Pray for you. When they know that thats not so. Dana nancy pelosi responded with these harsh words. I pray hard for him because he is so off the track of our constitution, our values, our country. Hes talking about things that he knows little about. Faith and prayer. He is impeached forever, no matter what he says what headlines he wants to carry around. Dana polic pelosi taking dit aim at the state of the union. The president using the congress of the United States as a backdrop for a reality show. I tore up a manifesto of mistruths and i dont need any lessons from anybody, especially the president of the United States, about dignity. Next year we will have a new president of the United States. Its an absolute imperative. Dana the president going off on pelosi come impeachment and much more. Were treated unbelievably unfairly. We first went through russia, russia, russia. It was all [bleep] adam schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy pelosi is a horrible person. She wanted to impeach a long time ago and she said i. Pray for the president. She doesnt pray. She may pray but she prays for the opposite. They brought me to the final stages of impeachment. But now we have that gorgeous word. I never thought a word with sound so good. Its called total acquittal. Dana all right, emily. Total acquittal. Emily im laughing because he said it was one word and it was too. I think what resonated so strongly with me was the small world pelosi is living in. She doesnt see that this entire time what is resonated for the president is that the entire time he has aligned himself with the American People. Hes never badmouth or criticize the public or an entire segment of the population, which is why the democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot and seems so out of touch. Its also why the American People took such offense at her ripping up that speech because it was ripping up them. He was ripping up names and policies and a feeling of being heard this president has done this entire time. Weve sat through two years of mueller and six months of impeachment and the democrats have tried to tell the American People what they said he did. No one wants to go off that ledge anymore. We have been sold a bombshell over and over again. Who wants to take another leap of faith. Everyone is exhausted. To see her perpetuating that same cell fly in that same echo chamber, theres nothing to show for it except our fatigue and the fact that shes knocking to be speaker next time around. Dana she is having what you would call a nogood, very bad week. Greg i have advice for these people. If you want to get trump out of the white house, here is an easy strategy. Wait five years. Thats all you have to do. I know people are upset about the press or. I wouldve been worse. Three years. Dana theres no doubt. Greg at least he thanked everybody. I would be screaming my head i would be using much worse language. I thought that the presser was hilarious, it was great. He was right. There will be people like juan who disagree completely. Because one side that feels really bad about this in one side thats ecstatic. We can agree that both sides looking at the same thing and seeing two different things, right . So whats the answer . Which side is best at predicting the outcomes . When you have these two different visions, what predicted the implosion of collusion or the obstruction or kavanaugh come impeachment . Its the people that were happy today. That side has been able to predict with almost 100 certainty what was going to happen. The other side was so emotionally damaged, damaged because every time their side is wrong because of their cognitive dissonance, they cannot understand why the vision in their head isnt matching the reality outside. Nancy did not look she looked like she had had it, i think the reasons that had nothing to do with trump. Her own site has not helped her. Every time they predict something its bad and it bleeds into iowa. They get everything wrong. Dana january was like iran, impeachment. Then they have iowa. It is like the ides of february. Juan i couldnt believe what the president did in the east room. We just played him using profanity. I dont think its me when i see a president behave like that. I think this is inappropriate and wrong. I think most americans, by the way, would agree with me. I dont think that hes in touch with americans. I think he did a power play and there were a lot of spineless republicans in the senate who just couldnt deal with a matter of conscience. When it comes to religion, which was so central, by the way, in the way that mitt romney hang on. What made romney did and what nancy pelosi did would say this is appalling behavior. They therefore acted in accordance with their conscience and their faith, is what mitt romney said. Greg its convenient. Juan and then the president speaks to this religion angle today, dana. But of course he behaved inappropriately at the prayer breakfast. This guy lawrence when he said she was sedated. Juan this guy doesnt know anything about religion. He doesnt know anything about forgiveness come about humility. He doesnt. He doesnt live his life that way. He said he doesnt forgive people. Greg, you said dont judge words, judge by actions. Look at his actions. Greg and hes acquitted. Its a great action. Juan this is not a christian life. Lawrence for years weve heard the democrats say that nancy pelosi was the adult in the room. She doesnt do namecalling. She called the president sedated today. Shes classy, and in the house she ripped up his speech. The democrats can no longer claim they have the moral high ground. What ive been telling people for years is that the way trump behaves is much like many of the people in the house. They just do it behind closed doors. The difference with trump is, he is who he is and this was a day of celebration because not only was it about him. They destroyed this mans family, went after everyone in the cabinet, every business associate. They used political pressure in the prosecution to squeeze people on false charges that had nothing to do with collusion. They destroyed everyone that was associated with the president. Juan so he gets away with lying . He lies in the state of the union, outright lies about health care. Oh, i am protecting people with preexisting conditions. Lawrence republicans stood h democrats on preexisting conditions. You didnt want to stand for school choice, the tuskegee airmen. Juan you know what i liked about that speech, the state of the union, it was reality tv with a tv performance but it was insulting to the house because you dont give Rush Limbaugh a medal of freedom. The first lady put it. It was like a sideshow. Lawrence democrats should rethink their strategy as the president is rising in approval. His Approval Rating is going up. Dana weve got to go. Greg will take a look at some of the most the most overthetop reactions to impeachment, not including the one you just saw. As a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. Thats why i like Liberty Mutual. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Could another come aroundot, the corner. Or could it play out differently . I wanted to help protect myself. My doctor recommended eliquis. 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Greg the consequence of a delusion, that breakdown that follows after truth is revealed. [bleep] [yelling] greg that person is going to do well in life. Imagine being his parents. I would make a joke but i feel sorry for them. Its a break down what you also see on social media where celebrities resort to all caps, insanity in response to cheeky memes. Trump just reposted this, prompting bette midler to scream frantically you think this is a joke, dont you . Its not. He means it. He will change the rules. His enablers will lead him. If he wins again, he will rule until you die. At least ivanka is seen. That midler is so naughty, elephants keep trying to eat her. After trumps presser, cnn goes full freudian. This is the disturbing tableau for the country. It was dark because hes made clear his mind is dark. Summoning deep psychological distress, selfpity, insecure, angry. Greg that is a straight news reported. Cnns very best become psychiatrists, diagnosing mental illness. No surprise that hes a paranoid narcoleptic. Im kidding. But anyone can play doctor. Especially in times of hysteria when you see someone elses good time is your bad. Emotion fuels the anger. Its happened before, righteous rage followed by depression. The media and the dems. The attacks on trump are more plentiful and intense. Because he fought back. Remember when people mocked trump defenders. He fights. Its why hes winning and why the other side keeps screaming. I have a theory that you should only tweet and all caps if your house is on fire then you shouldnt be on twitter. Dana for people on twitter a lot, they think theyre having an impact but they are talking to themselves. Its like spitting in the wind. It goes away so quickly so its kind of point is. Greg that is the root, spitting in the wind. Dana sometimes it comes back and hits you in the face. Try it on the way home tonight. Bernie bites. Greg exactly. Dana hes not going to take the iowa results lying down. Greg i take a lot of things lying down because im lazy. What did you think of that video of that kid . I thought it was funny and then they look at it. Whats wrong with these people in college . Lawrence i covered college for two years and its typical behavior. Its part of the professors pitfall. We think i think juan has bad ideas but i love juan. There is talk on the other side on college campuses, they are a threat to democracy, a threat to the country. When you have these developing mines that should be learning both sides of the political spectrum you put that nonsense in their head, they start reacting. Greg i heard that kid is actually now getting a job at cnn as a media reporter. Juan could be. Maybe hell replace you, i dont know. It seems to me, its crazy to extrapolate from this bad behavior, clearly threatening. If the police are aware of it. They should be checking it out. Drugs may be an issue. You can extrapolate and say its typical behavior on college campuses. If you took an example of a rightwingers nothing crazy and sent all republicans are all conservatives, we would say no, its not fair. Greg its a trend. I have three examples. Juan to me the big news, it seems to me. Trump and people who are upset and i think lots of democrats are upset at the idea that there was a power play that was devoid of paying attention to what was going on than you had republicans who said he did something wrong but we dont want to impeach. Its like people are lacking in saying conviction and holding the promise to uphold the constitution. Greg its over, juan. Weve got to move on to the next step, the next impeachment. Emily. The thing that drives me crazy is the diagnosis, when people diagnose peoples problems. Doctors arent allowed to do that without seeing a patient. Emily i agree. Also that video of that guy, thats my entire metaphor for the Democratic Party right now which is the Democratic Party leadership are screaming in the middle of their echo chamber. They are fueled entirely by emotion and contempt, thats one of the four horseman, you member this. John gottman saying once you have contempt, the whole world was over. He can proceed with logic anymore. While this guy is literally going crazy screaming at what he thinks is so true, all around him ive got to get to class in 20 minutes and im videotaping this insane guy. One of my having for dinner . Ive got to do this. We have these statistics that came out in the state of the union. The dow has been up almost 60 since the election. S p almost 56 . 90 of americans are satisfied with their personal life. These are things that matter. Literally the rest of the parties watching the leadership in the middle go beside themselves make no production what so ever. At the end of the day, we are going to learn at the ballot box who made the most sense to them. Its not pelosi. Juan 80 of americans are represented by the senators who voted to convict and remove this president. Greg well, you know, it didnt work out. Coming up, bitter democrats claim trump wasnt really acquitted. The medias new love affair with mr. Mitt romney. I love rakuten, its basically free money. Its an easy way to earn cashback on the stuff im already buying. Sometimes its 3 sometimes its 8 but youre always getting cashback. So its like getting free money. Go to rakuten. Com and sign up today for a 10 bonus. The new rx. Crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 for 419 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. There he is. Oh, wow. Youre doing, uh, youre doing really great with the twirling. Dad, if you want to talk, i have a break at 3 00. Okay, okay. Im going. Im gone. Like like i wasnt here. [ horn honks ] keep keep doing it, buddy. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. Juan repost impeachment political battle rages on and some democrats say President Trump was not really acquitted. Take a look. This vote is no vindication, no real acquittal, no victory. I am uncomfortable with the word acquitted because that implies there was a full and fair trial. Theres no vindication from a rig trial. A giant asterisk next to the president s acquittal. Juan senator mitt romneys being praised for voting to convict President Trump on the abuse of power articles of impeachment. God bless him for his courage. It will cement senator romneys legacy. I want to salute mitt romney. This was a profile in courage. A decent and honorable man who stood up and do the right thing. He is now the president of the republican resistance to donald trump. It was something that i never actually have seen since ive been in the senate. Juan i guess they are saying that he voted as an active conscience, lawrence, and that its a fact he was the one who stood up. I think i read today that in all the prior impeachment, the president who was being impeached was able to hold his party in line. This was the first historically. I think lots of republicans saying its just democrats celebrating romney. What do you think . Lawrence its clear, because he was the devil before. All this nonsense. You only have courage when you stand with the democrats, thats apparently what they have defined it as. Courage is when you decide to vote against the president. On a sad note, this is bad for the democrats. Its bitterness and they cant move forward. Game is over. He has been acquitted. The party is in disarray. They dont know how to control the progressive wing. Its not even going to be a competition when it comes to november. They have no message. They have no leadership right now, cant even run iowa but they are still worried about the president , impeachment and so forth. Juan dana, i saw mitt romney did several interviews before he actually voted. You think he was trying to defend his legacy. How do you interpret what happened . Dana i asked mike lee today on the daily briefing. The other senator from utah, if he had talked to mr. Romney and the answer was no. I think he knew that the blowback was coming. He knew he was going to be called a traitor. He knew people were going to mark his religion and say that hes a faker. I think he knew all of that. He is savvy enough to know, he lost the president ial election when obama was up for reelection, so he knew what the media attacks are going to be. On the democrats saying that hes not acquitted, do they think the media is fake news . All of the headline say acquittal. It is acquittal. I think the spin that its not really acquittal, it might work in some fundraising but its not going to work at the ballot box for sure. Plus, dont forget it was harry reid, when he was the majority leader, he suggested mitt romney never paid taxes. All these people who are praising mitt romney now did nothing to stand up and say that was wrong. Even when harry reid later on was like i was just lying, but thats cool . All of them are like, thats fine. You can do that and thats fine. Mitt romney knows hes going to be lonely. He will be eating alone at the lunch table. I think hes accepted that. Juan its funny. I remember that when mitt romney was nominated, you are republican speak so highly of him as a man of family, man of faith. And then in the last week, ive seen republicans, conservatives just absolutely skewer him alive. Greg are you telling me that politics is a team sport thing, that you end up supporting the person thats leaving the party . Juan im saying republicans are now attacking and libeling romney. Greg i dont think they are libeling him. I dont have a problem. Mitt can do whatever he wants. I think the democrats need him. Like when people have therapy animals after really traumatic event. Mitt is their therapy weasel. They are clinging to him. At least we have mitt, its okay. You can have mitt. I dont need anyone to lecture me on lack of character or conscience as though somehow he is the epitome of that. I dont need that. We have two different men, mitt and trump, different. The dems would have preferred mitt because he doesnt fight but trump does. The argument is going to be mitt is the nice guy who loses and trump is the animal who wins. That upsets people. I dont care. Juan you didnt care when trump insulted john mccain. Greg i have been through this and i wrote a book on it. I said once he got elected and he became my president , give them a chance. Juan you gave him a pass or a chance . Greg did you hear me . Juan i think you give him a pass. Greg you are screwed up. I said chance. Juan when you said you give them a chance. Greg looked at his deeds and not his words. Juan i am saying his deeds dont seem to support the idea. Greg look at the economy. Look at prosperity. Oh, my god, juan, those are called deeds. If you want to get mad about