Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20200710 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20200710

left trying to impose the same system, socialism plus in america. biden is a puppet of bernie sanders, aoc, the left and the people that want to rip down statues and monuments to george washington, thomas jefferson, benjamin franklin. jesus, they want to rip down statues to jesus. so we are dealing with a group of people that will not when met, will not win at all. >> juan: meanwhile joe biden proposing $700 billion economic plan and drawing comparisons to america first agenda. and president trump is noticing the similarities. >> he plagiarized for me but can ever pull it off. he likes plagiarizing. it is a plan that it is very radical left but he said the right things because he's copping what i have done. and he's raising taxes way too much. he's raising everybody's taxes and is also putting tremendous amount of regulation back on. >> juan: finally, the white house announcing president trump's new hampshire rally will be postponed due to the tropical storm fay fay. judge jeanine, welcome back and let me begin with you about the rally. the weather forecast tomorrow at 5:00, the rally was scheduled for 8:00 is no rain. and the rain is supposed to stop at noon. do you think this is really worry about the size of the crowd after what happened in tulsa? >> judge jeanine: no, absolutely not. in fact, the president and the team have to recognize that in this new covid world, we have to kind of ramp down or damped down expectations which has begun in the terms of the number of people coming. but clearly whether it is raining or not, 8:00 is not the issue. the issue is the people who show up 12 and 24 hours in advance standing in the rain. the problem people huddling together because there will be a storm. and the fact that people, you know, you don't want people to get sick coming to a trump rally. i think it is the smart thing to do, and i think it is a prudent thing to do. >> juan: okay, dana, in fact picking up on what the judge was talking about, we see imposed record numbers of american taxpayers saying they are worried about contracting the virus. we have had to come i think today the third straight day of record cases in the united states. is that going to impact the ability to hold political rallies, even a whole convention? >> dana: it might, sure. i think that we are realizing that the virus in a way, the selection gets a vote as well. it doesn't have a party affiliation. it is just going where it's going to go. so we have to have personal responsibility. i will tell you since tropical storm fay fay came through our neck of the words. i would not want to be in a tent waiting for the rally. and it does seem to make a lot of sense around the trump campaign. but i also think the president's message about joe biden and the economic as joe biden try to outflank him on open buy america and talking about the cognitive abilities because you can let other people do that. there will be plenty of memes and social media. and if he can relentlessly drive the message about the economy and bringing back the economy, but i also think, i don't think he's talking enough about the need to make sure that they are doing the right thing about the virus. the virus is very much top of mind for people. it is true most people recover. it is true a lot of people are asymptomatic but you have to know when those battleground states in their local media and they see cases are going up, hospitalizations going up and out deaths going up. this worry about schools. you start to see the pushback. the american academy of pediatrics weight, everybody should be back in school all at once. i think he needs to talk a little bit more about the virus because it is one or two on their minds when it comes to what is important to them right now. and probably will be the case in november. >> juan: makes sense. jesse, last night, the president told sean hannity that he took a cognitive test and in his words, he aced it. the white house won't say when he took a tour why he took it, but i wonder what you make of the fact his cognitive ability ? >> jesse: i think it was the test he took two years ago when we talked about the 25th amendment. i don't think it was a recent test. it was a test we covered two years ago. >> dana: and a regular test people get when they take physicals. >> jesse: and from what i heard that joe biden didn't get his cognitive test done in january or december the last time he had his physical, happened to skip that test. i don't know why. i probably do know why, but they skip that test. and biden said he's tested constantly for cognitive decline. i didn't know whether that was accurate or whether he's being theoretical like every time he walks outside and gives a speech off at the teleprompter, that is considered a test. we don't know. but if i was to bet who would do better on a cognitive test, my money would go with donald trump. the point is, juan, joe biden is just along for the ride. he is the guy sits a shotgun during the road trip, and then he runs out for snacks at the 7-eleven. pump gas or something like that. he will screw around with a radio. you don't ever let joe drive. and now joe is actually driving. everybody is freaking out because joe has no sense of direction. everyone is yelling at him, he is leaving the blinkers on. and he will go wherever you tell him to go. like if you say, joe, i want you to put good put it in park at the railroad crossing, he will literally put it in park. this is what we are dealing with right now. it is to say that joe was in command, he totally caved during the debates. he said i'm all now for taxpayer funded partial-birth, and he wants to eliminate fossil fuels and give health insurance to illegal aliens and then after he wrapped up the nomination, now he has for defunding the police. now is for reparations. now he is some tough guy too with the soviets he? but soft on the soviets during the cold war. he bribed the iranians to help his boss furnish his legacy. he was living there and pick targets when bombing isis. he let the chinese bribed his son while they stole our jobs right under his foot. joe biden doesn't know what's going on and even his family members take advantage of joe. when joe plays dumb, he is really not plaguing. >> juan: all right, i must say i've never heard joe biden say he wants to defund the police. >> jesse: he said at the other day. we played the clip on the show yesterday, juan. >> juan: not defined by any way come okay. greg i want to move on to you and also one "hannity" last night biden has been brainwashed by the radical left so my question for you is can the president convince voters that joe biden who is known as a moderate is actually burning sanders and alexandria ocasio-cortez? >> greg: i thought it was nice of president trump to pay joe biden a compliment because these brainwashed because he's implying there is something there to watch. the fact is biden is an open vessel, bottom line. you can fill it with anything. he is a political pinata. you can put in defund the police and maybe he will do it or the green new deal. you have to beat it out of him later. but you will do anything to placate the hard left. the big story, juan, his weakness he cannot think on his feet. that is why you see a lot of prominent liberals, one is home freedom and saying, joe doesn't have to debate at all, right? they really want to keep him in the freezer next to walt disney's head because they want to deny trump the kill shot. i think that is what's going to happen. what should trump do with joe biden conducts the debate? he should show up outside of his house with a flatbed truck, a podium, conduct a debate on the street and answer questions. when he is done, they have to send somebody to joe's house, go downstairs and get his answer to the question and do it that way. i think trump needs to have an alternative if joe backs out and i put it at 90% he will not debate. >> juan: wow, that would be incredible ratings, greg if we had a debate like that. coming up an example of cancel culture going too far? calls to boycott goya foods after the ceo praises president trump. that story is next on "the five." ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. 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>> greg: their hatred for trump, trump is their love for the poor. the best part of this story, one of the boy caught her's is miranda who has played molten has become a movie and under fia slaveholder so it shows you what happens when threatened by the . you either fight back or roll over. miranda full-fledged coward rolled over and went after goya foods to save his own skin. but i have a perfect solution which is courtesy of scott adams. cancel kercher works one way because people can cancel you because they know you work but you can't cancel back because you don't know where they work. so we need a short destruction, full transparency where all the counselors, we find out where they work and we can contact their companies and their bosses and asked them. are you okay with your employee doris johnson to run a hispanic run company that these millions run for free? so we need to out all the counselors. people don't punch you if you can punch back. >> judge jeanine: that is right. you get respect from them. but you know, dana, the ceo of goya foods said this is suppression of my speech. annie's not backing down. what do you think? >> dana: first of all, goya foods is an amazing company. the story of how that company was built over time is incredible. and plus they have amazing products. what is amazing, alexandria ocasio-cortez is one of the ones leading the charge on the boycott against goya foods but goya foods was the first to go into the new york boroughs after the coronavirus lockdown started to basically provide free food to everybody in those areas. so it is absurd, of course. but the other thing is though, when you are a ceo and you have 10,000 employees that are relying on you, you know you can understand why people might be resident to get in politics or say something about politics. i admire him for not backing down. i don't think he regrets it for one instance. it is too bad that we have to clarify, cancel culture on the backs of this company, which, by the way come i have to safe their products are excellent and i encourage everybody to go out and get them. >> judge jeanine: they are, they are. those chickpeas for the homeless. jesse, 36% of polls say biden has 36 points over trump with hispanic community. does that make sense to you? >> jesse: well, from what i've heard, the president is making very strong inroads with the hispanic history and making up for some of his deficits with the suburbs with white women. it is obviously too early to tell, but i just had a brilliant idea. maybe the only brilliant idea i've ever come up with on the show. greg kind of teed me up for it for mutually assured destruction thing. you know how you come by carbon offsets if you are a polluter? you should just be able to buy cancel offsets. right? >> dana: leavitt. >> jesse: you can get by with a lot more if you just pay the right people. >> greg: jessie, jessie, jessie, that is called virtual signaling. that is their offset. they virtue the signal and they do whatever they cancel they don't get eaten by the crocodiles but they always do. >> jesse: i didn't know you can virtual -- >> dana: that is what miranda did. >> judge jeanine: let me get to my nonbrilliant point here. >> jesse: my nonbrilliant point is this this country is too fat to boycott a food country. have you looked around, like do you think a boycott of a food company could last like one meal or two meals? this is delicious stuff. the taco kids from them, goya foods, this is a top ten dinner item. there is no way this thing is getting boycotted. and when you are a leader of a multibillion dollar company in this country, you have to be nice to republicans. you have to be nice to democrats because this country just wants to eat and that is it. >> judge jeanine: juan i want to end this with you. look, at the left is so focused on trashing people in the right that they don't care that the people they presume to be on the right are helping poor people, hungry people, helping immigrants. their hate is so dug in. i mean, are you comfortable with this? the right doesn't do this to obama. trust me, a lot of people on the right did not like obama. but this is like cancel, boy caught and help them lose their job. aren't you uncomfortable with that? >> juan: i don't like boycotts if you asked me, but we live in politically polarized times and if you are talking about who likes division, president trump pushes buttons of division and polarization quite regularly. i think you will remember he started this campaign by going after latin immigrants. he said mexicans were and thieves. if people punch back, guess what -- >> greg: no, he didn't. >> juan: there are people that will punch back from the other side. >> judge jeanine: you know what, -- >> juan: he used the very word racist. you don't want to hear it but that is the truth! >> judge jeanine: no, i don't. you know why? because -- >> juan: judge, judge, hold on, you've had your say, judge. judge, here is the thing, judge, you have the opposite effect. guess what? lots of people who like president trump can start buying goya foods if they want. maybe they will like rice and beans smothered in hot sauce. i don't know. but i'm just telling you we live in politically polarized time in a politically polarized president. >> judge jeanine: no, we don't. he doesn't push buttons. batterers use that excuse all the time when they beat their wives. i hate that term. coming up, president trump slams the radical left over at the push to deep onto the ♪ no matr how bad the storm gets, better days follow. for over 168 years, massmutual has been helping people weather storms. let us help you prepare a plan to protect your family, your loved ones, and your future. find a financial professional at 1 in 5 people you meet wear yeah. that many!. but right now, is not the time to talk about it. so when you're ready, search 'my denture care'. poligrip and polident. fixed. fresh. and just between us. well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and they've turned around who'd have thought they'd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. we know you're always at univethere for them.x, that's why our advisors are always here for you. learn more at ♪ >> dana: president trump issuing a strong rebuke to the d fund the police movement, watch. >> we need safety. we need security. we cannot define our police and we cannot abolish our police. they want to abolish our police. to be for the president also blasting the violence and in democrat cities. >> we have it very much under control. we are taking very strong measures and we are looking at other places when you see what is going on in these democrat cities. all democrat run cities in every case, they are going to. and we are doing a lot of things to get that changed. >> dana: it comes as seattle home of the anticorruption drop zone you will remember a push to defund the police budget by 50% and reallocate funds to social services and other community needs. over in new york city, nypd retirement up 400% after police budget cuts. yester mayor bill de blasio with a "black lives matter" mural in front of trump tower. he is also exempting protest from a ban on large gatherings. isn't that interesting? jesse, let me go to you. any of those particular -- there is just so much there. >> jesse: i don't believe the defund the police movement speaks for black america. if you are a black family living in a dangerous neighborhood in the inner-city, you want criminals off of the street. you want illegal guns and narcotics off of the street. you want dangerous people off of the street. you want fast response time. the deep fund the police movement does not help with that. it is just a loud, french radical group of people with twitter accounts and bullhorns. they are trying to speak for everybody. and the dumb city council members actually think that they are helping the people that they are supposed to represent, when in fact, they are hurting those people. this will only hurt black america when you defund the police. now, the other thing is this. why if you look at the grand scheme of things does the left want to abolish or defund? why is it everything that protects us, ice, the military and the police? those are the three things that don't make that the democrats want to take a chopping block two. what does that say about that? they are on the side of criminals. they are on the side of cartels, gangsters, drug traffickers and people who want to do americans harm. i don't think that is a very strong political position to begin. if they want to run on a platform like that, good luck. >> dana: judge, what are the practical consequences of that many retirements at the nypd? >> judge jeanine: well, you know what is interesting, dana, this week, i got my hands on an internal memo from the manhattan d.a. tube is prosecutors saying that basically, go easy on the arrest made by the police on the protesters. dismiss d.c. but i want you to be proactive in attacking and identifying police officers and any misbehaviors. any police brutality. and they are going to arrest defendants to find out if they may have been mishandled by the police. so i want you to think about the mentality of the police officer. he or she has a target on their back. they are being trashed. the morale is down and now, they are being targeted for prosecution in both the prosecutor cyrus vance as well as the mayor or putting the police in a situation where some defendants can say, you know what, he was mean to me or brutalized me. then they end up suing the city. the city loses money. who gains? the defendant's gain. what jesse is saying is absolutely right. the people are petrified are the poor and the disadvantaged in the inner cities who are subject to those selling drugs and the gangs in the inner-city and in public housing. i know it. i have prosecuted those crimes. the problem, unfortunately, it is only going downhill from he here. >> dana: greg, you talked about the need for adults to make decisions. i think there is a little bit of problem up absentee parenting when it comes to dealing with vandals, rioters and looters. take a listen to nancy pelosi, speaker of the house, when she was asked about vandalism especially in her hometown of baltimore. speak what they do what they do. i do think that from a safety standpoint, it would be a good idea to have it taken down if the community doesn't want it. i don't know that it has to be a commission, but it could be a community view. sometimes, it is something that has been there, that view has been there for a while. >> dana: i think that the sound bite got caught off a little bit. she started off by saying, greg, people will do what they do. >> greg: yeah, they are cowards. i mean, she is a coward. the statues have gone down but the spies have disappeared to. no one is willing to buy the mob. we help businesses suing new york city because of the looting and andrew cuomo actually blasted de blasio for the fact that the police were told to stand down by his administration. it is a fact. we saw it. we saw in new york city with our own eyes that cops were there when there was preventable stuff going on that went on predict -- i'm prevented. that was not on the cops. the cops were told not to do anything, okay? you have retirement 400% and recruitment stifle because the media and politicians are painting cops unfairly as the culprit. so abolishment by marginalization. this is one of the major lies of our economist to lead to greater suffering for minorities and their community. we are already seeing it in major cities pair the facts are facts. black on black on black crime will lead to a greater number of stops and the greater number of stops, of course, leads to a chance with more incidents between cops and black men. and finally, these incidents we see are a product of noncompliance mixed with poor training and just sheer odd. so we have to deal with the reality of this or we are done. and it's going to be an ugly, ugly, ugly year crimewise. this explosion is not going to go away. >> dana: the other thing, juan, political reports that there seems to be some room for republicans to do better than their democratic counterparts because of these very issues. the crime issues and also the vandalism of statues, things like that. what day you? >> juan: well mike has potentially amy walter's is on the possibility of some kind of backlash and what we have seen recently and pulling numbers, dana, are pulling away from thed death, the protests were legitimate an end an expression of racial injustice in america. so some of that may come back, and it may benefit the president. overwhelmingly, americans and tellingly independence are still with the "black lives matter" social protest movement. and when you see the new york city folks painting "black lives matter" on fifth avenue, we have something like that here in washington, d.c. it has become a tourist attraction for school groups, church groups and i think people on fifth avenue, it's going to become a huge tourist attraction. >> dana: all right, but if crime continues -- >> greg: that will not save a single life. purely symbolism. >> juan: let me tell you come i don't think black men, black men should be stopped and frisked at leisure of cops. i don't think that is defensive. >> greg: who said it? >> dana: that's not what greg said. we are going to go. next up "the five" celebrating major milestone tomorrow. it is our nine year anniversary. can you believe it? do we look nine years older? we will take a look back next. ♪ usaa is made for what's next no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at that selling carsarvana, 100% online wouldn't work.y but we went to work. building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. creating a coast to coast network to deliver your car as soon as tomorrow. recruiting an army of customer advocates to make your experience incredible. and putting you in control of the whole thing with powerful technology. that's why we've become the nation's fastest growing retailer. because our customers love it. see for yourself, at i wanted my hepatitis c gone. i put off treating mine. epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. whatever your type, epclusa could be your kind of cure. i just found out about mine. i knew for years. epclusa has a 98% overall cure rate. i had no symptoms of hepatitis c mine caused liver damage. epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up, and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you have had hepatitis b, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions... ...and all medicines you take, including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with epclusa may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects include headache and tiredness. ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. ♪ >> jesse: i can't believe it but "the five" turns nine tomorrow. it has been a very interesting year so far. so let's celebrate by taking a look back, shall we? ♪ [laughter] >> i'm so sorry. [laughter] i was just saying -- that is really embarrassing. okay, great talking to you during the commercial break. spit when i feel there's a lot of land lines for me in the story. so i'm going to ask dana to hold my hand. if you feel like i'm saying something wrong, you squeeze it. and then juan will do another issue. >> dana: a line edition of animals are great. >> jesse: i am in love with this little creature right here. my soulmate. >> doesn't do anything but just hang there? >> like you, jesse. >> greg: comes in late in the day and barely works. >> juan: a halftime dance off. >> jesse: oh, rep. >> juan: here comes my daughter, reagan. >> dana: look at my hands and the size of this. >> this is the home of the washington football team. >> the redskins! >> no, no, washington. speak with the thing is they wanted to do an early morning shoot. i'm not getting up for anything. this is not fox & friends. i decided why don't you do it? and i will go to the pool in the afternoon. genius. >> dr. seuss. [laughter] >> he has a phd. dr. seuss. >> if we are going to do this segment and we are sagging chocolate chip cookies are more addictive than -- >> he talks like he got a hot slice of pizza. >> permission to make an analogy. permission to make an analogy. >> i would like it. >> permission to make another analogy. >> is that an analogy? >> i'm sure you've heard of a man cave but what about a she shed? it is a plane, a bird, no, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a meteor. >> it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a drone with books. >> get out. we are going to get his letter a-s-s. and as you can see, we are doing things a little bit differently today going forward as much as we love sitting elbow to elbow and we mean that sincerely. do you want to set a good example. >> jesse: here we are at the home studio. you guys are washing your hands, right? >> 82 i am interrupting her rhythm and normally i'm in new york but hey, how do i was curious, are you wearing pants? [laughter] i've got nothing. >> dana: i've got the train that annoys us here on the show, the train is calling my name. i have to run but of course you probably heard the train. >> greg: i did. it always comes when i'm about to talk. >> jesse: greg said he likes doing his own makeup. >> greg: i do. it makes me feel pretty. >> dana: i would like some peso. >> greg: one emergency at a time. >> juan: i think that is toilet paper. [laughter] >> greg: but there is one more thing that i really miss. on"one more thing." >> dana's bear news. >> jesse: chassis bear news. there it is. look at the size of this sucker. >> greg: check out this hairy fella. you know that feels good to. >> jesse: that will be great about midnight tonight. >> you guys do a lot of bear elements. thank you. >> jesse: oh, boy. i don't know, i had a lot of favorite moments from that. greg's hair made some evolution throughout the year. dana you have a party mouth and juan, you really like to say it is a bird, it is a plane. and i never realized that. [laughter] >> juan: i didn't either, but you know i am a superman fan. so something from my youth, pushing back. >> jesse: oh, man. >> dana: it will be good when we are all back together again. >> greg: during that segment of the super bowl when i was sitting on the lounge, i said fox & friends, okay? it sounded like something else to me, but i also want to point out my face goes like this over the years. it just keeps going -- >> jesse: you look like a yo-yo, greg gutfeld. you are in a good place for now, for now. >> dana: i would really say i miss my hair and makeup team. >> jesse: so do i, so do i. >> juan: don't we all. >> jesse: list go to the fan mail friday which is up next around the corner. ♪ people used to care. heck, they'd come all the way out here just for a blurry photo of me. oh, that's a good one. wait, what's that? that's just the low-battery warning. oh, alright. now it's all, "check out my rv," and, "let's go four-wheeling." maybe there's a little part of me that wanted to be seen. well, progressive helps people save when they bundle their home with their outdoor vehicles. so they've got other things to do now, bigfoot. wait, what'd you just call me? bigfoot? ♪ my name is daryl. ♪ >> greg: it is fan mail frida friday. we are answering your questions. first one from richard. what has been, what has been your greatest discovery in the past decade? all right, judge, what is your greatest discovery? >> judge jeanine: i don't know. i'm thinking you sick. i'm thinking food. i'm thinking places periods >> greg: just pick one thing, one thing. we have 3 minutes. >> judge jeanine: , food, food. [laughter] >> greg: you discovered food in the last ten years. you discovered a food in the last ten years? [laughter] >> greg>> judge jeanine: do yout me to say shoes? >> greg: were you weeding would warm construction materials? i think you understand the question. >> judge jeanine: the greatest discovery, no. i'm going to tell the -- >> judge jeanine: contact lenses, mono visions and you can only wear one lens. >> greg: all right. greatest discovery, jesse and don't just say food. say error. >> jesse: i'm going to go with diamond and silk. [laughter] >> greg: nicely done, nicely done. >> judge jeanine: yeah, he had time to say that. >> greg: all right, juan. juan, what is the greatest discovery for you. what did you -- >> juan: i think, you know what, actually i will do a reverse for you greg. it was about ten years ago people were saying to me the segues were absolutely going to revolutionize america and personal transportation. everybody would ride the segway. in this year, segway is going out of business because it doesn't matter. so i think sometimes, you think about things like music downloads and how we listen to music. i think that has been transformational. i listen to music everywhere. it used to be that was hard and i had a boom box. >> jesse: this conversation has fallen off of the rail. >> greg: nobody understands the question! >> dana: i think i understand it. >> greg: dana, i bet we share the same one. go, dana, save us! >> dana: we might. i will say is equal? >> greg: i would have said sequel but now i say palatine. palatine is the best thing for keeping weight off. >> dana: that was my second choice. >> greg: one of the greatest individuals on the planet, i believe. this is terrible. one more u "one more thing" is . ♪ 30 days and see the difference. did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance ta-da! so you only pay for what you need? 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except a cat got something, a voter registration in the mail? watch. okay. they killed it because were tight on time because greg talks too much. anyway, cody the cat got a voter registration in the mail into the cat is dead. so thank you, juan. anyway, "waters world," 8:00 p.m. eastern, we will have steve bannon and rudy giuliani and it will be live so this could be my last show. >> juan: i won't miss it. dana, you're out. >> dana: do you guys are member of the far side and gary larson, my favorite cartoon, we used to love to talk about it, they had the boneless chicken ranch if you remember that, one of the best runs ever. you're in luck because cartoonist gary larson debuted his first new comics in 25 years this week. he has a guy trying to hail a taxi, he's gone to digital art, it's new, it's going to be fabulous, >> jesse: 25 years, that's a long time. >> juan: judge, we have about 15 seconds. >> judge jeanine: my show, "justice with judge jeanine, 9:00 with the congressman matt gaetz and dave to to vrooman, dan bongino, were going to talk about. >> juan: that's it for us, we will see you back here on monday. >> bret: a familiar accusation against joe biden, plagiarism. but this time it is coming from president trump. they cancel culture targets another victim would dared praise the president plus the facts and fiction about coronavirus testing. this is "special report." it is a musical good evening and welcome to washington, i'm john roberts and frederick dimaggio bret baier this evening, president trump accusing the man who wants to replace him of ripping off his economic plan. joe biden released his financial proposal yesterday which contains similar themes to the president's "make america great again"

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