebody like lightfoot or somebody like that that actually knows how the system works. Laura politics have to get out of it. Real common sense solutions. We have to do an hour on this topic because theres so many elements of it. Fantastic panel, i wish we had more time. Coming up, and tea for out of control. We will tell you the story others arent. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Laura nt for striking out at new conservative targets. This morning in philly, a mob from the radical left group one after commentators charlie kirk and Candace Owens at a cafe. Watch this. [crowd screaming] laura to be clear, this is what looks to be a group of mostly white nt for protesters chanting f White Supremacy at a black conservative, they are really bright. Joining us now with reaction, dan bongino along with radio host, former Chuck Schumer aid chris hahn. Okay, we are to hit this and this other antifa issue at the marine Recruiting Station in just a moment. I almost think these are paid to performers working for the rnc because its so damaging to the democrats. They are always targeting conservatives and for what . Because they are organizing a bunch of young conservative people across the country . Whats their beef with Candace Owens . What their beef with her . If theres a bigger issue than just their beef with Candace Owens. Its not just about Candace Owens. Its about the radical left. Im not talking about all democrats. There are a lot of democrats that are fed up with this too and are trying to move away from this because they realize, like you said, that they should be an rnc add up all the time. No one wants to be associated with this kind of insanity but the radical left, this is who they are. This is who theyve always been. Understand there is no Emergency Brake on their behavior. They are godless people who believe in the brutal force of the state and when they lose state power, which they have, their only outlet is violence. This does not apply to conservatives who have that Emergency Brake. They believe in the rights granted by god, including rights granted to their liberal ideological opponents. Thats why conservatives dont do this. If they have the emergency brak brake, radical liberals dont. Laura chris, if this type of behavior were being conducted against a minority liberal by a group of people chanting the same type of thing, i think the left would rightly be quite upset and probably would hold all sorts of vigils and demands community meetings and prayer groups and so forth, but the democrats, the kind of act like they just want this to go away whereas i think we need more of a broadbased condemnation of this group. I dont support this kind of protesting. I want to be very clear. I think protesting is important and i think it should happen, i think theres a time and place for it. Going work people are eating breakfast i dont think thats the time or the place. That said, i was very dubious on this protest. I dont know how these people found charlie kirk and mrs. Owens, Candace Owens in philadelphia. Im suspicious of this whether or not this is real or not. Im not saying i know for sure, i dont. But its kind of weird to me, you are a much bigger star and you can go out to breakfast and nobody is protesting you. So im a little dubious on this whole thing but this kind of protest shouldnt happen. We also Shouldnt Have A president was out there calling the media the enemy of the people. That is a real problem in america and i think that everything has got to calm down and with got to debate like we are doing right here right now. Dan and i disagree about just about anything but i love dan and i enjoy debating dan about issues that affect america. And thats what we need right now. Not yelling and screaming. Laura i think what dan is getting at is important. I think with this antifa group is trying to do is intimidate people from actually being in public. I dont know how they knew they were having breakfast, i have no idea. But its an attempt to keep people like shuttered in their homes. I thought everybody was supposed to come out of the closet, now youre supposed to stay in your home, not be able to leave and not be able to go in public or they will literally scream the most horrible words in front of your children, it Doesnt Matter what you are doing because you are part of the dash how is this fascist to be speaking around the country. I dont understand how that makes me fascist. They dont know their history. They are doing it now to the marine Recruiting Station, which again does not surprise me one bit. So we thought. A couple things here. On the enemy of the people, i dont make it personal, i never have but on the issues, the enemy of the people, thats not what trump was saying. What he was talking about with the fake news people. I want to be clear on this. If the fake news people want to stop being insulted and they want to stop the cnn sucks stuff, its very simple. This isnt difficult. But secondly, chris mentioned you have ive been confronted im not a victim, let me be clear. Im not a snowflake, i am not in any way whining about it. Everybody, Horse Blinders on you. Im just saying ive been confronted in public many times, one time in an airport where the tsa had to ask a dude to leave the line because he recognized me from fox news and absolutely lost his marbles. Im not kidding. At no point have i ever he did. They said sir, youre going to have to get out of the line if you dont calm down and jfk in new york, people started clapping because he was given the boot. Im just saying, i have never in my life as a conservative, and i mean this sincerely, ever thought about approaching somebody i ideologically disagreed with and aggressively confronting them in a public space. Ever. That is morally and ethically verboten. You just dont do it. Why do liberals think this is okay . I dont get it. Laura also, the left melting down after President Trump admitted that 2016 trump tower meeting with the russians was meant to get dirt on hillary, but if that actually illegal . And what with that Legal Standard mean for Hillary Clinton in that dirty dossier . We are going to debate that coming up next and we have a lot more to get to, including that crazy story of the radical muslims in new Mexico Holding children against their will, starving them, depriving them of water, what is going on with the story and why is it being under covered . We will get to all of that and debate the clinton and the dirty dossier issue coming up t next. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. 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Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Laura you can argue all you want about whether the june 2016 trump tower meeting between Senior Campaign officials and russian nationals offering dirt on hillary was appropriate, but was it illegal . From critics are losing it after the president acknowledged the true intentions of the meeting on twitter yesterday. Msnbcs Joe Scarborough thinks he knows exactly what this mean means. Its illegal to get information to get anything of worth from a Foreign National. It doesnt have to be cashed. There doesnt have to be an exchange of cash for something of value. Anything of value thats called and incoming contribution of the law has always looked at that just as seriously as they have looked at as theyve looked at money exchanging hands. Laura oh, joe. Joining me now to discuss this, former Deputy Trump Campaign manager dave bossi, john solomon and attorney leo terrel. All right, take it away. Joe was definitively putting his legal skills to work, definitively declaring it is illegal to meet with a Foreign National who promises opposition research. Wouldnt that call hillarys favor in question . Thats what the Clinton Campaign did. If theres any collusion, its their campaign with the fake russian dossier and paying him through the state department, through other places, through the fbi. Look, they are the only ones the Clinton Campaign are the only ones that colluded during this campaign. Don jr. Did nothing wrong. Theres nothing wrong here. Laura why did they get the story a little mixed up there in the early days . It wasnt about it didnt help with the statement. As a lawyer who did criminal defense work, this is what i told my clients, do not talk about your case. Do not talk, and spanish. Talk about economy, talk about other things, leave the legal stuff to me. You cannot litigate this in the press because the press hates you. And youve got 17 lawyers on the other side who dont care about what you tweet. Again, the president is going to do what hes going to do and hes really smart but in the legal realm its a different ball game, its a different ball game. And i think he has caused himself a world of pain and not heartache, but a headache because of talking to the press. I dont want to ever discourage someone talking to the press. Listen, my profession on this very law when the Whole Hillary Dossier was coming out, you didnt see any stories of reporters looking at that law saying it must apply here. Someone says it applies to donald trump and everyone goes with the pack over here. No one really goes to talk to lawyers, ive talked to lawyers, prosecutors, a great column, theres no chance. Laura he said at the russians had evidence of criminal conduct by Hillary Clinton, or campaign or family foundation, the Term Campaign had every reason to want to know about it. Thats precisely what Clintons Campaign spent millions to do talking to russians and other foreigners investigating from. Under this interpretation of federal election laws, clinton and her surrogates would be equally guilty and using a former foreign spy to gather info on trump from foreign sources, including the russians. It leo terrel, your reaction to that . Im glad you are a lawyer and you know as well, donald trump jr. Better lawyer up because he, along with jared said in that meeting and ive got news for you, that is conspiracy. That is conspiracy to defraud listen go laura with the crime . To defraud the election. Their involvement go whats the code . Dear colleagues, judge napolitano agree. Donald trump jr. Is in trouble. Mark my words on this. The idea of using the clinton dossier, clinton never met with any Foreign Nationals like donald trump jr. That is a false distinction. Laura you cant cite a statute, i will give you that. I will let you off the hook for that. Number two, you are saying if you use intermediaries to gather information from foreign source sources, then you obviate from having any responsibility in any conspiracy . I think that would just make fusion gps, hillary and anyone else in the Justice Department who knew about this who facilitated the production of the dossier. Let me respond to my favorite talk show host. Im saying to have a conspiracy, jared, donald trump jr. , conspiracy law. Remember todays date. There is no thats a false distinction. Speeco laura you and i are the only lawyers on this panel fortunately. Im recovering. Im recovering. But again, we have a situation where i agree on this point, dont litigate this stuff in the press because politically people say a lot of things politically and they come close to the truth, none of that matters as a legal matter. It might be unwise as a legal p. R. Strategy, but it doesnt mean a crime was committed. They also uncovered they also uncovered the Text Messages from Jared Kushner to his assistant saying get me out of this meeting after 5 minutes. Thats called exculpatory evidence. I would hope that you would say theres no conspiracy when people are trying to not be in a meeting. Laura i think its funny, this was on cnn. I think i was on like the treadmill this morning watching this. I was almost did the fried dough mike Fred Flintstone thing and fell at the treadmill because im listening to those going wait a second, which one of these is a lawyer coming to this conclusion . Lets watch. To me, there are two coke big important things here. First of all, the law, which says thats a big one. Illegal to take anything of value from someone for them. I feel thats an open and shut case. Laura open and shut case. Its completely over. Ive said this many times on the show, on hannity show. I dont recognize the profession are practicing today. There are so may reporters who say things in the moment without a basis of fact. You have to violate a law to create a conspiracy. If there is no law that it wouldve been against the law for barack obama to have arranged all of those foreign trips in 2008 to make himself look good on The World Stage before he got elected president. It wasnt designed to prohibit those sort of things. It was designed to prohibit the sort of things that the clintons were doing in the 90s. Donald trump jr. Knew he was talking to agents of the russian government. Were member that text . I love it i love it remember that text . Laura so are you making the Joe Scarborough, Edward Bennett williams argument that this is an inkind contribution, because if you make that argument, then Jonathan Turley said its the same liability, Criminal Liability on Hillary Clinton foreign inkind contribution that she received from a foreign source. She paid for it, but it doesnt matter. Its a conspiracy to get the information. Whether you pay for it or not. Im saying to you, attorney ingram, that the meeting of the mines, the conspiracy between having that meeting you dont need they met to get dirt from a Government Agent and thats what im talking about. Laura don jr. Was on the radio show today in the morning and i asked him about i asked him about this meeting. Lets listen to what he said. The cycles of the media narrative. The other stuff isnt sticking so theyre back now. Tomorrow they will be back on the 25th amendment. Nothings changed. They dont talk about the genesis of that meeting and that these people were dealing with fusion gps before and after the meeting, et cetera, et cetera. 20 minute meeting, it ended up being about essentially nothing that was relevant to any of these things. And thats all it is and thats all theyve got. That is i guess the ultimate distraction from whats really going on in this country, which as you have a republican president , a very conservative president whos getting stuff done. Can i just make one last comment . One last comment. Donald trump jr. Said that meeting was about russian adoption. His dad threw him under the bus today by saying thats not true and donald trump jr. Has a problem with the Senate Intelligence committee. Laura this is being repeated on tv all day long and its wrong. Heres what happened, this woman pledged to give dirt on hillary. She did that with the president said. However, she was trying to push for a removal or rescind the magnitsky act. Putin, when that act was passed, which put all the sanctions on the billionaires he said we are going to stop all adoptions of russians. I follow this very closely, i have two russian signs. We will give you adoption if you get rid of them of course she talked about the adoption. If that was true. They all documented that. She also met with fusion gps the day before the meeting and the day after the meeting. This is part of a conspiracy of what Hillary Clinton scale its ridiculous. By the way, john solomon, i want to find out maybe you can do the reporting on this, Why Hasnt Mueller interviewed her in . We dont know that he hasnt. Thats one of things. Laura i think she offered to testify. I dont believe shes been brought in unless something new has happened. Theres a lot of information flowing. This has been going on for two years and cost over 25 million of Taxpayer Money and this is where we are today. Donald trump jr. Needs to lawyer up immediately. Laura we are going to go and im going to get in trouble. Thank you for the great panel. We are shortchanging the women. Rapidly morphing into the year of the radical. We will explain next. It may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both Symptom Relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal Brain Infection caused by a virus may be possible. This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. 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Republicans are going to call us socialists no matter what we do. So we might as well give them The Real Thing i have a problem, guys, with that phrase, identity politics. When people say that, its a pejorative. That phrase is used to divide and it is used to distract. Its purpose is to minimize and marginalize issues that impact all of us. Laura are we back . Joining me now for reaction is publisher of Catalina Magazine along with columnist for the hill newspaper. Lets start with you, kathy. The socialist thing, cynthia nixon, okay, cynthia nixon, cynthia nixon, i get that. But when you look at the actual polling on this, it doesnt work. It doesnt work for women voters. It doesnt work for most american voters. Most people believe in the capitalist system, they dont think everythings fair, but nothing is fair in life, not everything is fair. So Whats Going On here with the socialist label and alexandria ocasiocortez and all that . I think the cortes win has drawn everybody to be so extreme and this is not the party. This is not our party. Laura it is your party. Wait a second, thats kamala harris. Pretty much hugging up to the socialist thing. All of her policies are socialist, medicare for all, universal health care. Everyone gets free education, what you call that other than socialism . This is very extreme. This is not the heart of the party, not at all. As many, many democrats, many leaders right now are just cringing when they hear this s word. The democrats, my sources do not want to be associated with that word at all. Theyre hoping that this little Fringe Movement kind of goes away because its dividing the party. Its very extreme, just like donald trump made people so nervous and he was so extreme with the g. O. P. The same thing. Both parties laura donald trump represented the Heartland View of what conservatism should have been all along. He has pushed the movement for so long. So extreme. Laura on his policies, im sorry, but the policies are not extreme. They are standing up to china, tax reforms, conservative judges its not extreme, that the liberal dream of trying to do it. Here senator elizabeth warren. This is what she said on friday. She said lets just start with a hard truth about the criminal justice system. Its a racist. It is. And when i say our system i mean all the way. Front to back. This is just not sentencing reform we are talking but here, we are talking about the front and on what you declare to be illegal and how you enforce it and who gets arrested. So she is now if Jesse Jackson or al sharpton, is this going to work, is this What Women Want today . No. The far left has totally hijacked the Democratic Party, the socialist message will resonate with some naive far left voters, many of whom are economically ignorant. A big part of this issue is that colleges today are more interested in teaching kids how to become professional protesters than they are in teaching them anything about economics or finance. The democrats in power, they want to keep it that way. Theyve learned that messages of free stuff and rich people are greedy are easy brainless messages to send to the undereducated. Its shameless, but ive got to tell you, the vast majority of americans are terrified of socialism. If they see Whats Going On in venezuela and parts of europe, socialism does not work. But thats the whole point. The vast majority of americans, many being democrats, many being part of the Democratic Party do not want socialism. So the majority does not agree with the small group. This isnt a small group, its a Fringe Movement. This is far far thats not true. The far left wingers have hijacked your party. No they havent. No they havent. Socialism, open borders and resisting donald trump. Thats not a message thats going to resonate with hardworking taxpaying americans. They have lost the former blue dog democrats and dont want to vote for you anymore. Laura i do think democrats have a lot of female candidates who are appealing across the board to a lot of people, conservatives, republicans, better run smart campaigns and better be really sharp on the Campaign Trail because they have an Uphill Battle in some of these races. Great panel, really appreciate it. Up next to a horrific out of new mexico, muslim extremists and child abduction. Including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. A group of heavily armed muslim extremists are now in custody in new mexico. Officials are saying that there are five adults including the two men that you see on your screen and are facing child abuse charges after authorities discovered they were hiding 11 children. Children between the ages of one and 15 in a remote compound. It was the saddest Living Conditions with poverty theyve ever seen come up with the kids only having dirty rags for a closing and horrifying details including they were starving. Joining us now is the and somee from new mexicos children and families department. Us what you know. It certainly heartbreaking. The children are in our custody now and our focus has been and will continue to be really the safety and wellbeing of these children. Laura what did they look like . We cant talk specifically about the children we are working with in this case. Laura it was written that they were starved, deprived of water, basic sanitation, no education. You cant confirm or deny in any details, but i think the American People want to know about this, its that horrific. I can tell you in what we do in a situation like this, the very first thing we do is make sure we can get those most basic needs met so ensuring that we are getting the children food, water, we get them cleaned up and in comfortable clothing. And then of course we have a lot of other assessments that need to occur, medical assessments and making sure that we are doing forensic interviews so we can understand exactly what they know and what has gone on in their Living Conditions. We are working around the clock and focusing on what we can do to decrease the trauma that these children may have experienced. Laura i cant even i mean some of these, we understand, they are related to them. Parents, but its not clear who they all were. Some of them are mothers, had been allowed to live in this condition, and the child they were looking for has been abducted by one of the parents, correct . Thats my understanding, yes. But it hasnt been found yet, correct . Thats not one of the children that we have in our custody. Laura right. Are any of the children saying anything about, you know, why this happened to them . Especially the older children . We work with trained forensic interviewers who are again trained in how to talk to children and really get them to open up. But we do know oftentimes it will take a good deal of time before children are comfortable enough that they will talk to us about what all they have experienced in their life, up until now. Sandra wow a laura do you have any idea how long theyve been held in this condition . These are all the kinds of questions we are working together information on as we speak. Laura what we have to get more information on this because my viewers want to know and we know people all across the country are trying to figure out how this happened and who these abductors were and what, if any, sickening motivation including religious motivation it could have been. We will be right back. Well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood

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