Watch this. As someone who grew up in and barely escaped the holocaust my mother would say from time to time that it could happen here. What are your concerns about the stability of our Democratic Institutions and structures in these tumultuous moments . I worry about the degradation of institutions. Im more worried about whether our constitution is going to be honored. So im hoping that the worst the question you asked me ruth would never get to that. It would require people turning up and voting in midterm elections. Tucker really worried about the constitution as try to invalidate the first two amendments to the bill of rights. There it is. He is a dictator. Thats not a novel take on the left calling trump a dictator. Something of a religious ritual now, actually. We have a president with a strong authoritarian personality and what frightens me is not only his respect and adoration for tyrants all over the world, but his disrespect for democracy in our own country. Were getting more north korean every day in this country. There is nothing american about what donald trump did in pennsylvania. He goes out there and whips up like its a mussolini rally and, yes, thats what i said. I said they must call for his impeachment. Some people are saying well, we will vote in 2020. We cannot stand that. We cannot wait for that. Yeah. It is too dangerous. Tucker who put all the dumb people on tv . [laughter] somehow despite being a dictator people feel perfectly free to criticize the president in public to massive cheers. Nobody notices the. Ethan is a radio host and frequent guest on our show. He joins us tonight. Ethan, thanks for coming on. I guess if you were a dictator, the first thing you would want to do is take away peoples right to say what they think and take away their right to defend themselves. The first two amendments to the bill of rights is trump doing im sorry, his opponents on working on that invalidating and repealing those amendments. Maybe this is transference, im guessing . Well, i think the issue here though is he opened his campaign out like in a very authoritarian way. Lets call somebody else a bad name. Mexicans are rapists, right . So lets point out what is wrong with other people, focus on muslim ban. Cant allow them into the country. That is an authoritarian move. Reaching to the other, pointing to them and reaching into our dark places. I dont like that any bit. On the First Amendment side he wants to strengthen defamation laws to make it easier to suit press. Tucker i would say the phrases you describe would fall under the heading of rudeness, being impolite. Look, im not going to defend that im pink pailian. Episcopalian. They try to narrow the range of acceptable opinion and punish people who fall outside of it that is the left doing that, not the right. Pardon me, thats true. Two, they take away peoples right to defend themselves. They double down on their monopoly on the use of force. They are the only ones with guns. The left is doing that, too. Trump may be a lot of things. You dont like him, i get it the authoritarian tendencies are on the left. Do you not see that . No. I mean, well, some on the extreme left i would actually agree with you on. No. Absolutely not. Antijewish crimes according to the adl went up 57 here in the United States last year under trumps watch in 2017 at a rate and number that hasnt been seen in a very long time. Its an alarming trait. Tucker i wonder where thats coming from though . I know you are sort at the vanguard of calling for increased muslim immigration into the country. Taking a look across the ocean at europe where crimes against jews, antisemitic crime has risen dramatically in say paris. Is that being led by right wingers or is it being led by muslim immigrants . You dont think any of the extreme right wing nationalists in places like germany and france have anything to do with any of that. Tucker maybe some. I dont know. Maybe. Lets be real. Ask anybody. Talk to any israeli who recently moved from france. I dont think they are mad at marie le pen. They are really upset about muslim immigration because the antisemitism is coming from muslims. Given that we know that kind of beyond debate. Why would you as somebody who is concerned about that be calling for more muslim immigration here . I havent specifically called for more muslim immigration. What i have called for is a continuance of our Legal Immigration program and embracing those who are already here, tucker. I think its important to include and involve people in our community and not set them apart and make them into the other which appeals to the shadow which is bad. We dont need to appeal to the dark side. Tucker im opposed to the shadow. I am. Im also opposed to freudian projection since we are getting keep into german psychiatrists. I think its very striking that if you are concerned about government overreach and the election of a dictator and i actually am concerned. That i think all good americans are. The framers were concerned about it. Thats the why they wrote the constitution the way they did. Ought to be terrified of anybody who attacks your freedom to say what they think is true. What i find is striking is nobody on the left ever says anything as universities kick kids out. Punishable people for having differing points of view. Thats fascist stuff. Why doesnt anybody ever mention that . Two thing next time you are n San Francisco listen to my show. I talk about that. I dont appreciate shuttle down free speech. We must in a democracy have a Fair Exchange of ideas. However, there are some thoughts and ideas that dont deserve to be aired. And you and i have a tendency to chose not to air those. Tucker oh, they dont deserve to be aired. So you dont have the right. Thats right. Tucker everything is cool unless people disagree with you in which case we have to punish them. Sure, hold on. What im saying is the left is punishing people for saying what they think is true now. Not everyone agrees with everyone elses opinion like to have free speech, you have to tolerate the views of people you disagree with. And the left no longer does. You dont see that as authoritarian . I do not agree with you that the left no longer does. I think thats a very small fringe element that tries to shut it down. Tucker google, facebook, twitter, Biggest Companies in america . Bleeding boycotts against peoples opinions you dont like . You dont see this as troubling . Any time that we shut down free speech in an open and public place im absolutely on your side on that one. Organizations have a place to keep a workplace friendly and open to all people. And if you are offending your person sitting next to you, that is something that hr has to deal with. Because we also have laws. Tucker h. R. Thats where speech goes die. Of course. Thank you so much. Good luck with your h. R. A professor of classic emeritus call state fresno he joins us tonight. Professor, you spent a lot of time studying dictatorships and how they take power from the people and hold it to themselves and basically do what they will despite popular sentiment. What are the things that take share theships do first to prepare the way for totalitarian rule . One of the things that Hillary Clinton said in that speech is they destroy trust and transparency. That was quite ironic. She was introduced to the National Scene in her late 30s by parlaying 1,000 investment in cattle future into 100,000 investment, which was a mockery of a whole transparent idea of investment. It was 4 trillion to 1 odds. She didnt pay taxes. Fast forward 40 years to, you know, travel gate, file gate, the Rose Law Firm records. Uranium one, the email. They all have one constant common denominator, tucker, thats a lack of transparency and feeling that she is exempt from equal application of the law. So its kind of i dont know whether to laugh or cry. One of the ironies when she gave that speech, she got 25,000. Had she given it two years ago or four years ago, she would have had 100 times that amount, as would her husband because they had something that people wanted. And that was influence to buy. And so now she doesnt have it and she is sort of bitter and she is shrill and angry. Buff she is engaged in projection where she is the perceived sins of herself on to others. You made a good point. Because every time a republican is in power, he is a nazi or brown shirt. When george w. Bush was there in 2006, if you remember, al gore, george soros, garrison keeler, linda ron stat. He was a fascist brown shirt. We had a movie how to kill him. We had a novel check point. Suddenly he is out he doesnt have the reigns of power anymore. Is he a sober, judicious never trumper. Donald trump has inherited the same role. We have the same documentary about killing him. We have oped about John Wilkes Booth again. We have the nazi slur. And its all based on the premise that exalted called noble means justifying any any any means of obtaining them. Its again and again and again. And i am not worried about donald trump until he weaponizes the irs in the manner of lois learner under the obama administration. If mike pompeo had 30,000 emails that he was destroying, i would be really worried that secretary of state or if h. R. Mcmaster had ordered surveillance be unmasked and leaked from the nfc or warped at the Trump Administration was trying to warp the fisa courts with antihillary hit piece i would be worried. So far its been on the other side. Tucker yeah, that would be worrisome. It would be because it would be assault on institutions. Tucker honest enough to say it too if they ever do it . I hope i would, too. Tucker you would be. I know you would be. Thank you for joining us. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Tucker got news for you the wife of pulse nightclub shooter omar mateen has been acquitted. Noor salman was charged with providing and obstruction of justice. The jury was not convinced of that the fbi used mateens father as confidential source and lied about it after the shooting. We will learn more about that story and of course we will bring it to you as we do. Very bad week for facebook. Now it may be getting worse. May have given assistance to Barack Obamas 2012 campaign. Doesnt sound like them, does it . Well investigate live from washington on good friday. Tucker well, we learned this week that cnn executives are aciddous viewers of this show and of course we are flattered we know that because cnn has announced that actually it may not be a good idea to support foreign dictatorships. Last week we telling you about cnn turk. A franchise repeated the political talking points of tuckerys authoritarian antiamerican islamist government. Mr. Erdogan in the picture right behind me now in a deal worth 900 million a major stake in cnn turk is about to be sold to conglomerate who has referred to head as boss. Cnn and erdogan together. In a rare fit of conscious cnn may reconsider its consideration with antiamerican foreign auto democrats since they have been caught. In a statement to fox the network said this quote we will be meeting with the new owners in due course to discuss the implications of the sale. If following those conversations we have any reason whatsoever to believe that journalistic integrity of the channel could be compromised by the new owners we will revoke the license. Which is funny since cnn turk for years has been carrying water for the erdogan government even as it beat and killed protesters in the streets cnn has been carrying its water. Showing at one point a penguin documentary rather than the repressive crack down by the turkish secret police. Anyway, we are glad cnn is watching the show. We welcome the development. In the future of course we encourage cnn to care about journalistic integrity before they are called out for backing dictators. Well, facebooks disastrous week continuing to get even worse thanks to another scandal. In 2012 it turns out the company handed over user data to Barack Obamas president ial campaign. In doing so, may have violated the law. Fox news it 24 7 headlines anchor bret larson has more on that. What do you know . Hey, tucker. Yeah, not a good week to be facebook basically. What were finding out today is there are reports that in 2012 they may have just given user data to the barack Obama Campaign. There were reports in the Daily Mail Former pepper that ran the Campaign Social Media for him someone at facebook said we are giving this to you because we agree with you. Of course, giving them that information for free would be a violation of the federal Campaign Finance laws because that would be violation of rather direct or indirect giving of they are basically giving a Campaign Donation in that situation. And you cant do that in federal elections. For the president and for congress. Then we are also learning today that Hillary Clintons name coming up once again now connected to all the problems with facebook that the app. She was using during the 2016 campaign and they were encouraging people to connect with their friends. They may have been going through your contacts list and doing that illegally and taking the data of their users to encourage people to vote for Hillary Clinton to try and find people that they could persuade to be voters. Not very good news for facebook all around. And this is all in light of the problems that they are having with the Cambridge Analytica story that we have been following for the past couple of weeks with the 50 million users and the data that was taken from them. And then this very, i think, damning piece of information buzzfeed is reporting on, this a former facebook executive saying something about what their site does and how they connect people and he, in part, says about facebook anything that allows us to connect more people more often is de facto good. Despite the fact that they had concerns that doing this could even allow someone to coordinate a terrorist attack or even expose someone to bullying. So, tucker, it is a bad week to be facebook. Tucker yeah. And it should be. Im glad that other people are paying attention to this now and not just us. Thank you for that. Thanks, tucker. Tucker a former member of the federal Election Commission a senior legal fellow joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. Sure. Tucker if it turns out that the Obama Campaign received this date that that would be inkind contribution, correct. It is very valuable data. Former media director for the Obama Campaign said facebook actually came to their office and said well, we dont normally give this data out but were going to let you have it because we favor your campaign. That turns it into potentially illegal contribution. Tucker how would that not be illegal and not be a crime. If they made this Data Available to nibble who wants it, well then, of course, any campaign to get it but the fact that they specifically had rules against this, does make it an inkind contribution. Contrast this with what they did with Cambridge Analytica, remember, Cambridge Analytica when they found out about this, they went to Cambridge Analytica and said you need to destroy this data. Youre not supposed to have it. That tells you that in the one case they let the campaign have it. In another case they were saying well, no, you are not supposed to have this data. Tucker so facebook, but also google and twitter and apple, the Big Tech Companies could easily throw an election and we wouldnt know it and so we should be terrified of this. I dont think we are terrified enough. But, what is the u. S. Congress, what are the appropriate agencies and the executive branch doing to make sure that these Huge Companies who have more power than any companies have ever had in Human History are remaining transparent . I mean, we are certain this is not happening. What are we doing to assure us of that. In the case of the Obama Campaign potentially getting corporate contribution which sill legal, that ought to be investigated by the federal Election Commission where i used to be a commissioner because its a potential violation of federal law. Tucker is it no idea where they are going to open up an investigation. Potentially also the u. S. Justice department could investigate it because if it was an intentional and knowing violation of the law, that takes it from being a civil violation to a criminal violation. So, both of those federal agencies have potential jurisdiction over. This so far, no one has said at any of those agencies that they are going to open up an investigation. Thats what they ought to do though. Tucker yeah. Well, if have lunch with any of your friends encourage them. I will. Tucker thank you very much. Facebook sudden only condition with a bill political effect and politics isnt the only way tech is hurting america. Not by far. Next week we are spending all week on a special series on what big tech is doing to you, your children, our culture, this country, our politics. Its changing all of those things. And we should know how and we are going to tell you how. Well, the media scandalized when anonymous report suggested that the interior secretary ryan zinke may care more about competence than about diversity. Did he commit a sin in hiring on the basis of ability . What sin . We will tell you next. Hey, sir losealot thou hast the patchy beard of a prepubescent squire thy armor was forged by a feeblefingered peasant woman. Your mom as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. Boring fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Zinke of seeking to hire the best people for jobs at the interior Department Without regard to their appearance. That was the kyron. Zinke angers by hiring the best. Ridiculous. Hired by