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Understand. Now, well show you the secret codes on your bills and how to find out exactly what they mean plus, struck by lightning while standing in a supermarket checkout line. It hit right through like the top of my head, down my spine. Shepard tonight, a woman gets the shock of a lifetime. But first from fox this wednesday night. He is accused of carrying out a terrorist attack in boston, killing and injuring hundreds of innocent people. And now the suspected marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is on the cover of Rolling Stone. A magazine that usually features rock stars and cultural icons. The caption on rolling cones cover refers to tsarnaev as a promising popular student who became a monster. Despite that folks in boston and beyond say they are furious. Its despicable. He now is going to be the poster boy for all young kids who read Rolling Stone magazine. The editor says its because of their Young Readers that they made this decision. They released a statement that reads in part the fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young and in the same age group as many of our readers makes it it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens. The editors say their hearts go out to the Boston Marathon victims. Some stores are promising they wont carry this magazine and some critics are calling for boycotts. In boston, a city where the scars with still fresh from that awful day in april, tears for the victims are turning to cries for anger. Trace gallagher is on fox top story live for us this evening. An officer wounded in a shootout with the boston bombers is among those now criticizing the cover. Yeah, the officer, shep, is richard donahue. He works for the boston metro transit system. He was shot and wounded in the leg during that shootout and he lost a lot of blood, spent two months in the hospital, still walks with crutches as you see and has not yet returned to work. He was asked for a statement about the Rolling Stone cover. He responded by saying, quoting here, my family and i were personally affected by these individuals actions. I cannot and do not condone the cover of the magazine, which is thoughtless at best. However, i appreciate our countrys protection of free speech afforded to us by the constitution. I am confident that our boston Strong Community will remain intrepid and unshaken by the cover of this magazine. Others in boston were not quite as diplomatic. Listen. I think thats horrible that he is being publicized like that. He shouldnt be. Thats horrible. Thats for people who are in the public eye and doing good things. He didnt do a very good thing, did he . Yeah. The mayor of boston put it even more bluntly saying this is nothing more than disgraceful. Shep . Shepard the list of stores that representatives say dont plan to carry this issue seem to be growing. Yeah. After getting reaction from its customers, walgreens, the drugstore chain pulled it off its shelves for next month as did cvs and we learned that rite aid also pulled it off. As a company with deep roots in new england and strong presence in boston, we believe this is the right decision out of respect for the victims of the attack and their loved ones. We have also learned the stop and shop grocery chain has pulled the magazine as has the food stores. Today the ceo was on your world. One of our stores is actually located between the two blast sites. So we have employees that were fortunately not hurt but certainly affected and we have a lot of customers that will carry scars with them for a long time. You know, some would argue that this is really about censorship, not at all. This is about felipe. Its about felipe with the First Responders and the people affected by this tragic event. We should note that all of the stores will go back to selling Rolling Stone magazine come this september issue. Shep . Shepard trace, many of our viewers know Rolling Stone is no stranger to controversy. One of the most recent problems happened just a few years ago when the magazine published an article on general Stanley Mcchrystal while he was the Top Commander in the war in afghanistan. That article depicted general mcchrystal mocking president obama and members of his administration and general mcchrystal resigned less than two days later. Four of the six jurors who found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin say they are not on board with the first Public Comments from another juror. Remember, just two days after the verdict came in, that juror known to us as b37 gave gave her thoughts to cnns Anderson Cooper. She says she believed zimmermans heart was in the right place until things just went terribly wrong. Well, now four other jurors have put out a statement, part of it reads the opinions of juror b37 expressed on the Anderson Cooper show were her own and not in any way representative of the jurors listed below. Of course, there were six jurors in total. So far no response from juror b29. An hispanic mother of 8. Today the Sheriffs Office revealed that even though the six women were sequestered. Family and friends could still visit them on weekends as long as they did case. The jury took supervised trips to the mall, a bowling alley, fourth of july restaurants, including outback steak house. Jonathan serrie is live Naacp Convention in orlando where this case took center stage. It seems like this case took a toll on these jurors . Tonight the Seminole County Sheriffs Office released estimates on how much money it spent housing, feeding and entertaining the jurors while they were sequestered over the course of this trial. 33,000 is the estimate. And while their physical needs were met, the trial itself was an ordeal, according to that written statement by the four jurors. They write quote serving on this jury has been a highly emotional and physically draining experience for each of us. The death of a teenager weighed heavily on our hearts but in the end, we did what the law required us to do. Shepard more big names, jonathan, are weighing in on the verdict. Thats right. Hillary Rodham Clinton expressing sympathy Authority Family of Trayvon Martin. Stevie wonder saying he wont perform in the Sunshine State until florida resindz its stand your ground law here at the Naacp Convention civil rights, heavy weights from reverend jesse jackson, Martin Luther king iii call for the laws repeal. Holder suggested stand your ground may escalate confrontation. Today the white house made clear to reporters the president feels the debate should be held at the state level. Its a component of what we are saying now about actions that states could take to look at the laws on their books and evaluate them against the standard, which is are these laws improving or making worse the situation with regards to gun violence . And the nra weighed in on all of this saying that selfdefense is not a concept but a basic human right. Shep . Shepard Jonathan Serrie in orlando. Jonathan, a live look near where you are in orlando where police estimate hundreds of people plan to attend what theyre calling a march against gun violence. And for a second day today, dozens of protesters holding a sitin at the office of floridas governor rick scott in the capital of tallahassee. They say they plan to stay until the governor calls a special session to reevaluate the stand your ground law there were more rallies across Southern California as well. These were largely peaceful, compared to it a few of the violent confrontations between activists and police that happened on monday night and today a guilty verdict in a different trial. One that has well a few things in common with the zimmerman case. A jury in milwaukee today convicted 76yearold john spooner of killing an unarmed black teenager. A 13yearold whom the gunman suspected of stealing his guns. The boy was simply taking out the trash when the killer gunned him down. Prosecutors showed the jury Surveillance Video of that shooting. And now the trial shifts to a second phase in which the defense is to try to prove that the shooter was mentally ill at the time. The gunmans Attorney Says his client didnt really mean to kill the boy. The office of the top lawyer in the irs took part in targeting Tea Party Groups applying for tax exempt status. Thats what a former irs official told congressional investigators according to House Republicans. There is no word the lawyer himself knew about the targeting. The chief counsel is one of two irs officials the president appoints. Now House Republicans are demanding more documents from the agency, including white house emails. Democrats say there is no evidence the white house took part in the targeting. They are accusing republicans of cherry picking the information they release. Mike emanuel is on capitol hill for us tonight. Hello, mike. That war of words could lead to it a huge fight tomorrow. House oversight chairman darrell issa and top democrat on the Committee Elijah Cummings continue their very public spat over this irs investigation and they have another hearing tomorrow. As for the cherry picking information charge, here is issas response. We think we have interpreted fairly and we believe tomorrows hearings are going to show that people who actually had these applications and who worked up and down the chain make it very clear this was not a cincinnati decision. It wasnt just not just a washington decision. There was also congressional hearing today looking into whether Small Businesses received extra scrutiny from the irs. The acting commissioner told lawmakers there is no evidence of that but says the irs is still reviewing its procedures. Now, obviously, we have a lot of clean up to do and fixes to do in that area. That also, as part of a check and balances, has led to us now revealing all of the various procedures that i have just outlined. We are now doing special, additional reviews to make sure that there is fairness in the entire life cycle. The top democrat on the Small Business committee then offered this suggestion. It is my hope we can move past the substance that the irs politically target certain small firms ion tonstead have a ensure Small Businesses are not unfairly harmed by [inaudible] auditing. Perhaps the end of the Small Business aspect but no signs the irs investigation is anywhere close to ending. Shep . Shepard mike, the acting commissioner says the irs has documents that show it also targeted progressive groups. But the Inspector General is refusing to turn over those documents to congress because of privacy concerns. The Inspector General is set to testify at tomorrows hearing. Well, days after the crash of Asiana Airlines flight 214 in san francisco, the airline announced plans to sue a television station. After that station aired offensive and incorrect names for the pilot. Now the carrier is dropping that lawsuit. We will show you why. Plus, the new tool that one doctor says can quickly detect cancer without sending any samples to a lab. The details on how it works and what it could mean for patients. Coming up from the journalists of fox news on this wednesday fox report. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You cabe more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, seek immedte medical hel for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. 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Investments designed for a smoother ride. Find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. Ishares by blackrock. Call 1800ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives,risks,. Read and consider it carefully before investing. Risk includes possible loss of principal. The broadcast fake names of the by lots involved in last months deadly crash landing. We wont say the names here but many people considering them racially offensive and so many more wondered how in the world these could have made it to air. At any rate they say they scrapped plan force a defamation suit. In order to all of our efforts aftermath of the accident, Officials Say they confirmed the names with federal officials, it turns out the person who confirmed them was actually a summer intern. Still no explanation for where those names came from in the first place. Well, its july and its hot outside. That happens. But in the northeast, seeing some of the highest temperatures of the summer so far. And really, in many years. Well up in the 90s in a lot of areas and with the humidity it feels even hotter. But despite the heat, our chief meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is outside othe studio for some reason. Well, its july and it its hot. Thats it. We have got another b. Another three days to get through. This just be ready. We have already had four days of it and get ready for a few more. Take a look at the weather maps. Can you see whats going on. At least in new york city here. Likely all the way through saturday, in fact, saturday might be the 7th day in a row over 90 degrees and then we will start to drop it down by monday and tuesday, in fact below average by monday and tuesday. Get ready, there is some relief. Right now still 87 in new york. 91 in d. C. 93 in chicago. Still humid out there. It feels like 100 degrees in detroit. 99 in chicago. Its past 6 00. Another hot one. Shepard, a big part of the problem is it is just not cooling down at night. That means you dont really get any relief and a good seven day heat wave for a lot of folks across the east. Shepard take that map a bit to the west, there rick, its cool. Really amazing. Places generally seeing the heat are seeing a bit of a break right now. Albuquerque, feel like 80 degrees. Thats because there is big time rain moving in across areas of the four corners in texas. Take a look at all that moisture in texas. Any place that needs rain is western kansas, new mexico. Some three to five inches from that. Little bit of flooding but they will definitely take the rain when they can get it now, shep . Shepard good news for hundreds of thousands of people outside of d. C. In maryland. Yesterday we reported that folks in maryland Prince Georges County were going to lose Running Water for five days while crews worked to fix a large water main close to failing. Well now those same Officials Say they have figured out a plan that should keep the water running during the repairs. We will keep you posted. As the white house, there are house the white house plans to delay part of president obamas sweeping healthcare overhaul. And republicans are launching their own push to scale it way back. And while all of that is going on, consider this right now, experts estimate nearly 80 of medical bills contain mistakes from small typos to serious overcharging. So how do you catch it and what do you do about it . Gerri willis is in to help us avoid paying too much. Plus, there is athletic and then there is the mom who ran 366 marathons in 365 days. Not for the health benefits, she says. You will hear from her as fox reports live tonight. I want to make things more secure. [ whirring ] [ dog barks ] i want to treat mo dogs. Our Business Needs more cases. [ male announcer ] where do you want to take your business . I need help selling art. [ male announcer ] from broadband to web hosting to mobile apps, Small Business solutions from at t have the security you need to get you there. Call us. We can show you how at t solutions can help you do what you do. Even better. Mhandle more than 165 billionl letters and packages a year. Can help you do what you do. Even better. Thats about 34 Million Pounds of mail every day. Ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer . Millions . Tens of millions . Hundreds of millions . Not a single cent. The United States Postal Service doesnt run on your tax dollars. Its funded solely by stamps and postage. Brought to you by the men and women of the american postal workers union. There is a pursuit we all share. A better life for your family, a better opportunity for your business, a better legacy to leave the world. We have always believed in this pursuit, striving to bring insight to every investment, and integrity to every plan. We are morgan stanley. And were ready to work for you. Shepard within just the past hour the house of representatives passed two bills that would delay key components of the president s controversial healthcare law. One is the employer mandate which forces businesses to give their employees Health Insurance or pay a fine. The other, the individual mandate which forces americans without employer provided coverage to buy Health Insurance or also face a fine. Those bills now move on to the senate. The white house says the president will veto the measures if they reach his desk. Though that is very questionable. And tomorrow president obama will deliver remarks on his Signature Healthcare law according to the white house, the president will play up its benefits saying the average American Family will save about 100 bucks. All this comes as an Advocacy Group reports that nearly 80 of the nations medical bills contain some sort of error. The Fox Business Networks gerri willis is here to explain. What are the most common mistakes . There are a lot of them, duplicate billing, billing for services you never received. Charges for work that was never executed. You name it, they come up with ways to do that. They will deny bills if you dont have the right address for your ensurer on them. We saw one of those tonight on my show. Shepard what you can do if you are a victim of this and it sounds like a lot of people are. A lot of people are, 80 . Read that bill. It can be tough. The devil is in the details. What you look for is what is called the cpt coding. This is really technical. Five digits explain every kind of service, test, operation everything you can possibly get. These codes are maintained by the american medical association. You can go to their web site to detoday the codes. Make sure those codes on your statement match what your insurer, what your provider says that they gave you. You want those two things to match make sure this is something you got. Shepard a little work can save you some money. Thank you. One of five americans under the age of 65 will struggle with his or her medical bills this year. Thats according to a recent Nerd Wallet Health study which also finds three of five personal bankruptcies will be due to medical bills. A doctor in the United Kingdom claims his New Invention can instantly detect cancer. He calls it a smart knife, normally surgeons use knives that heat tissue as they cut burning it to stop the bleeding as you go as you can see here. That doctor says he hooks up the knife to a machine that analyzes the smoke from the burned tissue and compares it to various smoke signatures of cancerous and noncancerous tissues. That sounds very complicated but the doctor says it really isnt. If the machine reads green, the surrounding tissue is healthy. If it reads red, its cancerous are. Surgeons currently have to send tissue samples to labs and then wait for results, sometimes for a long time. Price tag for this smart knife, nearly 400,000. But Scientists Say it would likely drop if it catches on. 366 marathons in 365 days. Imagine it. A mother of two did exactly that. Three years after doctors diagnosed her with multiple sclerosis. She says she fell in love with running after she finished her first marathon back in 2010 and last summer she decided to step her game up, running a marathon every day of the week and a double marathon this past sunday on day 365. Thats more than 9500 miles in total, which would get from you maine all the way around the United States to michigan. Running that far. I cant even drive that today on studio b the denmark native told us how running marathons can come with risks. I didnt do it just to be healthy. But i am healthy. And that is very interesting that i have been running a marathon a day and i havent been sick for a year. Over a year. No flu, no nothing. Bill. Shepard no injuries, either. She considers herself healthy and never really thinks about m. S. Well, there is word ed snowden could soon get a look at the world outside the moscow airport. This comes as some lawmakers here in the United States are threatening to scale back the government surveillance programs that he exposed. And, as randy travis lies in a hospital bed recovering from a stroke, cops say they have now arrested his brother. Thats coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. Vo traveling you definitely end up meeting a lot more people but a friend under water is something completely different. I met a turtle friend today. Avo whatever youre looking for, expedia has more ways to help you find yours. But with advair, im breathing better. So now i can help make this a great block party. [ male announce ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. Unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an antiinflammatory and a longacting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. Advair wont replace fastacting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not bused more than twice a day. People with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. Advair may incrse your risk of osteoporosis some eye prlems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking advair. Ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. [ male announcer ] Advair Diskus fluticasone propionate and salmeterol inhalation powder. Get your first prescription free and save on refills at advaircopd. Com. Check out huge savings during the storewide Clearance Sale this weekend at bass pro shops. And bring the kids for our pbr family event july 27th and 28th. Where you can meet a real rider or see a real bull in select stores. Plus kids activities, all for free. Shepard im shepard smith. This is the fox report. Its the bottom of the hour. Time for the top of the news. A disgraced that history will judge harshly, thats what president obamas nominee for United Nations ambassador is saying about what she calls the u. N. s failure to Samantha Powers testified today on capitol hill sometimes the u. S. Has it go it lone. I think what we found in history is there are times we have to work outside the security counsel because the security counsel. There are times when we find it beverly, of course, to have Security Council authorization. Shepard the u. S. Estimates more than 100,000 people have died since the uprising syria began more than two years ago. Last month the white house announced the syria has crossed the red line by using chemical weapons and that the u. S. Would start arming rebel fighters. The plan is facing stiff opposition in congress. Jennifer griffin at the pentagon on the top story at the bottom of the hour. Jennifer . Shepard, in fact, none of that u. S. Military aid has reached the Syrian Rebels and now it is questionable whether it ever will. Meanwhile on capitol hill today, the president s pick for u. N. Ambassador Samantha Power hoped to break the ice during her confirmation hearing in which she had to defend a 2003 article she wrote in the new republic in which she suggested the u. S. Should apologize for past crimes. Quote, incity tiewght a doctrine of mea culpa would enhance by showing that american Decision Makers do not endorse the sins of their predecessors. We have nothing to apologize for. So you dont have any in mind now that we have committed or sponsors . I will not aipo poll guise for america. I will stand very proudly if confirmed behind the u. S. Placard. I understand, but do you believe the United States has committed or sponsored crimes . I believe the United States is the greatest country on earth. Power one, a Pulitzer Prize for writing about u. S. Failures to prevent genocide. She argued passionately for the Clinton Administration to intervene in rwanda and help convince president obama to intervene in libya to overthrow muammar gaddafi, shep. Shepard helps president obama create a new Organization Called the atrocities prevention board it includes officials from the cia, the state department, justice department, and other government agencies. Members say they meet once a month to talk about ways to prevent genocide and other atrocities. Ed snowden now, he could be out of the moscow airport transit zone in a few days. Thats according to a lawyer who says he has been working with the National Security agency leaker. The it Attorney Says that he expects russia it to approve ed snowdens application for temporary asylum within a week. The russian president Vladimir Putin says he warned ed snowden again do not do anything that might hurt relations between the United States and russia. The former nsa contractor has admitted that he did, indeed, leak classified documents and expose secret phone and internet surveillance programs. Now, members of congress are threatening to limit the governments power to spy on americans. Steve centanni is live in d. C. Tonight. Some lawmakers say the feds have really gone too far. Yeah. There was overwhelming opposition to the spying. Among members of the House Judiciary Committee today. Some saying they didnt realize how sweeping the Program Actually was until Edward Snowden made it public. While others suggested the government has gone way over board. The Committee Chairman questioned all that secrecy surrounding the program. Do you think a program of this magnitude gathering information involving a large number of people involved with Telephone Companies and so on could be indefinitely kept secret from the American People . Well, we tried. I understand. And good let threatened to reverse the authorization that makes the spying possible. The congressional anger crosses party lines. Listen. I feel very uncomfortable about using aggregated metadata on hundreds of millions of americans. This is unsustainable. Its outrageous. And, must be stopped immediately. Conyers says the program could very well be a violation of the fourth amendment. Shep . Shepard it certainly okay how in the world did Government Officials defend themselves on this . Well, they didnt defend themselves very well though they tried. They insisted the spying helps keep america safe. One Government Official acknowledges the whole program may need to be evaluated . In the Intelligence Community we try very hard to keep in mind both the protection of the National Security and the privacy and Constitutional Rights of americans. We think we have struck that balance in the right place. But if the people in the congress determine that we struck that balance in the wrong place, that is a discussion that we need to have. And there was discussion today of having the phone Companies Keep customers records longer instead of giving them to the government. Shep . Shepard Steve Centanni in d. C. Police can now use license plate cameras to track millions upon millions of americans, criminal suspects or not, and track them for months or even years. Thats the word today from the American Civil Liberties union. It reports that those cameras can now identify cars almost instantly to compare them against hot lists of vehicles linked to crimes. But, according to the aclu and others, some Police Departments keep that information for months or even longer for cars with no links to criminal activity whatsoever. Just tracking where you go and when you are there. The attorney in charge of marylands Advisory Council tells the the Washington Post newspaper and i quote we dont want to retain more information than is necessary. The man accused of torturing three women for nearly a decade today pleaded not guilty. And he had so much trouble, apparently, keeping his eyes open in court, that the judge had to step in. Thats next. Plus, gay marriage is now legal in england but not all of britain will be recognizing same sex unions, the details ahead. Plus, the whole world is apparently waiting with baited breath for some sort of baby or something. At least thats what our resident britain Jonathan Hunt would have us believe. His mother weighs in fromtude merry old. Engineer uh geicos discounts could save you hundreds of dollars. It sounds like youre saying dollus. Dollus. Engineeif you could accentuate the r sound of dollars. Are. Are. Are. Engineer are. Arrrrrr. Arrrrr. Someone bring me an eye patch, i feel like a bloomin pirate. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Honestly, i feel like i nailed that. Little things anyone can do. It steals your memories. Your independence. Ensures support, a breakthrough. And sooner than youd like. Sooner than youd think. You die from alzheimers disease. We cure alzheimers disease. Every little click, call or donation adds up to something big. I guess. Did you download that book i sent . Yah, nice rainbow highlighter. Youve got finch for math right . Uhuh. English . Her. Splanker, pretend were not related. Oh trust me, you dont want any of that. You got my map . Yeah. Where you can sit can define your entire year. And whats the most important ing to remember . No face to face contact until were off of school property. You got this. Sharing what youve learned. Thats powerful. Verizon. Get the Samsung Galaxy stratosphere ii for free. Do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser . I need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. Okay. Its easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. Just pick that flight right there. Mmm hmmm. Give it a few taps, and. Its taken care of. This is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. You bet. Now if you like that, press the red button on top. How did he not see that coming . Whats in your wallet . Here he is the guys wife and two other women were arrested as well. They are charging them all with conspiracy to traffic meth. Its not the first rubin either. Last year the cops arrested the brother on charges of cooking meth in makeshift lab in his home. The Country Singer is awake and alert said to be recovering from a stroke of the man accused of kidnapping, raping, starving and beating three women for about a decade apparently had trouble keeping his eyes open in court today. At this time it is my duty sir. You have to look up. Please keep your eyes open so i make sure that you are listening to me and starng what im saying. Okay . Im trying. Shepard im trying, he said. The judge had to tell ariel castro several times to keep his eyes open and raise his head. The suspect pleaded not guilty to nearly 1,000 charges. Including 512 counts of kidnapping can. 446 counts of rape. Think of what that means. 446 counts of rape. Todays arraignment expanded on an earlier indictment which covered only part of the time in which prosecutors say he committed those crimes. Ariel castro is also charged with aggravated murder. Prosecutors say he beat one of the women who was pregnant until she miscarried the child. The trial is scheduled to start on the 5th of august. Well, a chemical related to the deadly nerve gas sarin has killed at least 20 children and put dozens more in hospitals after they ate it in a Free School Lunch program. That tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. India. Those kids, ages 8 to 11, the news Group Protests to the streets in the eastern states. They got violent flipping over food carts. Officials say they found a heavy dose of insecticide in the food. The school reportedly stopped serving it once the children started of to vomit. Authorities suspended a food inspector and filed a criminal complaint against the schools head master, the Free Lunch Program is a popular effort to fight malnutrition among indias youth. China. A dramatic rescue after a man gets stuck for hours in an air vent. It happened in an eastern province. Firefighters were finally able to free him by hacking a hole into a bathroom wall. Rescue workers took him to a hospital, but Officials Say he has only some minor scrapes and bruises. Austria. Look at this. People can now experience this breathtaking view some 1200 feet above a glasure in the alps thanks to a newly constructed bridge. Its called the sky walk. The local ski resorts web site says it takes nerves of steel to cross it argentina. The biewn nez buenas aries zoo unveiling. 6foot 3 at birth. Thats a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. The queen of england has formally approved same sex marriage, the last step to make it the law of the land. Parliament passed the bill yesterday. The queens approval means gay marriages can start next summer in england and wales. This law lets same sex couples marry both civil and religious ceremonies. More news from across the pond. Baby watch 2013. [ laughter ] as you know the royal baby is expected to arrive any day now. And today we heard from her majesty, even she is getting a littlancey. Little antsy. Do you want a boy or girl . [inaudible] shepard no sign yet. The queen is expected to it begin her annual Summer Holiday in scotland very soon. The chief british correspondent Jonathan Hunt is here with the latest on the baby. Latest. You know, carrying, something that really. Frankly, im not entirely sure why anybody cares at all. But those crazy brits, perhaps driven even crazier by the heat wave over there its 75 degrees i tell new london right now. They think its worth dressing up in green baby suits and standing around outside the hospital where the baby will allegedly be born. But if they are crazy, i tell you there is nobody crazier about all of this than our very own martha maccallum. She has been waiting in london for, what . 18 months now for this baby to arrive . I talked to martha today and i asked the obvious question, what on earth is wrong with you . Listen. [ laughter ] i like london . I dont know. Its a pretty nice place to be. The royal family is fun to watch. We have had so many ugly, difficult stories over the past several months. I think everybody is ready for a little fun. A nice royal birth. A cute baby. What could be wrong with that jonathan . Martha is obviously always correct. What could be wrong with a cute royal birth. Shepard we were looking for inside scoop for royal delivery and we turned to none other than your mum. If you want the best source on how the british people are feeling about anything, ask that lady on the right there, mum, with my stepdad and beautiful couple arent they. I asked mum why is everybody so excited she said we really love william and kate. They have brought a freshness to the monday markey, it will be uplifting for the country when it is born. I said what happen names . She says mike thinks they might use harry or george. Really dont mind any of the girls names. Some think they might be diana. Would that be a good idea . I asked. I think it would be lovely said mummy. Finally asked, mum, are you in the pub . She said why, do you think im talking roubish . No, no drink. Sitting at home. A likely story, mum, jenny from the block i will wager was down at theed a laid which is a lovely pub. Wait for a prince or princess to arrive. In moms case a gallon of white wine. Shepard a gallon. They dont use gallons over there do they. Mom drinks them. Shepard all future reports will be delivered in that accent. Excellent. Im on it. Shepard courses of the royal family says Kate Middleton will give birth in hospital in same hospital where diana delivered Prince William and prince harry. Running into the hundreds of millions of dollars. That raises questions whether should rebuild in areas prone to the fires. Thats ahead. Just when you thought it couldnt get any better, a sequel to shark nato. Its in the works. Details coming. Which is deposited in your fidelity account. Is that it . Actually. Theres no annual fee and no limits on rewards. And with the fidelity Cash Management account debit card, you get reimbursed for all atm fees. Is that it . Oh, this guy, too. Turn more of the money you spend into money you invest. Its everyday reinvesting for your personal economy. Announcer announcer youre on the right track to save big during sleep trains triple choice sale. For a limited time, you can choose to save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic mattress sets. Or choose 300 in free gifts with sleep trains most popular tempurpedic mattresses. You can even choose 48 months interestfree financing on the new tempurchoice with headtotoe customization. The triple choice sale ends soon at sleep train sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep no dee dee tails yet on what the deal includes or whether the full senate will go for it. This effects every stupidity to takes out a new federally backed stafford loan. Some 8 million undergrads relied on those loans during the 20122013 school year. Outofcontrol fire near palm springs continuing to spread. Forest Officials Say the fire in san joaquin mountains has grown more than 22 square miles. Destroyed houses and mobile homes. Its even reportedly forced the evacuation of a summer camp for kids with cancer. More than 2200 firefighters are working to contain it. Meantime, were just beginning to learn the cost of the most destructive wildfire in Colorado State history. The black forest fire they call it near colorado springs, it burned for nearly two weeks last month and killed two people. Officials say taxpayers will foot the 7milliondollar bill to fight the fire. And that residents will likely see higher insurance premiums. Alesion shah acuna with the news. She is live in colorado springs. Alicia . Hi, shep. Folks have already started to delay the groundwork to rebuild in the black forest area. Building permits have been pulled. Thats exactly what happened in the subdivision where im standing. This is where the waldo canyon fire burned more than a year ago, destroying 300 plus homes. 70 homes have been rebuilt and 130 are on the way. And these folks are part of whats called the wild land urban interface. The wooy for short. Development is spreading on to wild land which can be really nice until there is a raging mega fire. Recent studies show it cost between 5,000 and tens of thousands of dollars to protect each house each hour. And colorado has now established a task force to look into it. Shep . Shepard alicia emergency crews in louisiana report lightning struck a woman who was standing in the checkout line of a supermarket it appears the lightning hit the roof, traveled through the Sprinkler System and emerged on some metal plate on which she was standing. A freak i want that she survived. I was alert at the time, but when it registered when the pain started hitting i knew right then and there something was really wrong, seriously. It hit right through like the top of my head, down my spine, all the way to my left thigh. The burst of electricity so powerful she says it blew her shoe right off her foot. She says she went into the building to avoid the storm. We safer in the store. Nothing is going to happen. Shepard but it does happen occasionally. Once a lightning bolt does strike your area that lightning bolt can travel through indoor plumbing it can travel through electrical wiring and strike you. Shepard meteorologists recommend common sense precautions like avoiding electrical appliances and tap water during thunderstorms. None of that applied to this situation. She was doing what she was supposed to do. She was supposed to head indoors. There was a thunderstorm in the area. She heeded the warnings. And, unfortunately she was struck. Shepard she says she still feels some pain but that she is doing fairly well given the circumstances. Inside the ambulance it hit me then. You know, i was like blessed. God is good. Shepard the National Weather Service Estimates lightning will strike one out of every 6,000 people at some point during his or her lifetime. The chance of it happening indoors is much smaller. A group that tracks this thing reports there has been thousands of examples in which it has occurred. Speaking of freak weather, if its true if sequels are always worse than the first this one might melt your television. Scifi announces making a followup to shark nato it had folks on twitter all fired up in case you missed it the movie is pretty much what it sounds like, tornado hits l. A. Spitting out sharks all along the way. The folks at the Scifi Network say shark nato two will rain down sharks on new york city. Its due next summer. Sharks have nothing on baseballs predator. Greatest player ever threw final pitchers as all star last night. One of the coolest sports contributes you will ever see and thats coming up. So im checking out the jetta. 34 hwy mpg. Check. Nocharge scheduled maintenance. Check. And heres the kicker. 0 apr for 60 months. And who got it . This guy. And who got it . This guy. And who got it . This guy. Thats right. [ male announcer ] its the car you wont stop talking about. Ever. Hurry in to the volkswagen best. Thing. Ever. Event. And get 0 apr for 60 months, now until july 31st. Thats the power of german engineering. Here at the hutchison household. But one dark stormy evening. There were two things i could tell she needed a good meal and a good family. So we gave her what our other cats love, purina cat chow complete. Its the best because it has something for all of our cats and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. Were so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. Always there for you. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. Resoft would be great, but we really just need kidproof. Softsprings got both, let me show you. Right over here. Here, feel this. Wow, thats nice. Wow. The soft carpets have never been this durable. You know i think well take it. Get kidfriendly toughness and feetfriendly softness, without walking all over your dget. He didnt tell us it would do this. More saving. More doing. Thats the power of the home depot. Right now, get wholehome installation for just 37 bucks. Always go the extra mile. To treat my low testosterone, i did my research. My doctor and i went with axiron, the only underarm low t treatment. Axiron can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as uneected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these symptoms to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and meditions. Serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; ankle, feet or body swelling; enlarg or painful breasts; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. Ask your doctor about e only underarm low t treatment, axiron. Shepard the best thing about the allstar game last night happened in the eighth inning. The mid summer classic. Greatest closer in baseball history made his final allstar appearance. [cheers and applause] now pitching, number 42, mariano rivera. Shepard in queens, more than 45,000 on their feet as mo took the field all by himself. Players on both sides lined the dugout and saluted giving him the diamond all to himself. Mo has said he will retire at the end of the season, of course, typical mariano fashion he pitched a 123 inning and took home the mvp trophy. Rolling stone defending decision to put the Boston Marathon bomber on its cover. And four of the six jurors who found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin are now distancing themselves from another juror who gave an interview to cnn and said zimmermans heart was in the right place and that he was justified in his actions the night of the shooting. And on this day in 1938, a plane that was supposed to fly to california left new york and wound up in ireland instead. The trip earned pilot Douglass Corrigan the nickname wrong way corrigan. He claimed a bad compass prompted him to it take a wrong turn. U. S. Aviation officials never bought the story it was an accident. They previously rejected his request to fly across the atlantic. Insisting the plane was not safe. He returned to the u. S. By ship after they suspended his pilots license. And new york city threw him a ticker tape parade upon arrival after a plane flew the wrong direction 75 years ago today. And now you know the news for this wednesday, july the 17th, 2013. Im shepard smith. Thanks for being with us. Were back tomorrow, noon pacific, 3 00 eastern for studio b, and back here for the fox report. Right before bill o. Bill the Oreilly Factor is on. Tonight [explosion] get your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone. Bill some outrage over this magazine cover that makes the boston bombing terrorist look like a rock star. Why did Rolling Stone do this . We will have the inside story. And he does get acquitted mary katharine. You are expecting people to run out and cause trouble. A far left writer on cnn distorts that quote to make me look racist. We will expose what happened here. [inaudible] stand your ground law abolished in florida i will

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