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First he weighs in on the latest dark revelations about the deep state as we learn evermore sorted details about how the Obama Administration weaponized the Intel Community into a political hip machine. Then he will discuss tonights angle about the g. O. P. s tremendous reversal of fortune and what the party must do to avoid losing any seats in november. Plus Kellyanne Conway is here on the big stories of the day including President Trump making a fantastic prolife speech before the midterms tonight and a shifting timeline on his meeting with the north korean dictator kim drone on. But first, the latest details on the russia investigation are beginning to make watergate look like childs play. The revelations of the obama era political targeting grow more ominous by the day. The fbi is under increasing pressure tonight to explain why it was surveilling the Trump Campaign as the number of people contacted by informants continues to increase. Sam clovis, George Papadopoulos and carter page were targeted. The letter responding last night on the angle. I never knew anything about the person i was speaking with who is a University Professor at cambridge in the u. K. At the time. I was invited to participate in a conference in july of 2016 and everything seemed totally normal. Laura its called grooming, thats what they do, carter. But a much more incendiary claim was made by one of our other guests. Former Trump Campaign advisor Michael Cavuto told me last night that he knows for a fact that there were more than one informant targeting trump team members because he was one of those targets. Let me tell you something that i know for a fact. This informant, this person that they planted, try to plant into the campaign and even into the administration if you believe axios, hes not the only person that came with the campaign and the fbi is not the only obama agency that came with the campaign. I know because they came at me. Laura the president responded to the intrigue today. If they had spies in my campaign that would be a disgrace to this country. That would be one of the biggest insults that anyone has ever seen. That would be very illegal aside from everything else. It would make probably every political event ever look like small potatoes. That would be unprecedented in the history of our country. Laura cavuto advanced his claim earlier on fox claiming that someone, a shadowy figure floated the idea of passing along emails related to Hillary Clinton to the Trump Campaign. Just to be clear, you raised this issue with muellers team when they were questioning you. And they did nothing . They werent even interested. They didnt even seem to be taking notes. I offered them the timeline. Laura we at the ingraham angle along with a doj producer at fox looked into these claims and have identified the figure in question. Our source corroborated some of cavutos claims but he denied trying to entrap cavuto and his associates. He further insisted that he did not work for any intelligence agency. Either way, it looks like the fbis targeting of informal or low level Trump Associates to get dirt on higherups was something of a trend, perhaps a dangerous one during the Obama Administration. Lets turn to Newt Gingrich to react to the latest revelations about the deep states misdeeds. Mr. Speaker, it is great to see you. My goodness, this is wild. You have this person, a professor in england who is making these contacts with various members of the trump team, throwing the whole time line into. Originally we heard from comey that the investigation really began on july 31st, now it looks like this particular informant, spy, mole, whatever you want to call him, met with carter page in early july. It all keeps getting more and more open. Presently, remember there was a reference at one point very early on to senior Obama Administration people being briefed. Presently someone will figure out to ask what did Valerie Jarrett know and when did she know what you max me when i asked that last night on the angle. You are right on target. What did barack obama know and when did he know what . Because what you are seeing happened is on every single level, and this is what happens with really big scandals, they keep unfolding and they keep unfolding and they keep unfolding. So we are now supposed to believe that the director of National Intelligence was lying to us, the head of the Central Intelligence agency was lying to us, the head of the federal bureau of investigation was lying to us. The number two person in the fbi was lying to us. The attorney general was lying to us. She was meeting with bill clinton on an airplane in private to talk about their grandchildren. At what point do you just say give me a break . And all of this i believe was being coordinated by obama and by Valerie Jarrett. Laura you will write to obama on this. You think its inconceivable that the chief executive officer of the country was not told that they had seen this carter page on the list of the Foreign Policy advisors and they decided to go into overdrive . I dont believe look at the total number of things going on. I dont believe this administration that was a tightly centralized as the Obama Administration, you could have had as many Different Things going on, all of them are illegal without the president having been briefed. Furthermore, an example. The president is emailing Hillary Clinton on her insecure email. They carefully reword the fbi report to avoid telling us that president obama clearly had to know she was using an illegal email because hes writing to it. Laura susan rice said president obama did everything by the book. Remember she wrote that email to herself, i have to mention it in every show. This is what jim clapper said today on the view about whether spying really occurred. Lets watch. Was the fbi spying on Trumps Campaign . They were not. They were spying a term i dont particularly like on what the russians were doing, trying to understand where the russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage . Laura if the russians are pulling the strings. Ive known jim clapper for years. I am astounded how bad he looks now. Im astounded how dishonest and incompetent he looks. He was a great Public Servant for many, many years. But when the director former director of intelligence tells you he doesnt like to use the word spying you have to ask yourself laura that is funny. I didnt think of that. He was the director of National Intelligence. What do you think he was in charge of doing . He was in charge of spying. And this whole thing is just people on the left, i think what happened was people like clapper and former director of the Central Intelligence agency, all these guys thought they could get away with this because hillary was going to win. And when hillary won the fix would be in, everything would be covered up and around 10 00 on Election Night they all began to realize this could get really bad and they were shifting gears from protecting hillary, which had been their job for two years, to trying to destroy trump and now you are watching people who i think in every case are in danger of going to jail. If the system works and people are actually tested on did you tell the truth under oath and then viper is a perfect example. Laura he was talking about that big moment where he didnt tell the truth about the Surveillance Program. He addressed this today. The president is calling me a lying machine. Okay. What that stems from as an exchange i had with a senator five years ago in march of 2013 about a Surveillance Program and he was asking me about one and i was thinking about another. So i made a mistake, but i didnt lie. What you are referencing is that when you said when youre talking but James Snowden blowing the whistle on the nsa illegally spying into thousand 13 when you were asked about you said no. That is a lie. It isnt a lie. Im sorry. I was thinking about something else. Laura i want to buy a vowel. I have no idea what hes talking about. I hope general flynn watched that and i hope general flynn is prepared to go back. Obviously the clapper defense, whatever you thought i said i didnt mean to say and it wasnt what i said i dont know why you thought i set it because i wouldnt have set it if i had known you thought i said it and therefore cant really be a problem. This tells you how pathetic this is going to be. Laura this is the intelligence agency. These are like the most important people in our intelligence you say he such a consummate professional. He sounds like a bumbling idiot. Sorry im being cruel here i guess. Thats outrageous. What you are watching is a man who was a great professional who is now in a totally impossible situation. To get off television desperately trying to explain and defend the indefensible. Laura joy behar, i would trust her more with National Intelligence than i would jim clapper. Stick around because we have a lot more to get to with you after the angle. We also want to discuss the latest russian revelations and the bombshell that weve uncovered with former Whitewater Deputy independent counsel solomon wisenberg and civil rights attorney, rnc Committee Woman from california. Lets start with you, saul. Youve been watching these events unfold over the last four or five days on whether this professor was a spy. Jim clapper doesnt like to use the term or an informant or a mole or how he operated. We now have a question about whether there was more than one. It seems odd that that kind of guy would be the only person if they really thought russia was moving the levers of the election that he would be the only person, but all of this is bubbling to the surface now. Your thoughts on the legal implications here . Whether its one person or two people, its a spy. It doesnt matter what if its somebody in the campaign in new york somebody was operating from overseas. This isnt somebody who is just sitting around with his eyes and ears open waiting to see what somebody says. This is somebody who invites papadopoulos overseas and gives him a grant, or a stipend for a foreign conference. This is somebody who bats her eyes, brings along a woman who bats her eyes at papadopoulos. This is somebody who mentions to either cavuto, and ive heard it one of the person, would you like some of these emails . These are proactive measures and this is very disturbing, i wont say its unprecedented because there have been dirty tricks and campaigns and we know what president nixon did, but this is very, very disturbing stuff. Anybody who pretends that this is normal or was justified based on what we know is just nuts. To do an operation like this you better have had a phenomenal, and i mean phenomenal information. Laura they obviously came up empty on the russia collusion thing. They never brought that moscow lawyer in for questioning. They could have brought her in, they could have done video. Click on a question her on video. They never questioned her. That trump tower meeting was supposedly so important. Its ridiculous, they have nothing. She was probably busy talking to glen simpson. Why dont we ever hear that . When im looking at the other networks, why dont they ever mention that before she went to trump tower she was meeting with simpson, of fusion gps and after the meeting she was meeting with him. Why did they never mention that . Laura thats convenient. This is what Carl Bernstein, hes been dining out on watergate for many decades. This is what he said today about President Trump and interfering into the investigation. Lets watch. With the president did today is really to abuse his authority as he has been doing to intervene in a legitimate investigation. This is part of the coverup, what we are watching. A coverup by the president of the united states. This abuse of power and authority and coverup by the president of the united states. We do know there is a coverup. This is a coverup. Laura im sorry, there was a drinking game going on in the afternoon at a certain radio show. Im just kidding. Coverup, coverup, cover up. They said it like five times in the span of like 3 minutes. Your reaction to all of this . Thats democratic talking points from yesterday. We heard something similar from Eric Swalwell on tuckers show. Weve seen it from the media over the last few hours. Notwithstanding the fairy tale that James Clapper told the ladies on the view about this not being a spy, we know what it is, this is a sign of multiple spies. Other questions have not been answered here, like this professor in london, also have contact with simpson. What role did he play in that . What were the British Intelligence authorities, some of whom are close to this professor in london, where they alerted about this intelligence operation or alleged intelligence operation on foreign soil . The fact that the timing, which has very carefully been cultivated by the democrats, by comey, by other former fbi people who have been sent out onto the media to talk about this in july but we are actually talking about potentially may as cavuto has said and even earlier, so you cant have a coverup without there being a crime. There is no crime to cover up. The only thing that should be the only revisionist history going on here is the democrats quickly retreating and scrambling and trying to sow obfuscation here about their true intentions. When we talk about comparing this to watergate, watergate was the president being involved potentially in the coverup of something that occurred in a very low level. This is a completely different situation. This is an administration, the Obama Administration, which was known for calling james rosen a criminal and using that to spy on him, cheryl atkinson, spying on her. Unmasking, samantha power, unmasking people. Laura we havent even scratched the surface of samantha power. The coverup is the democrats trying to throw mud at the Trump Campaign. One of the premises here is that there was spying and there was hacking of the dnc. We dont even know that. Look at their server. We dont even know that. Laura one of the things that is stunning about all of this is that for all the obsession with russia, russia, russia, russia, this is what russia does to putins political opponents. This is what happens in china when you oppose a great leader. This is what happens where the power of the government is used to suppress and depress political dissent. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but that is what they do there. Its ironic that this is what we have perhaps going on here. You can close it out. I think its the Carl Bernstein business. By the way, as a historical note, there were some pretty high level people knew about watergate and knew about the breakin. Look, when Carl Bernstein my problem with the bernsteins of the world as they failed to recognize that this is serious and its clearly improper, what happened during the campaign. We havent even talked about the omissions in the fisa warrant tonight. On the other hand, you know me, laura. Ive been on the show, ive defended bob muller, i defended rosenstein. I think bob mueller should be allowed to take as long as he needs to finish up his case. But the problem with the other side is its all black or white for them. There cant be anything wrong with what the obama people did and its very clearly anybody who knows the criminal law system and the Intelligence System knows that this was highly improper. When you open up a logan act case, sadly its, this is my obsession. When you open up a logan act case on somebody whos on the transition team, thats like opening up a criminal case somebody for carrying a large white fish across state lines. Its just an outrage. Laura we went from collusion to the rest of the networks we dont have time to play it. There obsession was a Michael Cohen associate with a medallion issue. White water to the blue dress. The taxi medallion. This is where weve gone so i think i do have to wrap this up. Thank you both. In a moment, tonights angle. Im going to spell out why the g. O. P. Has left the head of the democrats in the polls and Newt Gingrich will tell us what the g. O. P. Must do to keep this momentum going and avoid the pitfalls that may be ahead. Dont go away. . . Laura the g. O. P. s reversal of fortunes. Thats the focus of tonights angle. Just three months ago three reputable polls had the democrats up at least 15 points in the generic congressional ballot. Well not anymore. Reuters generic ballot heartened republicans. At the beginning of march democrats enjoyed more than a tenpoint advantage. Nearly 45 saying they would vote for a democratic, only 33 were pulled a level for republicans but now the g. O. P. Has taken the lead. The latest online poll shows 39 of registered voters saying they would vote republican and just 36. 7 supporting a democrat. Sixpoint shift. So why is this turnaround happening . Because republicans pretty much staying on offense and supporting generally not undermining the president on key issues. By working to keep this economy going, dismantling the regulatory superstate that hurts our innovators and entrepreneurs, by not dragging us into more serious military conflicts, by refusing to buckle on immigration, at least so far. The g. O. P. Is actually gaining momentum. According to the Cook Political Report californias 39th and 49th district have both shifted from lean democratic to toss up. Nebraskas Second District moved from tossup to a leaning republican and south carolinas Fifth District moved from likely republican to solid republican. As you can imagine this has thrown the democrats into a full on frothy panic. The party of failed ideas has issued a new anticorruption message. Thats going to be what drives the midterms for them. They hope its going to bring them success. Its been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, i wonder what plagiarism gets you. Democratic leaders in a new memo kind of seem to be channeling trump. They are writing this. The American People are sick of getting a raw deal from washington. Does this all sounds vaguely familiar . It is. The people got a raw deal and they deserve so much better. Our government is being eaten alive. Kick the crooks out of washington, d. C. Laura if you cant beat them, repeat them i guess. Two major problems with the democrats are adopting an anticorruption platform because they are the party of corruption. These are the people that brought you obamas weaponized irs to target conservatives years ago. Same party that circled the wagons around Hillary Clintons pay to play scheme at the state department where blackberry phones were smashed and hard drives were raised by bleach bid. Lets not forget the party of Debbie Wasserman schultz who, while running the dnc, employed an i. T. Specialist would try to flee to pakistan after he wired money there. Money federal prosecutors say was obtained illegally. A federal grand jury indicted him and his wife on four counts last summer, bank fraud and conspiracy charges. And this is the party, by the way, thats going to root out corruption. The clintons and their political spawn are so unscrupulous that supporters of Bernie Sanders filed a Class Action Lawsuit against the dnc for rigging the primary in hillarys favor. Dont you get an air of desperation has begun to settle over the democrats . Because they thought they were guaranteed to strike electoral gold in november. Congressman al green, a Texas Democrat is promising that if they take control of the house theres a good likelihood there will be articles of impeachment brought against the president. Thats it . Thats her plan . Hows that going to grow folders 401 k s or keep our manufacturing boom going . Impeachment is not a progrowth platform, kids. And if that doesnt get out the vote, some liberal foot soldiers hope that attempts at comedy well. Deputy chair of the Democratic National committee, congressman keith ellison, he donned a blond wig to impersonate the president recently. Warning, cover your pets ears and put masking tape on the windowpanes. Robert mueller. I hate that robert mueller. Im firing robert mueller. On firing robert mueller. Laura he will not be singing at hamilton anytime soon. The two has flat, off key as the rest of the democratic message. My friends, this should be fairly easy for the republicans. Theres a great sense of optimism in the country. Its a great time to be an american. I think theres no better time then maybe in the 80s during reagan. So its time to double down on the accomplishments. Support the president s populist progrowth agenda. The g. O. P. At the same time must also avoid any selfinflicted wounds before the midterm, promoting or passing an amnesty plan for going week on china. That could actually dishearten the base. It could break faith with the bluecollar workers who swept the president and the g. O. P. Into office and put again if you stand with them. And thats the angle. Lets bring back Newt Gingrich to discuss the g. O. P. s prospects, which seem to be improving in november. Lots . I think that republicans are likely to gain 46 seats in the senate. Laura we are hearing they could lose the majority in the senate. Six months ago. I do a newsletter that goes out twice a week for free and two weeks ago i wrote everybody who was wrong in the spring of 16 who said trump couldnt be the nominee, everybody who was wrong in the fall of 16 who said trump couldnt win back the presidency are the same people who are on tv right now. Why would you believe any of them . Laura but Steve Schmidt has been so right. And all that over the years. I say facetiously. All of the political analyst establishment and the talking heads have a bias of getting together and saying this is whats going to happen. If i were a democrat and i looked at that bowl today from reuters, republicans are up one where they used to be down ten or 11. Laura 15 at one time. I would begin to panic. Because if the republicans are anywhere close to even on the generic, they could conceivably gain seats. Laura doesnt impeachment the democrats . Yes. Laura because the republicans, these crowds at these rallies for term. People think impeachment, they will go to the polls. I hope that guy says the impeachment i thought it was all green. He said we are going to impeach the president. Thats going to drive republicans right to the polls. Democrats, some of them know that. Its not just the trump supporters. The average american who is not deeply political once the system to work. They love what is happening with the economy. They love the fact we have the lowest Unemployment Rate in modern times. They think its terrific. Gallup just reported 65 of the country thinks that you can get a good job. Highest number since they began taking that question. Democrats voted no on the tax cuts and would now like to totally screw up the economy by chasing an impeachment on a topic that doesnt seem to have any substance. Laura they got Prison Reform passed through the house today. Thats huge bipartisan issue. Huge bipartisan issue that will likely pass the senate. Part of the doddfrank repealed. Thats happening. All these judges, 21 judges on the circuit courts getting through. This is good stuff. Use a really unusual things. You end up looking at van jones, liberal democrat, shows up at the white house as part of Prison Reform. Something you couldnt have seen a year ago. Laura i think the kanye west effect is something we still havent seen fully effective. Second example. Kanye west within three days, black support approval of trump drawn from 11 to 22. Laura how much of an increase in africanamerican support for the president or the republican agenda would devastate the democrats . Five or eight or 9 would be devastating. If the republicans ever get to 20 of the black vote it is virtually impossible for the democrats to survive. Laura they are truly petrified of that. Racism, racism, racism. Identity politics. Right. And at the same time what you have is a president who can say absolutely accurately this is the best situation in black unemployment in american history. Never been lower. Laura dont you think its a great time to be an american right now . If you are in business. Lots of stuff happening in the culture im not wild about but as far as economic opportunities. Good time. A whole range of innovation. Im trying to figure out how to get every eighth grader september to understand literally they have a chance to go to the moon, they have a chance to go to mars. The world, this stuff is changing so fast. Young people are to have a sense they are going to live one of the most exciting generations in history and that could be part of trumps greatest legacy. Laura optimism and positivity. Pelosi and schumer, one more sell on the better deal model, lets watch. You are mean. Instead of delivering on his promise to drain the swamp, President Trump has become the swamp. Republicans and the corrupt big donor agenda to get out of the way. It has given the American People a raw deal. President trump, when it comes to draining the swamp has been a complete and total disappointment. The swamp has never been more foul or more fitted than under this president. Laura i know you love the fact they use the word fetid. I know thats what youre thinking. The democrats talk about the swamp, its an anonymous psychological victory. Second, the three Top Democrats in the house between them are 278 years old. This is the base of their campaign this fall. Vote for people who have been around so long they know nothing . Laura you dont date them, you carbon date them. Great to see you Newt Gingrich as always. We have a lot to get to. Up next Top White House advisor Kellyanne Conway is here to tell us what the president is doing to ensure a big turnout in the midterms. I think a lot of it not just with the economy, but tonight a huge prolife dinner. The president hit it out of the park, coming up. For decades, american taxpayers have been wrongfully forced to subsidize the abortion industry through title x federal funding. So today we have kept another promise. My administration has proposed a new rule to prohibit title x funding from going to any clinic that performs abortions. Democrats in the senate are doing everything within their power to block it. On this issue, like so many other issues, the Democratic Party is far outside the american mainstream. Laura that was President Trump delivering the keynote address tonight at the susan b. Anthony annual campaign for life gala. A part of the president s strategy is to rally the base as we head into the midterm elections and his focus on prolife initiatives there. Here to discuss that and so much more, one of the president s top advisors, Kellyanne Conway who herself tonight received a big award from the susan b. Anthony list. Its great to have you on. By the way, the president praised you. We were watching in the back and this was a fun moment. Lets watch. She is some fighter. She will do the shows that nobody else dares go near. I will say to this one or that one. No problem, sir. Laura i said to women, wait a minute, kelly is coming on our show. Thats not what he means. Laura we were watching, hes the most i think prolife president weve ever had and defending life, the most innocent among us who have no lobbyists and no fat cats behind them and its not his crowd, its a manhattan crowd. Im sorry, but i was so moved by that. Theres no question, tonight in my remarks i took out the letter from september 2015 that canada trump signed. Wanted him to sign this letter to activate the grassroots. He said we need some promises, some commitments from the republican nominee. He looked at the letter and talked about partialbirth abortion. Signing capable unborn. Certainly moving, as suggested tonight, the funding from clinics that provide abortions to those that provide true Womens Health Services Like mammograms and screenings and other services. He looked at it and he said thats all fine, but where is all that stuff about Hillary Clinton, and he added stuff about Hillary Clinton. And im going to give you a copy of the letter and he signed it and it went on and on about how extreme she is, that she would take the baby out of its mothers womb. He followed it up on october 19th and gave the most impassioned defense ever heard from a president ial debate going. Lets remind everybody this is a manhattan male billionaire who for most of his adult life has said he was prochoice. Laura he doesnt really mean it. Look at his record. Mexico city policy. First president ever to address this gala. First president ever to address the march for life and mike pence of course is his first Vice President to do the same thing. All you have to do is look at the policies and President Trump will probably say this is just a good start. Laura the issue of china is big now because so many of us support of the president because of his tough line on china. The china 2025 plan seeking to dominate every major industry, stolen or intellectual property. The president has been fantastic on this issue but this is what Chuck Schumer says. Lets watch. I am really concerned about the president s hemming and hawing over the last few days when it comes to china. You could say that president xi is writing the art of the deal, not President Trump. Unfortunately every time president xi flatters our president he seems to back off a tough deal. Youve got to be tough on china. You have to have your actions match our rhetoric. Laura in my mind the worst thing that could happen is the democrats outpopulist the president on this issue. That would be a gift. Can you reassure viewers deny that the president is going to retain his strength and approach to china got him elected . The president addressed this today and the overall place while the camera was rolling. He was meeting with president moon of south korea and the president has made clear from the beginning he thinks that the imbalance, unfair nonreciprocal trade deals are killing the American Worker and he will always fight for them first. He talks about the 500 billion trade deficit we have with china. At the same time we are happy that at some of these negotiations in beijing and here last week at the white house that china signals a move to buy more agriculture, buy more energy for example. But the president also, if he thinks the deal is not good for americans, hes happy to walk away from it. Hes been doing that his entire career. Laura so you are not concerned that you hear marco rubio, schumer, they see an opening here. Trump dominated that space in 2016. No one had done it like he had done it. Now they see sour gum and soybeans are more important than our entire tech sector that has gotten ripped off as they continue to steal our ip. And they are playing long ball here. They are not playing short ball. They are playing long ball for total domination. Talking about technology transfers. U. S. Trade representatives went over to beijing, talk about the fact they are stealing our innovation, stealing our future frankly. Laura different sides on this, is there a real war going on inside . No, i think people like to cover palace intrigue instead of learning the policies. Laura huge divide in the party entree. He came out, i think one of the issues that he was able to elevate, two of the issues that donald was to elevate as a candidate for mired in low Single Digits to putting out there on the platform was illegal immigration and trade. Little Single Digits all the way out. Its all about fairness to him. Its fairness to americans. Laura north korea, shifting, moving, can you tell us anything new on that . The white house put out a statement tonight asking the press to sign up if they are going to cover the summit in singapore. Laura i want to cover it. We are still planning on july 12th. The president made it very clear from the beginning and set it again today that if it happens thats great, if it doesnt happen thats okay too. We are still way ahead. It was still made tremendous progress there because of President Trumps leadership. Without him north korea would not be talking to south korea. Those three american detainees would not be back. Laura he was hinting that president xi was part of it. He said i think the president is a world class poker player. So what we are looking what the president has said is that we will continue to make progress, continue to talk. But the goal here is not to have a summit. The goal is denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and thats with the president is looking at. Laura john bolton is going to be going on the trip . I think it would be. Laura i should hope so. They dont want in there but i hope he does. Congratulations on the award. Thank you so much. Congratulations to the most prolife history and american president for keeping his promises. Laura absolutely. Up next to look at the other half of the midterm equation and why the democrats suddenly seem in a panic. We will tell you what has gotten nancy pelosi worried about a Democratic Civil war next. Laura much to the chagrin of the democratic leadership, some rank and file of the party just will not stop talking about impeachment and it is driving Party Leaders like pelosi up the wall. Every member of the house is accorded the opportunity to bring up impeachment. This is not something that the constitution has bestowed upon leadership. Its something that every member has a right and privilege of doing and i think that there is a good likelihood that there will be articles of impeachment. Laura but a leading leftist legal line warns this isnt an issue to take lightly. You cant be the boy who cried wolf and expect to have a viable impeachment power. You cant use it over and over again against the same president. If you are going to shoot him you got to shoot to kill. Laura okay. Jeffrey tube and adding in the new yorker will the fervor to impeach donald trump started Democratic Civil war . Lets debate that question with obama and Clinton Campaign alum Michael Starr hopkins and Monica Crowley on the London Center for policy research. Great to see both of you. Michael, lets go with you. Because i find this interesting. I get it. They want to get trump out of office. They dont like trump. Trump is for them the devil. Got to get rid of trump. Remember the 1998 deal, republicans, they went too far on impeachment and then they end up getting their clocks cleaned in the midterm there and lost ground. Where do you stand on the impeachment issue . I think donald trump has lost some moral authority to lead. I think democrats eventually will bring article of impeachment against the president. But i think the commentator earlier was correct, democrats only get one shot to do it. So when democrats bring them they have to be based on facts and a half to be able to support those. Luckily donald trump is the gift that keeps on giving and whether its cohen or flynn, kushner or his comments in charlottesville, democrats are going to have a lot to add to these articles of impeachment. Laura monica . They clearly did not learn the lesson of the clinton experience, which is when you have a popular president who is presiding over a strong economy, if the other party tries to remove that president without the popular will behind that action it is doomed to failure, not just in terms of the political and Legal Process that echoes through on capitol hill, but also with the American People. And the blowback is fast and fierce. This is all that the democrats have. They started this process even before donald trump was apparently the nominee for president because he represents such an existential threat to the elite ruling class and in particular to the leftist movement. Laura im sorry, i think that when you repeat kushner, manna fort, colin, i think most peoples eyes glaze over. Okay, can i send my kids to college . Is my 401 k up. Our wages rising . And in all cases, really good. Thats why trumps numbers are going up. I think this mueller thing, michael. Im honestly trying to analyze this not as a partisan but as an analyst. I dont think its resonating with people. I get it on the left, i get out there all fired up about this but just saying kushner, manna fort, cohen, left like a law firm. That doesnt mean anything to end of nomadic anyone. I do agree on that. Democrats cannot only talk about manafort and the investigation. We have to multitask and talk about one of the things i think democrats need to be pushing is the legalization of marijuana so we can then tax the revenue and use it to fund health care, to better our education system. Laura so good people all jacked up and high so then you can get health care because they are going to need it when they alternate to schizophrenics. Look what colorado has done. They have been pretty successful. Laura when you were a young person, a developing brain. Im not talking what everybody was ever smoked pot. This is where the polls are. The quinnipiac polls. Impeachment, 70 favor, no, 21 percent dont know, dont know the zip code 11, 8 . They want this president impeached and i think the republicans are going to run with that message and the midterms and say if you want this economy to keep going you want this president to continue to advance economic interests, youve got to turn out to vote we will see, but right now if i were a democrat i would be sweating it. We are so far beyond normal politics now. Everything is in the extreme. Of course the type of partisan, but everything now, step one is reaching for the extreme. So the democrats, step one is reaching for impeachment. The democrats do not have a strong economic message. In fact i dont think they have an economic message at all. And over the last eight years of president obamas tenure, everything that he put in to place economically and National Security wise is being undercut, if not full out in reverse and removed this president. With the president is doing is putting the lie to the ideal that was represented by president obama and by the democrats and theres no way that they can counter that because the proof is what the American People are living on the ground every single day and they see that this president s policies are succeeding where obama and the democrats failed. Laura what i think is interesting as pelosi is like wow on this impeachment talk. Shes a smart cookie. Shes like wow, way to california moment on impeachment. Fantastic segment as always. California by the way has some of the highest taxes in the nation. So whats another lavish new entitlement for Illegal Immigrants . No big deal. Sanctuary states unbelievable scheme and a debate next. Ok. Who can beat the San Francisco guy for governor . Not the conservative guy, travis allen. What about this john cox . Talks a big game. But whats he done . A chicago lawyer . Huh . Thirteen losing campaigns seven in illinois . Cox lost campaigns as a republican. And as a democrat. Gave money to liberals. Supported big tax increases. No wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november. Laura a bill in the California State Senate would make it the first state in the nation to offer full Health Care Coverage Illegal Immigrants. It will cost a whopping 3 billion and critics say it could devastate the economy of the fiscally fragile state. Lets discuss this with someone who supports the bill, dr. Michael weinberg, president of the Bay Area Council economic institute. Doctor, tell us why this is a good idea given what we know it will cost for the state of california. So right now we actually pay for health care for undocumented immigrants at the federal level. But we only do it in the most expensive, inefficient way possible through emergency room care, so this just moves us into paying for primary and Preventive Care which is substantially more efficient. Laura the medical problems, the Overall Health care in california called medical, e. R. Visits by medical patients rose 75 over just the past five years. Only 55 of physicians actually accept medical, more than a third of all california residents are already on medical and last year 23 billion were spent by the state on Illegal Immigrants. How would this not be a further magnet for Illegal Immigrants to come into the state. You already have 3 million unauthorized immigrants. You had a lot of questions there. Laura i do, because its a ridiculous idea. Handle it one at a time. Im concerned we may not see eye to eye at the end of this. Im a little concerned. Laura youre kidding. California is actually not a magnet for lower income people. California is actually a magnet for higher income people. We are actually a net exporter of lower income people because of the cost of living here, which is a real issue. This whole idea of being a magnet state just isnt borne out by the economic data. Laura there is 134,000 Homeless People in your state. It has been declared a state of emergency in San Francisco and in l. A. We dont have a problem with low income people. Of course you have a problem with low income people, they are all living in tents on the streets and even liberals shop owners in San Francisco are complaining about what its doing to their businesses. So dont say on the show that you dont have a problem with low income people in the state, course you do. Im really glad to hear that you want to get enrolled in our effort to build more housing in the bay area and i would love to come back to talk to about that but this conversation is actually about health care and you brought up the fact that there are a lot of doctors that dont accept medical. One of the things about not paying for undocumented immigrants is physicians and hospitals are forced to provide charity care and the employees of my businesses see Higher Health care premiums by virtue of the fact that we actually do provide health care to these folks at the emergency room. Laura you act like every illegal immigrant goes to the emergency room all the time. The fact is they are not supposed to be in the state. They are supposed to be back in her home country. You want to make it easier for people to be in the state and get health care paid for. I get that, but you are making lawabiding taxpayers and legal immigrants with the bill for even more care than they are already paying now. I get it because you want to do that. We appreciate it. We will have you on radio, we will do a longer segment. Sorry we had to shortchange on it. A pillow fight like youve never seen before, thats next. We leave you with images from a major event that somehow didnt make the evening news, 70,000 millennials attended the celebration of faith, broke the guinness book of world record, got there my pillow to take home with them, mike lindell gave pillows to everyone. They broke the record. That is all the time we have. Shannon bream takes things from here. Shannon new calls for a Second Special counsel to investigate the investigators. We will hear from one of the lawmakers who says it is time for the fbi to answer tough questions. Counting down to a meeting between the white house, the gop and doj over information linked to the informant allegedly meeting w

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