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Its not your fault, blame donald trump. Great show. Good evening from washington, im Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. A major win in federal court today for President Trump and a big boost for his push to build the border wall. Univision anchor jorge ramos is here thats going to be fun and to debate me on the wall and a new Supreme Court ruling makes it completely altered the immigration issue. Ill discuss the president s strategy as well for mexico and china, huge news on that with the administrations point man on trade. A huge number of teens maybe yours . Are now sending out sexually explicit of themselves and of others. Some experts are saying its a positive development a debate not to be missed ahead. The Florida School shooting, this sheriffs reaction and the Stoneman Douglas high school kids, thats the focus of tonights angle. We brought to you last night exclusive news about what was happening behind the scenes, new and shocking details about the activity of the Broward County police under the leadership of sheriff scott israel. We shared with you a Department Email asking officers to defend the sheriff. It read at the moment we find our agency up against a flurry of media allegations and a personal attack against our sheriff, sheriff israel stood with us. Now we must stand with him. Its important they know we stand as one. This shouldnt be not about saving anyones backside but about transparency. Not protecting the sheriff or anyone else. Sheriff israel has endorsed gun control and for that he won praise from student activists and this is happening as his departments actions before, during, and after the Horrific School shooting are now being investigated by a separate state commission. When challenged, israel dont forget, unelected democratic sheriff bragged about his amazing leadership. But it may not have been so amazing. Last night we report exclusively that sources close to the Broward Sheriffs Office are telling us that deputies on the scene of the shooting were told not to enter the school unless their body cameras were turned on. Since they did not have body cameras, they didnt engage the shooter or enter the school. The Sheriffs Office by the way has not disputed our report. When asked about the deputies who failed to enter the school building, broward superintendent said there potentially could have been Law Enforcement that were sitting on the sidelines. Well see what comes out of the investigation. The Broward County Sheriffs Office and the fbi has all the video related to this. We have none of it in our possession. They made that clear. They came, they gave us a warrant and a subpoena and they took it all. Remember, sheriff israel said that the videos may never be released, another bizarre comment. How do you say that . Its not clear if the feds have the video as well, it would even be his full decision at this point. Then there are the parkland Florida School students, they spent through a lot. For anyone who has been conscious, the media has featured these kids wall to wall, their passion, their word words. I would argue their pain and loss is at times of being exploited by antigun activists, sometimes using them as proxies. Remember this from the cnn town hall. Senator rubio, its hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an ar15, can you tell me right now that you will not except a single donation from the nra . Laura nice. Some of the exchanges, i imagine the sheriff wouldnt like it if his officers were spoken to in that tone. He then revealed himself. We do need to have some guncontrol reform. 18yearolds should never have a rifle and 18yearold should not have a rifle. 18yearold kid they are not adults yet. They are in high school. These kids should not have a rifle. Laura you hear what he said . Kids. They are still in high school. They are going through a lot. Its something called growing u up. Sheriff israel made unwittingly one of the salient points here. Why on earth should teenagers dictate policy on gun control . Or anything else for that matter . Without diminishing their pain or sadness or the right to express their opinion about the slaughter of their fellow classmates, why should their political policy views where talking 14, 15, 16yearold kids be given special consideration . When theyre not insulting congressman or senators, they are advising them on gun policy. You just met with about five students, ive heard a lot of conservatives say these kids arent experts, why are they have a good influence on this debate . You met with them so what did you think . Its high school kids, a sympathetic group, very articulate, committed bunch of kids. They are obviously social media savvy and thats why i think they are having the impact that they are having. They are organized and they are here. Im glad they are and i hope they keep it up. These guns are out there on the street that people who may be unstable are able to get it just as anybody else. If we ever want to end this we have to start at the federal level because that is where the law is supreme, thats where we have to take action. Laura speaking of senator senator flake who is retiring because 18 approval, i would preferred the students to most of his advisors over the years. That of having been said, before three of the students went on Ellen Degeneres is popular talk show, agf them backstage appeared on twitter. They looked like oscar nominees, they look adorable. Perhaps the wall street journals, bill mcgurn raised the best question about the kids turned policy experts. Quick show of hands for those with children. How many of you look to your teens for political wisdom whether its your daughter obsessing over snapshot or the son spending his day binge eating doritos. Laura i have three kids, did you raise your hand . I dont think so, thats the angle. Joining me now for a reaction the liberal perspective, mark glaze as executive director for gun safety, he says the nra has a full psalter agenda. And in tallahassee, florida, Richard Corcoran is the speaker of the house in florida, hes a republican, great to see both of you. Mark, take it away. I dont think these kids have unique knowledge, i think part of the reason they dont take them seriously is there have been 18 School Shootings and many more mass shootings. Things like chinese water torture, at some point, we reach a point where they break. I think these kids decided they were not going to duck and cover and they were going to get out there and start agitating for change. Laura because you are a victim and a survivor, you have a special policy expertise in the arena everyone has a right to speak out, fine. Im just talking about the frequency with which they are put on cable television, the celebrity add on with a half a Million Dollar check people can give money to whoever they want to. Its much cooler, no offense, your cool to have kids out there talking about i see you down the barrel of an ar15. Then it is for you to say that. You look pretty cool, but those kids a picture says a thousand worlds. If im flipping around on cable, i want to see kids say that because its much more interesting. These kids dont have unique insight into the policy arguments but we have other people like me to do that to know everything there is to know. Laura your reaction to this because i know you have pushed and pushed and pushed for a common sense approach to policing in these circumstances and to the schools and hardening the school targets as we see a boycott of the nra which we will get to in a moment, whats your reaction to what we are seeing so far . Ive met with close to 100 students, ive met with parents of the victims, i do think they have something to add to the debate and its been very constructive. One of the things we are doing in florida is we have instituted the most robust first of its kind Marshal Program where we take a sworn Law Enforcement officers, they have more training, more expertise, Defense Tactics than our Law Enforcement officers and we give them that training and now they can be certified teachers and to be in the schools. Laura again, the activists dont want teachers armed. That the last thing they want. They are saying interview after interview, dont you dare on the teachers because thats going to create another problem, some crazy kid gets a hold of the teachers gone and then we are off to the races. You want to arm teachers and schools they say you are doing the bidding of the nra its going to make them more money. I think theyre changing the debate. Its not Arming Teachers its about having a sworn Law Enforcement officers. Allowing them to teach classes in the classroom and we have had students, we have had parents of the victims and our committee today testifying that having a Marshal Program like we have outlined is common sense. Laura i want to play for both of you some students in their discussion of the National Rifle association, lets watch. The nra is not going to do anything but help shooting happened. Any politician who is taking money from the in nra as was possible for a defense like this. If you cant get elected without taking money from child murders, why are you running . Every lawmaker out there, no longer can you take money from the nra, no longer can you fly under the radar doing whatever it is you want to do because we are coming after you. Laura coming after you. Well be nicer than dana lohse was on this topic i dont think the nra loves it when theres a mass shooting, i think the agenda directly facilitates mass shooting to take place every day. It is their philosophy that anybody should be able to get any gun they want. Laura that is untrue. The nra does not believe convicted criminals should get guns, they do not believe that someone who has been committed to an insane asylum should get a gun. They dont believe that at all. Im not even a member of the nra when i say that. Thats a law as it currently exists. The bottom line is the vast majority of crimes committed with guns were committed by people who bought them legally who passed a background check. Laura you prefer that all handguns be banned because handguns commit most of the murders in the country by far. Im one of those guys who thinks the nra is much smarter about this stuff than we are. They make their case about what they want and they keep making it for decades and then they win. I think we have to reverse heller. I think there should not be in an individual right to own a gu gun. Laura right now, we have a massive effort by celebrities and students to a boycott of the nra. Alyssa milano i know shes high on your list of authorities, calling for a oneday boycott of amazon, apple tv, fedex, dont scream, dont ship, the president said we are not endorsing the nra but we arent playing this game because where does it end . About the companys views on climate change, have you ever done a road race where planned parenthood ever had a sign . If you politicize everything, your reaction to the boycott. I think its silly, its pernicious, it doesnt get to the solution. What were trying to make sure its what happened happened never happens again. To your other guests comments, im an nra member, im in a related legislator with the nra, i have a concealed weapons permit, i have six children from 17 intersex in your comments are offensive. What i tell my kids all the time, there is no greater threat to their life, liberty, and freedom than big government. Big government has slaughtered more people in the history of mankind than any other entity, its certainly not the guns. Laura mao, stalin, hitler, pol pot. We have in bosnia. In cambodia. Laura i got your point. The reason you need an arsenal of assault weapons in your house is because paul ryan is going to come to your house, take away your guns, give you health care and then strip you of all your other rights, thats the scenario . That is stopping us from regulating guns . I live in the state of florida. We have a massive xl community from cuba where that exact thing happened, dont think it cant happen anywhere else. Governor rick scott is changing his mind on some of these issues, maybe you ought to think about it too. Of Governor Scott has been a tremendous advocate. Laura your and in favor of raising the age for the ar. President trump said as long as we get rid of this insanity were we take our most Precious Resource our children and put them in gun free zones, were going to end that with our marshalls program. Laura President Trump did score a huge win on the plan for the border wall and i have a feeling that Univision Jorge ramos may have something to say about that. Ill debate him next. Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. So, that means no breakfast . Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. Going somewhere . Whoooo. Heres some advice. Tripadvisor now searches more. 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I want to get into todays Supreme Court immigration ruling with our next guest, univision and fusion anchor jorge ramos, he is the author of a new book i just started stranger the challenge of a latino immigrant in the trump era gratis io, how are you. Congrats on the book, what is your take on the Supreme Court ruling that came down today. That said the border wall can go forward without the concern about environmental injections is a lawsuit following. The first thought is that President Trump is going to have to think about again the racist comments that he made about the judge because its exactly the same judge but now he sided with the government. That remark that President Trump made. Laura i dont like to comment on judges when youre before the judge on an issue, i wouldnt have done that but what part of that remark was racist . He said he didnt think someone of mexican heritage could rule on immigration related matters because of the dual loyalty . When you think that someone cant do his job simply because of his heritage. President trump said it because he was of mexican heritage, he couldnt do his job dealing on trump university. Its the same way it is a racist statement to say that people from haiti and african nations are from swhole countries. Laura we know that president obama use derogatory language about other countries. We know that other countries have done the same thing. On the issue of racism particularly, you make while the charges in your book that we are going to get into a just a moment. There was another case that came down the court it was a 53 ruling that said at the u. S. Government can indefinitely detain individuals who are found at the border or even green card holders who they have a reason to question their legal status, that was a 53 ruling, your reaction to that. Is not easy to be in immigration nowadays the United States. Many immigrants feel laura illegal immigrant, you always do this and it drives people nuts. I dont call them in legal immigrants because no one is illegal in this world. Laura what are they call them in mexico . Their undocumented immigrant immigrants. It is increasingly difficult to be an immigrant in this country. Donald trump has made it a hostile nation for many immigrants, undocumented undocumented. Laura latino unemployment is at a record low, thats not a good statistic for you . I think thats positive when it comes to economics but how about if you are a family whose father or mother has been deported. How about if youre one of the people that the trump government has arrested. Arrests in trumps first year are 30 higher than the last year of barack obama. Sure unemployment is better for latino, donald trump has been arrested many more people than barack obama. Laura lets get an answer im a simple person at the bottom of all this. My question to you is do you believe in nationhood . I believe that every single country has a right to protect its border. Laura two countries have the right to determine who comes into the country and who must leave their country . Do they have that sovereign right . I believe that but i also believe that we are partly responsible for 11 million undocumented immigrants who are in this country simply because we benefit from their work every single day. The food that we eat the homes that they are building to the children that they take care of. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes. Laura not all of them. Ive seen people get cash under the table. Every illegal immigrant rescues a cat from a tree. There was also a doctor recipient who was arrested for making threats against the school. Every time we hear daca, we were supposed to think their future valedictorians. We have a right as abigail hernandez, she was arrested in federal detention up in yonkers arrested for making a threat against the school she didnt attend every time you say its bad for immigrants in the United States, why do so many people want to come to this country if this is a country that is not welcoming to legal immigrants . To people who have faith in the system and follow the law, not to those who break the law and then expect special benefits on the other side . Are you criminalizing 2 million laura thats the game youre playing if no one buys it. It would be the same way if i were to say all hispanics were like the men who killed people in las vegas. Or what adam lanza did instantly hook. You cannot criminalize. Laura they are already here unlawfully, we dont have to criminalize them. Then dont. Because of one case, all the dreamers they are not. Laura in the end, this country is the greatest country in my view, i know you are both a citizen of mexico you vote in, correct . I voted mexico and the United States. Laura are you going to vote for and make a pena nieto . I think president pena nieto has been one of the worst president s, he didnt have the courage to tell President Trump and his face that mexico was not going to pay for the wall. Laura do you think in the end mexico will forge a strong relationship with china instead of renegotiating nafta and thats going to be a good thing for mexico . I dont think its going to be a good thing for mexico. If you are the president of the United States, mexico wont pay for that wall. I think mexico might pay some of it indirectly. I dont see that. Laura we might have a whole new business arrangement that would be good for both of countries. Congratulations on your book, i love having you on. Moving ahead with the border wall may mean trade retaliation, up next and go to talk to the man. Who will try to prevent that while ensuring that china placed by the rules of free trade, ability important topic. Later, some experts suggesting that tina sexting is a good thing, i kid you not. Stay there thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. 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Thanks for being back with us. We read that now on this issue of nafta renegotiation, all these great new deals are going to start, there has been a snag in the negotiations and it was reported that there was a call between the president and the mexican president pena nieto and it ended in some kind of testing manner. I guess the holdup was over who was going to fund the wall. My radio listeners chimed in on this topic about whether it matters if mexico pays or if its an indirect payment, lets listen. Laura mr. Ambassador, it doesnt seem like the hardcore Trump Supporters care about the wall so why should that be a snag here . It seems like he played this really smartly as a negotiating matter. The wall is out of my lane, i stay in my lane. We have to have a wall, beyond that, i stay in my lane. My lane is about trying to get new deals. Its trying to reverse a very bad trend that we have had for a long time in the trade area. The president ran on this, he feels strongly about it when i talk to him, its workers, ranchers, farmers, thats it. Its wages and its jobs. If we renegotiate that deal, if we get a good deal with mexico and canada if possible we are going to find more jobs. Laura the biggest holdup seems to be about auto manufacturing and thats with a lions share with our trade deficit of mexico is. I was shocked to read today that 77 of mexican manufactured vehicles that were exported came to the United States. That is because there is no tariff on those because of naft nafta. What will a potential deal look like regarding that type of imbalance . The biggest part of the problem between the two countries for the trade point of view is mexico has an industrial policy which is a smart one. Its designed to get Auto Companies to move to mexico and shipped to the u. S. You say 70 of 7 for some companies its even higher. A lot of these are companies with very little products that are made in america. Low u. S. Content. The kind of thing we are looking at is to have a better balance, higher regional content but higher u. S. Content and to reorganize the way we keep track of which is which. The president s objective is we have to get more jobs back to america, we have to reduce the deficit. That will ultimately put pressure on wages. Laura global trade is a big publication, critics will say advanced economies have been steadily reducing the chair of jobs in manufacturing and that is accounting for a lot of the job losses in the United States. You can nail some of them to nafta but most of that is because improving and productivity, technology changing, we are steadily moving away from those types of manufacturing jobs, what do you say to that . The greatest economies in the world right now, United States, china, germany, japan. Who said it germany and japan dont have a lot of manufacturing . As a percentage its shrinking perhaps. But those are still great jobs, very important jobs and they spin off wealth to thousands, millions of other people to me its complete nonsense to say we dont need manufacturing. Laura if we have a 70 billion trade deficit with mexico, we have eight times that with china. Last year was the biggest trade deficit that we have ever had. Now you have to decide by april about what youre going to do with chinese aluminum imports, under market priced goods and they are now saying we could retaliate on your agriculture, theres a trade war, trump is going to start a trade war, its going to be a nightmare. And you say . Its nonsense. We have a very imbalanced relationship with china. Once again its not based on basic economics, its based on industrial policy. This is a country that has a centrally driven kind of econom economy. They take technology, they subsidize, that use access to markets and create an enormous amount of wealth and imbalance with the United States not based on economics. Laura a lot of people say the president doesnt know the nuance of policy. He will get on the phone with someone and blow up negotiations he doesnt follow the nittygritty of things like trade or military policy. You are in all these meetings with President Trump on a weekly basis, i know you cant review what he says but you can tell us does he get these concept concepts . If you look at what President Trump said when he was 35 years old and follow it to what hes saying right now, its the same thing. He understands the issues. When i am in these meetings it is very strong giveandtake from a variety of people. The president is beyond engaged, he cares about jobs and wages, politics never comes up. When hes not thinking about jobs and wages its wages and jobs. Laura i appreciate you coming on and spending some time. This is an extremely important issue. You are one of the very few people that is actually pushing it and part of the reason is its complicated but it is extremely important and im honored to have had a chance to talk about it. Laura thanks so much. Now, is it healthy for teens to be sexting and should it be added to our sex ed curriculum. Will debate itnv next. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. 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Woman 3 i know laura if youre a parent youve heard about the sexting epidemic in the latest from the medical association is not welcome news. A surprising study about teens and it sexting its more common than you think it could be causing legal trouble. 27 of kids under 18 receive sext messages including nude photos. Nearly 15 of teens send them. Laura thats a heartbreaker. And now some experts say it should be included in sex ed classes because its the new normal. Lets ask. Lets start with dr. Ruskin. When i read the experts say i usually ignore them because the same people told me to do dumb stuff when i built the house and they were wrong. Sexting should be normal and healthy and we should teach it in sex ed, your reaction. Its a very normal part for development of teens to explore sexually. Sexting meeting utilizing your phone to express your thoughts and feelings as part of the digital age. That is exactly why having Sex Education would be helpful because you can talk about how to do it in a digital age that is being mindful of not having sex extortion. Having nondigital censorship. I know it sounds ridiculous. There is a safe sexting that is consensual and then there is not. Laura sexting is consensual, what happens for the big break up . Sorry, this is what she sent me and then he screenshots it and then youre off to the races. This is a nightmare for kids. Its a disaster for young women. Thats why education laura heres my education, youre in my classroom, heres in my education, dont sext. They are. You point to something that has been proven by science. An arm of planned parenthood not exactly a conservative meka has said that the more you teach sex ed, the more children have the more unwanted pregnancy and the more abortion ends up as a result. Even more recently, you have new research that says that women are mostly harmed through sexting. No wonder kids are screwed up today, when parents do their job they turn over to big brother, that idea wont ever work. Laura i want to play for both of you a heart wrenching piece of videotape. Bethany bert lowe was in high school when she sent a revealing shot of herself to a boy she was dating but it ended up in the wrong hands. I just wanted to be alone. I felt horrible. For three years she says she received threatening messages at demanding she sent more explicit photos. I got a text that said i have some photos of you, if you dont do what i say, youre going to regret it. The person on the other end of those threats a former classmate found guilty of exploiting her, she remains behind bars. Laura these are kids with her hormones racing. This is why we need education to talk about sexting need not be sending pictures, it can be expressing yourself with words. Laura you dont think the words can be used against you . How about go on a date and look at each other and talk to each other and grow up . That too. This is the reality thats why we have to educate them. Laura believe me my daughter says when am i getting a phone, i say how does never sound to you . Both of you have some points, education is important but what we teach our daughters and our sons, dont give your power away. You give your power away you will never, ever be able to get some of that power back. It was a great conversation, we have to have you on radio, fantastic. Sexting can be empowering. Laura we will put that on a tshirt. You will not believe what the media are trying to link President Trump to this time, it is amazing. Stay with us s less confident. Here, yogi. Fortunately, theres Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. Apply simply. Understand fully. Mortgage confidently. Get approved in as few as 8 minutes. Youre more than just a bathroom disease. Youre a life of unpredictable symptoms. Crohns, youve tried to own us. 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Hate groups and White Supremacists feel emboldened and they are not just coming out online but are also getting involved in political campaigns. Can you guess who he is talking about . Forget insinuation and innuendo, lets look at some actual facts. The last four copresident s vowed to fulfill one of the jewish states fondest wishes but only one did it. President trump it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. I am also directing the states to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. Laura is really leaders have heard the slanderous accusations that trump is antisemitic. But they know better, they know better from firsthand experience. Ive known the president and i have known his family and his team for a long time. There is no greater supporter of the jewish people and the jewish state. When president donald trump. I think we should put that to rest. Laura ill take his word for it. On the other hand, how exactly was the Previous Administration a friend to the jewish people or the state of israel . Obama disrespected the israeli prime minister, he entered a ruinous nuclear deal with iran and then there were obamas personal associations. This is an Illinois State senator obama with the reggie Antisemite Louis Farrakhan and it was taken in according the photographer and dont forget the l. A. Times has been sitting on a 2003 videotape of an event attended by what National Review called a racist terror mongers. Hes a supporter of Palestinian Terrorist yasser arafat. Now the Los Angeles Times which admits it has a video of obama rubbing elbows with an apologist for Palestinian Terrorist cell thing imply that trump is enabling a wave of antisemitism. There is one word for that. Chutzpah. Well be right back sup, world . Its the box with 30 savings for safe drivers. Coming at you with my brandnew vlog. Just making some ice in my freezer here. 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Advil liquigels minis. Dont we need that cable box to watch tv . Nope. Dont we need to run . Nope. It just explodes in a high pitched yeahhh. yeahhh try directv now for 10 a month for 3 months. No satellite needed. Laura before we go, an update to a story we covered last night. Isis erected more ice are arrested more than 150 individuals in northern california. Despite the warnings by the oakland mayor of an impending raid. Well done, you did a good job. Didnt work. A lot of these people are criminal wreaking havoc on society. People should be chairing this mess. Get them off the streets and out of the country. Shannon bream and the Fox News Night Team not dancing it because its not friday. Weve got to have some activity like you have, shannon. Youve been dancing on friday. Do you know what we do collect and we just go home. Shannon you guys live very exciting lives. You can join our dance party open invite. Good to see you. Heres what we have coming up tonight. Broward county mark bogen joins us live for the call to the many times as scott israel has claimed. The president leads a capitol hill listening session on guns. Reality tv or real collusion equipment we will ask press secretary ari fleisher. One year in his presidency, President Trump gets a very early start by announcing hes running for election. 980 days from now. Chris stirewalt. Plus

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