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Because she wants to win. Jason she is keeping track. Dana she is keeping track. She keeps quiet. Jason its a legitimate question because its the first thing you do as a new member of congress. You have to go in front of the entire body and say who youre going to vote for. The democrats lack leadership. I dont think they have the right policies. To the point of the peace beforehand, i dont think that there is some big wave coming from the democrats. I sat there in 2010, the rafter, the election after barack obama. They took a net of 63 seats that switched hands and there was a big tsunami. I dont see any evidence of it happening. Dana i was so excited to talk politics. I didnt do what i meant to do, which is to introduce morgan to all of you. I am very rude. Im known for that, being very rude. Morgan, welcome. Morgan i am thrilled to be here. Ive been watching this show for as long as they want to keep saying moral victory, they can have their petition patient trophy. There is one winner and one person gets sworn in. Dana at reading karl roves column this morning reminded me of august of 2006. He was deputy chief of staff. I would say they are asking me how youre feeling about the midterms and he would tell me all these things are going in our direction. Until they worked. Geraldo midterms are tough. The thing about moral victories, its interesting. The participation trophy. I think of a moral victory plus 2. 75 gets you a token on the subway. They dont even use tokens anymore. I think the democrats are facing a potential problem with this division. Alexandria ocasiocortez, weve been playing her. Shes the best advertisement for republicans. She represents a wing of the A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the days news. On a moral victory. I will take in immoral victory over a moral loss. I would like to see the democratic partly be less negative because trump was doing the best negative case we could ever do. Start to be more affirmative about what the democrats will do when we get in power. You look back, i believe thats why the democrats have lost in the past. We have not had a credible vision that people believed would make their life better. And people have to believe you can do it. It cant be abstract, theoretical, pie in the sky. Dana are democrats to negative . Jason yes. But they dont have anything to go to. They have the resistance movement, scorched earth, raise your taxes, give the gavel to nancy pelosi. If you ask the democrats stand for, the answer is they want to get rid of the tax cuts. They want to go back to these policies that dont make any sense. I dont think they have a positive message. And the same andrew cuomo, we are going to talk about it later, says it doesnt sound like someone trying to be positive. Dana as everyone complains about negative ads, negative ads work. Youre not in power, the only way to get your message across is to say the other person is doing bad. Even if you want to get a positive message out there, in some ways, i guess alexandria for example is going out. It looks like a positive message but if you are an independent voter, might be negative. Morgan i wish people would stop comparing her to a beauty queen. As a former beauty queen, everyone in the Miss America System is a lot smarter than her. I think she is terrible on television. Look at the stop she says. Geraldo shes terrible because she hasnt thought about the wonderful programs she keeps proposing. Morgan there is no way to pay for them without bankrupting the u. S. Government. What you are getting at is who is motivated to come out to the polls in november. Thats the real question. I think even if they dont have a unifying message from i think democrats are motivated to come out. I think its going to be a really long Election Night and its going to be close in a lot of districts. While i dont love the message, i do think they are motivated i think thats why youre seeing the president get involved in these primary races in the races around the country. Quite frankly, he is dana the president was doing a roundtable in new jersey talk about prison reform. You think most democrats would agree with him on that and want to come to the table and work with him. It is something that could get done. Greg and wasnt a roundtable. Did you notice . It was rectangular. What you were talking about, the problems with the democratic party, its not just the negative messaging but the lack of ideas. Think about trump, hes any idea. You saw with north korea is the ultimate example. I think he will be open to prison reform. He is open to certain things about immigration. Essentially granting amnesty to over a million people. I spend a lot of time in pharmacies for reason i cant get into. But the democratic party, when it comes to health care, they are throwing socialism around because they dont have any ideas. The drugstore cvs is putting out a telemedicine app. Its going to let you see a doctor on whatever screen you have. That solves health care. Not socialism. Not free health care. You could give Bernie Sanders trillions of dollars, he wouldnt come up with an idea like telemedicine. All the problems are going to be solved by capitalism. The democrats are scared of ideas and innovation. Geraldo nobody on either side of the aisle is going to work with the other side. Infrastructure is a nobrainer. Dana thats why the private sector figures it out. That type of innovation. You dont have to have health insurance. If you want to pay out of your pocket for telemedicine. It could solve a lot of problems. Greg thats the solution. It isnt socialism. The democrats came up with specific ideas for once, it would be encouraging, just once. One idea. Dana we will see if they hear you and if they respond. With one idea, just one more idea. Geraldo how about legalizing some of his been here for 30 years and has citizen children . Dana that was what greg said. The president was open to that. Greg youre looking at Somebody Progressive Drug Laws right now. Dana we could keep going but we have to move move on. New york times columnist urges the Mainstream Media to team up against President Trump, and greg will tell you why. Greg i will. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Spotlight trumps evil personality. Because it will help the democrats by discouraging republicans from backing trump. He wrote the whole country needs to see every tweet, every relic of every word in every reaction so that they can ask themselves, is this who i want my kids to see as our president . What a great idea. Remember what happened the last time the media covered every tweet, every relic of every word in every reaction of donald trump . When every wink, nudge, cough became part of the medias start snarknado. There were 300 republican candidates but the press chased the Orange Meteor precisely for the things they hate about them now. Trump was great tv. He was shocking. Screw rick perry rand paul, and the other nobodies. Trump got A Billion Dollars worth of free airtime and not led by fox news who actually featured commentators who challenge trump over his behavior and beliefs. It was cnn who led the charge. Other drips didnt seem to mind because they thought hillary had it in the bag anyway and they had no other way to get people to watch their boring, mindless coverage. Telling the media to focus on terms behavior, you are in effet saying hey, remember how we elected trump in 2016 . Lets do it again. Isnt that true, morgan . Seems like friedman has amnesia. The more you focus on trump, the better he does i think. Morgan its interesting that this advice is coming from people, the most boring dinner party ever. Theyre having a glass of expensive wine and say isnt trump awful . You are having people that have no understanding of social media and how the president actually go straight to the America People Advocating for the media covering him in general. This plays directly into his playbook, as you said. I was on the other side of him in the primary, so i know what its like for him to get all the media coverage. He did it brilliantly. He speaks directly to the American People. I dont know what friedman thinks hes doing that i think the same people reading this and the times i do see people who sit at boring Dinner Parties and complain about the president. Geraldo who did you work for . Morgan jeb. It didnt end well. Greg there were a lot of people on fox were on the other side. I was watching the coverage on cnn and going overseas expatriate matches just cnn but msnbc. Morning joe shouldve been morning trump. Unlike fox friends. I love fox friends. I am up morning. Jason. Is it good to get personal . Jason when i came into congress in 2008, when i got to the end, the lack of objective media. I have seen how have the how they have change the rules. Things they wouldnt cover under barack obama they now want to cover incessantly with donald trump. They have totally flipped the equation. To be, in a contrived way, actually advocating this is what we need to do so we can all get together on the same page, it is so contrived. There are very few Media Outlets that i really trust. When you want to read the paper in the morning, i think the Wall Street Journal gives the fairest, straightest objective viewpoint. Gone are the days of the New York Times or someone like that that will objectively actually give you the straight up news. Greg i believe that is owned by our parent company. Dana i believe so. I am a subscriber. Between 2000 and 2008, it was the same. This was when the media, they have to fight against president bush on everything, every issue, every utterance. It was amplified. As greg pointed out, they were asleep during the obama years. This is what i think. There has been some journalism thats had an effect on the trump administration. If you look at the hhs, former hhs secretary tom price. He had to resign after the reporting. The New York Times and others mainly the New York Times focusing on scott pruitt. They didnt have to focus on President Trump. They were doing journalism and i had an effect. Greg so did scott pruitt. He had an effect. Thats what he went after him. He was doing some good stuff. He was doing stupid stuff too. Dana you can do good policy without the other. The other thing i would say is if they cover every tweet and every utterance, then they are not covering the other stuff. There is limited room in the newspaper. If they want to do the tweets, they can do that any of the stuff goes on to the radar. Geraldo people like tom friedman. He is dead wrong on this. But they dont get is that trump is a movie star. He has charisma. You mentioned jeb bush. I like him a lot. I interviewed him a lot while he was governor. Next to trump, it was vanilla next to a banana split with a cherry on top. Morgan he did that one by one through the primary. Geraldo they couldnt compete with someone with that kind of charisma. You can love trump or hate trump but theres a magnetism about him. The more you see him and he doesnt blow the world up, using mimis not so bad. The economy is okay. Its really good in fact. We are not at war with north korea. The iranians, they havent really heard us. The more hes around, the more he will get used to him and i think it works in his favor. Morgan what is surprising to me is it out there that the media is not for the president. He sort of said the media should be against the president. Greg he was honest. Morgan is he admitting the fake news . Dana he was honest and said dont you wish we could be china for a day. We could get so much done. Greg every now and then he lets it slip. He pulls back the curtain and we see what we really know to be true. Nancy pelosis outrageous new plan to help illegal immigrants. Find out what it is next. My father passed this truck down to me, when you finance with gm financial. Plus, during truck month make no Monthly Payments for 90 days. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Electronic Dance Music donegal, ireland and your ancestor was a fisherman. With blue eyes. Just like you. Begin your journey at ancestry. Com no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Geraldo nancy pelosi adding fuel to the raging debate over immigration. House Minority Leader urging voters to back Democratic Candidates in the midterms to help her parties immigration agenda. We are not going to be able to get it done under the republican leadership. We will have leverage when we went back in november. It gives leverage to every family, every mom who courageously brought her child across the desert to escape. Geraldo they Minority Leader in el paso. Democratic governor of new york slamming i. C. E. With this new threat. I will do nothing cooperatively with i. C. E. I have sent them letters asking for an investigation. I have said if they do any criminal acts, which a police force can do, we will take criminal action against i. C. E. I believe they are politically motivated. Geraldo let me ask you. Did you leave congress because of your frustration that the two bodies and the two sides could not Work Together . Jason it was a big part of it. Something like immigration, i passed a bill dealing with immigration. 385 votes in the house, very bipartisan. The senate didnt take it up. The harry reid folks said the reason were not going to do it is we cant allow republicans have a victory on immigration. Its terribly frustrating, and its wrong. I think those messages are fundamentally wrong. I do believe the polling that the number one issue going into the midterm will be immigration. There are eight congressional days left and the house of representatives. They have to pass a continuing resolution or an omnibus, and the president has laid down the law. There is going to be funding in there, or i will veto that bill. That has to happen before the election. Geraldo do taken at his word that hes actually going to shut down the government . If he does, how do you get it reopened . What happens to reopen . Jason this is why think you need to make the case to the American People theres no reason you cant put in 25 billion to fund a wall. Extrapolate that over ten years. Geraldo i will give you 25 billion for the wall if you give me a green light for the dreamers. Jason i think what the president has offered goes far beyond what he promised in the election. He has actually agreed to do that sort of thing. Geraldo you would allow what many of the party call amnesty for the dreamers . Jason i reject the amnesty. I dont think you have to put them on a pathway to citizenship but i think you can give them legal status so they have the certainty. Youve got to get rid of their rewards and incentives to be here illegally. What nancy pelosi is doing in el paso is morally wrong to encourage people to cross the desert come up with their lives on the line. They should be going to the u. S. Embassy in el salvador rather than putting their lives in peril. Geraldo are you shocked, morgan, that the abolish i. C. E. Plank has gained such great ability . Morgan you know more about the democrat mainstream more than i do. Geraldo im not democrat. Jason the moderate victories, the thing that has surprised me as ive worked closely for the past over a decade with people at dhs and i. C. E. When i was in government and my reserve capacity. These are people that sign up to serve their government, serving faithfully. I sort of see whats happening with i. C. E. Is the same thing we saw several years ago the democrats doing to police around america. It was okay to bash the police a few years ago. Now its okay to bash i. C. E. If you want to talk about reforming the institution of thats fine. Any government institutions. To discourage people who raise their hand and take an oath to serve our country is flatout disgusting. Geraldo i agree with jasons proposal, dana, that immigration is the biggest issue. I think it encapsulates a lot of other things. Race and jobs and social classes and all the rest. Which image is more powerful . The classic image of a brown wave overwhelming the southern border, all these immigrants coming in and ruining our quality of life. Or i. C. E. Going into peaceable homes and going after diego garcia, who has been a gardener for 30 years and he married an american citizen and his children were born here. Which image is more powerful, and wont that, in jasons dana it depends where you sit. I think the wave is definitely probably the more powerful image, as the president paints it. Earlier this week, there was a story about a marine his wife who came here illegally 30 years ago or something. They have children. He served in iraq three times. She got deported. It was an ap story. It didnt get a ton of coverage. If you get enough of those, you might to see some pushback. I actually think that President Trump, if the republicans lose the house, his chances of getting an Immigration Bill that he could live with and that he could support and would be good for the country is more possible than if the republicans keep the house. Geraldo why . Dana the republicans have shown over and over they are not willing to make a deal. And also because of what jason just said. Democrats are saying we cant give the republicans a win. Think of what Newt Gingrich did in 1996 with bill clinton on welfare reform. It was a big issue. It helped president clinton win reelection because it basically changes the paradigm. Its not that this cant get done. Its the republican i think it is more likely it gets done because of trump. Geraldo where do you stand on that . Which of those images grips you . Greg i reject the blackandwhite nature of the conversation. You could hold a number of stances, competing stances on immigration. Its like a stock portfolio. You can be for a process that enables safe Legal Immigration while curbing ilLegal Immigration or other types. When you Say Something like that, you feed into the medias gaping maw and it turns into you hate foreigners. Its either you are for this are against it. If you are for law, there something wrong. Thats not how it is. You can hold different position positions. The difference between the right on the left are laws. The difference in the Immigration Debate is the stance of abiding the law. The laughter say no. Sanctuary. People are fleeing. Refugees fleeing countries because there are laws missing. The reason they are coming to america is because our loss great border which enables freedom that allows people to live their lives and safety. If you look at somalia, which has no laws. The congo, venezuela. They have no laws. Youve got to get out. Geraldo to say you have to obey the law is b. S. It is cover. You are avoiding dealing with the issue of where you are. Greg i just explained the issue and you totally ignored what i said. Let me explain it to you one more time and i will do it slow. You can have competing notions about immigration. You can be for Legal Immigration because you want more immigrants here. I am that guy. I am even for a pathway to citizenship. I believe ilLegal Immigration is breaking the law. If you could somehow geraldo so is speeding. Greg i am against speeding too. I am sure you are not, geraldo. Geraldo the showdown intensifies. Thanks for the pen. Stay tuned. The president s legal team attacks the mueller probe. saved money on Motorcycle Insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . 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If its not over by september, we have a very, very serious violation of the Justice Department rules that you shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations in the 60day period. The real story is not that this case isnt going to fizzle. Its going to blow up on them. There is a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet. Jason giuliani also thinks drawnout negotiations over a potential interview with the president could benefit the g. O. P. In the midterms. Dana so we should keep the investigation going through december to help the midterms rather than saying it should be wrapped up by september . They have to take their pick on that. Also i remember senator grassley, when he interviewed, when he had comey to testify, he said why did you let a date drive your decision on an investigation into Hillary Clinton. Thats inappropriate. The investigation should finish when it finishes and they shouldnt try to do that. Jason they are going to have a hard time with that argument in light of what happened to Hillary Clinton. The democrats arent going to buy it. Geraldo i think the attack on Hillary Clinton during then gauzy is why her candidacy had legs anyway. It was a big mistake by the republicans. [laughter] not by Hillary Clinton. Greg to quote geraldo, that is b. S. Jason we are switching topics. Geraldo i like it. In terms of the Mueller Investigation of the president , the one thing i want to say, if the president credits my advice, i hope hes listening. Do not testify before muellers investigation. Its a trap. Its a landline you cannot survive. For example, heres the questio question. I am mueller. You are the president. Did you ever cheat on your wife, mr. President . Whats your answer . Morgan jason looks really nervous right now. Jason i have never cheated on my wife. Geraldo he cannot put himself, i dont care. Mueller could promise the world, velvet gloves. Jason based on your benghazi answer, your time has expired. Morgan ive forgotten what we are talking about. Jason giuliani is saying theres more informations going to come out here. You mentioned earlier the motivation is what drives turnout. Do people say we need to get out there and protect our president . Morgan what Law Enforcement has to be careful about is that they are not politicians and they dont understand politics. As you talked about Hillary Clinton, i think if we brought anyone from her campaign on right now, they would blame jim comey for what he did a few weeks before the election. I do Think Mueller has to be careful, and i think even though he has a lot of credibility, there is legitimate reasons when the president says there are 17 angry democrats and people who attended hillarys Election Night party and people who donated. For the average american, the problem with that as weve lost both sides, lost faith and credibility in the fbi and doj. I dont think thats a good thing. I think during the election, democrats were mad at the fbi. Now republicans are. Its not good for it to be partisan. We need rules where they say there is no standard. There is the memo from 2012. We need to have a standard as we get closer to elections. Once the standard . Am i boring you that match . Dana we have 30 seconds left. Greg i am suffering from investigation fatigue. I think i can speak for all of america that they would rather do my laundry than here about this investigation. Remember bob beckel . He would boycott segments. He would go like this. Dana what segments did he boycott . Greg benghazi. You dont care about this collusion stuff. It is b. S. Dana a legal scholar at berkeley was at the 2 00 show. He said he believes the president should testify. He said he is the chief Law Enforcement officer. Jason the president will testify. He doesnt, the advice he gets. Our smartphones leading to the death of conversation . But my pain is real. 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Youre a nincompoop phone ping gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant Purchase Notifications from capital one. So you wont miss a purchase large, small, or very large. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . Phone Ringing a Phones Offers big button,ecialized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. , get details on this state program. Call or visit for verbal communication . Dana. Hold on. Dana are you going to call me . Morgan that was my attempt at humor. Dana studies that say people think its rude to call now. If you called, it would take less time to communicate your message than if you are texting five times to feed figure out e you are in the park to hook up. Or meet up. Greg whoa, dana. First she is swearing. Now she is hooking up in the park. [laughter] dana i want to commend arthur brooks, he has a new podcast. He talked about this whole problem about phones killing conversations, and one of the things he talked about is how humans evolve and we have a voice and its a tool. Thats how you know greg is telling a joke. If he texts you, you dont know. You use your voice. Morgan thats why you use an emoji. Jason. Jason i love that we are still calling them smartphones. Its not like they are dumb ones out there. They do almost everything you can possibly want them to do. My biggest concern is how its going to change particularly a younger generation. I think sporting events, with the Supreme Court ruling, its going to change how you watch sports now that gaming is going to happen on phones. People betting five bucks if they are going to make the free throw or not. I am worried what the government and private companies are doing with facial recognition. The government has, one out of every two people is in a database. Morgan you are taking is way too seriously. Jason i lose sleep over this stuff. Morgan do you lose sleep over your smartphone . C7 what i dont do is have Voice Messages on my phone. I didnt set up my phone at all for Voice Messages. What people do is, they want to make a point. You have to go pick up the garbage and they say okay. You have no chance to respond, rebut, deny. I dont have a lot of talking on the phone. Ive not set up the voice mail. Morgan if i call you, greg, would you answer the phone . Greg of course. This also prevents conversations, which is great. Whenever i see kilmeade coming down the hall, i do that. I am so good at impersonating serious angry phone calls because no one interrupts an angry phone call. Look, i told you already the tests were negative. We have this conversation about video games 20 years ago. 48 years ago with tv. 200,000 years ago, it was the destructive impact of cave drawings. Whenever there is technology, we get these fears. This is just an external drive for your brain. You have everything in the universe on this. Morgan i think talking on the phone is weird because i am a millennial. Granted, i love you. Dana are you age shaming the rest of us . Morgan i am an old millennial and they want to hold on to my youth. Greg i am gen x. Geraldo the fear is that people are missing The Real World because their head is buried. Dana The Real World is great youre turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. Maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different Insurance Company. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Most pills dont finish the job because they dont relieve nasal congestion. 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We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . This is franks record shop. And this is where life meets legal. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you she can cheer on the terrapins. Congratulations, thank you, go do a semesters worth of work and maybe we will hire you one day. Greg im going to be at Ridgewood New Jersey at 8 00 signing books. If youre in the neighborhood drive over, i will sign your book and i will Say Something rude to one of your parents. Lets do this. We are just around the corner from nfl preseason, one of the brightest stars right now and he can deliver a hit. There he is. This is some really thrilling tape, i can tell by the response of my panelists who think maybe i have a mental illness. They were given to be by a man named sean. He gives them to me in the park where you hook up. Geraldo saturday night, i will be attending in east hampton a benefit called authors night, its authors night in the hamptons, east of long island. My book, the geraldo show, is much more renaissance than you give it credit for. Hosts hundreds of authors, a room full of them last year. Its hosted by alec baldwin, it will be interesting i wonder how he is going to respond to me being there. Dana and i bet he gives you a big bear hug. Geraldo pick up a copy of my book. Jason Law Enforcement needs all the help they can get end in florida they got a different kind of help. A large group of cows are literally following her and chasing her. Jason in seminole county, the driver gets out, she is lost and she doesnt know what shes doing and the cows chase the alleged perpetrator and Law Enforcement took her down. Morgan 11 years ago, i was in baghdad and i celebrated hanukkah at saddams palace. I ran into someone this weekend who i spent hanukkah dinner with and its pretty funny this marine Corps Officer let me drive his humvee around the green zone. It was pretty cool to run into

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