Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180808 21:00:00 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180808 21:00:00

A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day's news.
work. one of the reasons is because the messaging by the democrats and the unions was really good. they had one of these ads that showed workers get paid an average of $8 an hour compared to -- this is what ceos get. it was effective messaging. some of the things we talk about up here in new york, big picture -- we are not releasing what's happening on the ground and some of these places. >> jesse: that is right. also talking about branding. ben jealous, very upset. he's running for governor in maryland. former naacp director. he was asked about being branded a socialist for his republican opponent, and this is how he responded. >> not to put too fine a point on it, but do you identify with the term socialist? >> are you [bleep] kidding? >> jesse: while. >> greg: i think i would vote for him just for that response. it was so natural. i would say to your point,
ivy league educated, but his policies on immigration are so neanderthal that i don't know how he can possibly win and i don't know why the president chose him. probably because of loyalty because kris kobach came in and helped him craft's draconian immigration policy. >> greg: why do you have to pick on the neanderthals? >> jesse: we have some sound from danny boy, as president trump likes to call him. i guess almost eked out a victory in ohio 12. this is what he had to say about nancy pelosi, candace. >> will you vote for nancy pelosi to be your speaker of the house? >> no, i won't. we really need the leadership. because what we see in washington, as was demonstrated last night, the same old politics aren't working. >> jesse: they are running candidates in certain places, candace, that are trying to distance themselves from nancy pelosi.
>> candace: that is a smart move on and that's why i think he had such a successful campaign. on the right, we had to be careful in ohio. it's been a close call. we don't know what's going to come of it. the smartest thing you can do is distance yourself from the extremists. distance yourself from nancy pelosi, elizabeth warren, maxine waters, who is calling for violence. that's the only way they are going to be able to salvage the democrat party. look, the thing i was watching last night was the democratic socialists. i was happy to see that it crashed and burned in the core of the candidates that alexandria ocasio-cortez endorsed, nothing happened. that was a compelling story. is that where we are going to g go? 100 million deaths to the last 100 years to socialism. it turns out, america, good news. most of america understands basic math and no, everything cannot be free. >> geraldo: i like the platform. i have to say i love $15 an hour minimum wage. why not? how do you live with eight bucks
that's just to get more people on the latter. student debt. we are giving too many loans out. we are making it easy to go to college. now we have these people. college, let's face it, is overrated. it really is. it's expensive. and it's overrated. now it's becoming -- you have all these kids that are basically enslaved to campuses. it's nuts. i am a neurotic. i plan for the worst. i don't see any encouraging news for republicans. i don't come out of what happened last night. i think if you want to win, prepare to lose. that will make you fight harder. >> dana: part of it is the funding. steve stivers, chair of the national republican committee, says we can't do this for all of you. they pulled out all the stops.
>> jesse: they put 4 million in that a while race. >> dana: at least. that doesn't count independent expenditures. not to mention the travel and time of pence and president trump. if the president is going to come campaign for you, it's a huge investment. you have to figure out how much time as they actually have to be going and doing rallies everywhere for you. you've got to do your work. you've got to figure out a way not to be outspent by the democrats. >> jesse: let's say things don't go as well as the president thinks they're going to go. there's no red wave and maybe the democrats have a one or two vote margin in the house. if he's out there campaigning 6 to 7 days a week and he doesn't keep the house, how will he frame the issue? how will he explain what happened? >> geraldo: before he does the explaining, the problem with the republicans losing the house of representatives is that they will move immediately to try to piece the president of the
united states. i believe that. even though i am very progressive. i've invested in this president. i want him to survive and i hate the idea they're going to short-circuit his term or attempt to. it's going to be a gigantic distraction from real problems. >> greg: it's also going to create massive unrest in america. 66 million people, knowing that you are stealing elections because you didn't like the results. >> dana: there is another thing. let's say they don't move for impeachment, as pelosi has said they won't. there is another road for president trump and it is something you'd be very good at, which is to say i did all he could. the media and the lame republicans who couldn't raise enough money and campaign well, they lost. but i can get things done with these guys. i'm a dealmaker. let's do infrastructure week. let's finally get it done. there's another way. bill clinton did that in 1994.
his reelection was quite good. if what you really care about is president trump getting reelected in 2020, losing the house is not the worst thing that could happen to you. >> jesse: and anti-trump liberal mayor gets a free pass after attacking the press. greg calls out the hypocrisy next. alice is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole.
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xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. his occult >> greg: new york city miller bill de blasio spoke to the guardian, a crazy left british newspaper. it's basically no different than de blasio talking to himself. crazy stuff comes out of his mouth and people with butterfly nets make a circle because the loonie bin might be the only place left for de blasio and his make-believe politics. that was a lot. he told the guardian if you could remove news corp. from the last 25 years of american history, we would be a more unified country. would not be suffering a lot of the negativity and divisiveness we're going through right now. we went to the mainstream media for comment on this blatant attack on the press. [crickets chirping]
only on "the five," ladies and gentlemen, bill de blasio, when was the last time you gave this towering piece of politics a thought. he thinks america would be better off without us? what he is really saying is he would be better off without us. but he's wrong. even without america's most-watched news channel making fun of him, other progressive still shun him. he has 7 feet of political invisibility. it should be easy to pretend de blasio's dumb ideas don't exist but if that were the case, millions of people would be better off. you can't beat leftism for burning humanity, and that's why they hate us. we point this out while doing our best ignore him. brian seltzer claims it's not about the media at all but i media empire. we get it. run along. okay. de blasio is the mayor, he's
not the president. >> dana: but he wants to be the president. that's what i think this is all about. he is a term limited lame duck. this was right around the time when in iowa, democratic hopefuls started going trying to basically send out a signal. and attacking leaning publications is a way to do that. where did he learn that? president trump has been very effective with it. i don't know if it will work for de blasio. i assume not. i think he's wading into bigger fights. he wants to pick a fight with uber here in new york city. he needs some reason to get national coverage. >> greg: candace, double standard? they are talking about fox, not a big deal. everybody knows what fox is. it's not like cnn. >> candace: is not a serious question? this is what we are seeing all the time. we can do it, but you can't. the left loves this.
they've been the usual silent at cnn this week. they were silent. but they spent all of last be crying about jim acosta in the "cnn sucks" chant, which they kind of do. it is par for the course. this is the number one network for the reason. nobody cares what de blasio thinks. >> greg: geraldo, i was going to ask you a question but i can tell you are about to talk. i can see it. >> geraldo: my fists clenched. >> candace: you know de blasio. one is >> geraldo: was always impressed me about de blasio is that for all his dominance of local politics, new york mayoral politics and local politics, he has zero national appeal. zero charisma. when you compare him to bloomberg or giuliani or ed koch before that. he's a giant guy and it he has
zero appeal. he doesn't move the needle at all. i don't think he has any future in the democratic party. he really has it out for fox news. we have pressed parking. 48 years in the business. i've always had and why people he spit i always park in front of my shop. i worked at abc, nbc, i did talk shows, cvs. he took nypd parking away from fox news they still have it at nbc two blocks up. they still haven't cvs for box up but he took it away. >> greg: it's an outrage. geraldo lost his special parking place, america. jesse, have you lost any preferred parking? >> jesse: i need to know how to get those nypd place.
segment go by without talking about the obvious degradation of the city? i have lived here seven years, almost eight years. in the last few come you can really see a decline. every day, you see it more. >> greg: the thing is, it's because nobody wrote to new york. 20% of the people vote. >> dana: uber didn't cause the homeless problem. >> candace: i was shocked to the other morning. there are so many homeless people. new york city was cleaner years ago. >> dana: people deserve to be treated better than that. >> greg: it is all geraldo's fault because of the deinstitutionalization. i am blaming you, geraldo. >> candace: not with that democrat policy. >> greg: you will get a better parking space. run as an independent. >> geraldo: john james should campaign as a democrat in michigan, even though he's a republican.
he should be in detroit. he should be in flint. >> greg: why wouldn't you run as an independent? >> geraldo: because i don't want to. my time has passed. >> dana: that is not true. >> geraldo: i want to get in my hammock and eat putin. >> dana: your agents are crying. >> greg: crazy story out of new mexico. details next. hey there people eligible for medicare.
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police did find 11 children, ages 1 to 15 last week hungry and malnourished, living in this compound in rural new mexico. they found an ar-15, five 30 round loaded magazines and four loaded pistols. according to court records from a few hours ago, these five defendants, two men and three women, trained at least one of the children and how to use a gun. quoting from the records "a foster parent of one of the 11 children had trained that a child in the use of an assault rifle in the preparation for a future school shooting." additional charges filed against the women for transporting kids beyond state lines for advanced weapons training. police executed a search warrant last week after receiving a tip saying "we are starving, need food and water." a s.w.a.t. team after seeing a firing range on the property,
moved in unannounced and arrested the five suspects. they were looking for a boy, a 3-year-old. he was kidnapped last year by his father. he believed the boy was possessed by the devil and plan to have an exorcism. siraj's father is a controversial islamic cleric. he was a nonindicted conspirator in the bombing. the man was convicted in the trade center bombing. court records say some of these kids who are now in state custody told police and than the last few days, they saw the 3-year-old boy, abdul. he was in the compound. he is assumed to be dead. police retrieved what they believe are his bones. it has yet to be confirmed by a coroner. >> dana: thank you.
sobering, confusing, very disturbing story. geraldo, i will go to you first. you've covered a lot of breaking stories. there's a lot that we don't know but what do your instincts tell you? >> geraldo: the thing i think of, i think of my muslim friends and think about every time there is one of these cases. extremist muslims with air fifteens and compounds in planning school shootings. my dad, proud puerto rican, came here, and everything there was a big crime, he would hold his breath until the perpetrator was identified, hoping it wouldn't be a puerto rican. because it would disparage the whole community. i feel awful. i want to emphasize they had candidates running. one is going to be the first candidate of the congress in michigan and all that. in terms of the extremism, these are not jobs. narcissistic, paranoid, crazy militant people. i don't know how they existed
that long in the new mexico desert before someone complained about them. this complaint, as i understand, it came from family services in georgia. it's a very disturbing, awful story. i am sorry about the 3-year-olds. i hope the others can get over the scars that these monsters inflicted. >> candace: my initial thought is not to defend the religion of muslims. it's a strange reaction we are seeing more and more, particularly on the left. to say that islam is a religion of peace. i think it's an important dialogue we need to have come especially in this country when we start to have conversations about bringing in refugees from regions of the world that are against the american culture. i understand he is from brooklyn. in general, we are talking about bringing refugees, we are talking about extremists. this guy obviously is extreme. i wouldn't do what you did and defend it. i hope there's a wider conversation because god forbid they did not stop this.
what would be the consequence? how much is it being bred here and why and who is coming over here and teaching this sort of indoctrination? there's bigger questions that need to happen. terrible story. definitely following it and see what happens. >> dana: the idea of school shootings as a form of terror. we have covered a lot of school shootings on the show. there's always a question, was this terrorism related. often it turns out not to be the case. by the idea that school shootings are form of terrorism is an interesting one. >> greg: there are no silver lining to this other than the fact that it was stopped. but we are hearing fewer and fewer of these things happening. that to me, is encouraging. but i don't want to relax. i feel extremism will be a around as long as humanity is around. you are bound to have a few extremists. one person can inflict incredible damage.
we always have to be cognizant and not be afraid if we do see something to say something and not go after people who actually do say something. and who might be wrong. i think that's what keeps people from reporting things, they see something, say something. but if they do something that they get in trouble. this case is an example that these mind-sets exist. >> dana: thankfully the authorities were able to save the kids. >> jesse: hats off to law enforcement. they saved countless lives. not only the children for potential victims of school shootings. i can't believe this guy is the son of an imam who was an unindicted coconspirator in the '93 world trade center bombing. how many unindicted coconspirators have there been? it sounds like there is dozens. why are they unindicted and why do they keep popping up? these sons, uncles, everything. the family tree is poisoned.
this guy is a huge red flag. i glad they finally nailed him. >> dana: will bring you more information as it becomes available. two nfl hall of famers take a stand against kneeling. will protesting players listen? for the past five years, i've spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior-care communities around the country. and i've got to tell you, today's senior-living communities are better than ever. these days, there are amazing amenities, like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars, and bistros, even pet-care services. and nobody understands your options like the advisers at a place for mom. these are local, expert advisers that will partner with you to find the perfect place and determine the right level of care, whether that's just a helping hand or full-time memory care.
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players and coaching great 20 agrees. >> my dad was in the service. that's why he thought. he enlisted in world war ii to give us the choice, the freedom of choice to do what we think is best. these guys are not unpatriotic. they're not standing against our country. they are standing against -- kneeling against what is wrong in the country. >> geraldo: candace, what about that? what about coach tony dungy? >> candace: i was happy to see this. i am seeing more and more of this. nfl protesting is starting to stop them and we are seeing more players stand up and say they are not going to participate which means people are starting to think individually, which is what i preach and practice everything all day. the problem with these protests is obvious. it was built upon something that wasn't true. if you're going to stand up for something and you say it's police brutality and shootings,
2016, only 16 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers. the total is .0004% of the black community impacted by this. they are kneeling when you talk about welfare programs or absentee fathers from all the other problems. that's what i took issue with. why would you pick this issue? that's my problem. >> geraldo: what about freedom of speech and the fact that, as coach tony dungy said, the players have a right. they are not doing anything to disrespect the country. they are doing it to point out some of the problems candace seems to think are inflated. >> jesse: i think they have freedom of speech off the field, on twitter, if they want to come on gutfeld's show are espn or a podcast and they can say whatever they want. once you are wearing the uniform of the owner and you are standing there in the field, not your field. that's the company field. he can't do whatever you want. you can be sanctioned for that.
you can be fined, told what to do. they regulate what we do here at fox news. i think it was the wrong thing. it backfired. they realize that. kaepernick has faded. the tide is turning. the cowboys player that came out, i thought that was strong. that is moving the needle. the debacle with the philadelphia eagles going to the white house changed a lot of people's minds. hopefully it's calmed down and we can have a nice, good nfl season. and the eagles can repeat. >> geraldo: the browns can't do any worse. they have baker mayfield. maybe a good future. i worry about president trump, dana, and this issue because -- and even the way he takes on -- when you call players names. i worry he doesn't use the same tone when he's criticizing white guys for doing white guy stuff. >> jesse: did you ever hear
what he said about john mccain? >> dana: he doesn't have a problem going after people. >> geraldo: you don't think there's a problem? >> dana: i think people remember the insults more than they would remember the fact that there's a good economy or things like that. i think it's counterproductive for president trump and the players who are kneeling. at this point, no one's thinking, as candace was saying, it's not about the original idea for the protest. shannon sharpe took a lot of a bridge of what jim brown said. one of the things he wrote was that movements are team efforts, and the players doing the student asked jim to be part of it. said he's disappointed in him and -- >> geraldo: shannon sharpe is disappointed? >> dana: says i believe you are doing activism for pay. it has exacerbated within the black community. i like the football season. i don't know a lot about it but i enjoy the culture around it. i hear that the broncos have a good new quarterback.
>> geraldo: pretty good. are you a big football fan? >> greg: i used to play pro ball in the '70s. >> geraldo: you were the ball. >> greg: good one. pulling out on this topic and why something like this in general is refreshing, it's why old guys are refreshing. they remind you of an old-school mentality that seems to be fading. >> geraldo: are you talking about me? >> greg: jim brown commits like this kind of -- when he is talking, your time traveling to another era where men were stoic and laconic. there was less navel-gazing and emotive analysis that you see. we put a lot of importance on being well-spoken, but there is a certain masculine minimalism from the boss boss to be 70s in '60s. guys just did stuff. they didn't say stuff. that's the difference between brown and the modern-day adult. he -- you just stand up.
just stand up. that's how old guys think. we are missing that. >> candace: they were men. that's what's changed. men were men back then. >> geraldo: i hate the fact that politics has infected sports. >> greg: i hate how it has infected "the five." >> geraldo: find out what sparked a barbell blowout at the gym. that's next. not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ why people everywhere
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anymore. i don't have anybody spot me. i do higher reps, low weights, planking. there is knee with my old trainer, corey. i dropped the trainer. i can't afford them anymore. i joined a different jim. i joined a different gym. >> candace: jesse is not answering the question. >> jesse: i don't like when i am working out and trainers at the gym keep trying to get me to sign up to be a personal change changer. >> candace: that was a strong answer. >> greg: i don't believe that tape was real because the camera was situated perfectly. if he does that to watch himself workout but it seemed too -- i don't do that. i hate equipment hogs. people who sit on equipment too long. if you are going to talk. you can't tell these people not to make noise. i have tape of somebody you know right here. this is our good friend. >> jesse: oh, my gosh.
>> greg: that is tyrus. he's on my show. i would not tell him that he was making noise. dana, would you? >> dana: i would say, can you keep it down in there? i have a trainer, believe it or not. john watched the video of candace -- that you open with. he said the guy did the right thing. he was using the proper technique he should not have gotten in any trouble for that. what bothers me at the gym, there's a guy, a trainer, he wears his coat in the gym, even if it's 90 degrees. >> greg: to burn calories? >> dana: i don't know. >> candace: i would be uncomfortable. >> dana: i have another one. this guy, when he walks on the stepper, instead of doing it normal, he has to hit it every time like this and it makes a huge noise and drives me insane. i hope he is watching. i'm pretty sure he is not.
>> geraldo: that looked like 'roid rage. not accusing anybody of anything. i don't like it when they wiped off their stuff. >> candace: i think we are all going to have to switch our gyms. i have to be honest. sometimes i get distracted by her phone and sits on the machine. >> greg: i hate you. you are the worst. >> candace: i know. >> jesse: do you take gym selfies? >> candace: i don't. >> greg: where do you work out? >> candace: i have a gym of my building. you can't not pay attention to your phone. the music is on your phone. you have to look at it. >> geraldo: howard stern gave me great earphones. >> dana: can you set me up with some earphones? >> candace: anymore pet peeves peeves? i didn't know we were submitting pictures.
>> geraldo: your average 75-year-old. >> dana: . he pretty decent weights. >> candace: i should invest in the ipod. it would help me be less distracted. >> greg: then i can put my phone away. people sitting on the machine. you say can i use the machine and they go i've got three more sets. >> candace: i go yes. you reminded me i was on a machine. i had a girl the other day. we were in a separate room. she brought her boombox and played her music. i was like wait. >> dana: my building is so uptight, there is no music in the gym. you could only have it in your ears. >> candace: that's good. all right, "one more thing" "one more thing" is up next.
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could make history. what's in your wallet? i want to thank everybody in huntington new york, here's a tape of me. can you hear it? >> i don't think i can do this, i will get very dizzy. and i'll fall over. i just wanted to see how big the crowd was. this is definitely bigger than his. >> there was about 800 people there.
tonight i will be at north vail new jersey and tomorrow rich vale new jersey at book ends, clever little name there. the book is doing great and i would like to thank everyone at the table for helping me with that. >> "new york times" best seller. >> i didn't want to say it because i was expecting every to someone else to say it. >> how many "new york times" bestsellers is that for you? >> so how many is that, 100? well, it's three. or for i think. >> dana? >> this is something new, here we have this new thing of mine. i love greg's sports corner, that was the first thing i ever did. i have some big news because i'm a big sports fan. today the ncaa adopted some sweeping policy changes in hopes of cleaning up college basketball because as you know it's been engulfed in scandal
and corruption over the last few years. one of the major changes is elite high school and college recruits can now be represented by agents who are certified by the ncaa. they can basically go into the draft and return to school even if they don't make it. but that's a big change. >> that's what happened in the next guy, very upset by this, and he can't take it anymore. he gets kicked out, goes into the dugout and brings a garbage bucket out onto the field and places it right behind home plate. clever. that is a garbage call. >> that is clever. [laughs] that is innovative. >> well done.
our daughter was in camp, same camp as her mom. so this is when soul first sees a mom and runs into her arms. when we were waiting for her to get out of camp we went to montreal and in montreal you have to try the blue team. this is a food that is all the rage. i have a plate right in front of me right here, it's basically french fries with cheese kurds with brown gravy, and it used to be like peasant food but it's all the rage now. >> it looks like a carnival clown threw up. >> unemployment rate is low and everybody is out there looking for jobs and some are actually getting them. one woman went about at the wrong way. one woman who went to a career fair on her lunch break got

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Wrap Up , Man , Children , School Shootings , Compound , Training , Adults , Prosecutors , William La Jeunesse , Police , Malnourished , Ar 15 , 30 , 11 , Men , Records , Round , Foster Parent , Magazines , Pistols , Defendants , Gun , Four , Three , Use , Child , Charges , School Shooting , Assault Rifle , Preparation , State Lines , Food , Water , Saying , Weapons Training , Swat Team , Firing Range , Tip , Property , Search Warrant , Boy , Father , Devil , Suspects , Exorcism , 3 , Siraj , Cleric , Nonindicted Conspirator , Islamic , Bombing , State Custody , Trade Center , Court Records , Bones , Abdul , Coroner , Stories , Friends , Instincts , Sobering , Everything , Dad , Planning School Shootings , Cases , Air Fifteens , Crime , Puerto Rican , Community , Breath , Perpetrator , Jobs , Extremism , Terms , Congress , Narcissistic , Someone , Complaint , Family Services , Others , Georgia , Religion , Reaction , Monsters , Scars , Muslims , World , Refugees , Dialogue , Conversations , Peace , Regions , American Culture , General , Conversation , Brooklyn , God , Questions , Consequence , Sort , Indoctrination , Show , Terrorism , Form , Terror , Fact , Silver Lining , Fewer , Damage , Person , Trouble , Example , Lives , Mind Sets , Law Enforcement , Authorities , Son , Victims , Unindicted , Imam , World Trade Center Bombing , Unindicted Coconspirator , 93 , Dozens , Coconspirators , Uncles , Sons , Family Tree , Players , Nfl , Stand , Kneeling , Information , Red Flag , Hall Of Famers , Communities , Families , Hundreds , Services , Exercise Rooms , Movie Theaters , Bars , Bistros , Cafes , Swimming Pools , Amenities , Advisers , Memory Care , Care , Helping Hand , Level , Options , Place For Mom , Mom , Cost , Living , Family , Advice , Call Today , Better , Choice , Mathere , Allstate Agents Riding Sweep , 10000 , Add On Advantage , Hands , Hotels , Hotel , Flight Unlocks , Trip , Discounts , Expedia , Shouldn T , Counter , Wait , Car , Good , Thanks , Aisle , Patrick , Dry Mouth , Condition , Vo , Pro , Often E , Relief , Medication , Conditions , Dry Mouth Symptoms , It Freshens Breath , Biotà Ne , Medicine , Dry Mouth Symptom Relief , Cancer Cell , Game , Destruction , Immune System , Screensaver , Life , Prolia , Doctors , Fracture , Path , Risk , Osteoporosis , Blood , Calcium , Blood Pressure , Trouble Breathing , Cells , Reactions , Take Xgeva , Jaw Bone Problems , Dental Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Thigh , Spain , Tongue , Face , Swelling , Throat Tightness , Lip , Hives , Chip , Groin , Skin Problems , Bone , Bones Aren T , Isn T , Bone Fractures , Muscle Pain , Direction , Spine , Joint , Hospitalization , Can , Jim Brown , Two Nfl Hall Of Famers , Cleveland Browns , Anthem Controvers , Running Back , Flag , Side , Anthem , World War Ii , Freedom Of Choice , Against , Tony Dungy , Shootings , Protests , Police Brutality , Wasnt True , Total , Police Officers , 2016 , 004 , 16 , Welfare Programs , Fathers , Coach , Absentee , Freedom Of Speech , Anything , Jesse , The Field , Ton Twitter , Owner , Field , Uniform , Company Field , Podcast , Espn , Gutfeld , Cowboys Player , The Tide Is Turning , Kaepernick , Browns , Minds , Season , Eagles , Debacle , White House , Philadelphia Eagles , Nice , Future , Baker Mayfield , Players Names , Tone , Guy Stuff , John Mccain , He Doesn T , Insults , Economy , Shannon Sharpe , Thinking , No One , Protest , Student , Movements , Bridge , Team Efforts , Pay , Culture , Quarterback , Broncos , Football Season , Activism , Topic , Ball , Football Fan , 70 , Mentality , Something , Fading , Boss To Be 70s In 60s , Navel Gazing , Analysis , Importance , Laconic , Boss , Adult , Difference , They Didnt Say Stuff , 60 , Gym , Sports , Barbell Blowout , Farmers , Bum , Pa Dum , Solids , Filter , Water Filter , Zerowater , Brita , Oh Dear , Sighing , Time , Goodness Zerowater , Get Zerowater , Chevy , Truck , Truck Month , Memories , Gti , Wheel , Gonna Get , Gonna , You Er , Plus , Payments , Silverado Pickups , Gm Financial , 10 , 2018 , 14 , 90 , Corey , Weights , Planking , Knee , Reps , Canadian Jim , Trainers , Tape , Changer , Answer , Camera , Noise , Friend , Equipment Hogs , People Who Sit On Equipment , Gosh , Tyrus , Video , Technique , Coat , I Dont Know , Stepper , Anybody , Droid Rage , Phone , I Don T , Gym Selfies , Gyms , The Machine , Attention , Building , Music , Howard Stern , Earphones , Pet Peeves , Pictures , Ipod , 75 , Boombox , Girl , Room , A Machine , Sets , Yes , Ears , Home , Shift , Protected By Alan And Jamie , Fire Pit , Flo , 0600 , Savings , Protection , Auto , Run , Mail , Packages , Business , United States Postal Service , Anyone , E Commerce Deliveries , Carfax Com , Search , Priority , History , Trucks , Carfax Reports , Technology , Purchase Notifications , Word , Louisiana Purchase , Gentlemen , Capital One , Wallet , Huntington , Crowd , 800 , Book Ends , Everyone , Book , New York Times , 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